HSA 6536 Module 3 Midterm Exam (Chapters 1 - 7)

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acupuncture has had mainstream appeal in the US since


who is considered the founder of osteopathy

Andrew Taylor Still

The myeloid tissue in cancellous bone is usually referred to as

Bone marrow

which of the following is a noninvasive roentgenography diagnostic technique

CAT scan

The wrist bones which are composed of 8 small bones in two rows are formally called the


The word part mento- means


In the divided medical term 'anthr/o/pathy' o is the

Combining vowel used with both the stem word and the suffix

who is considered the founder of chiropractics

Daniel David Palmer

Breaking a compound term into its component word parts combined with a vowel or vowels is called


"I swear by Apollo the Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panaceia..." is the beginning of what famous oath?



In the medical term 'arthr/itis' itis is the The word part attached to the end of a word root in order to modify its meaning

Word root or stem word

In the medical term 'intra/ven/ous' ven is the

The set of 5 large vertebrae which form the inward curve of the lower spine are called

Lumbar vertebrae

which of the following produces a radio frequency radiation pulse image of soft and hard tissue in multiple planes


My/o is the combining form of a word part that means


The suffixes -a -ia -iac -al -ar -ic -is -on -os -us -ium and -um are used as a generalized actual meaning for the phrase

Pertains to OR Refers to

who is considered the founder of homeopathy

Samuel Hahnemann

The ankle bones are called the ____ bones


Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross is best known for:

The Stages of Death and Dying


The combining form or term that literally means internal organs


The most common combining vowel


The prefix that means change or after


The word part attached to the beginning of a word root in order to modify its meaning

Root word

The word part containing the fundamental meaning of the word

What does Reiki mean in Japanese?

Universal vital force


a fatty tumor


a patient that is euthyroid has normal thyroid function


a patient with leukocytosis would have a WBC count of, normal count is 4,000

the term cryo/surg/er/y literally means

a procedure of one who works by hand with cold

the term mammogram means

a recording of the breast


a tumor of the fibrous and cartilaginous tissue

muscle terms for belly or abdomen

abdominus or laparal

a defibrillator is used to correct

abnormal heart beats or rhythms

what is the strongest tendon in the body

achilles tendon

a patient with failure of their cartilage to develop has


Verb variations of a stem word usually describe

action taken, condition, or state

Reflexology literally means

again/bends/of/procedure of

What physicians use antagonistic substances to attach to disease organisms or illness?


All hypnosis techniques promote a relaxed state and what type of brain wave activity?


therapeutic touch therapy is classified as what type of medicine


the diagnostic term "ankylos/ing spondyl/it is" actually means

an abnormal stiffness and fusion of vertebrae

A pathologist noted that a skin biopsy specimen exhibited "hyperplasia." This means there is/are:

an increase in cell number

which of these individuals promoted a holistic healing approach to medicine

andrew weil

Acupuncture may be used during surgery for:


what does the word part talus- mean




the term coronal plane divides the body into the

anterior and posterior portions

the word part axillo- means


the combining form osmio- indicates the principle which is used in this treatment to make it effective


periosteum has a prefix which means


The diagnostic term that literally means "inflamed joint" is


the term for x-ray film (recording) of a joint is


the procedural term that means visual examination inside a joint is


clinical means

at patient's bedside

the diagnostic term rheumat/oid arthr/itis refers to

auto-immune disease often with cartilaginous hypertrophy

the word part occiputo- means

back of the head

which of these is one of Kubler-Ross' stages of death


prognosis means

before knowledge

mrs. smith has clinodactylia due to her rheumatoid arthritis this term indicates that _____ would be seen on her physical exam

bent fingers

ultrasonography literally means ________/ process of recording

beyond normal ranges/sound

a self suggestion technique which assists patients in controlling stress is


a trephine is used to remove


the diagnostic term osteosarcoma refers to

bone tumors

An electroencephalogram (EEG) is used to record information about electrical activity in the


a PET scan is used to detect metabolism of glucose by the


a patient having an electroencephalogram is having a recording made of the electrical activity in their


The diagnostic term that means abnormal build up of lime or calcium in tissues is


_________ is characterized by soreness, tenderness, and weakness of the muscles of the thumb caused by pressure on the median nerve

carpal tunnel syndrome

the directional term that means toward the lower end of the body is


Mary has "idiopathic" kyphoscoliosis, which indicates that her condition has no clear:



cause is unknown

The profession of cytology is the study or examination of what part of the human body?


the term that describes movement toward the top of the body is


The first seven bones of the vertebral column forming the neck are the _______ vertebrae


folk remedies are based on


what does the word part bucco- mean


Which of these treatments would commonly be labelled "orthodox or conventional" medicine?


the surgical term for the repair of cartilage is called


The term that means cartilage swelling or cartilage tumor is


the word part cleido- means


what is a break in the distal portion of the radius and the ulna of the arm called

colles' wrist fracture

af/ferent which may be used to describe sensory impulses is defined as

conveying toward the center

The combining forms or terms that literally mean "rib" are

cost/o and pleuro

which of the following means skull


The surgical term that means "incision into the skull to drain fluid" is:


Ankylosis literally means

crooked, stiff, bent/condition

lithotripsy is a procedure for

crushing calculi

X-rays produce pictures of what type of body tissue and bones?


