Interpersonal Comm Final Exam

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Brittney always tells Kevin that she loves him. According to the interpersonal needs theory, Brittney is communicating for the need of:

a. escape b. control c. inclusion d. pleasure e. affection *

Men and women, as groups, self-disclose with equal frequency and depth. T/F


Nonverbal communication does not reflect culture. T/F


The win-win conflict style is always the best approach. T/F


Verbal communication is perceived as more believable. T/F


According to the handout on Identity Management, why do we manage our identities?

To start and manage relationships, gain compliance and save other's face

Commitment is a decision to remain in a relationship. Notice that commitment is defined as a decision, not a feeling. T/F


Mothers spend more time that fathers with the children in caretaking activities. T/F


The effects of social isolation include hallucinations, depression, and a failure to develop a healthy self-concept. T/F


To symbolize a less formal speaking occasion, a podium might be omitted, chairs might be arranged in a circle, and the person speaking might be seated. T/F


When we listen literally, we dont make the effort to understand how others feel about what they say or to endorse them as people. T/F


The ____ response to interpersonal conflict is both destructive and passive.

A. loyalty b. exit c. neglect * d. ambush e. voice

Storge love tends to grow quickly. T.F


Half of all new STDs occur in people 15 to 24 years old. T/F


In 2000, 22% of children lived only with their mothers, whereas 4% of children lived only with their fathers. T/F


In the general U.S. population, 51% of people oppose or strongly oppose same-sex marriage, and only 30% approve or strongly approve. Among college students, however, 52% approve or strongly approve of same-sex marriage, and only 26% oppose or strongly oppose it. T/F


Nearly 40% of births in America are to unmarried parents. T/F


Pragma love types are more likely to use online matching services to specify their criteria for a desirable mate. T/F


Researchers report that there is no direct association between marital happiness and the number of arguments that spouses have. T/F


Which of the following comments would likely be made during the invitational stage of romantic relationships?

a. "How would you describe your views on organized religion?" b. "My parents divorced when I was 5 years old, so its difficult for me to bond with others." c. "Are you also a communication studies major?" ** d. "Im really afraid of getting involved with anyone." e. "Lets spend this weekend hiking in the redwoods."

All of the following are examples of families except:

a. A single male who works inside the home *** b. a heterosexual man and woman who have been married for 12 years and have 2 kids c. two gay men who have cohabitated for 20 years and have one adopted son d. A single woman who adopted a daughter from China and works outside the home e. . A 27 year old single mom whose mother just moved in with her

Some people feel awkward when they first start using this language.

a. I * b. me c. you d. they e. we

Individuals who are more ____ are better able to integrate new information about others and situations.

a. adapt at mind reading b. fundamentally attributing errors c. empathic d. standpoint sympathetic e. cognitively complex *

This kind of love is practical love.

a. agape b. ludus c. storge d. eros e. pragma *

In 1999, Tim Cole and Laura Leets investigated the relationship between attachment styles and the tendency to form relationships with TV personalities. They discovered that people with ____ attachment styles were least likely to form relationships with television characters, which is consistent with this attachment styles reluctance to form actual relationships.

a. all of these b. anxious/ambivalent c. none of these d. secure e. Fearful *

All of the following are forms of constructive communication EXCEPT.

a. asking for clarification b. sensitive listening c. counterproposals * d. compromises e. dual perspective

Specific communication behaviors that contribute to unproductive interpersonal conflict include all of the following EXCEPT:

a. asking questions for clarifications* b. self-summarizing c. hostile mind-reading d. offering counterproposals e. disconfirmation

According to your book, all of the following is included in the nature of friendship except:

a. assertion * b. trust c. willingness to invest d. acceptance e. emotional closeness

Psychologists define ____ as rules for living and identity.

a. attachment style b. reflected appraisals c. social comparison d. none of these e. identity scripts *

Kittys supervisor says, "Im the boss, so well go with my plan for this project." The supervisors message addresses the ____ dimension of relationship meaning.

a. belonging b. affection c. content d. responsiveness e. power *

The ____ area consists of your untapped resources, your untried talents, and your reactions to experiences youve never had. You dont know how you will manage a crisis until youve been in one, and you cant tell what kind of parent you would be unless youve had a child.

a. blind b. known c. hidden d. unknown ** e. open

Verbal communication and nonverbal communication are similar in all of the following respects EXCEPT:

a. both are symbolic b. both are rule-guilded c. both are shaped by culture d. both are perceived as equally believable * e. both may be unintentional or intentional

This can symbolize contentment when intimates are so comfortable they dont need to talk.

