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#209 Creating of database

"Office" button- create - new database

#297 Excel displays the error message in cells to indicate a divide by zero error


#135 MS Access. Records are sorted by increase

$10, $25, $35, $50

#116 MS Excel. *!The absolute link is


#118 The mixed link is


646 *!HTML. Values of the following tag attribute <OL TYPE= " ">:

(а, b, с, d, ...)

Formats of Html document

.htm и html

#121 Excel. Binary file format (BIFF12) in Excel


#115 MS Excel. The file extension for a Microsoft Excel 2007 workbook is


632 *!MS Power Point application format:


#227 Significance level which is used in medicine


#228 Level of confidence using in medicine


603 *!MS Excel. Possible variant of the date format


#119 The size of a worksheet in Excel 2007/2010

1 048 576 rows and 16 384 columns

#66 To storage of 256-colors image are necessary:

1 byte

#225 The size of the sample: 1,2,3,7,5,6,6,3,1,2.


#34 Decimal number 2 in binary system is written as


Program of forming «E-government» in Republic of Kazakhstan on 2005-2007

10.11.2004, №1471

#32 Multiplication of binary numbers 1011 and 110


565 *!The sum of binary number: (0001001+0001011), (100110+10100)


#13 Binary equivalent of decimal number 42


#36 The multiplication of binary numbers 110 and 111


#103 MS Excel. Each worksheet in a workbook has rows


563 *!What number are decimal equivalent of 138 and 478?


560 *!In word «INFORMATICS»

11 bytes

#35 The sum of binary numbers 111011+101010 is equal to


566 *!The sum of binary numbers: (101001+1011), (10010+10111)


576 *!What is the octal and binary equivalent of a decimal number


#226 The size of the sample: 1,2,8,7,5,6,6,8,1,2,3,4.


494Web portal of the electronic government of Kazakhstan was created in


Phone number of Call-center of «E-government»


#194 MS Excel. In А1 cell is written number 5, and in В1 cell is written the formula =А1 multiply 2, in С1 cell is written =А1 В1. The result of calculating the С1 cell:


#50 The first computer was invented in


#201 MS Excel. Number of cells in the following formula: =SUM(А1;С3)


#231 The mode of the sample: 1,2,8,2,5,6,2,8,1,2,3,4.


#312 MSАccess. Maximum number of symbols in text field of the table


#12 The maximum number in which no more than 8 bits of information are included


549 *!The article about "A medical secret" of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan about people health


#30 In 32 Gbytes there are

2^35 bytes

#144 MS Access. A form typically has sections


#198 MS Excel. The range of cells В2:В10 contain numbers 44, 64, 52, 37, 82, 52, 32, 93, 48. Show result of COUNTIF(В2:В10;"<48")


How many levels of cloud technologies are exist:


516 Information systems of scientifically research institutes and medical schools decide

3 tasks

#200 MS Excel. The range of cells В2:В10 contain numbers44, 64, 52, 37, 82, 52, 32, 93, 48.Show result of MIN(В2:В10)


562 *!Previou and subsequent number of 458


#396 What information volume does contain the text page typed by means of the computer which consists of 50 lines on 80 characters? (1 Kbyte ≈ 1000 bytes)

4 Kbytes

#67 Some alphabet consists of 16 letters. What is the amount of information in one letter of this alphabet?

4 bits

#176 Person - computer interaction. How many colors are there in a palette if the color image has the size of 20х30 points, and information volume is equal to 150 bytes?

4 colors

#69 Capacity of a compact optical disk memory:

4,7 Gbytes

#230 The mode of the sample: 1,5,3,5,5,6,6,3,1,2.


_280Constructing process of expert systems consists of stages:


#195 MS Excel. The range of cells В2:В10 contain numbers 44, 64, 52, 37, 82, 52, 32, 93, 48. Show result of MEDIAN(В2:В10)


#196 MS Excel. The range of cells В2:В10 contain numbers44, 64, 52, 37, 82, 52, 32, 93, 48. Show result of MODE(В2:В10)


561 *!In word «PROGRAM» there are


#33 Convert hexadecimal number 255 into decimal system


#229 The mode of the sample: 1,2,3,7,5,6,6,8.


#316 MSАccess. Maximum numbers of symbols in «Mемо» field

65 536

#175 Person - computer interaction. The color image with a palette from 8 flowers has the size of 100х200 points. What information volume does have the image?

7500 bytes

The law "About the Electronic Document and the Digital Signature" was adopted

7th January 2003, № 370-2

#224 The size of the sample: 1,2,8,7,5,6,6,8.


#52 1 byte is equal to

8 bits

#29 In word «COMPUTER» there are

8 bytes

#28 In word «INFORMATICS» there are

88 bits

#197*!MS Excel. The range of cells В2:В10 contain numbers 44, 64, 52, 37, 82, 52, 32, 93, 48. Show result of COUNT(В2:В10)


#202 MS Excel. Number of cells in highlited groupА2:С4


#31 Convert binary number 1001 into decimal system


#199 MS Excel. The range of cells В2:В10 contain numbers 44, 64, 52, 37, 82, 52, 32, 93, 48. Show result of MAX(В2:В10)


The number of information services on web-portal of «E-government»


#254 How in a query it will be correct to specify the following criterion:: «Patient's weight is between 50 and 80»

<80 or >50

#295 MS Excel. Which keyboard shortcut should be used to fill a range of cells with the same data


#382 Internet technologies. A tag by means of which transition from one fragment of the text to another is carried out

<a href="[ jump address]"> the selected text fragment </a>

#383 Html. Tag which defines the background of the screen


645 *!HTML. Tag of physical formatting


#387 Html. Tags which contain the main part of the document


Html. What is the HTML feature that divides a web page into two or more scrollable parts


Html. Heading tags


#173 Person - computer interaction. Between what tags is placed an office information?