Adjectives usually modify a noun to denote quality, quantity, extent, or

distinction of the object from something else

the directional term for movement toward the back of the body is


An "Otoscope" is used to view the:


Small acupuncture needles are used to treat which area of the body?


Acupuncture needles are used in combination with which of these during treatment?

electrical current

a procedure of making a record of muscle activity is called


electric shock therapy is also known as

electroconvulsive therapy

the machine that records muscle activity is called the


The combining form the means cause of disease is


The surgical term Phalang/ectomy means:

excision of a finger or toe bone

the movement in which a limb is placed in a straight position is called


a tonometer measures pressure within the


the name deltoid muscle of the shoulder indicates that it resembles a


the term dys/chrondro/plas/ia literally refers to

faulty cartilage formation

the diagnostic term muscular dys/trophy means

faulty muscle development

fibromyalgia literally means


The word part Dactylo- means

finger, toe

Dactylitis can be associated with sickle cell disease and the term means inflammation of the:


the diagnostic term syn/dactylia means

fingers connected together

A "Pacemaker" can be external or internal and usually generates electrical stimuli to the heart muscle with

fixed and/or alternate impulses

the diagnostic term pes planus means

flat foot

The word part frons- means

forehead or front

the diagnostic term ankylosing spondylitis means

fusing/process vertebrae/inflamed

what method is used to treat brain cancer by directing radiation at precise brain locations

gamma knife

a PET scan is used to detect

glucose metabolism

what is the word part for jaw


a condition that causes buildup of uric acid crystals in the blood with deposition in joints is


Which of these body parts is commonly massaged by practitioners of reflexology?


the word part mano- means



has a prefix which means without or not

antonyms comprise medical terms are are words that

have opposite meanings

An "EKG or ECG" is used to record information about electrical activity in the


a thallium scan is used to detect damage to the


If an electrocardiogram shows that a patient has "tachycardia" it means that the patient's:

heart rate is elevated

which type of medicine emphasizes self care and illness prevention


What physicians administer small doses of similar disease substances to allegedly stimulate the natural body response of immunity?


if an athlete is circumducting their arm, they are moving it

in a circle

pleurisy, the meaning of the suffix is


Osteoarthritis is

inflammation of a bone joint causing bone hypertrophy

the diagnostic term anterior polio/myel/itis means an

inflammation of the spinal cord frontal gray horn

aromatherapy oils are

inhaled, applied during massage, used with baths

stetho/scop/e means

instrument to examine the chest

The term "Ophthalmo/scop/e" means:

instrument to examine the eye

The term "Bronchoscope" literally means:

instrument to view trachea-like structures

Complimentary or Alternative Medicine" is now referred to as

integrated medicine

Massage and Reflexology are examples of

integrated medicine

The abbreviation "ICU" refers to a(n):

intensive care unit

Which oil might an aromatherapist use to attempt to ease a client's joint pain?


a patient who has undergone a nephrectomy has has what removed


Sally had a pyelogram performed today to help diagnose her:

kidney infection

a pyelogram records information about the

kidney pelvis

the KUB examination looks for defects in the

kidney ureter and bladder

a patient with genu osteoporosis means the condition is located in their


The diagnostic term "genu varum" means

knees are bent outward

The combining form of a term that means "hump or hunchback" is


the medical condition of _____ is the backward bending of the thoracic spinal vertebrae


Cancers of the circulatory system include:

leukemia and lymphomas

Homeo/path/ic literally means:

like or same/as disease/refers

Aromatherapy is thought to have its effects on which part of the brain?

limbic system

If an infection is "Chronic" it is characterized by:

little change, slow progression, and long duration

what is the manipulation of the bodys soft tissues by stroking, rubbing, kneading, and tapping


fluoroscopy is used to record

moving body parts

if john is adducting his arm, he is

moving it toward his body

the diagnostic term my/asthenia gravis actually means

muscle heavy and weak

This combining form ______ means bone marrow or spinal cord


LASIK laser surgery can be used to correct


Which of these conditions would be treated with Phakic IOLs?


any therapy that relies on the bodys own healing powers is considered


which type of medicine uses vitamin therapy, herbal remedies, and chiropractic care


acu/puncture literally means

needle puncture

99% of words in a medical dictionary are composed of

nouns verbs and adjectives

What cellular organelle contains chromosomes and has the literal meaning "nut"?


