Int Mkt/Mgt Chapter 3 and 4

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Accounting controls directly relate to a culture's assumptions about A. the basic nature of people. B. inventory policy. C. efficiency. D. leadership.


Because of their close linkage, sociologists often combine the terms A. social and cultural. B. social and kinship. C. kinship and monogamy. D. culture and monogamy


E. T. Hall suggests that to learn another culture, you have to undergo extensive training or spend A. a lifetime in the other culture. B. considerable time with people of the other culture, but perhaps outside that culture. C. time studying the language of the other culture. D. considerable amounts of time and money taking guided tours in the other culture


Economic integration often progresses A. in stages, from free trade area to customs union to common market. B. in stages, totally dependent on the members' national economic strength. C. as a result of cultural beliefs and economic strength. D. in unpredictable ways due to unintended consequences.


Gift giving in many cultures is marked by A. specific etiquette and meaning that may be markedly different from what the international manager knows in the home culture. B. graft and corruption; for example, a way to launder money. C. humility not fitting an international manager. D. drinking and late parties.


IDA's purpose is to loan to A. the poorest nations. B. middle level income nations needing infrastructure. C. developed nations for use in trade stimulus efforts. D. any nation with collateral.


In an affective culture (Trompenaars), emotions are seen as A. responses to be freely displayed. B. private, and therefore, not displayed. C. a weakness, and therefore hidden. D. appropriate to share with family members only.


Individualism-collectivism measures A. the degree to which people in the culture are integrated into groups. B. the tendency to differentiate male roles. C. the degree to which social inequality is tolerated. D. A and B.


Latin and Asian countries' scores on Hofstede's power distance dimension are relatively large and relatively low on A. the individualism dimension. B. transparency. C. masculinity. D. femininity.


Material culture includes A. what people in the culture make, such as tools, art, everything material. B. tapestries but not their frames and the wool or other fabric before it is woven. C. only manufactures of which the culture is proud. D. only pottery, glassware and eating utensils.


Monochronic time is best illustrated by A. university scheduling patterns. B. a rock concert. C. high context cultures such as Arab and Asian cultures. D. all of the above.


NAFTA maintains restrictions on the movement of labor, so it is A. within the scope of a free trade area. B. within the scope of a common market. C. not in compliance with WTO regulations. D. B and C.


Regional trade agreements such as NAFTA impact the WTO A. negatively, because they undercut the non-discrimination principle of the WTO. B. positively, because they extend most-favored-nation status to more nations. C. negatively, because they compete with the WTO for membership, since nations can belong to only one trade group. D. negatively, because the U.S. and the EU do not have a regional trade agreement between them.


The Chinese concept of guanxi is an example of A. an informal, cognitive institution. B. a regulative, formal institution. C. a favorite cooking method of Chairman Mao. D. taken for granted approaches to friendship relations.


The Doha Development Agenda is A. a WTO conference on trade. B. an agreement on climate control and greenhouse gasses. C. a decision-making approach to development. D. a development rules list.


The Treaty of Rome, signed in 1957, established a common market for coal and steel for A. West Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Luxembourg and Italy. B. England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and France. C. Finland, Sweden, Norway, West Germany, Denmark and Switzerland. D. Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria.


The WTO exists to A. establish and help implement rules of trade among nations in order to increase trade flows. B. monitor and reduce the amount of trade from developing nations to developed nations. C. ensure that the industrial revolution continues to support the economies of developed nations. D. B and C.


The WTO has made progress on trade-related intellectual property rights (TRIPS). An example of this progress is: A. an agreement that property rights should not take precedence over public health. B. an agreement that copyrights are inviolate. C. a shared recognition that private property is a basic human right. D. an agreement that governments should hold all pharmaceutical trade secrets.


The characteristics of Hofstede's long-term orientation include A. social order and hierarchical relationships. B. perseverance, pragmatism and hierarchy. C. the centrality of spending. D. planning in the medium-short term.


The common interest of all nations in a workable international exchange rate system transcends their conflicting international interests is the premise of A. the International Monetary Fund/IMF. B. the Bank for International Settlements. C. the World Central Bank. D. the World Bank for Reconstruction and Development.


The major function of the World Bank is to serve as a A. Non-profit banking cooperative for its members to meet development needs. B. Central bank for the world's central bankers. C. Non-profit cooperative to finance the educational needs of its members. D. Invest funds in global businesses in order to create value for its shareholders.