Html. The tag which is used to create of horizontal row


#379 Tags including picture in html-document

<img src="file name">

#380 Html. Each new element of the list begins with a tag


#386 Html. Tags of marking paragraph


#372 The tag defining an underlined font

<s> ... </s>

#375 The tag defining the crossed font

<strike> ... </strike>

Html. Besides <B>, another way to make text bold is what


Html. Tag defining the column of a table


644 *!HTML. Tag of logical formatting

<var> ... </var>

#174 Person - computer interaction. What tags are used for allocation of new paragraphs in the document?

<р> and </р >

#299 The cell A3 contains next formula: =$В$1+$С1; A3 is copied in A4.The formula in A4 will become


#193 MS Excel. In А2 cell is written 10%. The formula of calculating this percent from the number which is written in B2 cell

=B2 multiply A2

#296 MS Excel. To add two cells (A1 and A2) together you use the following formula


#298 The cell A3 contains next formula: =В1+$С1; A3 is copied in A4. The formula in A4 will become


#300 The cell A3 contains next formula: =В1+С$1; A3 is moved in A4. The formula in A4 will become


#109 MS Excel. Which of the following comparison operator means greater than or equal to


#68 Logical expression A & A is equivalent to:


#70 Logical expression A&A is equivalent to:


#124 MS Excel. Where a row and a column meet, what do you call that

A cell

#125 MS Excel. In an excel sheet the active cell is indicated by

A dark wide border

#357 Which of the following programs can be a revisor:


#242 Anti-virus programs:

AidsTest, Doctor Web, Kaspersky KAV

#78 MS Windows. Antivirus programs

AidsTest, Kaspersky Kav

#123 MS Excel. To merge the cells which tab do you use from the format, cells menu

Alignment tab

#72 MS Windows. Comand of copying of an active window maintenance into a clipboard


The largest software developer, the creator a web - service ElasticComputerCloud (EC2):


669 *!Modern operating system for mobile device:


#371 Internet. Language for creating web pages

Basic, СИ++

environment of storage and data access

Basis of an information system

#51 The smallest unit of information measure


#246 Loading viruses can infect:

Boot-Strap program

#105 MS Excel. The number of worksheets that you can add to a workbook is

Limited by the amount of memory on the computer

#161 MS Power Point. allows you to point to a gallery choice and see its effect in the document

Live preview

#263 Which of the following operating system can work only with one program at current time


673 *!Which program can be called as multimedia?

MS PowerPoint

#249 Macro viruses are:


moral responsibility of the doctor

Medical ethics are the discipline studying

#141 MS Access. Database properties are also known as


#266 MSWindows.Which of the following is an operating system you would be using on the computer

Microsoft Windows

#367 Internet. Which of the following performs modulation and demodulation


636 *!HTML. Web-browser

Mozilla Firefox

#157 MS Power Point. Video, music and sound files are examples of



My account

579 *!MS Windows. The main desktop object

My computer

668 *!Modern mobile device:


#374 Internet The geometrical scheme of computer association is called

Network topology

532 *!The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Informatization"

No. 217-III of January 11, 2007

538 *!The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On e-Document and Digital Signature":

No. 370-II of January 7, 2003

#122 MS Excel. What kind of data found in a spreadsheet

Numbers, formulas, labels

#57 The logical element which is carrying out the operation "disjunction"


#151 MS PowerPoint assumes you want your bulleted list to appear of your slide

On the left side

671 *!Technological automated workplace:

Ophthalmologist's automated workplace

620 *!Type of antivirus security:


#369 Internet. A network model where there is no server computer is

Peer to Peer Network

#360 A model of providing cloud computing for access to use of operating systems and database management system

Platform as a Service

#315 MSАccess. Before printing a datasheet, you can use - to determine whether to change the page orientation from portrait to vertical orientation

Print Preview

#146 MS Access. The arrange tab button called opens the object's property sheet to set its properties

Property Sheet

#365 Internet. Rules of an exchange of information between computers through a network


#321 MS Access. The undo command is found where in Access

Quick Access toolbar

#150 MS Power Point.Are defined combinations of formatting options

Quick Styles

#153PowerPoint's allows you to advance through the slides with your timing recorded

Rehearsal feature

#248 Auditor programs:

Remember data on a condition of programs

#333 Specify two main groups of viruses:

Resident, non-resident

#325 Stop or renewal of automatic display

S or «+» symbol

#154 MS PowerPoint. To select sequential slides, click the first slide, press and hold down the key, and then click the last slide


#114 MS Excel. Shortkeys for saving workbook


#329 Transition to the first or following hyperlink on a slide


#158 MS Power Point. The _, on the scroll bar, indicates the location of the slide in the document window

Scroll box

#310 MSАccess.What type of queries is a queries that select records from tables based on criteria

Select Queries

#156 MS Power Point. Clips that reside on a shared network file server are part of _

Shared Collections

612 *!MS Word. Way of cutting the selected text into the clipboard


#221 MS Power Point. The effect applied to display when slides changes in slide show view is

Slide Transition

#160 MS Power Point. The_ shows the number and title of the slide you are about to display

Slide indicator

#162 MS Power Рoint. A presentation is also called a

Slide show

#269 How to load anti-virus AVP program:

Start - Programs - Antiviral Toolkit Pro

502G2C means

State interaction with citizens

501G2G means

State interaction with the state apparatus

#319 MS Access. Which of the following cannot be done to data using a form


#155 MS Power Point. The slide transition uses blinds and checkerboard patterns

Stripes and Bars

#159 MS Power Point. defines the appearance and shape of the letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols


