HST 130 Ole Miss Wendy Smith Exam 2

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The second phase of the Revolutionary War was fought primarily in Canada the Mid-Atlantic region the southern colonies the New England area

the Mid-Atlantic region

This Connecticut schoolmaster and lawyer insisted on a simplified and Americanized system of spelling. Washington Irving Frederick Wheelock Jedidiah Morse Noah Webster

Noah Webster

The republican ideology embraced by the American Revolutionaries caused them to create this style of government. Representative Democracy Autocratic Democracy Pure Democracy Social Democracy

Representative Democracy

In the 1790s, America was involved in what has been called a "quasi-war" with which nation? a. the Netherlands b. Canada c. England d. Spain e. France

e. France

What did the 1766 Declaratory Act declare? a. that Parliament had the power to pass laws for all of the colonies "in all cases whatever" b. that if the British did not lift the Stamp Act the Sons of Liberty would raze Thomas Hutchinson's house c. that the settlement of colonists west of the Appalachian Proclamation Line of 1763 was prohibited d. that an additional tax was to be laid on sugar imports from Spain's Caribbean colonies

a. that Parliament had the power to pass laws for all of the colonies "in all cases whatever"

What became of the Stamp Act? a. A year after it was passed, Parliament repealed it and passed the Declaratory Act. b. The less onerous Sugar Act officially replaced it in 1770. c. It officially remained in effect until America achieved independence. d. The Stamp Act Congress of 1765 immediately rendered it obsolete. e. As the colonists had largely ignored it, more severe laws soon accompanied it.

a. A year after it was passed, Parliament repealed it and passed the Declaratory Act.

(Q034) Who was appointed the military commander of the army during the Second Continental Congress? a. George Washington b. Samuel Adams c. Charles Cornwallis d. Benjamin Franklin

a. George Washington

Which of the following is true of the Virginia Plan? a. It proposed a two-house legislature, with population determining representation in each house. b. James Madison opposed it, but the other delegates from Virginia supported it. c. It proposed a one-house legislature, with population determining representation. d. It called for each state to have one vote in Congress. e. It was strongly opposed by the larger, more populated states.

a. It proposed a two-house legislature, with population determining representation in each house.

(Q022) The eighty-five essays published by "Publius" and gathered into a book in 1788 was entitled a. The Federalist. b. The Bill of Rights. c. The Publius Documents. d. The Rights of Man.

a. The Federalist.

Which of the following did Jay's Treaty accomplish? a. The United States guaranteed favored treatment of British imports. b. Britain abandoned the practice of impressment. c. France and Great Britain were no longer at war. d. The United States no longer paid tribute to the Barbary states. e. Britain paid millions of dollars in compensation to the United States for escaped slaves.

a. The United States guaranteed favored treatment of British imports.

What was an important political origin of the American Revolution? a. The colonists criticized their lack of representation in Parliament. b. The Stamp Act was a tax that very few colonists had to pay. c. The colonists wanted the writs of assistance to be actively enforced. d. The colonists wanted a physical westward barrier to settlements. e. The Sugar Act financially hurt merchants living outside colonial ports.

a. The colonists criticized their lack of representation in Parliament.

Which of the following would represent a fulfillment of what Judith Sargent Murray argues for in her essays? a. girls attending college b. boys playing a role in local government c. Native American men serving on a tribal council d. housewives forming a sewing group e. men founding a public school

a. girls attending college

What brought an end to Washington's presidency in 1796? a. his wish that the office not become a lifelong position b. a constitutional amendment establishing term limits c. a plunge in popularity following Jay's Treaty d. his death e. ill health

a. his wish that the office not become a lifelong position

What was the aim of the Townshend Acts? a. raising revenue by taxing imported goods b. preventing the colonies from establishing their own courts c. declaring a formal boycott on Britain by colonial legislatures d. reducing the smuggling of sugar and rum e. securing lodging for British soldiers in the colonies

a. raising revenue by taxing imported goods

The Virginia and Kentucky resolutions were a response to a. the Alien and Sedition Acts. b. the election of 1800. c. impressments of American sailors. d. Fries's Rebellion. e. Hamilton's economic plan.

a. the Alien and Sedition Acts.

Participants in Shays's Rebellion sought to model their strategy on that of a. the American Patriots. b. the Quakers. c. the Puritans. d. the Iroquois League. e. tax collectors.

a. the American Patriots.

Which of the following was part of Alexander Hamilton's financial program? a. the Bank of the United States, modeled on the Bank of England b. taxes and subsidies to promote the growth of cotton c. a tax on wine producers as a means of raising revenue d. default on all debts prior to the ratification of the Constitution e. creating Washington, D.C., as a major trade port

a. the Bank of the United States, modeled on the Bank of England

(Q021) The "Revolution of 1800" was a. the peaceful transfer of the office of the presidency between political parties. b. a slave revolution on the Island of Haiti. c. a recrudescence of the Whiskey Rebellion of four years earlier. d. a rebellion of disgruntled western Massachusetts farmers over increased taxes.

a. the peaceful transfer of the office of the presidency between political parties.