This type of institution operates through laws and regulations, with coercion as the regulative mechanism. A. formal B. informal C. normative D. cognitive


Under new institutional theory, institutions can be categorized as formal and informal, and the informal institutions can be further categorized as A. normative and cognitive. B. normal and abnormal. C. informally cognitive and formally cognitive. D. effective and ineffective.


While Trompenaars was trained as an economist, Hofstede and Hall were trained as A. anthropologists. B. business scholars. C. accountants. D. strategic planners.


) Facebook is a(n) A. organization based on kinship. B. organization based on free association. C. tool that international marketers best avoid, given the complexities of culture. D. passing fad that will absorb many marketing budgets but won't produce much in the way of results.


) If people belong to strong, cohesive in-groups that look after them in exchange for loyalty, the culture is likely to be A. low context. B. collectivist. C. economically underdeveloped. D. democratic.


) Strictly speaking, the impact of the EU on the WTO could be said to be negative, since A. a country could belong to only one of these organizations. B. the favored trade relationships among EU members are not extended to non-member countries, so the EU undercuts the WTO. C. the euro threatens other hard currencies supported by the WTO, such as the dollar and the Yen. D. the WTO does not collect dues from EU member nations.


Hall suggests the communication tends to be implicit and indirect in A. the U.S. B. HC/high context. C. LC/low context. D. Australia.


Is the WTO's idea of "fair competition" really a code phrase for free trade? A. Yes, the WTO is in favor of free trade and only free trade under all circumstances. B. Not really. Trade relationships among nations can be exceedingly complex, and the WTO supports fair competition, which may mean freer trade rather than free trade. C. Yes, the WTO stands for trade liberalization, which requires transparency, economic reform and no protectionism, regardless of the member nation's economic situation. D. Yes. The WTO supports free trade and the term "fair competition" is used to obtain buy-in from nations opposed to trade liberalization.


Monochronic cultures tend to be A. HC/high context B. LC/low context C. ethnocentric D. hierarchical


Most developed nations have A. small power distance. B. high individualism. C. strong uncertainty avoidance. D. all of the above.


Musical tastes vary across cultures A. and are built on the solid foundation of the octave. B. which is why they need to be understood by marketers who use music in commercials. C. and come together in the Silk Road. D. A and D.


Referring to Hall's high and low context framework, in a high context culture, A. communication is explicit. B. the context carries much of the communication. C. communication is direct and focused on the topic. D. the context is irrelevant.


The Council of European Union, the primary policy-setting institution of the EU, is composed of A. the member states' prime ministers or presidents. B. the member states' ministers who represents the specific area being discussed. C. elected members from across Europe, elected by country. D. appointed representatives from each member state.


The Trompenaars dimension that describes a society whose rules regulate behaviors for all members, applied evenly is A. particularist. B. universalist. C. feminist. D. specific.


When the context is considered, when we consider relationships as we make decisions about the application of rules, we are in a A. universalist B. particularist C. achievement D. individualist


When you assert that a certain aspect of your own culture is superior, you are probably exhibiting A. objective observation. B. ethnocentric behavior. C. your understanding of truth. D. your hunches.


ASEAN began as a defensive alliance of 10 Asian nations concerned about A. trade barriers in the West. B. translation issues for their export products. C. the spread of communism in their region. D. Japan's influence in the region.


According to Trompenaars, a culture's attitude toward the environment can range from A. peaceful to warlike. B. overwhelmed by aesthetics to dominating the environment. C. control over the environment to harmony with it. D. submission to atheism.


As we use frameworks to help us understand culture, it's important to remember that frameworks A. describe other cultures with precision. B. can't be used to describe our own cultures. C. are comparative, with our own culture the reference point. D. all of the above.


Hofstede's masculinity-femininity dimension suggests that, as an international manager, you might well A. avoid feminine cultures because their production levels will lag. B. avoid very masculine cultures because they violate EEOC standards. C. find men and women equally ready to assume leadership roles in a feminine culture. D. find women too competitive in a feminine culture.


In a free trade area, members drop internal tariffs. External tariffs A. are dropped, also. B. are coordinated so that there is one agreed upon set of external tariffs. C. are maintained independently by each member. D. do not apply to a FTA.


Most African nations have their main trade relationships A. within local FTAs. B. with other African nations due to transport costs. C. with developed nations, often built on former colonial ties. D. with China.


