Human Growth and Development (PY22052) - Chapter 25 Discussion Questions

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Why are IADLs considered even more important than ADLs in assessing frailty in an elderly person?

instrumental activities of daily life - actions that are important to independent living and that require some intellectual competence and forethought. The ability to perform these tasks may be even more critical to self- sufficiency than ADL ability

How does Erikson's use of the work integrity differ from its usual meaning?

integrity v. despair - the final stage of Erikson's developmental sequence, in which older adults seek to integrate their unique experiences with their vision of community

Which type of grand parenting seems to benefit both generations the most?

involved grandparenting seems to benefit both generations; involved grandparents are active in the day to day lives of their grandchildre; they live near them and see them daily

What are the problems with being male, according to stratification theory?

men don't receive the same social support women do. It could be biological or social. boys are taught to be stoic, repressing emotions and avoiding medical attention. In this way, both sexes may suffer from gender stratification, the men by dying too soon and the women by being widowed too long

How does hoarding relate to self theory?

most elderly hoarders saved things when they were much younger and want to keep doing so; with time, hoarding takes over all available space: things accumulate because possessions are part of self expression and the elderly resist self destruction

What is the usual relationships between older adults who have been partners for decades?

older partners who have been together often have a very loving and understanding relationship

Why do older people tend to have fewer friends as they age?

older people tend to have fewer friends because some older friends die, and retirement usually means losing contact with most work friends. many older adults consider their spouse and grown children their friends

How does age affect how likely someone is to choose to volunteer?

older retirees may be less likely to volunteer than middle aged adults; less than one third of adults of any age volunteer

Why would a person choose not to retire?

people choose not to retire if they love their jobs; they also choose not to retire if they need to support family or if they think they need the money and can't actually afford to retire

What are the disadvantages of the positivity effect?

positivity can keep them mired in their earlier prejudices - racist, or sexist, or homophobic

What are the problems with being female, according to stratification theory?

problems with being female according to stratification theory include, that gender based fear may limit female independence from infancy to old age. For example, widowed children are more likely to persuade their widowed mother to live with them than their widowed father. Women typically marry men a few years older and then outlive them. In former years, many married women relied on their husbands to manage money and to keep up with politics

How does religion affect the well-being of the aged?

religion affects the well being of the aging by: 1. Religious prohibitions encourage good habits 2. Faith communities promote caring relationships 3. Beliefs give meaning for life and death, thus reducing stress

Why is the inability to perform ADL's indicative of frailty?

activities of daily life - typically identified ad five tasks of self care that are important to independent living: eating, bathing, toileting, dressing, and transferring from a bed to a chair. The inability to perform any of these tasks is a sign of frailty

What does activity theory suggest older adults should do?

activity theory - the view that elderly people want and need to remain active in a variety of social spheres - with relatives, friends, and community groups - and become withdrawn only unwillingly as a result of ageism

How is self theory reflected in older adults' desire to age in place?

adults desire to age in place is represented by an older adults desire to hang on to themselves and their comfort zone, thus they prefer not to move and remain where they live because it helps them feel like they are remaining at that stage in life and that their bodies are no longer aging

What are the advantages and disadvantages of assisted living for the elderly?

advantages - personalized care - community living experience disadvantages - not at home with the family - expensive - opens the elder up to abuse

Who benefits from relationships between older adults and their grown children?

as family shrinks many older parents continue to feel responsible for their grown children. This can strain a long lasting marriage. Emotional support between older adults and their grown children brings additional complexities often increasing when money is less needed. Expectations vary, some children want and others reject emotional support and elders resent exactly the same

What are the benefits and liabilities for elders who want to age in place?

benefits to aging in place - elders are surrounded by long term friends and are familiar with their house and the community. Liabilities - Homes aren't always built to help the elderly and accommodate their needs

What are the advantages of the positivity effect?

Positivity effect - the tendency for elderly people to perceive, prefer, and remember positive images and experiences more than negative ones. Compensation occurs via selective recall: unpleasant experiences are reinterpreted as inconsequential. People select positive emotions, perceptions, and memories.

How can disengagement be a mutual process?

disengagement theory - the view that aging makes a person's social sphere increasingly narrow, resulting in role relinquishment, withdrawal, and passivity. According to this theory, disengagement is a mutual process, chosen by both generations. Thus younger people disengage from the old, who themselves voluntarily disengage from younger adults, withdrawing from life's action.

What are four common reasons why elderly people do not volunteer?

elderly choose not to volunteer because they would rather donate money or support family members or pursue an activity they are passionate about

According to stratification theory, how is old age difficult for members of minority groups?

ethnic stratification also harms people. Past racism may cause weathering Americans increasing allostatic load and shortening healthy life. The fact that health problems result from a lifetime of stratification suggests multiple intervention points at which disparities can be reduced, beginning before birth

What three factors increase the likelihood of elder abuse?

factors that increase the likelihood of elder abuse 1. the caregiver suffers from emotional problems or substance abuse 2. the care receiver is frail, confused, and demanding 3. the care location is isolated, where visitors are few

When is a nursing home a good solution for the problems of the frail elderly?

when a elderly person needs personalized and intense care, a nursing home is a good option

How does retirement affect the health of people who have worked all of their lives?

when retirement is precipitated by poor health or fading competence in correlates with illness and when it leads to disengagement from cognitive challenge is results in mental decline. However , if retirees voluntarily leave their jobs and engage in activities and intellectual challenges they become healthier and happier than they were before

How does the political activism of older and younger adults differ?

yonger adults are more politically active at rallies than the elderly but the elderly are more active in voting polls

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