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What COMSEC area is defined as "The component of COMSEC that results from all measures designed to protect transmission for interception and exploitation"?

Transmission security.

According to instruction, there are no difference between offensive and defensive IO


All personnel who come in contact with collection data is required to take the OVSC1800 course.


Surrey is NSA's collection requirement database?


What USC title outlines the role of war and national defense in the US code?

USC Title 50

What USSID provides direction and guidance to all shore units, direct support, navy reserve and marine units.

USSID SE 2000 Series.

Who is Fleet Commander in Charge of 10th Fleet?

VADM Michael Rogers

The purpose of this malicious logic is to infect, destroy, modify, or cause other problems with your computer or software programs.


7th fleet

Western Pacific (Japan)

When should a safes combo be changed?

When its installed, when compromised or suspected to be compromised, when deemed necessary.

IPV6 will use how many bits for its address.


Network enumeration

A computing activity in which user names and info on groups, shares and services of nwetworked computers are retrieved.


A technical document prepared for individual equipment/components which are on board.

What info exhange system, tool, or database's purpose is to function as a multi database search and tertieval by keywords?


4th Fleet

Caribbean, Central and south America.

What tropical COR is set when Destructive winds of the force indicated are anticipated within 24 hours?

Cat 2 or Cat II

What catagory is French?

Catagory 1

Primary responsibilities fo the IO officer

Central point of contact on the combatant command staff for IO. Ensure IO is integrated and sybchronized in all planning processes. Ensures IO portions eflect the combatant commanders guidance.

What term or element is defined as "the temp of the surroundings"?

Ambient Air

Buffer overflow

An anomaly where a process stores data in a buffer outside the memory the programmer set aside for it.

SQL injection

An attack in which malicious code is inserted into strings and are later passed to an instance for parsing and execution.

Variances in temp, salinity, and pressure will significantly afect what of the following warfare areas?

Anti-submarine warfare

What are the 7 layers of the OSI model.

Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Datalink, Physical.

2nd Fleet


What technical fundamental is defined as the reduction of signal strength during transmission?


What attribute of IA is defined as "Timely, reliable access to data and information services for authorized users"


What space mission area is defiend as combat op's in, through, and from space to influence the course and outcome of conflict by holding terrestrial targets at risk.

Space force application.

What is the angle measured clockwise from rue north in the horizontal plane.


What are kept in the work center due to size or cost resulting on the parent department head to be responsible for upkeep on them.

Bulkhead mounted spares

Task Group

Component of Naval task force organized by the commander of a task force or higher authority.


Conducts planning, execution, and force management of the assigned missions of space operations.

What classification's color code is Blue?



Counter intel

10th Fleet


Web based virtual meeting room


What day did the Voyage of the Great White fleet set sail?

DEC 16 1907

Which of the followings purpose is to ID a HFDF within the CORSSHAIR NET?

DF Station ID.

Which of the following is used for short duration req's which require specalists not normally included in a commands PCS comp.

DIRSUP assets

What test is used to evaluate language abilities of service memebrs and DoD civilians.


What department is responsible for determining who within the DoN is eligible to hold a security clearance?


What space mission area includes space lfit operations, satellite ops, and reconstitution of space forces.

Space support.

Some directives that govern personnel security?

DoD 5200.2-R SECNAV M-5510.36 ICD 704

Stuttgart, Germany component Command.


3rd Fleet

Eastern Pac

Salinity in seawater - sound transmission

Effect on sound speed when there is a significant influx of fresh water.

What is the angle between the horizontal plane and the line of sight?


Navy's organization structure as defined by annexes A&J of FLTCYBERCOM / COMTENTHFLT OPORD 2000


The purpose of the intel oversight program is to ensure that agencies within the intel communicy collect, retail, and disseminate info concerning a US. Person.


What is used to ensure that various cmbatant units and AOR's practice good RF hygiene?

Spectrum management.

What are the categories of intelligence?

Strategic, Operational, tactical

What are the purposes of Naval Intelligence.

Supporting the commander, Supporting Planning and execution of oeprations. Idenifying Center of Gravity and Critical Vulnerabilities. Protecting the Force.

What can be found on the Navy Oceanography Portal webpage?

GPS, Loran-C Timing, Telephone time, NTP.

What technical fundamental is defined as "The return from geographical land mass"?

