HUMAN BIOLOGY - Possible Final Questions

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Why do modern humans get sick from previously rare illnesses (like Type 2 Diabetes)?

Because many of the body's features were adaptive (or neutral) in the environments for which we evolved, but have become maladapative in the our modern environments.

Why was Shubin's find of a single-root tooth with tooth-to-tooth occlusion so important? [x]

Because this was evidence of an animal that was part mammal, part reptile.

If switches can play such a vital role in turning on/off genes, what is throwing the switches to begin with?

Body plan genes are what throw the switches.

How did Adrianne lose her leg? [x]

Boston Marathon Bombing

Which structure is part of the conducting zone of the respiratory system?


The brain and spinal cord are part of the [x] nervous system.


Which bone does not belong to the appendicular skeleton?

Cervical Vertebrae

The function of the 3D hand is driven by wrist motion - when the wrist bends forward (ie, bends downward or palmar flexes), the fingers [x].


The series of chemical reactions that brings together a group of plasma proteins to destroy a bacterial threat is called the ________________.

Complement system

Compared to thicker axons, thinner axons:

Conduct impulses more slowly

The most powerful force of change on the planet, and one that is radically transforming our bodies is...

Cultural evolution

Who won the New York City Marathon mentioned in the video? [x]

Derartu Tulu

What is the name of the gene that controls all skin organ development? [x]


Which white blood cell attacks parasitic worms?


[x] attack parasitic worms


Who does Hugh envision wearing exoskeletons for things such as running? [x]


An uneven smile or a drooping eyelid on one side are signs that something might be wrong with the [x] on one side of a person's face.

Facial nerve

"Anus-forward" is a very common direction for aquatic organisms.


A distinguishing feature of cancer cells is their perfect symmetry.


A restrictive disease of the lower respiratory tract results in difficulty inhaling and exhalation.


According to Shubin, fossil hunting is easy - just walk around on dry patches of ground and the teeth and bones of fossil animals will be easy to spot for the novice.


Certain types of sciences, like paleontology and anatomy are "dead sciences" now that we have molecular biology.


If bladder cancer runs in your family, then it doesn't matter what you do, you're going to end up with bladder cancer.


If you carry either the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, you will develop breast cancer.


Modern humans, Neanderthals and Denisovans should all be considered a single species since they interbred.


Neanderthals are the missing link between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens.


One of the problems with Tal's device is that it takes a lot longer in surgery than the standard aorta replacement surgery.


Scientists discovered that Sonic hedgehog gene is the only gene that acts to sculpt our limbs from should to fingertip.


The Tasaday are a tribe of primitive people in the Philipines.


The environment has not been conclusively linked to cancer risk.


The key adaptation of the first hunter-gatherers was big brains.


The sclera is the colored part of the eye


The trachea is located behind the esophagus.


Tidal volume is the amount of air you move in during a forced inhalation.


With the exception of choanoflagellates, the genome of most microbes contains the building blocks for bodies.


During bone healing, initially the callus is composed of:

Fibrous Connective Tissue

As a paleontologist, Dr. Shubin's research focuses on [x].


Cardiac muscle cells have the same DNA as bone cells - what makes them different is which [x] get turned on or off.


All organs in all vertebrate animals can be traced to 3 [x] layers of tissue during early embryonic development.


Dr. Stedman, in his quest for finding a cure for muscular dystrophy, discovered something very profound. What was that?

He discovered that a mutation in a muscle building gene prevented humans from developing large jaw muscles (like other apes) - thus preventing our skull bones from fusing too early and allowing for development of larger brains.

When Darwin realized that certain traits helped certain species survive better in their environment than other species, his big question was "how could this come about"? How had these organisms obtained these traits that helped them survive?

He realized that within a species there was variation (he saw variation in his own children), and that variation must be the starting point for change - that some variations may give an advantage to some and disadvantage to others.

What property of water is sweating taking advantage of?

Heat of vaporization

Dr. Shubin ended up directing the [x] course at the U of Chicago medical school.

Human anatomy

What is the result of inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs)?

Hyper polarization

In Pennsylvania, Shubin and Daeschler discovered a single shoulder bone of a transitional fossil, what did they name the creature? (spelling an capitalization count)


Which component of the skin contains the most fat?

