HR Exam 4-6

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CH 4 Utility Analysis

"Does it pay to use the test?" requires Utility Analysis. " using dollar and cents terms (UA), shows the degree to which use of a selection measure improve the quality of individual selected over what would have happened if the measure had not been used" EX: Financial services firm KeyBank calculated a cost about $10,000 to select and onboard a new employee, but it was losing 13% of new tellers and call-center employees in the first 90 days. That turnover number dropped to 4% after KeyBank implemented a virtual job tryout assessment screening tool. "We calculated a $1.7 million cost savings in teller or turnover in one year, simply by making better home decisions, reducing training costs, and increasing quality of hires"

Ch 5 Simulated Learning

1) virtual reality type games, 19% 2) step-by-step animated guide, 8% 3) scenarios with questions and decision trees overlying animation, 19% 4) online role-play with photos and videos, 14% 5) software training including screenshots with interactive request for responses, 35% 6) Other 6% EX: Orlando based environmental technics corporation created in advance disaster management simulation for emergency medical response trainees. Other employers capitalize on Web 2.0. Web 2.0: Learning utilizes online technology such as social networks, virtual worlds, and systems that blend synchronous and asynchronous delivery with blogs, chat rooms, Internet researchers, bookmark sharing, and tools such as 3-D simulations. EX: British petroleum uses it to train new gas station employees. The aim is to show new gas station employees how to use the safety features of gasoline storage tanks.

Ch 5 Learning Portals

Companies increasingly set up and deliver employee training through internal Internet portals. They often contract with applications service providers such as skill soft or, for health and safety training, pier safety, to deliver online training courses to the firms employees.

Ch 6 Setting effective goals and work standards

1: assign specific goals: employees who receive specific goals usually perform better than those who do not. The HR as a profit center feature illustrates this 2: assign measurable goals: buckles in quantitive terms and always include target dates and deadlines 3: assign challenging but doable goals. Goal should be challenging, but not unrealistic 4: encourage participation. The evidence suggests that participatively set goals are more difficult than the assigned ones that precipitately set goals produce higher performance.

CH 4 Interviewing Prospective Employees

A Selection Interview: is a selection procedure designed to predict future job performance on the basis of applicants or responses to oral inquiries. Interview : is a procedure designed to solicit information from a persons or responses to oral inquiries Computerized Interviews: is one in which a job candidates Oro and/or computerized replies are obtained in response to computerized often online oral, visual, or written questions and/or situations

Ch 6 Behaviorally anchored rating scales

A behaviorally anchored rating scale be a RS anchors a qualified rating scale with narrative examples of good import performance. Job experts typically go through a formal process to develop and choose what those examples are.

Ch 6 Graphic rating scale method

A graphic rating scale less a number of trades in a range of performance for each. The supervisor rates each subordinate by circling or checking the score of the best describes a subordinates performance for each trait and then totals the scores for all traits

Ch 5 Team Training

A teambuilding program at Baltimore Coca-Cola plant illustrates what team training typically involves. In this case, the plant suffered from high turnover and absenteeism. The new plant manager decided to re-organize around teams into use team training to support the new organization. Team training here focused on technical, interpersonal, anti-management issues. Technical training: for instance management encourage team employees to learn each others jobs, with the aim of encouraging flexible team assignments. Cross training: means training employees to do different tasks or jobs in their own; doing so facilities flexibility and job rotation, as when you expect team members to occasionally share jobs.

CH 4 Background Investigations and Reference Checks

About 82% of HR managers report checking applicants backgrounds; 80% do criminal convictions searches, and 35% due credit history reports. There are two key reasons for checking backgrounds. 1) to verify the fax provided by the applicant for example a survey found at 23% of 7000 executive resumes contained exaggerated or false information. 2) is to uncover damaging background information such as criminal records. EX: In Chicago, how pharmaceutical firm hired gang members in mail delivery and computer repair. The gang members were stealing almost $1 million a year and computer parts and using the mail department to ship them to a nearby computer store they owned.

Ch 6 preparing for the appraisal interview

Adequate preparation involves three steps 1: give the subordinate enough notice to review his or her work, and to compile questions and comments 2: Study his or her job description, compare the employees performance to his or her standards, and review the files of the persons previous appraisals 3: find a mutually agreeable time for the interview and leave enough time perhaps 30 mins for lower level personnel such as clerical workers and maintenance staff and an hour or so for management Employees

Ch 5 Orienting Employees

After screening and selecting new employees, management turns to orienting and training them. Employee Orientation: often called "on boarding" involves more than what most people realize. It should of course provide new employees with the basic background information they need to perform their jobs, such as company rules. But orientation should also help to socialize the employees into the employers way of doing things. Socialization: is the ongoing process of instilling and employees to attitudes, standards, values, and patterns of behavior that the organization expects. Appreciating the company's culture and values distinguishes today's on boarding from traditional orientation. EX: the mayo clinic's heritage and culture program emphasizes cora mayo clinic value such as teamwork, personal responsibility, and mutual respect

Ch 5 Analyzing the Training Needs

Analyzing employees training needs usually involves either Task Analysis: breaking the jobs into subtask and teaching each to the new employee or Performance Analysis: determining the nature of the performance problem Task Analysis: employers use task analysis to determine new employees training needs. This is a detailed study of the job to determine what specific skills such as soldering or interviewing is required. Performance Analysis: means verifying that there is a performance deficiency and determining whether that deficiency should be rectified through training or through some other means such as transferring the employee or changing the compensation plan. "Can't do" and "won't do"

CH 4 Achievement Tests

And achievement test is: a measure of what a person has learned. A job at knowledge, achievement test can measure applicants abilities; a typing test as one example

Ch 6 Conduct the appraisal feedback interview effectively

And appraisal usually keep culminates in an appraisal interview: In which the supervisor and subordinate review the appraisal and make plans to remedy deficiencies and reinforce strengths.

