IBoB Quiz

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Amanda is in for a very big surprise when she wakes up to see a Sponge Bob balloon the day after her party. Name this book.

11 Birthdays Mass

The main characters in this book are Amanda and Leo, who have something very special in common. Name this book.

11 Birthdays Mass

In which book do we read about a diverse group of important Americans, among them civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr., cellist Yo-Yo Ma, and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel?

50 American Heroes Every Kid Should Meet Denenberg

Name the book in which you can read about Americans who have accomplished note-worthy things.

50 American Heroes Every Kid Should Meet Denenberg

He invented the telephone so he could get rich, but his desire was only to have enough money to keep inventing. What is the book about this remarkable man and his ideas?

Always Inventing Matthews

Which biography starts with the quote, "Wherever you may find the inventor...He can no more help inventing than he can help thinking or breathing?"

Always Inventing Matthews

The main character of this book was a silversmith who lived in Boston. Name it.

And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? Fritz

The main character of this book was chosen as the messenger to cross the Charles River from Boston to Charleston, Lexington, and Concord and to warn citizens to arm themselves because the British were coming. Name it.

And then What Happened, Paul Revere? Fritz

The main characters in which book take off in a purple and yellow polka-dotted ballopn to travel to the Claw Islands?

Attack of the Bandit Cats Stilton

Which book opens with a near riot caused by an error in the printing of the New Mouse City's Yellow pages?

Attack of the Bandit Cats Stilton

In which book does a king instruct his magicians to create a substance to come out of the sky?

Bartholemew and the Oobleck Seuss

In which book does a boy tell the king that even kings can't rule the sky?

Bartholomew and the Oobleck Seuss

In which book do John and Marta care for a boy who turns out to have enormous artistic talent?

Boy on the Porch Creech

In which book is a boy found with a note in his pocket that reads: "Please take care of Jacob. He is a good boy. Will be back when we can?"

Boy on the Porch Creech

In 1938 nine brothers from New Jersey formed their own semi-pro baseball team with their father as coach. Name this book.

Brothers at Bat Vernick

In which book do you learn about a family with twelve baseball-playing brothers?

Brothers at Bat Vernick

In which book do we learn that a daddy long-legs, a harvestman, is not a spider after all?

Bug Off Yolen

Name the book where you will read about an attractive fly who "flew onto my leaf and not my food."

Bug Off Yolen

In which book will you learn that President Theodore Roosevelt was the president who pushed congress to pass laws creating national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and national forests.

Camping Trip that Changed America Rosenstock

Name the book that tells the story of Theodore Roosevelt and John Muir's trip to the towering Sequoias in California.

Camping Trip that Changed America Rosenstock

Name the book in which three kids solve the mystery of a stolen national treasure.

Capture the Flag Messner

The three main characters in this book are all descendants of the world's most creative minds and become junior members of the Silver Jaguar society. Name this book.

Capture the Flag Messner

In which book does a girl beg her father not to kill the runt of a litter of pigs?

Charlotte's Web White

Which book ends hopefully, with baby spiders floating away?

Charlotte's Web White

In which book does the main character help her friend Margaret "trim" her hair during school?

Clementine Pennypacker

The third grader in this book names her kittens after labels she finds in the bathroom. Name this book.

Clementine Pennypacker

Name the book that shows readers how dogs are trained, how they contribute to military missions, and what happens when they retire.

Dogs on Duty Patent

Name the book where we meet Cairo, a Belgian Malinois that served in the United States Navy.

Dogs on Duty Patent

In which book does Kate decide she needs to pack up Annabelle and her family and send them away while the upstairs bedrooms are renovated?

Doll People Set Sail Martin

Which book tells the story of Annabelle, who, with her family, was packed in a box and sent overseas by mistake?

Doll People Set Sail Martin

In which book does the new principal and the former principal face off in a skateboard competition?

Dr. Carbles is Losing his Marbles Gutman

In which book does the principal get fired for bringing a live turkey to school, which runs off the stage, causing the students to go crazy?

Dr. Carbles is Losing his Marbles Gutman

In which book does Ma call the main character fra-gile because he is often afraid, especially when he chooses to ride Old Flapjack instead of the faster horses?

