Inquizitive Chapter 8

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Identify the statements that describe the Embargo Act and its repercussions.

Jefferson banned all American ships heading to foreign ports in order to use trade as a weapon to protect American interests. Britain and France were too distracted by their own conflicts to notice the embargo; as a result, American port cities were devastated.

Why did the Federalist Party ultimately collapse after the War of 1812?

They appeared unpatriotic, calling for a rewriting of the U.S. constitution.

The election of 1800 caused confusion for Americans when the House of Representatives was tasked with choosing between Thomas Jefferson and his vice-presidential running mate due to a tie. Identify the action taken by Congress in order to avoid this problem in the future.

They passed the 12 amendment requiring separate electors to cast separate votes for president and vice president.

Both the Alien and Sedition Acts were viewed with tremendous suspicion. Identify who suffered most under the enforcement of each of the Acts.

did not suffer under either Act Federalists politicians tax collectors Alien Act Correct label: German immigrants Sedition Act Correct label: Republican newspaper editors

At the end of the eighteenth century, France and Britain were at war with each other; the United States remained neutral. Even so, America found itself in a "quasi-war" with the French. Identify the cause of this "quasi-war."

the french not only seized american ships but also demanded bribery

Political divisions first surfaced over the financial plan developed by Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton. Identify the five parts of Hamilton's financial plan.

-impose a tax on whiskey producers in order to raise revenue -creation of the Bank of the United States -establish the new nation's credit worthiness -encourage the development of factories by imposing a tariff on imported goods -creation of a new national debt

Read the excerpt from Judith Sargent Murray, "On the Equality of the Sexes" (1790). [T]he sister must be wholly domesticated, while the brother is led by the hand through all the flowery paths of science. Grant that their minds are by nature equal, yet who shall wonder at the apparent superiority. . . . At length arrived at womanhood, the uncultivated fair one feels a void, which the employments allotted her are by no means capable of filling. . . . She herself is most unhappy; she feels the want of a cultivated mind. . . . Should it . . . be vociferated, "Your domestic employments are sufficient"—I would calmly ask, is it reasonable, that a candidate for immortality, for the joys of heaven, an intelligent being, who is to spend an eternity in contemplating the works of Deity, should at present be so degraded, as to be allowed no other ideas, than those which are suggested by the mechanism of a pudding, or the sewing the seams of a garment? . . . Yes, ye lordly, ye haughty sex, our souls are by nature equal to yours. How does Murray answer the argument that offering education to women will lead them to neglect their "domestic employments"?

A woman, whose life on earth , as with a man's, will lead them to eternity in heaven "contemplating the works of Deity," should also have the opportunity to prepare for this experience with an education.

How does Murray answer the argument that offering education to women will lead them to neglect their "domestic employments"?

A woman, whose life on earth, as with a man's, will lead them to eternity in heaven "contemplating the works of Deity," should also have the opportunity to prepare for this experience with an education.

Both the Alien and Sedition Acts were viewed with tremendous suspicion. Identify who suffered most under the enforcement of each of the Acts.

Alien Act: German Immigrants did not suffer under either Act: Federalists politicians, tax collectors Sedition Act: Republican newspaper editors

Identify the statements that describe Jay's Treaty and its outcomes.

Britain agreed to abandon outposts on the western frontier. The United States guaranteed preferential treatment of British imported goods. It was the greatest public controversy of Washington's presidency, and it sharpened political divisions in the United States.

In what ways did public life become democratized throughout the 1790s?

Correct: The general public engaged in bitter debates over economic policy. Ordinary citizens formed political societies to discuss political issues and to criticize the government. Incorrect: Citizens were more concerned with issues in the private sphere, and as such didn't engage in conversation about issues of national interest. Citizens were not allowed to speak out against Congress and faced jail time for engaging in political debate.

Identify the statements that describe the Embargo Act and its repercussions.

Correct: -Britain and France were too distracted by their own conflicts to notice the embargo; as a result, American port cities were devastated. -Jefferson banned all American ships heading to foreign ports in order to use trade as a weapon to protect American interests. Incorrect: -It brought a swift end to the conflict between Britain and France, and, as a result, an end to the impressment of American soldiers. -As a result of the Embargo Act, American exports grew by 80 percent.

Identify the statements that describe the War of 1812.

