Hula Dance
In 1834...
King Kamehameha III went against the ban on hula
Hula was developed by...
Polynesian settlers
In 1820, missionaries...
convinced Queen Kaahumanu to outlaw hula because they saw it as vulgar and disgusting (a pagan practice)
In Hula Kahiko...
dancers keep their feet on the gourd and chant
Hula Auana involves...
more wave-like movements
Hula movements involve...
the feet, and arm/hand movements (used to tell the story)
Hula Auana is...
the modern hula; westernization of hula after its revival; mostly danced by women
Hula Kahiko is...
the traditional style of hula; it is a religious dance to honor Pele; used to pass down Hawaiian history before the invention of the written language