INR3502 Exam 2 Study Guide

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This is NOT one of the 22 International Crimes under the jurisdiction of ICJ

Cross border trafficking

In 2014 all of the following countries EXCEPT ___________signed agreements which deepened their trade and political links with the EU, without the prospect of eventual membership.


Which three countries did not join the International Criminal Court (ICC) when it opened in 2002?

China, Iran, and US

_____________ countries are members of ILO.


The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was established in

1947 to reduce trade restrictions among 23 countries

World Health Organization is involved in immunization, which prevents all of the following major communicable diseases of childhood, EXCEPT


Until the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations, which of the following sectors were NOT included in the rules for international trade?

Agriculture and apparel

Which of the following is TRUE?

Agriculture is the main industry using child labor.

Which of the following is FALSE?

All labor and environmental conditions improve with income growth.

The basis for ICJ's jurisdiction is the consent of the States, parties to a dispute. Consent can be expressed in one of the following ways

All of the above

GAVI is engaged in

All of the options are correct

When was the concept of "crimes against humanity" first introduced into international law?

At the Nuremberg Trials

Multilateral economic cooperation and policy coordination is designed to

Both A and B are correct

The Schuman Plan led to the establishment of the European __________.

Coal and Steel Community

The Maastricht Treaty includes which of the following?

Committing the European Union to monetary union

The 2 countries involved in the Yerodia case were

Congo vs. Belgium

Which of the following topics is NOT on the agenda of the Doha Round of WTO trade negotiations?


The departure of foreign doctors from the newly independent African nation of ________ in the 1960's created a health emergency.

Democratic Republic of Congo

This is NOT a function of WTO

Determining tariffs for different items.

Which of the following is the principle that diplomats are beyond the jurisdiction of the host country's national courts?

Diplomatic immunity

The most current round of multinational trade negotiations, is the __________round.


The most recent round of negotiation in the WTO is known as the

Doha Round

How did Coronavirus get its name?

Due to their crown-like projections on the pathogen.

The genesis of the European Economic Community, can be traced to

European Coal and Steel Community.

ICJ's advisory jurisdiction applies to questions referred to it by ALL but ________.

European Union

Advisory jurisdiction is binding.


After the WTO superseded GATT, it successfully ended most global trade disputes.


All the countries of the EU participate in the Schengen Agreement.


Although the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations succeeded in reducing nontariff trade barriers, it could not achieve reductions in tariff trade barriers.


Decisions of ICJ to be in favor of one party needs the support of 2/3 majority of the judges.


Decisions on contentious issues brought before ICJ by states are not binding on the states.


Global Public Health Intelligence Network analyzes health related events once they were detected.


ICC has the power to arrest suspects


ICC jurisdiction is chronologically, geographically limited.


ICJ is composed of 20 judges elected for a period of nine years.


ICJ judges are elected by the great powers.


Intellectual property refers to holdings of rare books and pieces of art that are traded on the world market.


Low-income countries are largely responsible for excess carbon dioxide emissions globally.


Other nations had tried economic union in the past, and since adopting a common currency had shown economic benefits for them, the nations of Europe decided to try it too.


Protestors at WTO meetings argue in favor of increasing trade liberalization.


The EU's key policymaking body is the European Commission.


The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was founded in 1995 as a successor to the World Trade Organization.


The International Court of Justice was the first established international court.


The International Criminal Court has jurisdiction over individuals who break private international law.


The International Labor Organization has been around since 1919, and has a consistent record of being willing to take action against countries that violate core labor standards.


The Maastricht Treaty eliminated passport controls at borders within the European Union.


The WTO encourages nations to take unilateral action on trade issues, including issues involving environmental protection.


The World Bank formed the World Trade Organization when it became clear that to alleviate poverty in developing nations, agricultural trade barriers were going to have to be reduced.


The World Trade Organization brings into the multilateral trading system manufactured goods and agricultural products, but not trade in services, intellectual property protection, and investment.


The best way to address differences in labor and environmental standards is through trade barriers.


The main focus of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations was on tariff barriers rather than nontariff trade barriers.


The mission and membership of what is now the EU have narrowed continually since the founding of the European Coal and Steel Community in 1952.


The only members of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and its successor, the World Trade Organization (WTO), are developing countries rather than developed countries.


There are no age restrictions on who the ICC can try.