Elijah of Buxton Curtis

Which book is set in a settlement in Canada (just across the border from Michigan) and takes place shortly before the Civil War in the 1860s?

Elijah of Buxton Curtis

In this book Avon and Edward meet a mouse they believe is really a dragon in disguise. Their belief convinces the mouse he is a dragon and he runs off to tell his friends of his identity. What is the title of this book?

End of the Beginning Avi

This is the story of Avon Snail and Edward Ant and the adventures they have. What is this book's title?

End of the Beginning Avi

Name the book which tells about a man who drew up plans for a 250-foot wheel that could carry over two thousand people high into the sky.

Ferris Wheel Sneed

Which book is about an invention that was the result of a challenge issued to American civil engineers to outdo the French Eiffel Tower to display at the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago?

Ferris Wheel Sneed

In which book does Jason show poor sportsmanship, refusing to pass the basketball to new center Derek?

Free Throw Maddox

In which book does the Derek get the center position on the basketball team, making former center Jason jealous?

Free Throw Maddox

In which book will you find recipes for Hope Soup, Don't Think About it Soup, and Family Soup?

Gingersnap Giff

This book tells the story of Jayna, her pet turtle, and her quest to find the grandmother she has never met. What is its title?

Gingersnap Giff

In which book does Sam become upset with his sister for crashing a fishing trip with his Dad?

Gone Fishing Wissinger

In which book will you find the verse, "Can hardly wait to throw my bait, I think for fun I'll catch a ton?"

Gone Fishing Wissinger

Which book begins with the line, "a speck of dust is a tiny thing. Five of them could fit on the period at the end of this sentence?"

Great American Dust Bowl Brown

Which book tells about the mistake of replacing bison with cattle, leading to a storm catastrophic for farmers in the midwest?

Great American Dust Bowl Brown

In what book do we learn that in an ecosystem such as there rain forest, all living things are dependent on one another for food, shelter, and many other things?

Great Kapok Tree Cherry

Name the book in which rain forest animals talk to a sleeping man to convince him not to chop down the tree in which they live.

Great Kapok Tree Cherry

In which book do we find a pet who runs, fetches, and eats homework, but is not a dog?

Guinea Dog Jennings

Mom's idea to bring home a pet other than a dog is almost more than Rufus can take. Name this book.

Guinea Dog Jennings

Every day Professor Ueno says to his dog, "What a good dog you are. What a fine dog you are. You are the best dog in all of Japan." Name this book.

Hachiko Waits Newman

Which true story inspired a statue in Japan where young people often pledge their loyalty and love?

Hachiko Waits Newman

In this book, Dobby gives a warning to the main character that if he returns to school, his life will be in mortal danger. Name it.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Rowling

The main character in this book hears a giant serpent speak because he has the gift of parseltongue. What is it?

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Rowling

Which book is about a young migrant worker who organized anti-violent marches in California when National Farm Workers decided to strike?

Harvesting Hope Krull

Which book tells the true story of a young migrant worker who started "La Causa" or The Cause, the symbol of which is a black eagle?

Harvesting Hope Krull

Griffin Ben, and the group all help Savannah keep Luthor away from his mean old owner in which book?

Hideout Korman

In this book, Griffin and Ben must come up with the biggest plan yet to save Savannah's dog, Luthor. Name it.

Hideout Korman

After leading his hockey team to a victory one afternoon, Steve Crandall accepted a ride in a limousine with an avid fan his own age. Name this book.

Hockey Machine Christopher

Name the book in which 13-year-old Steve Crandall is abducted and forced against his will to play for a junior professional hockey team.

Hockey Machine Christopher

In which book does a girl live with her mother and brother in a car, hoping that a reward will help better their situation?

How to Steal a Dog OConnor

In which story does Georgina decide that stealing for reward money is a good way to help her family?

How to Steal a Dog OConnor

In which book do Barry and Jay create a superhero to enter into the Acclaim Comic Books' "Create a Superheo" contest?

I Survived Hurricane Katrina 2005 Tarshis

Name the book that tells the experience of a young boy in a terrible storm in New Orleans, Louisiana.

