immunization and serology chapter 23

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unlike the whole agent vaccines the strategy for a ____vaccine is to have the vaccine contain only those parts or subunits of the antigen that stimulate a strong immune response. for exaple the subunit vaccine for pnemoccoal pnemonia contains 23 different polyssacharides from the capsules of 23 strains strptoccous annomia a.subunit vaccine b.conjugate vaccine


when you combine multiple vaccines in one its is called a a.single dose vaccination b.multiple dose vaccination


which major type of antisera used in artificially acquired immunity is used primarilty to post exposure of hep a and measles a.gmma globulin b.hyperimmune globulin c.antitoxins


___occurs when antigens enter the body and the individuals immune system actively responds by producing antibodies to epitopes on those antigens immunity b.adaptive immunity


a similar test for dipitheria is the ____test in whicha persons immunity to dipitheria can be determined by injected diptheria toxin intradermally. a skin reaction will occur if local read swollen area a.schicks b.titer c.titration


example of aggulation test is known as aggulation test b.indirect aggulation test


in a positive test for elisa the enzyme changes the colorless substrae to a ______colored product a.yellow/organe


this antisera is used to treat rabies, tetanus,hep b a.hyperimmune globulin b.gamma globulin c.antitoxins


this indirect preotection called _____ immunity implies that if enough perople in a population are immunized agaisnt certain infectious diseases it is very difficult for those disease to spread a.herd bimmmunization


another strategy for preparing vaccines is to kill the bacterial or viral pathogen this whole agent vaccine is known as

killed inactivated

_____aggulation antigens are absorbed onto the surface of latex spheres and igM antibodies are added a.latex b.hemaggulation


what are two examples of direct aggulation tests

latex aggulatiin and hemgglutination

mmr vaccine is an example of what whole agent vaccine

live anneuated

1998 andrew wakefield publishes a potential link between ____and ____ a.mmr and autism b.polio and autism c.hov and autism

mmr and autsim

____is the dilution of an antigens or antibody solution to the most favorable concentration a.titration b.titer c.serology


the process called ______ can be used to the physcians advantage because the dilution series is a valuable way of determing the titer of antibodies a.titration b.serological reaction


according to health experts and disease epidemiologists when greater than 85% of the population (around 95% from some diseases like measles)is vaccinated the spread of the disease is effectively stopped true or false


adults need to get a tdap once and then a td booster every 10 years true or false


antigen antibody ag-ab characteristics can help diagnose infectious disease true or false


artifically acquire passive immunity is induced by a transfer of antibodies (antitoxins) taken from the circulation of an animal or another person true or false


attenuated are the closest vaccine to stimulate natural pathogens and because they closely mimic a natural infection they generate the strongest immune response ture or false


herd immunity results from effective vaccination programs ture or false


if no individuals in a community are vaccinated making it likely an outbreak epidemic could occure ture or false


immunity can be generated naturally or artificially true or false


most vaccines represent preventative vaccines true or false


newer vaccines contain only subunits or fragments of antigens true or false


pcv13-ppsv23 are vaccines for 65 +years old true or fasle


people with egg allergies should not take flu vaccinations true or false


the risk of contracting a disease with death or disability is much greater than any risk associated with vaccines true or false


true of false passive immunity is temporary as the prtoection declines after several weeks


true or false chance of a serious side effect is 1 in 1,000,000


true or false vaccines can protect the individual and also the population


true or false you need a influenza shot every year


vaccine side effects are rare and mine true or false


whole agent vaccines contain weakend or inactivated antigens true or false


adverse reactions to vaccines are reported to the ....? a.peta b.vaers

vaccine adverse events reporting system

this antisera characterized as a serum of proteins that may be recognized as non self leading to serum sickness


____is the most dilute concentration of antibody that reacts to specific antigen


Which one of the following vaccinations would most likely require booster shots periodically throughout life? A. Tetanus B. Measles C. Hepatitis B D. Mumps


_____vaccines that protect an individual from contracting a particular infectious disease a.preventative b.therapuetic


____is the process of adminestering a vaccine that produces immunity in the body a.vaccination b.immunization


A hybridoma cell ______. A. secretes monoclonal antibodies B. presents antigens on its surface C. secretes polyclonal antibodies D. is an antigen-presenting cell


Approximately _____ of 100,000 vaccinated individuals are likely to suffer a serious reaction to the vaccination. A. 1 B. 50 C. 100 D. 500


