HU Trivia

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What year was Howard founded?


Which D9 orgs were founded on Howard's campus (one point per answer)

AKA, Ques, DST, Sigmas, Zetas

What is the name of Howard University's famous a cappella singing group known for their performances on the show "The Sing-Off"?

Afro Blue

What is the annual music and cultural festival hosted by HBCUs in New Orleans?

Bayou Classic

Who founded the Tuskegee Institute, now known as Tuskegee University?

Booker T Washington

What national sports team had/has the same mascot as Howard?

Buffalo Bills

Name 6 well known Howard alumni

Chadwick, Anthony Anderson, Phylicia Rashad, Lance Gross, Debbie Allen, Toni Morrison, Stokely Carmichael, Zora Neale Hurston

What was the first HBCU to be established in the United States?

Cheyney University of PA (1837)

Name the three academic buildings on the yard

Douglas, Locke, Fine Arts

Who was the headline performer a Yardfest before its haitus


Name the 3 libraries on campus

Founders, Louis Stokes Health Sciences Library, UGL

What white man founded Howard?

General Oliver O. Howard

Name three freshman boys &/or girls organizations

Gentlemen of Drew, Men of George Washington Carver, etc (you tell me, idk any more)

What is the name of the stadium? Who is it named after? (one point per answer)

Greene Stadium. William H. "Stud" Greene

What couple studied psychology at Howard and created a study that was used in the Brown v. Board of Ed case? What was the name of the study?

Kenneth and Mammy Clark. Doll Study

Name 4 TV characters who attended Howard University

Khadijah James, Maxine Shaw (Living Single), Flex Alexander (One on One), Nicole Williams (Craig of the Creek), Andre Johnson, Junior (Black-ish), Gabe Wilson (US), etc

Name the Fine Arts Buildings

Lulu Childers Hall

What schools are located on/near Howard's campus?

Middle School for Math & Science, Banneker

Name the research center inside of Founders Library

Moorland Spingarn

What other top HBCU was founded in 1867?

Morehouse College

What celebrity graduated with HU20?

Nick Canon

What HBCU is famous for its annual homecoming celebration known as "The GHOE"?

North Caroline A&T

What is the name of the vegan restaurant located up Ga Ave that now has a station in Blackburn?


Recite the first 2 lines of the alma mater. (extra point for reciting the next two lines)

Reared against the eastern sky. Proudly there on hilltop high. [Far above the lake so blue. Stands old Howard firm and true.]

What is the name of the Ethiopian-owned restaurant located across the street from SOB that used to have a station in Blackburn? Name the filmmaker who runs the restaurant.

Sankofa; Haile Gerima

What are the 3 closest metro stations to Howard? (extra point if you can name the 4th)

Shaw-Howard, U-street, Columbia Heights, Mt. Vernon Sq

Name 2 HBCU bands?

Showtime Marching Band (HU), Sonic Boom of the South (Jackson State), Blue and Gold Marching Machine (NCAT), Ocean of Soul (Tx Southern), Marching 100 (FAMU), etc

What dorms were converted to unaffordable studio apartments due to gentrificaiton?

Slowe Hall, Carver Hall

Name the full names of each of the women the Quad halls were named after (one point per full name)

Sojourner Truth, Julia S. Caldwell-Frazier, Priudence Crandall, James? Baldwin

Which HBCU was the first to offer higher education to African American women?


Name all 5 halls in the Harriet Tubman Quadrangle

TRUTH, Frazier, Wheatley, Crandall, Baldwin

Who wrote the book "Between the World and Me"

Ta-Nehisi Coats

What is the name of the official student newspaper of Howard University?

The Hilltop

Which prominent US Supreme Court justice graduated from HU School of Law?

Thurgood Marshall

Name 3 airports you can fly into to get to Howard

Thurgood Marshall Airport/BWI Reagan International/DCA Dulles International/IAD)

What is Howard's motto?

Veritas et Utilitas (Truth & Service)

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