#366 Internet. What is the difference between a switch and a hub

Switches operate at data link while hubs operate at physical layer

#148 MS Access. Database design refers to the arrangement of data into:

Tables and fields

#347 The second stage of creation of expert system:

allocation of the main concepts of problem area which reflect experts' knowledge

#62 The audio card is a device:

allowing to record (write), reproduce and create a sound

#60 Monitor is

an equipment of visual representation of data

676 *!The multimedia technology is:

an opportunity at the same time to use pictures, sounds, video

626 *!MS Power Point. Comand of the animation tab


#267 AVP is:

anti-virus program

#339 Antivirus programs:


#395 Information and communication technologies are:

applied science

#11 Data processing which is used to compressing data

archiving of data

#344 Polymorphic viruses:

are capable to change the code

#274 What general property do the interactive presentations have?

are operated by the speaker

#85 MS Windows. Templates of file names are given via special symbols

asterisk and interrogative sign

487Formats of videofiles:

avi, mpeg;

#264 MSWindows. Which of the following file name extension suggests that the file is backup copy of another file


601 *!The absolute address and its example in Excel

before the second line of a column F and a column F the dollar sign is written

573 *!The last 2 stage of development of the electronic computer

big integrated circuits

1 Which number system is used in PC to create coding of data


#400 Internet. Program for web browsing


#53 Device of temporary storage of information


The abbreviation designating interaction of business with the state


#23 The central processor serves for

calculations and information processing

486Codec is a device:

capable to execute data transformation or a signal;

#187 MS Word. Transition to a new line

carries out automatically

#15 For acceleration of access to random access memory it is used

cash memory

#301 MSExcel. It is specified in a formula row

cell contents

Html. The tag setting distance between frames of cells of the table in pixels


#376 Html. Tag is

character set

Internet. The form of direct communication in Internet in Online mode


505Distance learning occupations forms are

chatoccupation, weboccupation, teleconference

#349 The fifth stage of creation of expert system:

checking of expert system's work

#16 Constant memory of BIOS is used for

checking of the computer equipment

528 *!Main classes of expert system:

classification, predetermining, transforming, multiagentic

#394 The convenient environment for processing and storage of various formats information with user support of the Internet:

cloud technologies

Html. The tag defining the color of the row


#164 MS Power Рoint. Elements of slides design

color scheme, background, colors of objects

641 *!HTML. Tag <TD> has attribute


#5 information as a message should include all the relevant information


#21 Hardware is

computer configuration

471 The main objective of medical information systems of basic level is

computer support of doctors' activity of different specialties;

515 Entity of medical instrumental and computer systems

computerization of a medical equipment

To keep ethical principle which requires in secret everything that occurs during medical interaction of the doctor and the patient


#71 Connection of two simple statements A and B in one compound by means of the AND:


574 *!Elementary logic functions


The abbreviation designating interaction of citizens with the state

consumer-to- government

622 *!MS Word. Way of copying of the selected fragment

context menu - copy

#186 MS Word. Combination of several selected graphical objects

context menu - grouping - group

623 *!MS Word. Method of the insertion of the cutted document fragment

context menu-insert

#354 Kinds of information protection means:

copying of information, access differentiation

564 *!The node containing element of saving and logical element in composition


#205 MS Access. Group "Forms" is located on tab


#128 MS Access. «Create» tab allows to

create new table, form, report, query, macro and module

#342 Computer virus is the program capable to:

create own copies

#84 MS Windows. Admissible operations with file structure

creating of files, creating of ехе-files

588 *!MS Word. Group «FONT» of «HOME» tab is intended for

creating the uppercase and low case text

#324 Possibilities of the Power Point program

creation of the presentation with multimedia animation

541 *!Electronic document management it

creation, storage and exchange of business documents in the digital, electronic form

#8 According to this characteristics, the information should be timely available and it should not be obsolete as well


#4 In computer are stored


533 *!To official legal information

data on the rights or on the legislation in the broadest sense

#214 МS Аccess. In the working area of Access there are

database window and its objects windows

#212 МS Access. Group "Fields&Columns" is located on

datasheet view

#14 The appropriate data type to store time in MS Access


590 *!MS Access. Type of data


Subdividings on scope of information systems

decision making support systems

#346 The first stage of creation of expert system:

definition of the purposes and outcomes for which the expert system is designed

548 *!Model of relations of a triad "The doctor-medical sister patient"


619 *!MS Power Point. Action of the esc key during demonstration of the presentation

demonstration completion

#132 MS Access. The type of a field is set in

design View

#129 MS Access. Changing the structure of a table

design mode

#338 Antivirus programs can be divided into following main groups:

detectors, doctors, auditors

#337 Types of antivirus programs:

detectors, doctors, auditors, filters, vaccines

#276 Medical expert systems:

diagnostic systems of second generation

527 *!Mission of the diagnostic MYCIN system:

diagnostics and control of a condition of the patient with meningitis and infectious disease

#127 MS Access. Connected fields can have

different names, but identical type of data

#43 The key parameters of processors determining its productivity:

digit capacity, clock rate, cache memory size

568 *!What device replace an analog electrical signal on 0 and 1:

digital analog transformer (DAT)

569 *!The input equipment of the statistical graphic information in the computer:

digital camera, digital video camera

#348 The fourth stage of creation of expert system:

directly creation of the knowledge base

675 *!Information system of medical institution are:

directory systems

To work with the documents of GOOGLE you need to enter in service:


The main category of medical ethics is

doctoring debt

666 *!In GOOGLE.com it is possible to create:


#185 MS Word. Ways of changing of page numbers

double click on the page number with the left button of the mouse

587 *!MSWord.Ways of selecting the text:

double click with the left button of the mouse on the fragment of the text

#260 WindowsXP. Using the mouse to move or copy cells is called

drag and drop

#305 MS Excel. Selecting of cells range on the work sheet

drag the mouse pointer from one corner of range to another

#54 Special program for control of the device


#243 In what case the computer can be infected with virus:

during the work with the infected program

473Information security from illegal access

each user of system shall have the personal password;

A doctor should possess and show this status to his patient


#18 The modem and the fax-modem are used for

exchanging information with other computers

#38 The modem and the fax-modem are used for

exchanging information with other computers

#80 MS Windows. Formats of executed files

exe, .com, .bat

#279 Are engaged in expert systems:

experts and specialists in the field of an artificial intelligence

#22 The streamer is intended for

fast saving of information in the hard drive

#96 MS Word. A saved document is referred to as a


#182 MS Windows. Command of creating a new file in Windows Explorer

file - create - choose of the created file type

#79 MS Windows. Ways of creating of folders via explorer

file - create - folder

#179 MS Windows. File characteristics

file name, creation date and time, file size and attributes

#237 Doctor-auditors programs:

find changes and treat

#238 Vaccine programs:

find changes and treat

#345 Programs auditors of disks:

find the latent viruses

#358 The filter program:

finds suspicious actions

#14 Types of magnetic storage

floppy and hard

#63 The video card is a device:

for receiving, processing and for output of video information on the monitor

#317 MS Access. A ___is a major database object used to display information in an attractive, easy-to-read screen format


625 *!MS Access. Method of creation form

form design

#112 MS Excel. To add borders to a range of cells, right-click the selected range, select on the shortcut menu, then click the border tab

format cells

#97 MS Word. The process of changing the appearance of a paragraph is called paragraph


#130 MS Access. Special objects for input and viewing of data in the table


#361 To create profiles in the cloud use Google Docs:


To create questionnaires are used Google documents:


#350 Expert system has to include not less than:

four main elements

596 *!MS Power Рoint. Type of slide show of presentation

from current slide

#219 MS Power Point. If you want to insert some slides from other presentation into current one choose

from insert tab choose slides from files

511How should the patient call the doctor

full name

#108 MS Excel. Use the

function to determine the lowest number in a range min

#302 MS Excel. For creation of diagrams and drawing up formulas is used

function wizard

#100 MS Excel. For construction of schedules and drawing up of formulas it is necessary to use the master


570 *!Information unit of measure

gbyte, tbyte

531 *!Systems of cognitive graphics:

give the chance of displaying the set of the parameters characterizing the studied phenomena in an evident look

637 *!HTML. The filter used to the text


It is possible to change a profile photo, entering in service


The abbreviation designating interaction of the state with private sectors

government -to-business

507State regulation in the field of health care is realized by

government of RK, MH RK

The abbreviation designating interaction of the state with government

government-to- government

The abbrevsiation designating interaction of government with citizen


#113 MS Excel. When the background formula checker finds a rule that might be in violation, it places atriangle in the cell


#165 Statistical set

group of the fixed casual events

556 *!Type of store on magnetic disk


#178 On a way of infection computer viruses are divided as:

harmless, dangerous, very dangerous

#363 To create Google Presentation in the cloud it is necessary:

have a Google account

#232 Stealth viruses:

hide their presence

#77 MS Windows. File structure is


#24 Hard drive is

high capacity integral disk

#283 MS Word 2007. The clipboard is on tab


#284 MS Word 2007. The group font is on tab


#285 MS Word 2007. The group styles is on tab


605 *!MS РowerРoint. Name tab:


609 *!MS РowerРoint. List of tabs:


#131 MS Access. For copying the records it's necessary to select and execute comand

home - clipboard - copy

#82 MS Windows. Ways of copying objects

horizontal menu, Drag@drop mechanism, context menu

Html. Attributes of<a ....>tag

href, target, title

Principle of medical ethics


#120 MS Excel. For an illustration of continuous data use the following type of charts


In what case the right of the patient is violated

if operation is performed without the patient's consentI

481The main characteristics of the virtual world:

immersion, presence, interactivity;

656 *!The uniform national health system will allow to:

implement Emergency transfer to regions

#256 To change the size of text field from 255 into 50 characters in MS Access it is necessary:

in a design view to change field size

#272 How the computer can be infected a virus:

in case of execution of the infected program

#290 Excel displays the error message

in cells to indicate a cell reference error #REF!

519 Systems for carrying out monitoring are used

in chamber of intensive therapy

#136 MS Access. Logical operator «not»is used to select

in coincident values

598 *!MS Excel. It is possible to make change into the created chart

in the added legend and data sheets

655 *!Implementation of a uniform national health system will bring to

increase in efficiency of use of the state resources

#171 What is the fundamental issue of the person - computer interaction?

increase in reliability of the computer

661 *!Implementation of model of the state development program of health care on 2011 - 2015 will bring to

increase quality of medical services

665 *!Implementation of the uniform national health system will allow to

increase the motivation of medical the organizations

536 *!The most widespread services of the electronic government of RK


537 *!The information about persons, objects, facts, events, the phenomena and processes, undependently on the form of their representation, are


571 *!Information processe

information processing

472The main objective of information systems of treatment and prevention facilities

information support of administrative processes of MPI;

551 *!Purpose of medical information systems of treatment level and prevention facilities

information support of doctors in case of diagnostics and decision-making

552 *!Medical information systems of territorial level are provided

information systems for the decision of medico-technological tasks

643 *!Internet. Function of external service are:

information transfer

504Basic elements of distance learning

information transfer environment

503Е-learning system is


#281 MS Word 2007. The group symbols is on tab


#282 MS Word 2007. The group table is on tab


#95 MS Word. If existing text moves to the right with new text as you type, you are probably in mode