Immune complex formation and serum sickness are dangers of ______. A. artificially acquired passive immunity B. naturally acquired active immunity C. artificially acquired active immunity D. naturally acquired passive immunity


In an ELISA, the primary antibody represents ______. A. the patient's serum B. the antibody recognizing the secondary antibody C. the enzyme-linked (labeled) antibody D. the antibodies having been washed away


______is used to detect antibodies to a variety of pathogens a.elisa b.titer c.titration


_____are substance that prepare the immune systems to recognize and respond to a pathogen resulting in protection to that pathogen a.vaccine b.immunization


_____involves binding between antibody and antigen a.neutrilization b.aggulation c.elisa


_____is used to identify toxins and antitoxins viruses and viral antibodies a.neutrilization b.aggulation c.elisa


the bodys immune system responds to antigens by producing its own antibodies and lymophcytes is known as

active immunity

antibody binding to antigens can cause visible clumping known as


this antiserum is a serum produced in animals, especially horses and it contains antibodies againsst only ONE antigen . used to treat botulism and dipitheria. causes an allergic reaction called immune complex and can lead to serum sickness this is known as


An attenuated vaccine contains ______. A. inactive toxins B. living, but slow-growing (replicating) antigens C. killed bacteria D. noninfective antigen subunits


Exposure to the flu virus, contracting the flu, and recovering from the disease would be an example of ______. A. artificially acquired passive immunity B. naturally acquired active immunity C. artificially acquired active immunity D. naturally acquired passive immunity


The serological reaction where antigens and antibodies form an extensive lattice of large particles is called ______. A. fixation B. precipitation C. neutralization D. agglutination


When antigens are attached to the surface of latex beads and then reacted with an appropriate antibody, a/an _____ reaction occurs. A. inhibition B. agglutination C. neutralization D. precipitation


_______ acquired immunity because immununity arises from the international transfer of antibody rich serum (blood) from one human (or animal) into the patients circulation. a.naturaully acquired passive immunity b.artifically passive immunity


______acquired active immunity is by vaccination this form of active immunity because the antigens are contained in a vaccine. vaccination is less risky than naturally acquired active immunity because the recipient of the vaccine does not (usually) contract the disease or potential disease complications . the process still produces antibodies and memory cells following exposure to vacine antigens. vaccines are simply educating the bodys natural infection fighting system a.naturally b.artifically


_____can be done in tubes or on slides a.neutrilization b.aggulation c.elisa


_____involves the clumping of antigens a.neutrilization b.aggulation c.elisa


_____is the process by which an individual becomes protected from an infectious disease a.vaccination b.immunization


a few vaccines represent ____ vaccines which act to lessen the severity of the illness that might appear or already exists a.preventative b.therapuetic


latex aggulation test for a.herpes b.staphyloccocus


the ____is the most dilute concentration of serum antibody yeilding a detectable reaction with its specifc antigen a.titration b.titer c.serological reaction


this type of vaccine is characterized as attaching a weak antigen t cell independent to a strong antigen t cell dependent a.subunit b.conjugate


what whole agent vaccine is characterized a a weekend microbe (less virulent),microbe only multiples at low levels induces strong immune response (many antigens)-immunity can be life long a single dose vaccine can rovide protection against multiple organsims such ass mmr vaccine (measles mumps rubella) some associated risks organisms can revert to more virulent form ----disease should not be given to immunocompromised a.killed inactivated pathogens attenuated pathogens


which whole agent vaccine is this -easy to produce because the pathogen is killed by simply using specific chemicals and or heat. -cannot reproduce or replicate -the inactivation alters the antigens structure and shape -weaker humoral response and little to non cell mediate immunity -require multiple doses to generate a protective response -booster shots and periodic shots needed for life to maintain immunity -examples-hepatitis a and salk polio vaccine -safer vaccine than attenuated -can be stored in a freeze dried form at room temp making it the vaccine of choice in devloping nations attenuated vaccine b.killed inactivated vaccine


