Imac Test 2

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the per effective worker production function is given by y = k^1/2 . And in this economy, the saving rate is 0.1,the depreciation rate is 0.04, the population growth rate is 0.02, the rate of technological change is 0.04, then the steady-state k and y are: (Production function with alpha = 1/2


If the per-worker production function is given by , the saving rate is 0.15, and the depreciation rate is0.05, then the steady-state output per worker is: (Production function with alpha = 1/2)


Suppose for an economy the total capital stock is 6 times one year's GDP and the depreciation of capital is 18 percent of the GDP. In this case, we can conclude that the depreciation rate is equal to _____ percent.


n the Solow growth model, the steady-state level of output per (effective) worker would be higher if the_____ increased or the _____ decreased

saving rate; population growth rate

If the marginal product of capital net depreciation equals 8 percent, the rate of growth of population equals 2percent, and the rate of labor-augmenting technical progress equals 2 percent, to reach the Golden Rule levelof the capital stock, the _____ rate in this economy must be _____

saving; increased

According to the Solow model, persistently rising living standards can only be explained by:

technological progress

In the Solow model with population growth and technological progress, the steady-state growth rate of outputper effective worker is


If the per-worker production function is given by , and the depreciation rate is 0.05, then GoldenRule steady-state value of saving rate is: (Production function with alpha = 1/2)


Suppose the marginal product of capital is 0.09, depreciation rate is 0.05, and technology is growing at 0.03.If the economy is at a steady state where consumption is being maximized, then the population growth rate must be:


If the per-worker production function is given by , and the depreciation rate is 0.05, then the GoldenRule steady-state level of capital per worker is: (Production function with alpha = 1/2


Suppose for an economy the capital stock is 6 times one year's GDP and the capital income is 30 percent ofGDP. In this case, we can conclude that the marginal product of capital is equal to _____ percent per year


If the labor force L is growing at a 3 percent rate and the efficiency of a unit of labor E is growing at a 2percent rate, then the number of effective workers L*E is growing at a rate of


if the per-worker production function is given by , the saving rate is 0.15, and the depreciation rate is0.05, then the steady-state capital per worker is: (Production function with alpha = 1/2)


Which of these policies of the government is NOT designed to increase resources devoted to research and development?

Increasing the amount people can put in tax-exempt retirement accounts.

In the Solow model with population growth and labor-augmenting technological progress, which of thesedescribes the condition for the maximization of consumption per effective worker at the steady state? (Hint:Think about the GRSS condition. And the rectangle in options should be lowercase Greek alphabet delta, i.e.the depreciation rate.)

MPK = δ + n + g

Assume that two economies are identical in every way except that one has a higher saving rate. According to the Solow growth model, in the steady state the country with the higher saving rate will have _____ level of output per worker and _____ rate of growth of output per worker compared to the country with the lower saving rate.

a higher, the same

If two economies are otherwise identical (same capital share, depreciation rate, technological growth rate, andpopulation growth rate, etc.), but one economy has a smaller capital stock, then the steady-state level ofincome per worker in the economy with the smaller capital stock will be:

at the same level as in the steady state of the high capital economy.

In the Solow growth model in Chapter 8, the steady state occurs when: (Read options carefully.)

capital per worker is constant

Exhibit: Steady-State ConsumptionThe Golden Rule steady-state is the steady state with the highest level of _____. In this graph, the GoldenRule level of steady-state consumption per worker is______:

consumption per worker; AB

If a government's tax revenue is less than what it spends, then the government runs a budget _____, whichlead to the_____ national saving, and the_______ saving rate s compare to the government with the balancedbudget

deficit; negative effect on; lower level of

In the Solow growth model with population growth and labor-augmenting technological change, the break-even level of investment must cover:

depreciating capital, capital for new workers, and capital for new effective workers

Exhibit: Capital per Worker and the Steady State. In this graph, capital per worker level k2 is not the steady-state because:

depreciation is greater than investment

Suppose an economy is initially in a steady state with capital per worker below the Golden Rule level. If thesaving rate increases to a rate consistent with the Golden Rule, then in the transition to the new steady stateconsumption per worker will

first fall below and then rise above the initial level

In the Solow model with population growth and technological progress, the steady-state growth rate of outputper worker is


