Human Anatomy Exam

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After an explosion during a fireworks show, a number of people arrive at the emergency room with burns to their skin. You and a colleague are assessing patients and determine whose burns is the most severe.

Patient C has blanched or blackned burned skin

The ________ membrane lines the fibrous capsule surrounding joints


What is the first threat to life from a massive third-degree burn:


Jacinda tore her Achilles (calcaneal) tendon during a recent track meet. She has injured _______.

dense connective tissue

Which of the following is found in a molecule of DNA are held together by:


A nucleotide of DNA contains three components:

deoxyribose; a phosphate group; nitrogen-containing base

____________, a type of cell junction, anchor adjacent cells together and prevent cells from being pulled apart.


Which diagnostic test involves the testing of apparently healthy individuals with the aim of detecting disease at an early, treatable stage.

diagnostic screening

The process by which white blood cells travel through the wall of blood vessels is termed _________.


If someone sitting at the other end of a bus is smoking, you may still breathe in some of the smoke. What process involves the movement of smoke away from its source?


Nutrients reach the epidermis through the process of:


The movement of solutes down their concentration gradient is:


Two types of passive transport are

diffusion and filtration

Glands, such as the thyroid, that secrete their products directly into the blood rather than through ducts are classified as:


Which system contains the pituitary, thyroid, ovaries and testes?


A cell digests bacteria. What type of transports is likely responsible for this process:


The type of leukocytes that would increase rapidly during allergy attacks and infections of parasitic worms are:


What is a sudden outbreak of an infectious disease that spreads rapidly through a population?


A little girl on the playground fell and scraped her knee. You notice her knee shows no signs of bleeding. Therefore, this must be only a superficial scrape to the ________.


The two main layers of skin are __________.

epidermis and dermis

What type of tissue has cells that are tightly packed, sits on a basement membrane, is avascular, and is easily regenerated?

epithelial tissue

After a recent knee surgery, Carrie was cautioned about resuming activities too quickly in order to give her surgical incision time to heal. Which of the following tissues will repair and heal the quickest in the weeks to come?

epithelial tissues

Which of the following is NOT a hallmark feature of epithelial tissues?

epithelial tissues are well vascularized

Which formed element is the most abundant in blood?


The hormone that regulates the rate of erythrocyte production is called:


What type of reaction can be represented at AB + CD ---> AD + BC

exchange reaction

The sebaceous and sweat glands associated with the skin are classified as _______ glands because they releases secretions to the skin's surface via ducts.


The movement of fluid through the cell membrane based on pressure differences on each side of the membrane is called:


What type of burn only involves injury to the superficial epidermis?

first degree

Looking into a microscope, you notice cells swimming propelled by a long tail. What cell structure must these cells have in order to be mobile:


Enzymes are classified as:

functional proteins

Nutrients and ions can pass directly from cell through special membrane junctions known as:

gap junctions

What is the universal cellular fuel?


People with asthma produce too much mucus, which can block the airways. What type of cell associated with the epithelium of the respiratory tract is responsible for making mucus?

goblet cell

Where are proteins sent to be modified and packaged before being exported from the cell?

golgi apparatus

Which group of white blood cells the neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils?


The two major groups of white blood cells are ________.

granulocytes and agranulocytes

When James shaves his face, which portion of the hair is removed?

hair shaft

The percentage of erythrocytes in the blood is known as the ________.


Blood cell formation is called:


What stem cell gives rise to all formed elements?


What component of a red blood cell binds and transports oxygen?


What is not contained in the plasma of blood?


Hereditary bleeding disorders that result from lack of clotting factors are referred to as _________.


The series of reactions that stop blood flow following a cut is called:


The reaction of sucrose + water ---> glucose + fructose is an example of a (n)

hydrolysis reaction

A solution that contains fewer solutes that the cell is:


The skin and its derivatives (nails , glands, and hairs) form the __________.

integumentary system

The fluid that bathes the exterior of the cells:


What characteristic is shared by both cardiac and smooth muscle tissue?

involuntary contractions

A solution with a pH of 7

is neutral

Which one of the following does NOT describe blood plasma:

it is color of red wine

What does it mean if a microorganism is nonvirulent?

it is not capable of causing disease

Which of the following is a vital function of the skin:

it takes part in vitamin D production

Which of the following abnormal skin colors results from liver disorder?


Sebaceous glands are important for

keeping skin and hair cells soft and flexible

Which of the following does not contribute to skin color:


Low levels of oxygen in the blood stimulate the release of erythropoietin by the ________.


The arms are________to the chest.