Ch 5 Computer Based Training

Computer based training: the train he uses a computer-based system to increase his or her knowledge or skills interactively. EX: in one training program recruitment trainees start with a computer screen that shows the applicants employment application as well as information about the job.

CH 4 Validity

Any test is a sample of a persons behavior but some test more clearly reflect the behavior being sampled for example typing test clearly corresponds to an on the job behavior typing. Test Validity: answers the question, does this test measure what it's supposed to measure? validity refers to the confidence one has in the meaning attached to the scores. A selection test must be valid because without proof of its validity there is no logical or a legally permissible reason to continue using it. In employment testing, there are two main ways to demonstrate a tests validity: Criterion Validity and Content Validity Criterion Validity: demonstrating that those who do well on the test also do well on the job and that those who do poorly on the test do poorly on the job. Content Validity: The employer demonstrates this of a test by showing that the test constitutes a fair sample of the content of a job. EX: if the content of a typing test is a representative sample of the typist job, then the test is probably content valid. Construct Validity: means demonstrating that his selection procedure measures a construct (something believed to be an underlying human trait or characteristics such as honesty) and the construct is important for successful job performance

Ch 6 What should I do the appraising

Appraisals by the immediate supervisor as still the heart of most appraisals. The supervisor should be in usually is in the best position to observe and evaluate his or her subordinates performance. With more firms using self managing teams, appraisal of an employee by his or her peers, pier appraisal: is more popular.

Ch 6 Computerized and web-based performance appraisals

Appraisals today are often web or PC-based. EX: Seagate Technology uses enterprise suite for managing the performance of it's 39,000 employees. Early and see gates first fiscal quarter, employees under the system and goals and development plans for themselves that makes sense in terms of Seagate corporate objectives.

Ch 5 Apprenticeship Training

Apprenticeship training: is a structured process by which individuals become skilled workers through a combination of classroom instruction and on the job training, usually under the tutelage of a master cross person. When steelmaker though Fosco discovered that many of its employees would be retiring during the next 5 to 10 years, it reviewed it's apprenticeship training program. Applicants are prescreened; new recruits then spend about 32 months learning very shrubs under the tutelage of experience cross person. The US Department of labor is national apprenticeship system promotes apprenticeship programs. Over 460,000 apprentices participate in 20,000 programs and registered programs can receive federal and state contracts another assistance.

Ch 5 Audiovisual and Traditional Distance Learning Techniques

Audiovisual tools, including DVDs, films, close circuit TV, and audio desks, or widely used. Ford uses videos in its dealer training sessions to simulate sample reactions to customer complaints. Firms, also use various distance-learning methods for training. Distance-learning includes traditional correspondence courses, as well as video conferencing and Internet-based classes. EX: the Macy's satellite network tell a training program supports training the firms employees around the country.

CH 4 The Bain & Company Case Interview

Bain & Company uses case interviews as part of its candidate selection process. By having job candidates explain how they would address the case clients problems, the case interview combines behavioral and situational some questioning to provide a realistic assessment of the candidate consulting skills.

Ch 5 Behavior Modeling

Behavior modeling: involves showing trainees the right way of doing something, letting each person practice the right way to do it, in providing feedback regarding performance. 1) modeling. First, trainees watch DVDs showing motto persons behaving effectively in a problem situation. 2) role-playing. Next, the trainees are given rules to play in a simulated situation. 3) social reinforcement. The trainer provides praise and constructive feedback based on how the training performs in the role-play. 4) transfer or training. Finally, trainees are encouraged to apply the new skills when they are back on their jobs.

CH 4 Bias

Bias systematic distortion is a potential problem in employment testing and selection. EX: there may be biased and how the test measures some trait. If test scores indicate that males perform better in verbal reasoning tasks then do females, when in fact they both perform equally well, the test provides a bias measure of verbal reasoning. Most employers know they shouldn't use bias test in the selection process. Employer should ensure that their tests aren't producing bias decisions.

Ch 5 The case study method

Case study method: present a trainee with a written description of an organizational problem. The person analyzes the case, diagnoses the problem, and present his or her findings and solutions in a discussion with other trainees. This method aims first, to give Chinese realistic experience in identifying and analyzing complex problems in an environment where in their discussion leader can suddenly guide their progress.

Ch 6 central tendency

Central tendency: problem refers to a tendency to rate all employees about average. EX: if the rating scale ranges from 1 to 7 a supervisor may tend to rate most of his or her employees between three and five. Ranking employees instead of using a graphic rating scale can eliminate this problem

Ch 5 management games

Computerized Management games enable it trainees to learn by making realistic decisions and a simulated situation. One game, interpret, aims to improve team communication in planning the inflammation of a strategy. Improvisation: is a recent variant. EX: trainers working for Nike used in it improvisational game called word ball. Here trainees pass and make believe all to one another, each time calling out one word. Then the second catches in the passes on the Makely ball and calls out furry and so on. The Amos to get the Nike engineers to instantly react without thinking to be on afraid to look foolish.

