Human Resource Final Exam True and False

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True or False: The ability of effective HR planning to enhance competitive advantage has not been supported by a body of research. (Chapter 3)


True or False: Most organizations engaged in HR planning do not rely on computer technology. (Chapter 3)


True or False: Training and development programs have little to do with reducing turnover in most organizations. (Chapter 7)


True or False: Under the Americans with disability Act, an employer cannot require an employee to demonstrate that they can perform the essential functions with or without a reasonable accommodation. (Chapter 2)


True or False: Poorly conceived appraisal systems rarely cause morale and turnover problems.

False: Poorly conceived appraisal systems have been found to be a prime cause of morale and turnover problems.

True or False: A general purpose job description is one that contains a variety of information that can be used for several purposes. (Chapter4)


True or False: There is a strong research evidence supporting the validity of personality tests for employee selection. (Chapter 6)

False: The results have been mixed

True or False: An employer may justify its rejection of an older applicant based on the grounds that it costs more to employ such workers. (Chapter 6)


True or False: The objective of compensation practices is to help the organization establish and maintain a competent and loyal workforce at any cost. (Chapter 1)


True or False: The use of a pre-test is never important in the evaluation of the effectiveness of training. (Chapter 7)

False: The use of a pre-test IS important in the evaluation of the effectiveness of training.

True or False: The legal environment has little impact on human resource management decision making. (Chapter 1)

False; The legal environment has an impact on human resource management decision making.

Effective performance appraisal systems have little impact on a manager's ability to motivate subordinates.


True or False: Firms generally fill entry level jobs via recruitment. (Chapter 5)


True or False: Validity is a technical term fir effectiveness. (Chapter 6)


A strength associated with employee comparison systems is the ability to compare the performance of people from different departments fairly.


The objective of periodic performance review sessions should be to identify problems the employee is facing and to discuss solutions to these problems


True or False: A selection process need not be technically sound to be effective. (Chapter 1)


True or False: The more closely an assessment simulates actual job behaviors, the better the prediction. (Chapter 6)


True or False: The protected classification included in protection from discrimination by EEO laws include race, sex, religion, national origin, age, and disability. (Chapter 2)


To be effective, performance appraisal forms must be relevant and the rating standards must be clear.


True or False: Strategic goals should be specific, challenging, and measurable. (Chapter 3)


Performance standards should be specified in broad subjective terms.


An effective performance appraisal system can create competitive advantage by directing employee behavior toward organizational goals


Inaccurate performance ratings are most often attributable to the presence of rater error


MBO allows employees a say in how their performance will be measured.


True or False: Poor people management has been identified as a primary cause of voluntary turnover. (Chapter 3)


True or False: A strategic plan helps an organization identify its overall purpose and objectives and how they are to be achieved. (Chapter 3)


True or False: Unlike core workers, the number of contingency worker's can not easily be increased or decreased. (Chapter 5)

False: Unlike core workers, the number of contingency worker's CAN easily be increased or decreased.

True or False: Contingency employees generally do not need a considerable amount of orientation and training time. (Chapter 5)

False: Contingency employees generally DO need a considerable amount of orientation and training time.

True or False: According to step one of recruitment planning, it usually takes two to three weeks to notify and screen applicants. (Chapter 5)

False: It takes 6 to 8 weeks for a decision and an additional week for and offer.

Specific and challenging goals produce the best results.


True or False: All new employees, even those with appropriate technical skills, need some sort of orientation. (Chapter 7)


True or False: Employee referrals may serve as a barrier to EEO goals. (Chapter 5)


True or False: In recent years, when an organization's strategic plan calls for restructuring, the usual HRM response is downsizing. (Chapter 3)


True or False: In smaller companies, line managers assume a larger role in effective human resource management practices. (Chapter 1)


True or False: Sound selection practices can reduce an organization's exposure to discrimination litigation. (Chapter 6)


True or False: Student evaluations provided at the end of college courses are an example of a system designed to measure trainee reaction to the training. (Chapter 7)


True or False: The determination of which job functions are essential is made during a job analysis. (Chapter4)


True or False: Job analysis will generally only conduct interveiws with job incumbents. (Chapter4)


True or False: Training focuses on current jobs, whereas development prepares employees for future jobs. (Chapter 7)


True or False: A company's success at attracting members of under utilized groups is heavily dependent on the matter in which they treat these candidates during the recruitment. (Chapter 5)


True or False: Advising and assisting line managers on human resource management matter is often considered the most important role played by HR professionals. (Chapter 1)


True or False: All of the following events strongly influesnce HRM practices. - An increased emphasis on quality and teamwork - Rapid advances in technology - The occurrence of mergers and takeovers (Chapter 1)


True or False: An employer's obligation to inquire into someone's fitness varies, depending on the nature of the job in question. (Chapter 6)


True or False: A knowledge deficiency occurs when an employee fails to perform well despite knowing how to do the job. (Chapter 7)

False: A knowledge deficiency occurs when an employee does not know what to do or when to do it.

