Intro to Bus MGT1 Book Questions 11-

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Supreme court considers that sexual behavior which is ____ and would offend a reasonable person is considered to be hostile environment sexual harassment


job simulation

use of equipment that duplicates job conditions and tasks so that trainees can learn skills before attempting them on the job. used for astronauts, pilots and ship captains.

when firms try to make product appear less expensive than it really is by the price points they sell

psychological pricing

When a submission to unwelcome sexual advances is a condition of employment

quid pro quo sexual harassment

With low competition, firms can use a skimming price strategy

recovers research and development costs and makes as much profit as possible

fringe benefits that may provide incentives other than pay include

recreation facilities, country club memberships and/or company cars

Set of acitivities used ot obtain sufficieint nymber of right employees at right time is


If a supervisor offers an employee a pay raise in exchange for going out on a date

sexual harassment

THE NLRB is authorized to investigate and remedy

unfair labor practices

employment doctrine in the US known as "employment at will" meant that employers had as much freedom to fire an employee as the employee had to leave voluntarily. that situation has changed because workers today are

protected by whistleblower laws and anti-discrimination laws

skill-based pay

rewards growth of both individual and the team

If a union tried to initiate a boycott of a supermarket that carries Yummy Applesauce because they had a labor dispute with the canning company that produces Yummy products, it would be an illegal

secondary boycott

when a rack jobber retains title to the goods until they are sold and share profits with retailer, the jobber is

selling on consignment

cash-and-carry wholesalers

serve mostly smaller retailers with a limited assortment of products

Which type of utility provides fast, friendly assistance during and after a sale, as well as ofering training in product usage over time?


drop shippers

solicit orders from retailers and other wholesalers and have the merchandise shipped directly from a producer to a buyer

firms that distribute products nationally which are also known as manugacturers' brands

sony, xerox, dell

consumer products with unique characteristics and brand identity

specialty goods

when consumers look at all of benefits of product and subtract all costs related to its purchase

they are calculating value of the product

everything that consumers evaluate when deciding whether to buy something is referred to as the

total product offer

A brand that has exclusive legal protection for both its brand name and its design


apprentice program

trainee works alongside experienced employee to master the skills and procedures of a craft

Vestibule training

training done in classrooms where employees are taught on equipment similar to that used on the job

actions companies can take to reduce complaints of sexual harassment

training employees about what sexual harassment means

An employee organization whose main goal is representing its members in employee-management negotiation of job-related issues


Unions are at crossroads bc

union membership has dropped due to the loss of manufacturing jobs

open shop agreement

union membership is voluntary for new and existing emplyoees. those who dont join the union dont have to pay union dues. few union contracts are this type.

clause included in many union contracts that requires those benefitting from the union to pay dues

union secuirty clause

industrial unions

unskilled, semiskilled, and skilled workers in an industry, mass-production industries

Hay Pay system

uses a tiered system of pay ranges based on know-how, problem solving and accountability

when levels of production change so do


stock options

Right to purchase stock at a fixed price in the future. often gives employees right to buy stock cheaply despite huge increases in price of stock.

products to new markets is an ongoing process for marketers wishing to compete successfully


marketing intermediaries who never take title to the goods they handle are

agents, brokers

dealer brand

aka private label, distributor brand, house brand

most widely used drug in the workplace; accounts for 40% of injuries and fatalities in the workplace


since different stages of the product life cycle experience differing levels of sales and profits, marketers able to

alter marketing mix anticipate future market developments alter marketing strategies

the linking of a brand to other favorable images

brand association

How quickly or easily a given brand name comes to mind when a product category is mentioned refers to

brand awareness

value of brand name and associated symbols is referred to as

brand equity

products that do not carry the manufacturer's name, but carry distributor or retailer name are called

dealer brands or private-label brands

Tasks apart of a job analysis

discussing job with the manager AND observing current employees on the job. study of what employees do who hold various job titles.

which of the following are industrial goods

drill press computer servers

a wholesaler who would most likely arrange

drop shippers

well planned job application should ask for info about

educational background career objectives work experience

online training

employee completes classes via Internet

workplace violence is

greatest cause of women's death in the workplace. responsible for 19% of women's workplace deaths.

charge by employees that management is not abiding by terms of contract


when employees bring a charge that management is nto following provisions of the labor contract


overtime rules and job assignments are frequently sources of employee

grievances against management

benefit desired by most employees, but whose costs have risen dramatically is

health care

setting prices that are higher than everyday low price stores and then having special sales that lower the prices to below competitiors' prices

high-low pricing

according to supreme court, sexual behavior that is unwelcome and offensive to a reasonable person is considered

hostile environment sexual harassment

repeatedly telling dirty jokes at work, after another worker asks you to stop is

hostile environment sexual harassment

yellow-dog contract

illegal agreement employers made their workers sign this contract saying that they wouldn't join labor unions

between 1990 and 2030, number of people who are over 65 is expected to


products sold in the business to business (B2B) market

industrial goods

When a court issues an order to do or not do a specific activity


Older worker benefit protection act of 1990

protects older workers from discrimination and signing away pension benefits


-auto workers, mine workers -John Lewis of United Mineworkers Union

among the benefits won by organized labor are

-child labor and safety laws -minimum wage laws -workers compensation for disability