CH 4 Computerized Testing

Computerized tests or increasingly replacing paper and pencil and manual tests. EX: One auto repair chain, city garage, new it couldn't implement its growth strategy without changing how tested and hired employees. Their old hiring process consisted of a paper and pencil application and one interview immediately followed by a higher/don't have a decision. However local shop managers didn't have time to evaluate every applicant, so if they had been shorthanded too long we would hire pretty much anybody who had experience, said city training director. Complicating the problem was that city garage competitively differentiate itself by letting customers interact directly with technicians. Therefore finding mechanics that react positively to customer inquiries is essential. City garage the solution was to purchase the personality profile analysis online test from Dallas-based Thomas international USA. Now after a quick application and background check, likely candidate to take the 10 minute, 24 question PPA. City garage stuff done enter the answers into the PPA software system and receive results in less than two minutes. The show whether the applicant is high or low in for a personality characteristics.

CH 4 Web-Based Testing

Employers also use the web to test in screen applicants. For example, the financial firm capital ones online system illuminates the previous time consuming paper and pencil test process. Applicants for call center job is complete an online application in online math and bio data tests. Example with pre-visors personality test questions, the test adopts a question to his or her previous answers. This improves test validity and cheating. Service firms like Unicru score online preemployment test.

Ch 6 planning

Developing a plan requires reaching consensus on the problem and on what to change.

CH 4 Using Tests as Supplements

Do not use tests as your only selection technique instead, use them to supplement other techniques such as interviews and background checks. Tests are fallible. Even in the best cases, the test score usually accounts for only about 25% of the variation in the measure of performance. Overall tests are often better at revealing which candidates will fail then which will succeed

Ch 6 Electronic performance monitoring

EMP systems use computer technology to allow managers access to their employees computers and telephones. They that allow managers to determine at any moment throughout the day the Pesa which employees are working, their degree of accuracy, login and log off times, and even the amount of time spent on bathroom breaks. EX: for less complex jobs, high scout and monitored subject keyed in more data entry standard high skilled unmonitored participants.

Ch 6 The employees roll and career management

EX: career counseling expert John Holland says that personality is one career choice detriment. X: a person with what Hollyn calls a strong social orientation might be tracked into careers that entail interpersonal rather than intellectual or physical activities into occupation such a social work. Holland found six such personality types or orientations. Individuals can use his self-directed search test to access their occupational orientations and preferred occupations. O*Net offers a comprehensive online career assessment in planning system.

CH 4 Reliability in Screening

Effective screening is therefore important and depends,, to a large degree, on the basic testing concepts of validity and reliability. Reliability: refers to the test's consistency. It is " The consistency of scores obtained by the same person when retested with the identical tests or with an equivalent form of a test" EX: test reliability is essential if a person scored 90 on an intelligent test on Monday and 130 when retested on Tuesday you probably wouldn't trust the test. Could preform a "res test estimate" Or you could administer a test and then administer in equivalent test later this would be an equivalent form estimate. EX: The Scholastic Aptitude Test You could also provide an internal Comparison Estimate: Internal Consistency is one reason you often find apparently repetitive questions on tests

Ch 5 Interactive Learning

Employers are also moving from textbook and classroom-based learning to interactive learning. EX: cheesecake factory employees use video café, YouTube type platform, to let employees upload and share a video snippets on job related topics, including customer greetings and food preparation.

CH 4 Types of Tests Used at Work

Employers use test to measure a wide range of candidate attributes, including cognitive mental abilities, physical abilities, personality and interests, and achievement. Many of these tests include offline computerized test sometimes online, and sometimes by phone using the keypad to prescreen applicants prior to in-depth interviews. Employers don't just use tests for lower level workers EX: Barclays capital gave recent graduates aptitude test instead of first round interviews. Employers also don't use tests just to find good employees, but also to screen out bad ones. But one account about 30% of all employees say they've stolen from their employers, about 41% are managers. In retail, employers apprehended about one out of every 28 workers for stealing.

Ch 4 Legal Implications and Negligent Hiring in Careful Selection

Finally, Selection is important because of the legal implications of incompetent hiring. EEO legislation requires that you avoid unfairly discriminating. Courts will find employees liable when employees with criminal records or other problems use their access to customers homes or similar opportunities to commit crimes. Hiring workers with such background without proper Safeguard is negligent hiring. EX: lawyers sued Walmart alleging that several employees with criminal convictions had assaulted young customers Walmart than instituted a program of criminal background checks. Employers must make a systematic effort to gain relevant information about the applicant, verify documentation, follow up on missing records or gaps in employment, and keep a detailed log of all attempts to obtain information.

