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British gradual influence over India

1760-1858 Gradually takes over Had been in contact - trade


1800-1945 Efforts of capitalist states in the West to seize markets, raw materials and lucrative avenues for investment in non-western world which lef to the domination or control of the political, economic, and social life of another country in the 19th cent. Not required to have colonies

British East India Company

1813-1825 Mainly work with Brahmins -1st to profit from Br education and enter government services under BEIC

Opium War

1839 Most battles at sea - Br dominates with navy, C lacks technology -> Humiliating defeat Treaty of Nanjing signed after

Treaty of Nanjing

1842 Hong Kong given to Br Extraterritorial rights - foreigners not subject to Chinese law @ Zhuangzhou, where allowed to trade Opened 4 ports SIGNIFICANCE: Chinese resentment -> resistance, revolt, nationalism

Taiping Rebellion

1850-1864 Who: peasants, led by Hung Hsiu Chuan (army of 1 mil) Want: heavenly kingdom of great peace, Chinese people to share the wealth (no poverty, $ and culture) Actions: Control SE China and capture Nanking Reason for failure: factions when Hsiu Chuan leaves leadership to family, factions, outside intervention Qin dynasty, Br, and Fr put down (in best interest) Tremendous pressure on gov: internal prob v external prob SIGNIFICANCE: leaves Chinese gov w/ Q: reform, or stay with tradition? FOREIGN INFLUENCE GROWS

Treaty of Kanagawa

1854 Japan opens 2 ports to US Other Western countries follow - 1860 foreigners can trade at ports and have extra territorial rights SIGNIFICANCE: Japanese angry leaders gave into foreign demands -> turn to young emperor 1867: Tokagawa Shogun step down -> ends military dictatorship -> Meiji Era begins (45 years)

Sepoy Rebellion

1857 Sepoy = native troops New cartridges of pig and cow fat - violate customs Refuse to use -> imprisoned Revenge: Europeans killed -> rescued by British army in fall 1857 SIGNIFICANCE: British realize must listen to Indians Change from company government to the crown

Meiji Restoration

1867-1912 Young emperor decides Japan has to modernize to counter Western influence - sends expedition to study Western ways and adapt to Japan Increase industrialization - makes Japan competitive with west Wants to get rid of extra territorial rights 1900 - strongest power in Asia

Imperialism and British Culture

Queen Victoria: -Motherly, maternal image to colonies -something for colonies to identify to Imperial Triumphs widely celebrated: -Photographic film and Kodak camera revolutionize media -> imperial triumphs celebrated everywhere -Reiterates superiority and gets people in mother country to support Imperial themes and myths: -I.E on tins and cigarettes -Way to legitimate policies abroad


country that has its own government but foreign government officials guide policies, particularly in foreign affairs

Reasons for Imperialism: China

exploit -> take printing, paper, gunpowder

Reasons for Imperialism: Africa

gain access to raw materials: rubber, oil,gold, exotic fruits new markets Evangelize and force culture

Reasons for Imperialism: India

new market use tea, coffee, cotton -> wealth


1500-1800 Required to have colonies EXPENSIVE

Pre-Imperialism Caste System

1. Brahmins - elite, priestly 2. Kshatriyas - warrior class, ruling aristocracies 3. Vaisyas - farmers, professionals, artisans 4. Shudras - servant class 5. Untouchables - outcasts

Policies adopted in India

1. English official language for all Indian matters (bureaucracy, admin) 2. Sati banned 3. English activity builds canals, railroads 4. Girls (and boys) can receive education

Berlin Conference

1884 German Chancellor Otto von Bismark Set rules for future annexations in Africa and Asia Free commerce in Congo and along the Niger river Efforts to be made to end the slave trade Annexations were only to be recognized if effective occupation was demonstrated No African delegates present Created arbitrary borders -> tension and ethnic groups separated Succeeded in avoiding wars Still tension between competing countries

Sino-Japanese War

1894 China and Japan both agree to leave Korea alone -> China breaks Japan sends troops, destroys navy, drives China out RESULT: gets foothold in Manchuria and gains Taiwan as a colony

Boer War

1899-1902 Gold and diamonds discovered in Transvaal Britain vs. Transvaal and Orange Free State Britain powerful and wins Created bitterness

Boxer Rebellion

1900 Who: peasants, workers, Boxers (secret group) -> resentful of extra territorial rights and Chinese Christians because adopted foreign faith What: campaign against Dowager and foreign privilege Surround Euro section in Beijing for months -> Dowager sympathetic, but no help August 1900: multinational forces come in and defeat

Hundred Days of Reform

1900's: many people want reforms 1898-1899 Young emperor tried to modernize with reforms (edu, eco, govt, mil) -> other leaders saw as a threat to power Brought back Empress Dowager - reverses most reforms

Russo-Japanese War

1903-1904 Russia and Japan - Russia has some rights in Manchuria: Japan will recognize if stays out of Korea -> NO Russia doesn't see Japan as a threat -> Czar doesn't dedicate enough resources 1904: Japan surprise attack on Russian ships -> humiliates Russia Signs treaty: Japan gets territory, Russia has to leave Manchuria and Korea SIGNIFICANCE: Shows rest of the world Japan can't be ignored

Japanese Occupation of Korea

1910 Korea becomes a Japanese protectorate Brutal treatment of Koreans -> rest of world ignored because of own imperialist interests

