Ideas for IELTS speaking part 3

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Do you think that advertising that targets children should be banned?

Advertising specifically to children is unethical because they have little or no money of their own and have to persuade their parents to buy the products for them. Rather than advertising directly to parents, companies use a 'nag and whine' campaign that leads to bad feeling between parents and children.

Does personality affect how people choose what to wear?

An individual's personality is shown through their sense of style, whether it is: casual, classic, chic, or trendy. Women wear clothes for different purposes. These may include that if they want to look thin and tall, they wear more classic clothing. That highlights their personality as well as mood.

How do you think noise in cities could be reduced?

Awareness of noise pollution is essential to beat this invisible enemy. For example: avoid very noisy leisure activities, opt for alternatives means of transport such as bicycles or electric vehicles over taking the car, do your housework at recommended times, insulate homes with noise-absorbing materials, etc. Educating the younger generation is also an essential aspect of environmental education.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of spending time near the sea?

Best: You can for a lazy relaxing beach walk every day - on your way to or from work. At night, you can hear the ocean (or sea). If you're so inclined you can partake in any watersport without serious planning or transport cost: swimming, snorkelling, scuba diving, wind- or kitesurfing, seakayaking etc. Marvellous photo moments (sunrise or set). Worst: During summer, your town gets overrun by tourists. Parking cars outside makes them rust faster (but modern car rust proofing techniques are much better) and your house exterior needs more frequent care. In balance: if you can afford to (financially and work-commute wise), there's just no contest.

How can teachers encourage children to use imagination?

Books open up the world of imagination. Read aloud with your children every day. Choose books that are full of fun characters and exciting adventures. Not only do books encourage your child to use imagination to visualize characters, setting, and events, but they also teach children ways to solve problems.

Does the design of the building influence people's mood?

Building materials, lighting, ventilation and the use of space can all affect the mood and physical well-being of building occupants. Design can influence the productivity level of people working in an office.

Do you think famous people ever have a negative influence on ordinary people?

Celebrities can have a positive influence on youth as they can serve as role models. But famous singers, actors, and other celebrities can also provide unhealthy examples. In particular, celebrity influence on body image and substance use is often detrimental to teen mental health.

What is the difference between watching sports events at home and at the stadium?

Different people have different tastes and views about watching sport matches. Some people want to go to the stadium to see the players, to cheers with others, and to enjoy the feeling of winners, while others just want to stay at home and watch sport games on TV. In my opinion, watching sport games on TV is a better idea, since it is more convenient, more economical, and more enjoyable.

Is it important to have goals in life in order to feel happy?

Feeling good about the future is important for our happiness. We all need goals to motivate us and these need to be challenging enough to excite us, but also achievable. ... Choosing ambitious but realistic goals gives our lives direction and brings a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when we achieve them.

What are the good things about working for a big company?

Formal training programs are often readily available in large companies, meaning there are more opportunities to develop and grow. Thanks to the breadth of roles available in large corporations, you're more likely to be able to make sideways moves and try different roles, as well as having more opportunities for promotion thanks to the volume of roles.

Are communication skills important at work?

Good communication is an essential tool in achieving productivity and maintaining strong working relationships at all levels of an organisation - and this has been particularly important since the Covid-19 outbreak forced many people to work remotely.

Why do people like to watch talent shows?

I enjoy the fact that ordinary, everyday people are given a chance to shine, if only for a short time. The best of them have gone on to reach fame and a modicum of fortune they'd never, ever have experienced without that first opportunity afforded by talent shows.

What are the benefits of living in a house?

In my opinion the most important advantage is independence. When you live in detached house you don't need to worry about what your neighbours will tell when you throw a party with loud music. On the other hand this independence can be disadvantage. When you leave for holiday, nobody takes care about your house. You can easily be robbed, because everyone can see that there in nobody at home.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of being able to influence others?

Influence is a worthwhile pursuit with the power to change individuals, organizations, communities, even entire civilizations. It can, of course, be used for good or evil. Influence is a powerful, world-changing pursuit. But it is important to be aware of its downsides. More influence begins to attract new opportunities—some healthy, some unhealthy. Temptations get stronger. And when internal motivation is not kept in alignment with healthy pursuits, trouble quickly follows.

