Imperialism Packet- Chapter 27

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What steps did Menelik II take in response to the Europeans' plan?

Menelik sends soldiers to investigate what was going on, he told his chiefs to talk with the Sudanese troops and explain his intentions, he told the Ethiopian troops to go to the White Nile, and he wrote this letter.

Leopold II of Belgium- j

Monarch who commissioned reporter Henry Stanley to obtain land in the Congo in his name

imperialism- g

The takeover of a country or territory by a stronger nation with the intent of dominating the political, economic, and social life of the people

British restricted Indian-owned industries such as cotton textiles and reduced food production in favor of cash crops.

Villagers are no longer self-sufficient; food production declines and famine sets in

Death of Suleyman I

Was followed by a series of weak sultans, corruption and theft caused financial problems, coinage was devalued, fell further and further behind Europe technologically.

"Jewel in the Crwon"

What British referred to the colonialism in India due to the abundance of natural resources.

A- its access to the Atlantic sea trade.

What aspect of Ottoman Empire appealed most to world powers?

The Berlin Conference of 1884-85 was held to decide rules fro diving Africa among colonial powers.

a. Europeans did not pay attention to political divisions or ethnic and language groupings in Africa b. The ability to control African land, people and resources

The British gained control of Nigeria, one of the most culturally diverse parts of Africa

a. Lagos was made Great Britain's first Nigerian colony b. British gradually extended control over surrounding areas

Other nations including France, supported a policy of assimilation

a. Locals would adopt French culture b. A person or group's language and/or culture would resemble another's

Some European nations followed a policy of governing Africa called paternalism

a. Provided for needs but not giving rights b. Governed in parental way

Imperialism of the 18th and 19th centuries was different from explorations of Africa and Asia during the 15th and 16th centuries.

a.Imperial powers didn't go deep into conquered areas of Asia and Africa b.Europeans demand more influence over economics, politics and social lives

malaria- a

disease that hampered European efforts to colonize Africa

Britain- f

Colonial power who won control of the Union of South Africa in 1902

Describe the policies European nations used to gain control of Muslim lands.

Created Spheres of Influence and practiced Economic Imperialism.

European colonial rule had many negative effects and a few positive ones

Development of the area, medicine, and population increase. Unfair trade and harsh laws.

Boers -i

Dutch settlers who took over Africans' land and established farms in South Africa

Cause: Company troops defeated Indian forces at the Battle of Plessey after the Mughal rule had become weak.

Effect: East India Company gains control of India

Construction of the Suez Canal

Egypt found itself in enormous debt, the British occupied Egypt after overseeing the construction of the canal.

Methods of conquest: military conquest of native peoples

Establishment of spheres of influence, colonies, protectorates or control by private businesses

Why was Ethiopia able to successfully resist European rule?

Ethiopia's success in resisting European rule was due to one man Menelik II. He turned Britain, France and Italy against each other and used a treaty with the Italians to start battle of Adowa which he won.

Note two outcomes of the Berlin Conference in 1884 and 1885.

European countries could take over Africa countries for resources as long as they warned other European countries, No Africans were invited to meeting, laid rules for dividing countries.

Note three motives behind the European race of colonies.

Europeans thought they were greater than other races because Europeans industrialized and Africans didn't. Natural resources, spread Christianity, expand land, more power.

Based on your reading of this letter, what can you infer about the methods some European countries used to control Africa land and people?

Europeans' manipulated African people.

Economic motives: desire for wealth and riches and new trade routes to Asia

Expansion of industry by acquiring new markets and sources of raw material

invention of the steam engine- l

Factor that made it easier for europeans to colonize Africa

Rise of Nationalism

Greece gained independence, Serbia gained self-rule, countries began to look for wars to take land away from the Ottomans.

missionaries- c

Group of people who traveled into Africa to promote christianity

According to Beveridge, what would Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Cuba gain from their association with the United States?

Hawaii and Puerto Rico would gain justice and equity. Cuba would gain a government of law and an end to tyranny and anarchy.

Berlin Conference -e

Meeting of 14 European nations of 1884-85 to determine rules for diving Africa

According to Menelik II, what was the Europeans' plan?

He thought the Europeans' planned to take over the land between Ethiopia and Sudan.

Shaka- b

A Zulu chief who used highly disciplined warriors and good military organization to create a centralized state in South Africa

About how many miles did he travel from Port Elizabeth to Luanda to Quelimane?

About 5,000 miles.

British partitioned Bengal into Hindu and Muslim sections.

Acts of terrorism forced British to divide Bengal in a different way to avoid open rebellion.

What were the three primary reasons that Livingstone undertook his journeys?

1. He wanted to convert Africans to Christianity. 2. He wanted to explore the continent. 3. He also wanted to find a trade route that would help end the slave trade.

