Imperialism in China

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Taiping Rebellion

(1850-1864) A revolt by the people of China against the ruling Manchu Dynasty because of their failure to deal effectively with the opium problem and the interference of foreigners. The most destructive civil war in China before the twentieth century. A Christian-inspired rural rebellion threatened to topple the Qing Empire. Leader claimed to be the brother of Jesus aka son of God.

He grew unhappy with the leaders of the national movement and he wanted freedom from the western influence, control, and power.


The British did not care and broke the laws by using smugglers to get the crop into China


This led them to sign the treaty of Nanking


Mao Zedong


Boxer Rebellion (what quizlet says)

1899 rebellion in Beijing, China started by a secret society of Chinese who opposed the "foreign devils". The rebellion was ended by British troops. A 1900 Uprising in China aimed at ending foreign influence in the country.

a puppet state

A government that is under the control of another, stronger power

What happened because of this?

A majority of the communist party members turned over control to Mao

Open Door Policy

A policy proposed by the US in 1899, under which ALL nations would have equal opportunities to trade in China. (Not just Europe)

What happened in the aftermath of the fighting?

A protocol was signed and ended. This ended the hostilities and caused China to pay the foreign countries reparations. The Qing dynasty also continued to get even weaker

Why is the opium war considered the beginning of China's century of humiliation

Because of unfair treaties The Chineese treaty with the Europeans, and many other countries to come, resulted in China losing more or gaining nothing while their opponent gained more with the signing of the unfair treaties. That lowkey embarrassing

Then the Chinese signed which they promised to observe the treaties

Beijing convention

Second Opium War (Arrow War)

British and French captured Beijing and forced on China a new round of unequal treaties, indemnities (pay for loss), and the opening of 11 more treaty ports. This also led to increased Christian missionary work and legalization of the opium trade.

KMT and CCP have a civil war for years. They then worked together against the Japanese during WW11, but then they fought each other again. Who won?


Kuli labor

Cheaply hired unskilled laborer Chinese labor sent to European colonies instead of payment (The Chinese couldn't pay Europe in money so they used their labor to pay) after Boxer Rebellion

Beijing Convention

China agreed to follow the treaties of Tianjin and gave the southern part of the Kowloon Peninsula to Britain

What was the treaty of Nanking? Treaty of the Bogue Treaty of Tianjin Beijing convention

China agreed to pay 20 million silver dollars to pay for the loss of the British, abolish the cohong, fix taxes on goods(less high i assume), Open several ports to foreign trade, and give up the island of Hong Kong to Britain Signed by British and China on October 8. 1843 as an additional treaty to Nanjing. It contained the most favored nation contract, changes in the guidelines of taxes, and granted Britain extraterritoriality. It opened opium trade and legalized it and made more ports open to Britain. After the treaty was registered by the Chinese, the British took Beijing in 1860. China agreed to follow the treaties of Tianjin and gave the southern part of the Kowloon Peninsula to Britain


China's largest city

Century of Humiliation (what quizlet says)

China's term for its domination by imperialists from the first Opium War to Communist victory, 1839-1949 period of intervention and imperialism by Western powers and Japan in China between 1839 and 1949

Why did they want payment?

Chineese gov destroyed the opium that the British merchants stored in warehouses (where u store things) in Canton

Why was there a trade deficit?

Chineese we're not interested in European goods and could only pay in silver The British then was forced to buy silver from other countries to trade with China because they wanted China's Tea and goods This caused a gap and failing in trade

Sun Yat-sen

Chinese physician and political leader who aimed to transform China with patriotic, democratic, and economically progressive reforms.