In general, do you think planning is important?

It helps keep you from spending time on tasks that won't bring you closer to your goal. Planning your life gives you control. If you create a plan then you get to make choices and decisions, rather than leaving things up to chance, or worse yet, letting others make decisions for you.

Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking website?

It is easy to find them. Obviously, you shouldn't be going about handing out your personal information, however, forming relationships requires trust. Language exchange sites, for example, are a way to form strong bonds. This is because two people who are learning each other's languages are creating a friendship that requires tons of effort from both party.

Do you think modern technology makes people lazier?

Modern technology has made people lazier in every respect of the word. There are too many conveniences, such as microwave and auto driving that encourages people to desire as little movement possible. In addition, the internet, video games, and TV has created a society of people who not only work sitting down but play sitting down.

Do you think money is the most important motivating factor at work?

Money is not the primary motivator for employees, but it is essential to meet the mostbasic needs. If physiological, safety and social needs are covered with money or alternative methods, a non-financial reward strategy is necessary to stimulate self-esteem and self-actualization.

Do you think old people enjoy their life more these days compared with the past?

On average I think the answer is yes, because of technological advances. Medical care is better, so we can stay healthier longer than our grandparents did. Computers help us keep more in touch with friends, family and the world in general than our parents did.

Why is online shopping so popular these days?

Online shopping is very popular nowadays because it has made things easy to buy, get immediate reviews about the product, and a good quality price for the product due to vast competition

How can companies improve customer service?

Provide Fast, Convenient Customer Support When consumers encounter a problem with your products/services or have a question about your brand nowadays, they expect you to offer a quick, decent response. Think about it - people today don't usually get to enjoy a lot of free time. Thus, having to spend even half an hour dealing with customer support can seriously harm customer satisfaction levels.

Do you think it's good to share personal information with others on the Internet?

Sharing personal information with others you do not know personally is one of your biggest risks online. Sharing sensitive information such as your address, phone number, and bank account information is risky and should be avoided.

Should students be allowed to use computers at school?

Since most kids today were exposed to mobile devices starting at an early age, computers have become a central part of their lives. Students rely on them for just about everything, and not allowing students to use a laptop in the classroom could place them at a disadvantage. Some students may not function and learn as well without the ability to look things up or take notes without a computer.

What is the relationship between imagination and creativity?

The biggest difference between creativity and imagination is that imagination is thinking of something ‒ whether it's an object, place, time, etc. ‒ that is not present, while creativity is doing something meaningful with your imagination.

What can governments do to improve people's health?

The biggest improvements a government can try to make are in prevention, rather than in cure. For example, compulsory sports and exercise times and classes at schools - both primary and secondar. Healthy diet cookery for school meals. Closing sugary soft drink and snack dispensing machines on school grounds.

What impact may robots have on employment and the way people work in the future?

There are winners and losers with automation. While robots may have negligible effects on national employment as a whole, certain industries and regions are more impacted by robotic growth, and particular groups of workers disproportionately suffer the negative effects of this growth.

Who do some people enjoy extreme sports?

Thrill: This is the single most attractive factor in people's interest for extreme sports. The adrenaline rush is what differentiates it from any other type of sports. The thrill that is derived in extreme sports is highest. The athletes are fully exposed and at the mercy of direct danger. The catch is how to maintain composure and apply skills when it is in extreme scenario.

More and more people are unwilling to cook. Why is this happening?

Time to cook is a luxury many families don't have. Today's work life is increasingly unpredictable and hectic. Having little control over time makes it difficult for families to plan their meals in advance or even to know who will be there for dinner.

Do you think it's good for children to learn to make things by hand?

When kids use their fingers to manipulate art materials they are developing their fine motors skills as they use those small muscles in their hands. Their bilateral coordination skills improve as they learn to use both hands at the same time. All this happens when they paint, colour, glue and cut.

Do you think having a film industry has an impact on a country's reputation?

Yes, it does. India, for example, has a longstanding reputation for its acclaimed film industry, with the term Bollywood synonymous with vividly coloured films featuring complex dance routines, singing and spectacular large cast scenes.

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