What was the primary purpose of the Proclamation of 1763? a. to bring stability to the colonial frontier b. to end the slave trade c. to protect the Indians d. to prohibit Catholicism in the territory newly acquired from France e. to open more land for settlement

a. to bring stability to the colonial frontier

The New Jersey Plan a. was mainly supported by the smaller, less populated states. b. called for a radical departure from the Articles of Confederation in every way. c. found its greatest support from the Pennsylvania and Massachusetts delegations. d. was a thinly disguised attempt to resurrect monarchy in America. e. contained a gradual emancipation requirement that proved quite controversial.

a. was mainly supported by the smaller, less populated states.

Washington had to deal with which of the following problems in the Continental Army? short rations all of these low morale desertions

all of these

Ignoring the Proclamation of 1763 enabled colonists to do what action in the Borderlands? a. sail to Canada b. expand westward c. remain on the East Coast d. migrate to England

b. expand westward

Committees of Correspondence in the colonies during the 1760s a. sought to unite various amateur science clubs, most notably Franklin's Junto, together with other such colonial organizations. b. were a group of colonial elites who exchanged ideas and information about resistance to the Sugar, Currency, and Stamp Acts. c. wrote King George repeatedly about the importance of rescinding letters of marque, which licensed individuals to seize property. d. were groups of women, well known for their letter-writing skills, who sought to promote Mary Wollstonecraft's ideas.

b. were a group of colonial elites who exchanged ideas and information about resistance to the Sugar, Currency, and Stamp Acts.

Americans were not represented in the House of Commons, and therefore felt they were being taxed without their consent. What rallying cry did this lead to? a. "We have it in our power to begin the world over again." b. "No taxation without representation!" c. "All men are created equal." d. "Give me liberty, or give me death!" e. "We are freemen—not born slaves!"

b. "No taxation without representation!"

(Q035) The success of the Lewis and Clark expedition helped to strengthen the American idea that a. the United States would remain a nation that would never expand beyond the Mississippi River. b. American territory was destined to reach all the way to the Pacific Ocean. c. slavery would be abolished within a short period of time. d. Indians would neither be in contact with, nor trade with, Americans in the future.

b. American territory was destined to reach all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

Which of the following contributed to the United States going to war in 1812? a. Madison's refusal to support Macon's Bill no. 2 b. Congressional War Hawks who pressed for territorial expansion into Florida and Canada c. The Republican insistence on high tariffs d. Tecumseh's victory at the Battle of Tippecanoe e. Great Britain's announcement that it would end the impressment of American sailors

b. Congressional War Hawks who pressed for territorial expansion into Florida and Canada

(Q030) The final decisive victory in the War for Independence was a. Tarleton's victory at Cowpens. b. Cornwallis's defeat at Yorktown. c. Howe's defeat at Boston. d. Washington's victory at Philadelphia.

b. Cornwallis's defeat at Yorktown.

The relationship between the national government and the states is called a. the Constitution. b. Federalism. c. the New Jersey Plan. d. the Virginia Plan. e. the separation of powers.

b. Federalism.

(Q018) In the XYZ affair of 1797, a. Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton. b. French officials presented American diplomats with a demand for bribes. c. the British legation was excoriated for the British system of impressment. d. Thomas Jefferson's affair with a slave was kept private.

b. French officials presented American diplomats with a demand for bribes.

What was one of the terms of the Ordinance of 1785? a. It relocated Native American tribes to tracts west of the Mississippi. b. It established guidelines for surveying, apportioning, and selling land. c. It established stages of self-government for territories seeking to become states. d. It offered free land to anyone willing to establish a homestead in the West. e. It prohibited the expansion of slavery throughout the West.

b. It established guidelines for surveying, apportioning, and selling land.

Why was the Proclamation of 1763 difficult to enforce? a. The French refused to leave forts in the Ohio Valley. b. It involved such a large geographical area. c. The colonial assemblies wanted to avoid wars with Native Americans. d. Most Native American tribes did not agree with the policy. e. It involved taxes the colonists refused to pay.

b. It involved such a large geographical area.

What is the significance of the Battle of Lexington and Concord? a. It was the first battle in which George Washington served as general. b. It is considered the battle that started the Revolutionary War. c. It was the first battle in which ex-slaves fought with the British. d. It is considered the worst American defeat during the Revolutionary War. e. It was the first battle in which the French fought with the Americans.

b. It is considered the battle that started the Revolutionary War.