Effects of prolonged strike often include

-continued open hostility between labor and management -mutual complaints of violations of the contract

employees and public are frustrated by high levels of executive compensation because

-executives use company money for luxury "perks" -difference btwn pay of executives and that of average worker is too large -top level executives often rewarded whether or not company is successful

unions negotiate to include a union security clause in contracts because

-it provides funds to support union activities such as negotiations and grievances -encourages workers to join unions as members -all workers represented by the union receive the same benefits as paying union members

In the future, unions will be different than when most members were in heavy manufacturing because

-labor and management must work together to be competitive -workforce will be more diverse -workers are in the service industries

companies often outsource admin of fringe benefit plans because

-laws in other countries require specific knowledge of benefits there -plans are more complex and have more choices -it costs less

Labor unions today are at a crossroads because

-many union members were in the heavy manufacturing -jobs have shifted from manufacturing to service sector -workers are more educated

during the 1930s, labor unions won right to

-organize and join unions in interstate commerce industries -minimum wage for workers

set process for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers, according to American Marketing Association


right to form a labor union did not exist until

Wagner Act and National Labor Relations act in early 1930s

probationary period

a period of time at the beginning of a police officer's career during which she or he may be fired without cause -let new employee prove value -make it easier to terminate employee who isn't performing well -reduce probability of legal action by employee

union shop agreement

majority of labor agreements are of this type. employer can hire anyone, but as a condiiton of employment, employees hired must join the union to keep this jobs

unsought goods and services

car towing burial services

when a firm serves mostly smaller businesses who came in to the pick up a few items, pay for them, and take them, they are likely

cash-and-carry wholesalers

Both men and women are protected from sexual harassment by

civil rights act of 1991

product line

coke, diet coke, vanilla coke, coke with lemon

process through which representatives of labor and management negotiate a contract

collective bargaining

promoting product to distributors and retailers to get wide distribution


idea that people in jobs requiring similar level of education, training, skills should receive equal pay

comparable worth or pay equity

setting price at, above or below competitiors based on what they are doing is pricing strategy

competition-based pricing

get a feel for profitability of new product ideas

concept testing

type of consumer/products

convenience (milk), shopping (wash machine), specialty (orthodontist), unsought (burial service)

companies are outsourcing the administration of benefit programs because the _____ of these programs has accelerated

costs and complexity

Workers use picketing in a labor dispute to

create attention and sympathy for their cause

flextime plan

gives employees some freedom to choose whcih hours to work, as long as they work required number of hours of complete assigned tasks. allows employees to adjust to work-life demands. two-parent income families find them especially helpful. boosts productivity and morale.

agency shop agreement

employers may hire anyone. employees need not joiin the union, but are required to pay a union fee. small percentage of labor agreements are this type.

bonus plans

extra pay for accomplishing or surpassing certain objectives. there are two types of bonuses: monetary and cashless. money is always welcome. cashless includes written thank yous, appreciation notes sent to families, movie tickets, flowers, time off, gift certificates, shop sprees and other types of recognition

Salary pay system

fixed compensation computed on weekly, biweekly or monthly pay periods. salaried employees do not receive additional pay for any work

regardless of number of products made,

fixed costs are those expenses that remain the same

Rack jobbers

furnish the racks or shelves that display merchandise in retail stores, perform all channel functions, and sell on consignment to retailers, which means they retain the title to the products displayed and bill retailers only for the merchandise sold; sharing profits with the retailer when goods are sold

Knights labor

gain political power establish 1st national labor union

which compensation systems listed are likely to be effective in building cohesive teams

gain sharing and skill based pay

Name for a whole product category


non-branded product that usually sells at sizable discount compared to other brands

generic goods

convenience goods such as candy and milk require. puts products into as many retail outlets as possible, including vending machines

intensive distribution strategy

Stages of production life cycle

introduction, growth, maturity, decline

negotiated labor management agreement that clarifies the terms and conditions under which management and a union will operate for a specified period

labor contract

variable costs in break-even analysis

labor used in making product & raw materials

public employees are legally unable to strike. in order to draw attention to an impasse in negotiations

large numbers may call in sick at the same time

employees moving over to a new job or position rather than higher level with more pay are experiencing a ________ transfer in their job


