INSY3330 Final Review

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value web

A ___ is a networked business ecosystem that coordinates a firms suppliers, distributors, and delivery firms with its own production needs using a internet-based supply chain management system.


A ___ is hardware or software that acts as a filter to prevent unwanted packets from entering a network.

CRM system

A ___ is repository of customer information that records all of the contacts that a customer has with a firm and generates a customer profile available to everyone in the firm with a need to know the customer.


A cell phone's GPS is accurate to within 5 feet of the actual location of the phone.


A crayola arts-and-crafts column on a parenting Web site is an example of what form of advertising?


A customers strong linkages with its customers increase switching costs.


A typical response rate for an email campaign would be __%

angel investor

A wealthy individual who invests personal funds in a start-up exchange for an equity share in the business is referred to as a(n):


Adjusting the annual cost of automobile insurance based on mileage driven is an example of ___ pricing.

promoted accounts

All of the following are Pinterest marketing tools EXCEPT:

marketing analytics

All of the following are basic functionality provided by e-commerce merchant server software EXCEPT:

decreased price transparency

All of the following are benefits of auctions EXCEPT:

family member identifies

All of the following are data elements that are often gather by e-commerce sites EXCEPT:


All of the following are examples of malicious code EXCEPT:


All of the following are methods of securing channels of communication except:

targeted banner ads

All of the following are online communications that are used to support the evaluation of alternatives stage of the consumer decision process EXCEPT:

up to ten years imprisonment for a first offense

All of the following are possible penalties for violating the Digital millennium copyright act (DMCA) EXCEPT:

network effects

All of the following are situations in which markets fail to produce socially desirable outcomes EXCEPT:

seller rating systems

All of the following are solutions to the problem of high monitoring costs EXCEPT:

in auctions, prices may be variable or fixed

All of the following statement are true EXCEPT:

public key encryption ensures authentication of the sender

All of the following statements about public key encryption are true EXCEPT:

symmetric key encryption, both the sender and the receiver use the same key to encrypt and decrypt a message

All of the following statements about symmetric key encryption are true EXCEPT:


Amazon business is an example of which of the following business models?


An HTML5 app is one designed to specifically operate using a mobile device's hardware and operating system.


An example of a company using the content provider model is:


Approximately ___ of annual offline retail sales is influenced by online browsing.


Auction fraud accounts for the highest percentage of total Internet fraud reported to the internet crime complaint center.


Auction prices are always lower than prices in fixed priced markets.


B2B e-commerce is the largest type of e-commerce.

digital cash

Bitcoins are an example of:


BlackPlanet is an example of a ___ social network.

percentage of visitors who become customers

Conversion rate is a measure of the:


Cookies, when combined with Web beacons, can be used to create cross-site profiles.

key logger

Critics have pointed out that the Chrome browsers suggest button, which suggests queries based on search terms entered by the user, is in fact a type of:

copyright law

Downloading music tracks owned by record companies without paying for them is an example of violation of:


E-commerce technologies provide a unique, many-to-many model of mass communication.


Evidence suggest that real-time customer chat increases sales.

general community/social network

Facebook is an example of a:

marketplace ads

Facebook's display ads are called:

they lack complementary resources needed to sustain their advantages

First movers often fail because:


Google defends its Library projects on the grounds of fair use.


HTML is used to format the structure and style of a web page.

to enhance user interaction with mobile multimedia

How can a smartphone's gyroscope and accelerometer be used in product marketing?


In 2013, mobile marketing grew at nearly the same rate as traditional online marketing.


In C2C auctions, a business owns or controls assets and used dynamic pricing to establish the price.


Insiders present a greater security threat to e-commerce sites than outsiders.


Internet2 provides a nationwide 100 gigabit-per-second network.


It is expected that by 2017, mobile commerce will account for 50% of all e-commerce.

Virtual currency

Linden dollars, created for use in second life, are an example of:


Miller Coors used which of the following techniques to alert Blue Moon beer fans as to where it could be purchased?


Mobile users spend most of their time browsing mobile Web sites.


Most of the worlds spam is delivered via which of the following?


Net neutrality refers to internet backbone owners treating all internet traffic equally.

stored value/debit card

None of the following payment systems offers immediate monetary value EXCEPT:


On a typical day, approximately ___% of adult users in the United States logs on to the internet.


On demand service companies are characterized by the free sharing of resources between the company and consumers.


Online bill payments now account for ___ of all bill payments.

stored vale payment system

P2P payment systems are a variation on what type of payment system?


Phishing attacks rely on browser parasites.


Price is more important than convenience as a factor in online purchase decisions.