Hypodermis (or subcutaneous)

The sensory receptors for balance are located in the [x].

Inner ear

Where are the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments found?

Inside the knee joint

Which chemical barrier addresses a viral infection?


Which of the following is the exchange of gases between the blood and the cells of the body?

Internal respiration

The ____________ is a muscular diaphragm that regulates the amount of light entering the eye.


What would happen to evolutionary theory if we started finding human skeletons in the same fossil rock as the earliest jelly animals?

It would refute it - meaning it would be evidence against it.

The dormant phase of virus infection is called the ______________ cycle.


Returning lymph is deposited into which structure as it re-joins cardiovascular circulation?

Major veins of the chest

Which of these is mismatched?

Mammograms prevent breast cancer.

What are the 3 extreme interfaces in Hugh's bionic limbs?

Mechanical, dynamic, electrical

Heart rate and blood pressure are controlled by the [x].

Medulla Oblongata

Which parts of the brain set your breathing rate?

Medulla oblongata and pons

Which of the following cells is stimulated by UV radiation?[x]


Which kind of skin cancer is most dangerous? [x]


The malleus, incus, and stapes are found in the [x].

Middle ear

The real reason for brains is [x]

Movement through our environment

Slow twitch muscle fibers have an abundance of _____________, which enables them to deliver oxygen quickly to the mitochondria that need it during endurance exercises like long-distance running.


Can genetic tests detect the presence of cancer?


Is it true that Bryan Curtis was 60 years old when he developed lung cancer from smoking?


The way the upper and lower teeth fit together is called ________. (ONE WORD & spelling must be exact)


Individual muscle cells contract:

On an all or nothing basis

The ___________ is where the optic nerve meets the retina.

Optic Disc

Which of the following is the organ of hearing?

Organ of Corti

Which of the following bone cells would be responsible for raising the calcium concentration in blood?


What us the name of the bone that forms the upper side of the skull?

Parietal Bone

The ___________ contains cells that differentiate into osteoblasts and begin to add matrix to the bone, making bones thicker.


Which of the following is a formed element of the blood?


Which type of circulation sends nutrient rich blood from the gastrointestinal tract to the liver?


Fossils show that the earliest bodies first appeared in the [x].


The flow of blood from the right side of the heart through the lungs and back to the left atrium is called?

Pulmonary circulation

[x] usually develops as a result of congestive heart failure.

Pulmonary edema

Blood leaves the right side of the heart and enters the ____________________ which then takes it to the lungs.

Pulmonary trunk

Why is radiation effective in treating cancer cells [x]

Radiation is deadly to rapidly dividing cells, and since cancer cells divide much more frequently than non-cancer cells they are killed.

humans were birthed by enormus turtles

Religious Explanation

humans were created from mud

Religious Explanation

humans were vomited up by gods

Religious Explanation

man was created from dust, woman from his rib

Religious Explanation

Which of these is mismatched?

Sexual activity may lead to breast cancer.

What characteristic is used when classifying a bacterium as bacilli or spirochete?


We share 99% of our DNA with chimpanzees - what can explain what makes us so different?

Small differences in DNA can provide enormous changes - such as a mutation in a a muscle building gene that prevents humans from developing large jaw muscles which allows for larger brain growth; and such as changing switches that affect timing and intensity in identical genes.

If proteins are often named after the gene that codes for them, what would be the name of the protein that is the mysterious molecule in the ZPA? [x]

Sonic hedgehog protein

The ____________ is composed of three parts, the manubrium, body, and xiphoid process.


The outer layer of our skin is composed of which of the following tissue types?

Stratified squamous epithelial tissue


Strengthens muscles and bones

Increased heart rate and heightened mental alertness are caused by activation of the [x].

Sympathetic division

__________________, the first number listed in blood pressure readings, measures the force of the left ventricle contraction.


Why has it been difficult to make a vaccine against HIV?

The HIV virus mutates too quickly for a vaccine to be effective

How does Starling's law relate to the heart?

The heart beats with more force when there is an increase in blood volume returning to the heart.