Production managers have discovered that their introduction of new production methods across cultures is affected by varying attitudes toward A. their personalities. B. developed economies. C. change. D. technology.


The EMU (the European Monetary Union or the Economic and Monetary Union) has established the euro, a currency that is used in A. all of the EU. B. all of the EU and much of the rest of Europe. C. 16 of the EU member-countries. D. the Bank for International Settlements and the IMF.


The EU's impact on international business is A. negligible, since the EU members tend to trade with each other. B. not significant, since the EU members need to trade with other developed economies. C. substantial, since EU standards, especially in the areas of ecology and sustainability, impact any firm that wants to do business in the EU. D. substantial, since the EU is a major exporter into developing nations.


The IMF initially played a central role in A. establishing trade-initiatives through GAAP measures. B. supporting war-torn nations of Europe as they recovered from their devastation. C. setting fixed exchange rates among nations' currencies with an established par vale based on gold. D. the monitoring of EU initiatives to restrain trade with South Africa.


The United Nations is probably the best-known among A. non-profit organizations. B. social service organizations. C. international organizations. D. military organizations.


The extent to which members of a society expect and accept power to be distributed unequally is termed by Hofstede as A. uncertainty avoidance. B. feminist. C. power distance. D. non-democratic.


The first principle of the WTO's five basic principles is trade without A. negotiation. B. economic reform. C. discrimination. D. competition.


The only cultural framework we describe in this text that is based on communication styles is A. Trompenaars' dimensions. B. the Globe study. C. Hall's (high and low context). D. Hofstede's dimensions.


) In HC cultures, time tends to be A. loosely conceived. B. tightly planned. C. monochronic. D. polychronic.


A culture's sense of beauty and taste A. is universal, as described in Homer's The Odyssey. B. is an aesthetic concern of no interest to the international manager. C. is an aesthetic concern that may interest the trailing spouse and is good to know a little about. D. expressed in the culture's art and music, and important for international managers to know about.


At the end of World War II, the UN called for the conference that set up the World Bank and the IMF. This conference was A. convened in San Francisco. B. held at Yalta. C. held at Grasleben, Germany. D. held at Bretton Woods.


Culture includes everything but A. religion. B. religion and politics. C. higher education and universal values. D. none of the above.


For countries where people are relatively loosely connected and tend to focus on themselves and their immediate family, Hofstede would describe them as A. myopic. B. xenophobic. C. self-referential. D. individualistic.


Hall's high and low context is based upon communication styles, and specifically on the role of A. the speakers. B. nonverbal behavior. C. the medium. D. context.


In developing economies, informal institutions tend to play a greater role than in developed economies, possibly because A. the developing economies have more ambiguity and lack formal institutions by definition, so informal institutions step into the breach. B. developing economies show cultural preference for informality. C. informal institutions emerge to give order to the unstructured, chaotic environment. D. A and C.


In high context cultures, face-to-face relationships tend to be important and A. knowledge is situational. B. decisions focus around personal relationships. C. long term. D. all of the above.


Informal institutions are composed of sets of A. mandatory agreements, a bit like the mind's software. B. orthodox accords whose goal is to establish rigor. C. agreements that are for the most part taken for granted. D. voluntary agreements.


Lack of folklore knowledge is illustrated by A. Smirnoff's use of a Che Guevara image in Cuba because Che is a national hero there. B. Apple's use of an image of the Dalai Lama, because it offended China, where the government sees the Dalai Lama as a political dissident. C. the U.S. NFL playing U.S. football in the UK. D. A and B


Leadership may be influenced by sociocultural forces, and its model might be A. either anachronistic or contemporary. B. reasoned, emotional, strategic or planned. C. exogenous or endogenous. D. paternalistic, heroic, integrative or directive


One danger of using the culture frameworks introduced in Chapter 4 is that if we apply them prescriptively, A. we'll be able to understand too much detail of a culture, and this will slow down decision-making. B. we'll limit rather than enrich our perceptions. C. our perceptions will become stereotypes, however sophisticated. D. B and C.


That almost everyone in the U.S. self-identifies as middle class suggests that A. the U.S. is a successful meritocracy. B. the U.S. measures low on the uncertainty avoidance dimension. C. the U.S. economy has failed to support an aristocracy. D. the U.S. measures small on the power distance dimension.


