Idioms for School/College, Review All Phrasal Verbs

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Burned-out/ Burnt-out

(adj.) tired and unmotivated because of too much stress and work Ex: Many teachers and students feel ________________ at the end of the semester. After a few weeks of break, they are ready to start again!

Hang out

(informal) to spend a lot of time in a place Ex: Come to the beach and ____________ with us! We'll be here till 5 pm. Intransitive

Writer's block

(n.) when you can't think of what to write or how to continue with your writing Ex: When I have ___________________, I like to talk to a friend about my ideas. Then, I can write down the words I said.

Make up (a test/assignment)

(v.) To take a test or complete an assignment that you missed because you were absent Ex: Professor, can I ____________ last week's test? I was sick that day.

Take a shot

(v.) To try or guess at something Ex: If you don't know the answer, just _________________!

Cram for a test

(v.) study at the last minute; study a lot of information at one time Ex: Tonight is going to be a very long night because I need to _________________ tomorrow.

Cut me some slack

(v.) to be less strict with someone because they are going through a difficult time Ex: I was supposed to fail that class because I missed two exams, but the professor decided to ___________________ because I told her that I had been very sick.

Cut/ skip/ ditch class

(v.) to choose not to go to class without having a good reason for being absent Ex: The 12th grade students decided to _________________ to see their favorite band in concert. Then, they got in trouble with their parents and the school.

Ace the test

(v.) to get a very high score (an A) on a test Ex: I studied so hard, I know I'll _____________!

Racking my brain

(v.) to make a great effort to think of or remember something Ex: I'm _________________________, but I just can't think of the answer.

Learn (something) by heart

(v.) to memorize something Ex: I need to __________the irregular past tense verbs ___________ before my quiz next week.

Brush up on (something)

(v.) to review something in order to refresh one's memory Ex: You should ________________ math before you take the SAT.

Drop out (of school)

(v.) to stop going to school before finishing your degree Ex: He had to _____________________ to help take care of his family.

Hit the books

(v.) to study hard Ex: I have a final next week, so I'd better _______________ this weekend.

Burn the candle at both ends

(v.) to work or study from early in the morning until late at night and so get very little rest Ex: If you ____________________ for a long time, you might make yourself sick! Everyone needs some time to relax.

Get along (with)

If two or more people _______________________, they like each other and are friendly to each other Ex: The brothers don't _______________. They are always arguing. Intransitive

Take care of sb

Looking after someone (especially children, the elderly, the sick, or pets) Ex: It's a lot of work to _________________ a puppy! Transitive & Inseparable

Bring sth/sb up

MULTIPLE MEANINGS (1) raise (children) Ex: Parents ___________ their children in many different ways. (2) mention, start to talk about Ex: Please don't ____________ that topic. It's so unpleasant! Transitive & Separable

Pick sth/sb up

MULTIPLE MEANINGS: (1) lift Ex: Can you help me __________ this box? (2) go to (someone's house) and transport them in your car to another location. Ex: Can you __________ me __________ and take me to work? (3) to learn something without trying Ex: If you go to Spain, you'll _____________ some Spanish. Transitive & Separable

Help sb out

assist (someone) Ex: Could you ______ me ___________? I can't carry this box alone. Transitive & Separable

Fill sth in

complete by writing in a blank space (usually one item on the form) (separable) Ex: Please ____________ your name on this line. Transitive & Separable

Think sth over

consider Ex: I need to _____________ it ____________ before I make a decision. Transitive & Separable

Talk sth over

discuss Ex: I'm not sure what to do. Can we ________ the problem __________? Transitive & Separable

Give sth away

donate, get rid of by giving Ex: She lost weight, so she is going to ___________ her clothes that no longer fit her. Transitive & Separable

Figure sth out

find the solution to a problem (often through effort) Ex: Did you __________ why your boss never came to work today? I hope nothing is wrong! Transitive & Separable

Cheer sb up

make happier Ex: I wanted to ___________ my son, so I bought him his favorite candy. Transitive & Separable

Get through sth

pass or assist someone in passing (a difficult or testing experience or period) Ex: We hope to ____________________ 2020 and have a better year in 2021! Transitive & Inseparable

Throw sth away/out

put in the trash, discard You can ____________ that food. It's already expired. Transitive & Separable

Give sth up

quit doing something or quit trying Ex: My doctor told me I need to _____________ eating unhealthy food. Transitive & Separable

Call sb back

return a telephone call Ex: I know you don't have time to talk on the phone right now, so could you _________ me __________ later? Transitive & Separable

It's not the end of the world.

something is not as terrible as it seems to be Ex: I know it seems really horrible that you failed the test, but I promise you that ______________________. In 5 years, you won't even remember that this happened.