(Q037) Who was a member of the American delegation that negotiated the Treaty of Paris? a. George Washington b. John Adams c. James Otis d. Crispus Attucks

b. John Adams

(Q024) The case that established judicial review was a. Fletcher v. Peck. b. Marbury v. Madison. c. Leopard v. Chesapeake. d. Ex parte Milligan.

b. Marbury v. Madison.

(Q013) The two political parties of the mid-1790s were the a. Democrats and Whigs. b. Republicans and Federalists. c. Republicans and Democrats. d. Federalists and Whigs.

b. Republicans and Federalists.

What was one of the outcomes of the Stamp Act? a. The Stamp Act Congress adopted the Declaratory Act, which formally defined American liberties. b. The Stamp Act Congress insisted that the right to consent to taxation was essential to people's freedom. c. Thomas Jefferson publicly stated that revolting against Great Britain had become necessary. d. Disagreements about the best response to the act split colonial governments into opposing factions. e. Lower-class riots in response to the act began to worry elite rulers and landholders.

b. The Stamp Act Congress insisted that the right to consent to taxation was essential to people's freedom.

Which of the following is true about the expedition of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark? a. They brought back numerous plant and animal specimens. b. They met Indian tribes accustomed to dealing with European traders. c. They never reached the Pacific coast. d. Clark ended up staying in Montana to live with Indians on a permanent basis. e. They slaughtered two different Indian tribes.

b. They met Indian tribes accustomed to dealing with European traders.

Which of the following occurrences was a precursor to the War of 1812? a. The British blockaded the American coastline. b. William Henry Harrison attacked Native American villages. c. The British attacked American frontier settlements. d. Jefferson signed the Louisiana Purchase. e. Tecumseh signed the Treaty of Greenville.

b. William Henry Harrison attacked Native American villages.

What did the delegates of the Constitutional Convention agree that the Constitution should create? a. a hands-off government where states could make nearly all the important decisions b. a legislature, an executive, and a national judiciary c. a Senate that would serve life terms, like the House of Lords of England d. a House of Representatives where representatives would be elected every seven years e. a three-house Congress where states would be represented according to the size of their population

b. a legislature, an executive, and a national judiciary

Tenskwatawa was a Shawnee religious prophet who a. promoted Euro-American farming techniques. b. called for the revival of traditional Indian culture. c. urged Indians to consume more American products. d. called for Shawnee representation in Congress. e. disagreed with his brother Tecumseh's resistance to federal policies.

b. called for the revival of traditional Indian culture.

Abigail Adams a. believed that women should not be concerned with politics. b. criticized the absolute power that husbands exercised over wives. c. fought in the Continental army disguised as a man. d. rejected the prevailing belief that a woman's primary responsibility was to her family. e. petitioned for women's right to vote.

b. criticized the absolute power that husbands exercised over wives.

(Q001) Under the Articles of Confederation, the national government had the power to a. levy taxes. b. declare war. c. regulate interstate trade. d. abolish slavery.

b. declare war.

The three-fifths clause in the U.S. Constitution a. explicitly declared that slaves were not fully human and were therefore undeserving of legal rights. b. gave the white South greater power in national affairs than the size of its free population warranted. c. made it easier to amend the Constitution than it had been to amend the Articles of Confederation. d. expired in the year 1808 because of a key sectional compromise at the Constitutional Convention. e. required that all revenue bills receive a three-fifths affirmative vote in the U.S. House.

b. gave the white South greater power in national affairs than the size of its free population warranted.

Republican motherhood encouraged a. a significant increase in women's direct involvement in politics in the 1780s. b. greater educational opportunities for women. c. a radical change in the patriarchal structure of the family. d. widespread resentment among women. e. women to become public speakers for various social causes in the 1780s.

b. greater educational opportunities for women.

Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa were brothers who a. were chiefs of adjacent tribes, the Shawnee and the Seneca. b. preached a militant message to Native Americans early in the nineteenth century. c. both died at the Battle of Tippecanoe. d. fought beside Andrew Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans. e. differed on whether Indians or whites were more at fault for Native American problems.

b. preached a militant message to Native Americans early in the nineteenth century.

The national land policy established in the 1780s had the greatest benefit for a. individual settlers. b. private land companies. c. British officials. d. immigrants. e. Native Americans.

b. private land companies.

The land involved in the Louisiana Purchase a. included all of what is now Texas and the American Southwest. b. stretched from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada and from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains. c. consisted only of what is today the state of Louisiana and the southern half of Arkansas. d. had been claimed by France from the 1600s until the United States acquired it. e. was considered by Jefferson to be practically worthless, yet he did not want it to fall into British hands.

b. stretched from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada and from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains.

