English Exam 1

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Finish this quote from Katniss: "It must be very fragile, if"...

'a handful of berries can bring it down"

Who saves Haymitchʼs life in the arena (and how)?

Maysilee: she jumped off the edge and it brought her back up.

When the interview coaching sessions are canceled, where do Peeta & Katniss spend their day?

On the roof

Who is Cray? Who is Darius?

Peacekeepers in district 12.

What does Peeta do to shock the Gamemakers?

Peeta shocks them by painting an image of rue surrounded by flowers.

Why might people in the Capitol not like these Games this year?

People won't like that people that have already been put in to die, have to go again.

Why wonʼt President Snow kill Katniss or have her killed now?

People would know that she was murdered and it would just add fuel to the fire.

What does Haymitch learn about the arena?

He figured out that anything thrown into the forcefield bounces back, so when the last other tribute threw an axe, he ducked and let it kill her instead of him.

What happens to Cinna before Katniss is launched into the arena?

He gets dragged and beaten by peacekeepers right in front of Katniss.

What happened in the woods with Gale that President Snow knows about?

He kissed Katniss.

How does Haymitch win the games?

He let's the axe that his opponent threw kill herself instead of him.

What advice does Haymitch give Katniss about when she's in the arena?

He told her to remember the enemy.

What new information do we learn about Cray?

He used force against people.

What has happened to Seneca Crane? Why?

He was killed for being too sentimental and saving them both.


Head of the training sessions

Madge inherited the mockingjay pin from whom?

Her aunt

Who did Katniss plan to take with her when she escaped to the woods?

Her mom and Prim

What two bombs did Peeta drop on the Capitol audience, so to speak? (What two shocking pieces of information does he reveal?)

Him and Katniss actually got married and that they're expecting a child.

Why, do you think, has Peeta told everyone these things?

I think he told these things to try and get the Capital to stop the games or at least take Katniss and her "child" out of the games so she can live.

Why do you think Cinna designed Katniss's dress to transform into a mockingjay? (What motivation does he have, being a citizen of the Capitol?)

I think he transformed her to show that she isn't just a pon in their game, but that there is a human inside.

Do you think Haymitch feels responsible for Maysileeʼs death? Why or why not?

I think in a way he does, but drowns himself in alcohol to forget the games.

On page 175, Katniss uses a metaphor to describe the victors: Theyʼre the ones who survived the arena and slipped the noose of poverty that strangles the rest of us. They, or should I say we, are the very embodiment of hope where there is no hope. Explain the meaning of this quote in your own words:

I think it means that even though the odds are stacked against them, they will still have hope for a better future. They find the light in the middle of a pitch black room.

On page 59, how does Katniss feel about Peeta?

I think she feels like maybe it isn't going to be that bad marrying him.

What does Katniss ask Haymitch for regarding the arena?

If he can go in with her so nothing happens to Peeta.

Why does Katniss refer to the blizzard as being a "gift" on page 121?

It doesn't allow her to leave Peeta or Gale.

How has the square been transformed?

It has been transformed to be with the new reaping things.

Describe the "toasting" ceremony that people in District 12 partake in for their wedding ceremony.

It is where newly wed couples start their first fire and toast a piece of bread over it.

Why does the mockingjay pin mean something completely different to Katniss now?

It means it is a sign of rebellion now.

How is this transformation symbolic?

It shows an act of her power and her defiance.

President Snow addresses the "problem" he has with Katnissʼs berries "trick" on page 21. What is the problem (relating to the other districts)?

It was an act of rebellion according to some people.

What day is it at the beginning of chapter one?

It's the Victory Tour Day.

Who is waiting for Katniss when she returns home at the end of the chapter?

President Snow.

What made Katniss happiest about winning the Games?

Seeing the children running to the food provided to district 12 after they won.

How does Maysilee die?

She accidentally kills herself.

Why did she change the color & what is her plan?