CH 4 Why Careful Selection is Important

First, your own performance always depends on your subordinates. Employees with the right skills and attributes will do a better job for you and the company. Employees without the skills or who are obstructionist won't perform affectively in your own performance in the firms will suffer. Second, do you want to screen out undesirables. Buy some estimates always 25% of employees say they've had a knowledge of illicit drug use among coworkers. The time to screen out undesirables is before they are in the door. Third, screening is important because of costs. Hiring and training even a clerk and cost 5000 or more in fees and supervisory time the total cost of hiring manager could easily be 10 times as high including search fees.

Ch 6 Improving your coaching skills

Great supervisors tend to be great coaches because they bring out the best in their employees. Coaching and the closely related mentoring ortho ski supervisory skills. Coaching: means educating, instructing, and training subordinates. Mentoring means advising, counseling, and guiding. Coaching focuses on teaching shorter term job-related skills, mentoring on helping employees navigate longer-term career hazards.

Ch 6 Halo Effect

Halo effect: means that the rating of a subordinate on one trait such as gets along with others influences the way you write the person on other trades. Does the manager might write an unfriendly employee unsatisfactory for all the trades rather than just for the trait gets along with others. Being aware of this problem is a major step toward avoiding it

Ch 5 Purposes

Hey successful orientation should make the new employee feel welcome. He or she should understand the organization in a broad sense.

Ch 5 Designing the Training Program

I'm am with the needs analysis results, the manager next designed the overall training program Design: means planning the overall training program including training objectives, delivery methods, and program evaluation. Sub steps here include setting performance objectives, creating a detailed training outline, choosing a program delivery format such as lectures or web, and verifying the overall program design with management. The design should include your learning objectives as well as how you plan to set a training environment that motivate your trainees to learn.

Ch 5 managerial on the job training

Important variance include driver Tatian, the coaching/understudy method, and action learning. Job rotation: means moving management trainees from department to department to broaden their understanding of all parts of the business. Traini often that a recent college grad may spend several months in each department; this helps a trainee to not only broaden his or her experience but also discover the jobs your she prefers. Coaching/understudy method: the new manager receives ongoing advice, often from the person here she is to replace.

CH 4 Management Assessment Centers

In a Management Assessment Center: management candidates come together, take tests, and make decisions in simulated but realistic situations, and observers score them on their performance. The time spent at the assessment center is usually two or three days. It involves 10 to 12 management candidates performing realistic management tasks under the observation of expert assessors. The cheesecake factory created its professional assessment and development center to help select promotable managers. Candidate spent two days of exercises, simulations, and classroom learning to see if they have the skills for key management positions. Sample exercises include: 1) The in-basket 2) The leadership group discussion 3) Individual presentations

CH 4 Attractiveness

In general studies of attractiveness find the individuals describe more favorable traits in life outcomes to attractive people. And another study, men were perceived to be more suitable for higher and more likely to advance to the next executive level then we're equally qualified women, and more attractive candidates, especially men, we're preferred over less attractive ones. These stereotypes are changing. However women still account for only about 16% of corporate officers at Fortune 500 companies

CH 4 Personality Test Effectiveness

Industrial psychologists often study the "big five" personality dimensions: extraversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience.

CH 4 Interest Inventories

Interest inventories: compare one's interest with those of people in various occupations. If a person takes the strong Cambell interest inventory, he or she receives airport comparing his or her interest to those of people already in occupations such as accounting, engineer in, management, and medical technology.

CH 4 Integration

Interviewees boost their chances for job offers through self-promotion and integration. Integration: involves, for example, agreeing with the recruiters opinions. Self Promotion: means promoting one's own skills and abilities to create the impression of competence.

The Main Aim of Employee Selection

Is to achieve Person-job fit Person-job fit: means matching the knowledge, skills, abilities parentheses (KSAS), and competencies that are needed for performing the job with the prospective employees knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies.

Ch 5 Creating a Motivational Learning Environment

Learning requires both ability and motivation, in the training programs learning environment should foster both. Ability: The learner-trainee needs the required reading, writing, and math Math skills, and the educational level, intelligence, and knowledge base. Second, the learner must be motivated to learn the material.

Ch 5 Providing employees with lifelong learning

Lifelong learning: means providing employees with continuing learning experiences over their tenure with the firm, with the aims of ensuring they have the opportunity to learn the skills they need to do their jobs and to expand their horizons.

Ch 5 Management development and training

Management development: is any attempt to improve managerial performance by importing knowledge, changing attitudes, or increasing skills. Caterpillar Inc. created caterpillar university to overseas training development programs. The university has a board of directors compromise of company executives. They set the universities policies and oversee the alignment of the corporations learning needs with the expertise business strategy

Ch 6 Performance management

Many employers therefore offer feedback continuously. EAX: I Toyota motors Lexington, Kentucky, Camry plant, the supervisors don't sit with individual employees to fill out forms and appraise them. Instead, teams of employees monitor their own results, even posting individual daily performance metrics.

CH 4 Validity Generalization

Many employers won't find it cost-effective to conduct validity studies. The employers must identify tess and other screen calls that have been shown to be valid in other settings, companies, and then bring them in the house in the hopes that they will be valid there too. Validity Generalization: refers to the degree to which evidence of a measures validity obtained in one situation can be generalized to another situation without further study. Under Uniform Guidelines: validation of selection procedures is desirable, but the guidelines don't require users to produce evidence of validity unless adverse impact is shown to exist. If there is no adverse impact there's no validation requirement under the guidelines.

