HWST 107 Exam 1

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chief, know their genealogy

Language functions as a carrier of __________ ?



day time, 9-16

Kula Kaiāpuni

- in other to get funding, they must teach in english so they boycotted school by taking the kids on their own and teaching them outside the classroom in hawaiian - a secondary Hawaiian immersion school


- jealous of ki'i - in relationship with la'ila'i


- kumulipo was for Kalaninui'iamamao - chief


- language of necessity - used for conversation between people of different languages like the pidgin generated in the plantation fields in hawaii


- language of the working class - created through pidgin and contact languages being passed on

Evidence for movement out of South East asia

- lapita pottery (mainly), taro, and sweet potato

Rate of literacy for the Hawaiian kingdom

- late 1850's: most literate, 80-90%

Island of Free Lunch

- west fayu - go there to catch fish because they cannot catch too much where they live - belongs to satawal - need permission to go here - can catch 4x the amount they would usually get

Cultural/religious worldview

- white tradition forced/ accustomed native children *children want white people food - teaching and enforcing american customs - new queen, new god

How many words are in the Hawaiian language?

25,000 words


family or personal god, deified ancestors

Pele is the deity of?

fire and volcano


the attribution of a souls to plants, inanimate objects

What do the shark fins represent for the shark callers



night time, 1-8

*UNIT 3*

*Hoʻomana Hawaiʻi lecture*

*UNIT 1- P3*

*Kame'eleihiwa, Traditional Hawaiian Metaphors*

*UNIT 3- P2*

*Kameʻeleihiwa, "Kumulipo"*

*UNIT 2*

*Language and Culture in the Pacific*

*UNIT 2- P4*

*Lucas: Hawaiian Language and the Courts*

*UNIT 1*


*UNIT 2- P3*

*Ngugi wa Thiongo: Decolonizing the Mind*

*UNIT 1- P2*

*Origins lecture*

*UNIT 3- P4*

*Pele's Appeal*

*UNIT 2- P5*

*Politics of Language (E Ola Mau ka ʻŌlelo Hawaii)*

*UNIT 3- P3*

*Shark Callers*

*UNIT 2- P2*

*Tsai: Pondering Pidgin*


- 13 letters, 5 vowels, 8 consonants

Important dates of the Hawaiian language

- 1820: missionaries arrived in hawaii, educate hawaiians about christianity in their native language - 1822: 16 page primer, literacy - 1896: law passed, english preference for funding, english be the medium of all instruction in all public schools - 1978: olelo hawaii, constitution of hawaiian language again

Problem with the development of law and language in Hawaiʻi

- 2 versions of the law: english and hawaiian did not match up - example: law of damage to livestock *english: pay 4x the amount damaged *hawaiian: fix and give back, state of pono

4 major gods and their responsibilities

- Kane: procreasion, freshwater, canoe-building, sunlight, martial arts, sun, bamboo, kalo, sugarcane, red roosters, black pig *Kānenuiākea, Kānehekili, Kānehunamoku, Kawaiola -Kanaloa: Ocean, navigation, sailing, healing, ocean winds, banana, octopus, stingray, manta ray, turtle, ʻawa hiwa - Kū: War, Fishing, Adze- and canoe-making, medicine, bird catchers, Coconut, Breadfruit, Adze, Eel, ʻŌhiʻa lehua tree *Kūʻula, Kūnuiākea, Kūkāʻilimoku - Lono: Peace, agriculture, healing, rain, sweet potato, gourd, pig, clouds, rainbows, earthquakes *Lonoikamakahiki, Lonopūhā, Lonomakua, Lonomakaihe

Richard Armstrong

- advocate of english only schools - former missionary who served as the second minister of public instruction for the kingdom of Hawai'i from 1848 until his death in 1860 - under his rule, first government-sponsored school in English was established in 1851, and by 1854, government-run English schools were effectively competing with the Hawaiian-medium schools.


- balance, power, dualism; to be balanced - RECOGNIZING a sense of own balance


- belief in more than one god

Nīaupiʻo Mating

- chiefly mating to generate mana - offspring marriage of high born brother/sister

Religion vs. reality

- continuity of consciousness - using pele for power, steam is her mana/energy to ship to another islands - can use plants for treatment and medicine

Kupua/demigods, who and what were they?