What is the blood condition in which large numbers of immature white blood cells are produced rapidly. This condition literally means "white blood".


In a centrifuged blood sample, the buffy coat situated between the formed elements and the plasma contains _________.

leukocytes and platelets

Jordan works in a hematology lab and received a blood report showing 22,000 white blood cells per cubic millimeter of blood for a patient of blood for a patient. He suspects this patient has a bacterial infection leading to ________.


Abnormally low levels of white blood cells causes a condition known as _________.


Which of the following is not a descendant of the myeloid stem cell?


Which type of agranulocyte produces antibodies?


Anything that has mass and takes up space is considered to be ________.


The spinal cord is best described as


Platelets are fragments of multinucleate cells called:


Hair color is due to a pigment known as ________.


The "tanning" effect (darkening of the skin) that occurs when a person is exposed to the sun is somewhat protective due to:


The small intestine has tiny, finger-like projections of the plasma membrane that help increase the surface area and aid in absorption of nutrients known as _________.


A cell's ability to replenish its ATP stores has been diminished by a metabolic poison. What organelle is most likely to be affected?


Muscle cells need abundant ATP for muscle contractions. Which organelle must commonly be found in muscle cells to accommodate ATP production?


The categories of epithelial tissue membranes are:

mucous, cutaneous, and serous membranes

The type of stem cell that produces all the formed elements EXCEPT lymphocytes are:

myeloid stem cells

Which part of the nail is embedded in the skin:

nail root

If you carry the Rh antigen, you are referred to as Rh __________.


Which system sends signals throughout the body by using electrical impulses?


Irritability and conductivity are the two major functional characteristics of __________.

nervous tissue

Which type of tisue is insulated, supported, and protected by neuroglia?

nervous tissue

A stubborn infection continues to persist for Nyisha. A blood test reveals a bacterial infection, which is confirmed by an excessive number of ________.


The most numerous white blood cells are the:


While cross-matching an unknown blood type, agglutination was observed with neither the anti-A nor the anti-B sera. Youevaluate these results to indicate that the unknown blood contains____________.

no antigens

The specialized cellular compartments within the cytosol of the cell are collectively called _______.


What process does water use to move across the plasma membrane?


Bone is best described as _________.

osseous tissue

Blood is considered a weak base. Select the pH that best represents blood.

pH 7.4

Fingerprints and footprints in the epidermis are created by dermal papillae present in the ______________.

papillary layer of the dermis

Two types of endocytosis are:

phagocytosis and pinocytosis

The matrix of blood is called:


What separates the intracellular fluid from the extracellular fluid?

plasma membrane

A separated sample of blood reveals the hematocrit composes 72 percent of the volume of blood while the plasma contributes 38 percent of the blood volume. The buffy coat makes up less than 1 percent of this sample. Which is likely the correct interpretation of these findings?


Which of the following red blood cell disorders may result from life at a higher altitude?


Type O blood indicates all of the following EXCEPT:

presence of type O antigens

During a synthesis reaction, amino acids join to form ________.


Damaged tissues that are repaired by the same kind of cells experience a replacement process known as ____________.


Identify the type of tissue that is found in lymph nodes and the spleen:

reticular tissue

Which organelle synthesizes proteins that are used in the cytoplasm?

ribosomes that are free within the cytoplasm

Which one of the following organelles is studded with ribosomes and carries out protein synthesis:

rough endoplasmic reticulum

Frequent hand washing can cause the outer layers of the skin to dry out. What is removed from skin during this activity?


Which of the following is a lubricant that keeps skin soft and moist and also contains chemicals that kill bacteria?


Which chemical is released to bring about vasoconstriction during the vascular spasm phase of hemostasis:


Which membrane is constructed of a visceral and parietal layer?


What is situated between the visceral and parietal layer pleura?

serous fluid

A cell is isotonic to its 4% dextrose solution. When moved to a 6% dextrose solution, that cell will ________.


The condition in which the red blood cells become crescent shaped and clog up small vessels is:

sickle cell anemia

What is objective evidence of a disease (e.g. a rash, or elevated blood pressure )?