Ground Clutter

What frequency ranges primary use is the most commonly used for medium and long range terrestrial radio communications.


Whats the Five step planning process for OPSEC

ID Critical Info Threat assessment Vulnerability Assessment Risk Assessment Measures/Countermeasures

Five steps in the planning process for OPSEC

ID critical info, Threat assessment, vulnerability assessment, risk assessment, measure/counter measures.

What INFOCON level describes when an attack has taken place but the Computer Network Defense System is not at its highest alertness. Non-essential networks may be taken offline.


Warfare community: IW Warfare community: AW Warfare community: STW Warfare community: NSW


Not for profit international organization which established a satellite comms network for the maritime community


What step of the SIGINT IN process is the IN levied up the USA to be handled and satisfied?


What step of the SIGINT IN process is the IN levied upon the UCS to be handled and satisfied?


Events that should be reported to SSO

Involvement with those who try to overthrow the government by unconstituional means. foreign influence concerns close personal association with foreign nationals foreign citizenship foreign monetary interests sexual deviancy etc...

What is the analytical process used by join intelligence organizations to produce intelligence assessments, estimates, and other intel products in support of the join force commanders decision making process.


What Orbit's altitude is between approx 150 to 800 miles above the earths surface

Low Earth Orbit.


Material normally stocked in the storeroom but is temporarily exhausted.

Which of the following effects on military operations is not caused by wind?

May make a closed vehicle un-inhabitible.


Measurement and signature intel

6th Fleet

Mediterranean Sea

Who da MCPON

Michael Stevens

SSBI is required for access to what classification level.


What database is a set of METOC forecast, database, and decision aid tools tailored for specific platforms and uses.


In regards to Info Op's, what is defined as "a list of geographic areas, complexes, or installations not planned for capture or destruction"?

NO-Strike List

What messaging system is an automated message store and forward system?


Unified organization structured to provide for the SIGINT mission of the US.


Does DOD REGULATION 5420.1.1Q govern intelligence Oversight?


Select the categories of SITREPs

OPREP-3 Pinnacle OPREP-3 Navy Blue UNIT SITREP

Who's da Commander in Chief?



Official personnel security clearance database management system.

What is the emergency destruction priority assigned to cryptologic equipment and documents?


Difference between PSYOP and MILDEC

PSYOP is civilians, MILDEC is military

What point of orbit si the closest to the center of the earth.


5th Fleet

Persian, Red sea, Arab Sea.

What are the basic characteristics of sound

Pitch, Intensity, Quality.

What are the 5 steps of intelligence

Planning and direction collection Processing and Exploitation Analysis and Production Dissemination and Integration


Plans, coordinates, integrates, synchronizes, and conducts activities in military cyberspace ops


Plans, integrates, and synchronized IO in direct support of Joint Force Commanders.

What orbit passes over the entire surface of the Earth at a 90 degree inclination?

Polar Orbit.

What antenna characteristics are defined as "the orientation of the electric field vector of the electromagnetic wave produced by the antenna"?



Provide the nation with global deterrence capabilites to combat adversary weapons of mass destruction.

What is the rate at which pulses are transmitted, given in hertz or pulses per second; reciprocal of pulse-repetition time.

Pulse repetition Frequency.


Responsible for coordination global intel colletion to address worldwide op's ad national intel req's

What form is the Security Contain Information Form?


What technical fundamental is defined as "target echoes created from radar strike when the energy is reflected off the waves at various angles away from the ship"?

Sea Return

What is the definition of authentication.

Security measure designed to establish the vailidity of a transmission, message, or originator, or means of veryfying an individual's authorization to receive specific categories of information.

PRivilege escalation

The act of exploiting a bug or design flaw in a software application to gain access to resources which normally would have been protected from an application or user.

Pressure in seawater - sound transmission

The dominant controller of sound speed below 300 meters.

Temperature in seawater - sound transmission

The primary controller of sound speed and direction in the upper 300 meters.

Risk management

The process that allows IT managers to balance the operatonal and economic costs of protective measures and achieve gains in mission capability by protecting the IT systems and that support their organizations' missions.

Match the following classifications as they relate to potential damage done to national security.

Top Secret -- GRAVE Secret - Serious Confidential - Minor Unclass - None

Messages are sent in which time format


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