Virtual representation was the idea a. that Parliament had always had complete sovereignty over the king. b. that each member of Britain's House of Commons represented the entire empire, not just his own district. c. that only those who were elected by a given population could represent that population in a legislative body. d. about representation that most politically active American colonists in the 1760s and 1770s championed. e. that the king should appoint delegates to represent the colonies in the British House of Commons.

b. that each member of Britain's House of Commons represented the entire empire, not just his own district.

(Q031) The War of 1812 was ended by what treaty? a. the Treaty of New Orleans b. the Treaty of Ghent c. the Treaty of Paris d. the Treaty of Versailles

b. the Treaty of Ghent

Shays's Rebellion was significant because it demonstrated a. that land distribution policies were out of date. b. the need for a stronger central government. c. the chaotic nature of Indian policy after the Battle of Fallen Timbers. d. that Congress's attempts to pass pro-debtor laws were unpopular with farmers. e. that controversies over the emancipation of slaves could turn violent.

b. the need for a stronger central government.

(Q025) With the Louisiana Purchase, a. Louisiana entered the Union as the eighteenth state. b. the size of the nation was doubled. c. France gained control of New Orleans. d. the country was bankrupted.

b. the size of the nation was doubled.

The Olive Branch Petition a. enabled northern and southern colonies to work together. b. was addressed to King George III and reaffirmed American loyalty to the crown. c. convinced Thomas Paine that he had enough support to write Common Sense. d. was meant to ease tensions among the organized political parties within the Continental Congress. e. was Parliament's final attempt to explain virtual representation to the colonists.

b. was addressed to King George III and reaffirmed American loyalty to the crown.

Which of the following was true of the Embargo Act of 1807? a. This policy hurt Great Britain more than it did American merchants. b. It banned trade with Indians due to attacks on American settlers in the West. c. Americans were prohibited from sending ships to foreign ports. d. The act passed despite opposition from President Thomas Jefferson. e. It led to the British and French governments reaching out to negotiate with Jefferson about free trade.

c. Americans were prohibited from sending ships to foreign ports.

The underlying tension that escalated into the Boston Massacre was between a. supporters and opponents of the boycott of British cloth. b. two factions of British troops from Liverpool and London, who disagreed over military strategy. c. British troops stationed in Boston and the city's laborers competing for jobs. d. British troops and local farmers. e. Choice missing

c. British troops stationed in Boston and the city's laborers competing for jobs.

A key consequence of the Battle of Saratoga in October 1777 was a. the immediate surrender of all British troops to the Continental army. b. the adoption of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress. c. France becoming an ally to the United States. d. General Washington's decision to retreat to Valley Forge for the winter. e. British commanders taking the war into the heart of New England for the first time.

c. France becoming an ally to the United States.

After becoming president, how did Thomas Jefferson deal with the Federalists? a. He courted their support because he knew he could never win approval for his policies without them. b. Until just before leaving office, he used the Sedition Act to shut down Federalist newspapers critical of his administration. c. He tried to roll back almost everything they had done by cutting taxes and the size of government. d. He led a successful effort to impeach and remove from office all Federalist judges, whom he then replaced with Republicans. e. He followed through on his inauguration speech's statement ("We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists") and treated them as equals.

c. He tried to roll back almost everything they had done by cutting taxes and the size of government.

What is the significance of the Battle of Lexington and Concord? a. It was the first battle in which George Washington served as general. b. It is considered the worst American defeat during the Revolutionary War. c. It is considered the battle that started the Revolutionary War. d. It was the first battle in which the French fought with the Americans. e. It was the first battle in which ex-slaves fought with the British.

c. It is considered the battle that started the Revolutionary War.

What primarily motivated the British to place a tax on tea by passing the Tea Act? a. a desire to punish the colonists for the long-term boycott of British goods b. an overabundance of tea in British warehouses c. aiding the financially ailing East India Company, a giant trading monopoly d. a need for revenue to fund the Revolutionary War, which had recently begun e. a desire to reassert the British right to tax the colonies after having given up that right

c. aiding the financially ailing East India Company, a giant trading monopoly

What did Alexander Hamilton include in his economic proposal? a. the elimination of the national debt b. subsidies to whiskey producers c. federal responsibility for outstanding Revolutionary War debts d. the creation of individual state banks e. tariffs on exported goods

c. federal responsibility for outstanding Revolutionary War debts

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 a. called on new territorial governments to forcibly remove the Indians living there. b. was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court the following year. c. had far-reaching consequences because it banned slavery in the Old Northwest. d. allowed the importation of slaves into the Old Northwest for at least another twenty years. e. created a situation in which the Old Northwest was governed as a colony by the federal government.

c. had far-reaching consequences because it banned slavery in the Old Northwest.