True or False: In using a criterion-related strategy to asses and document the validity of selection practices, a firm attempts to demonstrate that other companies have already demonstrated the validity of the selection instruments for similar jobs. (Chapter 6)

False: In using a VALIDITY GENERALIZATION STRATEGY to asses and document the validity of selection practices, a firm attempts to demonstrate that other companies have already demonstrated the validity of the selection instruments for similar jobs.

True or False: Performance analysis is not an effective way to asses the remedial training needs of current employees. (Chapter 7)

False: Performance analysis IS an effective way to asses the remedial training needs of current employees.

True or False: EEO initiatives are "color conscious" whereas affirmative action incentives are "color blind." (Chapter 2)

False: affirmative action incentives are "color conscious" whereas EEO initiatives are "color blind."

True or False: Over learning is especially appropriate when trainees are learning skills that will be used frequently on the job. (Chapter 7)

False: continuation of practice beyond the amount needed to achieve a certain performance criterion;

True or False: The use of a realistic job preview in the interview process usually reduce job retention rates. (Chapter 5)

False; The use of a realistic job preview in the interview process usually reduce job TURNOVER rates.

True or False: An invisible barrier that exists in many organizations that has hindered the advancement of women and minorities is called the glass ceiling. (Chapter 2)


True or False: An organization's competitive advantage achieved through human resource management practices is likely to be more sustainable than one achieved by other means. (Chapter 1)


True or False: An organization's exposure to discrimination litigation is increased if the performance appraisal system generates feelings of unfairness. (Chapter 8)


True or False: HR planning is the thread that ties together all other human resource activities and integrates these with the rest of the organization. (Chapter 3)


True or False: Line manager's performance evaluation of their employees play a critical role in assessing the criterion-related validity of selection procedures. (Chapter 6)


True or False: Product differentiation will create a competitive advantage if the firms consumers are willing to pay enough to cover extra production costs. (Chapter 1)


Most organizations are very satisfied with the effectiveness of their performance appraisal systems.

False : cited in the text found that from 65 to 90 percent of companies and/or HR professionals are dissatisfied with their performance appraisal systems.

True or False: Public employment agencies are generally not a quick and efficient way to fill jobs. (Chapter 5)

False: Public employment agencies ARE generally a quick and efficient way to fill jobs.

True or False:Because the future is difficult to predict, organization's strategic plan calls for restructuring, the usual HRM response is downsizing. (Chapter 3)


True or False: Line managers rarely interact with job applicants. (Chapter 5)


True or False: The occurrence of employee-centered outcomes can increase the likelihood of human resource management-related lawsuits. (Chapter 1)


True or False: The sheer amount of information collected during the job analysis can be huge , and it is unusually necessary to gather all possible data. (Chapter4)


True or False: In order to ensure a sufficient number of qualified candidates, it is not necessary for job notification efforts to capture candidates' attention. (Chapter 5)

False: In order to ensure a sufficient number of qualified candidates, it IS necessary for job notification efforts to capture candidates' attention.

True or False : Expatriates exert pressure on organizations to ensure the health and safety of their employees. (Chapter 1)

False: Labor Unions, Politicians, and Federal and government organizations exert pressure on organizations to ensure the health and safety of their employees NOT expatriates.

True or False: Computerized career programming systems make it easier to assess a candidate's interpersonal skills, judgement, and integrity. (Chapter 5)


True or False: Conducting and adequate job analysis recently became more important with the passage of the Equal Pay Act. (Chapter4)


True or False: Help-wanted advertisements inhibit an employer's ability to reach a large audience in a relatively short period of time. (Chapter 5)


True or False: Practice is not essential to effective learning. (Chapter 7)


True or False: Severance allowances are incurred expenses during recruitment. (Chapter 5)


True or False: The Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988 bans most public sector employers from using polygraph tests in the selection of candidates. (Chapter 6)

False: The Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988 bans most private sector employers from using polygraph tests in the selection of candidates.

True or False: A utilization analysis is a statistical procedure that compares the percentage of each protected group for each job category within the organization to that of the available labor market. (Chapter 2)


True or False: Line managers are in the best position to identify their employees' training needs. (Chapter 7)


True or False: Ensuring fairness is the key to implementing a successful internal recruiting system. (Chapter 5)


True or False: Current employees generally do not make good recruiters. (Chapter 5)

False: Current employees generally DO make good recruiters.

True or False: EEO legislation affords protection to all protected groups within a protected classification not just the minority group. (Chapter 2)


True or False: Firms in service related industries typically spend about 70 percent of their budgets on payroll costs. (Chapter 1)


True or False: In organizations where supervisors play favorites, the employees are more likely to initiate human resource management-related lawsuits. (Chapter 1)


True or False: In trend analysis, the future demand for human resources is projected on the basis of past business trends regarding a business factor. (Chapter 3)


True or False: Most organizations provide training before a candidate has been selected for promotion into management. (Chapter 7)

False: Most organizations provide do not do training before a candidate has been selected for promotion into management.