Indian independence

1947 - 100 years of BEIC rule

Cons of Imperialism in Africa

Africans lost control of their land Many died from disease (small pox) Lost thousands (resistance, labor) Famines - result from change to cash crops from substance farming Breakdown of traditional culture Traditional authority figures replaced Some men forced to leave villages to find ways to support families Division of the continent -> split up kinship groups b/c boundaries completely artificially made European presence undermined stable societies and caused identity problems


B/c China self sufficient - Euro countries want something Chinese people would buy in bulk - OPIUM (12 mil addicted 1835) Empress Dowager sends letter to Queen Victoria - no response

Indirect Rule

Country has own gov - foreign gov officials guide policies, particularly foreign affairs British mainly Never assimilate -> leaves people feeling inferior Cheaper

Opening of Japanese Ports

Early 19th cent Matthew Perry take 4 steamships -> size and cannons shock - intimidated, realize must open ports

Adventurous Boyhood

Elite British schools=training ground Taught sense of imperial mission and adventure

Richard Burton

Explorer adventurer

Henry Stanley

Explorer adventurer 1870's "Opened" up Congo - Belgium

Impact of Boxer Rebellion

Increase in strong sense of nationalism Realizes must resist foreigners and govt be responsive to needs - China needs change 1905: Dowager sends ppl to study how other countries are run 1906: need to restructure - constitutional monarchy of Japan -> change still slow 1912: revolution -> Republic of China

Pros of Imperialism in Africa

Increased sanitation, schools, hospitals Decreased local warfare Increased life spans, literacy rates Railroads, damn, telephone lines, telegraph African products are valued


Industrial Revolution: need raw materials to power Increase territory and expand factories Promote Christianity (often used as an excuse to invade and brainwash) Economic profits: markets, manufactured goods, importing, taxes = money Rivalry in colonial Empire: competition between nations Rich resources Individual wealth Nationalism European racism: they should help other countries industrialize because superior

Early 17th Cent Japan

Isolated under Tokagawa Shoguns (Tokagawa Era 1605-1868) No civil wars, peace, relative prosperity

Chinese Internal Problems

Mid 19th cent -> huge increase in population Food production cannot match -> widespread hunger Many depressed Rising opium addiction Defeated in Opium War Other countries take advantage - attacks and negotiates treaty -> after every treaty, more control over Chinese economy Many Spheres of Influence

David Livingstone

Missionary 3 C's - Christianity, commerce, civilization Crosses Africa east to west

European Motives

Nationalism: want to prove themselves as better (other nations and their own people) Economic Competition: want raw materials and markets (trade and goods) -> increased economy European Racism: Feel superior (civilized, tech, culture) - do a 'favor' and civilize -> becomes justification Missionary Impulse: The need to spread Christianity -Good: preach and try to convert -Bad: force conversion

Cons of Imperialism in India

No democratic institutions Economic costs - many women out of work (textiles) Increase in taxes Negative psychological impacts (pride damaged)

Pros of Imperialism in India

Order and stability Attention to education -> young girls Sati outlawed Widows can remarry Increase in railroads, telegraph, infrastructure -> unites previously distant parts of India Better sanitation British civil service exams - meritocracy

Elevated importance of Motherhood

Population = power Healthy children -> healthy men to go out into colonies and wars 3 K's Motherhood -Kinder: kids/children -Kuche: kitchen -Kirche: church


Rudyard Kipling (1865-1937) - born in India Before lit about class differences 1880's: split into girl's lit (domestic), boys lit (adventure/imperialism)

Late 18th century China

Self sufficient - little interest in trading with West Agrarian: can feed population Mining and manufacturing industries: can employ population Favorable balance of trade - more $ for exports than spent on imports

Euro sovereignty in Africa: actions

Set up control: organize land into districts -Native police force: broke up local wars, slaving raids District offices: -Young civil servants with lots of responsibilities in foreign lands

Imperialist countries

Spain Great Britain Germany Belgium Portugal France Italy

Japanese Hierarchy (Tokagawa Era)

Strict feudal system Emperor: highest rank, but not necessarily most power Shogun: leader of military forces (Most overall power) Daiymo: large land owners Samurai: loyal to shogun and daiymo; knights - live by code of 'warrior class' Peasants: agrarian, 80% of population Artisans: poorest people Merchants: isolated from other countries, making $ is not a priority or value -Did trade with China and Dutch

Direct Rule

Territory that an imperialist power ruled directly. Philosophy was to assimilate native ppl into culture (French Practice)

Open Door Policy

US - long time trading partner -> worried other nations will divide China into colonies and their trade will be destroyed 1889 Open door notes: series of letters that advocate equal access to China - nations agree because doesn't want conflicts, war, and colonies expensive ** Policy protects both US trading rights in China and China free from colonization China still at mercy of foreign countries -> humiliating IMPACT: Increase in Chinese nationalism

Self Strengthening Movement

Update education, military, diplomatic service Factories to produce Mixed results Dowager approves because does not threaten her power, but makes China stronger against foreigners

What made European sovereignty over interior Africa possible?

Weapons: -19th cent: machine gun, mobile artillery, rapid firing rifle -> those who have have advantage ie Europeans Treatment of diseases: -19th cent: understood diseases and had medicine -> less people die Social Darwinism: -framework for a hierarchical division of human societies

Imperial ambitions

When feeling of strength and equality with West increases

Sphere of Influence

a region of a country in which an imperialist power held exclusive investment or trading rights


collaboration with local elites while leaving local traditions alone


effort to transform colonial societies in the Western image

Reasons for Imperialism: Japan

resources, trade

Reasons for Imperialism: in general

seize markets, raw materials, lucrative avenues for investment in non western world


territory imperialist power ruled directly

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