HPE 250 Exam 2

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Which mesocycle structure is designed to develop an overall fitness base with the use of substantial workloads that target basic athletic abilities such as muscular strength, anaerobic endurance, or aerobic endurance


A track athlete who competes in both an indoor and outdoor season would use what type of annual training plan structure


training refers to loosely structured training generally performed on cross-country trails


Exercise prescription can be written using the FITT-VP principle. What does each letter in this acronym represent

Frequency Intensity Type Time Volume Progression

Which of the following is not a variable that can be manipulated during interval training

Frequency of training

Which subphase has a primary focus of establishing a general physical training base by utilizing a large variety of training means that target the development of general fitness and motor abilities or skills that are undertaken for relatively higher volumes and lower intensities

General preparatory

Generally, training plan are structured for the preparation of Olympic athletes but also are used for the development of both high school and collegiate athletes


Which of the following is NOT a limitation or concern when using heart rate to assess exercise intensity

Wireless chest-strap heart rate monitors frequently give erroneous heart rate values.

What distance do the most widely used field tests to estimate that involve running or walking cover

1 mile to 1.5 miles

Which of the following would be an appropriate interval duration to enhance one's ability to store and use glycogen in the absence of oxygen

1 minute

Exercise volume can be quantified as calories/week (kcal/week) of energy expenditure. The ACSM recommends a minimal aerobic exercise volume of _____ kcal/week


What is the target heart rate for a 44-year-old client with a resting HR of 71 bpm exercising at 65% of HRR


Moderate intensity is defined as _____ METS


One MET is equal to approximately

3.5 ml/kg/min

Using the 10-point RPE scale, which range corresponds to moderate intensity


For most apparently healthy individuals, which exercise intensity range is recommended for improving cardiorespiratory fitness

55 to 80% of

Power outputs on cycle ergometers are often reported in both kilogram-meters per minute and watts. One watt is equivalent to approximately how many kilogram-meters per minute


To progress from the initial stage to the improvement stage of cardiorespiratory conditioning, clients should be able to sustain what intensity and duration of aerobic activity

60% HRR for 30 minutes

If your client has a of 12 METS and wants to train at an intensity of 70% of , her training target MET value is


For coronary heart disease (CHD) screening and classification purposes, what minimal intensity should be attained during a graded exercise test (GXT)

85% of age-predicted maximal heart rate

The optimal duration to reach using a continuous protocol GXT should be _____ to _____ minutes (excluding client preparation and cool-down)

8; 12

Why is strength training important for distance athletes

Above reducing possibly of injury and trying to help them develop the kick at the end

What phase of training is used to elevate or maintain the physiological and sport-specific skills developed in the previous phase of training while concurrently increasing the athlete's level of preparedness and performance at key time points established in the annual training plan

Competitive phase

Most endurance programs focus on what type of training for the first part of the training year


What is the first step in the process of making a periodized training plan

Determine the multiyear training objectives.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the realization phase

Elevates general fitness

Which of the following is not a benefit of performing repetitions

Enhanced maximal oxygen consumption

Which of the following modifications to a standard GXT is recommended when testing the cardiorespiratory fitness of older adults

Extend the warm-up to more than 3 minutes.

A circuit resistance training program will likely produce the same increase in aerobic capacity as traditional modes of aerobic training (e.g., cycling, running)


An individual with excellent cardiorespiratory fitness should have a higher heart rate at a given submaximal workload compared to an individual with poor cardiorespiratory fitness


Can be increased with short-duration, high-intensity interval training (HIT); however, this popular training method is not effective at reducing CHD risk factors


Static stretching is the preferred style of warm-up before engaging in aerobic exercise


The %HRmax method tends to give a higher value than the %HRR method for a given intensity


The OMNI scale is an alternative to blood pressure measurements during a graded exercise test


There is very little interindividual variability in HRmax among people of the same age


True or False... Interval training is also known as long, slow distance training and overdistance training


True or False... Maximal oxygen consumption refers to the speed of movement at which blood lactate increases above resting


True or False... Today the thinking is that static stretching should be performed before aerobic exercise sessions to improve performance


True or False.... As a whole, the general loading paradigm across the macrocycle moves from higher intensity during the preparatory phase toward higher volume training during the competitive phase


True or False.... The smallest and most basic training structure is the mesocycle


True or False..... In a periodized training program, only the volume and intensity should be varied


Which of the following units of measure is (are) used for quantifying absolute

I: L·min-1 II: ml·min-1 When comparing cardiorespiratory fitness levels of individuals differing in body size, it is best to look at the relative values rather than the absolute values? True

List and describe the variables that can be manipulated during interval training

Intensity, duration or interval, length of recovery and number of reps

Which of the following is a major advantage of interval training in endurance athletes

Interval training allows the athlete to train at a higher total workload.

Which of the following is a benefit of interval training

It teaches race pace, can improve anaerobic metabolism, and can enhance maximal oxygen consumption.