Lay sb off

stop employment (by employer) Ex: The company may need to _______________ some workers because their profits have fallen. Transitive & Separable

Put up with sth*

to accept or continue to accept an unpleasant situation or experience, or someone who behaves unpleasantly Ex: I ___________________ you and your bad habits because I love you! Transitive & Inseparable

Look up to sb

to admire and respect someone Ex: I __________________ my sister. She's my role model. Transitive & Inseparable

Show up

to arrive where you have arranged to meet somebody or do something Ex: In the US, we say it's "fashionably late" if you __________ to a party a few minutes after it starts. Intransitive

Get by

to be able to live or deal with a situation with difficulty Ex: It's hard to ______________ in a new country when you don't know the language, but it gets easier with time. Intransitive

Watch out for sth/sb

to be careful of something Ex: In warm, humid weather, you should ___________________________ mosquitos! Transitive & Inseparable

Count on sb

to be confident that you can depend on someone Ex: I hope my daughter feels that she can always _____________ me. I always want to support her. Transitive & Inseparable

Be into sb/sth*

to be interested in Ex: Could you ____________ her? You always blush whenever you see her! Transitive & Inseparable

Take after sb

to be similar to an older member of your family Ex: They ____________ their parents. All of them have brown hair and brown eyes and love playing sports! Transitive & Inseparable

Turn into sth/sb

to change and become someone or something different, or to make someone or something do this Ex: In 2020, most teachers had to _________________ online educators! Transitive & Inseparable

Come over

to come to a place, especially somebody's house, to visit for a short time Ex: Do you want to _______________ and watch the presidential debate with me? Intransitive

Stick to sth

to continue doing or using something and not change to anything else Ex: A: You love music so much and you play the guitar so well! Why don't you try singing? B: My singing voice is terrible! I think I should ________________ playing the guitar! Transitive & Inseparable

Pick on sb

to criticize, punish, or be unkind to the same person often and unfairly Ex: Bullies often _______________ other children who are different in some way. For example, they may tease a girl because she's smart and gets the highest grades in the class. Transitive & Inseparable

Put sth off

to decide or arrange to do something at a later time Ex: It's not a good idea to ______________ doing your homework. Transitive & Separable

Call sth off

to decide that a planned event or activity will not happen because it is not possible, useful, or wanted now Ex: We need to _________________ the meeting because the boss is sick. Transitive & Separable

Stand up for sb/ sth

to defend or support a particular idea or a person who is being criticized or attacked Ex: True friends ________________ each other when someone is picking on them. Transitive & Inseparable

Grow up

to develop into an adult Ex: When our children ____________, we hope they will be open-minded and considerate. Intransitive

Work out

to do exercises to make your body stronger Ex: I'm going to the gym to ________________. Intransitive

Fill in for sb

to do someone else's work for them because they cannot or will not do it themselves Ex: I can't come to work tomorrow. Would you __________________ me? Transitive & Inseparable

Pig out on sth*

to eat too much Ex: On American holidays, we always _________________ pies, bread, mashed potatoes, etc. Transitive & Inseparable

Hang up

to end a phone call Ex: I have to ___________. I'm getting another call. Intransitive

Break up (with)

to end a romantic relationship Ex: They fight all the time, but they don't want to _____________. They love each other. Intransitive

Check sth out

to examine something or get more information about it in order to be certain that it is true, safe, or suitable, to go to a place in order to see what it is like Ex: You should _________________ the neighborhood before you buy a house there. Transitive & Separable

Fall for sb*

to fall in love with Ex: It's a bad idea to ______________ your co-worker! It might be hard to keep things professional at work. Transitive & Inseparable

Get over sth

to get better after an illness, or feel better after something or someone has made you unhappy Ex: It can be hard to _________________ a breakup, especially if you were together for a long time. Transitive & Inseparable

Go out

to leave a place in order to go somewhere else Ex: Let's _________________ to eat tonight. Intransitive

Clean sth up

to make a person or place clean and tidy Ex: Please __________________ your room before your grandparents come over! Transitive & Separable

Come by

to make a short visit to a place, in order to see somebody Ex: If you ______________ my work tomorrow, I'll give you a discount on some furniture. Intransitive

Get together (with)

to meet in order to discuss something or to spend time together Ex: Do you want to ____________ next weekend? Maybe we can go hiking. Intransitive

Get back (to)

to return to someone or something Ex: I'd better ____________________. I've been away from work for too long. Intransitive

Speak up

to say something in a louder voice so that people can hear you Ex: Can you _________________? I couldn't hear what you said. Intransitive

Get away with sth

to succeed in doing something bad or wrong without being punished or criticized Ex: My baby brother is so cute! No one can get mad at him, so he can ______________________ anything! Transitive & Inseparable

Drop sb/sth off

to take someone or something to a place, usually by car as you travel somewhere else Ex: I need to _________________ my daughter ___________ at school. Transitive & Separable

Catch up (with)

to talk to someone you have not seen for a while to discover what they have been doing. Ex: I haven't seen you in ages! Let's get together next weekend and ____________. Intransitive

Call sb up

to telephone someone Ex: I should __________ him ___________. We haven't talked in a long time. Transitive & Separable

Look down on sb

to think that someone is less important than you Ex: Don't ______________________ Tim just because he's a new employee! He'll has a lot of valuable experience from his last job. Transitive & Inseparable

Get rid of sth

to throw something away or give something to someone because you do not want it now Ex: In the US, it's common to do spring cleaning. We clean up our houses and _________________ old clothes that we don't wear anymore. Transitive & Inseparable

Check up on sb/sth

to try to discover what someone is doing in order to be certain that that person is doing what they should be doing Ex: I need to _____________________ my son while he's doing online learning. He likes to play video games during his Zoom class. Transitive & Inseparable

Show off

to try to make other people admire your abilities or achievements in a way which is annoying Ex: He just bought a new car. He's going to drive to his friend's house so he can ____________ a little bit. Intransitive

Hold on

to wait (especially on the telephone) Ex: _____________! I'll be with you in a moment. Intransitive

Fill sth out

write information on a form (the whole form) Ex: Could you help me __________ this job application? Transitive & Separable

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