Performance appraisal

Means evaluating employees current or past performance relative to his or her performance standards. Performance management is the continuous process through which companies ensure that employees are working toward organizational goals

Ch 5 Mobile Learning

Mobile learning or on-demand learning means delivering learning content on demand via mobile devices like cell phones, iPads, and iPhones, wherever and whenever the learner wants to access it. EX: dominKnow's iPod touch and iPhone optimize touch learning center portal, trainees can login and take for online courses. Capital one bank purchase 3000 iPods for trainees who had rolled in one of the instructor lead courses out of the capital one university. IBM use mobile learning to deliver Justin time information to add salesforce.

Ch 6 Career management methods

Once you've appraise their performance, it's often necessary to address subordinates career related issues. Career management: is a process of enabling employees to better understand and develop their career skills and interest into use the skills and interest both within the company and even after they leave the firm. Career development: is the ongoing series of activities such as internships and workshops that contribute to a persons career exploration, establishment, success, fulfillment. Career planning: is a delivery process through which someone becomes aware of his or her personal skills, interest, knowledge, motivations, another characteristics; requires information about career opportunities and choices; identifies career related goals; and establishes action plans to attain specific goals.

CH 4 Checking Social Networking Sites

One employer went to and found that a top candidate describes his interest as smoking marijuana and shooting people. The student may have been kidding but did not get the offer. After conducting such online reviews, recruiters found at 31% of applicants lied about their qualifications and 19% posted information about their drinking or drug use, according to However, while googling is probably safe enough, checking social networking sites raises legal issues. EX: while the Fair Credit Reporting Act refers more to getting official reports, it's still probably best to get the candidates prior approval for social networking searches. And do not use a pretext or fabricate an identity

Ch 5 Training and Performance

One survey found that establishing a linkage between learning in organizational performance was the number one pressing issue facing training professionals. Some training expert use the phrase workplace learning and performance instead of training to_training door aims of employee learning in organizational performance. Training has an impressive record of influencing performance. Companies recently spent on average $1103 per employee for training per year and offered each about 28 hours of training

CH 4 Using Preemployment Information Seevices

Online databases make it easy to check candidates background information. The employer should ensure the screening service doesn't take any actions that conflict with equal employment opportunity (EEO) laws. EX: under the ADA, employer should avoid preemployment inquiries into the existence or several already of a disability. In choosing a pre-employment screening service, ensure it requires an applicant signed release authorizing the background check, complies with relevant laws such as the fair credit reporting act, and uses only legal data sources. Major employment screening providers include: ADP and Hire Right/USIS commercial services. A basic criminal check my cost $25; a comprehensive background check cost about $200

Ch 5 Learning Management Systems

Online learning management systems help employers to identify training needs, and to schedule, deliver, and assess and manage the online training itself. EX: general motors use this to help its dealers in Africa and the Middle East deliver training programs. The Internet-based LMS includes a course catalog, supervisor approved self enrollment, facilities and training schedule management, and assessment systems. Many employers have blended learning. Here are the trainees you several delivery methods to learn the material.

Ch 5 Types of Programs

Orientation programs range from brief introductions to lengthy programs. In either, New employees usually receive printed or web-based handbooks covering things like working hours, performance reviews, and vacations, as well as a facilities tour. Courts may find that your employee handbook represents a contract. Make it clear that statements of company policies, benefits, and regulations do not constitute the terms and conditions of an employee contract. In firms like Macy's, the on boarding may include videos, lectures by company officers, and exercises covering matters like company history, vision, and values.

^EX and other TESTS

Outback steakhouse which now has 45,000 employees has used preemployment testing since 1991, just two years after the company started. Outback is looking for employees who are social, meticulous, sympathetic, and adaptable. It uses a special personality assessment test as part of its selection process. Applicants take the test in the company then compares the candidates results to the ideal outback steakhouse employee profile. Those who score low on certain traits like compassion don't MoveOn. Two managers interview those to move on. They ask behavioral questions such as what would you do if a customer ask for a side that we don't have on the menu? The basic types of tests follow: Intelligence tests such as IQ tests are general intellectual abilities. They measure memory, vocabulary, verbal fluency, and number of ability. Wechsler Test or Stanford- Binet. Employers use other tests to measure IQ like the Wonderlic to provide quick measures of IQ for both individuals and groups of people. Aptitude Tests: measure mental abilities EX: the Test of Mechanical Comprehension reflects a persons aptitude for the jobs like an engineer.

Ch 6 The appraisal cycle

Performance appraisal process three steps: 1: Setting work standards 2: assessing the employees actual performance relative to those standards this usually involves using a writing form 3: providing feedback to the employee with the aim of helping him or her to illuminate performance deficiencies or to continue to perform above par

Ch 6 performance appraisal management

Performance appraisal: means evaluating employees current and/or pass performance relative to his or her performance standards.

Ch 6 Performance management defined

Performance management: is a special goal oriented and continuous way to appraise a manage Employees performance. It is the continuous process of identifying, measuring, and developing the performance of individuals and teams in aligning their performance with organizational goals.