Partition of Bengal

1905, when the British divided Bengal into a Hindu section and a Muslim section.

What were the negative consequences of colonial rule for the African continent?

Africans lost control of their land and their independence. Many died of new diseases such as smallpox. They also lost thousands of their people in resisting the Europeans. Traditional authority figures were replaced. Homes and property were transferred with little regard to their importance to the people. Men were forced to leave villages.

Note three groups that clashed over territory and resources in South Africa.

Africans, British, Dutch-Boeurs.

Reread the evaluation of Menelik at the top of page. Do you agree or disagree the statement? Explain.

Agree because he keeps Ethiopia independence and free from european rule.

How did Algeria´s resistance to French rule differ from the East Africans' resistance to German rule?

Algeria fought back and eventually was granted self rule. However, Nigeria was put down and never gained their independence like Algeria.

Resistance to colonial rule: Natives of New mexico revolted against Spanish settlers.

Algerians and east Africans failed in resistance attempts. Ethiopians defeated Italians and remained independent

C- waves of disease

All of these factors contributed to the weakening of the Ottoman Empire EXCEPT

D- geopolitics

An interest in or taking of land for its strategic location or products is called

Boer war- n

Armed struggle over south Africa

Note two technological advances Europeans had over the Africans.

Automatic guns, weapons, steam engine, technology, modes of transportation, vaccines-Malaria.

Why do you think the British mining company agents wanted to obtain mining rights through a contract rather than taking them by force?

Because the British mining company wanted to obtain rights with proof, setting terms, to prevent disappointment, to guarantee loopholes, and exceed conditions.

What course of action did Moulavy Syad Shah believe Indians should take against the English?

Believed that hindus and muslims should unite and kill the British in order to save their lives and their farms.

Whose hand did beveridge see in America's destiny?

Beveridge saw god's hand in America's Destiny.

Note one outcome of the Boer War.

British controlled South Africa, first modern warfare.

The Sepoy Mutiny occurs and uprisings spread over much of northern India

British government assumed direct control of India; racism and distrust between Indians and the British intensified.

Patterns of colonial management: Spanish subjected conquered people to system of forced labor, Dutch and French established trading posts, and British establish permanent colonies with limited self-rule

British relied on indirect rule, while other European powers ruled directly through policies of paternalism and assimilation

On the beck of this paper, explain why the British viewed India as the "jewel in the crown"

India was Britians most valuable colony.

The army of sepoys

Indian soldiers that were led by British officers from the East India Company.

What connections, if any, do you perceive between the attitudes expressed in this letter and the outbreak of the Sepoy Mutiny?

Indian soldiers, or sepoys, rebelled against the british.

Calls by reformers for India to modernize, nationalist feelings and resentment over British discriminatory policies.

Indians form Indian National Congress and then the Muslim League, which eventually calls for self-government.

Dutch East India Company

Lands claimed: - seized malacca -fought for Java -Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes, Moluccas, Bali, Indonesia Major Products: -oil -rubber Impact of colonization: -large Dutch population -rigid social class system


Lands claimed: -Philippines -Puerto Rico -Guam -Hawaii Method of management: -struggled with philippians -indirect Impact of colonization: -long struggles with philippians -took over Hawaii as a company


Lands claimed: -Singapore, Malaysia, Burma Immigration Policy: -encouraged Chinese to flock to Malaysia Impact of colonization: -conflict between Chinese and Malaysians


Lands claimed: -Vietnam -Laos -Cambodia Method of management: -direct Impact of colonization: -Vietnamese resistance -discouraged local industry

During which expedition did Livingstone cover the most territory and where did this journey take him?

Livingstone covered the most territory on the first expedition. He traveled from Port Elizabeth north to Luanda, then east to Quelimane.

Describe some of the problems that Livingstone encountered on his travels.

Livingstone encountered rain, mud, heat, fever, vomiting,headaches, dizziness, and diarrhea. He also fought malaria and the threat of mutiny from his own men. He even had to survive a lion attack.

During which exploration did Livingstone travel on the ocean?

Livingstone traveled on the ocean during the second expedition to the Comoros Islands.

Impact of colonization: Negative: death of natives from war and European diseases, enslavement of Africans Positive: global exchange of food items and livestock

Negative: Death of natives from war and European disease, economic expansion, arbitrary political divisions, breakdown of traditions Positive: Reduced local warfare, unification, modernization, raised standard of living

Were any of livingstones explorations in the northern hemisphere? Explain.

No, Livingstone's explorations were all south of the equator, making them in the southern hemisphere.

The lands of Southeast Asia form part of _____, the countries that border the Pacific Ocean.

