NUTR2332 CH4 Study Guide

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what percent of calories in the diet should come from carbohydrates?


What is the primary difference between fiber and starch?

Fiber cannot be digested by humans but starch can

Which of the following are true about cellulose?

Made of glucose molecules, insoluble fiber, straight chain

Which disaccharide plays an important role in the production of alcoholic beverages?


________ is the disaccharide made of two glucose molecules bonded together


Which alternative sweetener is derived from a South American shrub?


Nutritive sweeteners include

Sugars(Sucrose), High Fructose Corn syrup, Honey, Sugar Alcohols(Sorbitol)

T/F: Soluble fibers are fermented by bacteria in the large intestine


T/F: The artificial sweetener sucralose (Splenda) is considered useful in baking because it resists destruction by heat


what type of sweetener is the sweetest?

alternative sweeteners

of the polysaccharides, which is digested most rapidly?


in metabolic syndrome, which of the following may be elevated?

blood pressure, triglycerides, fasting glucose, waist circumference, low HDL cholesterol

for a grain to be consider a whole grain, the grain must contain the germ, endosperm, and


which monosaccharide is commonly found as a component in fruit?


Glycogen is a branched structure comprised of many _____ units bonded together.


What is the major monosaccharide found in the body?


because of it's low cost, shelf-stability, and desirable food properties, _________ is used in the manufacture of many processed foods, including soft drinks, condiments, and snack foods

high-fructose corn syrup

what is the main health benefit of nonfermentable(insoluble) fiber?

improves gastrointestinal health

which of the following are major storage sites for glycogen?

liver and muscle

which of the following nonnutritive sweeteners are currently available in the food supply in the United States?

neotame, aspartame, acesulfame-K

the monosaccharides and the disaccharides are designated as __________ because they provide calories

nutritive sweeteners

Fiber is a type of


for a person with insulin resistance, the pancreas

produces plenty of insulin, but cells cannot use it effectively

which of the following is a benefit of soluble fiber?

reduced total serum cholesterol

examples of functional fiber include

resistant starch, polydextrose, indigestible dextrin, inulin

________ fiber is readily fermented by bacteria in the large intestine


complex carbohydrates are also known as


What are the other names for complex carbohydrates?

starch, polysaccharides

All sweeteners are compared to the sweetness found in


Why can't fiber be absorbed in the small intestine?

the human GI tract lacks the enzymes necessary to break down fiber

what is the purpose of the Whole Grain stamp that food manufacturers use on grain products?

to identify foods made with whole grains

what is the primary function of carbohydrates in the body?

to provide energy in the body

Aspartame is an alternative sweetener made of

two amino acids (phenylalanine and aspartic acid) and methanol

which of the following types of fruit are great sources of dietary fiber?

whole fruits, cut-up fruits

examples of whole grains include

whole wheat flour, oatmeal, bulgur (cracked wheat)

the highly branched structure of glycogen

allows rapid breakdown into glucose

individual forms of fiber are not each listed on a food label. instead they are grouped together as

dietary fiber

the advantage of the branched structure of ________ is that it allows multiple enzymes to attach to its structure and break it apart quickly


which MyPlate food groups provide many high-fiber foods?

grains, fruits, and vegetables

Name the disaccharide that is also known as "milk sugar"


What are the two broad classes of sweeteners?

nutritive and alternative

what is the approximate carbohydrate content of eggs, chicken, butter, and margarine?


what is the guideline that is set at a level 100 times less than the level at which no harmful effects were noted in animal studies?

Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI)

which type of starch makes up 80% of digestible starches in the diet?


Which alternative sweetener contains the amino acids phenylalanine and aspartic acid?


Which of the following food choices comply with the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines?

Choose brown rice instead of white rice, add baked acorn squash as a side dish, chose frozen blueberries with no added sugars

T/F: Fermentable fiber is a fiber that is not easily metabolized by intestinal bacteria


T/F: vegetables must be consumed raw to enjoy their nutrient benefits


T/F: well-controlled studies have found that sugar contributes to hyperactivity in children


T/F: cellulose is an undigestible, nonfermentable, straight-chain polysaccharide made of glucose molecules


softs drinks and dairy desserts are major sources of ________ in the American diet

added sugars, calories

what is a digestible straight chain-type of starch composed of glucose units called?


Which of the following groups of polysaccharides is digestible by humans?

amylose and amylopectin

amylose vs amylopectin

amylose(straight chain); amylopectin(highly branched chain)

Which of the following are examples of polysaccharides?

amylose, amylopectin, cellulose

which of the following are common food sources of amylose?

beans, breads, vegetables

lactose is the main carbohydrate found in

dairy foods

As intake of added sugars increase, dietary quality


Several well-controlled studies found that sugar in the diet ______ affect children's behavior

did not

what is the term used for fiber that does not appear naturally in food but is added to foods?

functional fiber

what is a fiber that is not easily metabolized by intestinal bacteria called?

nonfermentable fiber

fiber is a type of


carbohydrates contain many glucose units, from 10 to 1000 or more are called _____


________ are used in some types of gums, breath mints, and candy because they are not readily metabolized by bacteria to acids in the mouth and thus do not promote tooth decay

sugar alcohols

grains containing the entire seed of the plant, including the bran, germ, and endosperm (starchy interior) are called

whole grains

Choose "1 cup equivalents" for the dairy group

1 cup milk, yogurt, or soy milk, 1 1/2 ounces of natural cheese, or 2 oz of processed cheese

Choose "1 cup equivalents" for the vegetable group

1 cup raw or cooked vegetables, 1 cup vegetable juice, 2 cups of raw leafy greens

the Dietary Guidelines recommend that ________ of our grains come from whole grains


Identify how many hours it takes before the glycogen stores are depleted in the liver if no carbohydrate is consumed


a medium banana provides approximately what percentage of the RDA for carbohydrate?


Fermentation occurs when

carbohydrate is converted to alcohol, acids, and CO2 without use of oxygen

When bacteria in the mouth break down _________, they produce acids that dissolve the tooth enamel, leading to dental caries


which macronutrients provide 4 kilocalories per gram?


which of the following carbohydrates is indigestible by humans?


who is at highest risk for overconsuming empty calories in place of nutrients essential for growth?

children and teenagers

Which of the following are ways to select or prepare potatoes that will produce a slower rise in blood glucose?

Buy new thin potatoes ,cook them, then refrigerate overnight before eating

T/F: Aspartame is heat stable so it is appropriate for use in cooking


Type 1 Diabetes Vs Type 2

Type 1: total insulin deficiency; Type 2: insulin resistance

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