The Stamp Act created such a stir in the colonies because a. lawyers were offended that they could be jailed for not using the correct stamp on legal documents. b. Benjamin Franklin went public with his opposition to it. c. it was the first direct tax Parliament imposed on the colonies. d. none of the revenue raised would be spent within the colonies themselves. e. it was established by the King without Parliament's approval.

c. it was the first direct tax Parliament imposed on the colonies.

Alexander Hamilton's long-term goal was to a. ensure that the United States would be a primarily agrarian nation. b. promote the power of state governments. c. make the United States a major commercial and military power. d. succeed George Washington as president. e. increase the Republican Party's political power.

c. make the United States a major commercial and military power.

Which element of our current political system did the founding fathers generally hope to avoid? a. western expansion b. state courts c. political parties d. any involvement by the government in financial affairs e. the presidential cabinet

c. political parties

The Sedition Act targeted a. Federalists. b. Alexander Hamilton's economic ideas. c. the Republican press. d. illegal immigrants. e. British sympathizers.

c. the Republican press.

What was impressment? a. the process through which an immigrant applied for citizenship prior to 1845 b. the legal and economic rights held by an apprentice during his apprenticeship c. the practice of kidnapping sailors and forcing them to serve in the British navy d. the legal doctrine that prevented widows from inheriting property upon their husbands' deaths e. the legal doctrine stating that a slave who traveled to free territory was still in bondage

c. the practice of kidnapping sailors and forcing them to serve in the British navy

Q019) The Era of Good Feelings was so-called because a. many Americans experienced a boost in their personal economies at this time. b. there were more inventions manufactured at this time than ever before. c. they were years of one-party government. d. Whigs defeated Democrats in the midterm elections.

c. they were years of one-party government.

Which of the following was an aim of the Lewis and Clark expedition? a. to order Spanish traders out of the territory acquired through the Louisiana Purchase b. to secure expanses of land for Indian reservations west of the Mississippi River c. to explore the economic potential of the territory acquired through the Louisiana Purchase d. to discover the source of the Mississippi River e. to bring needed supplies to military forts along America's new western border

c. to explore the economic potential of the territory acquired through the Louisiana Purchase

(Q010) Which of the following was a characteristic of the Articles of Confederation? a. The position of president was part of the executive branch of the national government. b. Each state had two votes in the upper chamber, and votes in the lower chamber were proportionately distributed by population. c. The national government included a judicial branch and Supreme Court. d. Amending the articles required unanimity of all the states.

d. Amending the articles required unanimity of all the states.

(Q007) Which of the following statements accurately describes the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists during the ratification debates? a. Anti-Federalists appealed more to merchants, artisans, and commercially oriented landowners; Federalists appealed more to small farmers in areas remote from commercial markets. b. Anti-Federalists believed that the clash of diverse interests in a large republic would enhance American freedom; Federalists did not. c. Federalists saw centralized national authority as subversive of freedom; Anti-Federalists did not. d. Anti-Federalists criticized the Constitution for lacking a Bill of Rights; Federalists did not see a need for a Bill of Rights.

d. Anti-Federalists criticized the Constitution for lacking a Bill of Rights; Federalists did not see a need for a Bill of Rights.

In the Declaration of Independence, what justification did Thomas Jefferson provide as the basis for breaking with Britain? a. The "heritage of a freeborn Englishman" provided each colonist with the political right to seek democratic representation so long as they were British themselves. b. Since new British rules had forbidden the colonies from continuing the slave trade and slavery was "so central to colonial agriculture," the colonists had no choice. c. "There is something absurd in supposing a Continent to be perpetually governed by an island." d. Because government derived from the "consent of the governed," the governed had the right to remove that consent. e. Great Britain had never actually played a role in the economy of the colonies, and their trade remained "completely separate."

d. Because government derived from the "consent of the governed," the governed had the right to remove that consent.

Why did colonists object to the Tea Act? a. It granted a monopoly, and the colonists opposed all forms of monopoly. b. It would aid a different part of the empire rather than their own. c. The British East India Company made inferior tea, and colonists preferred not to drink it. d. By paying it, they would be acknowledging Great Britain's right to tax the colonists. e. It raised the tax on tea so much as to make tea prohibitively expensive.

d. By paying it, they would be acknowledging Great Britain's right to tax the colonists.

