Intro to Animal Physiology Study Questions

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Which of these animals does NOT use cutaneous respiration? -Plethadontid salamander -All do to some degree -Titicaca frog -Hellbender salamander -Bullfrog tadpole

All do to some degree

Which section of the mammalian nephron does NOT actively transport NaCl? -descending arm of the loop of Henle -Proximale tubule -collecting duct -distal tubule -ascending arm of the loop of Henle

Descending arm of the loop Henle

Which of the following decreases linearly with increasing body mass on a Log scale? -mass-specific MR -whole animal MR -Log (mass specific MR) -Log (whole animal MR)

Log (mass specific MR)

Which of the following is a trick that kangaroo rats use to live in the desert? -none of the above -tolerate dehydration -store lots of water -allow their body temperature to change -eat moist food -sweat to keep cool

None of the above

What animal should have a longer loop of Henle? -river otter -sea otter -both the same

Sea otter

What is the best predictor of an animal's physiology? -Size -Homeostasis -Genotype -Phenotype -Phenotype


During exercise, if body temperature increases at a greater rate than brain temperature increases, the animal probably has -an extra-ocular muscle -a carotid rete mirabile -ear 'coolers' -a tongue for panting -brown adipose tissue

a carotid rete mirabile

Frogs fill their lungs using -counter-current flow -cross-current flow -unidirectional air flow -a suction pump -diffusion -a pressure pump

a pressure pump

The preferred body temperature of an endotherm is .... its thermal neutral zone -above -in the middle of -below


Seasonal changes in cold tolerance in a wild bird is an example of -acclimatization -acclimation


Getting rid of CO2 is -largely through the action of carbonic anhydrase -through spiracles in aquatic vertebrates -mostly through the gas dissolved in the plasma -accomplished through the skin in most aquatic organisms

accomplished through the skin in most aquatic organisms

Hormonal effects that occur as adults and mediate a temporary behavior or activity are known as -organization effects -activational effects

activational effects

Which of the following statements about the actions of chloride cells is TRUE? -active transport of Na+ out of the gills into the water -works by diffusion and this requires energy -chloride ions build up in cells and diffuse out of animals -active transport of Cl- out of the cell

active transport of Cl- out of the cell

A teleost fish in fresh water -actively drinks water -uses chloride cells to uptake sodium -actively excretes water -actively uptakes ions

actively uptakes ions

When burning 10mL of O2, an animal can get the most energy from which of the following? -all about the same -proteins -carbohydrates -fats

all about the same

When burning 10ml of O2, an animal can get the most energy from which of the following? -carbohydrates -fats -protein -all about the same

all about the same

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of muscle tissue? -ability to stretch -ability to resume resting length -all are characteristics -ability to shorten -ability to respond to stimulation

all are characteristics

What is important for physiological studies? -all are important -blind experimentation -randomization -replication -proper controls

all are important

Which of the following is NOT true about respiratory alkalosis? -causes a left shift in the hemoglobin-O2 binding curve -organic phosphates counteract the effect -results from an increase in blood pH -all are true

all are true

Which of the following is NOT true of the chloride shift? -occurs at the systemic tissues -occurs at the respiratory surface -all are true -maintains charge balance in erythrocytes

all are true

Which of the following does NOT contribute to the total heat of a mammal? -He=evaporation -Hv=metabolic heat -all contribute -Hr=radiation -Hc= conduction and convection -Hs=stored

all contribute

Which of the following does NOT have ANY form of a skeleton? -crab -octopus -human -beetle -all have some form of skeleton

all have some form of skeleton

Which of the following does NOT affect an animal's cold tolerance? -evolutionary history -age -all of the above affect an animal's cold tolerance -recent history -length of exposure

all of the above affect an animal's cold tolerance

Which of the following is not an example of regional heterothermy/endothermy? -all of the above are examples -ducks letting their feed get cold in cold water -billfish using an extra-ocular muscle to keep their brains and eyes warm -reindeer letting their noses get colder than their core -none of the above are examples -tuna keeping their swim muscles warmer than the water they swim in

all of the above are examples

Which of the following is NOT a physiological correlate of higher mass-specific metabolic rates in smaller animals? -higher heart rates -higher capillary density -all of the above are true -right shifted Hb saturation curve -greater mitochondrial density, SA, enzyme activities -A strong Bohr shift -higher respiratory rates

all of the above are true

Which of the following is true of conformity to the environment? -energetically cheap -requires complicated negative feedback systems -Allows function independent of outside conditions -All are true

allows function independent of outside conditions

Which of the following is NOT a structure used for gas exchange by some fish... -gills -intestines -lungs -alveoli


If an animal lives in an aquatic environment, what form of nitrogenous waste is it likely to produce? -urea -ammonia -uric acid