Correct: -It was called the "second war of independence" as Americans were fighting once again against the British. -The war had two fronts: the British and the Indians. -James Madison declared war as the British Royal Navy continued the practice of impressment, seizing more than 6,000 American soldiers. Incorrect: -The United States suffered a crippling defeat on Lake Erie.

What does this reveal about the printing press in the early republic?

Correct: -Numerous people contributed to the production of a newspaper. -There was a detailed process that allowed for efficiency in printing newspapers. -Machinery was used to facilitate the printing process. Incorrect: -All aspects of newspaper production and printing were done by hand

Identify the statements that describe Hamilton's proposal for the Bank of the United States.

Correct: -The Bank of the United States would provide loans to the government. -The Bank of the United States would be a private corporation. -The Bank of the United States would issue currency. Incorrect: -The Bank of the United States would form a new branch of government.

Identify the statements that describe Jay's Treaty and its outcomes.

Correct: -The United States guaranteed preferential treatment of British imported goods. -Britain agreed to abandon outposts on the western frontier. -It was the greatest public controversy of Washington's presidency, and it sharpened political divisions in the United States. Incorrect: -Britain agreed to stop the practice of impressment.

Page 237 8.3 What were the achievements and failures of Jefferson's Presidency? Identify the statements that describe the Marbury v. Madison decision and its significance.

Correct: -The decision in the case demonstrated the Court's power to review laws of Congress and the states. -The decision in the case found part of the Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional for allowing courts to order executive officials to deliver judges' commissions. Incorrect: -The decision in the case established the right of outgoing presidents to make "midnight" appointments to the Court. -The decision in the case demonstrated the president's ability to veto all decisions of the courts.

What does this painting reveal about ideas of freedom, independence, and national pride in the early nineteenth century?

Correct: -Washington was a hero to citizens of the new country, and he was memorialized as a representative of freedom, which is demonstrated by the wreath being placed on his head by Lady Liberty. -Americans were proud of their independence from Britain, and the symbolic figure stepping on the crown represents the new country's goal to become a major power. Incorrect: -Americans wanted to maintain their British heritage, despite their independence from the country, so they continued to use the symbolic crown in images. -The bust of Washington stands as a cautionary tale, warning the new country that they should continue to honor the will of the British monarchy.

Identify the significance of the Haitian Revolution for both African-Americans and white Americans.

Correct: For white Americans, the Haitian Revolution reinforced their fears of slave revolts; as a result, many whites in Haiti emigrated to the United States. African-Americans saw the Haitian Revolution as the promise of freedom, and many free blacks emigrated to Haiti as a result. Incorrect: Blacks in Haiti viewed the Haitian Revolution as proof of the power of plantation owners on the island; as a result, many emigrated to the United States. White Americans saw the Haitian Revolution as an opportunity to expand their plantations in Haiti; as a result, many emigrated to Haiti.

Identify the statements that describe the significance of the Hartford Convention.

Correct: It affirmed the right of a state to "interpose" its authority if the federal government violated the Constitution. It was organized to give voice to the New England Federalists' grievances. Incorrect: It reinforced the three-fifths clause that strengthened southern political power. It was the first call for the South to secede from the Union.

What does it reveal about the War of 1812?

Correct: The British successfully leveraged a naval blockade of the Atlantic coast. The United States was fighting two fronts: the British and Native Americans. Incorrect: The United States only battled in the northern states. The majority of battles took place in the Great Lakes.

Identify the statements that describe Mary Wollstonecraft's opinions on the rights of women.

Correct: Wollstonecraft suggested that woman should have representation in government. Wollstonecraft argued for greater access to standard education and paid employment for single women. Incorrect: Wollstonecraft challenged traditional gender roles. Wollstonecraft argued that women should have rights and privileges equal to men.

Thomas Jefferson dispatched Lewis and Clark to explore the West. Identify the objectives Jefferson established for this team.

Correct: locate a quicker route to Asia identify possible commercial opportunities extend diplomatic efforts with natives Incorrect: negotiate with Native Americans to acquire more land

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing the XYZ affair.

France, bribes, ally

The XYZ affair resulted in a "quasi-war" between the United States and -----. When a representative from the United States visited Paris to negotiate a new trade agreement, they were met by officials demanding ---- before the negotiations could move forward. As a result, America's relationship with its former ---- was severely strained, and the U.S. and French navies clashed at sea.