CH 4 Measuring Personality

Personality test measure basic aspects of an applicant's personality, such as introversion, stability, and motivation. Personality test particularly the projective type are the most difficult to evaluate and use. An expert must analysis lies the testtakers interpretations and reactions and infer from them the ladders personality. The usefulness of such a test then assumes that you find a relationship between a measurable personality trait and success on the job. Rejected candidates may claim that the results are false or that they violate the ADA

Ch 6 active coaching

With agreement on plan, you can start the actual educating instructing and training namely coaching. Your token it will include what you learned about on the job training. However interpersonal communications skills are the heart of effective coaching

CH 4 Testing

Polygraph Tests: Machine measure psychological changes such as perspiration. Honesty Tests: The virtual M illumination of the poly graph as a screening device triggered a Burgee owning market for other honesty testing devices. Paper and pencil or computerized honesty test or psychological test designed to predict job applicants progress to dishonesty. Most of these test measure attitude regarding things such as tolerance of others who still an omission of theft related activities. EX: one study focused on 111 employees hired by major retail convenient store chain. Shrinkage was estimated at 3% of sales and internal theft was believed to account for much of this. Graphology: (handwriting analysis) assumes that the writers basic personality traits will be express in his or her handwriting. Hand writing analysis has more resemblance to projective personality test. There is essentially no evidence of a direct link between hand writing analysis and various measures of job performance. Human Lie Detectors: One Wall Street Firm uses a psychologist and former FBI agent. He sets in on interviews and watches for signs of candidate deceptive Ness. Signs include people changing size, irregular breathing, micro expressionscall my facial expressions etc Physical Exams: is the next step in the selection process. Under the ADA, a person with a disability can't be rejected for the job if you're she is otherwise qualified and if the person could perform the essential job functions with reasonable accommodation. If physical exam is permissible during the period between the job offer in the commencement of work, if one is standard practice for applicants for that job category. Drug Screening- effective but problems with people bypassing them Legal Issues-under the ADA, courts my Wellview and former drug user one who no longer uses illegal drugs and successfully completed or is participating in a rehabilitation program as a qualified applicant with a disability. US Department of transportation regulations: require firms with more than 50 eligible employees in transportation industries to conduct alcohol testing on workers with sensitive or safety related jobs. These include mass transit workers, air traffic controller's, and school bus drivers. EX: in one case a US Court of Appeals ruled that Exxon acted properly in firing a truck driver who failed a drug test. In this case The employee drove a tractor trailer carrying 12,000 gallons of flammable motor fuel and tested positive for cocaine. Exxon discharged him. Realistic Job Previews- A dose of realism makes a good screening tool. EX: Walmart found that many new associates quit within three months. After Walmart began explicitly explaining and asking about work schedules and work preferences, turnover improved. In general, applicants who receive realistic job previews are more likely to turn down job offers but more likely to have lower turnover.

Ch 6 Preparing to coach

Preparation: means understanding the problem, the employee, and the employee skills. Preparation is partly an observational process. You're watching the employer to see what here she is doing and observe the workflow and how coworkers interact with the employee.

Ch 6 Ensure Fairness

Probably your first challenge is to make sure the subordinate views the appraisal as fair. Studies confirm that, in practice, some managers ignore accuracy and performance appraisals. The employee standards should be clear, employee should understand the bases on what you were going to appraise them, and the supervisor employee into relationship is hopefully open and trusting

Ch 5 Developing the Program or Course

Program Development: means actually assembling/creating the programs training materials. That means choosing the actual content the program will present, as well as creating/obtaining the specific instructional methods you will use. Training equipment and materials include iPads, work books, lectures, PowerPoint slides, web and computer-based activities, course activities, trainer resources, and support materials. Turnkey training packages may typically include trainers guide, self study book, video and other content. ( American society for training and development infoline) Once you design, approved, and develop the program, management can implement it. Implement: means actually provide the training, using one or more of the instructional options such as lectures.

Ch 6 Alternation ranking method

Ranking employees from best to worst on a trade or trades is another popular method. Because it is usually easier to distinguish between the worst and best employees into rank them, and alternation ranking method is useful. With this method of form like figure is used to indicate the employee who is highest on the tree being measured and also the one who is the lowest, alternating between highest and lowest until you've addressed all employees to be rated.

Ch 6 Rating committees

Rating committee is usually composed of the employees immediate supervisor in three or four other supervisors. Using multiple raters can help cancel out problems such as individual raters bias. They can also help to ensure that the appraisal reflects the different facets of an employee's performance observed by different appraisers

CH 4 Situational Judgment Tests

Situational judgment test: require candidates to answer questions that a representative of situations actually found on the job. EX: you are facing a project deadline and are concerned that you may not complete the project by the time it's due. It is very important to your supervisor that you complete the project by the time it's due. You can't get anyone to help you with the work. You would:

Ch 6 appraisal by subordinates

Some firms let subordinates rate their supervisors performance, a process called upward feedback. Such feedback can help top managers understand the subordinates management styles, identify potential people problems, and take correct of action with individual managers, as required.

CH 4 How Useful are Interviews?