When Darwin realized that humans could cause creatures to change just from breeding, he realized that the same thing could be going on in the wild - but what could be the driving force, and what did he observe?

The struggle for survival - he observed that those that survived were those best adapted to the environment that they lived in.

A clump of cells is not considered to have a body unless there is division of labor among the different parts such as heart, brain, etc.


A new idea about why human brain size suddenly became much larger is a hypothesis based on climate instability - that it wasn't a particular environment that drove the change, but rather the tendency of the environment to change.


A sarcomere that is slightly squished will exert less power


According to Dr. Susan Savage-Rumbaugh, Bonobos may be the happiest species on the planet.


As the African forest dried out and shrank, our lineage developed bipedalism.


Because the nervous system still works for a missing arm, you can re-innervate chest muscles with the remaining arm muscle neurons to make a prosthesis intuitive.


Body-powered prostheses work by harnessing shoulder power (muscles) to manipulate a bicycle cable to open/close a prosthetic hand/hook and/or bend an elbow.


Breast cancer may be detected through a routine self-exam.


Chemical preservatives that can get into your body through your skin - are also found in breast cancer tumors.


Compared to apes, humans have brains that are about 3x larger than predicted by body size.


Conodont fossils help us understand why our kind of hard tissues evolved.


Cooked foods yield much more energy than uncooked food.


Darwin's father wanted him to become a doctor first, but when Darwin dropped out of medical school his father decided the clergy would at least be respectable and sent him to Cambridge.


Dr. Kuikin uses muscles as biological amplifiers to record signal from the skin which is much more efficient than trying to record signals from individual neurons.


Dr. Shubin made a point that even though our nerve cells (neurons) and other types of cells such as muscle cells do very different things, they all contain the same DNA.


Even though Darwin's father wanted him to have a more respectable career (medicine, clergy), Darwin followed his heart and became a respectable naturalist


Every reptile, bird and mammal - including humans - alive today is descended from ancient fish.


Genes for smell are present in all of our cells, including our liver cells, though only active in our nasal area.


Global climate change can cause severe enough ecological shifts that our food supply could be in jeopardy.


In less than 200,000 years after modern humans evolved in Africa, they colonoized every continent except Antarctica.


It's very easy actually to get a chemical compound from products into the human body through the skin.


Large scale organic food farms still use a spray to protect the food from insects. They can do this because the chemical used is "natural" and not "synthetic."


Many of the first fossil hominids, like Pithecanthropus erectus, found during the late 1800s to early 1900s were initially given distinct species status, but then later were consolidated into Homo erectus.


Modern humans first appear in the Middle East around 115,000 years ago (+/- 35,000 years).


Much of the story of mammalian evolution (from reptiles) is the story of new ways of processing food (by studying wear patterns on teeth).


Multicellular organisms with bodies evolved from single-celled organisms.


Mutation is important because it's what generates variation (which is important for selection - either natural selection or by breeders).


One of the benefits of Tal's device is that the patient does not need regular or periodic antibiotic treatment for future minor medical procedures (like trips to the dentist).


One of the benefits of Tal's device is that there's no need to put the patient on a heart/lung bypass machine because the procedure can be done while the patient's heart is still beating


One of the many benefits of the nanopatch for delivering vaccines is that it's pain-free compared to the needle and syringe method.


Our bodies are composed of about 2,000,000,000,000 cells arranged in a very precise way.


Scientists have studied limb development in chicken embryos by cutting microscopic parts and moving them around to see the effects on limb development.


Studying human diseases, such as microcephaly and muscular dystrophy, can enlighten us about human evolution.


The biggest surprise the researchers encountered was when patients got a feeling in their missing hand just by touching their chest muscles.


The distribution of fossils around the world and where they are found is testament to the fact that mountains rise and fall, climates change, and continents drift around.


The easiest way to avoid cancers caused by an environmental factor is to avoid smoking any organic compound.


The evolution of hunter-gatherers underlies the evolution of the genus Homo.


The fascicles are the stringy tabs that you see across a cut of raw steak.


The feeling that some patients get in their missing hand when their chest muscles are touched is due to the nerves re-innervating the skin covering the muscles - this re-innervated skin is what gives the sense of touch to the missing hand.