What events caused the opium war

Chinese were becoming addicted to opium So the Chinese imperial government(ruled by emperor) tried to ban the trade on this crop

Chinese Communist Party

Communist party of china that took over the nationalist party and was lead by Mao Zedong. Obv favored communism and not capitalism and Mao wanted the OLD way of doing things aka communism, not the influence of the west which is capitalism

What does this article tell you about imperialism in China? Aka why did the boxer rebellion start—what made them not want foreign influence

Due to the government not handling the foreign imperialism well, it angered the Chinese and led some of them to rebel. Remember that the British seized many of China's towns and fortresses and this gave way to unequal treaties—so they got mad

Why were Europeans interested in trade with China

Europeans wanted tea and opium. European merchants could not directly access the Chinese market and we're only allowed at the merchants quarter outside of the city of Canton. And they had to go through the Cohong

Why did He attack the Chinese communist party

For it's lack of revolutionary passion and military strategy


Foreign residents in a country living under the laws of their native country, disregarding the laws of the host country.

Who joined the British in attacking China?


Chiang Kai-shek or Yuan Shikai

General and leader of Nationalist China after 1925. He became the leader after the death of Sun Yat Sen— he became a military dictator whose major goal was to crush the communist movement led by Mao Zedong. He abused his power and made himself the most powerful man in the country. He ordered killings on those who oppose his rule of republic. And obviously one of the groups that opposed him was the CCP.

What then did he do

He became one of the founding members of the Chinese communist party

What did Lin do?

He put the death penalty to anyone importing or having opium. He also stopped the trade in the merchants corner and confiscated tons of opium which he then had destroyed

What were his goals as leader of China

He wanted to reshape Chinese society due to the influences of the west

Who was the last emperor of China? Qing dynasty aka Manchu

Henry Puyi

Where did most of the fighting take place?

In northern China.


Industrialized province in the northeast part of China; Japan invaded here when China was weak from Civil War; by 1938, Japan controlled a large part of China

What was the treaty of Nanking? What were the conditions?

It was a peace treaty China agreed to pay 20 million silver dollars to pay for the loss of the British, abolish the cohong, fix taxes on goods(less high i assume), Open several ports to foreign trade, and give up the island of Hong Kong to Britain

How was puyi a puppet

Japan created the puppet state of Manchukuo . Henry Puyi was enthroned as emperor in Manchukuo First he reigned over the Qing dynasty as emperor. He then was removed because of the republic. But then Japan in 1945, made him ruler of Manchukuo. Then after communism was established a.k.a. the People's Republic of China, he was sent to prison to be reformed

What were the effects of the conflict between Britain and China?

Many Chinese killed and only a few Europeans wounded in the battles Battles kept happening in British gained more and more towns and forts on the Pearl River Local officials and merchants ended up paying the British $6 million to withdrawal. The British left but headed north again taking over several more cities.

Effects of Opium War on China

Marked the start of the era of unfair/unequal treaties between China and foreign imperialist powers (Like France, USA etc) China was forced to surrender its owning of land and power over their country——-> this caused a weakened Qing dynasty and eventually replacing it with a republican government

Why British won opium wars?

More advanced weapons from IR

The first war was ended by what treaty?


Japan then invaded Manchuria then sacks the city of..


What are his principles?

Nationalism, democracy, and livelihood

People's Republic of China

New name for China under Mao Zedong:

Why were these countries interested in fighting against the rebellion

One of the reasons was some European missionaries and European Christians lived in China Also, Europe and the United States and everyone else did not want China hating foreigners because they wanted the open door policy so they fought against the rebellion

What did he believe

Only way to bring freedom from western influence was have a revolutionary change of a Chinese society

How did the British turn the balance of trade in their favor

Opium became popular in China which benefited the Europeans Opium was abundant in the east India company. Therefore large amounts of opium was shipped to China from the British East India Company

Bc of this, China then becomes the....

People's Republic of China

The Chinese nationalist movement

Promotes cultural and national unity of all Chinese people I guess for self governance IT WAS A REPUBLIC SO IT FAVORED CAPITALISM, SO MAO HATED IT

What are reparations?

Reparations is money paid to someone who has been wronged. The foreign countries forced China to pay and they agreed to pay reparations.

Treaty of the Bogue

Signed by British and China on October 8. 1843 as an additional treaty to Nanjing. It contained the most favored nation contract, changes in the guidelines of taxes, and granted Britain extraterritoriality.