Dual home systems

Proxy servers are also known as:

pays only for those users who perform a specific action, such as registering, purchasing, etc

Purchasing an online ad on a CPA basis means that the advertiser:


Registering a domain name similar or identical to trademarks of others to extort profits from legitimate holders is an example of:


Research has found that all of the standard formats of display ads, wide skyscraper ads are the most effective at holding a users attention.


Rustock is an example of which of the following:


SMS to friends, notifying friends of your location, and sharing offers with friends are ways to measure:


Social technologies change industry structure by weakening powerful sales channels and shifts bargaining power to consumer.


Sponsored community sites are network sites created by government, non-profit, or for-profit organizations.


Storing HTML pages in RAM rather than on a servers hard drive is an expensive way to fine-tune the processing architecture of a website.

the less that individual is influenced by friends purchases

Studies of the effects of social "connectedness" on Internet purchases indicate that the more "connected" an individual:

social networks

Surveys have found that the least influential online marketing format for driving consumers to purchase is:

Transport services and representation standards layer

TCP/IP operates in which layer of internet architecture?


The FTC's privacy approach is now focused on targeting practices that are likely to cause harm or unwarranted intrusion into consumers daily lives.

Internet Society (ISOC)

The ___ is a consortium of corporations, government agencies, and non profit organizations that monitors internet policies and practices.

They offer a fast, convenient one-stop site where users can focus on their most important concerns and interests

The basic value proposition of community providers is:


The cost of sending 10,000 emails in an advertising campaign is about the same as sending 5,000.


The display of a third-party Web site or page within your own web site is called:


The ethical principle of Universalism states that if an action is not right for all situations, then it is not right for any situation.

marginal cost

The incremental cost of building the next unit of a good is called the:


The internet is a worldwide system of computer networks.


The major hubs in the United States where the internet backbone intersects with regional and local networks are now commonly referred to as internet exchange points (IXPs).

Wi-fi and bluetooth

The major technologies used with wireless local area networks are:

flash marketing

The marketing technique known as ___ involves merchants offering products or services for a very low price for a short period of time.

fan acquisition

The number of people exposed to pins is a measure of which of the following?

fan acquisition

The ratio of impressions to fans is a measure of:


The reinvention period of e-commerce is as much a sociological phenomenon as it is a technological or business phenomenon.

$3.5 billion

The research firm Cybersource estimated that online credit card fraud in the United States amount to about ___ in 2012.

It allows video, audio, and text to be integrated into a single marketing message and consuming experience.

The richness made possible by e-commerce technologies does which of the following?


The term e-commerce refers to the digital enabling of business processes both inside and outside the firm.


The term unfit fitness refers to a situation in which employees of a firm have the wrong skills for the current environment.


The total number of users or customers an e-commerce business can obtain is a measure of:


The value of petals to advertisers and content owners is primarily a function of the size of the audience the portal reaches and the length of time visitors stay on the site.

an authorization policy

To allow lower-level employees access to the corporate network while preventing them from accessing private human resources documents, you would use:


Transaction logs are built into Web server software.


Typically, the more security measures added to an e-commerce site, the slower and more difficult it becomes to use.

one competitor has an advantage others cannot purchase

Unfair competitive advantages occur when:


Universal standards make price discovery more costly, slower, and less accurate.

Require firms to have consumers affirmatively opt-in before PII is collected

What is the FTC recommendation regarding choice as it relates to personally identifiable information (PII)?

Identify and describe the facts

What is the first step in analyzing an ethical dilemma?

the ability to make perfect copies of digital works at little cost

What is the major reason that the internet has such potential for destroying traditional conceptions and implementations of intellectual property law?


What percentage of smartphone users have used their phones for proximity searches on information like local weather?


When developing e-commerce presence, it is important to understand that the technology must drive the business, not the reverse.

Google analytics

Which analysis tool did Fairmont Hotel use to measure the effectiveness of its online marketing and advertising?

integrity and authenticity

Which dimension of security is spoofing a threat to?

the Golden Rule

Which ethical principal emphasizes putting oneself into the place of others and thinking of oneself as the object of the decision?

The New york times test

Which ethical principal tells you that it is wise to assume perfect information markets?

the Slippery slope

Which ethical principle states that if an action cannot be taken repeatedly, then it is not right to take at all?

the Collective Utilitarian principle

Which ethical principle states that, when confronted with an ethical dilemma, individuals should take the action that achieves the greater value for all of society?


Which of the FTCs Fair information practices (FIP) principles requires identification of the collector of data?

search engine advertising

Which of the following accounts for the most mobile ad spending?

selection and convenience

Which of the following are Amazon's primary value propositions?


Which of the following are features of both Pinterest and Twitter?

They were a technological success but a mixed business success

Which of the following best describes the early years of e-commerce?

