Human Resources MGMT Test 3

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To unlock omnidirectional growth, focus on learning

"At every career crossroads, I ask myself the same two high-level questions: 'What am I excited to learn next? What's the next level of learning I want to reach?'"

Programmed Instruction

Involves the delivery of training through instruction that is delivered by a program via some electronic device without the presence of an instructor (think: language training)


Involves the dissemination of training material by a trainer to a group of trainees, by means of verbal instruction


Involves the live presentation of skill(s) to an audience of trainees


Involves the use of a simulator where specific skills are developed through repeated practice with a multisensory experience of imitated conditions. A special form of simulation training is Virtual Reality Training which entails total sensory immersion

Job Rotation

Involves training for a job by working in the job for a limited duration, while still maintaining the original job

Onboarding approaches range from

formal, structured programs to a hands-off policy, where employees are left to figure out cultural norms, organization dynamics and performance expectations on their own.

One of the most discussed and divisive pay equity issues is the __________________, or the difference between what men and women performing comparable work are paid

gender pay gap Fifty-six years after passage of the Equal Pay Act, women still earn approximately 80% of what a male peer makes. The National Women's Law Center calculates that this gap costs women who work full-time $10,169 annually; over the course of a 40-year career, that translates to $403,440 lost due to the pay gap

Employee development focuses on:

teaching employees new job functions

A final example is commercial maritime software provider Veson Nautical, who uses online tools to facilitate the assimilation process. The company's "FastStart" program uses an online tool that allows managers and new employees to rank or score relevant job-related skills and guides the manager and employee through a discussion of differences. As Sarah Taffee, the company's director of human resources and organization effectiveness explains:

"The actual score doesn't matter. It's purely a way of getting up to speed quickly and building the relationship quickly."

As described in Foundations of Human Resource Management,

"employee training is a learning experience that teaches new skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviors necessary for successful job completion." That is, the objective of training is to develop or enhance the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) relative to an employee's current position. For example, a person may be trained on departmental processes or how to use task- or department-specific applications or equipment.

As Deloitte vice chairman and author Cathy Benko phrases it, each of us is the CEO of our own careers. What that means is that each of us is responsible for

"ensuring the relevance of our skills and the continued cultivation of our careers."

Another company profiled is custom t-shirt company CustomInk, who uses the onboarding process to both demonstrate and reinforce culture. On arrival, new employees are given a blank journal to record their onboarding experiences, observations and any questions. They are also asked to record instances that illustrate Customlink's values in action. After 30 days, the new employees gather to share their findings. As Phelps notes:

"making new hires accountable for noticing how their colleagues and managers live those values every day helps bring those behavior to life."

Barbara Frankel picks up on the next steps point, stating that

"pay equity is about more than just leveling salaries . . . [it] means creating equal opportunities for high-paying positions, evaluating areas of bias that may prohibit hiring and promotions, and factoring in work accommodations that could slow pay progress, such as flexible work arrangements and time off for family leave

Drilling down into US census data, the statistics are even more stark. Here's the amount women earn, by race, for every dollar their white male counterpart earns:

- Asian women: 85 cents - White women: 77 cents - Black women: 61 cents - Pacific Islander women: 62 cents - Native American women: 58 cents - Hispanic women: 53 cents

In an SHRM article titled "Don't Underestimate the Importance of Good Onboarding," author and career counselor Arlene Hirsch cited the following statistics:

- Organizations with a standard onboarding process experienced 50% greater new-hire productivity - New employees who went through a structured onboarding program were 58% more likely to be with the organization after three years - New employees who experienced a great onboarding process were 69% more likely to stay with a company for three years

Types of legally required benefits

- Social Security. Established in 1935 by the Social Security Act, social security is a social insurance program that provides retirement, disability and survivors' benefits for workers, who contribute to the system by paying Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) taxes withheld from most paychecks. - Medicare. Medicare is the U.S federal health insurance program for people who are 65 or older, among others. - Unemployment Insurance. Unemployment Insurance is a joint state-federal program that provides cash benefits to eligible workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own. All states follow the guidelines established by federal law, but each state sets its own additional requirements for eligibility, benefit amounts, and length of time benefits can be paid. In general, benefits are based on a percentage of your earnings over a recent 52-week period.[2] - Workers Compensation Insurance. Workers' compensation insurance is insurance that covers medical expenses and a portion of lost wages for employees who become injured or ill on the job.[3] Each state has its own unique set of workers' compensation laws that employers must follow. Workers compensation insurance is paid by employers; premiums are calculated back on employee classification (type of work) and the rate associated with that classification. *A budgeting rule of thumb is to estimate that employee benefits will cost 30% of an employee's salary. Although that's clearly a significant cost, benefits can also be a critical differentiator in a competitive labor market. Employer research and salary site Glassdoor reports that 57% of job seekers consider benefits among their top criteria in evaluating a new job*

What are some effective onboarding practices

- Training and roundtable discussions -Meetings with key insiders - On-the-job learning supported by line management - Individual mentoring and HR support- - Field and product experiences such as site visits and shadowing programs.

For perspective on best practices, consider L'Oreal: The global beauty company's onboarding process consists of a two-year, six-part integration program called "L'Oreal Fit." The stated aim: "to develop successful, committed and mutually beneficial relationships with each of our employees." The L'Oreal Fit program includes:

- Training and roundtable discussions -Meetings with key insiders - On-the-job learning supported by line management - Individual mentoring and HR support - Field and product experiences such as site visits and shadowing programs.

Although intrinsic motivation is personal, its characteristics are universal and include:

1. Autonomy: the person has control over how they activity is accomplished 2. Mastery: there is an element of progress and increasing competence or growth 3. Relatedness: there is a sense of community with others who are engaged in the activity 4. Purpose: the activity is perceived as meaningful A manager can't prompt intrinsic motivation or provide an intrinsic reward, since the motivation flows from the employee's interest in and value for a particular type of work. A manager does, however, have control of situational factors. Management consulting firm Hay Group (acquired by Korn Ferry) reports business results can vary by up to 30% based on differences in the work climate created by a manager.

Developing a Pay Structure

1. Conduct a job analysis. As discussed in Module 5: Workforce Planning, a job analysis involves identifying the essential tasks and responsibilities of a job, including knowledge skills and abilities. 2. Conduct a job evaluation. Determine the relevance and value of the job to the organization. This involves comparing or evaluating roles based on criteria such as the required education and experience, skills, effort, level of responsibility or authority and potential revenue impact. In order to avoid introducing bias, the role should be evaluated based on the job criteria, not a specific employee in that role. 3.Determine the basis for your pay structure. Use one o r both of the following methods to do so: - Market Pricing (or benchmarking). Setting a salary range based on market data. Note that job titles and descriptions aren't necessarily consistent across companies and industries. When conducting research, consider job details or descriptions to select appropriate salary benchmarks. - Pay grades. Establishing salary ranges for job groups. Pay grades are salary ranges established for groups of jobs with a similar value to the organization. For example, multiple sales roles may be included in the same grade if they require the same education, experience, skills and responsibility. In practice, then, the salaries of every sales person in the same grade would fall between the minimum and maximum of the range. It's common to use benchmarking to establish pay grades and then fine-tune from there. Websites such as Glassdoor, and PayScale provide minimum, midpoint, and maximum salaries that can form the basis for a pay range. Additional sources of market salary data include the following:

The training needs assessment process can be broken down into the following 6 steps:

1. Establish clear expectations. In order to accurately evaluate performance—and, therefore, accurately identify any training needs—job expectations must be clearly established and understood. Given this, job descriptions should be reviewed periodically to ensure performance requirements are current and include the desired/required performance. 2. Measure performance. Measuring performance not only establishes an objective point of reference, it creates an opportunity to discuss the instances of unsatisfactory performance and identify and document any issues and associated training or other actions. what training or other action is warranted. Identification of training needs and an associated training plan should also be incorporated in periodic reviews. 3. Solicit input on training needs. The individuals who are doing the work have a particularly relevant perspective on training needs are perhaps the best source of information on short-term training needs. Surveying employees individually or conducting focus groups are a couple of ways of obtaining input. In order to get a complete picture, managers should also be asked for input on individual and team training requirements. Use of 360 degree reviews, where employees—including management—are reviewed by their staff, peers and their manager—may also highlight training gaps. Soliciting input also encourages conversations about and progress on training and development broadly—an expectation of both employers and employees. 4. Support career development. Ask employees to rate their satisfaction with training and development opportunities and how existing policies and programs might be improved. Provide resources and support to help employees create self-directed development plans, in addition to the plans incorporated in their reviews. Identifying career interests and goals is valuable input into the overall organizational development plan. 5. Conduct an organizational resource analysis. Conduct an overall analysis of human resources roles and requirements relative to the organization's strategies and objectives to identify broad (for example, industry-specific) and position or job category-specific (including reskilling/upskilling) training needs and any resource requirements or redundancies. It may also be useful to convene a round-table group(s) to discuss the results of the organizational analysis, validate training needs and identify any additional issues or opportunities. 6. Establish a coaching and mentoring program. As discussed in the onboarding section, coaching and mentoring is an organizational best practice that is associated with high-performance. Mentors can support employee personal and career development and be another point of perspective on training gaps.

In an article titled "Is Your Benefits Package Ready for the Future?" HR Morning writer Rachel Mucha cites research from Aon's Benefits and Trends Survey 2019 that found 37% of employers are changing or plan to change their benefits package in 2020 to better accommodate a multi-generational workplace. Mucha identifies the following 3 trends:

1. Millennials are disrupting the benefits game—health savings account (HSA), student debt repayment family benefits and flexible schedules all rate high with millennials. 2. Employers get innovative to rein in high healthcare costs—Employers are providing a range of wellness benefits, disease management programs and health screenings to combat chronic conditions and keep employees healthy. 3. Voluntary benefits are driving retention—According to SHRM's The Evolution of Benefits report, 72% of organizations increased their benefits offerings to retain employees in the last 12 months.

AI will have three powerful impacts on learning and development:

1. Personalizing the learning experience—AI allows organizations to leverage employee data for insights and develop customized learning experiences. These insights and user data can also be used to develop predictive capabilities and create content that "adaptive, intuitive, and responsive to a learner's personal journey." 2. Virtual mentoring—Intelligent mentors utilize AI techniques to evaluate and track learner progress, estimating subject matter understanding and retooling the program as necessary. These systems can offer feedback and guidance to support learning and recommend targeted training to continue the learning process. In addition, virtual tutors can be used in conjunction with face-to-face mentoring, allowing for greater personal and strategic impact at a lower cost. 3. Advanced analytics—Providing human resource management with insights into learner progress, retention and related metrics, and allowing for effective evaluation, identification or any gaps and redesign is/as needed.

Gallup found that when employees are evaluating opportunities outside their current organization, they consider the following five factors most important:

1. the ability to do what they do best 2. greater work-life balance and better personal well-being 3. greater stability and job security 4. a significant increase in income 5. the opportunity to work for a company with a great brand or reputation

Is there a reason for the pay gap?

1.Educational attainment (read: women are paid less because they have less education) - More women than men have earned bachelor's and masters (since the 1980s) and doctoral degrees (for the last 10 years) 2.Occupational segregation (read: women are paid less because they choose low-paying fields) - While women are more likely to work in lower-paying professions such as education and health care, the pay gap is also evident in these fields. 3.Work experience (read: women are paid less because they take time off to have children) - Women do experience a baby penalty, but the gap is also experienced straight out of college, where women with a similar GPA and working in the same field earns 93% of what their male peers earn.

Less than ___% of organizations have a formal onboarding process


Rewards are categorized as either intrinsic or extrinsic. Which of the following accurately illustrates the distinction?

A sense of accomplishment is an intrinsic reward; receiving a bonus for your achievement in an extrinsic reward

The decision has been made to continue to fund an onboarding process and the discussion now turns to what method of onboarding to use. Based on your research, you recommend:

A structured program that incorporates mentoring

In a national survey,____________ of employees rated direct financial compensation as "very important" or "extremely important" to motivation. When stratified by age group there was statistically insignificant difference between Baby Boomer, Gen X and Gen Y on this point


Intangible compensation

A third type of compensation is intangible. Intangible compensation includes non-financial rewards such as mentoring, awards or badging, recognition, and factors that impact quality of work or work/life balance such as greater autonomy, a flexible work schedule, or the ability to work remotely.

You have been tasked with developing a new pay structure for your office. What is the first step you would suggest?

Conduct a job analysis

____ % new employees make the decision to stay or go within the first six months.

90 *For hourly workers, the decision timeframe is shorter: 50% leave new jobs within 120 days. The statistic for management: 50% of external senior management hires fail within 18 months.*

Which of the following is a violation of the Equal Pay Act?

A company pays a male employee more than a female employee because the company believes the female employee will take more days off

BambooHR's Peterson recommends that human resource management check-in with new employees on regular intervals—specifically, one-month and 3-6 months—to ensure that the new employee is thriving. This is also an opportunity to provide feedback. A second check-in is advised prior to the end of six months—a significant stay or leave decision point. Peterson observes that HR can have a significant impact on that choice, commenting that "sometimes you just have to show that you sincerely care."

Although different companies have different timetables, employees are expected to be fully up to speed by the end of their first year and the training emphasis is likely to shift to continuous learning and development and career management.

Evaluation: Evaluate the results relative to the performance objectives

Although evaluation is listed last, in practice it is included in every aspect of the process. That is, the overall design process is meant to be iterative, with elements fine-tuned along the way. Interim evaluations, referred to as formative evaluations, are those that are conducted prior to implementation to confirm that the learning resources meet the specifications established in the design phase. A summative evaluation would be conducted after implementation to determine training effectiveness on three bases: participant satisfaction, participant learning and participant performance.

Compensation policy

An employer's position relative to the competition or market will affect the wages it offers. Generally, employers will take one of three positions: lead, lag or match. If an employer's policy is to lead the market, they will pay relatively higher wages than the competition. The rationale is that they will be able to attract a higher caliber of employees and see an offset in increased productivity and reduced training and turnover costs. Similarly, the face value employee cost savings of a "lag" practice may be offset by higher recruiting, training and turnover costs. A match policy is simply to set compensation at the market rate.