There are no plans for further widening of the European Union.


There is clear evidence of a race-to-the-bottom internationally, regarding working conditions and the environment.


Which of the following issues did the Uruguay Round not address?


Which of the following is the LEAST integrated area of the European Union?

Foreign Policy

ILO has a tripartite structure, it has

Government, employers and workers' most representative organization

The ICC trials take place in


The ICC is limited by "Complementarity" which implies

ICC's work has to be in accordance with local laws

Which of the following has received a Nobel Peace Prize?


Which of the following is NOT currently a member of the European Union?


__________ is a Schengen country though it is not an EU member.


States, UN and prosecutor can be parties to cases before the __________.

International Court of Justice

What court was established along with the creation of the United Nations after World War II?

International Court of Justice

Which branch of the UN can states turn to when seeking judicial settlement of conflicts?

International Court of Justice

The ad hoc tribunal for Rwanda was the predecessor of

International Criminal Court

The establishment of the ________ received open opposition from the United States, Israel, and China.

International Criminal Court

Which of the following is not a member of the WTO?


What is the underlying characteristic of the WTO?

It acts as an umbrella institution with the ultimate goal being the promotion of free international trade

What is the greatest weakness of the World Court?

It cannot force states to abide by its decisions.

Why is COVID 19 called novel coronavirus?

It is new and there is no precedent of this virus.

Which countries were the first to join the (then) European Economic Community after it was founded in 1958?

Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands

____________was first international human rights issue in Pre War Europe.


The forerunner to the ICJ, the Permanent Court of International Justice, was created as part of the deliberations at ______.

League of Nations

ALL, EXCEPT which of the following can be expected to be critical of the World Trade Organization?

Multinational corporations

Which of the following courts will hear cases brought to it by individuals?

NOT: Ad hoc Tribunal NOT: The European Court of Justice

According to the Most Favored Nation principle,

NOT: All of the Above

According to the Most-Favored-Nation (MFN) principle,

NOT: All of the above

Outstanding issue that Doha round of WTO sought to address was

NOT: All of the above

Which of the following weakness/es in GATT led to the creation of WTO

NOT: All of the above NOT: Non-tariff barriers not addressed in GATT rules

The International Criminal Court has jurisdiction over

NOT: All of the above NOT: national courts dealing with international cases.

How does the World Trade Organization (WTO) differ from GATT?

NOT: Both a and b are true NOT: The WTO promotes trade protectionism

What reason did American negotiators cite for not signing the treaty that established the International Criminal Court (ICC)?

NOT: Clashing American national interests NOT: Moral concerns NOT: The on going war on terror

Which of the following was a reason behind European integration with the Coal and Steel Community?

NOT: Coal and Steel increase the value of exports

The European Union's ultimate law-making authority is called the

NOT: European Commission

The path toward European unification began with the creation of the

NOT: European Economic Community

The primary legislative branch of the European Union is called the

NOT: European Parliament NOT: European Commission

The World Trade Organization provides for all of the following except:

NOT: Favorable national treatment

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the World Trade Organization (WTO)?

NOT: It developed from the notion that pooling state sovereignty would produce more gains than losses

Why was agriculture left out of the original General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) agreement?

NOT: It is too diverse

Which of these was NOT a round of negotiations concerning multilateral agreements by either the GATT or the WTO?

NOT: Kennedy Round

Which of the following treaties/agreements would be associated with creating a free trade area for the European Union?

NOT: Schengen Agreement

The ILO accomplishes its work through all BUT this body


The Uruguay Round of trade negotiations was primarily concerned with:

NOT: Trade guidelines NOT: Export tariffs NOT: Economic sanctions

In February 2017, ICC came in conflict with ___________ country over the issue pertaining to ____________.

NOT: USA, Immigrants

From the late 1940s until the creation of the WTO, the organization that was primarily responsible for conducting rounds of trade negotiations was the

NOT: World Bank

Which of the following is a criterion to join a single currency in the EU?

NOT: balance-of-payment deficit less than 10 percent of GDP NOT: Inflation no more than 10 percentage points above the average of the three lowest-inflation members NOT: National debt above 60 percent of GDP

Since the WTO has been largely successful in reducing tariffs it has begun to confront all, EXCEPT which of the following issues?

NOT: environmental protection measures

Since the WTO has been largely successful in reducing tariffs it has begun to confront ALL, EXCEPT which of the following issues?