#217 MS Power Point. Choose model of slide

insert - slides - model

594 *!MS Access. Possible sizes of numeric table field


653 *!Service of "the electronic government" portal


480Multimedia product is:

interactive computer development;

#307 MS Access. There are 3 type of relationship that valid in MS Access 2007, except


Levelofcloud technologies.PlatformasaService - PaaS)

intermediate level of a platform

638 *!HTML. The filter used to the image


654 *!Advantage of distant education

it is available to all segments of the population

Method how to obtain digital signature:

it is necessary to submit the application for obtaining the electronic digital signature (EDS) on www.egov.kz

#377 Html. Writing of the text between tags <i> and </i> makes text


Html. The <I> tag makes text


#107 MS Excel. By default, Excel positions text in a cell:


#81 MS Windows. The Windows Explorer consists of two panels

list, contents

553 *!Neural networks solve the following problems

management of robots and medical diagnostics

#76 MS Windows. Basic purpose of an operating system

managing of computer work

#330 The statistics studies

mass phenomena

478Work of neural networks is based on

mathematical model;

#308 MS Аccess. Format of database

mdb, .ассdb

577 *!Element of a technological chain of information input

measuring modules

520 First in world practice medical information system

medical Medline system

555 *!The expert Mycin system is intended for

medical diagnostics

525 *!Scopes of expert systems:

medical diagnostics, forecasting, planning, control and management, training

543 *!The science studying the relations between the doctor and the patient

medical ethics

The medical information system realizing the Salamatty Kazakhstan program

medical information system Paragraph "Medicine"

554 *!The automated jobs of experts belong to

medical information systems of basic level

670 *!The uniform national health system which is based on the principle of the free choice by the patient of

medical organization

#306 МS Аccess.Which data type can store more than 255 characters


586 *!В MS Method «Triad» include use of:

menu bar

#83 MS Windows. The main elements of the window

menu bar, tool bar, work area, desktop, recycle bin

#56 The device which is managing operation of the computer and carrying out calculations


#19 Core speed

microprocessor speed


midi, wav, mp3;

#110 MS Excel. A cell reference with only one dollar sign before either the column or the row is called a(n)

mixed cell reference

#359 Technology which distributes information from the server to the client, used on mobile devices:

mobile push-notification messages

#393 Technology which distributes information from the server to the client, used on mobile devices:

mobile push-notification messages

659 *!Distance learning. Privilege of electronic training


#168 The values of a sign repeating with the largest frequency


#343 Programs auditors:

modify programs

#65 To output graphical information in the personal computer is used


510Ethical standards of the doctor are defined by his

moral responsibility before society

Medical ethics are the discipline studying

moral responsibility of the doctor

#259 Windows XP. A _is a pointing device


617 *!MS Excel. In spreadsheet when writing the formula are used

names of cells

631 *!MS Excel. In spreadsheet when writing the formula are used

names of cells

Reason of creation of medical information systems

need of use of large volumes of information for the decision of medical tasks

#177 Depending on the habitat computer viruses are divided as:

network, file, loading, file and loading

595 *!MS Power Рoint. Way of creating presentation

new presentation

#208 MS Access. Logical operator


#392 Defect of a cloud computing is:

not controllability of data

#328 Transition to the slide under "X" number


#9 Characteristics of information which striving to reduce or eliminate biases, subjective evaluations by relying on verifiable data


#206 MS Access. Queries are divided by a formation method

on a sample, with a parameter, crosstab, simple

479Medical information systems specialize

on integration of administrative, medical and financial information;

#90 MS Word. Header is located

on the bottom (top) side of the page

#87 MS Word. Status bar on main window is located

on the bottom part of the document

#255 If criteria are connected with AND, then in query design they register as:

on the same row

584 *!MSWindows. The main operation with windows


#362 To work with one Google Document in online mode it is necessary for group of users:

open shared access

To work with one Google document in online mode group of

open shared access

#215 МS Аccess. "Open" command of "Оffice" button allows to

open the created database

#304 MS Excel. Function of the Office button

opens the only menu of the program

#355 What operation is applied to reliability of work of anti-virus programs:

operation of base updating

#20 Random Аccess Мemory is

operative memory

Html. TAG<select...>contains attributes

option, multiple

567 1 У Х1 Х2 O *!The compound scheme include elementary logical element


575 *!Element performing operation of a disjunction and conjunction


662 *!Consumers E-Government services are

organizations *suppliers of e-services

#207 MS Access. The sequence of commands for formation of queries of the Create tab

others - query design

512 In case of survey of the patient the attending physician does him notes

out of chamber

Internet. The program for operation with e-mail

outlook express

#203 MS Excel. Samples belong to two different populations if


#204 MS Excel. Samples belong to the same population


#286 MS Word 2007. The group page setup is on tab

page layout

Reduces communicative competence of the doctor


591 *!MS Access. Define type of queiry


#336 On features of an algorithm computer viruses divide on:

parasitic, replicators, invisible beings, mutants, trojan

Patronizing model of the relations between the doctor and patient


635 *!Internet. Type of network

peer-to-peer network

667 *!Mandatory data for registration of the person for the web portal of "The electronic government"

personal identification number

!For authorization on the Web portal of "Electronic government" the following data are necessary:

personal identification number and password of the user

#134 Which of the following is not a valid data type in MS Access


#47 The binary number system concerns to

positional systems

#163 MS Power Рoint. Power Point files formats are

ppt and .pptx

517 The main idea of screening system

pre-medical routine inspection of the population

#327 Set of the slides collected in one file


602 *!MS Excel. Copying of the selected cell

press CTRL+C

#188 MS Word. To create a new paragraph when entering a text

press on Enter key

#189 MS Word. How to automatically go to the next page

press on short keys Ctrl + Enter

547 *!The relations between the doctor and the nurse are defined by

principles of medical ethics

The medical ethics studies

principles of morals and professional ethics

534 *!Traditional way of distribution of legal information nowadays

printed publicity material

#27 Plotter is used for

printing graphs and pictures

557 *!Function of the printer and plotter

printing of the the text on a paper

Implementation by the doctor in his activities of specific moral requirements and standards of behavior

professional ethics

633 *!INTERNET. Component of search engine

program indexing

#75 MS Windows. The main types of computer viruses

program, load, macro viruses

Internet. Правила обмена информации между компьютерами посредством сети


526 *!The diagnostic system is used for:

purposes of communication between the changes happening in an organism and the reasons of their emergence

474Signs of the clinical information description


#211 MS Access. To extract necessary data from one or several tables is used


593 *!MS Access.Type of creating query

query design

624 *!MS Access. Method of creating queries

query wizard

#64 A graphics with submission of the image in the form of sets of points is called:


475Diagnostic medical information systems are based on

receiving, transmission and data analysis;

#91 MS Word. What kind of underline appears below the word if you type a word that is not in word's dictionary


The doctor has the right to

refuse to treat the patient

#170 The meaning of correlation in statistics


582 *!The main type of data model in MS Access


572 *!Property of information


#133 MS Access. This object represents formatted printouts of data in a database


542 *!The main goal of professional service of the doctor

rescue of human life

629 *!Computer virus are divided by a method of infection and an influence level


#240 The main two groups of viruses:

resident, non-resident

#334 Computer viruses are divided by extent of influence on:

resident, non-resident

657 *!Program complex of the uniform national health system

resource management system

#167 Statistical indicator

result of properties' measurement of the studied object

#287 MS Word 2007. The group spelling is on tab


#99 MS Word. To find a synonym, click the thesaurus on the tab


#104 MS Excel. The located near the top of the excel window, is the control center in excel


#89 MS Word. A set of the commands grouped in a certain place of the screen called to


597 *!MS Power Рoint. Transition method from one slide to another


#381 Html. <marquee> and </marquee> tags are used for

running line

581 *!MS Word. Initially available "useful" command of the shortcut bar


#59 The device intended for input of graphic and text information


#233 The way of virus detection includes:


#166 Statistical observation

scientific organization of information registration

647 *!HTML. Tag <BEHAVIOR = " "> has attribute:


Html. Attributes of<marquee.....>tag

scroll, slide, alternate

530 *!Hypertext systems are used for:

search of text information on the keyword in the database

600 *!Relation address and its example in Excel

second line of column F

589 *!MS Excel. The way of cutting content of the selected cell

select the cell and press CTRL+X key

#190 MS Word. Changing of numbered list into marked one

select the text, choose command paragraph - markers

#73 MS WINDOWS. Utilities are intended for

service of file system and disks

540 *!Copyright

set of the precepts of law governing the relations connected to creation and use of results of creative activities

#102 MS Excel. Each worksheet has a sheet name that appears on a(n) at the bottom of the workbook

sheet tab

#98 MS Word. When your fingers are already on the keyboard, it is sometimes more efficient to use to format text

shortcut keys

#48 The greatest volume of the information can be received via


#277 Main objective of an artificial intelligence:

simulation of intellectual activities of the person for transmission of a computer of routine processes

652 *!Web loading address of web-site


#326 The presentation component containing various objects


#216 MS Power Point. Control of slideshow time

slide show - time settings

#271 Distinctive features of a computer virus are:

small volume. ability to independent start and repeated copying of a code, to creation of noise to correct operation of the computer

Portable multi-function device of mobile communication:


Mobile application is:


#10 Data processing which is used for ordering data

sorting of data

606 *!MS Access. In the database operation which are executed with the record


621 *!What program are used for work with a sound

sound editor

491What belongs to special means of a multimedia

speaker, microphone, columns;

#239 The computer virus is:

specially written program of small volume which spoils them

522 SILK interface

speech, image, language, knowledge

#169 Indicator of a variance

square of an average deviation

#258 Windows XP. The allows you to perform often-used tasks quickly

standard buttons toolbar

#183 MS Windows. Disk defragmentation

start - all programs - accessories - system tools - disk defragmentation

#86 Loading of MS Word program

start - programs - MS Office - MS Word

#181 MS Windows. Setting of date and time

start - settings - control panel - date and time

#184 MS Windows. Settings of a language

start - settings - control panel - language and regional standards - languages

508Composition of a health system

state and non-state health sector

660 *!Classification of medical information system

state level of a health system

#331 Origin of the term "statistics"


#92 MS Word. The bar presents information about the document, the progress of current tasks, and provides controls for viewing the document


#26 Video memory is used for

storage of images which are displayed on the screen

630 *!MS Excel 2007. Command of «FORMULA» tab


485Genlock is a device for:

sync images ;

#44 The lowest level software is


#356 Information security in systems and networks is:

system ensuring reliability of information

518 Determination of bank of information of health services

system of the workers and patients of MPI about qualitative and quantitative composition

545 *!One of professional duties of the doctor

system professional self-improvement

#40 Order of switching off of the computer

system unit, printer, monitor

672 *!Typical representative of medical instrumental and computer system are

systems of computer data analysis of ultrasonic diagnostics

529 *!Classification of intellectual information systems:

systems with the intelligent interface, the expert systems self-training systems, adaptive information systems