The type of epithelial tissue found lining organs of the digestive system such as the small intestines is ___________.

simple columnar

Goblet cells are found in:

simple columnar epithelium

A tissue constructed of a single layer of flattened cells is known as _________.

simple squamous epithelium

What tissue is specialized for the rapid diffusion of gases and nutrients across its cells?

simple squamous epithelium

Aileen's grandmother has a mole on her scalp with bluish-black colorations and irregular borders. She dismisses it as a squamous cell carcinoma and predicts her dermatologist will freeze it off like the ones she's had previously. Aileen disagrees and believes it's a melanoma. Recommend an additional sign or symptom that will support a melanoma diagnosis.

size of the mole

The type of muscle that can be controlled voluntarily is:

skeletal muscle

Which of the following is NOT classified as a connective tissue:

skeletal muscle

___________ muscle tissue tissue has no visible striations and is found in the walls of hollow organs.


The type of muscle found in the walls of hollow organs, such as the stomach, and in the walls of blood vessels is:

smooth muscle

Many layers of flattened cells should be termed _________ epithelial tissue.

stratified squamous

A tissue on your lab exam has an apical surface and basement membrane. You observe multiple layers. The cells near the apical surface are flattened cells while those near the basement membrane are cuboidal or columnar in appearance. You identify it as __________.

stratified squamous epithelium

The epidermis is composed of:

stratified squamous epithelium

The epithelial tissue found in areas subject to considerable friction and abuse, such as the esophagus, is:

stratified squamous epithelium

Which of the following epithelial tissues is composed of many layers of cells?

stratified squamous epithelium

A splinter penetrates to the deepest layer of the epidermis on your foot. This layer is

stratum basale

What layer is affected when a scrape affects the most superficial epidermal layer?

stratum corneum

Which layer of the epidermis accounts for 3/4 of the total epidermal thickness?

stratum corneum

Jan got her microscope slides mixed up in lab as they were unlabeled. The slide with abundant adipose tissue should be labeled as the___________.

subcutaneous tissue

People who wear antiperspirant with deodorant are trying to reduce the secretions of the________.

sudoriferous glands

Which of the following orientation terms have opposite meanings (in humans):

superficial and deep

The thoracic cavity house the _________.


Sarah works as an administrative assistant and has developed carpal tunnel syndrome. Which part of her body is affected?


What is the function of DNA?

DNA provides instructions for building every protein in the body

Which of the following is NOT considered a cytoplasmic organelle?


When correctly situated in anatomical position, where are your feet in relation to your knees


The cranial and spinal cavities are subdivisions of the ________cavity.


The vertebral region is _________to the sternal region.


The property of water that helps to prevent sudden changes in body temperature is

high heat capacity

The body's ability to maintain stable internal conditions is referred to as _________.


The hypogastric region is________to the umbilical region.


Which system covers the external surface of the body and protects deeper tissue?

integumentary system

Water is useful in body processes because:

it is a good solvent

A weight lifter experiences nerve pain in his posterior elbow region. Which term best describes this body region?


Which of the following levels of organization include all of the others listed?

organ system level

Which of these internal body cavities is the most inferior?

pelvic cavity

What is the main type of lipid found in cellular membranes?


The study of the functions of the structure in the body is


Glycogen and starch are examples of a specific category of carbohydrates called


What is a prediction of how a patient's disease will progress?


The muscular system consists of the_____.

skeletal muscles

The smallest living unit of all living things is

a cell

Which of the following systems is matched most accurately to the life function it provides:

endocrine system

Saturated fats ________.

exist as solids at room temperature

Which polysaccharide is formed of linked glucose molecules and stored in animal tissues?

fatty acids and glycerol

What does the World Health Organization define as " A state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".


Trans fats are oils that have been solidified by the addition of __________.

hydrogen atoms at double bond sites

The nucleotide chains of DNA are held together by:

hydrogen bonds

Edna tore a ligament in the patellar region and anticipates having difficulty with_________.


How would you classify chewing food, a type of movement that directly involves the use of energy to move matter?


The epigastric region is _________to the right hypochondriac region of the abdominopelvic cavity.


Which testing involves the isolation and identification of the specific microorganisms that cause disease?

microbiological analysis

The surgeon created an opening in the chest during surgery along a plane that equally separated the right and left halves of the thoracic cavity. This section is known as a (n)_________.

midsagittal section

What necessary life function does muscle contraction contribute to the body?


Which of the following activities represents a physiological study?

observing how the heart contracts to pump blood

Compounds that contain carbon are collectively termed

organic compounds

The ability to sense a mosquito landing on your arm and swat it away as described as ___________.

responsiveness (irritability)

A broken rib on the right side of the body would likely be felt in the

right hypochondriac region

Which of these is an example of kinetic energy?

skeletal muscles contracting as a person lifts weights

Hematopoiesis is a function of the:

skeletal system

The dorsal body cavity houses the ___________.

spinal cord and brain

Keratin is a protein that provides toughness to skin and forms hair and nails. Due to its role in the body, it is best classified as a (an) _________.

structural proteins

Which of these is an example of maintaining boundaries?

the cell membrane controls the movement of substances into or out of the cell

The main function of the respiratory system is to_______.

supply the body with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide

What is a subjective indication of a disease that is noticed by the patient (e.g. pain, fatigue or nausea).