Cost of Living

An increase in inflation results in a corresponding loss of purchasing power. Theoretically, wages should increase when the cost of living increases so workers are able to maintain their standard of living. There is also a geographic element to this factor. We see this in the variation in minimum wages set in cities and localities where the cost of living is relatively high.

In an article titled "Compensation Doesn't Drive Motivation," author Kevin Howell titles one of the sections "Compensation Isn't Enough."

And that's a key point. Equitable compensation isn't enough to drive high levels of motivation, it's a minimum expectation. Forbes writer Ken Sundheim puts the compensation question in perspective, noting that research has shown that for employees to be motivated, basic minimums need to be met, including pay, working conditions and job security. Sundheim notes that "low compensation can not only hinder motivation and performance, but can actually create vengeful employees. When human beings feel they are being inadequately paid, they will tend to shift the majority of their focus on the unfairness of the situation.

Which of the following is NOT one of FLSA's recordkeeping requirements?

Any records that have been inspected by Wage & Hour Division representatives can be disposed of


As discussed in Fair Labor Standards Act, laws such as the FSLA—including state and local variations—set a minimum standard for compensation.

Development: Develop a performance solution

As the title indicates, the development phase involves creating/curating and assembling the content specified in the design phase. This phase also involves stakeholder review and validation and any required revisions. This phase may involve integration of technology and related testing.

What is the difference between behavioral and situational interview questions?

Behavioral Interview Questions: • Applicants give specific examples of how they have performed a certain task • Better for those with previous work experience Situational Interview Questions • Questions about how applicants might handle specific job situations • Better for entry-level jobs (for people without work experience

Structured Interview

Benefits of Structured Interviews: • Ensures that a given interviewer has similar information on each candidate • Greater consistency in the evaluation of candidates • Many applicants can be effectively evaluated and compared If based on the job analysis: •More predictive of job performance •More legally defensible

Your final research task was to identify compensation best practices. Which of the following points should you include in your findings?

Best practices companies not only address pay equity but also bias and work accommodations

You've just discussed the business rationale for offering benefits with your HR staff and are reviewing key points. Which of the following points should you emphasize?

Businesses are required to pay social security, medicare, unemployment insurance and workers compensation insurance

One of the benefits of _______________ is that is provides a safe environment for employees to explore complex issues, build their confidence, and practice effective decision making.

Case Studies

A friend of yours asks you for advice in evaluating competing job offers. What would your recommend she consider as part of her compensation?

Cash, benefits and the value of intangibles such as growth potential

Committee or special project assignments

Committee or special project assignments promote development of analytical and communication skills and organizational/industry knowledge and provide exposure or opportunities to work with senior leaders

You have volunteered to serve as an informal career coach for first year employees. What one piece of advice do you think would be of most value to an employee in the early stages of his or her career?

Consider yourself the CEO of your career and focus on building transferable skills on an ongoing basis

Direct compensation

Consists of monetary payments based on time worked or results achieved, including both base and incentive pay.

How do you generate evidence for each type of validity

Construct validity: Does the test measure the concept that it's intended to measure? Content validity: Is the test fully representative of what it aims to measure? Face validity: Does the content of the test appear to be suitable to its aims? Criterion validity: Do the results correspond to a different test of the same thing?

validity coefficient

Correlation of our predictor test to the outcome of interest (e.g., job performance)

Which of the following best describes the role of training and development of a tenured employee?

Development is a focus for a tenured employee as it helps them to continue their career development through honing their soft skills

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs illustrates that we are motivated by

Different things at different stages of our development. Given that there are five generations in the workforce, it's likely that employees will be at different levels of development. Economic and health factors can also determine where a person is in their development and what they value and therefore what motivates them. Finally, changes in the employee-employer relationship and the nature of work may affect employee expectations and what significance the work has to an employee.

FLSA's recordkeeping requirements include all of the following except:

Disposing of records after an inspection

Select the option below that best depicts the benefit of discussing company culture during the onboarding process

Employee are able to make better decisions that align with company policies and procedures

During the onboarding process, new employees are taught the company's corporate culture. Which of the following best describes the benefit associated with this part of the onboarding process?

Employees are better able to make decisions aligned with accepted company practices

Working Hours and Overtime

Employees covered by the Act must receive overtime pay at a rate of at least 1.5 times their regular rate of pay for any hours worked over 40 in a workweek. The Act does not require overtime pay for work on weekends or holidays unless the overtime hours are worked on those days. An employee's workweek does not need to coincide with the calendar week. It is, however, a fixed and regularly recurring period of 168 hours. The Act defines hours worked as "all the time during which an employee is required to be on the employer's premises, on duty, or at a prescribed workplace.

Which of the following statements is true regarding benefit trends?

Employers are becoming increasingly family friendly

Benefit Trends

Employers will get increasingly family-friendly. Human resource consulting firm Mercer's national practice leader Simon Camaj notes that "state and local laws, the war for talent and changing social expectations will lead more employers to implement or enhance paid-parental-leave programs and consider adding paid caregiver leave for family-related absences." Voluntary benefits will become more personal. Mercer's voluntary benefits leader Tim Weber sees benefit offerings becoming more personal, with employers using "data-driven approaches to tailor [benefit] information and guidance, all wrapped in an engaging employee experience." Emotional health will move to the forefront. Benefits specialists expect increased access to behavioral health services. President and CEO of the nonprofit National Business Group on Health (NBGH) Brian Marcotte anticipates employers improving access to services to address a range of emotional, behavioral and mental health issues, including stress and anxiety, addiction, depression and other mental disorders. Benefits technology will simplify employees' decision-making. Business technology provider Businessolver's CEO Jon Shanahan expects benefit automation to help employees "learn, understand, and navigate the benefits process based on their specific needs." He also anticipates process improvements, noting that "HR managers say they lose 14 hours a week due to lack of automation."

You have been charged with assessing the effectiveness of a recent series of training initiatives. You should start your analysis by:

Establishing the desired result or impact on the organization

Which of the following steps in The ADDIE Model should be utilized during every portion of the model?


______________________________________ is a great way to increase your market value and expand your career options

Expanding transferrable skills and experiences

A remote employee has asked you to recommend a development option that accommodates his remote work location and elder care responsibilities. You recommend that he:

Explore online training and development opportunities

How do you increase the likelihood of transfer of training?