- deified chiefs, children of god/mortal unions - pele: fire and volcanoes - hina: various - hi'iaka: hula - mo'oinannea: freshwater - poli'ahu: snow - Laka: hula - Māui - kamapua'a - milu: unerdworld - Maikohā: kapa-making

Star compass

- direction, celestial beings


- discovered Fire. - Maui slowed down the sun and obtained fire


- double whole vessel, named after constellation above hawaii - canoe of ancient design built with modern materials built to show that people can navigate through purposeful migration

What are the theories of migration into the Pacific

- drift theory: by thor heyerdahl, originated from south america, based on evidence of sweet potato bc it is indigenous to south american and not the oceanic region, testing his theory he basically crashes into tuamotu islands, problematic as cannot drift farther than tuamotu islands effectively - way-finding/purposeful navigation: non instrumental navigation

Evidence for the various theories of migration

- drift theory: sweet potato - way-finding/purposeful navigation: lapita pottery shows movement eastward out of south east asia, obsidian was purposefully traded for over 700 years, common language and culture, yoshi sinotos findings on island go huahine suggesting a production site of goods for trade, molokai contained similar artifacts found at huahine


- earth mother - parent of the islands Hawaii and Maui - Ho'ohokukalani was papa and wakeas first offspring daughter

Cultural Bomb

- effect of the cultural bomb is annihilate a people's belief in their names in their languages in their environment tin their heritage, of stubble, in their unity, in their capacities and ultimately in themselves - makes them see their past as one wasteland of non-achievement and it makes them want to distance themselves from that wasteland - remove themselves from their culture

Function of the Kahakō

- elongate the sound over a vowel


- family guardians/ ancestral spirits - spirits of the departed returned in new kinolau - examples: sharks, turtles


- first human being whose parents were of the night - most akua, mana - in love triangle with ki'i and kane


- first migration into oceania - language good way to track movement of people - different land mass - groups of language (romantic, germanic, etc) - language group - originated from sunda shelf and moved to sahul - occurred 30 to 50,000 years ago - moved over land bridges and crossed narrow bodies of sea - ancestors of the aboriginals of Australia - land bridges began to disappear roughly 80,000 years ago

Why are sharks called

- food for nourishment, call spirits of the shark

Nature based religions and their protection under US law

- geothermal development hurts lands, export to oahu - last low land rainforest - bring more invasive species - government insists no harm but lied, many accidents, toxic chemicals released into the air

Function of the ʻOkina

- glottal stop between two vowels, a pause


- god, goddess, supernatural, godly - major gods like papa and wakea - multiple aspects similar to hinduism


- hawaii creole english - pidgin passed down from plantain workers - birth of a language that is passed on


- headman of an ahupua'a land division under the chief; lang rights under the high chief - ones who came into actual contact with the ali'i nui and were exposed to the dangers of the court - managers of items- land, people for example Umi


- heiau, ancient hawaiian temple - prophesied to ensure Kamehameha's ability to conquer all of the Hawaiian islands and was dedicated to his family's war god, Kūkā'ilimoku - dedicated to human sacrifice

Types of heiau

- heiau: place of worship - ko'a: fishing shrine - ho'ola: healing temple - ipuolono (hale o lono): agricultural temple - pu'uhonua: sanctuary - hale o papa: women's temple/house - luakini: war temple

Mental universe

- most important area of domination; the colonized, the control through culture, relationship to the world (brain washing kids) - the only reality is in the mind and observations, but observations are not of things. to see the universe as it really is, we must abandon our tendency to conceptualize observations as things - way i see is based on cultural world view, not universal

Maori School Act

- native schools act - (1867) All children are to be taught to read and write in Maori

Functions of navigator

- navigate, survival of people of boat - show what ancestors did, pass on tradition - makes all the decisions

Rules of vowels and consonants

- never ending with a consonant - if the same vowels are next to each other it needs a okina - w and v sound can be interchanged - with words of four syllables or less the stress is on the second to the last syllable


- non-austronesians moved to here

Sunda shelf

- non-austronesians originated from here

Points of the Polynesian triangle

- north point: hawaii - west point: aotearoa - east point: raps nui or easter island