NOT: labor standards

With respect to the InternationalCriminal Court, which of the of the following is correct

NOT: only individuals from signatory states can stand trial. NOT: a trial can begin only if a state turns over an individual for prosecution. NOT: the U.S. ratified the ICC treaty two years after the court was established.

The Tokyo Round of the GATT negotiations was notable because it was the first round

NOT: to limit the tariffs of the United States.

US invoked its veto powers in the Security Council to defeat a ICJ judgment in a 1986 case which was in favor of ________ and against US.


Which nation is NOT one of the current members of the European Union?


All of the following are current international tribunals except


____________was convicted for crimes against humanity in 2019.

Omar al Bashir

The League of Nations predecessor to the ICJ was

Permanent Court of International Justice

This is not one of the primary cases brought before ICJ between 1981-2010

Piracy on the high seas

The United States' refusal to ratify the International Criminal Court is largely based on __________ reasons.


ICC was established under the terms of

Rome Statute

Who can refer cases to the International Court of Justice (ICJ)?

States only

Which of the following is not a source of the law for ICJ

Statutes of UN

_____________ has the highest number of children between the ages 5-17 working

Sub saharan Africa

In October 2014, ICC brought a case against a sitting head of state from


This is not a part of the ILO's agenda

Supporting organizational activities of the labor force

"All human beings, irrespective of race, creed, or sex have the right to pursue both their material well-being and their spiritual development in conditions of freedom and dignity, of economic security, and of equal opportunity." This is clearly stated in

The Declaration of Philadelphia

Which of the following is TRUE?

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade created the World Trade Organization in the negotiations and treaty known as the Uruguay Round.

The Director-General of ILO is elected by

The Governing Body

The broad policies of the ILO are set by the

The International Labor Conference

Which of the following is NOT a criticism of international organizations like WTO?

Their decision-making is biased in favor of underdeveloped nations and against the interests of nations already industrialized.

What do the World Trade Organization and the World Bank have in common?

They are both involved in the commercial aspect of international law.

TRIP stands for ____________.

Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights

The founding document of the European Economic Community, and the document that continues to provide the basis for the European Union is the

Treaty of Rome

International Labor Organization was created by

Treaty of Versailles

According to the Most Favored Nation (MFN) principle, if the United States extends MFN treatment to China and then grants low tariffs on imports of shirts from South Korea, the United States is obligated to provide the identical low-tariff on imports of shirts from China.


After Brexit, Britain has to sign a new trade agreement with WTO.


All states that join the UN automatically become members of the ICJ.


Although technically, the World Trade Organization (WTO) violates the international norm of nonintervention, its members have voluntarily surrendered some of their sovereignty under the assumption that it would produce greater gains than losses.


Child labor is a common family survival strategy, especially for farmers in rural areas where it is hard to enforce rules or to reach the poor with any supporting infrastructure or social services.


Contrary to the principle of "sovereign immunity," heads of state can now be charged with war crimes under international law.


Copyrights, trademarks, and patents are used to protect the intellectual property of a nation from foreign imitators.


Diplomats, once accredited, enjoy special rights and protections in host countries.


Established in 1995, the World Trade Organization (WTO) took charge of administering the new global trade rules agreed at the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations.


Established in 1995, the World Trade Organization took charge of administering the new global trade rules agreed in the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations.


Forced labor can take the form of debt bondage, trafficking and other forms of modern slavery


Global Outbreak Alert Response Network (GOARN) alerted the world about the outbreak of Coronavirus in March 2020.


ICC is referred to as the court of last resort


ILO predates UNO.


Labor was the first human rights issue in pre war Europe


Members of the European Parliament today are directly elected by citizens of the EU's member states and have the power to overturn acts of the European Commission.


NAFTA is an example of a Regional Trade Agreement (RTA).


The European Union is the oldest, largest, and most ambitious integration agreement in the world today.


The ICC is NOT a part of the United Nations, but it maintains a cooperative relationship with the U.N.


The ICC's jurisdiction is time bound


The ILO Conference adopts conventions and recommendations which are legally binding obligations.


The International Court of Justice has no jurisdiction to try individuals' accused of war crimes or crimes against humanity.


The International Court of Justice is part of the UN.


The United States prefers to try cases in U.S. courts.


