Physical Exams module test

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During a far vision test, how far should the patient stand from the Snellen chart?

10 feet 20 feet<--- Arms-length Whatever is comfortable for the patient

What is the normal range for fetal heart rate?

30 to 60 BPM 60 to 100 BPM 100 to 200 BPM 120 to 160 BPM<---

When being tested for far vision on a Snellen chart, Julia can read to line 50 with both eyes while standing 20 feet from the chart. What is Julia's far vision for both eyes?

50/20 20/20 20/50<-- 50/50

What is the purpose of running a laryngeal mirror under warm water before an examination of the throat?

A cold mirror is harmful to the patient. A cold mirror will startle the patient. A cold mirror will fog up in the patient's mouth.<--- A cold mirror is not reflective.

Which of the following is true about a near vision test with a Jaeger chart?

A patient should examine the chart with peripheral vision only. A patients should hold the chart about 14 inches from the eyes.<-- A patient should look at the chart through an ophthalmoscope. A patient should stand about 20 feet from the chart.

Which of the following must be done by the medical assistant when preparing an exam room for a CPE?

All of the above

Which of the following must be done by the medical assistant when preparing a patient for a CPE?

Assess oxygen saturation level Determine the cause of the patient's chief complaint Take vital signs and measurements<--- Create a treatment plan for improving health All of the above

What is the term used to describe defects in far vision?

Astigmatism Ishihara Hyperopia Myopia<--

At what point during gestation can the baby's heartbeat first be heard?

At conception Around the 5th week of gestation Around the 10th week of gestation<--- Around the 20th week of gestation At birth

When is a pregnancy usually confirmed?

At the initial prenatal visit<--- After a missed period After a home pregnancy test At the 30th week of gestation

When are a pregnant patient's baseline vital signs recorded?

At the patient's second prenatal check-up At the patient's most recent complete physical exam At the laboratory, following a prenatal exam At the initial prenatal exam<---

Which tool would be most appropriate for testing a patient's ability to hear different sound frequencies?

Audiometer<--- Tuning fork Wrist watch Tympanometer

Which examination technique involves listening to internal body sounds with a stethoscope?


Which of the following is true about pediatric exams?

Because of rapid growth and development, most pediatrics receive more physical exams than adults.

Which of the following elements are most commonly included in a GYN exam?

Breast exam and abdominal exam Rectal exam and blood test Breast exam, pelvic exam, and cervical cancer screening<--- Cervical cancer screening and immunization shots

Which of the following is NOT true about a complete physical exam (CPE)?

CPEs must be performed in a specific order.

Which of the following is NOT true about a complete physical exam (CPE)?

CPEs must be performed in a specific order.<--- CPEs may include blood tests, x-rays, or ECGs. CPEs may help a physician make a diagnosis or treatment plan. CPEs provide a physician with a picture of a patient's health.

Which of the following is considered a high-risk condition for pregnancy?

Cardiac or kidney problems Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism Previous Cesarean section Sexually transmitted disease All of the above<---

Which of the following must be done by the medical assistant when preparing an exam room for a CPE?

Cover the exam table with fresh paper Lay out a clean gown Make sure the temperature and lighting are appropriate Prepare all necessary equipment and supplies All of the above<---

Which of the following describes an appropriate way for a medical assistant to interact with a 4-year-old patient?

Do not explain the examination so that the child will not be scared. Do not speak to the child; keep quiet so the child will be calm. Speak loudly and sternly to the child so that he will behave. Explain the steps of the procedure using age-appropriate language.<---

Which of the following is not a way in which the medical assistant will assist the physician during a GYN exam?

Document the exam in the patient's chart Position and drape the patient Prepare the Pap test for the laboratory Perform the breast examination<---

Which of the following is true about documenting complete physical exams?

Documentation should include a synopsis of the physical.

Which of the following is true about documenting complete physical exams?

Documentation typically includes only vital sign data and measurements. Documentation should only be recorded by the physician. Documentation should include a synopsis of the physical.<-- Documentation is not required for CPEs unless an abnormality is found.

What is the name of the position in which a patient lays face-up with knees bent and feet flat on the table?

Dorsal recumbent

During a CPE, in what position is the patient typically placed during the examination of the head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat?

Dorsal recumbent position Supine position Prone position Sitting position<---

Why is appropriate draping so important during physical exams?

Draping helps to preserve a patient's dignity.

What is used in ultrasonography to create an image of the baby in the mother's uterus?

Endoscope X-rays Sound waves<--- Light rays

Which of the following is most likely to occur while a patient is in the sitting position?

Evaluating the patient's reflexes

Which of the following describes an appropriate way for a medical assistant to interact with a 4-year-old patient?

Explain the steps of the procedure using age-appropriate language.