The genus Homo appeared on the scene approximately 2 million years ago


The mirror box technique of helping patients with phantom limb paralysis may also help stroke victims as there is evidence that some of that paralysis is learned paralysis.


The most commonly used preservative in baby care products mimics estrogen when it gets into the human body.


The origin of a whole new structure, like a limb instead of a fin, does NOT involve the appearance of new genes. Instead, old genes/old genetic pathways can be reconfigured to make new structures - like limbs from fins


There's a patch of tissue in limb buds that's called ZPA - which causes "sidedness" (the thumb side to be different from the pinky side).


Tuberculosis is on the rise again because antibiotic-resistant, tubercular bacterial strains have now appeared.


Understanding how switches work and how they control the timing and intensity of genes that build the "stuff" of bodies is crucial to understanding the mystery of the great transformations of living organisms.


We have a large number of odor genes because they arose as duplications of the types of genes present in primitive fish.


We should view our microbiome as a functioning organ, as part of ourselves. We should treat it carefully and with respect, and should not mess with it, for example, by C-sections or antibiotics or excessive cleanliness, without some real good justification.


While it's true that recent hunter-gatherers don't have surpluses of food, they do acquire enough to prevent famine and serious malnutrition.


What type of diabetes was Jonathan Eisen referring to?

Type 1 Diabetes - is the auto-immune disorder where your own body destroys the pancreatic cells that produce insulin.

The author refers to the Lucy Diet - this is a diet rich in....


What is the word (used in the video) for the total reality of an organism's environment/ecosystem - a reality that may be different for each organism (because of their senses) even if they live in the same environment? (spelling counts)


[x] is a way to contract HIV.

Unprotected vaginal intercourse with an infected person

If you add [x] in the right concentration at the right stage, on a chick embryo limb bud, you'll get a mirror image duplication.

Vitamin A

At the time of the film, was the nanopatch being tested in Papua New Guinea in an HPV vaccine?


Does the Sonic hedgehog gene turn on in the patch of tissue in a skate fin that is equivalent to our pinky?


Eating fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains while avoiding trans fats will lower your cancer risk?


Hair first formed on reptiles for sensory purposes


I recently became a grandmother and one of the things the midwife told his parents before my grandson was born was that any adults who were going to be around him should be vaccinated for whooping cough (pertussis - which is included in the DPT vaccine). Based on the midwife's advice and before he was born, his parents, grandparents, and some close friends all got the DPT vaccine. Was this a smart and important decision that we all made on behalf of my grandson?


Is it feasible that vaccines which currently don't work because they can't get a dose large enough to meet the threshold now might be able to work using a nanopatch because they might now work at the dosage level?


Is it true that Luca Turin proposes that we have a sort of "nano-spectroscope" in our nose for detecting scents - that probably works similarly to the one that Jacklovich and Lamb built for Ford Motor Company wherein it's the vibration of a molecule that can move an electron from one energy level to another?


Is it true that by studying ancient fish it can help explain why we're built the way we are?


Is it true that humans still have the genes for egg yolk production, though they are non-functional?


Is it true that new cancer treatments target cancer cells and are less damaging to healthy cells?


Is it true that our individual microbiomes may be responsible for the health and illness differences between us?


Is it true that our microbial cloud collectively has more mass than the mass of our brain?


Is it true that our microbiome helps helps in our metabolism and determining our metabolic rate?


Is it true that smoking can cause plaque (fatty deposits) to form inside arterial walls?


Is it true that the Tarahumara Indians can run even at the age of 70 or 80?


Is it true that the little opposum embryo starts off with only 1 ear bone, then as it develops, 2 bones from the jaw move to the middle ear to become other other 2 ear bones we see in all mammals, beautifully illustrating and representing 300 million years of evolution?


Is it true that we can trace the anatomy that we share with fish using embryos?


Is it true that when trying to see in the dark, the most important photoreceptors are the rods?


Is it true that you can use chick embryos to study how digits, like fingers, form?


Is there scientific evidence that indicates that humans are related to fish?


Teeth are a type of skin organ.