The Uruguay Round addressed the issues of intellectual property protection, trade barriers in services, and agricultural subsidies.


The Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations succeeded in establishing the World Trade Organization.


The Uruguay Round of trade negotiations resulted in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) being succeeded by the World Trade Organization (WTO).


The official language of ICJ is French.


The roots of the European Union are in agreements within the coal and steel industries.


Though it has few powers and cannot legislate on the rules of the community, the European Parliament has members directly elected by citizens in EU states.


Under the most-favored-nation principle, two nations agree to apply tariffs to each other, at rates as low as those applied to any other nation.


WHO trained auxiliary health professionals to provide maternity services in China and India.


WHO was engaged in environmental sanitation, safe water projects, during the 1940's and 50's.


WTO talks in the late 1990s led to opening of financial services.


Yaws is a kind of tropical bacterial infection.


The euro zone crisis indefinitely delayed consideration of admitting __________ or any other new members.


The indictment of al-Bashir of Sudan was the only case brought before ICC by


Which of the following countries has not ratified the ICC treaty?

United States

Who came up with the term "COVID-19?"

World Health Organization

In 1995 the ____________ was established to administer the new global trade rules agreed in the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations.

World Trade Organization

In which of the following organizations do poorer countries have the most power?

World Trade Organization

The first case of novel coronavirus was identified in ____________


Does the WTO come with its own institutional framework?

Yes, the WTO provides a common institutional framework for the implementation of free trade agreements

ICJ judges are elected by

both the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council.

When countries try to ban child labor,

child labor often goes underground, with children working in the informal economy.

When a group of countries agree to remove barriers to the free movement of labor and capital as well as any remaining nontariff barriers on goods and services, this is usually called a

common market

A group of countries that agrees to eliminate all tariffs between them and then adopt a common set of tariffs on imports from other countries, is called a(n)

customs union

Place them in the order in which they were established earliest to last a. International Criminal Court b. Nuremberg Trial Court c. International Court of Justice d. European Union e. League of Nations

e, b, c, d, a

The creation of a single market out of a number of separate markets previously defined by national boundaries in order to take advantages of a larger market is called

economic integration

Forced Labor Convention of 1930 aimed at

ending the practice of compulsory labor used by colonial powers in their colonies

This is NOT one of the five labor standards proposed as basic rights

equal pay for equal work

If the U.S. were to ask Great Britain to arrest a suspect on British territory and hand him or her over for trial, this is known as __________.


ILO placed restrictions on Myanmar in 1996 because of

forced labor

A group of countries that agrees just to eliminate all tariffs between them, is called a

free trade area

The International Criminal Court was established to prosecute

individuals charged with war crimes.

What was the trade negotiation issue addressed when the 2001 meeting at Doha led to a declaration that states could exempt certain drugs from TRIPS rules to deal with serious domestic health crises.

intellectual property rights

One of the criticisms of the EU's common currency policy is that it

leads to a loss of country sovereignty.

The principle of the Most-Favored Nation status (MFN) essentially

levels the playing field among trading partners.

Low labor standards are usually associated with

low foreign investment

The goal of the World Trade Organization (WTO. dispute settlement process is to

mediate conflict

The agreement by European states to delegate some of their domestic decision-making power to the European Union is an example of

pooled sovereignty

WHO provides leadership on ALL of the following, EXCEPT

providing Coronavirus vaccines through its field offices

The GATT principle that called for mutual lowering of trade barriers between trading partners was known as


The three primary principles of GATT were

reciprocity, nondiscrimination, and transparency.

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and its successor, the World Trade Organization (WTO), have resulted in the

reduction in trade barriers via multilateral negotiations.

Most of the new members to the European Union are often

richer and more industrialized

Most states voluntarily observe international law most of the time because __________. (Hint: Why do you follow rules)

states' interests are served by the maintenance of an orderly and predictable international environment

The Uruguay Round of trade negotiations lowered

tariffs as well as nontariff trade barriers

In the Corfu channel case (1949) "compliance" is hard to measure because

the judgement was acted upon 50 years later

Most favored nation (MFN) status means that a country treats another country

the same as its other trading partners.

The WTO enforces its pronouncements

through members' promises to abide by them.

A Most Favored Nation status DOES NOT refer to_____________.

uniform civil code.

The "Four Freedoms" do NOT include the right to

vote in local elections

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