"System dynamic reaction" refers to: -moving food through the gut during digestion -regurgitation associated with ruminant digestion -losing muscle mass during hibernation -an increase in metabolic rate when waking from hibernation -an increase in metabolic rate when digesting a meal

an increase in metabolic rate when digesting a meal

Large volume and low pressure are characteristics of -a closed circulatory system -an open circulatory system

an open circulatory system

Which of the following is not considered a reproductive hormone? -aromatase -testosterone -luteinizing hormone -estradiol -follicle stimulating hormone


When a doctor checks your heart rate they are feeling it in your -arteries -veins -capillaries


Organic phosphates in the blood... -increase the O2 carrying capacity of the blood -have the opposite effect of increasing temperature -assist off-loading of O2 at the tissues -cause increased ventilation rates -have the opposite effect as the Bohr shift

assist off-loading of O2 at the tissues

Which of the following animals has a four chambered heart? -bird -fish -reptile -octopus -amphibian


For ventilation, which of the following groups lowers the sternum to generate low pressure in the chest cavity? -birds -mammals -lizards -frogs -crocodiles


Which is more important for an animal's physiology? -Both are important -biotic factors -abiotic factors

both biotic and abiotic factors

In a low oxygen situation, to which of these organs should you maintain normal blood flow? -kidneys -arteries -lungs -liver -muscles -brain -pancreas


Within rodents there are great differences in body size and metabolic rate. If you were comparing a capybara (50kg) with a vole (100g) what would you predict about the Hb saturation curves and magnitude of their Bohr shifts? -capybara has a higher P50 and smaller Bohr shift -capybara has a lower P50 and smaller Bohr shift -capybara has a higher P50 and a greater Bohr shift -capybara has a lower P50 and a greater Bohr shift

capybara has a lower P50 and a smaller Bohr shift

Which of the following muscle types is striated and uni-nucleated? -skeletal -smooth -cardiac


If an animals brain heats up slower than the body core as it runs from a predator, it probably has a -carotid rete mirabile -concurrent heat exchanger -higher heat conductivity -aquatic lifestyle

carotid rete mirabile

Carbonic anhydrase is important because it -catalyzes the binding of CO2 to hemoglobin -is an enzyme that converts O2 to CO2 -causes the chloride shift to occur -catalyzes the conversion of CO2 to carbonic acid

catalyzes the conversion of CO2 to carbonic acid

If water leaves the gills with roughly the same PO2 as the blood does, then the gill is using -countercurrent flow -concurrent flow

concurrent flow

If water leaves the gills with a lower PO2 than the blood does, then the gill is using... -counter current flow -water pump ventilation -ram ventilation -concurrent flow

counter current flow

Which of the following animals can pump blood systemically from the right ventricle during dives? -crocodiles -frogs -whales -elephant seals -salamanders


Which of the following statements about temperature dependent sex determination is NOT true? -very sensitive to temperature differences -critical sensitive period during development -females can potentially manipulate sex ratio -lack heteromorphic sex chromosomes -described in amphibians

described in amphibians

Andean and Tibetan peoples have evolved solutions to the problem of low oxygen availability in -the same way -the same way as bar-headed geese -different ways -the same way as llamas

different ways

Which of the following is an advantage of panting over sweating? -conserves water -uses a large surface area -doesnt require salt -keeps the carotid cool

doesnt require salt

What would best describe an Antarctic fish? -ectotherm and homeotherm -endotherm and poikilotherm -ectotherm and poikilotherm -endotherm and homeotherm

ectotherm and poikilotherm

How would you describe a dehydrated camel? -ectotherm and poikilotherm -endotherm and homeotherm -endotherm and poikilotherm -ectotherm and homeotherm

endotherm and poikilotherm

_________ are necessary in the diet, because they aren't synthesized by the body, and are used to make proteins. -minerals -nonessential amino acids -vitamins -carbohydrates -essential amino acids -fats

essential amino acids

Which of the following is associated with a decrease in metabolic rate? -lactation -activity -digestion -reproduction -estivation


If an animal lives in brackish water it is probably -stenohaline -euryhaline


Endocrine glands have ducts through which the hormones are secreted. -true -false


Frogs stay hydrated by actively transporting both salt and water into their body -false -true


If an animal's respiratory quotient is 0.70, it is mostly burning -fats -carbohydrates -protein


If you are at a buffet and want to get the most energy per gram of food, what should you eat? -all the same -carbohydrates -proteins -fats


What should an animal eat to maximize the amount of energy it gets for each gram it eats? -fats -all about the same -carbohydrates -protein