She changed it to match Katniss's gold mocking jay pin, and so that Haymitch and Peeta could get gold bracelets. Each person of their team would have something gold meaning they were together as one.

In chapter 6 Katniss had formed a new "plan." With this new information from District 8, predict her next actions.

She decides that people need to see her as the mockingjay, they need to see she is independent.

How does Katniss impress the other victors during the training session?

She did the archery simulator and didn't miss a single shot.

Does Katniss want to love Gale? Why or why not?

She does but she doesn't because she loves Peeta, and wants to be with him, but she also loves Gale, but she might just want to love him in a different way.

Why is Katniss now feeling more confident in herself?

She feels that she has become something.

How does Katniss shock the Gamemakers this year?

She hangs a dummy from its neck and writes "Seneca Crane" on it in berry juice.

What must Katniss do now to save Galeʼs life?

She has to convince everyone that she is truly in love with Peeta.

On page 180 Katniss thinks she is "Finally clean...". Besides being physically clean after taking a shower, what other meanings could she be referring to?

She is referring to being clean of the drunkenness she had acquired with Haymitch when she found out about being sent back to the arena.

What is the "personal tragedy" that Katniss is referring to on page 243?

She is referring to her being the cause of so many lives taken

(pages 96-97) What is Katniss's response when Gale tells her he loves her?

She is shocked, relieved, but at the same time, knows she needs to be fully committed to Peeta.

Who is Enobaria AND what is she famous for?

She is the district 2 tribute for the 75th hunger games, and she was famous for sharpening her teeth and biting their throats out.

What shocking news does Katniss learn?

She learns that she will have to go back into the arena for the 75th annual hunger games.

What new information is learned about District 4 through Octaviaʼs complaints?

She learns that they revolted as well.

On pages 43-44, what has Katniss realized about her life?

She no longer had control of her future.

What does Katnissʼs dress transform into when she twirls?

She spins in her dress to become the mockingjay.

Katniss thinks this was a "funny" choice for a pin, or district token, even. What does she mean when she says "funny"?

She thinks it is funny because they originally came from Jabber Jays which were a species created to stop rebellions.

How does she think she can still give hope to the rebels?

She thinks she can show them that she isn't backing down.

Why did Katniss believe the rule change for the first Quarter Quell was far worse than the normal reaping? What might this cause between the district citizens?

She thought that it would divide the district through fighting for which child was chosen.

What is Katniss going to tell Gale before she leaves?

She wanted to tell him goodbye.

Who is Maysilee Donner & what happened to her?

She was Madge's aunt, she died in the 2nd quarter quell placing 5th/48.

How was Cinnaʼs slogan for Katniss "prophetic"?

She was the "girl on fire"

Katniss says something "nettles" her on page 116. What does "nettles" mean and what is it that is causing it? What might you call what Katniss is feeling?

Something that bothers her, could be a stresser.

Who is the enemy?

The Capital and President Snow

Why doesnʼt she get that chance to say those things?

The Capital had taken her and Peeta to the train and didn't let them say their goodbyes.

What are the "small, fat children with wings" Katniss describes on page 64?

They were cherubs looking down at her from every angle in the District 11 justice building.

Give specific details about what is going on in District 8. District 8 was the first district to rise against the Capital.

They were the first to show acts of rebellion against the Peacekeepers. The workers started refusing to continue textile working.

What is the difference in Katnissʼs Opening Ceremony make-up and outfit from last year?

This ceremony is fierce, and shows her rebellion vs. playing the Capital's game.

What emotional effect does it have that is much different from last year?

This is very scary for the people.


was the male trainer for archery in the training room that made the archery challenging for her when he saw how easy it was.

What color is Effieʼs new hair color?


What does Katniss mean when she thinks, "Peeta wasn't Hob the way the rest of us were"?

He didn't grow up in need for food like the rest of them did.

Which districts have there been suspicions or rumors of uprisings?

8 and 4


doesn't hear or know what is happening, eats poisonous bugs

What does the mockingjay bird symbolize?

