Intrapartum- Labor and Delivery

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fern test

Appearance of a fernlike pattern found on microscopic examination of certain fluids such as amniotic fluid


Artificial Rupture Of Membranes


Bag Of Water


Biologically active lipids which produce many effects in the body, including smooth muscle contractions, inflammation, and pain.


Branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy and childbirth


Causes of Meningitis in newborns (0-6 mos)

gestational age

The estimated age of the fetus is calculated from the first of the last (normal) menstrual cycle and is expressed in weeks. Ex. 22w 4d?


The location of the presenting part of the fetus in the birth canal (engagement)

When is it time to go to the hospital?

Typically when ctx. are 5 mins apart and membranes rupture

Premonitory Signs of Labor "Prelabor Signs"

- Braxton Hicks warm-up ctx - Lightening/ engagement- fetus dropping into pelvis- increases urinary frequency -loss of mucous plug -increased vaginal secretions -bloody show/bloody spotting -weight loss 1-3 lbs -backache -diarrhea -bust of energy ''nesting instinct'' -cervical changes- softening, thinning, dilation -spontaneous rupture of membranes- leak or gush -quiet baby- baby slows down but does not stop moving

characteristics of the second stage of labor

- the pushing stage - cervix- fully dilated at 10 cms -ctx, 60-90 secs, every 3-5 mins -duration of phase- 20mins to 2 hrs (dependent on if mother has had previous births) -pushing with contractions

Fetal Assessment During Labor

-Amniotic Fluid Analysis -FHR monitoring -FHR patterns *Baseline, Baseline Variability, Periodic changes

Physical Assessment

-Body systems *vitals, heart and lung sounds, height and weight -Fundal Height -Uterine activity -Status of membranes -COAT -Dilation and effacement (Vaginal Exam) -Fetal assess: FHR, position, station -Pain level -Psychological status -Birth plan

Amniotic Fluid Analysis


characteristics of true labor contactions

-Ctx. continue even when change in position -starts in the back and radiates around the front of the abdomen -regular, become closer together, usually 4-6 mins apart lasting 30-60 secs -become stronger with time, vaginal pressure is usually felt

stage 1 phone assessment

-EDB -fetal movement, frequency in past few days -other premonitory signs of labor -gravida/para status and previous childbirth experiences -time frame in previous labors - characteristics of contractions - bloody show and membrane status -presence of supportive adult in household or if she is alone (kids?)

Admission assessment- hospital

-Maternal health history *EDD *medical and obstetrical history (including GTPAL) -Lab studies *Urinalysis *CBC *Bloodtype/Rh factor, cross match (transfusion) *Prenatal lab tests: HbsAg (Hep. B surface antigen), GBS, HIV, STI's, and possible drug screening if not included in prenatal history

Nursing management of the laboring woman

-assessment -comfort measures -emotional support -information and instruction -patient advocacy -support for the partner

WARNING SIGNS in pregnancy

-bright red bleeding- more than bloody show -temperature >100 F or 37.7 C -pain with urination -sudden puffiness around eyes/face -severe dramatic swelling of face, hands, legs, ankles, feet -weight gain >5lbs (possible preeclampsia) -major changes in baby movement - sudden severe pain

the first stage of labor includes...

-cervix thins and opens - 0-100% effacement - 0-10cm dilated

active phase

-dilation 4-7 cms -ctx. 40-60 secs, every 3-5 mins -duration of phase- 3-5 hrs -ctx. more uncomfortable, stronger, longer, more frequent, unable to walk or talk during ctx. accepts support from staff/support person, more seious -ctx. 50-7- iupc

early/latent phase

-effacement -dilation 0-3 cms -ctx. 30-45 secs long, every 5-30 mins - duration of stage- 6-12 hrs -shorter if woman has had previous pregnancies -ctx.- irregular, mild, menstrual like cramps, able to walk and talk during ctx., excited, talkative, anxious -ctx.- 3-30 mmHg (IUPC)

Signs of separation of the placenta

-lengthening of umbilical cord outside the vagina -gush of blood -uterus changes from oval (discoid) shape to globular -mother describes "full" feeling in vagina -continued firm uterine contractions -placental expulsion -massaging of uterus- should feel firm not boggy -OXYTOCIN- may be used to aid contraction of uterus, iv or im

Immediately after birth...

-nurse will dry nb, assess, and assign apgar score -place nb on mom's chest- skin to skin contact -breast feeding may be initiated

what are the factors that influence the onset of labor?

-uterine stretch -hormones: progesterone/ estrogen -aging placenta -increased oxytocin sensitivity -increased release of prostaglandins

1 gm of weight = __ ml of blood?

1 gm = 1 ml of blood

how many para is a multifetal pregnancy?

1 para with explanation

fourth stage of labor

1 to 4 hours following delivery

nursing assessment throughout the stages of labor

1- 1st stage of labor phone assessment 2- admission assessment-hospital 3- physical assessment 4- fetal assessment during labor 5- 2nd stage assessment 6- 3rd stage assessment 7- 4th stage assessment

pregnancy lasts approximately how many lunar months?

10 lunar months

Normal Newborn Heart Rate

110 - 160 bpm

Normal FHR

110-160 bpm

what is the duration of the "second trimester"?

14 weeks through 26 weeks

what is the duration of the "third trimester"?

27 weeks through 40 weeks

pregnancy lasts approximately how many days?

280 days

how many phases are in the first stage of labor?

3 phases 1- early latent phase 2- active phase 3- transition phase

pregnancy lasts approximately how many weeks?

40 wks

pregnancy lasts approximately how many calendar months?

