Individual diff Emotional intelligence

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what is interpersonal intelligence?

Interpersonal Intelligence may be defined as the ability to understand others, noticing differences between people, reading their moods, temperaments and intentions.

what is Self-awareness?

can you recognise your own emotions? Knowledge of our own feelings, self-confidence, accurate self assessment, knowing our strengths and limitations. E.g. you might wake up in the morning and feel miserable but don't know why! Ricky Gervais out of 'The Office'.

emotional intelligence highlights the conflict between...

head and heart

it is argued that emotional intelligence....

involves emotional abilities operating collaboratively with intellectual ones.

how many people take the MENSA test each year?


what was golemans belief?

Daniel Goleman (1995) believes that people with high levels of emotional intelligence are twice as likely to be successful in relationships, work etc. Some individuals / academics may be outstanding in their field - very clever and have never reached the top of their chosen profession. Others may be quite 'mediocre' at their job and have risen to the highest position in their chosen field. Why? The answer lies in Emotional intelligence.

who popularised the notion of emotional intelligence?

Daniel Goleman - a psychologist and journalist. "Knowing ones emotions...managing emotions... motivating oneself...recognising emotions in others" Goleman(1998).


EI is an emerging area. EI requires the ability to perceive, manage and channel emotions. EI may help to solve the conflict between what one feels and thinks. Important to many outcomes in life, including education, mental health and work. "Emotional Intelligence may make us healthy, rich, loved and happy". (Goleman, 1998).

Emotional intelligence in education?

Elias et al (2001); Moon (2001) Ever changing educational environment - the emphasis is no longer just about teaching but primarily about learning with the emphasis on... Combination of academic, social and emotional skills (Salami,2010). Widening Participation - 50% of people between 18-30yrs in higher education. Employability - key skills/ life skills/life long learning. Only a small minority will use the academic content of their degree to get a job. (HESA annual publication,2001, Rampell,2011). Reflective journals encourage students to assess their feelings, how they are feeling at the very moment of writing, (Harrison,2010). EI skills can be taught/improved so its natural that we should look to educational establishments as the prime location for the promotion of EI,(Mortibouys,2006).

how do we measure emotional intelligence?

Established researchers have promoted various questionnaires. Cognitive measures = The MSCEIT by Salovey & Mayer (1990) Self Report measures = EQi by Bar-on (1997) The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) - Petrides (2009) What's the difference between the two types of measures?

what was howard gardeners (1983) argument on intelligence?

Gardner (1983) argued that each intelligence is a separate system independent in its own right. However they have to interact to provide the whole picture.

what was howard gardeners (1983) contribution to emotional intelligence?

Howard Gardner (1983) was one of the first theorists to distinguish between intellectual and emotional capabilities. He developed nine 'intelligences' and named his theory the: 'Theory of multiple intelligences'

what is intrapersonal intelligence?

Intrapersonal Intelligence may be defined as the ability to understand oneself, to perceive, understand and manage ones emotions.

emotional intelligence is concerned with?

Intrapersonal intelligence. Interpersonal intelligence

what is emotional intelligence?

Its all about feeling!

how does emotional intelligence link to mental health?

Levels of EI may contribute to mental health, (Hertal, Schuetz & Claas-Hinrich,2009). Early research suggests that low levels may be a risk factor for mental ill health. High levels may contribute to good mental health. Historically, Hilde Bruch (1962)- Anorexia Nervosa showed how 'out of touch' with their emotions young women were with this condition. Taylor et al (2001) identified low levels of EI within patient groups with Anorexia Nervosa. Used eating disorder as a way of controlling emotions - premise behind eating disorders- cope inappropriately with emotional difficulties by using food, (Harrison,2009). Ciarrochi et al (2001) found that depression associated with low EI levels. Unable to recognise when feelings are becoming too negative

what is relationship management?

Reading social situations accurately. Exchange of emotion within a group - 'emotional currency'. We all have an effect on one another. Being a team player - promotion of effective collaboration and cooperation in pursuit of collective goals. Carl Jung spoke of 'contagious emotions'. Effective people sense how others are reacting to a given situation and alter their own response to push the interaction in the best direction. Being skilled at winning people over - Richard Branson.

What are the 4 basic social and emotional competencies which cover the concept of emotional intelligence according to goleman (2000)

Self-awareness. Self-management. Relationship management. Social awareness.

what is self management?

Self-management - can you manage disruptive emotions? Covers a range of abilities which help us to manage/ keep control over our emotions/ feelings, to facilitate positive interactions with the world. Self-control, adaptability, dealing with emotional distress. E.g. giving a presentation to a critical audience, trying to manage fear, panic, and anxiety.

what is social awareness?

Social awareness : our social radar. The capacity for sensing and gaining insight into the emotional circumstances of others. Sensing what others are feeling; seeing others' perspective; 'sensing what others feel without their saying' (Forgas, 2001).

Peter Salovey and John Mayer (1990) put forward the first theory on emotional intelligence...what was it?

They reviewed traditional theories of personality and intelligence; they put forward the first theory of EI. "The ability to monitor and regulate one's own and others' feelings to guide thought and actions" Salovey and Mayer (1990). In 1997 Salovey & Mayer expanded on their theory naming four branches of Emotional intelligence. Perceiving branch-emotions of others... Facilitating branch-using your emotions to prioritise your thinking! Understanding branch -understanding how you feel.... Managing branch-emotions under control

types of treatments for low E I ?

Treatments in mental health -patients with low EI may not respond well to psychotherapy since effective recognition of emotion seems lacking. Focus on treatments that increase emotional self awareness and the ability to tolerate emotionally distressing states. Looking at the way children develop EI may lead us to preventative measures and help us prevent certain types of mental ill health.

what are the different kinds of intelligence?

linguistic. Logical-mathematical. Spatial (driving, map reading, recognising faces and scenes. Musical. Bodily-Kinaesthetic. Naturalistic i.e. ability to recognise natural objects as in biology/zoology. Interpersonal. Intrapersonal. Existential (ponder on fundamental questions about life and death)

emotional intelligence in work?

Work/Occupation. Goleman (1998), Caruso &Wolfe (2001) Selection and recruitment (MSCEIT) (Mayer,Salovey &Caruso, 2000). EI measures are valuable aid to recruitment when used with other measures i.e. interviews/presentations. Some jobs might need more EI than others, Caruso and Wolfe (2001) which ones? EI is twice as important as cognitive or technical skills for high job performance' Daniel Goleman. Career development (Caruso & Wolfe, 2001) have printed a list of most occupations with indications of how much EI is required for each career. Team building - Teaching skills such as cooperation/ negotiation/ communication (Jordan, 1999). Appraisal- 360 degree assessment -implications -managers? (Dulewicz & Higgs, 2001). Feinman (2003) linked low levels of EI to bullying, harassment and increased stress.

what is Hypochondriasis?

an anxiety disorder sometimes associated with depression.

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