(Q006) The "shot heard 'round the world" began the American War of Independence, and took place in what city? a. Fort Ticonderoga b. Boston c. Saratoga d. Concord

d. Concord

Which of the following approaches did Thomas Paine take when writing Common Sense? a. He used formal, detached legal language to outline the complaints of both the British and the Americans to allow the reader to draw his or her own conclusions. b. He showed his frustrations at Britain's treatment of the colonies, yet advocated for reconciliation if at all possible to avoid bloodshed. c. He emphasized that the conflict with Britain was highly localized, involving merely a country, not the entire globe or even the continent. d. He presented the case for American independence as backed by simple facts while also passionately describing it as a chance to fight oppression. e. He refused to liken the king to a tyrant and emphasized the need for Patriots to act with caution and show him respect to avoid further taxation.

d. He presented the case for American independence as backed by simple facts while also passionately describing it as a chance to fight oppression.

In writing the Declaration of Independence, which of Locke's natural rights did Jefferson replace, and with what? a. He replaced "liberty" with "the pursuit of happiness." b. He replaced "property" with "liberty." c. He replaced "life" with "property." d. He replaced "property" with "the pursuit of happiness." e. He replaced "the pursuit of happiness" with "liberty."

d. He replaced "property" with "the pursuit of happiness."

(Q025) How did the Panic of 1819 shape American views of banks? a. It exerted a minor increase of anti-bank sentiment. b. It led to a movement whereby Americans committed arson attacks against state banks. c. It had no effect. d. It fostered a major backlash of anti-bank sentiment.

d. It fostered a major backlash of anti-bank sentiment.

(Q013) The man who was responsible for negotiating a treaty for the United States to acquire Florida from Spain, aided in an agreement with Great Britain to fix the Canadian-American border at the 49th parallel, and wrote a majority of the Monroe Doctrine was a. James Monroe. b. Martin Van Buren. c. George Washington. d. John Quincy Adams.

d. John Quincy Adams.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the allegiance of Native American tribes during the War for Independence? a. Most tribes successfully maintained neutrality throughout the conflict and, thus, were able to protect their towns. b. The Cherokees exclusively supported the British and ensured that they followed the traditional rules of warfare. c. The tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy all agreed to support the Americans and doubled the size of the American army. d. Tribes individually decided which side to support based on which they believed more likely to support their own ideas of freedom. e. Tribes living east the Mississippi River exclusively supported the Americans, while tribes in the West exclusively supported the British.

d. Tribes individually decided which side to support based on which they believed more likely to support their own ideas of freedom.

What vision of America's future guided Thomas Jefferson and James Madison? a. a land of economic equality in which no one would be wealthy and no one would be poor b. a bastion of freedom in which freed slaves would eventually enjoy equal rights with whites c. an increasingly urban democracy, largely populated by educated businessmen and craftsmen d. a rural republic of independent farmers freely selling their goods to a global market e. a major commercial and military power under strong federal leadership

d. a rural republic of independent farmers freely selling their goods to a global market

Thomas Paine's Common Sense a. argued that the British governmental system was perfectly good but that current officials had corrupted it. b. sold well among the elite, who in turn were able to convey its ideas to the lower classes. c. led to his arrest on charges of treason, but he saved himself by writing another pamphlet taking the opposite position. d. argued that America would become the home of freedom and "an asylum for mankind." e. made highly original arguments in favor of independence.

d. argued that America would become the home of freedom and "an asylum for mankind."

Alexander Hamilton a. believed that the president should hold office for only three years. b. was an Anti-Federalist. c. wrote the Bill of Rights. d. believed that wealthy men from elite families should rule the country. e. was born in New York.

d. believed that wealthy men from elite families should rule the country.

(Q014) Shays's Rebellion in late 1786 and early 1787 was a rebellion of a. backcountry farmers in western Virginia who sought to diminish government. b. a group of soldier scholars near Detroit. c. western Pennsylvania farmers who refused to pay the tax on whiskey. d. debt-ridden farmers who closed the courts in western Massachusetts.

d. debt-ridden farmers who closed the courts in western Massachusetts.

The Monroe Doctrine a. secured Florida from Spain. b. stated that the United States would be neutral in all international conflicts. c. was the idea that all white men should have voting rights. d. declared the Americas off-limits to further European colonization. e. settled the nullification crisis favorably for South Carolina.

d. declared the Americas off-limits to further European colonization.

(Q008) Which of the following was a key principle embedded in the Bill of Rights? a. capital punishment b. the right to vote for women c. free public education d. freedom of speech

d. freedom of speech

(Q030) "The Star-Spangled Banner," written by Frances Scott Key, commemorates what event in the War of 1812? a. Perry's defeat of the British naval forces on Lake Erie b. the U.S. frigate Constitution's defeat of the British warship Guerriere c. Jackson's victory at the Battle of New Orleans d. the British bombardment of Fort McHenry in Baltimore Harbor

d. the British bombardment of Fort McHenry in Baltimore Harbor

What Anti-Federalist idea is still part of modern political debate? a. an opposition to unrestricted immigration b. a concern about a citizen's right to privacy c. the fear that local political leaders hold too much power d. the fear that a strong central government threatens liberty e. a concern about cultural differences between Protestants and Catholics

d. the fear that a strong central government threatens liberty

What was one of the rights named in the Bill of Rights? a. the right to equal protection under the law b. the right to vote regardless of gender c. the right to sell alcohol d. the right to trial by jury e. the right of sovereign immunity

d. the right to trial by jury

The Regulators were concerned primarily with a. returning land to Native Americans. b. protecting the privilege of the rich and powerful. c. helping the British to enforce new regulations. d. the secure possession of their land. e. abolishing slavery.

d. the secure possession of their land.