9 calendar months

Apgar score



A serious condition of pregnancy in which the blood pressure rises to 140/90 mm Hg or higher accompanied by proteinuria, the presence of protein in the urine


A woman who has given birth to her first child (past the point of viability), whether or not that child is living or was alive at birth.

Premature Rupture of Membranes (PROM)

Condition occurring when the amniotic sac breaks open before contractions begin, woman beyond 37 wks but before labor has begun


Descent of the widest diameter of the fetal presenting part to at least a zero station(the level of the ischial spines in the maternal pelvis)

EBL stands for

Estimated Blood Loss


Estimated Date of Confinement

T/F: there are known true causes of labor

False: we do not know the true causes of labor, only factors that can influence the onset of labor


Rupture of Membranes


Spontaneous Rupture of Membranes

T/F: a full bladder can prevent the uterus from involuting


T/F: contractions occur during placental separation

TRUE: ctx. occur but they are not as strong


This is a small uterine catheter, inserted thru the cervix into uterus, past the presenting part, used to measure the strength of contractions. example of internal fetal monitoring

T/F: a woman's body naturally knows how to give birth

True- a woman's body releases hormones necessary to open the passageway to bring a baby into the world


Vaginal Exam

should laboring woman eat/drink during the early/latent phase of pregnancy?

YES, eat light snacks before 5 cm dilated, drink fluids but frequently empty the bladder

at how many cm's dilated do you begin to push to birth the baby?

a full 10 cm dilated

what is GTPAL?

a method commonly used for recording a woman's pregnancy history. it indicates the number or pregnancies as well as the outcome of the pregnancies.

palm sized bleeding


what does the A in GTPAL stand for?

abortions- either elective (ETP) or spontaneous loss (miscarriage)

characteristics of amniotic fluid

clear or straw colored and odorless

as the onset of labor occurs, what pattern do contractions start to form?

contractions become stronger, longer and closer together

Braxton hicks contractions

contractions not strong enough or frequent enough to open cervix significantly as true labor contractions do -sporadic -< 30 seconds -Ctx. may go away with change in activity -irregular -usually felt in the front abdomen -dehydration and full bladder increase incidence

intensity of uterine contractions

degree of pressure, baseline is 8-12mmHg, peak ranges 35-75mmHg

third stage of labor

delivering the placenta -birth of infant to placental separation 5-20 mins after birth

the third stage of labor includes...

delivery of the placenta

transition phase

effacement- 100% dilation- 8-10 cms ctx.- 60-90 secs, every 1-3 mins duration of phase- 30 mins to 2 hrs ctx.- strong, pt irritable, agitated, self absorbed, dependent, ''I cant do it'', most challenging and intense but shortest phase ctx. 70-90 mmHg (IUPC)

regularity of uterine contractions

established pattern that increases in frequency and duration

EDB stands for..

estimated date of birth

EDD stands for..

estimated date of delivery

what is Nagele's Rule?

first day of last normal menstrual period subtract 3 months and add 7 days= due date in most cases add 1 year


first stool of the newborn, greenish color, tarry stool that is extremely difficult to clean - could be a sign of fetal distress

Timing uterine contractions: Frequency

from the beginning of one ctx. to the beginning of the next ctx.

Timing uterine contractions: Duration

from the beginning of one ctx. to the end of that same ctx.

what is the duration of the "first trimester"?

from the first day of the last menstrual period through 13 weeks

why is it important to ask pt gestational age?

gestational age will determine your treatment

what does the G in GTPAL stand for?

gravida- the number of times pregnant including the present pregnancy


hepatitis B surface antigen

major signs of shock

hypotension, tachycardia, cool, clammy, pale skin

how is length of pregnancy computed?

length of pregnancy is computed from the first day of the last normal menstrual period (lnmp)

quarter sized bleeding

normal, ok!

define para

number of deliveries at 20 weeks or greater whether the newborn is born or alive

what does the L in GTPAL stand for?

number of living children- if child had died further explanation is needed for clarification

define gravida

number of times pregnant including the present pregnancy regardless of the outcome

Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes

occurs in woman less than 37 wks

how long does labor typically last?

on average about 6-24 hrs

How long does it take for a woman in the fourth stage of labor to hemorrhage to death?

only 8-12 mins, this is why nursing care in the fourth stage of labor is so critical

nitrazine paper

paper-dye impregnated test paper for determining pH; differentiates amniotic fluid which is slightly alkaline from urine & other fluids amniotic fluid will turn paper blue

Braxton hicks contractions are also referred to as..

pre labor contractions, warm up contractions, or false labor contractions

what does the P in GTPAL stand for?

preterm deliveries- number of preterm deliveries, 20 wks to less than 37 weeks

the second stage of labor includes...

pushing to birth the baby

C.O.A.T. (ROM)

report ROM to MD or Midwife: C- color O- odor A- amount T- time

rupture of membranes (ROM) refers to

rupture of amniotic fluid, also called "water broke"

what does the T in GTPAL stand for?

term pregnancies- number of full term deliveries (37-40 wks)

the fourth stage of labor includes...

the 1-4 hours after birth

which stage of labor is the longest?

the first stage

in which stage of labor is nursing care most critical?

the fourth stage of labor, post partem hemorrhage is most likely to occur and mom needs to be monitored very closely


the process of reduction of the uterus to its normal non-pregnant size and state following childbirth


the shortening, softening, and thinning of the cervix. thinning (from thick to thin)

why does the uterus need to contract down in the fourth stage of labor?

to prevent hemorrhage

how would you instruct a woman who is having Braxton Hicks contractions?

woman should empty bladder, lie down, drink plenty of fluids

you may be in preterm labor and should call the HCP immediately if..

you are <37 weeks pregnant and are experiencing 4 or more contractions in 1 hr

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