The current "anti-vaxxer" movement started based on the claim of a single 1998 paper stating that autism is associated with the MMR vaccine. Is it true that this paper has not only been debunked, but it was fraudulent, and that the journal that original published it publicly retracted it in 2010?


The difference between a proto-oncogene and an oncogene is:

a mutation

Mononucleosis can be life threatening due to:

a swollen and potentially ruptured spleen

Neil Shubin is the scientist whose team discovered the fish fossil, Tiktaalik, that is transitional between fish and tetrapods (4 limbed animals). Which of the following is/are correct?

a. He has hypothesized that Tiktaalik ventured onto land at times to escape large predatory fish. b. Tiktaalik is a fossil fish that had a flat snout with upward eyes (for a creature that would raise part of its head out of water - like a crocodile). c. Tiktaalik has the same pattern of bones in its fins as all 4-limbed animals - the first segment is a single bone, the next is two bones, and then an cluster of bones below that. d. He knew to search for a transitional fossil on Ellsmere Island (near the North Pole) because this was exposed rock from at least 365 million years ago - the time when the transition would have taken place.

Which of the following is/are correct concerning the Galapagos Finches that modern researchers are studying to learn about how the different beaks evolved?

a. The scientists discovered that the genes that control facial development (beak development) were turned on at different times during embryonic development - in the Ground Finch it becomes active on the 5th day whereas in the Cactus Finch it doesn't become active until the 6th day. b. Birds on an island with seeds as a food source had broad thick beaks for opening the seeds, whereas the birds on an island with flowers as a food source had beaks that were longer and thinner for obtaining nectar. c. The key to understanding the differences in beak development between these birds has to do with the timing of the switch for the the gene that controls beak development - timing and intensity are keys to understanding this difference because it's the same gene.

Match the typical characteristics of reptiles and mammals.

a.) Several bones in lower jaw - reptilian characteristic b.) one bone in lower jaw - mammalian characteristic c.) rod shaped jaw bone - reptilian characteristic d.) boomerang shaped jaw - mammalian characteristic e.) precise occlusion - mammalian characteristic f.) poor occlusion - reptilian characteristic

Katie Pollard is a computational biologist that uses computer programs to highlight DNA that is similar in apes and other animals, but very different in humans. Which of the following is/are correct?

a.Of the 1% DNA sequence data that makes us different from chimps, over half of that were changes to switches that were near genes involved in brain development. b. One piece stood out - an area known to be active in cortex development. The difference between a chimp and a chicken is only 2 letters, but the difference between a chimp and a human was 18 letters. c. She discovered that many of the differences between other apes and humans are found within switches rather than genes.

Smaller male canines most likely arose as a result of...

adaptations to help them chew tougher, more fibrous food.

We can scientifically predict based on recent studies, that the limbs of early 8-fingered amphibians most likely developed those 8 fingers due to [x].

an increase in the signal from Sonic Hedgehog gene.

Drugs that halt ______________ are being studied as a treatment method for tumors that are larger than 2 million cells in size.


_________________ is an odorless gas that binds more strongly to hemoglobin than oxygen.

carbon monoxide

Cancer can be defined as [x].

cells that divide uncontrollably.

Scientists can make quite accurate predictions about what fossil species in each layer of rock might look like by [x]

comparing them with species of animals that are alive today.

If a person sits for a long time, blood may pool in the lower extremities, causing ________


The major difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is:

eukaryotes have organelles and a nucleus while prokaryotes do not.

What kind of doctor is Dr. Shubin? [x]

fish paleontologist

According to the movie, as many as [x] different cows can be in hamburger

hundreds to thousands

Which is the most important feature used to determine if a fossil ape-like creature is actually a hominin?

indications that it was bipedal

Homo erectus brains were:

intermediate between Australopithecines and modern humans

Oncogenes are [x]

involved in the growth cycle of cells.

The majority of skin cancers are caused by:

ionizing radiation.

Chemotherapy following surgery is for the purpose of [x]

killing any stray cells that have metastasized or might metastasize

What type of teeth are better at chewing tough, fibrous foods?

larger, thicker cheek teeth

Of the nearly 200,000 shipments from China in 2006, [x] were sampled.

less than 2%

Fossils indicate that our [x] way of chewing began about 200 million years ago.