Extent to which trainees effectively apply Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes acquired in training context on the job → depends on the environment •Maximize similarity between training and job (fidelity) •Make sure general principles are understood • Provide opportunities to practice/perform and technological support •Provide as much motivation as possible • Provide supervisory support for the transfer of training** • Reward transfer of training

Exempt vs Non-Exempt

FLSA regulations with regards to hours and overtime pay apply to non-exempt employees only. In some cases, the distinction between exempt and non-exempt is based on job classification. In other cases, the distinction is based on three factors, as outlined below: 1. Compensation test. If employees are paid less than $23,600 per year, they are considered non-exempt. 2. Salary test. Generally, if employees are paid on a salary basis—that is, they have a "guaranteed minimum" amount of money they can count on receiving for any work week in which they perform "any" work—they are exempt. 3. Work performed. Employees who meet the compensation and salary tests are exempt only if they also perform exempt job duties. Exempt job duties fall into three categories: "executive," "professional," and "administrative." For additional details and interpretation, refer to attorneys Chamberlain, Kaufman & Jones' discussion of FLSA coverage. Most employees must meet all three "tests" to be exempt

Record Keeping

FLSA's recordkeeping requirements including the following: - Employers must post an official poster outlining the provisions of the Act - Employers must keep records for each non-exempt worker that include specific identifying information, hours worked and wages earned. For details, refer to the U.S. Department of Labor Wage & Hour Division's FLSA Recordkeeping Fact Sheet. - Payroll and related records (e.g., collective bargaining agreements) must be retained onsite or in a central records office for 3 years - Supporting documentation (i.e., work and time schedules and records of any adjustments to wages) should be retained for two years - Records must be open for inspection by Wage & Hour Division representatives, who may ask the employer to make extensions, computations, or transcription

California Minimum Wage

For perspective, as of January 1, 2019, the minimum wage in California is $12.00 per hour, or $11.00 per hour for employers with 25 or fewer employees. The state minimum wage is scheduled to increase annually to $15.00 per hour in 2022 or 2023, if the employer has less than 26 employees. On July 1, 2019, the minimum wage increased in seven Bay Area cities, with new minimums ranging from $13.50 per hour in Alameda and Fremont to $16.30 per hour in Emeryville. San Francisco and Berkeley increased the minimum wage from $15.00 to $15.59 an hour *Note that the minimum wage is law; employee and employer or cannot negotiate a lower wage and the minimum applies to adults as well as minors—there is no distinction made between adults and minors when it comes to payment of the minimum wage. As stated on the California Department of Industrial Relations website, "The minimum wage is an obligation of the employer and cannot be waived by any agreement, including collective bargaining agreements.*

Leverage a creative—not reactive—mindset to overcome uncertainty

Ghadiyali explains that "The reactive mindset is driven by fear," [which] "leads you down a spiral of anxiety, in which you focus on all the reasons why you can't do something. By contrast, the creative mindset is driven by possibility. The creative mindset inspires curiosity and passion, which leads to action."

Leap before you're ready—but be prepared to catch up

Ghadiyali observes that "A risk won't actually move you forward unless it's followed by a dedication to progress."

Angelo has been hired as the Human Resources Manager for a tech start-up company. When reviewing the company's existing hiring process, Angelo notices there is no formal onboarding process in place. When he asks why there is no onboarding process he is told that only 25% of companies utilize a formal onboarding process and therefore they did not feel the need to implement one. How should Angelo respond to this information?

He should explain onboarding benefits including reduced turnover and higher job satisfaction to push to implement a formal onboarding process

The Human Resources Manager at a rapidly growing marketing firm is trying to determine if they should create a formal onboarding system for new hires. Which of the following describes the best decision and rationale?

Implement a formal onboarding process to help increase job satisfaction, strengthen culture, and reduce turnover


How similar is it to the job performance setting? • Psychological versus physical


Involves supervised, practical training while on the job where the trainee is permitted to work in the position for which they are training, but with some restrictions and with substantially less pay or no pay.

Implementation: Deliver the performance solution

Implementation involves development of the training framework, including course curriculum, learning outcomes and the learning space. The process should also include confirming the availability of required materials and associated applications or websites and preparing learners to use any required tools or technology. The final step, of course, is participant engagement.

EPA Violations

In EPA cases, the burden of proof is on the plaintiff. In Gordon v. U.S., the court held that "To state a claim of an EPA violation, an employee must show the employer: - Paid employees of opposite sexes different wages; - For substantially equal work; - In jobs that require substantially equal skill, effort, and responsibility; and - That are performed under similar working conditions. Once those elements have been established, "the burden shifts to the employer to prove the pay disparity is justified under one of four affirmative defenses: (1) a seniority system; (2) a merit system; (3) a pay system based on quantity or quality of output; or (4) any factor other than sex."

intrinsic rewards

Intrinsic rewards are internal and reflect an individual's interests, values and aspirations. An intrinsic reward is intangible; it might be the sense of satisfaction you get from mastering a new skill or the successful completion of a complex project or from working on a project that has personal significance or meaning.

Mentoring & Apprenticeship

Involves a one-on-one partnership between a novice employee with a senior employee. Mentorship aims to provide support and guidance to less experienced employees whereas apprenticeship is for the development of job skills

Compensation and Motivation

In their 2019 Compensation Best Practices Report, PayScale notes that "some survey results show that money is the biggest motivator driving employees to seek other jobs, while others show career growth to be the primary incentive. Secondary reasons overall include issues related to benefits, fit with the organization or the job, and relationship problems with direct supervisor or managers."

Although there are a broad range of training methods, the most effective methods:

Include a variety of instructional methods and further student understanding why the learning is useful

______________compensation includes: greater autonomy, flexible work schedule, and the ability to work remotely.


Team Training

Intended exclusively for groups of individuals that behave interactively, to either improve mutual knowledge within a team or to train the team on a team-specific skill

Job Shadowing

Involves a trainee closely observing someone perform a specific job in the natural job environment for the purpose of witnessing first-hand the details of the job

What makes a selection measure "good"?

It must be reliable • Intended to capture information (KSAOs) about job candidates • This information provides insights into whether the person can perform the job effectively •Thus, it is the basis for our selection decisions. • Because this is an IMPORTANT decision, we must ensure that we use quality measure

Conducting regular, objective pay audits might help to close the pay gap in that:

It would allow the company to see how males are compensated in relation to their female counterparts

On training method, The Learning Pyramid or "cone of learning" was founded based on which of the following ideas?

Learners should see, hear, experience, try, and teach to others

What is the "learning pyramid"? How should it be used?

Learners should see, hear, experience, try, and teach to others

Employee development

Learning that benefits the organization broadly. Development involves cultivation of core—generally soft—skills such as critical thinking, communication and leadership. For perspective, compensation research site Payscale's Compensation Best Practices Report (CBPR) survey indicated that the area HR professionals plan to invest in most heavily in 2019 is employee training and development. Specifically, 23% of respondents identified training and development as their largest investment, followed by recruiting and compensation changes—a tie at 15%

________________ determines the minimum amount of compensation legally allowed in an area.


Equal Pay Act of 1963

Legislation that requires employers to pay men and women equal pay for equal work - In the early 1900s, women comprised less than a quarter of the workforce. However, when men joined the military to fight in World War II, women were recruited to take their place and by 1945, 37% of the civilian workforce was female. Since women had traditionally earned less for doing similar work, unions and male workers feared that this growing source of cheap labor would lower their wages. In order to avoid future wage cuts, unions started to advocate for equal pay - In 1942, the National War Labor Board also endorsed the idea of equal pay for equal work, issuing a "General Order supporting equal pay for men and women for work that was of 'comparable quality and quantity.'" Over two decades later, the Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA) was enacted as an amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

The Kirkpatrick model consists of four levels:

Level 1: Reaction—Measures how participants react to the training. A common method of determining this is a post-training survey. Level 2: Learning—Assess what the employee learned from the training. Learning can be evaluated by post-tests or demonstration of the knowledge, skill or ability. Level 3: Behavior—Are participants using what they learned? This might be assessed by observation or management evaluations. Level 4: Results—What is the organizational impact? For example, was there an increase in productivity, in project management or management effectiveness?