The benefits of liberalized trade so far have been A. beneficial for developing economies. B. harmful for developing economies. C. unclear for developed economies. D. uneven for developing and developed economies.


The idea that WTO members treat all members equally is known as A. the transparency principle. B. the fairness principle. C. the equity and equality principle D. the MFN/most favored nation principle.


The main difference between a free trade area (FTA) and a customs union is that in a customs union, there is A. no need for passport controls. B. a shared border patrol. C. shared currency. D. a common external tariff.


The presence of tattoos suggests social outcasts universally, based on A. their use in Japan by the Yakuza. B. a primitive human desire to change, and thus, control the body. C. a universal aesthetic. D. nothing, because this statement is not accurate.


The purpose of the International Financial Corporation (IFC) is to invest in companies and financial institutions in developing countries in order to build A. infrastructure. B. trade routes. C. domestic logistics. D. domestic capital markets


Trompenaars' particularist dimension describes a culture in which A. People apply the rules equally to everyone. B. Context is considered when rules are applied. C. Relationships rather than rules regulate behaviors. D. B and C.


A culture's aesthetics is the sense of moral behavior taught to the young. true or false


Although India is a member of the WTO and has benefited greatly from increased trade as a result of WTO agreements, China is not yet a member. True or false


Although some business areas are affected by culture, accounting and finance are objective, and thus, universal True or false


Anthropologist E.T. Hall suggests that, to learn another culture, you need to spend two weeks in it with a training program. True or false


As discussed in the chapter, institutions are organizations constructed to create jobs for government employment initiatives. True or False?


Business makes few costly mistakes in product introductions into foreign markets. True or false


By and large, the UN record of facilitating business transactions has been minor


Gift giving across cultures is a simple kindness and need not be complicated with attempts to understand. The act of generosity says everything in and of itself. true or false


Hofstede's framework is based on social science theory True or false


In Hall's use, context is the irrelevant environment in a communication act True or false


In Human Resources, the American employee protection laws (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission-EEOC) allow an American company to be successful on the cultural front in all foreign labor markets. True or false


Informal cognitive institutions are not important to international managers because such managers localize their hiring, and so they can draw on local talent. True or False


Leadership traits may vary some by culture, but underneath, they build on the idea that all people want to be led and directed True or false


Low context cultures tend to be polychronic, with a lot going on at one time. True or false


Permanent members of the UN Security Council vote on Security Council measures and only the Secretary-General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon, has veto power. True or False


Religion is not an important aspect of culture in countries that are secular and split the church from the state. true or false


The Bretton Woods Conference established the European Union currency, the euro. True or false


The Doha Development Agenda is an extended development plan for Doha, Qatar True or false


The WTO supports trade with discrimination as a basic right of trading nations. True or false


The World Bank funds infrastructure projects in developed countries. True or False


The World Bank is made up of one large institution, IBRD. True or false


The specific-diffuse dimension has to do with social patterns for child rearing true or false


Cultural attitudes toward change can influence the acceptance of new production methods. True or false


In a customs union, common external tariffs are added to an existing FTA, as found in the Southern African Customs Union and Mercosur. True or false


The International Finance Corporation (IFC) acts as an investment banker, arranging private risk ventures in developing countries. True of false


The U.S. and Canada are small-power-distance countries because they expect a level playing field, socially, at least at the ideal level. True or false


The UN Environment Programme laid the groundwork for the Climate Change Convention, which led to the Kyoto Protocol. True or False


The UN International Court of Justice hears cases that involve disputes between national governments. True or false


The United Nations operates with voluntary agreements, so is essentially an informal institution. True or False


The WTO has negotiated a TRIPS agreement whereby property rights do not take precedence over public health. True or False


When we use cultural frameworks to build our understanding of another culture, we use our own culture as an implicit reference point. True or false


ASEAN, whose initial goal was political, to foster peaceful relations among members, includes China as its core member. ture or false


All EU members use the euro, and thus have given up part of their national sovereignty to the EU. true or false


Although the EU can influence the practices of businesses located in non-EU member countries, Microsoft has been able to maintain business in the EU much as it conducts business in the U.S. true or false


Among trading blocs, the EU has the largest GDP per capita ture or false


An important assumption that the IMF makes is that a strong organization with rules and penalties for their violation is necessary to support trade. true or false