According to the Ingredients video, the best soil plants can grow in can be compared to a "[x]" that contain many vibrant ecosystems.

microbe farm

The nasal cavity is divided into right and left sides by the:

nasal septum.

What is the term for the very precise pattern of how the upper and lower teeth fit together when you bite down? (it's just ONE WORD and spelling counts!)


The bright red color of arterial blood is due to the high concentration of ________________.


In a cell with damaged DNA, which protein halts cell division?


What is the name of the membrane that surrounds the heart?


The WHO has plans to eradicate [x] using vaccination programs.

polio and measles

Which of the following show/shows mutations linked to evolution (change, variation).

- A fish that lives in the Antarctic that has anti-freeze in its blood to keep it from freezing in it's frigid environment. - Two different colored Pocket mice in the Sonoran desert, depending on the type of soil/rock they live on. - The Colobus monkey seeing in color that allows it to tell the difference between highly nutrition red leaves from green ones.

There's a Pocket Mouse in Arizona's Sonoran desert that has been described as the "Snickers bar of the desert." Which of the following is/are correct?

- Because these mice are eaten by pretty much everything in the desert, and they are small and defenseless, their best hope of survival is camouflage. - The ones that live on the darker volcanic rocks have evolved darker fur - but only on their backside (topside). Underneath, their bellies are light colored presumably because there's been no selection pressure for a darker belly. - Scientists looked at the two different colored mice's DNA and found mutations in one gene - there are 4 places where the DNA sequence is different between the two different colored mice. - Finding the genetic difference between the two differently colored Pocket mice is just one example of many links between genetic mutation and evolution (change).

Which of the following are associated with immunotherapy?

- Genetically engineered immune cells are reintroduced into the body. -Monoclonal antibodies are designed to zero in on the receptor proteins of cancer cells.

Which of the following are candidates for Homo erectus ancestors?

- Homo habilis - Homo rudolfensis

When scientists first began to see first-hand that mutation in genes led to evolutionary change, the idea that you only needed to compare creatures genes to understand how evolution worked took hold. Which of the following is/are correct concerning this idea?

- It wasn't completely true. Certainly scientists found evidence after evidence that changes in genes corresponded to evolutionary change; but sometimes they found no difference in genes at all - it was another part of their DNA sequence that had mutated, not a gene. - The part of organism's DNA once referred to as "junk DNA" (because it didn't code for anything) - turns out to be important afterall and can affect the way genes work. These are called "switches" that can turn genes on and off. - Not only did scientists discover that we had way fewer genes that other, less complex organisms, but that many of these genes were identical to other animals! Which meant that mutations in genes were only part of the story - something else was going on. - It was predicted that humans, being such highly complex organisms, would have anywhere from 80,000 - 120,000 genes. It was a shocking and humbling experience to discover that we only had 23,000 genes - the same number as a chicken and less than an ear of corn.

Which of the following is/are characteristics of synesthesia?

- Some people see numbers as colors - There is a mingling of the senses - Some people hear tones as colors

Which of the following are correct?

- The brains of humans take about 20 years to fully mature. (On a side note, this explains a lot about teenagers and there's a really cool TED talk about it if you are interested - Salaam's brain at age 3 was about 75% formed - this is less than what we would expect from a chimp, but more than a human. Salaam's brain development was transitional between chimps and humans - The brains of baby chimps have a growth spurt - their brains are almost fully formed by age 3. - Even though her brain was still chimp size, Salaam's lunate sulcas was positioned further back similar to a human's - making room for a larger neocortex.

Which of the following are community benefits of supporting local farmers?

- The community is able to obtain healthy, fresh and locally grown fruits and vegetables. - Money is put back into the community. - The community benefits because the produce is cheaper when purchased from local farms (cutting out the middle man plus the fuel miles).

Which of the following infectious epidemics occurred after the Agricultural Revolution began?

- The plague - Polio - Smallpox

When scientists humbly acknowledged that there must be some other mechanism besides gene mutation that must explain how organisms differed from one another, which of the following fact/facts did their subsequent research find?