Which of the following statements about the avian nephron is TRUE? -filtrate at the bottom of the descending arm of the loop of Henle is hypotonic -filtrate at the top of the ascending arm of the loop of Henle in hypotonic -filtrate is made hypotonic in the collecting duct -the initial filtrate is hypertonic -it cannot produce hypertonic urine

filtrate is made hypotonic in the collecting duct

Which of the following statements is true? -none of the above are true -shivering thermogenesis is only seen in mammals and birds -oryx let their body temperature decrease during the day -functional brown fat has been describe in adult humans -hibernation does not save energy because it costs a lot of energy to wake up

functional brown fat has been describe in adult humans

Animals NATIVE to high altitude have hemoglobin that has... -greater O2 binding affinity -low binding capacity -lower O2 binding affinity -no difference in O2 binding affinity -high levels of organic phosphates

greater O2 binding affinity

If one species has a hemoglobin O2 binding curve that is taller than another species, it has... -lower binding capacity for O2 -greater binding affinity for O2 -lower binding affinity for O2 -greater binding capacity for O2

greater binding capacity for O2

Which of the following is a direct measure of metabolism? -water production -O2 consumption -ATP production -CO2 production -heat


Which of the following is NOT an indirect measure of metabolism -heat produced -CO2 produced -food consumed -water produced -oxygen consumed

heat produced

Which of these respiratory pigments uses copper? -hemoglobin -hemerythrin -hemocyanin -chlorocruorin


A lower P50 means the hemoglobin binds O2 with -greater capacity -greater affinity -lower capacity -lower affinity

higher affinity

Large animals have ..... than small animals -higher heart rates -lower whole body MR -higher whole body MR -higher mass specific MR

higher whole body MR

If you want to off-load O2 more efficiently at the tissues you should -increase P50 -decrease P50

increase P50

What determines the phenotype of an animal? -interaction between genotype and the environment -genotype -environment

interaction between genotype and the environment

a majority of body water is in -blood plasma -interstitial fluid -hemoglobin -intracellular fluid

intracellular fluid

A marine animal that uses salt glands to get rid of excess salt must be an -osmoregulator -osmoconformer -ionregulator -ionoconformer


Concurrent blood flow through the gills is adaptive in many aquatic organisms because it... -helps rid the blood of CO2 -requires less blood -conserves O2 -is very efficient at extracting O2

is very efficient at extracting O2

Which of the following is NOT true about hemoglobin? -it acts as a buffer by binding hydrogen ions -it catalyzes carbonic anhydrase -it binds CO2 -it binds O2

it catalyzes carbonic anhydrase

What role do surfactants play in respiration? -facilitate diffusion of oxygen -decrease P50 -increase P50 -keep the alveoli from collapsing -assist subunit cooperatively

keep the alveoli from collapsing

For species in which females mate with multiple males we would predict male testes to be -large -small


Diving animals are characterized by -low blood volume -huge lungs -low hematocrit -large blood volume

large blood volume

Animals evolved to high elevation have a -higher P50 -lower P50

lower P50

Which of the following is NOT a chemical type of hormone? -modified amino acids -steroid -modified fatty acid -protein -modified vitamin

modified vitamin

Aquaporins -function in the malphigian tubules of insects to collect hemolymph -modulate membrane permeability to water in the ascending arm of the loop of henle -modulate membrane permeability to water in the collecting duct -function in ultrafiltration -modulate membrane permeability to water in the glomerulus

modulate membrane permeability to water in the collecting duct

The female reproductive tract develops from the -wolfian ducts -mullerian ducts

mullerian ducts

What is the most important regulator of physiological function? -negative feedback -double blind experimentation -conformity -phenotype

negative feedback

Can counter-current gas exchange occur with tidal ventilation? -yes -no


Is it possible for a marine animal to osmoregulate without ionoregulating? -yes -no


The Bohr shift (decreased pH) facilitates -off-loading CO2 in the lungs/gills -binding O2 in the lungs/gills -off-loading O2 in the tissues -binding CO2 in the tissues

off-loading O2 in the tissues

If I told you that scientists just discovered a new respiratory pigment and that it had a high molecular weight, you would expect to find it in... -erythrocytes -extracellular space -leukpcytes -plasma -lymph


Which of the following statements about Malpighian tubules is NOT true? -secrete uric acid -extend into the hemoceol -function through active secretion -flow into hindgut -preform ultrafiltrations -all are true

preform ultrafiltrations

What hormones maintains pregnancy? -estradiol -progesterone -luteinizing hormone -follicle stimulating hormone


Questions in animal physiology are generally -proximate/immediate 'how' questions -ultimate or 'why' questions

proximate/immediate or 'how' questions

What is the primary purpose of 'puddling' behavior in butterflies? -salt uptake -salt secretion -water uptake -water secretion

salt uptake

In fish gills, gas exchange specifically occurs in the -bucal cavity -gill filaments -secondary lamellae -gill arches -opercular cavity

secondary lamellae

Which of the following muscle types is striated and multinucleated? -cardiac -smooth -skeletal