592 *!MS Access. Method of creating table


583 *!MS Аccess. Object of database:

tables, forms

To express an opinion on competence of the colleague before patients

tactlessness manifestation

Html. Tag which opens hyperlink in a new window of the browser


658 *!The payment made on the portal of "The electronic government"

tax on transport

#391 Stream multimedia:

the broadcasting continuously received from provider

477Automated management systems is

the complex of tools providing management of an object in various spheres of human life;

611 *!MS Excel. The main element of spreadsheet and the indication of activity of this element

the content is displayed on the formula row

#353 The element of information security is:

the data set containing information, the subject protection

ethics is

the discipline studying bases of morals and morality

546 *!One of requirements of a Hippocratic Oath

the doctor is obliged to keep a medical secret

539 *!License it

the document certifying the right to use of limited resources

490video memory is:

the electronic device for storage of the binary code of the image displayedon the monitor;

489Sound synthesis methods:

the frequency and wave synthesis modulation;

#61 The keyboard belongs to

the input equipment

#278 Systems of an artificial intelligence are:

the machine programs created in the direction of artificial intellectual systems

#222 MS Power Point. Characteristic of slide show permission

the more pixels are, the higher image clarity is

628 *!MS Excel. Value of characters " " in the cell

the number can't be completely displayed

#192 MS Excel. Appearance of symbols " " means

the number is large and also is not completely displayed

513 Who tells results of operation to relatives

the operating doctor

#220 MS Power Point. What happens if you edited an image inserted in PowerPoint?

the original file that was inserted is not changed

Clueful consent of the patient

the patient's consent to a medical interference after obtaining the complete information

#270 The computer virus is:

the program damaging computer programs and data

#273 The computer virus is:

the program which breeds itself and does harm to the computer of the user and other objects located in network

#45 Data are

the registered signals

#3 Byte is

the sequence from eight bits

#251 The computer presentation is...

the sequence of the slides containing multimedia objects

610 *!The computer presentation is

the sequence of the slides containing multimedia objects

#268 Virus is:

the special program which interferes with a programs runtime

674 *!The base for implementation of the national project of a uniform national health system

the state program of reforming and development of health care for 2005-2010

#352 Subject of information security is:

the structural component of a system containing information which has to be protected

#275 Expert systems are:

the systems of an artificial intelligence based on knowledge

634 *!INTERNET. The main types of search engine

the universal search engine

523 ATV-tuner is

the videocard allowing to reproduce the television image on the computer screen

#351 The resident virus is:

the virus which is kept in random access memory after completion of work of the program

#37 Why is mathematical coprocessor necessary

to help to basic processor in performance of mathematical operations

514 Debt of the health worker

to participate in the actions directed to improvement of the nation

Case of violation of the patient's rights by the doctor

to tell about the diagnosis the patient's relatives

639 *!Internet. Element of Internet Explorer window:

tool bar

Html. Attributes of < target .....>tag

top, blank, self, parent

#235 Detector programs:

treat the infected files

#236 Doctor programs

treat the infected files

599 *!MS Windows.Computer virus are divided by feature of algorithms on:


Html. Which input type would allow a reader to select several options from a list of possibilities


Html. The tag defining a radiobutton


The address of Web-site on world wide web, for instance, http://www.microsoft.com

uniform resource locator

640 *!HTML. Tag <TR> has attribute


6 message must be verifiable so that its validity, accuracy, appropriateness can be assessed


492What programs are used for operation with video


#288 MS Word 2007. The group zoom is on tab


#289 MS Word 2007. The ruler pictogram is located on tab


#384 The menu containing a command of viewing Html code of Web page


607 *!MS РowerРoint.Group of command of the animation tab


#241 The viruses using errors and inaccuracies in a complex of software:

viruses interceptors

#234 Computer can be infected with the virus:

when executing the infected program

#262 MS Windows.Auxillary level program

windows antivirus

642 *!Multimedia format:


#138 MS Access. Logical operator «С asterics» is used for select

words which begin from letter «С»

#139 MS Access. Logical operator «[B-C]» is used for select

words which begin from letters «В», «С», «D»

#137 MS Access. Logical operator «not Т» is used for select

words which do not begin from letter «Т»

#93 MS Word. The feature in word allows you to type continually without pressing the enter key at the end of each line


#101 MS Excel. The document created in Excel, is called


#303 The document created in Excel is called


#368 One of the internet services

world wide web

398 Definition of Internet

worldwide global computer network

493E-mail address of the electronic government web portal of Kazakhstan


Html. Filter which creates the negative image


#218 MS Power Point. Which of the following statement is true?

you can insert text boxes from drawing toolbar in Power Point

616 *!MS Excel. Type of the following diagram


#117 MS Excel. The relative link is


580 *!MS Windows. Accessory


613 *!MS Word. Shortkey of applying bold and italic fonts to the selected text


#323 The format of presentation created in MS Power Point 2003


649 *!Internet. Short designation of local and wide area network


663 *!Standard of mobile telecommunication:


482Standard of wireless high-speed data transmission for mobile phones:


#180 MS Windows. 3rd level catalog


#58 The compact disc for the disposable data recording


559 *!The compact disc intended for single and repeated data recording


#292 MS Excel.Which keyboard shortcut should be used to display the format of cells dialog box


#293MS Excel.Which keyboard shortcut should be used to apply or remove an italic tracing


#294 MS Excel. Which keyboard shortcut should be used to cross out the text or to remove deletion


608 *!MS Power Point. Break presentation:


618 *!MS Excel. Short key which are used to save of workbook


#2 The idea of program control on computing processes for the first time has been stated by

Ch. Babbage

#370 Internet. The name of data receiver in computer science


#210 Database management systems

Clipper, Paradox, Foxpro, Foxbase, Ms Access

#152 MS PowerPoint. The entrance, exit, and emphasis animations are grouped into categories that do not include