- ok with the relationship - in relationship with la'ila'i


- plant in body forms - finding the spirit of the divine in the ordinary world


- power and development of the land - "if these things die, then i die" - can't live like kupuna, can't live off the land - failed as younger sibling to take care of older sibling

Pūnana Leo

- pre-school immersion schools in hawaii - language nest - teach them young to pass on to generation because college students, people who are older could not/ are not carrying on the language as effectively - used for revitalization of language - teach hawaiian ways and values

Colonial alienation

- real aim of colonialism was to control peoples wealth - disassociation of the sensibility of that child from his natural and social environment


- sacred eating - religion is which sacred males and dangerous females are separated in the act of eating, creating order in the world - males being la'a (sacred) - women defiling by virtue of menstruation - food prepared by men - coconuts, bananas, and some red fish are forbidden for women - four nights of lunar month set aside for special worship of four major male gods, men cannot sleep with wahine

Climatic changes

- sea levels rise - fire caves of naumaga: large house under the sea found an underwater cave more than 40 metros down the wall of a coral cliff *period of glaciation locked away huge volumes of water, sea level to fluctuate 20-45 meters lower than at present


- second, more extensive migration into oceania - language group - originated fout of south east asia - occurred between 3,000 to 6,000 years ago - movement aided by 3 technologies: *navigate by stars, wind, and ocean currents *vessel capable of deep ocean voyaging *lapita pottery which aided with transporting food and water - for 1,000 years remained in tons and samoa to become successful island dwelling people

Mālama 'āina

- serving or caring for the land - ali'i nui kept the 'aina fertile and the akua appeased, the maka'ainana red and clothed the ali'i nui - ali'i nui determined the correct uses of the 'aina - deals with ohana, family, doesn't always involve choice - came from the land, so we must take care of the land


- sky father - parent of the islands Hawaii and Maui - Ho'ohokukalani was papa and wakeas first offspring daughter


- son of Wākea and Ho'ohokukalani - brother or relationship - sacred taro


- son of wakea and papa, taro plant - 1st kalo plant


- spiritual power, presence, strength - leadership; in people, places

Mau Piailug

- taught the art of teaching non instructional migration - asked by polynesian voyaging society to help the hawaiians rediscover their voyaging origins - home waters in micronesia - satawal island - learned from his father and grandfather - become po: initiated in both magic and navigation - men who can't navigate aren't looked up to, don't have a name

Kohanga Reo

- teaching young children native language of Maori - translation of puanana leo - used in aoteroroa


- the deep geneology of Papa and Wākea - how we relate to past, present, and future


- their god, shark calling - taught men to call sharks with magic - gave men power to call their ancestors

Why did the men drink?

- to gain an altered state, deal with the pain of cultural and modern tension - sell shark fins for food to live even though it's sacred - give them hope, give up beliefs


- to search for the new source of mana, a new chief/leader

Cradle of Polynesian civilization

- tonga and samoa - there 1,000 years

1: birth of the sea urchins and limu of the reef, corla polyp 2: 73 fish born 3: male and female elements, 52 flying creatures (birds and incests) 4: born all things creeping/crawling (honu, lobster, lizard, jellyfish) 5: pug roots in female earth 6: born uku and rat 7: dog and bat 8: 4 divinities born, eldest being la'ila'i the female, most mana 9: exalts la'ila'i, mates with eldest brother ki'i who have many akua (powerful) kids 10: la'ila'i and brother kane mate and have kids like la'i'olo'olo - la'ila'i + ki'i= ha'i and hali'a, hakea 11: la'ila'i + ki'i = lanes children (po'olua) - la'ila'i + son hali'a = loa'a - loa'a + hakele'a = 800 generation of descendants 12: glorification of wakeas lineage - son halo opu'upu'u to wakea = 184 generations 13: honors papa - papa + wakea = haloa (female akua mana) 14: li'aikihonua + keakahulihonua = laka 15: haumeanui'aiwaiwa (goddess of child birth) 16: humans born, 'aumakua -2,000 lines long - 1-8 is the the po (night) - 9-16 in the day (ao) - genealogy

How many migrations were there into the Pacific



American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions


belief in only one god


goddess of childbirth

Kahuna nui

high priest and councilor of high chief


sky father

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