HWST Worksheets Answers

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The recipe for creating divinity.

Author's definition of incest?


Did Europeans invent belittlement? (Our Sea of Islands)


The path of Kū is the path of...?

Both a historical-geographic and religious-symbolic concept.

What is Hawaiki?

'Aikapu - ʻAi: to eat; kapu: sacred. ʻAikapu is the sacred eating protocol that established a way of life and is the religion in Hawaiʻi.

According to the story, Wākea desired Ho'ohōkūkalani but did not want Papa to find out about his wishes. What is the solution that was provided by the Kahuna (religious priest)?

High chiefs

Ali'i Nui?



Lesser priests

Kaukau ali'i?



They tell of the departure from an original land to another and chronicle arrival, exploration, and settlement. The also consider the navigators' deeds.

What do migration traditions contain?

It describes, traces, and defines the origin, existence, and characteristics of natural phenomena.

What function/use does lore have?


Who is Wākea?

"Vast, expanding, hospitable, generous, humanity rising from the depths of the brine and regions of fire deeper still, Oceania is us."

According to Epeli Hau'ofa, author of "Our Sea of Islands," what is Oceania?

Interactions with Europeans.

According to the author of "Our Sea of Islands," what event or action can be traced to the derogatory or belittling views of indigenous cultures?

Anything but small.

Describe the perspective or worldview of the peoples of Oceania regarding their environment. Did their environment extend beyond the shoreline?

1) capping: an event that fills a gap 2) overshadowing: a more recent arrival that dominates and marginalizes previous settlers 3) in situ: originated from the land

Determine three methods, as mentioned in the reading, that reflects the process of a synchronic rupture/gap in a common continuous history and reflects the importance of new homeland histories.

The term "master" and "boy" as used to differentiate between Europeans and indigenous.

Give an example of how language can be used as a tool to control and emphasize social and ethnic differences. (Our Sea of Islands)

Derogatory or belittling behavior integral to relationships of dominance and subordination, wherein superiors say things or behave in ways that are accepted by inferiors, and in turn perpetuate the relationship.

How does the author of "Our Sea of Islands" describe the views of people in a dominant position and how are these views perpetuated to then have significant consequences on their inferiors?

Wardship over the people; land and seas would be at the mercy of the global economy.

If the ideas of "narrow, deterministic perspectives" continue for generations, what would happen to the people and what would happen to the land and seas? (Our Sea of Islands)

Skyfather and Earthmother.

In Polynesia, who is the father and mother that is found as a common theme from all other gods are born?

Genealogies of Native Hawaiians go back to a familial relationship with Earthmother and Skyfather.

In your own words, describe the significance and importance of genealogies to the Hawaiian people.

land managers


Repect for elders and 'ohana.

Mālama means "to care" and 'Āina means "land". Mālama 'āina, "to care for the land," is a literal translation. What is the metaphorical relationship that this refers to the idea of reciprocity?

Hawai'i, Havai'i, Savai'i, Hawaiki.

Name at least one geographic cognate and list four locations where the same name can be found.

Failure to understand the internal historical and symbolic dynamics of these traditions, literal misinterpretations, and deliberately invented material.

Name three failures that have led to unscholarly publications on these traditions.

A child of a union with multiple parents

Po'oula or "two heads" refers to...?

Māui who fishes the Hawaiian Islands out of the Ocean floor.

Provide the name of a culture hero and her/her story.


The path of Lono is the path of...?

Culture heroes can be based on real figures whose stories have been so transmuted over generations that their legitimate history (and details associated) is nearly impossible to deduce. Culture heroes act as intermediaries between gods and humans.

What are culture heroes?

Tu, Tane, Ta'aroa, Ro'o

What are the names of the most well-known, first order Polynesian gods?

National governments and proletariats.

What are the two levels of operation that are pertinent to the purpose of the paper, "Our Sea of Islands"?

Tane: all beautiful things, lifeforms and birds. Ro'o: messenger god. Tu: god of war. Ta'aroa: sea, heavens and creation.

What do the most well-known deities represent?

The views often differ markedly.

What does Epeli Hau'ofa say about the views from the national level of governments versus that from the level of ordinary people? (Our Sea of Islands)

Named systematically from one place to another and became symbolized as origins were forgotten.

What does current scholarship argue about the names throughout Polynesia?

Hāloa (2nd child) - name honoring, maka'āinana, land management

What example(s) is/are given from the Papa and Wākea story that reflects this relationship of respect for elders and 'ohana?

He was bound to the notion of smallness that even if they could improve approaches to production, that the absolute size of our islands would still impose such limitations that they would remain defeated. (In other words, his own feeling was perpetuating the ideas of inferiority and the presumed need for assistance from the larger (dominant and controlling) government to be able to survive.)

What idea was the author of "Our Sea of Islands," Epeli Hau'ofa, bound to?

To make people believe they have no other choice but dependence.

What is "neocolonialism," as defined by the author of "Our Sea of Islands", Epeli Hau'ofa?

It is a matter of perception, especially by those living on continents.

What is "the idea of smallness" and "tiny confined spaces" relative to according to Epeli Hau'ofa? (Our Sea of Islands)

Thresholds between creation and reality because the idea of geographic and spiritual origin were mutually similar.

What is a more likely proposition for so many places sharing similar names?

God (most sacred, land and politics

What is akua?

Lands of origin.

What is not emphasized in Polynesian lore but considered a striking feature of Polynesian oral tradition?

The ancient practice of reciprocity.

What is the core of all oceanic cultures that is not taken into account by economists?

To explain the existance of land as opposed to its discovery.

What is the cultural import of migratory traditions?

"Islands in a far sea" suggests smallness, helplessness, and solitude. "A sea full of islands" suggests a vast, yet still expanding, region with a multitude of explorers.

What is the difference between viewing Oceania as "islands in a far sea" vs "a sea of islands"?

Small island states and territories of the Pacific, all Polynesia and Micronesia, are much too small, too poorly endowed with resources, and too isolated from the centers of economic growth for their inhabitants ever to be able to rise above their present condition of dependence on the largess of wealthy nations.

What is the prevailing view that has been unwittingly propagated mostly by social scientists about Islanders? (Our Sea of Islands)

To establish and invoke moral codes, and to reinforce the legitimacy of social institutions and customary practices.

What is the purpose of lore?

It is the origin story of the people of Hawai'i.

What is the significance of the story of Papa, Wākea, and Ho'ohōkūkalani?

"The world of Oceania is not small; it is huge and growing bigger every day."

What new view of Oceania did Epeli Hau'ofa have in "Big Island" at a conference?

To control and subordinate.

What reason was given to explain why aristocracy in Tonga used belittlement with commoners? (Our Sea of Islands)


What specific idea regarding the origin of human life is the usual Polynesian tradition?

East and West Polynesia.

Where can cognates of "Hawaiki" be found?

From the creation and demigod traditions.

Where does lore pertaining to the natural world emanate from?

Hawai'i island, Māui island, Ho'ohōkūkalani, Kauai'i, Ni'ihau, Lehua, Ka'ula.

Who are the children of Papa and Wākea?

Hāloanakalaukapalili - Kalo and Hāloa - Ali'i Nui; people of Hawaiʻi

Who are the children of Wākea and Ho'ohōkūkalani and whom does each child represent?

The Kalo (plant) and the Ali'i Nui.

Who are the children of Wākea and Ho'ohōkūkalani?


Who is Papa?

They contain a mix of history and symbolism.

Why are migratory traditions difficult to interpret?

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