Structured Interviews: are more valid than unstructured interviews for predicting job performance. They are more valid party because they are more reliable for example, the same interview or administers the interview more consistently from candidate candidate. Whether structured or unstructured; Individual Interviews: tend to be more valid than our panel interviews, and which multiple interviewers provide readings in one setting. Structured situational interviews (in which you ask the candidates what they would do in a particular situation) conducted one on one seem to be the most useful for predicting job performance. But in practice, affective interviewing also depends on avoiding common interviewing mistakes, and subject subject to which we now turn

Ch 5 Informal Learning

Surveys estimate that as much as 80% of what employees are in on the job they learn through informal means, including collaboration with their colleagues. Managers don't arrange informal learning, they can help to ensure that it occurs. EX: SIEMENS power transmission in distribution, in North Carolina, places tools in cafeterias to capitalize on work related discussions. Even installing whiteboards and keeping them stocked with markers can facilitate informal learning. Sun Microsystems implemented an informal online learning tool called Sun Learning exchange. This is now a platform containing more than 5000 in formal learning items addressing topics ranging from sales to technical support.

CH 4 Talent Management

Talent Management: is the goal oriented and integrated process of planning for, recruiting, selecting, developing, and compensating employees. Talent management dictates using the same set profile of competencies, traits, knowledge, and experience for recruiting employees as for selecting, training, appraising and paying them.

Ch 5 Talent Management

Talent management involves using the same set or list of competencies for recruiting employees as for selecting, training, appraising, and paying them. The competency model consolidate, usually in one diagram, I precise summary of the competencies (the knowledge, skills, and behaviors) someone would need to do the job well. At Sharp electronics, training managers interview executives to identify sharps news to TJ objectives, and to infer what employee competencies those objectives will require. Trainers also interview the jobs top performers to identify competencies such as focuses on the customer the latter Aleve are important.

Ch 5 Technology

Technology improves orientation. EX: some firms provide new managers with preloaded personal digital assistance. These contain information such as key contact information, and even images of employees the new manager needs to know. Some firms provide all new employees with URLs or desks containing discussions of corporate culture, videos of corporate facilities, and welcoming addresses from top managers. ION Geophysical uses an online on boarding portal called red carpet. New hires view things like photos and profiles of members of their work team.

CH 4 Using Tests at Work

Tests can be effective. EX/ researchers administered in aggression questionnaire to high school hockey players prior to the season. Preseason aggressiveness as measured by the questionnaire predicted the amount of minutes they subsequently spent in the penalty box. Tests are also widely used by employees. EX: About 41% of companies the American management association survey tested applicants for basic skills defined as the ability to read instructions, write reports, and perform common workplace arithmetic tasks. Many people use a free online test illustrated to assess their career interests and to help find suitable careers.

CH 4 Individual Rights of Test Takers and Test Security

Testtakers have various privacy and information rights. Under the American Psychological Association standard for educational and psychological tests ( which guy professional psychologist but are not legally enforceable), they have the right to the confidentiality of the test results in the right to informed consent regarding the use of these results.

Ch 5 Outside programs and seminars

The American management association, for instance, provides thousands of courses in general management, human resources, and sales and marketing.

Ch 6 Critical incident method

The critical incident method entails keeping a record of uncommonly good or desirable examples of an employee's work related behavior in reviewing it with the employee periodically. Employers often use critical incidents to supplement reading a ranking method. Doing so provides concrete examples of what subordinates can do to illuminate performance deficiencies in opportunities for midyear corrections

Ch 5 The ADDIE Five-Step Training Process

The employer should use a rational training process. The gold standard here is still the basic analysis Dash design - develop - implement - evaluate. ADDIE training process model that training experts have used for years. 1) Analyze the training need 2) Design the overall training program 3) Develop the course (actually assembling/creating the training materials) 4) Implement training, by actually training the targeted employee group using methods such as on the job or online training 5) Evaluate the courses effectiveness

Ch 5 Aligning Strategy and Hr

The employer strategic plan should ultimately govern its training goals. In essence, The task to identify the employee behaviors the formal choir to execute strategy, and from that did you see what competencies employees will need. Then, put in place training goals and programs to instill these competencies. EX: Macy's top management turn to a new strategy in 2011. To produce the improved customer service that Macy's new growth strategy depended on, Macy's installed a new training program. Rather than just watching a 90 minute video as they previously did, sales associates now attend 3 1/2 hour training sessions. Bases management believes the resulting improvement and service will be the biggest factor in chipping Macy's growth goals.

Ch 6 The management by objectives method

The management by objectives MBO method requires the manager to set measurable goals with each employee and then periodically discuss the latters progress toward these goals. The term MBL usually refers to an organization wide goalsetting and appraisal program that consists of six steps: 1: set the organizations goals. Establish an organization wide plan for next year and set goals 2: set department goals. Department heads in their superiors jointly set goals for their departments 3: discuss department goals. Department heads discuss the departments goals with all subordinates in the department and ask them to develop their own individual goals. In other words, how can each employee contribute to the department attaining its goals? 4: define expected results sent individual goals. Department heads and their subordinates that short term performance targets 5: conduct performance reviews and measure the results. Department heads compare the actual performance of each employee with expected results 6: provide feedback. Department heads hold periodic performance review meetings with subordinate to discuss and evaluate the subordinates progress in achieving expected results.

Ch 5 On-the-Job Training

The most familiar on the job training technique is the coaching or understudy method. Here in experience worker or supervisor trained the employee, on the job. Job rotation, in which an employee usually a management trainee moved from job to job at plan intervals, is another on the job technique. Special Simon similarly gave lower level executives first-hand experience in working on actual problems. EX: the Men's Wearhouse with stores nationwide, uses on the job training. Many firms use pure training for O.J. T. Here for instance, expert employees answer calls at selected times during the day or Participate in in the house radio programs to enter their peers call him questions about technical aspects of doing their jobs.