The Sons of Liberty a. opposed public protests. b. helped to enforce the Stamp Act. c. were opposed by craftsmen, laborers, and sailors. d. took the lead in enforcing the boycott of British imports in New York City. e. were celebrated by prominent New York families such as the Livingstons.

d. took the lead in enforcing the boycott of British imports in New York City.

The harsh winter at Valley Forge surprised George Washington who expected a short war. resulted from Congress' refusal to accept French assistance without a recognition of American independence. did not stop Washington's army from training and practicing combat drills under the direction of Baron von Steuben. galvanized all Americans to support the Revolution.

did not stop Washington's army from training and practicing combat drills under the direction of Baron von Steuben.

The War Hawks in Congress included a. Oliver Perry and Francis Scott Key. b. Carter Glass and Ernest Hollings. c. John Randolph and Rufus King. d. Andrew Jackson and William H. Harrison. e. Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun.

e. Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun.

What was the significance of the XYZ Affair? a. It soured public opinion toward the Washington administration. b. It heightened concerns about mob rule destroying American liberty. c. It established the right of judicial review. d. It led to the War of 1812. e. It created animosity between America and France.

e. It created animosity between America and France.

What was one of the ways in which Paul Revere's engraving of the Boston Massacre was significant? a. It accidentally divulged secret information about the revolutionaries' plans and gave the British the advantage during the first battle of the war. b. It helped encourage reconciliation efforts between the colonies and Great Britain for a time due to its portrayal of the event as two-sided. c. It criticized how the British involved in the massacre went back to their daily lives immediately and remained under the protection of the crown. d. Its resurfacing as an artifact much later in history demonstrates how few colonists had heard of the event at the time. e. It distorted what had happened and stirred indignation in the colonies by depicting British soldiers firing into an unarmed crowd.

e. It distorted what had happened and stirred indignation in the colonies by depicting British soldiers firing into an unarmed crowd.

What was the significance of the case of Marbury v. Madison? a. Marbury's win meant that he became the new chief justice, a post he held for twenty-one years. b. The decision gave states important new powers to block a too-powerful federal government. c. The Supreme Court declared that presidential power was greater than congressional power. d. It was John Marshall's first case as chief justice. e. The Supreme Court asserted the power of judicial review.

e. The Supreme Court asserted the power of judicial review.

Cornwallis was defeated at Yorktown because a. General Clinton had withdrawn from Yorktown, leaving Cornwallis vulnerable. b. King George III ordered an end to the war. c. most of his troops were cold, starving, and ready to surrender. d. he was overwhelmed by Washington's much larger and better-trained army. e. he had no land or water escape route.

e. he had no land or water escape route.

The term "Era of Good Feelings" refers to the period of American history when a. Democrats and Whigs cooperated to solve the nation's financial crisis. b. slavery was gradually abolished in all the states. c. Americans united across party lines to declare war on Great Britain in the War of 1812. d. the Federalist Party was at its strongest. e. there seemed to be political harmony during the Monroe administration.

e. there seemed to be political harmony during the Monroe administration.

In 1778, the focus of the war shifted a. to an emphasis on the Continental army's trying to capture British strongholds in the Ohio Valley. b. to emancipation, when General Washington freed all slaves who fought for American independence. c. from minor skirmishes of fewer than 100 men to major battles, each involving thousands of soldiers. d. from fighting in the southern states to fighting in New York and New England. e. to the South, where the British captured Savannah that year.

e. to the South, where the British captured Savannah that year.

In the _________ Treaty of 1819 Spain ceded all of Florida to the US and, in return, the US gave up its claim to Texas. Adams-Onis Paris Florida Jackson


Which of these denominations did NOT help to lead the Second Great Awakening? Baptists Methodists Anglicans Presbyterians


At the Battle of New Orleans, British forces won and forced an America retreat. British forces were defeated by Andrew Jackson and his troops. Andrew Jackson was taken prisoner but quickly released. Andrew Jackson proved to be an ineffective military leader.

British forces were defeated by Andrew Jackson and his troops.

