Industrial Revolution Test

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A radical form of socialism was called what?


In what industry did the Industrial Revolution first take hold?

New Zealand and Australia

The women's suffrage movement made faster strides where?


What is the place where workers and machines were brought together to produce goods?


What is the process of taking over and fencing off land?


What movement gave working class people some comfort?

Iron ore and coal

What natural resources gave Great Britain an advantage in the Industrial Revolution?


What new art form caused painters to take part in a new direction?

Germany and United States

What two countries led the way to industrial leadership?


What was a business owned by many investors who bought stock

Social gospel

What was a movement that urged Christians to social service?


What was a new religious movement of the 1700s?


What was a word for women's right to vote?

Fertilizer from animal droppings

What was an agricultural improvement of the Dutch?


What was needed most to lead industrialization?

They needed more money for the family, additional pay

What was one reason that parents accepted child labor?

More food lead to population boom

What was one way that the agricultural revolution led to the Industrial Revolution?

Less pay

What was the main reason employers preferred women workers to men?

Interchangeable parts

What were identical components that could be used in place of one another?


What were privately built roads that charged a fee for traveler's use?


Who believed that society should try to make happy as many people as possible


Who built a steamboat that traveled at speeds of more than 5 miles per hour?


Who developed a vaccine for rabies?

John Wesley

Who founded the Methodist church?


Who improved the steam engine for use on locomotives?


Who introduced the first 4 wheeled automobile?


Who invented the first electric light bulb?


Who invented the seed drill?

The Luddites

Who smashed machines and burned factories to protest labor saving machines?


Who urged farmers to grow turnips to restore soil?


Who used coal to smelt iron?

Florence Nightingale

Who was the army nurse who insisted on better hygiene in field hospitals?

John Adams

Who was the prophet of laissez faire economics?

Victor Hugo

Who wrote Les Miserables?

Population might outpace the food supply

Why did Malthus urge families to have fewer children?

Less people died

What caused the population boom of the 1700's?


What did Karl Marx believe created poverty for many people?

Steam locomotive

What invention made the growth of railroads possible?


What happened to the standard of living for workers as a result of industrialization?

Fix prices and set quotas

For what reason would a group of corporations form a cartel?

Unvarying, monotonous

How did factory work differ from farm work?

Provided energy for the machines

How did the energy revolution contribute to the Industrial Revolution?

Responsible for their own misery, lazy

How did the middle class view the poor during the Industrial Revolution?


Karl Marx believed that who would triumph over the bourgeoisie?


The Industrial Revolution brought about rapid what?

Social gospel/churches

The Salvation Army was formed in response to what?

Made production fast and cheaper

The assembly line was one new development that did what?


The business class used what to invest in mines, railroads, and factories?


To end poverty and inequality, some reformers suggested what?

Harsh and crowed

What best describes the living conditions in the slums?

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