Pacific Rim

On the back of this paper, explain the policies of paternalism and assimilation.

Paternalism- a policy of treating subject people as if they were children, providing for their needs but not giving them rights. Assimilation- a policy in which a nation forces or encourages a subject people to adopt its institutions and customs

Discovery of oil in Persia

Persia lacked the capital to develop its own resources, a British corporation began to develop Persia's rich oil fields in the early 1900s.

A- the development of its oil fields.

Persia's granting concessions to Western businesses there led to

Socail/religious motives: desire of Catholic priests to spread Christianity iin the Americas

Racism, missionary zeal to Christianize natives of Asia, Africa, and the Pacific Islands 18-19 Social/Religious Movements

On the back of this paper, explain the concepts of racism and Social Darwinism and how they relate to the policy of imperialism.

Racism- the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race. Social Darwinism- the theory that individuals, groups, and peoples are subject to the same Darwinian laws. Imperialism- policy of extending a country's power and influence.

Cause: British establishes a railroad network in India

Railroads transported raw products from the interior to the ports and manufactured goods from the coast into the interior. Indian became more profitable for Britain.

How did Africans benefit from colonial rule?

The health and literacy rates of Africans improved because of the improved sanitation in hospitals and school. The economics expanded in Africa. There was less warfare locally. African products came to be valued on the international market. Finally, the lifespan of the Africans increased.

B- the contest between Britain and Russia over Muslim lands in Central Asia.

The "Great Game" refers to

What did the king agree to give the british mining company?

The king agreed to give the British mining company, mining rights and protection.

What was the king to receive from the British mining company?

The king was to receive shillings, rifles, and a steamboat from the British mining company.

C- Muhammad Ali

The leader of Egypt who began reforms to modernize its military and economy was

B- Russia and the Ottoman Empire

The Crimean War was fought between

According to this letter, why were the English a threat to Indians?

The English were a threat because they wanted to overthrow all religions and kill indians.

D- the Red Sea and the Mediterranean.

The Suez Canal connected

What large river flowing into the Indian Ocean did he travel along?

The Zambezi River.

racism- k

The belief that one race is superior to others

What is the main idea of this biography?

The main idea of Menelik II's biography is the story of his life. Most sources indicate that while no marriage took place between Haile Melekot and Woizero Ijigayehu, Sahle Selassie ordered his grandson legitimized.

Note two factors within Africa that made it vulnerable to European conquest.

The variety of languages, cultures, this stopped Africa from unifying and working together, wars between tribes, Africa didn't industrialize.

Social Darwinism- m

Theory of ¨survival of the fittest¨

What method of management did the French use with their colonies?

Through direct control; used paternalism- treated people like kids gov them in parental way giving them everything they need and gave no rights and assimilation -wanted people to follow french ways and adapt to them

How did the British control Nigeria and other British colonies?

Through indirect control; which relied on existing political rulers to rule how the British wanted the other countries like Nigeria to be ruled.

What actions helped Menelik maintain the independence of Ethiopia?

To maintain independence of Ethiopia Menelik authorized a French company to build a railroad, not completed until 1917, that eventually would link Addis Ababa and Djibouti. He also encouraged new technological innovation improving economics.

Name two lakes in eastern Africa that Livingstone explored.

Two lakes in Africa that Livingstone explored would be Lake Nyasa and Lake Tanganyika.

Indian National Congress and Muslim League

Two of the more prominent nationalists groups in India. Called for self government.

What arguments does Beveridge give for the expansion of the American empire do you find most persasive

United States would gain as a result of expansion. They also mention that in the United states in the past has been successful in expanding beyond its boundaries.

Sepoy mutiny

Uprising of Sepoys resenting their British subjection. Displayed revolt and nationalism among them

Battle of Plassey

Victory of East India Company troops against Indian forces allied with France.


World powers were attracted to the strategic location, Ottomans controlled access to Mediterranean and Atlantic Sea Trade.


a Hawaiian ruler who called for a new constitution to increase her power

Two methods for managing a colony developed.

a. Direct control: didn't train local leaders, they brought bureaucrats b.Indirect control: relied on existing political rule held daily management of colonies

Africans tried to resist European attempts to colonize the continent, but only Ethiopia was successful

a. Ethiopians westernized their culture b. Ethiopians got advanced weapons and created a new government

Emilio Aguinaldo

leader of the Filipino nationalists

Ram Mohun Roy and nationalism

modern-thinking, well-educated Indian who began campaign to move India away from traditional practices/ideas

King Mongkut

ruled Siam

On the back of this paper, write a paragraph explaininf the causes and outcomes of the Crimean War.

was a military conflict fought from October 1853 to March 1856 in which the Russian empire lost. Russia wanted St. petersburg.

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