Starting from a steady-state situation, if the saving rate increases, capital per worker will:

increase until the new steady state is reached

In the Solow growth model, if investment exceeds depreciation, the capital stock will _____, and output will_____ until the steady state is attained.

increase, increase

Differences in which of these variables do NOT prevent countries from converging to the same steady state?

initial capital stock per worker

Exhibit: Output, Consumption, and Investment. In this graph, when the capital stock per worker is OA, AB represents

investment per worker, and BC represents consumption per worker

_____ cause(s) the capital stock to rise, while _____ cause(s) the capital stock to fall.

investment, depreciation

Same as previous question, the per effective worker production function is given by . And in thiseconomy, the saving rate is 0.1, the depreciation rate is 0.04, the population growth rate is 0.02, the rate oftechnological change is 0.04. This economy___at the Golden Rule steady state, therefore, the saving rateshould___ to maximize the consumption (per effective worker): (Production function with alpha = 1/2)

is not; be increased

n the Solow model with population growth and technological progress, the steady-state growth rate of totaloutput is:

n + g

If the per effective worker production function is given by , the steady-state value of k in the Solowmodel with population growth rate at n and the rate of technological progress g is: (Production function withalpha = 1/2. And the rectangle in options should be lowercase Greek alphabet delta, i.e. the depreciationrate.)

k* = (s / (d + n + g))^2

With a per-worker production function , the steady-state capital stock per worker (k*) as a function of the saving rate (s) is given by: (Production function with alpha = 1/2. And if you see a rectangle in the option, it means your computer cannot display the formula properly. The rectangle should be lowercase Greek alphabet delta, i.e. the depreciation rate.

k* = (s/d)^2

a higher saving rate leads to a

larger capital stock and a higher level of output in the long run

The production function y = f (k) means:

output per worker is a function of capital per worker

The balanced growth property of the Solow growth model with population growth and technological progresspredicts which of these sets of variables will grow at the same rate g (the rate of technological progress) in thesteady state?

output per worker, capital per worker

In the Solow growth model, for any given capital stock, the _____ determines how much output the economy produces, and the _____ determines the allocation of output between consumption and investment

production function; saving rate

If two economies are otherwise identical (same capital share, depreciation rate, technological growth rate, andpopulation growth rate, etc.), but one country has initially a lower level of capital per worker than the other,then as the countries approach the steady state:

the country with the lower capital per worker will grow faster.

Balanced growth refers to the property where:

values of many variables within a country rise together in the steady state.

If two economies with the same production function, have the same depreciation rates, population growth rates and rates of technological progress, but one economy has a lower saving rate, then the steady-state level of income per worker in the economy with the lower saving rate:

will be at a lower level than in the steady state of the high-saving economy.

Consider an economy described by the aggregate production function: , the per-worker production function in this economy should be: (The production function may not be entirely displayed on your laptops. The complete production function should be Y=K^0.5L^0.5. It means that we have a CD production function with alpha = 0.5.)

y = k^0.5

Consider an economy described by the labor-augmenting aggregate Cobb-Douglas production function:, the per effective worker production function in this economy should be: (Theproduction function may not be entirely displayed on your laptops. The complete production function shouldbe Y=K^0.5(LE)^0.5. It means that alpha = 0.5.)

y = k^0.5

If the per effective worker production function is given by , the steady-state value of y in the Solow model with population growth rate at n and the rate of technological progress g is: (Production function with alpha = 1/2. And the rectangle in options should be lowercase Greek alphabet delta, i.e. the depreciation rate.)

y* = s / (d + n + g).

n the Solow growth model with population growth and technological progress, the steady-state growth rate of capital per effective worker is _____, and the steady-state growth rate of capital per (normal) worker is_____.

zero; the rate of technological progress

In an economy with population growth at rate n but without any technological progress, the change in capitalstock per worker is given by the equation (Hint: the equation of motion for capital stock per worker. And ifyou see a rectangle in the option, it means your computer cannot display the formula properly. The rectangleshould be lowercase Greek alphabet delta, i.e. the depreciation rate.):

Δk = sf (k) - (δ + n) k

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