- They found that in the early embryonic stages of vertebrates (chickens, humans, bats, turtles) - just days after conception they look almost identical. - They discovered that these animals (the vertebrates) don't just look the same in early embryonic development, but the use virtually the same set of key genes to build their bodies. - Realizing they used the same set of genes to build their bodies, it finally dawned on some scientists that it's not the gene that counts, but how you use them.

Which of the following is correct concerning habilines (Homo habilis)?

- They had lost their snout. - Their brains had expanded in size with the beginnings of a forehead. - They still had many ape-like features, but with some critical differences that were more human-like. - They were smaller than us - about the size of Lucy - 3' to 4' tall.

Which of the following is/are correct concerning molecular clocks?

- Using a molecular clock, it was determined that Lucy and Salaam are many steps removed from apes. - Using a molecular clock, it was determined that chimps and humans diverged approximately 6 million years ago (+/- a million years). - Using molecular clocks, we can determine approximately when two species diverged by counting genetic changes. - The rate of change in DNA sequences is fairly constant over time.

Which of the following do chicken, fish and salamander embryos have in common?

- head with gill arches - a small brain that begins development as 3 swellings - limb buds

The LCA of chimps and humans was most likely more anatomiclaly similar to chimps or gorillas a than to humans.

- insects such as termites and grubs - plant parts such as tubers, bulbs and roots - scavenged meat - plant parts such as leaves, stems and seeds - plant parts such as fruit

Match what happens when you remove the ZPA at certain times during embryonic development (note at the time of the experiment, it wasn't called the ZPA yet):

- only the upper arm or a piece of the upper arm forms remove it slightly later in development - only the upper arm and forearm develop - almost a complete arm forms but the fingers are short and deformed

Which nerve(s) send tiny branches to muscles inside our ears?

- trigeminal - facial

modern humans evolved from archaic humans in Africa at least 200,000 years ago

scientific explanation

The United Nations works to vaccinate children in developing nations through:

the World Health Organization.

Doctor's aren't using Tal's device because of perceived "patient protection", but even after 7.5 years there's no evidence that this device/procedure is unsafe.


Meat had become an important part of the habiline diet (unlike the australopithecines).


Well balanced farming produces less negative effects on crops and the food outcome is better.


Australopiths in general most likely ate ....

tubers, seeds, plant stems

The prostate-specific antigen can be diagnosed by:

tumor-enzyme test.

Which 3 things have increased our lifespan the most?

vaccines, clean water, sanitation

The larynx is also called the voice box because of the presence of the ___________________.

vocal cords

Based on fossil evidence, the first type of hair to form on reptiles was [x].


What is the purpose of the connective tissues associated with muscle?

-They keep the muscle from tearing apart -They hold the functional parts of the muscle together so its acts as a whole unit -They converge to form the tendon which attaches the muscle to bone

Is it true that cigarettes are addictive?


How do we sense the world around us?

-We see with our eyes - We hear with out ears -We taste with our tongue

Modern environments most likely contribute to which of the following?

-cavities (dental caries) -mental illness such as depression -being physically unfit -chronic constipation

What are some differences that enable us to discern the differences between us and archaic humans (like Neanderthals)?

-we have chins whereas archaic humans do not -we have small faces compared to archaic humans -we have a globular-shaped head whereas archaic humans had a lemon-shaped head when viewed from the side

Just a few weeks after conception, you had which of the following fish-like and/or reptilian-like features?

-yolk sac - tail -amnion

If you wanted to hunt for transitional fish fossils, what are the 2 main criteria?

-you would need to look in places of the world with rocks of the right type for fossils to have formed -you would need to look in places of the world that had rocks of the right age

Which of the following is/are correct?

. - The 13 species of very different finches that Darwin observed on the Galapogos were unique to each island, as were the tortoises - and the burning question of "why?" is what brought Darwin to the only sensible conclusion - and that was that species could change. This was a tremendous insight in that day. - While Darwin was on the Galapagos, he thought the birds he collected had been radically different species - finches, grosbeaks, wrens, blackbirds, etc., but when he got back to Britain, he learned that all of these birds were actually different species of finches, which totally threw him for a loop, but really made him think deeply about why this would be. - In Darwin's time, it was believed that all species had been created by God perfectly for the environment in which they lived, and that species did not change. - When Darwin found the giant fossils of extinct armadillos and sloths, he saw how similar they were to the living, smaller armadillos and sloths and he wondered why would God create giant ones that no longer existed and later smaller ones that did - this just did not make sense to him - there must be another answer.