I Survived Hurricane Katrina 2005 Tarshis

Amy Dan, Nellie, and Saladin travel to Syney on a hunch. Before they died in a house fire, Amy and Dan's parents had traveled there. Name this book.

In Too Deep Watson

Two orphans, their nanny, and their cat, Saladin, arrive in Australia. They are on a dangerous hunt for clues that will make them the most powerful people in the world. Name this book.

In Too Deep Watson

In which book do we meet Rusty, whose "twoleg's" house was near the forest, who often longed to venture there, against the wishes of his friend Smudge.

Into the Wild Hunter

Which book is about a tom cat named Rusty, or a "kittypet" as the warriors would say?

Into the Wild Hunter

Special Ed is the name of a teacher in what book?

Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key Gantos

This book is about a boy who says he is a good kid, but just has dud meds. Name it.

Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key Gantos

In this book a talented baseball player is not allowed to play in the major leagues due to the color of his skin. Name it.

King of the Mound Tooke

In which book do we read about an unlikely friendship between a boy who is recovering from polio and a real-life baseball player?

King of the Mound Tooke

In which book does a boy attend six different schools in six years because he is kicked out of each one, and then discovers the real reason for his behavior and learning problems the summer he first attendsCamp Half-Blood?

Lightning Thief Riordan

Mount Olympus, home of the gods,has moved from Greece to the six hundredth floor of the Empire State Building in NYC in which book?

Lightning Thief Riordan

In which book does Mom get a lot of ideas for a family road trip from the magazine "Family Frolic?"

Long Haul Kinney

In which book does a family eat sugar wafers and breath mints on the first night of their road trip because Rodrick didn't buy any of the items on the grocery list he was given by Mom?

Long Haul Kinney

In which book will you find a mammal that gives birth to babies so small they look like pink jelly beans with legs?

Marsupials Bishop

Which book discusses animals who live on the continent of Australia, including bettongs, bilbies, and koalas?

Marsupials Bishop

In which book do we meet a woman who stands up to society, choosing a profession and a wardrobe different than what the people of the time expect of her?

Mary Walker Wears the Pants Harness

This book tells the true story of a woman who wanted to become a doctor during a time when only men had this profession. What is its title?

Mary Walker Wears the Pants Harness

The toy rabbit in this story was accidentally thrown overbord by Amos as he and his brother, Martin, played catch with him. Name this book.

Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane diCamillo

This main character was loved, lost, rescued, broken, fixed, bought and sold before he finally found his way back home and into the arms of the girl who loved him first. Name this book.

Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane diCamillo

In which book do the main characters end up on a misty island that turns out to be the world's first floating science laboratory?

Monday with a Mad Genius Osborne

In which book do the main characters, Jack and Annie, get to help Leonardo da Vinci?

Monday with a Mad Genius Osborne

In which book do you read about 200,000 homeless children who were transported from the Eastern US to other parts of the country?

Orphan-Train Rider Warren

Name the book in which you learn about the plight of a group homeless and orphaned children between 1854 and 1930.

Orphan-Train Rider Warren

Name the book in which the main character, Melody, is confined to a wheelchair.

Out of My Mind Draper

The main character in this book is surrounded by words but not able to talk. Name this book.

Out of My Mind Draper

In this book we learn about the near-extinction of an island animal, due to humans' involvement. Name it.

Parrots over Puerto Rico Roth

In which book do we learn about an animal that thrived long before human settlers arrived, but were driven to near extinction afterwards.

Parrots over Puerto Rico Roth

In what book did the main character have a friend named John Adams, the future president of the United States?

Picture Book of John Hancock Adler

Name the book whose main character took special care to make sure the King of England could read his name on the Declaration of Independence, even without his spectacles?

Picture Book of John Hancock Adler

In this book, hard boiled eggs were the fad in 3rd grade. The best way of cracking the egg was to whack it against your head. When the main character whacked, something slimy ran down her face. Her egg was raw! Name this book.

Ramona Quimby, Age 8 Cleary

In which book does a teacher, Miss Whaley, praise the main character for her good work after she bravely presented a book report from behind a cat mask?