If the points on a graphic rating scale are not clearly defined, accurate ratings are not likely to be achieved


True or False: Productivity improvement programs are designed to tie job behaviors to rewards. (Chapter 1)


True or False: Then the actual attributes of the job in question are neither clearly positive not negative, a candidate's perception of job attractiveness is heavily influenced by the nature of the information given by the firm, how it is given, and how well the applicant was treated. (Chapter 5)


True or False: To gain the attention of trainees, it is important for the trainers to demonstrate how the content of the program relates to their jobs and how their attendance will benefit them. (Chapter 7)


True or False: When applicants are told about the unpleasant aspects of the job, they are able to make a more informed choice about whether or not to accept the job offer. (Chapter 5)


True or False: Human resource plans do not require continual input from all functional area managers. (Chapter 3)


True or False: In most companies, the primary responsibility for planing and conducting a job analysis is placed in the hands of line managers. (Chapter4)


True or False: A key difference between general job description and the special purpose format job description lies in the amount of detail the include. (Chapter4)


True or False: Observation is the most frequently utilized method to gather job analysis information. (Chapter4)


True or False: Statistical forecasting methods assume that the relationship between workforce size and business factors change over time. (Chapter 3)


True or False: The Age Discrimination in Employment Act also includes protection for worker under 40 years of age. (Chapter 2)


True or False: The development of human resource management procedures and methods usually does not require input from line managers. (Chapter 1)


True or False: The format for recording job analysis data in a job description must be general in nature. (Chapter4)


True or False: The only alternative foe HR when confronted with an undersupply of employees is to hire additional workers. (Chapter 3)


True or False: Top managers generally appreciate the importance of job analysis in achieving competitive advantage. (Chapter4)


True or False: Younger managers generally do not feel uncomfortable directing work of people who are old enough to be their parents and grandparents. (Chapter 2)


True or False: A Firm pursuing a product differentiation strategy is attempting to promote the same service or products as competitors, but produce it at a lower cost. (Chapter 1)

False ; COST LEADERSHIP strategy is attempting to promote the same service or products as competitors, but produce it at a lower cost while product differentiation promote product with differences in quality,service,feature,product and etc

True or False: Predictive validity studies are more commonly used because they can be conducted more quickly. (Chapter 6)

False: CONCURRENT validity studies are more commonly used because they can be conducted more quickly.

True or False: Management development is not generally important for new managers. (Chapter 7)

False: Management development IS generally important for new managers.

True or False: Managers should rely on job evaluation information when specifying job qualifications. (Chapter 6)

False: Managers should rely on job ANALYSIS information when specifying job qualifications.

True or False:The reliability of a selection interview will generally not be affected by an interviewer's behavior. (Chapter 6)

False: The reliability of a selection interview will generally not be affected by an interviewer's behavior.

True or False: Before rejecting candidates or disciplining employees because their religious views or practices would interfere with management aims, a manager must first consider whether a reasonable accommodation can be made. (Chapter 6)


True or False: Companies often cut human resource management costs without considering the impact of their mover on profits. (Chapter 1)


True or False: Critical incidents are specific activities that distinguish effective from ineffective job performance. (Chapter4)


True or False: Employee referrals generally do a better job of enticing the most qualified applicants to apply compared to help-wanted advertisements. (Chapter 5)


True or False: Employees who are committed to their organization tend to be very loyal toward it. (Chapter 1)


True or False: Job analysis can help companies : Identify sources of potential job hazards, Develop performance standards, and Communicate expectations to employees. (Chapter4)


True or False: Job analysis generally conduct interviews with job incumbents and their supervisors. (Chapter4)


True or False: Job instruction training (JIT) is effective for teaching trainees hoe to perform relatively simple tasks that can be performed in a step- by-step manner. (Chapter 7)


True or False: Managers most commonly use job analysis to help them develop selection criteria. (Chapter4)


True or False: Research by Shari Caudron has shown that investment in human resources can help a firm develop a competitive advantage. (Chapter 1)


True or False: When hearing a discrimination case, courts first require that the plaintiff present evidence which makes the employer's action appear to be discriminatory. (Chapter 2)


True or False: job rotation exposes candidates to various organizational settings by rotating them through a number of departments. (Chapter 7)


True or False: Affirmative action programs must be designed to correct for past employer discrimination or, in some cases, correct for past disparate impact. (Chapter 2)

True (Affirmative action or positive discrimination[1] (known as employment equity in Canada, and positive action in the UK)

True or False: Recruitment is a process used by an organization to locate and attract job applicants to fill positions. (Chapter 5)


True or False: Understanding an organization can cause a decrease in customer goodwill, an increase in competition, and a loos of a market share. (Chapter 3)


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