During the 2009 pandemic of H1N1 in Argentina, there were 251 children hospitalized in 6 of the hospitals being studied for the epidemic. The next year, after a vaccination campaign targeting the area around these 6 hospitals, how many children were hospitalized?


[1] explores the interplay between [2] and design.

1 - Bionics 2 - Biology

The [1] mimics the actions of the front-end circuitry by taking [2] in and converting them into the [3]'s code. The [4] then makes the output cells send the code to the [5], and the result is a retinal [6] that can produce normal retinal output.

1 - Encoder 2 - images 3 - retina's 4 - transducer 5 - brain 6 - prosthetic

Scientists used [1] to find a gene in [2] that tells us about [3] birth defects.

1 - Fruit flies 2 - Chickens 3 - human

Flaws in our bodies, like men being susceptible to [x], reminds us that we're just a [xx].

1 - Hernias 2 - Jerry-rigged Fish

The light capturing [x] are located in the [xx].

1 - Photoreceptors 2 - retina

Farmers farm the [x] not the [xx].

1 - Soil 2 - plant

Hugh views [1] as "broken" not [x].

1 - Technology 2 - His body

The indirect protection that the [x] people within a community receive simply by being surrounded by [xx] people, is called [xxx] immunity.

1 - Unvaccinated 2 - Vaccinated 3 - herd

The [x] nerve that carries impulses to the throat, voice box, and abdominal organs is the [xx] nerve.

1 - cranial 2 - vagus

In the United States people spend less on [x] and more on [xx] per capita

1 - food 2 - medicine

Most reptiles have [1] that all look [2].

1 - sharp peg-like teeth 2- very similar

Blood flowing from the left side of the heart to the body is called [x] circulation, and within this main circuit, [xx] circulation specifically supplies blood to the heart.

1 - systemic 2 - coronary

The [x] is [xx].

1 . Brain 2. a small patch of tissue that directs other cells to form entire body plans.

According to the film, approximately [x] of healthy dirt (potential farming land) disappears each year.

1 million acres

The hormone [x] makes vocal cords [xx] in boys during puberty.

1- testosterone 2- thicker

Mammals have [1] bones in the middle ear, whereas reptiles have [2].

1- three 2 - one

What is the sequence of events for turning a gene off or on?

1. Body plan genes throw switches. 2. Switches turn on/off specific genes that do "stuff". 3. Genes that do "stuff" (like control beak development in birds) are turned on/off by switches.

What is the normal signal pathway from seeing someone and your emotional reaction?

1. Eyes 2. Visual areas of brain 3. Fusiform gyrus 4. amygdala 5. autonomic nervous system

List the story of the human body transformations in chronological order:

1. The ape lineage and the lineage leading to humans diverged, bipedalism evolved in the human lineage. 2. Adaptations to forage for and eat a wide range of foods other than mostly fruit evolved in the australopiths. 3. The first hunter-gatherers with nearly modern bodies and slightly bigger brains than their ancestors evolved about 2 million years ago. 4.Larger brains and larger, more slow-growing bodies evolved in archaic human hunter-gatherers. 5Language, culture and cooperation arose which allowed humans to disperse rapidly across the globe.

How far can 75 year old Tarahumara men run at one time? [x]

100-150 Miles

According to the film, how many new food products are introduced each year? (input a whole number only, no commas or decimals)


It takes embryonic limb buds approximately [x] to form a little paddle shape.

2 Weeks

Chimps consume how much more energy as humans when walking, whether they are walking on 2 or 4 limbs?

4 times as much

Approximately how many people died during the 1918 flu pandemic?


Injecting the skate embryo with vitamin caused [x] of the skate fin to develop.

A mirror image

Which of the following is a function of the lymphatic system?

Absorbing fats from intestine

TB is transmitted between people by [x].

Airborne droplets

What is the name of the blood vessels that take blood away from the heart?


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