In describing the relationship of the heart to the lungs:

the heart is medial to the lungs

An X-ray indicates a fracture in the distal portion of the tibia bone. You understand the fracture to be on which part of the bone?

the part of the bone farther from the attachment of the femur to the body

In describing the relationship of the thoracic and spinal cavities:

the thoracic cavity is anterior to the spinal cavity

The lungs and heart are situated in the _________body cavity


The complementary base to adenine in a molecule of DNA is _________.


Groups of cells that have a common purpose are termed_________


The diaphragm creates a ________section by dividing the ventral body cavity into superior and inferior subdivisions.

transverse (cross)

Which of the following is a proteins?


Select all of the regions of the abdominopelvic cavity that are medial. 1) right iliac (inguinal) region 2) epigastric region 3) hypogastric region 4) left lumbar region 5) left hypochondriac region

2 and 3

Place these body regions in order from superior (proximal) to inferior (distal): 1) tarsal 2) femoral 3) crural 4) patellar

2, 4, 3, and 1

Rank these elements found in the human body from most common to least common: 1) carbon 2) hydrogen 3) nitrogen 4) oxygen

4, 1, 2, 3

Which statement best describes why ATP is an important nucleic acid in the body?

ATP provides a form of chemical energy all body cells can use

Which of the following is a nucleic acid?


Which of the following would not be included in a basic physical examination of a patient?

Diagnostic testing

Which statement best describes fibrous proteins?

Fibrous proteins most often appear in body structures.

The joining of nucleotide molecules to form a more complex nucleic acid is an example of:

a synthesis reaction

What is a term used to describe a disease of rapid onset, serve symptoms, and brief duration?


Proteins are created from ________ during synthesis reactions.

amino acids

The hydrolysis of a protein will produce __________.

amino acids

The study of the structure and shape of the body and its parts and their relationships to one another is called___________.


A football player broke a bone in the tarsal portion of the tarsal region. You understand the fracture to be on which part of the bone?


Ventral is a directional term synonymous with __________ in humans.


Which directional term best describes the location of the human nose?


Which of the following is the correct sequence, going from simplest to most complex, in the levels of structural organization of the human body:

atom (chemical) level, cellular level, tissue level, organ level, organ system level, organismal level

The major organs of the skeletal system are the ________.

bones, cartilages, and joints

The reaction in which the breakdown of glycogen releases glucose units is an example of:

decomposition reaction

Each organ system is composed of several organs. In which system is the esophagus found?


The __________system rids the body of indigestible food into molecules that can be absorbed by the body?

digestive system

The most common steroid is _________.


The brain and spinal cord are surrounded by water in cerebrospinal fluid. What purpose do you think this fluid in protecting these organs?


Which of the following letter in the ABCDE rule for recognizing melanomas is incorrect?

D stands for diagnosis

What is the final step of hemostasis in which the formation of a blood clot is accomplished?


What provides toughness to the dermis and holds water in this skin layer

collagen fibers

Which of the following is NOT an effect of aging on the skin

collagen increases

What is required for simple diffusion to occur?

concentration gradient

Blood is a type of which kind of body tissue:


The tissue that is usually well vascularized and has an extensive intercellular matrix is called:

connective tissue

The type of tissue that functions to protect, support, insulate and bind together body tissues are classified as ________.

connective tissue

Which of these layers directly connects to the dermis?

contact dermatitis

Compatibility testing for agglutination of donor RBCs by the recipient's serum is called:

cross matching

The only dry membrane is the ________.

cutaneous membrane

cellular materials located outside the nucleus yet inside the plasma membrane is the ________.


The ________ is a network of proteins that forms an internal framework for the cell.


The three major components of the cytoplasm are the:

cytosol, organelles, and inclusions

A physician estimates the volume of fluid lost in a severely burned patient by:

using the "rule of nines"

The layer of the serous membrane that covers an organ is known as the _______ layer.


Bleeding disorders often result from a lack of which one of the following vitamins:

vitamin K

What happens when body cells are placed in a hypertonic solution?

water leaves the cells and the cells shrink

Which of the following statements about RNA is true?

RNA is single stranded

The average functional lifespan of a RBC is:

100-120 days

Blood normally clots in approximately:

3-6 minutes

Which blood type contains the A antigen only?


The blood type that contains both A antigens and B antigens is ________.


The universal recipient has blood type:


A person with type B blood can receive blood from blood type(s)__________.