_____immuniy antibodies passed from immune indivdual to a non immune individual is known as b.passive


______ is a serological reaction that produces little or no visible evidence of a reaction. A. Precipitation B. ELISA C. Neutralization D. Agglutination


for some bacterial disease such as diptheria and tetnaus a bacterial exotoxin is the main cause of illness. for these disease a third immunization strategy is to inactivate these toxins and use them as a vaccine. these toxins can be inactivated by formaline -allows body to produce antibodies and memory cells to recognize natural toxin should the individual be exposed to active toxin. -booster shots are necessary -dtap and dtp anneutated vaccine b.killed inactivated c.toxoid inactivated


to determine if someone is hiv positive you can perform the ____Test a.aggulation b.neutrilization c.elisa


what whole agent vaccine represents a inactivated toxin attenuated b.killed inactivaed c.toxoid inactivated


haemphilus influen b which is responsible for a form of childhood menigitis, produces a capsule. materials like the capsulare polysaccharaded represent haptens which refers to substances that are not strongly immunogenic and therefore do not cause a strong immune response. therefore the strategy is to conjugate the haptens to a protein molecule such as the tetanus or diptheria toxoid the result is what vaccone

conjugate vaccine

Herd immunity is affected by ______. A. the percentage of a population that is vaccinated B. the strength of an individual's immune system C. the number of susceptible individuals D. All the above (A-C) are correct.


Titer refers to ______. A. the most concentrated antigen-antibody concentration showing a reaction B. the first diluted antigen-antibody concentration showing a reaction C. the precipitation line formed between an antigenantibody reaction D. the most dilute antigen-antibody concentration showing a reaction


What serological test requires sheep red blood cells and a preparation of antibodies that recognizes the sheep red blood cells? A. ELISA B. Radioimmunoassay C. Immunodiffusion D. Complement fixation test


whole agents contain what three things below attenuated pathogens b.killed inactivated pathogens c.toxoid inactivated d.all of the abvoe


______microbiology focuses on applying microbiology to medical diagnosis and makes extensive use of the serological reactions between antigen and antibody

diagnostic microbiology

the _____test only indicates that antibodies to the pathogen are present

elisa test

elisa stands for

enzyme linked immunosorbent assay

a rise in titer is indicative of no diease true or false

false it is indicative to a disease

artificially acquired passive immunity makes use of three majors types of antisera (antibodies) to treat diseases what are the three

gamma globulin hyperimmune globulin antitoxins

what type of direct aggulation is used to determine bloodtype prior to blood transfusions


______refers to the clumping of red blood cells. this process is particulary important in the determination of blood types prior to blood transfusions.


the resistance to the spread of a contagious disease within a population that results if a sufficiently high proportion of individuals are immune to the disease, especially through vaccination. is known as

herd immunity

declining vaccination reates leads to (increase/decrease)in preventable disease


______acquired active immunity is by experiencing the disease and recovering from it. exposure to infectious pathogen, which may lead to ilness and disease symptoms and during this memory cells are made during primary antibody respose and are atored in the bone marrow until needed again a.naturally b.artificially


there are two types of immunity what are they

naturally artificially

_____acquired passive immunity maternal igG remains 3-6 mothes post birth and maternal IgA pass to newborn through colustrom early milk and breast milk a.passive b.naturally acquired

naturally acquired

the most common form of passive immunity is ____which is also called congenital immunty

naturally acquired passive immunity

this form of immunity develops when during the last 1-2 months of pregnancy the igG antibodies pass into the fetal circulation from the mothers bloodstreem via placenta and umbilical cord. this maternal passed igG antibodies remain with the child for up to one year after birth and play an important role durin these moths of life providing additional resistance to certaind isease such as measles and rubella

naturallyacquired passive immunity

_____is a serological reaction used to identify bacterial toxins and antitoxins as well as viruses and viral antibodies.


how can we tell if an individual has a specific antibody or has been exposed to a specific antigen what are the three methods

neutrilization aggulation elisa

the ______test can be used to dectect bacterial toxins, such as the botulism toxin. if a food is believed to be contaminated with botulism toxin, injecting the food into a rat will allow the toxin to attach to nerve cells and the release toxin will kill the rat. to make sure it is the botulism toxin and not another foodborne toxin the food material is mixed with botulism antitoxin .if the food does not contain botulism toxin the antibodies will block binding of the toxin and on injection of the mix the rat will survive

neutrilization test

_____immunity deveolops when antibodies enter the body from an outside source. the source of antibodies can be unintentional such as a fetus recieving antibodies from the mother or intentional such as the transfer of antibodies to an individual through injection .... b.passive


____ the study of blood serum and its constituents has great diagnostic significance as well as more broad ranging applications


_____is the study of blood serum and its components especially relating to immune response in antigens ] a.titration b.serology


this vaccines are characterized as -only parts of the antigen that stimulate a strong immune response -subunits cannot cause disease -can be made by recombiant dna technology -example hepititus b virus


what are the two types of antigen subunits or fragments

subunit conjugate

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