Maintain a basic, static website depicting the firms brand

Which of the following describes the basic web policy of large firms during the invention period?

News Feed

Which of the following do Facebook users spend the most time on?

global reach

Which of the following e-commerce technology dimensions has the potential to reduce cultural diversity in products?

over 50% of Netflix's 100,000 titles are rented at least once a day by someone

Which of the following examples illustrates the "Long Tail" phenomenon?

information density

Which of the following features of e-commerce technology allows fine-grained, highly detailed information on consumers real-time behavior to be gathered and analyzed?

unit testing

Which of the following involves testing a site's program modules one at a time?

Blue Nile

Which of the following is NOT a community provider?

Growth of the internet of things slow down

Which of the following is NOT a major technology trend in e-commerce in 2017-2018?

price transparency

Which of the following is NOT a risk or cost of internet auctions?

market creator

Which of the following is NOT a variation of the e-tailer business model?


Which of the following is NOT one of the basic technological foundations of the internet?

location of auction

Which of the following is NOT one of the top factors a business should consider when planning an internet auction?

Search engine advertising is the fastest growing type of online advertising

Which of the following is NOT true about search engine advertising?

bid rigging

Which of the following is a common problem in sealed bid markets?

affinity community

Which of the following is a community of members who self-identify with a demographic or geographic category?


Which of the following is a core Fair Information Practices(FIP) principle?

News Feed

Which of the following is a real-time feed showing a friends activities, chats, and music listening on Facebook?


Which of the following is a set of short-range wireless technologies used to share information among devices within about 2 inches of each other?

An unauthorized person intercepts an online communication and changes its contents

Which of the following is an example of an integrity violation of e-commerce security?

Amazons inventory control system

Which of the following is an example of e-business?


Which of the following is an example of the subscription revenue model?

intellectual property

Which of the following is one of the three primary societal issues related to e-commerce?

The cost of participating in a market

Which of the following is the best definition of transaction cost?


Which of the following is the market leader in C2C auctions?

DDos attack

Which of the following left the Wikileaks web site effectively inoperable in August 2012?


Which of the following measures the average length of stay at a web site?

establishing customer needs and habits as the top priority in all marketing decisions

Which of the following most helped Dagny Aslin of in establishing her brand in the niche area of selling high-end competition horses?

video ads

Which of the following online advertising formats is the most effective:


Which of the following purchased Tumblr in May 2013?


Which of the following refers to the complexity and content of a message?


Which of the following refers to the displacement of market middlemen and the creation of a new direct relationship between producers and consumers?

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

Which of the following requires financial institutions to inform consumers of their privacy policies and permits consumers some control over their records?

Foursquare has struggled to find profitability

Which of the following statements about Foursquare is NOT true?

It relies on Google to supplement its search results

Which of the following statements about Graph Search is NOT true?

About 30% of online adults use Pinterest

Which of the following statements about Pinterest is NOT true?

The NAI's privacy policies have establish the TRUSTe seal

Which of the following statements about industry self-regulations regarding privacy is NOT true?

RWD works best for sites that have complex functionality

Which of the following statements about responsive web design (RWD) is NOT true?

The Web is the technology upon which the Internet is based

Which of the following statements about the Web is NOT true?

The size of the mobile app audience greatly exceeds that of the mobile web audience

Which of the following statements about the mobile platform is NOT true?

Desktop search revenues are increasing for Google

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

Economics takes a purely technical approach to e-commerce

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

Women are more active purchasers on smartphones than men

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

anonymous remailers

Which of the following technologies allows you to send e-mail without a trace?

double auction

Which of the following types of auctions offers a neutral marketplace, without buyer or seller bias?


Which of the following types of dynamic pricing adjusts prices based on the merchants estimate of how much the customer truly values the product?

Dollar Shave Club

Which of the following uses a subscription-based sales revenue model?

The Web

Which of the following was the original "killer app" that made the internet commercially interesting and extraordinarily popular?


Which of the following would you implement to collect and analyze your company's big data?


Which of the fooling is the most popular use for mobile devices?


Which of the is NOT one of the four basic principles shared by ethical schools of thought in western culture?

highway pricing

Which pricing plan charges fees to e-commerce firms based on the amount of traffic they generate?

message board

Which social network functionality allows users to easily post messages to the entire community?

social network apps

Which type of apps account for the most user time?

application servers

___ are a kind of middleware software that provides the glue connecting traditional corporate systems to the customer as well as all the functionality needed to conduct e-commerce.


___ refers to the ability to ensure that an e-commerce site continues to function as intended.


___ refers to the ability to identify the person or entity with whom you are dealing on the internet.

Web Beacon

a tiny graphics file embedded in an email of web page.

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