British flooded the black market with this drug and what did they receive in return?


The concern for addiction grew and the Daoguang Emperor sent who to deal with the problem?

Snet Commissioner Lin Zexu to Canton to deal with the problem

Why did British start to sell opium to China

So they could sell it to China and turn the balance of trade in their favor

It then became a republic. Who was the leader of the republic?

Sun yat-sen


The Chinese Nationalist Party, formed after the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1912.

He took control of this party. The party was almost defeated by what

The Chinese nationalist forces

Why did the Boxer Rebellion occur?

The Chinese wanted to eliminate Western influence The Chinese did not like the presence of foreigners in China because of all the imperialism the British caused with the opium wars and all that

After the boxer rebellion what happened to China's government?

The Manchu govt collapsed

Who won? Why?

The foreigners gained victory. A multinational force fought against the rebellion that led to its ending and more advanced in technology and production

What factors encouraged the Boxers and won them support?

The governor in rolled the boxers as militia groups A lot of the Qing officials started believing that the boxer rituals actually worked and made them resistant to bullets

Mao joined what movement

The nationalist movement


The signing thing is basically china asking British to pls stop transporting illegal opium///nothing changed, so Lin banned it Timeline goes left all the way to right then back down to left all the way to right

What place did these troops capture and what did they do?

They seized Beijing and relieved the foreigners and Christians that have been held there

What did the Chinese government then do?

They sued for peace


They used the excuse to join the British because of the murder of a French missionary inside of China in 1856

The interest that the Europeans had in profit caused a vote in parliament to send ships to China. What did the British demand from China?

They wanted payment for the opium, an end to the cohong having too much control over goods, and the right to use an island off of the coast to use as a base

Why were the British merchants unhappy about Lin destroying the opium?

They wanted payment for their destroyed and seized goods. These merchants are like yo these are my goods that you destroyed and I got no money for

What were the cohong

They were Chinese middleman. They charged high prices to cover their heavy taxes and they dominated the trade in the quarter

Who were the Boxers? What did they believe? What were their goals?

They were a Chinese secret society They believed that foreigners, Chinese converts to Christianity, and those who worked for foreigners were all devils. They also practiced martial arts, boxing, and believed that spells and magic would make them immune to bullets when fighting in battle. They were not in favor of the influence that foreigners had on China, and therefore their goal was to drive them out

Superintendent Charles Elliott said that the payment would be provided by the British government, but the British believed the Chinese should pay. What did this cause?

This caused a long debate on who should pay

The second war resulted in the treaties of ...


Why did he join

To go against the corrupt an unsuccessful royal government as well as the foreigners who used it to exploit China

Who was involved in the Boxer Rebellion?

Troops from France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Russia, United States, Japan, and Britain we're all involved in fighting the boxer rebellion

Whos Cixi?

Was the empress and continued to encourage the boxers even though contries from the west protested

Why did the Boxer Rebellion fail?

Western nations decided to work together and were able to defeat the Chinese because they were better industrialized and more organized. Foreign governments were angry about the aggression toward their people in China, so they fought back

Where did the final major battle of the war take place?

Zhenjiang and the British destroyed the city and killed the men defending it

Opium War

a conflict between Britain and China, lasting from 1839 to 1842, over Britain's opium trade in China

most favored nation status

agreement to offer a trading partner the lowest tariff rate offered to other trading partners The lowest tax would go to the British

China refused to agree with the treaties. So, the British....

captured Beijing and burned the emperors Summer Palace.

But what happened instead? Aka Why did the Great Leap Forward fail?

crop failures, poor planning

How did the Great Leap Forward, a policy made by Mao, want to reshape society

economic and social plan used in China from 1958 to 1961 which aimed to use China's vast population to rapidly transform the country from an agrarian (all about farming) economy into a modern industrial society.

Treaty of Tianjin

established in 1858. It opened opium trade and legalized it and made more ports open to Britain. After the treaty was registered by the Chinese, the British took Beijing in 1860.


payment for losses in war One country pays for the damage done to the other country

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