Culture includes everything objective, and religion contains values, and is thus, not a part of culture. true or false


Examples of informal, normative institutions would include local town/city governments and the U.S. government. true or false


Formal institutions operate through laws and regulations. They require members to make a written commitment. true or false


Leadership is universal; all people want to be led true or false


Spoken language does not demarcate culture, but body language does true or false


The EU has been unsuccessful at harmonizing customs and tax formalities within their borders. true or false


The EU is administered by the European Commission, a group composed of 27 commissioners, elected at the EU-level true or false


The International Court of Justice (ICJ) handles all cases brought forward by any person or organization. true or false


The UN General Assembly is the main staff organization responsible for the UN administration. true or false


The family is the basic unit of institutions based on free association true or false


The following is an area in which the UN plays a significant role for international business: loaning seed money for entrepreneurial start-ups in developed nations. true or false


An example of an informal, cognitive institution would be the celebration of Halloween. true or false


Cognitive institutions are important to the international manager because these institutions help the manager understand the schema operating in their international environments and are easily missed or misunderstood by the non-native, so can easily lead to misunderstandings. true or false


Facebook is a social institution based on free association true or false


Human resources are influenced by cultural values because values are the foundation of motivation and evaluation. true or false


Institutions are constructed to provide meaning and stability to social life, regulate the relations of individuals to each other; and limit behavior of individuals and firms. true or false


Material culture includes all human-made objects. true or false


The EU is a supranational body that has become, essentially, a regional government. true or false


Your neighbor's business is cutting down an acre of first-growth, virgin forest and planting a lawn and garden beds at their HQs. You are likely to be in an Anglo culture where domination of nature seems normal. true or false


An achievement culture is one in which members are A. rewarded with social status for who they are in a spiritual sense. B. rewarded for what they do, what they have accomplished, so what they are. C. not rewarded at all because achievement is a doing mentality. D. rewarded for their lineage.


Recently, regional trade agreements have grown a trend that may be seen to strengthen the WTO, according to the text. True or false


Trompenaar's achievement vs. ascription dimension describes social status based on what one does or who one is. The U.S. is a culture in which people build who they are through work, so its social status tends to be based on ascription. true or false


Trompenaars' dimension of individualism vs. communitarianism differs greatly from Hofstede's individualism-collectivism dimension. true or false


Trompenaars' dimension of universalism vs. particularism measures whether rules or rewards regulate behaviors. true or false


Another term Hofstede uses to describe long-term orientation is A. Herculian commitment. B. Confucian dynamism. C. Big-picture focus. D. Strategic commitment.


Culture is a group of shared worldviews, social rules and interpersonal dynamics that is A. chosen consciously by each group to set themselves apart from other groups. B. learned, interrelated and shared. C. used as a way to separate economic classes. D. a collection of noble pursuits including opera, art, ballet and classical music.


Culture plays a significant role in the disciplines of A. marketing, but not finance, because it is quantitative. B. leadership, accounting, finance, marketing, human resources and production. C. marketing and human resources, but not production, finance and accounting. D. all foreign businesses but not businesses of the home country.


In low context cultures A. there is subtlety and innuendo. B. what you say tends to be what you mean, in that communication tends to be explicit. C. indirection is prized because it recognizes the ability of the other. D. leadership is mostly from behind, allowing the workgroup to self-direct.


In order to really understand another culture, A. living in it is important, but you don't need to know the spoken language. B. both the spoken and unspoken languages are important to understand. C. the unspoken language is enough because it allows you access to the culture. D. A and C.


The WTO is the only international organization designed to establish and help implement A. efforts at peace between nations. B. rules of trade among nations. C. security measures between nations. D. strategic planning for developing nations.


The World Bank's two major institutions are the International Development Association and the A. Collateral-based Lending Agency. B. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). C. International Microloan Bank. D. International Bank for Development.


The geographical area that receives the most World Bank lending is A. East Asia. B. Latin America and the Caribbean. C. Africa. D. Middle East.


The main deliberative body of the UN is the: A. Peace Jurga. B. General Assembly. C. Security Council. D. International Court of Justice.


The masculine- feminine dimension is about A. task vs. relationship. B. the gap between men's and women's roles in the culture. C. doing vs. being. D. quality of work vs. quality of life.


Two basic ways to understand the role of leadership are as providing direction for a collection of individuals and as A. limiting the freedom of individual group members. B. integrating a group. C. linking top management with workers. D. organizing workers for production.