a. chronemics b. Silence * c. paralanguage d. artifacts e. proxemics

These are personal objects we use to announce our identities and heritage and to personalize our environments.

a. chronemics b. proxemics c. silence d. paralanguage e. Artifacts *

____ in interpersonal relationships involves believing in another persons reliability and emotionally relying on that person.

a. commitment b. love c. trust* d. investment e. climate

While visiting her parents on a break from school, Deena doesnt pay attention to much of what they say. She lets much of their communication just go in one ear and out the other without her ever listening. However, when her mother mentions going shopping to get some new clothes and good novels for Deena to take back to school, Deena listens attentively. This is an example of ____, one form of nonlistening.

a. defensive listening b. pseudolisening c. ambushing d. selective listening * e. literal listening

This involves very careful listening

a. defensive listening b. selective listening c. literal listening d. ambushing * e. pseudolistening

When communicating with a person with a disability, all of the following are generally accepted guidelines EXCEPT:

a. do not lean on a persons wheelchair as this may be an invasion of personal space. b. dont use childish language with people who have no mental disability. c. provide assistance without asking* d. speak directly to the person. e. try to position yourself at eye level if a person uses a wheelchair or crutches.

People act as ____ when they communicate positively about us and reflect positive appraisals of our self-worth.

a. downers b. socials c. appraisers d. vultures e. Uppers *

According to Albert Ellis, debilitating feelings are often caused by:

a. emotional investments b. irrational beliefs* c. counterfeit emotional language d. concretely identifying emotions e. incoherent assumptions

During this stage, For couples who are married, spouses get used to the labels "wife" and "husband" and to the social and legal recognition of their union.

a. enlarging a family b. establishing a family * c. encouraging independence d. adapting to children e. launching children

For children, this is a very important phase in personal development. They are learning to be less dependent on their families, which is essential to becoming a healthy adult.

a. enlarging a family b. launching a children c. establishing a family d. adapting to children e. encouraging independence *

The three primary styles of love are.

a. eros, agape, and amor b. pragma, mania, and agape c. eros, storge, and ludos ** d. infatuation, lust, and expressive e. like, lust, and vibrance

During this stage, a couple settles into marriage or a cohabiting relationship and works out expectations, interaction patterns, and daily routines for their shared life.

a. establishing a family * b. adapting to children c. enlarging a family d. launching children e. encouraging independence

Matt wants to join a fraternity, but he thinks that no one will like him. He believes that if he joins a fraternity, he wont make any friends. Matt is suffering from which fallacy?

a. helplessness b. overgeneralization c. fear of catastrophic expectations * d. taking responsibility for others e. perfection

Janet says, "I didnt get a job offer because the interviewer was biased and it was a nasty day. However, Ellen didnt get an offer because she isnt qualified." This is an example of:

a. implicit personality theory b. internal attributions c. construct differentiation d. self-serving bias * e. scripting

As the faculty meeting stretches to three hours, Renee starts to experience listening fatigue, or ____, one listening obstacle.

a. imposing preconceptions b. disremembering c. reacting to emotionally loaded language d. not adapting to diverse listening styles e. lack of effort *

Interpersonal communication comes from the root words "inter" and "personal," meaning:

a. innermost self b.between persons * c. with persons d. coming from the person e. about persons

The ____ view of emotions is also called appraisal theory.

a. interactive b. perceptual * c. virtual d. cognitive labeling e. organismic view

These rules specify how to interpret different kinds of communication. We learn what counts as respect (paying attention), friendliness (smiles or smiley emoticons in online communication), affection (kisses, hugs), and professionalism (punctuality, competence).

a. intuitive b. constitutive * c. comparative d. regulative e. constructive

The three secondary styles of love are.

a. like, lust, and vibrance b. eros, agape, and amor c. eros, storge, and ludos d. infatuation, lust, and expressive e. pragma, mania, and agape **

____ models of communication highlight the dynamic nature of interpersonal communication

a. linear b. transactional * c. interactive d. relational e. meta communicative

This is the most intuitive and spontaneous of all love styles, and it is also the fastest moving.

a. ludus b. eros * c. agape d. pragma e. storge

This love tends to develop gradually and to be peaceful and stable.

a. ludus b. storge * c. agape d. eros e. pragma

____ language is more descriptive than you language.

a. me b. they c. we d. I * e. you

An example of this phase is: One person in an Internet newsgroup invites another member of the group to engage in individual exchange of ideas.

a. moving toward friendship b. role limited interaction c. friendly relations * d. stabilized friendship e. nascent friendship