Marija is using the Kirkpatrick Model to evaluate the success of their newly implemented training program. She is currently trying to determine if their new employees are utilizing their newfound knowledge. Which level in the model is she currently evaluating?

Level 3: Behavior

Ronan is working to determine the organizational impact of the training conducted with his new employees. If Ronan is utilizing the Kirkpatrick Model of evaluation, which level is the model is he currently evaluating?

Level 4: Results

What are the laws governing minimum wage?

Local and state laws; Fair Labor Standards Law

All of the following are additional benefits (not mandated by law) that employers offer to their employees, except:


You are responsible for ensuring the Equal Pay Act of 1963 is being followed. Which of the following items would you look for in your company's records?

Men and Women earn the same pay for the exact same work

If your company is abiding by the Equal Pay Act, this means:

Men and women at your company are paid for the same work

FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act) establishes

Minimum wages, overtime pay, record-keeping, and youth employment standards for all American workers

What does research show about the connection between compensation and motivation?

Money and career growth are the biggest motivators driving employees to seek other jobs

Equity Theory

Motivation is not only dependent on absolute rewards but also what I make in comparison to other Equity theory predicts that one's inputs and outcomes are evaluated in relation to the inputs and outcomes of others. Inequity can result from getting fewer outcomes or more outcomes than relevant others.

Your (human resource) manager is implementing a hybrid training and participative management initiative that requires employees to research and either justify or argue for the elimination of budget line items. You've been assigned the onboarding budget line item. Which of the following positions best reflects the data on onboarding?

Onboarding is associated with higher levels of employee job satisfaction, lower turnover and better performance (I vote for continued funding)

Additional benefits

Paid parental leave. Ikea offers up to four months of paid parental leave to both part-time and full-time employees with at least one year of experience at the company On-site fitness. Reebok encourages employees to reach their personal fitness goals by providing an on-site gym with Crossfit classes. Gender reassignment surgery. Goldman Sachs offers coverage for gender reassignment surgery. Pet health care. Scripps Health offers its employees' health insurance for cats and dogs. Flexible schedules. Insurance company Swiss Re's "Own the Way You Work" program encourages employees to embrace flexibility with their schedules and work remotely.

Classes, conferences and seminars/webinars

Participation in (as an attendee, panelist or presenter) structured learning—in person or online—can build knowledge/expertise, communication and critical thinking skills, industry or functional knowledge and relevant professional networks

Affimative defenses

Permitted pay differentials include those based on seniority, merit, quantity or quality of production, or other non-gender based factors. These factors are referred to as "affirmative defenses"; the employer has the burden of proving that their stated rationale applies. Finally, pay differentials can only be corrected with an increase; no employee's pay may be reduced.


Process of integrating a new employee into a company. Also referred to as organizational socialization, onboarding processes should be designed to familiarize new employees with the organization's culture, values and behavioral expectations Onboarding should help new employees adapt to the operating environment and, specifically, provide new employees with the connections, information and tools to be successful. *To quote a SHRM effective practice guidelines publication, "After effective recruitment and selection, one of the most important ways that organizations can improve the effectiveness of their talent management systems is through the strategic use of onboarding."*

Which of the following is not a best practice to close the pay gap?

Promoting based on time employed

Mucha identifies all of the following benefit trends, EXCEPT: The question has been evaluated. Your choice is incorrect.

Promoting the "one size fits all" benefits package

During a company-wide expense audit, departments are being asked to justify their spending allocations. Which of the following is the best way for Human Resources to explain the benefits of the onboarding process?

Proper onboarding reduces turnover, which reduces hiring costs

How does a formal onboarding process benefit a company?

Proper onboarding reduces turnover, which reduces hiring costs

What are the benefits of onboarding?

Proper onboarding reduces turnover, which reduces hiring costs 1. Improved talent acquisition 2. Decreased time to productivity 3. Increased retention rates 4. Promote better company culture

Case Study

Provides the participants an opportunity to develop skills by presenting a problem, without a solution, for them to solve, or with a solution, as an example of how to solve it.

Gavin has worked for the same pest solutions company for three years and has yet to really network and meet other individuals outside his company that work in the same field. To improve his communication skills and network with other professionals, Gavin should ask to participate in which of the following development activities?

Regional conference

How might conducting regular, objective pay audits help to close the pay gap?

Regular, objective audits would allow a company to see what female employees make in relation to their male counterparts

Role Play

Requires trainees to assume a character and act out the role in a make-believe scenario or series of scenarios; learning comes by way of reflection on the play

The following are best practice highlights based on Frankel interviews with executives:

Senior Leadership Commitment. L'Oreal's global leadership committed to equity and, specifically, not only equal pay but also a succession planning initiative to recruit and develop women leaders. Conduct Regular, Objective Pay Audits. Companies recommend regular audits—including audits to reflect acquisitions—and use of experts or certification providers such as EDGE for validity and credibility. Communicate Results. Clearly communicate results to make transparency a part of the culture. Define Performance Metrics. Frankel relays L'Oreal USA's head of Diversity & Inclusion Angela Guy recommendation to have "clear metrics on what defines good performance and [ensure], through unconscious bias training, that prejudices don't influence what defines good performance." The company also factors in the impact of maternity leave on performance and pay. Review Offer Process. Salary history questions should be banned, regardless of whether a company is subject to state or local laws. Collaborate & Share Learning. This was a requirement of the original White House Equal Pay Pledge, and it's critical to accelerating progress.

Higher compensation for an employee who can fill a critical position is an example of which factor?

Supply and demand for labor

Which of the following statements is the most accurate, in regards to current benefit trends?

Technology will personalize and streamline benefit selection and processing

In an organizational context, the ADDIE Model is used to:

The ADDIE model is used to develop employee training programs

The next law on your presentation agenda is the Equal Pay Act (EPA). Which of the following points should you emphasize?

The EPA requires that men and women be given equal pay for equal work

Equal Pay Act (EPA)

The Equal Pay Act requires that men and women be given equal pay for equal work in the same establishment. The jobs need not be identical, but they must be substantially equal. It is job content, not job titles, that determines whether jobs are substantially equal. Specifically, the EPA requires that employers cannot compensate men and women differently when they "perform jobs that require substantially an equal level of skill, effort, and responsibility and when those jobs are performed under similar working conditions within the same establishment.

Which of the following is not a legally required benefit for all employers?

health coverage

Analysis: Identify the performance gap

The analysis phase involves identifying and clarifying the instructional problem or, from a training standpoint, identifying the performance gap and desired outcomes. This phase includes identifying participant characteristics (for example, current knowledge and skills, level of experience, language proficiency and motivation), learning resources and budget and time constraints, defining the learning environment and establishing instructional goals and objectives

Your company is reviewing its compensation policy and you have been tasked with researching the connection between compensation and motivation. What do you expect the research to show?