A sign of rebellion

Why does Peeta throw away the bottles of alcohol & pay Ripper off not to sell alcohol?

Because he wanted Katniss to sober up before going into the arena.

How are Cray and Darius different from one another?

Cary is an older man who likes to drink, while Darius is a young man who likes making jokes.

Who does Haymitch suggest they form allies with?

Chaff & Seeder

What is the punishment for hunting in the woods?


Katniss is hunting in the woods to provide food for whom? Why?

Gale's family because he can't provide for them as much because he is working 12 hour days in the mines now.

What word does Katniss use to describe how she feels about what Peeta told the audience during his interview?


What was the "first public show of unity among the districts since the Dark Days"?

The first public show of unity among the districts was the hand chain the districts formed during the interviews. This showed that even the games couldn't divide the people of the districts.

On page 114, Katnissʼs mother and Haymitch converse. Her mother asks "So itʼs starting again?" What is she referring to?

The games.

Who was Seneca Crane?

The head gamemaker.

(Pages 91-92) Can you infer anything from this passage about the mockingjay pin?

The mockingjay pin is a sign of hope for some people and people now relate it to Katniss.

Each of the tributes uses their interview time to express their disapproval with the Capitol and the Hunger Games. What effect does it have on the audience?

They are very moved.

Explain the meaning of the metaphor: Itʼs so barbaric, the president turning my bridal gown into a shroud... (page 248). (Look up the meaning of "shroud," if necessary.)

They find it ironic that the president is turning the dress into a joke.

How did Greasy Sae, the vendors in the Hob, and the people of district 12 help Katniss and Peeta during their time in the Hunger Games arena?

They gathered donations for her.

What is Katniss & Peetaʼs relationship like now?

They hardly talk to each other, they are both very stiff people.

Why are Flavius, Venia, & Octavia crying all the time?

They hear everyone's stories about them having to go back into the games.

Why did they make this up about them?

They made this up so reporters didn't think otherwise about Katniss and Peeta being lovebirds.

What "lie" did the Capitol concoct about Gale and Katniss?

They said Gale was her cousin.

How do Peeta & Katniss score?

They scored a 12

What is the difference between how the Capitol citizens will see Katniss's mockingjay dress and the meaning of it for the district citizens?

To the Capital, they see it as a symbol of rebellion, but to the districts, it shows a sign of leadership, a calling, as they stand together as one.

What was the Capitol's "twist" in the second Quarter Quell?

Twice the amount of tributes had to enter the arena.

Where does Katniss live now?

Victor's Village in district 12.

The 25th Anniversary & 1st Quarter Quell:

each district had to elect a male and female tribute from their own district: to remind the citizens that the rebels had to sacrifice their own children in the rebellion

The 50th Anniversary & 2nd Quarter Quell:

each district had twice the amount of tributes, so instead of 24 tributes, there were 48, 4 from each district, 2 males and 2 females: President Snow read a letter from the original creators that reminds him that two rebels died for one citizen

List the other changes that take place in District 12 (think of the working conditions, tesserae, Parcel Day):

everything went down, jobs were worse because of the rebellion


female tribute from district 4, won the 11th hunger games, volunteer


girl tribute from district 1, sister to gloss, knife throwing

At the end of the first day, who does Katniss want to form alliances with?

Wiress & Beetee, and Mags

What can you infer from these complaints?

You can see they stand with Katniss against the Capital.


boy tribute from district 2, brother to cashmere, knife throwing

Which stations does Katniss visit on the first day of training?

knot tying, fire building, the shelter station, (lunch) edible insect station, hammock making, sword training, fishing and the Archery range.

The 75th Anniversary & 3rd Quarter Quell:

tributes from previous surviving victors from the games, are put in for a second game: It was to show the people that even the strongest among them can't win against the Capital

"Nuts & Volts":

very smart and wise, tributes from district 3, very useful when it came to technology

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