Friendships generally begin with:

a. nascent friendship b. friendly relations c. stabilized friendship d. moving toward friendship e. role-limited interaction *

An example of this phase is: A businessperson may joke or engage in small talk to see whether an associate wants to move beyond the acquaintance level of relating.

a. nascent friendship b. friendly relations * c. role-limited interaction d. moving toward friendship e. stabilized friendship

According to research reports discussed in the textbook, the greatest influences on interpersonal attraction include:

a. nonverbal cues b. trust c. proximity * d. love style e. passion

All of the following are panes of Johari Window EXCEPT:

a. open b. Known * c. unknown d. hidden e. Blind

In Marias office, she has many different religious items and paintings. These personal items are examples of ____.

a. paralanguage b. haptics c. proxemics d. kinesics e. artifacts *

This is communication that is vocal but does not use words.

a. paralanguage * b. silence c. artifacts d. proxemics e. chronemics

This relationship is similar to the vital marriage except that partners are not so continuously together. Each has separate interests and sources of satisfaction, yet they look forward to being with each other and schedule their lives to maximize time together.

a. passive-cogenial marriage b. constructive marriage c. vital marriage d. conflict-habituated marriage e. total marriage *

Maya Angelou has expressed the idea that:

a. people from around the world are more dissimilar than they are alike. b. individuals must learn how to be different together ** c. the world is more monocultural than multicultural. d. communication is reversible. e. globalization has had a negative effect on individual cultures.

Maggie has always dreamed of her perfect romantic soul mate. She believes that her ideal soul mate will be tall, dark, handsome, smart, and rich. Maggies ideal soul mate is an example of

a. perception b. schemata c. script d. prototype * e. personal construct

Typical effects of this fallacy include: thinking you are responsible for others feelings and guilt for how others feel.

a. perfection b. helplessness c. fear of catastrophic expectations d. taking responsibility for others * e. overgeneralization

This defines the clearest or most representative examples of some category

a. personal construct b. attribution c. prototype * d. script e. stereotype

Miguel tries to concentrate during a class lecture, but he cant get his mind off a personal problem. His preoccupation with his personal problem is an example of ____ noise

a. physical b. psychological * c. behavioral d. semantic e. syntactic

The opposite or unproductive communication of useful metacommunication is:

a. poor listening b. cross- complaining c. kitchen-sinking d. validation of each other e. excessive meta communication *

As soon as the news program begins an interview with the president, Dolores quits paying attention and she mumbles to herself, "I already know everything he has to say and I dont want to hear it again." Doloress ability to listen is being hindered by:

a. preoccupation b. noise c. message overload d. prejudgment * e. message complexity

The counterpoint to strategy is ____.

a. problem orientation b. spontaneity * c. provisionalism d. equality e. description

People socialized in masculine speech communities tend to achieve closeness in interpersonal relationships primarily through:

a. providing practical assistance b. sharing activities * c. nonverbal communication d. confiding secrets e. dialogue

This communicates openness to other points of view. We suggest that our minds arent sealed.

a. provisionalism * b. problem orientation c. spontaneity d. equality e. description

After the first few married years, most couples experience a dip in marital satisfaction:

a. regardless of whether or not they have children * b. when their occupation takes most of the time c. when they stop communicating d. when they have children e. when a spouse gets lazy in the relationship

____ models of communication view communication as flowing only in one direction, from sender to receiver.

a. relational b. metacommunicative c. ineractive d. linear* e. transactional

In this third stage, we start moving beyond social roles.

a. role-limited interaction b. moving toward friendship * c. friendly relations d. stabilized friendship e. nascent friendship

Charlene is always late, because she is so lazy. This is an example of:

a. script b. Attribution * c. personal construct d. prototype e. stereotype

Co-workers might be very closed about all topics. This is an example of ____ when negotiating with dialectical tensions.

a. selection * b. separation c. aggression d. neutralization e. reciprocal

As soon as Laura finishes speaking about a dress she bought, Matt listens long enough to see how much she spent and attacks her for spending money. Laura feels like she was assaulted. Matt has engaged in:

a. selective listening b. literal listening c. defensive listening d. pseudolistening e. ambushing *

Fun would be placed in which of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs?

a. self-esteem b. safety and protection needs c. belonging needs * d. physical needs e. self-actualization

A key foundation for improving your self-concept is:

a. setting difficult goals to attain b. keeping ideas about change vague and abstract c. recognizing that the self is easy to transform d. accepting the self as in process * e. knowing that you're the best you can be

____ states that people apply economic principles to evaluate their relationships.

a. social penetration theory b. relationship repair theory c. selective perception theory d. social exchange theory * e. equity theory