Ramona Quimby, Age 8 Cleary

Nora Rose Rowley attends the fifth grade in Connecticut in this book. What is it?

Report Card Clements

The main character's excuse for getting Ds on her report card is because she says,"Ds have a pretty shape." Name the book.

Report Card Clements

The young man in this book learned he could spin straw into gold on his mother's spinning wheel, but he didn't realize the true cost of this use of magic.Name it.

Rump Shurtliff

Which book begins with the line, "My mother named me after a cow's rear end?"

Rump Shurtliff

In which book do we find people living like they would in the 1840s even though it is 1996?

Running Out of Time Haddix

In which book do we meet Jessie, a girl from the 1840s who has to travel to 1996 to help her town fight a terrible illness?

Running out of Time Haddix

In which book does a boy find a dog who won't come when he is called, although he answers to a whistle?

Shiloh Naylor

In which book is there an evil man who starves and kicks his dogs?

Shiloh Naylor

In which book do we find a boy who is required to use his "big hands" stacking grain sacks, shoveling coal, and serving in WWII when he would rather be drawing and painting pictures?

Splash of Red Bryant

Name the book that is a biography about a famous folk artist.

Splash of Red Bryant

The frog in this book remains a frog even though a princess kisses it. What is its title?

Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales Scieszka

Which book features a princess who sleeps on a bowling ball?

Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales Scieszka

In which book do we get to read case files about interactions between several middle school kids and a magic finger puppet?

Strange Case of Origami Yoda Angleberger

In which book does a finger puppet help sixth-graders by predicting the future and giving suggestions on how to deal with tricky situations?

Strange Case of Origami Yoda Angleberger

In which book do Chinese workers work on a plantation because the former slaves moved north after the Civil War?

Sugar Rhodes

In which book does a ten-year-old orphan girl have no choice but to work on a plantation?

Sugar Rhodes

In which book does a brother go to extremes to get rid of his baby sister, including trying to sell her, give her away, and offering to pay someone to take her?

Superfudge Blume

With the announcement of a new baby on the way, Peter tells his family that he is going to run away, until his brother begs him to stay. Name this book.

Superfudge Blume

IN which book did Trisha look at a page in her reader and only see wiggling shapes?

Thank You Mr. Falker Polacco

Trisha, overjoyed at the the thought of learning how to read, struggles when she finds that all the letters and numbers get jumbled up. Name this book.

Thank You Mr. Falker Polacco

A dog is the first to notice that Andrew and Drew have switched places in which book?

Time for Andrew Hahn

In which book to Andrew and his great-great-nephew, Drew, play a game of marbles?

Time for Andrew Hahn

In this book you will discover different names for roaring wind storms, for instance dust devils, whirlwinds, waterspouts, and cyclones. Name it.

Tornadoes Simon

This non-fiction book tells us about a weather disaster sometimes called a twister.

Tornadoes Simon

In which book do you learn about the fight between the US and Soviet Union centered around nuclear weapons?

Wall Sis

In which book will you read about the author growing up during the Cold war?

Wall Sis

A prince decides to run away and takes a servant with him. When the two are kidnapped, theprince cannot convince the kidnappers that he is the prince because he was too lazy to lear to write his own name. Name this book.

Whipping Boy Fleischman

Prince Brat runs away, taking his serving boy, Jemmy the orphan, with him. Their adventures in keeping ahead of Hold-Your-Nose-Billy and his partner, Cutwater are told in what book?

Whipping Boy Fleischman

In which book do we meet the Cassidy family, who fosters Great Pyrenees dogs until they can find new homes for them?

White Fur Flying MacLachlan

Name the book in which nine-year-old Phillip refuses to talk to anyone until a dog named Jack helps him during a hailstorm.

White Fur Flying MacLachlan

Erdas is in trouble and is looking for help from four children and their beasts in which book?

Wild Born Mull

In which book do four children summon four legendary beasts and fight to save Erdas?

Wild Born Mull

Gaby daydreams to tune out her parents' arguments, but when her parents divorce and she begins a new school, daydreaming gets her into trouble. Name this book.

Words With Wings Grimes

In what book do words cause the man character's mind to fly?

Words With Wings Grimes

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