Citizens, government agencies, organizations and other economic entities utilizing the services of e-government

Consumers of e-services

#309 MS Access. What queries are used to summarize data in tables


#261 MSWindows. How to invent start menu

Ctrl +Esc

615 *!MS Word. Way of copying the selected text into the clipboard


614 *!MS Word. Hotkeys of «Find» and «Replace» the text fragment


#213 MS Аccess. Short keys of "Minimize and maximize the ribbon"


#94 MS Word. Transition of the cursor to the beginning of the document


585 *!MSWindows.Command «OPEN» and «SAVE»


#126 MS Access. How do you rearrange the date in ascending or descending order

Data, sort

#147 MS Access are the details about a file

Database properties

#142 MS Access. A table is represented as a collection of rows and columns called a


578 *!MSWindows. Way of object deleting:


#364 Internet. converting analog signals into digital signals so they can be processed by a receiving computer is referred to as


#172 Person - computer interaction. Ergonomic design of systems is:

Design of systems on the basis of the COMPUTER with the accounting of a human factor.

#145 MS Access. View which allows you to make changes to the form, but does not show the actual form

Design view

#340 Antivirus program:

Doctor Web

604 *!MS Access. To load the application

Double click on MS Office Access shortcut on desktop

#341 Program for search and treatment of computer viruses:

Dr Web

500The service which is rendered by means of information communication tools

E - service

State bodies, organizations and other economic entities providing services ict tools

E-service providers

#46 First computer


#322 Comand to break slideshow of Power Point


#223 MS Power Point. How it's possible to create a uniform appearance by adding a background image to all slides?

Edit the slide master

#314 MSAccess. You can _ macros setting so that the macros run automatically for any database you open


521 The first neurocomputer was developed by

F. Rosenblatt

#111 MS Excel. Automatic creation of the chart according to the selected data


#313 MSАccess. Rename the table


Html. Command for refresh the Web-site


#143 MS Access. If your criterion for filtering is that the value in a particular field matches or does not match a certain value, use

Filter by Selection

#244 Doctor Program:

Finds the infected files and treats them

Html. Which filter converts the text horizontally


#332 Term «Statistic» was introduced by


498External contour of the electronic government of Kazakhstan

G2C, G2B

499Internal contour of the electronic government of Kazakhstan


651 *!The most widespread format of image on web page


483Global system of coordinatesdetermination:


484The system which allows to make calls and send messages:


#55 Founder of logic algebra

George Boole

#389 Html. Tag which is used to create horizontal rules


#385 WWW Internet service is based on


#373 Internet. Special language of formatting of text documents



Html. The tag defining "Range" of cell across

544 *!Founder of "Medical ethics"


648 *!Internet. The standard protocol which are intended for the data exchange between computer


The international organization defining recommendations in the field of telecommunications and radio:


495The first stage of the electronic government development inKazakhstan


Main stages of e-government in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Information, interactive, transactional

#311 MSАccess.Table in Microsoft Access can be create by using all below except

Input Mask

524 Intellectual systems of the interface:

Intellectual database, hypertext systems, systems of the contextual help, cognitive graphics

506G2B means

Interaction of the state and private business

496The second stage of the electronic government development inKazakhstan


#250 The important future of multimedia technology is:


#399 Internet. World Wide Web is


509Beginning of introduction of a uniform national health system

January 1st, 2010

#17 He has offered computer organization

John von Neumann

#318 MS Access. What happens when a user selects a record in a form and presses [Delete]

The record is deleted in the form and from its source table

497The third stage of the electronic government development inKazakhstan


#247 Replicators:

Transfer a virus

558 *!The designation corresponding to «truth» value


#245 Infection with loading viruses occurs at:

Turning on the computer with busy floppy

#49 The first computer was invented in


#253 The database which can be used in several spheres of human activities


#320 MS Access. What is one of the advantages for using a form over other Access objects

Utilizes field placement to improve the efficiency of data entry

#335 The viruses using mistakes and inaccuracies in a complex software:

Viruses interceptors

#74 Versions of Windows operating systems

Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Vista

#397 Internet. Сетевые операционные системы

Windows NT Server, Novell Netware

#149 MS Power Point. The slide transition gently uncovers one slide to reveal the next


#291 Excel. The Excel program file has an extension


650 *!Internet. Type of search engine:


#257 For query design with parameter, displaying a surname of the doctor, it is necessary to type on criteria row:

[Enter surname of the doctor]

550 *!The personified register is

a basis with information on the attached or observed contingent

#88 MS Word. On the tab page layout there are commands, intended for

a choice of various modes of viewing of the document

#252 The hyperlink is:

a reference to data that the reader can directly follow either by clicking, tapping, or hovering

#191 MS Excel. Error in formula «СУММ(С7:С10)»

absence of a sign "=" at the beginning of a formula

627 *!MS Excel. The error in the following formula record: SUM$ (C7:C10)

absence of a sign "=" at the beginning of a formula

535 *!A measure of an opportunity to obtain any information

accessibility of information

#390 The place where various information on the user is stored:


Html. The tag defining the place of the form processor


#106 MS Excel. The - on a worksheet is one in which you can enter data

active cell

Html. Attributes of < form.....>tag

acton, method, enctype

#42 The node intended for conversion of a n-bit code to one of 2n outputs


#41 Logical elements of a computer

adder, trigger, counter, coder, decoder

#7 information as a message should be reasonably or legally satisfy a requirement


#388 Html. Тэг <tr...> includes attributes

align, valign, bottom

#265 MSWindows.Which of the following type of objects can you search on your computer and on the network, using Windows XP search companion

all of these ( picture/documents/help/contact)

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