The connection between compensation and motivation depends on an individuals financial and developmental situation

Which of the following statements accurately describes a goal of employee development?

The cultivation of an employees core, through the development of soft skills

Design: Identify the learning objectives

The design phase involves subject matter design broadly, including defining specific learning objectives and instructional strategies, structuring content and assessments. The design should reflect a logical flow. Assessments should provide feedback on the learner's progress in achieving the learning objectives.

Minimum wage laws mandate:

The employee will receive the highest pay between local and federal minimum wage

Which of the following is true about minimum wage laws?

The employee will receive the highest pay between local and federal minimum wage

How do we determine pay raises?

The employee's length of service. The employee's qualifications (i.e., the scarcity of certain talents in the labor market and the likelihood that the employee will be paid more for them elsewhere). How much other employers in the local area are paying for similar jobs

Minumum wage

The initial minimum wage was $0.25/hour, rising, over the period of 71 years, to the current federal rate of $7.25 per hour (since July 24, 2009). On July 18, 2019, the House passed a bill raising the federal minimum wage to $15.00 per hour and extending the $15.00 per hour minimum to tipped workers, who are currently paid a minimum of $2.13. However, ABC News reports that "the bill has almost no chance [of passing] in the Republican-controlled Senate." States, cities, and counties can set their own minimum wage laws. When an employer is subject to multiple minimum wage laws, the higher minimum wage prevails.

Learning Objectives

The instructional design process 1. Needs assessment 2. Ensuring employee readiness 3. Create the learning environment 4. Ensure transfer of training 5. Training evaluation

You are in charge of briefing leadership at your company about best practices in closing the pay gap. Which of the following is NOT a statement you should make?

The pay gap is a myth, and we have done everything we can already to ensure there has been no pay discrimination

Economic of the Pay Gap

The pay gap isn't just a women's problem, it's a societal and economic issue. The Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR) notes that women represent almost 50% of the workforce and are the sole or co-provider in half of the American families with children. Despite being paid less, women's earnings are critically important to the stability of individuals, families, and the extended family networks that women support. IWPR's analysis found that equal pay would: - Reduce the rate of poverty for working women by over half, from 8% to 3.8% - Reduce the rate of poverty for working single mothers by almost half, from 28.9% to 14.5% - Reduce the rate of poverty for working single women from 10.8% to 4.4% - Reduce the number of children with working mothers living in poverty from 5.6 million to 3.1 million - Increase GDP 2.8%

Selection Ratio

The proportion of applicants that are actually selected into positions • Number of open positions divided by the number of applicants in the applicant pool • A favorable SR allows us to be pickier about who we choose •We make the SR more favorable by increasing the size of the applicant

Base rate

The proportion of individuals in the population that can perform the job at a at least minimally proficient level

Industry ability to pay

There is a significant gap in what a technology company like Facebook can pay and what a non-profit, small business or start-up can afford to pay. The compensation differential may be offset by the sense of purpose or the opportunity to build a small business.

Workers under 18

The youth employment provisions of the FLSA were enacted to ensure that when young people work, the work does not jeopardize their health, well-being or educational opportunities FLSA provisions applicable to nonagricultural occupations are summarized below Both Federal and State laws govern the employment of young workers; when both are applicable, the stricter standard applies.

Supply and Demand for Labor

Theoretically, wages should increase when the demand for labor exceeds supply or, as is the case currently, unemployment is at a historical low. There may also be geographic variances in wages based on the local/regional availability of and competition for labor.

Worker productivity

Theoretically, wages should increase when worker productivity increases. This is an economic calculation based on the market structure, costs of production, and market price and quantity.

Which of the following statements best describes employee training methods?

They are constantly transforming to meet the needs of the organization and employee alike

When conducting training, which of the following should be a main objective?

To develop and enhance an employee's knowledge, skills, and abilities

You're preparing a human resource staff briefing on how to conduct a needs analysis. Which of the following points should you include:

To identify training needs accurately, performance expectations must be established and performance measured relative to expectations

Picture your career as a painting, not a ladder

To quote Ghadiyali: "When we visualize a career ladder, we start putting ourselves in a box. Step back and see the painting — every experience adds a brushstroke to a bigger picture."

Games-Based Training

Trainees compete in a series of decision-making tasks which allows them to explore a variety of strategic alternatives and experience the consequences which affect the other players, but with without risk to the individuals or the organization.

One of your teammates, a new HR hire, observed that the terms training and development were sometimes used interchangeably and asked you for clarification. You explain that:

Training is designed to develop or enhance an employee's knowledge, skills, and abilities relative to their current position

What's the difference between training and development?

Training is the act of learning basic skills and knowledge necessary for a particular job or a group of jobs. Development, on the other hand, means growth of the individual in all respects. An organization works for the development of its executives in order to enable them to gain advanced knowledge and competence

Which of the following statements best describes the role of training and development of a newly hired employee?

Training is the primary focus of a new employee as it focuses on the hard skills required to perform their job functions

Minimum Age Standards For Employment

Under 14—May not be employed in non-agricultural occupations covered by the FLSA. Permissible employment includes acting, delivering newspapers, minor chores around private homes, or casual baby-sitting. 14-15: May be employed outside school hours in a variety of non-manufacturing and non-hazardous jobs for limited periods of time and under specified conditions. 16-17: The basic minimum age for employment. May be employed for unlimited hours in any occupation other than those declared hazardous by the Secretary of Labor. 18—No longer subject to youth employment provisions.

Best practices

Until changes are made to federal or state laws, progress on closing the pay gap will require business leadership and advocacy. And, based on their values or in response to employee expectations or both, a number of businesses are taking the challenge. In its 2019 Compensation Best Practices Report, PayScale notes that "It will prove increasingly difficult to attract and keep the right people without ensuring your compensation philosophy, strategy and practices are in close alignment with your values as an organization." As PayScale SVP of Marketing Tim Low notes "employees have become fed up when their organizations behave in ways that don't align with their personal values,"" referencing demonstrations and court cases based on perceived pay discrimination at Google, Nike and Oracle in 2018

In order to develop a pay structure, a company should:

Use market data as a basis for or reality check of your pay structure

How do you identify training gaps?

Use of 360 degree reviews, where employees—including management—are reviewed by their staff, peers and their manager - Establishing a coaching and mentoring program

Having delivering your findings on the connection between compensation and motivation, you move on to research pay equity issues. Your research shows that:

Using prior salary history in setting current pay and prohibiting employees from discussing their wages contributes to pay inequity.

Stimulus-Based Training

Using some type of stimulus (i.e., music, works of art, narratives, etc.) to motivate the learner to learn. The training induces a state of being (e.g., relaxation or awareness) in the participants to achieve learning.

Labor Unions

Wages are one of a union's mandatory collective bargaining issues. As we'll discuss in Module 13: Union-Management Relations, employers who are subject to collective bargaining agreements tend to have higher wage and benefit costs than similar employers without union representation-

Fair Labor Standards Act

Was designed to ''put a ceiling over hours and a floor under wages.'" More broadly, the intent was to eliminate "labor conditions detrimental to the maintenance of the minimum standards of living necessary for health, efficiency and well being of workers The act which provided for a minimum wage and restricted shipments of goods produced with child labor Signed into law in 1938, then-President Franklin D Roosevelt referred to the Fair Labor Standards Act as "the most far-reaching, far-sighted program for the benefit of workers ever adopted in this or any other country.