a lumbar puncture is used to

obtain spinal fluid samples

Aromatherapy uses which principle

olfactory stimulation

The term "Nebuliz/er" means:

one who causes a mist

the term chiro/pract/or literally means

one who practices by hand

the muscle term ad/duct/or literally means

one who/draws/toward

if a fracture has a protrusion through the skin, it is

open fracture

what word part means socket


a body part which is formed of two or more types of body tissue and performs one or more specific functions is called an


the diagnostic term that means abnormal loss of bone density is


exostosis literally means


the term extensor digitorum profundus muscle literally means


the diagnostic term sub/luxation actually means

partial joint dislocation

which term means flat footed

pes planus

the medical term for a specialist who treats and diagnoses foot diseases and disorders such as corns, bunions, claw foot, ingrown toenails, and par/onych/itis is an


what word part means thumb


In the divided medical term 'osteopor/o/sis' the slash lines indicate that the vowel "o" may be used as part of which word parts

por and osis

Swelling of the bursa below the knee is diagnostically referred to as:

prepatellar bursitis

The term "Tympanostomy" literally means:

procedure of cutting and making a mouth-like opening in the ear drum

surgery means

procedure of working by hand

graphy means

procedure using an instrument to record something

The term "Auscult/ation" literally means:

process or procedure for listening

The term "Percuss/ion" literally means:

process or procedure of striking

the term that describes the direction closest to the point of origin is


biofeedback is a type of ___ therapy


The combining word forms that refer to the "spine, vertebral column, and/or vertebra" are

rachi/o- and spondyl/o

angiograms are used for

recording pictures of blood vessels

the term ocular literally means

refers to the eye

the term anthropo/metr/ic means

refers to the measurement of humans

What treats the body using principles similar to acupuncture and acupressure?


The diagnostic term herniated disc in reference to an intervertebral cartilage means that the cartilage is/has

ruptured or protruded

The medical term burs/itis literally means

sac inflamed

the term for the plane that divides the body into right and left halves is the


based on its name, the anterior serratus muscle appears to look like a

saw tooth

Holistic therapies stress the importance of:

self-care and illness prevention

Placebo literally means

shall please

a muscular dystrophy patient who presents with a condition of winged scapulae means that they have a problem with their


an atrophic muscle would appear


An electromyogram is used to record information about electrical activity in the

skeletal muscle

Hypnosis literally means


the name gracilis muscle indicates that its appearance is


a plantar wart is located on the

sole of the foot

a myelogram is used to record information about which tissue

spinal cord and nerves

what does the word part rachio- mean


the etiologic agent of syphilis is a


osteomalacia due to pagets disease can cause an unusual type of vertebral subluxation or a


a ______ is usually a sudden traction on a muscle, ligament, and joint capsule


which was the first 3D printed drug approved by the FDA


the medical student class learned about auscultation today. in order to perform this procedure they used a


a patient who has a "cholecystolithotripsy" performed is having what process performed to their gall bladder

stone crushed

the fibers of the rectus abdominis muscle have which spatial arrangement


a patient with rhabdomyolysis has destruction of

striated muscle


study of disease

In the divided medical term 'sub/hepat/ic'

sub is the prefix ic is the suffix


suffix means procedure or process of cutting out

placebo effect therapy uses the principle of

suggestion and believability

pectus excavatum is more commonly referred to as

sunken chest

If one is flat on their back and face up, they are in a _____ position.


the surgical terms lamin/ectomy and rachi/o/tomy actually mean

surgical incision of posterior vertebral arch

a patient who presents with dysphagia has difficulty


the diagnostic term rotary cuff avulsion actually means

tearing of shoulder joint soft tissues, ligaments, and deep tendons

what attaches muscles to bone



the combining verb form means pain


the correct way to fracture or divide the medical term melanocarcinoma

crab like tumor

the literal meaning of the medical term carcin/oma


the medical term for new growth of abnormal tissue or a tumor


the medical term that means 'the science of or study of body changes caused by disease


the patient has blue skin color

laryngo/scop/y means

the procedure of viewing and examining the voice box

the term biopsy literally means

the procedure of viewing life


the suffix that means to control or stop

the diagnostic term hammer toe means

the toes are bent over or down

the combing form hist/o- means

tissue or web like

the term phlebotomy means

to cut into a vein

the term catheter literally means

to let down into

The term "Sphygmo/mano/meter" literally means:

to measure the pulse by hand

metastasis means

to spread

the directional term lateral describes movement in which direction

to the side

dento- donto- and odonto- all mean


diagnosis means

total knowledge

the directional term inferior describes movement

toward the lower end of the body

a patient who is adducting their arm is moving it

toward their body

What type of medicine has ancient origins, strong cultural ties, and trained healers?


onc/o- means


Dr. X has put her patient in the "prone" position. This means that the patient is:

turned down

the muscle term supinator means

turns upward - one who

the bipennate muscle has _____ heads and resembles a _____

two, feather

The procedure of using an instrument that produces high frequency sound waves to produce an image of the size or shape of a body part is called:


the term that describes movement toward the belly is


Cryosurgery" is used to treat ________:


the diagnostic term spondylo/listh/esis literally and actually means


Biopsy literally means __________ / "Procedure of"

view of life

The combining form "asthenia" means


The term "Intramuscular Injection-IM" literally means:

within a muscle

the term intravenous injection mean

within a vein

The combining form of a stem word is usually made of two component parts, the

word root and combining vowel

A compound term is derived from two or more

word roots

the term trauma refers to a


ptosis of their eyelid

you can expect to see the eyelid drooping

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