Some Americans, including Jefferson and Franklin, embraced _____ - adherents of which accepted the existence of God, but considered Him a remote being who, after having created the universe, withdrew from direct involvement with the human race. atheism Catholicism gnosticism Deism


Who were the Hessians? Native Americans who fought with the British Native Americans who tried to remain neutral despite the devastation caused by the war German mercenaries who fought the Spanish in Florida German mercenaries who fought for Britain

German mercenaries who fought for Britain

The first phase of the Revolutionary War was fought primarily in the region of Georgia the Chesapeake New England the Mid-Atlantic region

New England

Andrew Jackson's invasion of Florida became known as the Pensacola War. Spanish-American War. Florida War. Seminole War.

Seminole War.

This author's works included popular folk tales recounting the adventures of Ichabod Crane and Rip Van Winkle. Washington Irving Walt Whitman Judith Sargent Murray Thomas Paine

Washington Irving

Which of the following was a key benefit of the Treaty of Paris for the United States? the rights to Florida guaranteed independence from Britain the Loyalists were forced to move to Canada fishing rights in the Gulf of Mexico

guaranteed independence from Britain

The final phase of the Revolutionary War was fought New York. Pennsylvania. Boston. in the South.

in the South.

At the Battle of Tippecanoe, Tecumseh was captured, ending Native American resistance. was a stalemate as neither Tecumseh nor Harrison was able to gain the advantage. William Henry Harrison drove the Indians out of Prophetstown and burned the settlement. William Henry Harrison suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of Tecumseh.

not a

Under the Missouri Compromise of 1820, a. Congress banned slavery in any new territory that might ever be added to the United States. b. Missouri agreed to gradual emancipation of slavery in exchange for admission to the Union. c. Ohio became a free state to balance the admission of Missouri as a slave state. d. the remaining Louisiana Purchase territory was divided into slave and free zones. e. slave states gained a two-seat advantage in the U.S. Senate.

not b

Although many states endorsed the principle of _____ _____, none created a working system to provide it. debt relief tax reform health care public education

public education

The Second Great Awakening was a wave of revivalism designed to counter ______ _______. church taxation religious rationalism evangelical heresy itinerate preaching

religious rationalism

Aaron Burr was found guilty of treason. committed suicide. was acquitted of the charge of treason. fled to England before he could be captured

was acquitted of the charge of treason.

The __________ was group of extreme Federalists who feared losing power with the addition of new states and advocated for the secession of New England. Hamiltonians Federalies New England Conservators Essex Junto

Essex Junto

Why did Aaro Burr kill Alexander Hamilton? Hamilton's criticisms helped defeat Burr's run for the governorship of New York. No one really knows; there was no apparent provocation. Burr discovered Hamilton was involved with his mistress. Hamilton attacked Burr, who acted in self-defense.

Hamilton's criticisms helped defeat Burr's run for the governorship of New York.

Why was the Embargo Act of 1807 ineffective? It gained popular support only in the Northeast. It resulted in a severe shortage of food for both the French and British armies. It caused economic mayhem in the US but did little to affect France and England. It resulted only in England respecting American trade rights; France still did not.

It caused economic mayhem in the US but did little to affect France and England.

While Lewis and Clark were on their journey, Jefferson dispatched other explorers to other parts of the Louisiana territory. Including this man, who led an expedition from St. Louis into the upper Mississippi valley in the fall of 1805 and the next year he traveled into what would become Colorado. Jim Bridger Daniel Boone Zebulon Pike John C. Fremont

Zebulon Pike

As part of the Missouri Compromise, what free state was admitted to the Union? a. Maine b. Louisiana c. Oregon d. Arkansas e. California

a. Maine

Which of the following battles was among the very first of the American War of Independence? a. Yorktown b. Saratoga c. Bunker Hill d. Monmouth e. Cowpens

c. Bunker Hill

The Second Bank of the United States was created a. to counterbalance the power of the First Bank of the United States. b. by President Monroe's executive order in 1820. c. by Congress in 1832, with the support of President Jackson. d. by a group of New York bankers after the First Bank of the United States failed. e. by Congress in 1816, with the support of President Madison.

e. by Congress in 1816, with the support of President Madison.

Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress was able to a. create a new tax policy that would better fund the government. b. eliminate a provision giving judges power to reject congressional acts. c. select a president to enforce the laws of the national government. d. block the passage of numerous constitutional amendments. e. establish national control over land to the west of the thirteen states.

e. establish national control over land to the west of the thirteen states.

The Boston Massacre occurred when British soldiers a. fired on local minutemen guarding an arsenal. b. captured members of the Sons of Liberty involved in the Boston Tea Party. c. tried to defend Thomas Hutchinson from an angry mob. d. killed Indians who were raiding frontier towns. e. fired into a mob and killed a number of Boston residents.

e. fired into a mob and killed a number of Boston residents.

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