You are preparing a legislative briefing for your local Chamber of Commerce. One of the laws you will be covering is the Fair Labor Standards Act. Which of the following points should you emphasize?

When an employer is subject to more than one minimum wage law, the higher/highest rate applies

The gender pay gap is correctly explained by which of the following?

Women are paid approximately 80% of what their male counterparts make

Which of the following is a correct statement regarding pay?

Women are paid approximately 80% of what their male counterparts make

Pay Gap across the United States

Women fare best in California, D.C., and Florida California law, applicable to both private and public employers, prohibits requests for a candidate's pay history and, further, prohibits employers from using information if volunteered or otherwise known to determine a new hire's pay. Finally, the law requires employers to provide applicants with pay scale information if requested. Absent a state law regarding the discussion of wages, an employer may be restrained by either the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) or Executive Order 13665, both of which support wage transparency.

In a case against your company, an employee claims there was an Equal Pay Act violation. Before your company is required to provide proof, the employee must provide which of the following information?

Your company paid employees of opposite sexes different wages for substantially equal work

The National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE)

a coalition of women's and civil rights organizations, established Equal Pay Day in 1996 in an effort to raise awareness of this gap. Specifically, the organization declares a day in March to symbolize how much longer a woman would have to work to earn what a man made in the prior year. Or, how far women are "in the red" with their pay. Although the gender gap has narrowed since 1963, progress has been negligible since 2005.

In cases regarding the Equal Pay act, the burden of proof to show_________________________________________________________falls on the plaintiff, not the employers

a company paid employees of opposite sexes different wages for substantially equal work

intrinsic motivation

a desire to perform a behavior for its own sake and to be effective intrinsic motivation occurs when we act without any obvious external rewards. We simply enjoy an activity or see it as an opportunity to explore, learn, and actualize our potentials." Intrinsic motivation is personal; for example, you may be intrinsically motivated to learn about or create a whole new world (think: Harry Potter), to improve the world or our experience of it, or to participate in a game or other activity. When individuals are intrinsically motivated, they typically perform at relatively high levels

extrinsic motivation

a desire to perform a behavior to receive promised rewards or avoid threatened punishment In contrast, when a person is extrinsically motivated, his or her activity or behavior is a means to an end rather than an end in itself

Which of the following is the most effective method for effectively onboarding new employees?

a formal, structured approach

An online clothing retailer has recently decided to implement an onboarding process for new hires. Daphne, the Human Resources Manager, is trying to decide what onboarding method is the most effective. Which of the following best describes the most effective onboarding method?

a formal, structured program

High performing organizations are more likely to implement which of the following onboarding methods?

a mentorship program

Employee training methods are:

always transforming

Which of the following steps in The ADDIE Model defines the learning environment and establish instructional goals and objectives?


All of the following are examples of indirect compensation, except:

annual incentives

High-performing organizations are nearly two-and-a-half times more likely than lower-performing employers to

assign a mentor or coach during the onboarding process

As stated in Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, effective onboarding is

associated with higher levels of employee job satisfaction, lower turnover, better performance and lowered stress

Level 3 of the Kirkpatrick Model is:


Which method of developing a pay structure includes using market data to set a salary range?


Research shows that effectiveness translates to

both employee productivity and retention

Ajani has recently had the opportunity to work with senior leaders in her company. This professional development experience has allowed her to hone her analytical and communication skills and has expanded her knowledge of both her organization and her industry. Which of the following is most likely the type of development activity Ajani participated in?

committee assignment

The following are all benefits millennial consider a top priority, except:

company car

The appropriate first step for developing a pay structure is to:

conduct a job analysis

A smart approach to career management is to continuously add to your portfolio of transferable skills and experiences. This approach is called:

career option value

Which of the following is the least effective way for employees to participate in structured learning which enhances their industry knowledge/expertise, communication skills, critical thinking skills, and professional networking abilities?

case studies

Types of Retirement Plans

defined benefit and defined contribution

Aside from compensation, the biggest motivator for employees is:

dependent on the individual

Which of the following stages in The ADDIE Model defines specific learning objectives and instructional strategies?


A training gap is evident when:

desired behavior does not match actual behavior

A training gap can be identified when the ___________ does not match the__________________

desired behavior; actual behavior

Compensation is generally broken down into two primary types:

direct and indirect

Which type of compensation best describes base salary/hourly wage, cash bonuses, and annual incentives?

direct compensation

Which of the following would NOT be a consequence of unequal pay?

disparities in vacation time

Although ________________ is only listed as one part of The ADDIE Model, it should actually be utilized during each and every phase of the model to help ensure success.


Although business' support of employee's career management is a best practice back by performance data,

each individual is ultimately responsible for his or her own career management.

Which of the following is not a factor that affects compensation?

education expenses

Research shows that organizations that engage in a formal onboarding process are more

effective than those that don't.

Benefit trends include:

employers becoming increasingly family friendly

The final step in developing a pay structure is:

establish pay grades

You have already done extensive research related to the development of your company's new pay structure. What is your final step in determining the new structure?

establish pay grades

Developing a pay structure involves

evaluating jobs and establishing associated salary ranges and grades based on market data and the company's compensation policy. The relative value of different roles is based on factors including responsibility, experience and education, key skills, effort/impact, and working conditions. A well-designed and transparent pay structure should help an organization attract and retain talent be perceived as fair and equitable.

Extrinsic rewards

extrinsic reward is something that comes from an external source—for example, your instructor at school or your manager at work. Extrinsic rewards can be financial (a bonus, incentive, or commission) or non-financial (praise, a training badge, a development opportunity, or a coveted project assignment). Extrinsic rewards can also include intangibles such as the ability to work remotely or an invitation to participate in a mentoring program

Which of the following statements is false, relating to intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?

extrinsic rewards are personal

Miles has noticed that his newly hired employee, Rebecca, is really struggling to properly use their cloud-based computing system. Although she was hired from another company in the same field, her previous employer used a different computing system. Miles identifies there is a training gap and works to retrain Rebecca on the cloud-based computing system. This gap reflects a lack of which of the following?

hard skills

Which of the following steps in The ADDIE Model confirms the availability of required materials and associated applications or websites?


The Kirkpatrick Model is most effective if each step is implemented:

in reverse order

Which of the following describes the best way to implement the Kirkpatrick Model of analyzing and evaluating education and training programs?

in reverse order

Indirect Compensation

includes costs incurred for benefits, including vacations, health insurance, retirement plans, federally required protections (e.g., disability and unemployment insurance), and other employee benefits.

A false statement regarding intrinsic and extrinsic motivation would be:

intrinsic motivation occurs when you act with an external reward in mind

intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation

intrinsic motivation- your tendency to work on a task for your own satisfaction, rather than for rewards such as money or praise. Extrinsic motivation- motivated by external factors, to do things for tangible rewards or pressures, rather than for the fun of it.