Which of the following best describes fartlek training

Loosely structured training that alternates between fast, intense running and slower recovery jogs

Which subphase is designed with the express purpose of elevating the athlete's overall levels of preparedness and optimizing competitive performance and culminates with the primary competition or tournament contained in the macrocycle

Main competitive

What is the risk of increasing training volume by too much too quickly


Why might the classic model of periodization be disadvantageous when working with intermediate and advanced athletes

Performance improvement to optimize overall performance, doesn't always work well athletes, fatigue and can create problems, and more competition the more difficult it is to employ this model

What is the final step in the process of making a periodized training plan

Plan the training session

Preseason games would occur during which phase of the annual training plan


Why would it be important to focus on continuous and fartlek training at the beginning of a training year

Reduce possibly of injuries, trying to build a fitness base and improve maximal oxygen consumption

Which of the following is not an assumption for a submaximal exercise test to provide a valid estimate of

Resting heart rates are similar among individuals.

Which of the following is a convenient cardiorespiratory fitness field assessment suitable for health care professionals to use in an office setting

STEP tool

Which microcycle structure contains sudden increases in training load applied in conjunction with high training volumes and has the potential to induce specific physiological and performance gains


Which subphase is used to translate basic fitness characteristics into more sport-specific fitness, motor abilities, and technical abilities by using periods of higher-volume training coupled with periods of high-intensity training

Specific preparatory

Which of the following terms is unrelated to continuous training

Sprint/interval training

Typically, an 8- to 14-day is constructed at the end of the precompetitive subphase to stimulate a supercompensation of both preparedness and performance


An individual can contain one or more interconnected training session(s) constructed to meet the goals and demands established by the microcycle

Training day

Which phase of training typically lasts 2 to 4 weeks and is designed to refresh the athlete physically and mentally while performing a significantly reduced training load that targets the maintenance of fitness and minimizes the emphasis on sport specific skills

Transition phase

Which mesocycle is 2 to 4 weeks in duration and is designed to translate the adaptations and skills developed in the preceding block into sport-specific characteristics that allow for the elevation of preparedness


Clamped protocols require the client to attain a specific level of exertion (e.g., RPE value) at each stage of the protocol


For a maximal exertion self-paced treadmill protocol, the client determines the increases in speed and incline of each stage such that exhaustion occurs at approximately 10 ± 2 min


For moderate exercise intensities, heart rate is linearly related to


For those in the improvement stage of aerobic conditioning, it is recommended that exercise duration or exercise frequency be increased before attempting to increase exercise intensity


Pedaling rate (rpm) does not have to remain constant on an electrically braked cycle ergometer in order to maintain a given power output


Smart devices are suitable for data collection when conducting field tests to estimate maximal aerobic capacity


Talk tests (the ability to talk while exercising) are related to ventilatory threshold and have been validated as a method for assessing cardiorespiratory exercise intensity


The ACSM metabolic equations allow for the estimation of for steady-state work but should not be used to estimate


The exercise intensity at 60% of heart rate reserve (HRR) is thought to be the same as the exercise intensity at 60% of reserve ( )


The greatest conditioning improvements occur in the first 6 to 8 weeks of an aerobic exercise program


The risk of a graded maximal cardiorespiratory exercise test being fatal in the general population is less than 1 in 10,000


True or False... Fartlek training has been a mainstay of endurance training for decades


True or False... It is generally accepted that training days that contain multiple smaller training sessions result in a greater training effect and allow for a greater level of training variation


True or False... Once strength is increased, the potential to develop power and speed characteristics is enhanced


True or False... Theoretically, individuals with a higher percentage of type I muscle fibers will perform better at endurance tasks


What are the general goals of using a periodized training plan

Trying to optimize level of performance, maximize physiological, reduce over training, trying to development them for long term

Though is a key component of a periodized training program, it should never be applied randomly or excessively


When a person has only one intense workout a week, that workout should fall

at the middle of the week.

Maximal oxygen consumption is limited by

cardiac output, pulmonary function, and cellular metabolism.

The general preparation phase should focus on

developing the fitness base.

What is the criterion measure or gold standard of cardiorespiratory fitness

directly measured maximal oxygen uptake

Which of the following would be an indication to terminate a graded exercise test before the client reaches the predetermined end point

failure of heart rate to increase with increasing workload

The ability to use can have a huge impact on endurance performance

fuel efficiently

training allows for a significant quantity of normally exhaustive exercise to be performed


When a person has three intense workouts a week, these should be separated by

low-intensity workouts.

The annual training plan is often used interchangeably with the term


It is recommended that recreational sports (e.g., basketball, soccer, racket sports) be incorporated into the aerobic exercise program at what stage of conditioning

maintenance stage

refers to the maximum rate at which an individual can consume oxygen

maximal oxygen consumption

Continuous training is designed to increase an athlete's

maximal oxygen consumption.

The maximum rate that an individual can consume oxygen is

maximal oxygen consumption.

Which of the following tests was developed to estimate the aerobic capacity of children and therefore would be most appropriate and likely most accurate for estimating the of a 12-year-old

multistage 20-meter shuttle run

Which of the following identifies the best aerobic exercise program design for your client

one designed specifically for her

Which of the following is not an indication to terminate a graded exercise test before the client reaches the predetermined endpoint

rise in systolic blood pressure with each stage

Which exercise mode is probably least appropriate for a sedentary individual who is just beginning an aerobic exercise program

rope skipping

The density or number of training sessions contained within each day is largely dependent upon

the time allotted for training.

For exercise performed at the same rate of perceived exertion, which exercise mode produced the highest steady-state heart rate, total oxygen consumption, and rate of energy expenditure

treadmill jogging

According to the exercise modality classification system presented in the text, cross-country skiing would be in what category

type C

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