This communication confirms the worth of others and our concern for them. An examples is "I can understand why you feel that way."

a. spontaneity b. problem orientation c. provisionalism d. description e. empathic *

Ngoc and Nikole have been friends for many years and share a high level of trust. Their friendship is best described as being in the ____ stage.

a. stabilized friendship * b. nascent friendship c. friendly relations d. role limited interaction e. moving toward friendship

After performing a comprehensive job search, job seekers put together a resume, write a cover letter, and then go on job interviews. This statement best exemplifies:

a. stereotypes b. scripts* c. attributions d. personal constructs e. prototypes

Morgan wants to throw a party, but thinks that no one will come to the party. He thinks if he throws a party it will be a disaster. Morgan is suffering from which fallacy?

a. taking responsibility for others b. perfection c. helplessness d. overgeneralization e. fear of catastrophic expectations*

Mandy believes that there is nothing she can do to change how she feels. She is depressed. Mandy is suffering from which fallacy?

a. taking responsibility for others b. perfection c. helplessness * d. overgeneralization e. fear of catastrophic expectations

Laura perceives one failure as typical of herself. She didnt make the cheerleading squad. Thus, she believes that she will never make a squad in the future. This is an example of this fallacy

a. taking responsibility for others b. perfection c. overgeneralization * d. fear of catastrophic expectations e. helplessness

To take responsibility for your own feelings, rely on ____ language.

a. they b. I* c. you d. me e. we

Stanton is giving a speech for the first time. He thinks he is doing well, but his audience can tell that he is very insecure and nervous. This example can be categorized into which part of the Johari window.

a. unknown area b. Blind area * c. deceptive area d. open area e. hidden area

The opposite or unproductive communication of frequent interruptions is:

a. validation of each other b. cross-complaining c. excessive meta communication d. kitchen-sinking e. infrequent interruptions *

____ language tends to be accusatory and abstract.

a. we b. me c. they d. you e. I *

____ language is more honest.

a. you b. they c. me d. we e. I*

All of the following are influences on perception except:

cognitive complexity

Being mindful happens naturally when listening to others. T/F


Being mindful is a talent that some people are better at than others. T/F


Expressing feelings is always advisable. t/f


Men dont disclose personal feelings or vulnerabilities to their friends. T/F


The first cognitive schema we use to organize perceptions is the script. T/F


A personal construct is a "mental yardstick" we use to measure a person or situation along a bipolar dimension of judgment. T/F


A study by Victoria DeFrancisco (1991) revealed a clear pattern between spouses, in which husbands interrupted wives and were unresponsive to topics wives initiated. Both husbands and wives were unaware of the rules, but their communication nonetheless sustained the pattern. T/F


Although words dont mean exactly the same thing to everyone, within a culture many symbols have an agreed-upon range of meanings. T/F


Defensive listening, which is perceiving personal attacks, criticism, or hostility in communication that is not critical or mean-spirited. T/F


Historian Barbara Rosenwein (1998) calls the groups we identify with "emotional communities" because they teach us how to understand and express emotions. T/F


Humans generally do not focus on higher (more abstract) needs until more basic needs are first met. T/F


Men generally talk more about personal feelings, especially their shortcoming or self-doubts. T/F


Most friendships face the challenge of distance, and many dont survive it. T/F


People who manage conflict unproductively often become embroiled in metacommunication and cant get back to the issues. T/F


Researchers who have studied parents interactions with children conclude that fathers and mothers typically contribute in unique and valuable ways to their childrens development and self-esteem. T/F


Scripts are useful in guiding us through many of our interactions. However, they are not always accurate or constructive, so we shouldnt accept them uncritically. T/F


Sex and gender also affect the endurance of long-distance friendships. T/F


Smiling generally is understood to express friendliness, and scowling normally is perceived as indicating displeasure of some type. T/F


Speech communities are not necessarily defined by geographic locations and boundaries. T/F


The Chinese character for crisis links danger and opportunity. t/f


The communication that makes up the unproductive conflict reflects and promotes egocentrism and dogmatism. t/f


The only guidelines in listening for pleasure are to be mindful and control distractions. T/F


The typical effects of suffering from the fallacy of helplessness are resignation and depression. T/F


We follow communication rules even when we are not consciously aware of them. T/F


Western women wear slacks or jeans, shirts, dresses, and suits, whereas women in India may wear saris. T/F


When we perceive ourselves as investing more than our partner, we tend to be dissatisfied and resentful. When we perceive our partner as investing more than we are, we may feel guilty. Thus, perceived inequity erodes satisfaction and communication. T/F


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