Workers' Compensation Insurance

is insurance that covers medical expenses and a portion of lost wages for employees who become injured or ill on the job.


is the classic model of instructional design that is used for developing educational and training programs and instructional materials. ADDIE stands for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation, the five steps in the design process

Level 2 of the Kirkpatrick Model is:


State, federal, and local laws mandate the minimum amount of compensation legally allowed in an area. This is due to the factor of:


Pay grades can be based on

market prices, as mentioned above, or actual salaries or a combination of the two methods. For example, you could use market data to establish the salary range for a specific pay grade and use actual salaries to determine the midpoint in the range. To establish pay grades based solely on actual salaries, create groups based on levels in the organizational hierarchy. For example, managers and vice presidents would be two separate pay grades. Multiple roles with similar organizational value, requirements and salaries can be included in the same group. The midpoint of the average of the salaries in a group can form the midpoint of the range. The minimum and maximum of a range can be calculated from the midpoint or relative to a lower and higher grade to form a logical progression.

Massed vs. distributed practice

massed: cramming distributed practice: spacing the studying out

Which of the following is the most effective way for companies to invest in the individual success of each new employee during the onboarding process?

mentorship program

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was designed to eliminate labor conditions detrimental to the maintenance of the minimum standards of living necessary for health, efficiency, and well being of workers. Which of the following was established as a result?

minimum wage laws

The following are all characteristics of intrinsic motivation, except:


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of intrinsic motivation?


Outside of the initial new hire onboarding process, what is another method companies use to ensure onboarding effectiveness?

regularly scheduled employee check-in meetings

Terrance has adopted a lattice approach to his career management. With this approach, Terrance understands that continual _____________________needs to be a core competency in his career management.

professional reinvention

A lattice view of career management requires the employee to be willing to:

professionally reinvent themselves

Which of the following is an extrinsic reward?

receiving a raise

An employee makes a large discovery, and his employer takes the credit for it. The employee is upset that he did not get credit for this ground-breaking discovery, and decides to seek employment elsewhere. What is the motivating factor for this employee to seek other employment?


Artificial Intelligence has the potential to have a powerful impact on employee learning development in the near future. Which of the following is NOT one of AI's anticipated impacts?

remote hands-on training

Select the following option that is NOT expected to be one of Artificial Intelligence's powerful impacts on learning and development in the workplace.

remote internship opportunities

You are responsible for briefing your company's leadership on what millennials want from their benefits packages. Which of the following would you avoid discussing?

retirement benefits

Training needs assessments can be utilized to identify training gaps. Which of the following is NOT one of the six steps in the training needs assessment process that can help to identify training gaps?

review interview question responses

Providing a safe environment for employees to build confidence and practice effective decision-making skills is a benefit of which of the following employee development methods?

role-playing / case studies

A local grocery store chain recently hired eight new employees. They conducted their new and improved formal onboarding program and are curious to determine its effectiveness. Which of the following is a useful method they can use to determine the effectiveness of the program and to course correct if needed?

scheduled new employee follow-up meetings

Although some dispute the link between compensation and motivation, it repeatedly

shows up in surveys as one of the primary determinants of human behavior.

Legally Required Benefits

social security, unemployment insurance, workers compensation Benefits are the elements of an employee's compensation package other than salary or wage. Some benefits are legally mandated; for example, Social Security, Medicare, unemployment insurance, and workers compensation insurance (which we'll discuss briefly below). Discretionary benefits include paid leave (for example, vacation, holidays, sick or personal days), health, dental and vision coverage, retirement plan, life and disability insurance, wellness benefits. Clarification: "large employers" are subject to the Affordable Care Act Employer Mandate that requires a minimum level of health care coverage.

Alejandro has been working with his newly hired employee Tina for a couple months and has realized that she really struggles with critical thinking. Using his observations of her lack of critical thinking skills, Alejandro identifies a training gap because Tina is missing which of the following?

soft skills

An electrical technician has been offered a position for 34% more than what he has been making at his current company. He asks the competitor why they are willing to pay him so much more, and they respond with "We've had an open position for the last 4 months, and haven't been able to find anyone qualified to fill it." Which factor explains this higher compensation?

supply and demand for labor

Who is ultimately responsible for an employee's career management?

the employee

The most discussed and divisive pay equity issue in America is considered to be:

the gender pay gap

What is the most discussed and divisive pay equity issue?

the gender pay gap

Compensation is determined by

the interplay of internal and external market and regulatory factors

A training gap exists when

there is a variance between desired/required behavior or performance and actual behavior or performance. - This gap can occur on an individual, team or organizational level. - This gap can reflect a lack of hard or soft skills, a lack of understanding of job expectations, industry -knowledge, cultural norms or other issues. *Hard skills are job-specific or functional skills—for example, cloud-based computing skills or knowledge of human resource-related laws and practices. Soft skills are bigger-picture capabilities that range from adaptability, curiosity and empathy to communication and critical thinking*

All of the following are best practices to close the pay gap, except:

time-based promotions

Compensation legislation is intended

to address chronic issues of worker exploitation and pay inequity during (and since) the Industrial Revolution

What is NOT an example of the additional benefits employers offer to their employees that are not mandated by law? The question has been evaluated. Your choice is incorrect.

unemployment insurance

Which of the following is NOT an example of indirect compensation?

year-end bonus

Which of the following was established as a result of the FLSA?

youth employment standards

What are the different types of validity?

• Construct validity - measure relates to other measures the way we expect it should ----> provide indirect evidence that the measure is accurate • Content validity -SMEs agree that the measure assesses the correct information •Criterion -related validity - Measure predicts outcome (criterion) we care about

Equity Theory Comparison Others

• External Equity - individuals in similar jobs in other organizations • E.g., Colleagues, friends, neighbors • Internal Equity - individuals in other jobs within the same organization • E.g., coworkers, superiors, subordinates, the CEO • Often the most powerful method for changing equity perceptions and motivation is changing the comparison other

What is reliability?

• For a selection measure to be "good", it must first be reliable • "The extent to which a test or measure repeatedly produces the same results over time" • In other words, the consistency or stability with which something is measured

Why do employers offer benefits to their employees?

•Gift exchange argument Perceived Organizational Support • Symbolic meaning • Positive perception of employers who provide benefits programs • This helps to attract and retain top tale •Economies of scale argument - The price per additional unit of production (benefits bought) decreases as the scale of production (employees provided for) increases - Some insurance plans are administered across multiple companies who pool together •Golden handcuffs argument - Opportunity costs of changing benefits • Long- term payouts like retirement plans being vested only after a certain period • Sometimes there are tax penalties • Consequences: employees reluctant to turnover because they can' t afford to bear the cost •Superior workforce performance - If you give cash, they might not use it on benefits that promote health and lead to... •Fewer sick days •Lower stress •Increased concentration/motivation Examples of policies to achieve these outcomes: •Health/dental/vision plans•Cafeteria, daycare, dry cleaning, etc. •Exercise clubs/gym memberships •Employee wellness programs (e.g., smoking cessation, chemical dependency counseling, exercise trainers, meditation center

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