In which direction does the patient lay while in the supine position?


Which pulse points should be checked in infants and small children?

Femoral or brachial

Which pulse points should be checked in infants and small children?

Femoral or brachial<--- Jugular or radial Radial or brachial Femoral or radial

Why is it important for the medical assistant to remain in the room with the physician and patient during a physical exam?

For legal protection

In which position is the head of the bed elevated?


Which of the following is true about documenting a GYN exam in a patient's chart?

GYN exams are not documented in a patient's chart unless an abnormality is found. A complete health history should be taken at each GYN exam. Health history notes should include items that are relevant to GYN concerns.<--- Health history notes are not required when documenting GYN exams.

What might the presence of protein in a pregnant patient's urine may indicate?

Gestational diabetes Ectopic pregnancy Preeclampsia<-- Cervical cancer

Which of the following conditions may be detected through urinalysis of a pregnant woman?

Hypertension Preeclampsia Urinary tract infection Diabetes All of the above<---

At what age should blood pressure start being assessed in a pediatric patient?

Immediately after birth Starting at 6 months Starting at 2 years<-- Starting at 5 years

Which of the following may result in nerve hearing loss?

Impacted cerumen or swelling Scarring on the tympanic membrane Prolonged exposure to loud noise<--- All of the above

Which of the following is true about pediatric exams?

In most cases, adults have a wider variety of health issues, so they generally receive more physical exams than pediatrics. Because of rapid growth and development, most pediatrics receive more physical exams than adults.<-- Pediatrics tend to be frail and sickly and therefore require more frequent physical exams than adults. Pediatrics and adults generally receive the same number of physical exams.

Where should a tongue depressor be placed after it is used?

In the trash can With the items to be sterilized In the tongue depressor storage container In a biohazard waste container<---

Which of the following tasks may be required of a medical assistant during a Pap test?

Insert the vaginal speculum Gather a specimen with an Ayer blade or cervical brush Prepare the specimen with a direct smear or liquid-based method<--- All of the above

Which item would be used to test a patient's far vision?

Ishihara plates Jaeger chart Tympanometer Snellen chart<--

Which of the following is true of color vision testing?

It is a test that is only performed in specialty offices. It is a standard test for all complete physical exams. It is not recommended for adults. It is a common test for people who must distinguish colors for their jobs.<---

Which of the following is true of conduction hearing loss?

It often results in the need for a hearing aid. It occurs when sound waves are blocked from the middle ear.<-- It is usually caused by heredity or aging. All of the above

When using the ThinPrep® Pap method, what should be done with the cervical brush after the specimen is collected?

It should be disposed in the trash. It should be placed in a culturette tube. It should be smeared onto a slide. It should be stirred into a bottle of preservative<---

Which of the following is true of a breast self-examination?

It should be performed every day. It should be performed in three parts.<-- It is required for post-menopausal woman only. All of the above

Which item would be used to test for color deficiencies?

Jaeger chart Snellen chart Tympanometer Ishihara plates<--

Which two tools would be most helpful when examining the throat?

Laryngeal mirror and tongue depressor

Why should the physician be consulted before placing an elderly patient into the prone position?

Limited range of motion in their necks can make it uncomfortable.

What is the name of the position in which a patient lays face-up with the feet elevated in stirrups?


During a CPE, in what position is the patient typically placed during the examination of the breast, abdomen, and extremities?

Lithotomy position Standing position Sims position Supine position<---

Which information should be gathered from patients prior to a GYN exam?

Method of contraception Regularity and duration of menstrual cycles Date of last menstrual period All of the above<---

Which abbreviation refers to both eyes?


Which abbreviation refers to the left eye?


Typically, how often do prenatal exams occur before the 30th week of gestation?

Once a week Once every 2 weeks One every 3 weeks Once every 4 weeks<---

When should fundal height be measured?

Only at the initial prenatal exam After the 20th week of gestation Only 2-3 weeks before delivery At every prenatal exam<---

Which of the following is true about documenting a prenatal exam?

Only the mother's data should be recorded in the patient's chart. Only the baby's data should be recorded in the patient's chart. Both the mother's and baby's data should be recorded in the patient's chart.<--

Which of the following is a lighted tool used to examine the ears?


Which of the following is true about pediatric vaccinations?

Parents have the right to refuse vaccinations for their children.

Which of the following is true about pediatric vaccinations?

Parents have the right to refuse vaccinations for their children.<--- Children may choose for themselves if they want vaccinations. Vaccinations are required by law for all children. Physicians are required by law to enforce the vaccination schedule.

Which of the following is not a standard part of an initial prenatal exam?