France, bribes, ally

Political divisions first surfaced over the financial plan developed by Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton. Identify the five parts of Hamilton's financial plan.

Hamilton's financial plan Correct label: creation of a new national debt Correct label: encourage the development of factories by imposing a tariff on imported goods Correct label: creation of the Bank of the United States Correct label: impose a tax on whiskey producers in order to raise revenue Correct label: establish the new nation's credit worthiness

What does this map reveal about why Jefferson referred to his victory as the Revolution of 1800?

Jefferson won all of the electoral votes in the South.

The Louisiana Purchase happened between the United States and France. Identify why France was willing to sell the territory to the United States.

Napoleon Bonaparte needed the money to finance his war in Europe.

Identify how the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 was similar to the American Revolution.

Pennsylvania farmers were protesting a tax, similar to taxes protested in the Revolution.

Identify the statements that describe Hamilton's proposal for the Bank of the United States.

The Bank of the United States would issue currency. The Bank of the United States would provide loans to the government. The Bank of the United States would be a private corporation.

At the end of the eighteenth century, France and Britain were at war with each other; the United States remained neutral. Even so, America found itself in a "quasi-war" with the French. Identify the cause of this "quasi-war."

The French not only seized American ships but they also demanded bribery for the privilege of negotiating with them.

Identify the statements that describe the Marbury v. Madison decision and its significance.

The decision in the case found part of the Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional for allowing courts to order executive officials to deliver judges' commissions. The decision in the case demonstrated the Court's power to review laws of Congress and the states.

As George Washington settled into his presidency, factions argued about the role of the new government. Which of the following represents the views on government held by the "strict constructionists"?

The government could only exercise powers written in the original U.S. Constitution.

Identify the statements that describe the War of 1812.

The war had two fronts: the British and the Indians. It was called the "second war of independence" as Americans were fighting once again against the British. James Madison declared war as the British Royal Navy continued the practice of impressment, seizing more than 6,000 American soldiers.

What does this reveal about the printing press in the early republic?

There was a detailed process that allowed for efficiency in printing newspapers. Numerous people contributed to the production of a newspaper. Machinery was used to facilitate the printing process.

Analyze the painting, Liberty and Washington, below.

What does this painting reveal about ideas of freedom, independence, and national pride in the early nineteenth century? Washington was a hero to citizens of the new country, and he was memorialized as a representative of freedom, which is demonstrated by the wreath being placed on his head by Lady Liberty. Americans were proud of their independence from Britain, and the symbolic figure stepping on the crown represents the new country's goal to become a major power.

During the War of 1812, Tecumseh was a valuable partner of the United States.


The Treaty of Ghent, ending the War of 1812, largely favored the United States.


As head of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton created a plan to make America financially independent. While Hamilton's Report on Manufactures (1791) encouraged the development of factories to make America financially independent, people like Thomas Jefferson and James Madison disagreed with his approach. Jefferson and Madison believed the future of financial growth depended on which commercial activity?


Identify the statements that describe the significance of the Hartford Convention.

it was organized to give voice to the New England Federalists' grievances. It affirmed the right of a state to "interpose" its authority if the federal government violated the Constitution.

American leaders believed the success of the new government depended on maintaining political harmony. What were they most concerned would lead to conflicts?

political parties

As George Washington settled into his presidency, factions argued about the role of the new government. Which of the following represents the views on government held by the "strict constructionists"?

the government could only exercise powers written in the original U.S. Constitution.

Why did the Federalist Party ultimately collapse after the War of 1812?

they appeared unpatriotic, calling for a rewriting of the US constitution

The election of 1800 caused confusion for Americans when the House of Representatives was tasked with choosing between Thomas Jefferson and his vice-presidential running mate due to a tie. Identify the action taken by Congress in order to avoid this problem in the future.

they passed the 12th amendment requiring separate voters to cast separate ballots

Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson bargained for southerners to accept consolidating the national debt. In exchange for this, the new permanent capital for the United States was built in the area of Virginia and Maryland.


Gabriel's Rebellion was inspired by the revolutionary language of freedom that was popular at the time. But, unlike the American Revolution, Gabriel's Rebellion wasn't a success. The former slave's attempt to liberate slaves was foiled, and ultimately blacks experienced even less freedom in the early nineteenth century.


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