Uncertainty avoidance describes man's search for Truth, according to Hofstede, because A. Truth is primary to our human value system; everything else depends upon it. B. it describes how comfortable the culture's members feel in an unstructured situation. C. once you have Truth, you can avoid change, which is always disruptive. D. All of the above.


Understanding the religious beliefs of foreign markets is A. not really necessary because religion is one, and the Truth is universal. B. useful, because religions affect attitudes and beliefs across cultures. C. not necessary because religion is not a part of culture; it is beyond culture. D. useful because there is always the possibility of conversion.


In a small power distance culture, A. people will want direction, so top-down leadership styles are appropriate. B. seniority, rank and title are important. C. first names are likely to be used in the office because the ideal is equality. D. A and C.


In high context cultures, relationships tend to be A. short term B. medium term, except for family C. long term D. pragmatic


Kinship and free association are A. structures for political action. B. social structures used to develop marketing programs. C. social institutions found in all societies, and categorized by the conditions of their formation. D. levels of the Masons found in Europe but not the U.S.


The specific-diffuse dimension looks at A. work behaviors. B. organizational loyalty. C. attitudes toward public/private life. D. attitudes toward paternalism


Hofstede's long-term orientation tends to be found in A. Asian cultures. B. Canada. C. Brazil. D. A and C.


Hofstede's measure of the amount of effort a society puts into ordering the environment and avoiding ambiguity is termed A. Truth. B. flexibility. C. ambiguity. D. uncertainty avoidance.


IMF quotas are determined by the relative size of a nation in the global economy and A. determine the weight of the nation's voting in the IMF. B. determine how much a nation can borrow from the IMF. C. are the nation's "dues" to the IMF. D. all of the above


The Doha Development Agenda is A. a WTO plan to establish free trade among the emirates in the Persian Gulf. B. the government seat of Qatar and source of significant WTO funding through Sheik Kalifa al-Thani. C. a UN plan to develop the Arab Emirates to ensure their independence. D. an extended conference of the WTO initially convened in Doha.


The EU began as a common market for A. all imported goods from beyond Europe. B. the textile and dairy industries. C. the transportation industries. D. the coal and steel industries


The IBRD is a major institution of the World Bank whose function is to loan to A. countries whose income levels make them not creditworthy. B. private sector development-focused firms. C. private individuals in developing nations whose entrepreneurial efforts support development. D. middle income and creditworthy poor nations.


The UN's International Court of Justice (ICJ) is also known as A. the Court of Europe B. the Court of International Law and Regulations (CILR) C. the International Court of Peace D. the World Court


Economic cooperation often begins with a common market as in the case of the EU. True or false


Feminine cultures in Hofstede's dimensions care about relationships and are not focused on business success. It is quality of life that matters. true or false


We are each born with a unique culture True or false


When operating in other cultures, if we realize that, underneath it all, we are all the same, we will be fine. True or false


Hall's high and low context framework is based upon communication styles. True or false


Hofstede describes his Confucian dynamism dimension as dealing with Virtue regardless of Truth. true or false


Hofstede's individualism-collectivism dimension measures the degree to which people tend to be integrated into groups. True or false


In high context cultures, people tend to form long-lasting relationships that endure over time. True or false


International business managers need to be able to communicate across cultural borders, even if they don't speak foreign languages. True or false


International institutions provide nations the opportunity to build multilateral solutions, and thus make significant contributions to international stability. True or false


Low context cultures such as the U.S. have explicit communication patterns. True or false


New institutional theory suggests that institutions be understood as collections of rules and codes of conduct that limit behavior. True or false?


One of the significant differences between formal and informal institutions is how they gain compliance. True or False?


Some think that renewed focus on exchange rates would be a good path forward for the IMF, which is struggling with core issues related to its purpose. True or False


The unspoken language cannot tell the international manager something that the spoken language does not. true or false


There are few cultural misunderstandings in the discipline of marketing true or false


There are three main classes of social institutions, based on the conditions of their formation: family, kinship and free association. true or false


Trading blocs always bring cost savings to international firms. true or false


When in Rome, do as the Romans do" is a solid, moral guideline true or false


Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the UN, observed that we can master our common destiny only if we face it together, and that is why we have the UN. true or false


Material culture describes how people make things, who makes what, and why true or false


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