Patient education regarding pregnancy health and nutrition Ultrasound and assessment for fetal heart beat<--- Complete physical exam and medical history Screening for cervical cancer and STDs

Why is the knee-chest position considered risky?

Patients may easily lose their balance in this position.

Which of the following is correct about preparing a patient for an EENT exam?

Patients may need to disrobe for an EENT exam if it is part of a CPE.<-- Patients are always required to disrobe for an EENT exam. Patients may choose whether or not to disrobe for an EENT exam. Patients are never required to disrobe for an EENT exam.

Which of the following tasks may be required of a medical assistant during a breast examination?

Place the patient in the supine position Drape the patient to maintain dignity Educate the patient on breast self-examinations All of the above<---

What piece of equipment is needed for the proctologic position?

Proctologic exam table

Which test would detect if a pregnant patient is anemic?

Rubella Titer CBC, HCT, and Hemoglobin<-- Complete Urinalysis Blood Type and Rh Factor

Why might a renal function test be ordered for a pregnant woman?

She has a history of diabetes and kidney disease.<--- She has a history of miscarriages. She has a diagnosed STD. She has an Rh incompatibility with her baby. All of the above

Which of the following would be most appropriate for an examination of the rectum?


During a CPE, in what position is the patient typically placed during the examination of the head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat?

Sitting position

Why is it important for the medical assistant to remain quiet during the examination of the heart and lungs?

So the patient can relax and avoid increased respirations So the patient will not become annoyed So the medical assistant can prepare the next exam So the physician can listen for abnormal sounds<--

Why is it important for the medical assistant to remain quiet during the examination of the heart and lungs?

So the physician can listen for abnormal sounds

At what age should blood pressure start being assessed in a pediatric patient?

Starting at 2 years

In relation to medical records, what does the acronym SOAP stand for?

Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan

During a CPE, in what position is the patient typically placed during the examination of the breast, abdomen, and extremities?

Supine position

Which test is used to evaluate a pregnant woman's cardiac health?

TB Rh HCT Pap ECG<---

Which of the following must be done by the medical assistant when preparing a patient for a CPE?

Take vital signs and measurements

Which of the following is an example of an objective finding?

The patient has a fever of 99.8 degrees Fahrenheit.

Which of the following is an example of a subjective finding?

The patient says he is constantly fatigued.

Which of the following is true of testing hearing with an audiometer?

The patient should not face the medical assistant during the test. <--- The tones should be played in the left and right ears at the same time. The test should be performed at the discretion of the medical assistant The test should be performed in a noisy environment.

What is assessed during a pelvic exam?

The small and large intestines The rectum The ovaries and uterus<--- The bladder

Which of the following is true about the vital signs that are taken at a routine prenatal exam?

They should replace the baseline vital signs. They should not be recorded. They should be compared to the baseline vital signs.<--- They should be recorded only in the case of abnormalities.

What is the general role of the medical assistant during a CPE?

To assess the patient from head to toe To dictate observations about the patient to the physician To assist the physician in any way that is needed<-- To make sure the physician does not get distracted

What is the general role of the medical assistant during a CPE?

To assist the physician in any way that is needed

What is the primary role of a medical assistant during an EENT exam?

To distract the patient and the physician To wait outside the exam room until the exam is finished To perform the exam with the assistance of the physician To assist the physician in any way that is needed<--

What is the primary purpose of a pediatric growth chart?

To form a graph of all developmental milestones To maintain a record of the child's immunization schedule To determine the adequacy of a child's diet To provide a visual assessment of the child's growth pattern<---

What is the primary purpose of a pediatric growth chart?

To provide a visual assessment of the child's growth pattern

Which of the following steps might be required during a standard eye examination?

Turn off the overhead lights<--- Warm the laryngeal mirror Assist the patient in the prone position Prepare the speculum for the physician

What is the term for a defect in near vision?

Tympanic vision Myopia Hyperopia<--- Jaeger vision

Which tool is needed to perform the Weber test and the Rinne test?

Tympanometer Wrist watch Audiometer Tuning fork<---

Which of the following is used to open the vagina during a gynecological exam?

Vaginal speculum

What is the name of a routine check-up for a pediatric patient?

Well-child visit

What is the name of a routine check-up for a pediatric patient?

Well-child visit<-- Regular-child visit Good-child visit Sick-child visit

Under what circumstances is it appropriate for a medical assistant to remain in the room with a patient when the patient is disrobing and putting on a gown?

When the assistant assumes the patient will need help disrobing When the patient specifically requests help with disrobing<--- When the physician is running behind schedule It is never appropriate.

Under what circumstances is it appropriate for a medical assistant to remain in the room with a patient when the patient is disrobing and putting on a gown?

When the patient specifically requests help with disrobing

The Trendelenburg position increases circulation to the ____.

brain and heart

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