CH 4 Tests of Motor and Physical Abilities

There are many motor or if it's about is that employers want to measure such as finger dexterity, strength, manual dexterity, and reaction time. Applicants for the US Marines must pass its initial strength test. The Stromberg dexterity test measures the speed and accuracy of simple judgment as well as the speed of finger, hand, and arm movements.

Ch 5 Training

Training: refers to the methods employees used to give new or present employees the skills a need to perform their jobs. The best training departments measure their own performance in terms of how much impact they have on a companies performance. Training has an impressive record of influencing an organizational effectiveness, scoring higher than appraisal and just below goal setting in its affect on productivity.

CH 4 Complying with the Immigration Law

Under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986: prospective employees must prove that they are eligible for employment in the United States. Two Ways to show eligibility for employment: 1) show a document such as a U.S passport or alien registration card with a photograph that proves birth identity and employment eligibility. 2) to show a document that proves the persons identity, along with a separate document showing the persons employment eligibility, such as work work permit.

Ch 5 Vestibule Training

Vestibule training: is a technique and went to Chinese learn on the actual or simulated equipment they will use on the job but receive their training off the job. Such training is necessary when on the job training is too costly or dangerous. Putting new assembly line workers right to work could so production, for instants best of your training may just take place in a separate room with the equipment the trainees were actually use on the job. EX: UPS uses a realistic learning lab for a 46 hour five day training program for drivers.

Ch 5 Videoconference and Distant Learning

Video conferencing is popular for training geographically dispersed employees, involves delivering programs via compressed audio and video signals over cable broad lines, the Internet, or satellite. Employers typically use video conferencing technology with other technology. EX: ciscoes unified video conferencing product line combine Cisco group collaboration and decision-making software with video conferencing, video telephoning, and realistic telepresence capabilities

Ch 5 The Virtual Classroom

Virtual classroom uses special collaboration software to enable multiple remote learners, using their PCs, laptops, or iPads to participate in live audio and visual discussions, communicate via written text, and learn via content such as PowerPoint slides.

CH 4 Ethical and Legal Questions on Testing

We've seen that various federal and state laws bar discrimination on the basis of race, color, age, religion, sex, disability, and national origin. With respect to testing these laws boil down to two things: (1) You must be able to prove that your tests are related to success or failure on the job and (2) You must prove that your test don't unfairly discriminate against either minority or non-minority subgroups. Adverse Impact means there is a significant measurable discrepancy between rates of rejection of members of the protective group and others. EX: A federal court ruled that Dial Corp. discriminated against female job applicants at a meatpacking facility by requiring employees to take preemployment strength test. The test had an adverse impact on women and there appeared to be no compelling need for strength on the job. EEO laws apply to all screening or selective devices, the same burden of proving job relatedness falls on interviews and other techniques that fall on tests.

CH 4 How to Validate a Test

What makes a test such as the graduate record examination use for for college admissions directors? : The answer is usually that people scores on the test have been shown to predictive of how people perform. Thus, students score score high on the GRE usually do better in graduate school. Step 1: Analyze the Job Step 2: Choose the tests Step 3: Administer Tests Step 4: Relate Test Scores and Criteria Step 5: Cross- Validate and Revalidate

Ch 5 University related programs

When Hasbro Inc. needed to improve the creativity skills of its top executives, it turned to the Amos tuck business school at Dartmouth university. Hasbro and tax program directors designed a special version of tux one - week global leader ship development program, with four elements. First when participants first arrived they receive sealed envelopes containing their 360° performance assessment reports, carefully secured for confidentiality. Second, managers receive group and individual coaching from special executive coaches. The aim here is to help Hasbro plans to address them. Third, they participate in NBA Dash type courses, based on their and has burst needs. Finally the executives work in action learning teams, under the guidance of Hasbro's in-house coaches.

Ch 6 360 degree feedback

With 360° feedback, the employer collects performance information from the employees supervisors, subordinates, peers, and internal or external customers.

Ch 6 Forced distribution method

With the force distribution method, the manager places predetermined percentages of subordinates in performance categories as in professors grade on a curve. About a fourth of fortune 500 companies including Microsoft, Conoco, and Intel used forced distribution. GE popularized force ranking, banal tells managers not to adhere to its famous 20/70/10 split.

Ch 6 Paired comparison method

With the paired comparison method, every subordinate to be rated is paired with and compared to every subordinate on each trait. EX: suppose there are five employees to be rated. With this method a chart shows all possible pairs of employees for each trait. Then for each trait, the supervisor indicates with a plus or minus who is the better employee for the pair. Next, the number of times and employee is rated better is added up.

CH 4 Work Samples and Simulations

Work sample type test examine/response to situations representative of jobs in which they are applying. Work Sampling Technique: tries to predict job performance by requiring job candidates to perform one or more actual samples of the jobs tasks. Realistic test: like work sampling, measure actual job tasks, so it's harder to fake answers. Work sampling also does not delve into the applicants personality, so there's less chance of applicant viewing it as unfair.

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