Large cross-sectional area in blood vessels means -fast blood flow -slow blood flow

slow blood flow

Which of the following does NOT help return blood from the periphery to the heart? -skeletal muscle -spiracles -valves -all help -none help


Which of the following animals moves so much water that being only 10% efficient at O2 extraction is good enough? -clam -gold fish -tuna -pulmonate snail -squid


Arteries have -valves -strong layer of smooth muscle -all of the above -skeletal muscle to help move blood

strong layer of smooth muscle

Mammals fill their lungs using -pressure pump -suction pump -diffusion

suction pump

Why is swimming a very efficient means of transport? -support provided by water -resistance of the water -conductivity of the water

support provided by the water

What features makes humans uniquely good distance runners? -sweating -upright stance -large brain -eat protein


Which of the following is NOT true about birds -male ducks have a corkscrew penis -all birds lay eggs -female birds only have one ovary -the father 'determines' the sex of the offspring

the father 'determines' the sex of the offspring

What structure allows the production of hypertonic urine? -the loop of henle -aquaporins -bowman's capsule -collecting duct

the loop of henle

What structure permits the production of hypertonic urines? -Bowmans capsule -the proximal tubule -the distal tubule -the loop of henle

the loop of henle

P50 is -the percentage of hemoglobin binding sites occupied at an O2 partial pressure of 50 -the partial pressure of CO2 at which half the available hemoglobin binding sites are occupied -the partial pressure of O2 at which half the available hemoglobin binding sites are occupied -the partial pressure where have the hemoglobin is bound to O2 and half to CO2

the partial pressure of O2 at which half the available hemoglobin binding sites are occupied

Theoretically , what group of animal is more threatened by global warming? -thermal specialist -thermal generalist -both the same

thermal specialist

Which animals are probably more susceptible to global climate change? -no difference -thermal specialist -thermal generalist

thermal specialist

Which of the following hormones is important for metamorphosis in fishes? -estrogens -catechloamines -androgens -thyroid hormone -melatonin -insulin -glucagon

thyroid hormone

Which of the following hormones is important for metamorphosis in fishes? -insulin -thyroid hormone -glucagon -estrogens -catecholamines -androgens -melatonin

thyroid hormone

Why is it though that tuna fish have evolved endothermy? -to be able to live in extremely cold water -to swim far -to be able to see their prey -to swim fast

to be able to see their prey

Which of the following statements about a closed circulatory system is true? -total surface area is greatest at the capillaries so blood flow is the slowest -total surface area is lowest at the capillaries so blood flow is the slowest -total surface area is greatest at the capillaries so blood flow is the fastest -total surface area is lowest at the capillaries so blood flow is the fastest

total surface area is greatest at the capillaries so blood flow is the slowest

In terrestrial insects, where does gas exchange occur? -tracheoles -gills -spiracles -cuticle -air sacs -trachea -lungs


Carbamino compounds -buffer the hydrogen ions -occur at the respiratory surface -occur at the tissues -transport CO2 -are catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase

transport CO2

It was recently discovered that both crocodiles and iguanas use ____ that was previous thought to be exclusively used by birds amongst terrestrial vertebrates. -a true diaphragm to ventilate -cross-current gas exchange -unidirectional ventilation -venus circulation shunt

unidirectional ventilation

Sharks use what substance to make up the osmotic difference between their blood and seawater? -TMAO -hydrogen ions -urea -minerals


Which of the following is NOT part of an open circulatory system? -hemolymph -large hemocoel volume -low pressure -peristaltic pump -all are part of an open circulatory system -valves


What 'feels' colder when we touch it (if they are all at the same temperature) -ice -air -snow -water


When capillary osmotic pressure exceeds capillary hydrostatic pressure... -erythrocytes are filtered -erythrocytes are reabsorbed -proteins are filtered -water is reabsorbed -water is filtered -proteins are reabsorbed

water is reabsorbed

What problems are faced by a saltwater teleost fish? -water loss and salt gain -water gain and salt gain -salt loss and water loss -water gain and salt loss

water loss and salt gain

Why does 20oC water feels colder than 20oC air? -Water has lower thermal conductivity -water has higher thermal convection -water has lower thermal convection -water has greater thermal conductivity

what has greater thermal conductivity

Can a camel be considered a poikilotherm? -yes -no


Can a tuna fish be considered an endotherm? -yes -no


Can an animal be an ionoregulator and osmoconformer? -yes -no


Can mammals be poikilotherms? -yes -no


Does an octopus have a skeleton? -yes -no


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