Cyanide prevents the formation of energy molecules in the human body and leads to death because cells are unable to make _______.


A blood clot traveled to a small vessel in Mr. Zeng's lungs and became lodged there. How should this moving clot be named?

An embolus

Which of the following is the least malignant and most common skin cancer that affects the cells of stratum basale?

Basal cell carcinoma

Which of following does not correctly characterize blood?

Blood is cooler than body temperature

Gastric juices produced by the stomach are strongly acidic. Without the neutralizing effect of fluids from the pancreas, the stomach acids could be absorbed directly into the blood. What would be a likely outcome for blood pH if this happened?

Blood pH would 6.9

Molly has blood type A and her daughter has blood type B. Why can't Molly donate blood to her daughter?

Blood type B contains anti-A antibodies , which we will agglutinate with type A blood.

What is the first stage to occur during tissue repair (wound healing)?


Which type of tissue conducts electrochemical impulses via cells called neurons:


What are the three basic parts or regions of a cell?

Nucleus , cytoplasm, and plasma membrane

The "universal donor" is blood type __________.


The most common type of blood in the US population is:


Which blood type lacks antigens for the ABO blood group yet carries anti- A and anti-B antibodies?


Vitiligo is a skin disorder characterized by the loss of skin pigmentation. Evaluate the following findings from various skin slides (from arm skin), and select the sample from a patient with vitiligo.

Slide B had no melanin present in the epidermis

A young man has been in a terrible accident and has lost significant amounts of blood. He is unconscious so his blood type is unknown. What is the safest blood to transfuse him with?

Type O

Which of these blood types carries no antigens:

Type O

Which type(s) of blood can a person with O type receive:

Type O

Fingernails are:

a modification of the epidermis

White blood cells differ from red blood cells because only white blood cells contain _________.

a nucleus and most organelles

Which of the following is an indication of melanoma:

a pigmented spot that contains areas of different colors

A persistent clot in an unbroken blood vessel is known as __________.

a thrombus

__________ is commonly called fat.

adipose tissue

The process whereby the binding of antibodies to antigens cause RBCs to clump is called:


A decrease in the oxygen-carrying ability of the blood, for any reason, is a condition known as ________.


A substance that stimulates the immune system to release antibodies


Shakira is taking an antihistamine medication due to several itchy mosquito bites. This medication blocks the release of histamine from ________.


A nurse tends to a patient with sunburns. Upon examination, she sees blisters and red, swollen skin. The patient complains of pain. What feature of this burn distinguishes is from a first-degree burn?


While cross-matching an unknown blood type, agglutination was observed with anti-A serum only. This blood type is ________.

blood type A

Sudoriferous glands are important for:

body heat regulation

Inflammation of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands is (are) called:


People who produce a lot of melanin have a skin tone that is ________.


What happens to a cell when it lyses?


The ion essential for clotting is:


Intercalated disks are found in:

cardiac muscle tissue only

The presence of chondrocytes indicates that a tissue is ___________.


Which type of connective tissue is avascular?


The structural and functional unit of all living things is the __________.


One reason that populations become susceptible to epidemics is:

there is an easy means of transmission

Which of the following statements about enzymes is true:

they are biological catalysts

Which of the following does NOT describe erythrocytes:

they are packed with organelles

The membrane connections that prevent cells from being pulled apart.

tight junctions

Groups of cells that are similar in both structure and function are known as _________.


The epithelial tissue found in areas subject to considerable stretching, such as the urinary bladder is:

transitional epithelium

A patient previously had abdominal surgery and has a scar from a transverse (cross) section. Now, he'll have another surgery that requires a midsagittal section, which will intersect the transverse section. What will his scars look like when his surgical incision heals? Assume this patient is in an anatomical position.


Which survival need is essential for normal operation of the respiratory system and breathing:

Atmospheric pressure

While grocery shopping with an aunt with heart disease, Gina has the opportunity to influence her buying habits. She's considering the following products, and Gina is assisting by looking at the nutrition labels. Which of the following snacks should Gina prioritize as the best choice for her aunt's heart health?

Baked chips, which lists some unsaturated fat and very little saturated fat as ingredients

In anatomical position:

The body is erect with feet parallel to the arms hanging at the sides with the palms facing forward

The heart and blood vessels and the primary organs of the _______system.


Which imaging method uses sound waves to create a picture on the computer screen?


The region that contains the navel is the:


Which system contains the kidneys, bladder, and ureters?


Which of the following is an example of an inorganic molecule:


Which survival need accounts for 60 to 80 percent of body weight?


In order to break a disaccharide down into simple sugar units

water molecules must be added to break the bond

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