InQuizitive: Ch 7. Stratification

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Marx's theory of ____ depicted ____ as the major engine of social change. He predicted that eventually the lower classes would rise up and stage a revolution, which would eliminate capitalism and ____.

1st Blank: dialectic materialism 2nd Blank: class conflict 3rd Blank: private property

Rousseau accepts that a certain amount of ____ inequality is unavoidable. But he believes ____ inequality can and should be eliminated. This kind of inequality is the result of differences in privilege and unequal access to resources. He believes the main root of the problem is ____, an institution that leads not only to injustice but also to ____.

1st Blank: natural 2nd Blank: social 3rd Blank: private property 4th Blank: social conflict

The equality of outcome standard is more concerned with the ____ of the "game" than the ____. This standard would have all players given equal ____, regardless of how they played the game. Critics argue that this would create ____, who would not contribute their share to society, and instead enjoy the resources allotted to them.

1st Blank: outcome 2nd Blank: rules 3rd Blank: rewards 4th Blank: free riders

In pre-1947 India, the Vaishya caste attempted sanskritization—an improvement of their position in the caste rankings—by converting to the Christian religion of the British Colonial Empire. What happened?

✔ The Vaishya failed to change their status but gained other advantages. ✘ The attempt at sanskritization had no effect, positive or negative. ✘ The Vaishya were successful in raising their status. ✘ The Vaishya failed and ended up in every way worse off than before.

In ____, the distinction between the "working poor" and the "nonworking poor" is not just about those who have jobs and those who do not, but about those who ____ help versus those who don't. Supposedly, the nonworking could work but ____. ____, however, the line between the working and nonworking poor does not mean a great deal, since families cross it often, as breadwinners gain or lose employment.

1st Blank: politics 2nd Blank: deserve 3rd Blank: choose not to 4th Blank: Sociologically

Identify the necessary factors for rapidly lowering birthrates in a developing nation, according to Jeffrey Sachs.

Necessary Factor(s): free contraception and other health services, girls' education Unnecessary Factor(s): improved methods of agriculture, elimination of the patriarchal elements in a culture

Identify each trait as aligning with either the proletariat or capitalists, according to Karl Marx's economic theory.

Proletariat: want to see wages go up, earn money by selling their labor Capitalists: want to see wages go down, earn money by taking a share of profits, control the assets used for production

Identify each statement as true of either structural functionalism or conflict theory.

Structural Functionalism: an outgrowth of Durkheim's theory of organic solidarity, predicts that more demanding jobs will be paid higher wages than less demanding jobs Conflict Theory: derives from Marxist theory, Struggles between interest groups drive social change over time.

Identify the true and false statements about the poor in the United States.

True Statement(s): The poor are more similar to the rich than they are to the middle class. Politicians and others have characterized the poor as divisible into two groups, those who deserve assistance and those who do not. False Statement(s): The poor typically do not work, or work only part-time. Those who are born poor tend to stay poor throughout their entire lives.

Adding Erik Olin Wright's concept of contradictory class locations to the Marxist concept of capitalists versus the proletariat, label the workers according to their positions in a class-based economy. Labels can be used more than once.

proletariat: a salaried paralegal assistant at a law firm capitalist: the owner of a large franchised restaurant contradictory: a freelance graphic artist, the head of printing press operations at a major newspaper

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