Job sharing

lets two or more part-time employees share one full-time job -employmenet opportunities for those who cannot or prefer not to work full time -enthusiastic and productive workforce -reduced absenteeism and tardiness -ability to schedule part time workers into peak demand periods -retention of experienced employees who might otherwise have retired Xneed to hire, train, motivate and supervise at least twice as many people and prorate some fringe benefits

When a management use a ____ during a labor dispute, workers are not able to work and so do not receive pay


accelerating cost of administering benefits programs has led to

many organizations outsourcing that function

important to plan and prepare all interviewers for interview because

missteps and illegal questions can lead to lawsuits based on anti-discrimination laws

craft union

organization of skilled specialists in a particular craft or trade

the activity that initiates new employees into the organization, it's policies and procedures, and its objectives

orientation training

commission plans

pay based on some percentage of sales. often used to compensate salespeople, commission plans resemble piecework systems

low intitial entry price, often lower than eventual market price, to attract many customers and discourage competition

penetration strategy

core time

period when all employees expected to be at job stations

one firm sets pricing for all competitors in industry

price leadership

When organized labor encourages both its members and the general public not to buy the goods or services of a firm in a labor dispute, it is:

primary boycott


process of establishing and maintaining contacts in and outside the organization


process of gathering info and deciding who should be hired, under legal guidelines, to serve the best interests of individual and organization. 1)Obtaining complete application forms 2) Conducting initial and follow-up interviews 3) Giving employment tests 4) Conducting background investigations 5) Obtaining results from physical exams 6) Establishing trial periods

exclusive distribution

producers are ensured of quality sales and service


product and package


product image and company reputation

theoretical model of what happens to sales and profits for a product class over time

product life cycle

companies rarely sell one product, but offer a _

product line

group of products that are physically similar or intended for similar market

product line

combination of product lines offered by manufacturer are called

product mix

When workers stop production by refusing to work, it is a union strategy aka


Workers hired to replace those on strike until a labor dispute is resolved


closed shop

taft-hartley act made this form of agreement illegal. employers could hire only current union members for a job

Lost training costs is a factor in

terminating employee

hourly wage or daywork

wage based on number of hours or days worked, used for most blue-collar and clerical workers. often employees much punch a time clock when they arrive at work and when they leave. hourly wages vary greatly. the federal minimum is $7.25, and top wages go as high as $40 per hour or more for skilled craftspeople. this does not include benefits such as retirement systems, which may add 30 percent or more to total package

piecework system

wage based on the number of items produced rather than by the hour or the day. this type of system creates powerful incentives to work efficiently and productively

the cost of benefits has grown faster than ___ recently and cannot really be considered fringe anymore


law required employers to meet reasonable times and bargain good faith concerning issues such as wages hours conditions and established national labor relations board

wagner act

frequent source of employee grievances is

work assingmnets

Purpose of a strike is

-reduce or stop production during a labor dispute -create a loss of income for the company in a labor dispute -attract public attention to an impasse in a labor dispute

job description specifies

-responsibilities and duties of job -objectives -job relation to other fucntions

Criteria the supreme court recognizes for hostile environment sexual harassment include

-unwelcome sexual behavior -behavior offensive to a reasonable person

Performance appraisal

1) Establishing performance standards 2) Communicating those standards (employees must be told precisely the expectations) 3) Evaluating performance 4) Discussing results with employees 5) Taking corrective action 6) Use results to make decisions about promotions, compensation, training or firing, as well as a way to satisfying legal requirements

training and devleopment

1)Assess organization needs and employees skills for training gaps 2) design training activities to meet identified needs 3) evaluate training effectiveness

Human Resource

1)Preparing a human resource inventory of organization's employees 2) Preparing job analysis (job description--person-- & specifications--duties--) 3) Assessing future human resource demand 4) Assessing future labor supply 5) Establishing strategic plan

by 2040, number of americans over ___ is expected to increase to 80 million


profit-sharing plans

annual bonuses paid to employees based on the company's profits. amount paid to each employee is based on predetermined percentage. profit sharing is one of the most common forms of performance-based pay

bringing is an impartial third party to render a binding decision in a labor dispute


on-the-job training

at the workplace that lets the employee learn by doing or watching others for a while and then imitating them. easiest kind to implement when job is relatively simple and repetitive.

product mix

atm machine, online banking, safe deposit box, savings accounts

secondary boycott

attempt by labor to convince others to stop doing business with a firm that is the subject of a primary boycott; prohibited by the Taft-Harley Act


attempt by management to put pressure on unions by temporarily closing the business

example of shopping goods

automobiles, dishwashers

range of options each party will consider btwn initial and final offers made in a negotiation

bargaining zone

fringe benefits

benefits that include sick-leave pay, vacation pay, pension plans, and health plans that provide additional compensation to employees beyond base wages. (life insurance too). a fringe benefit that provides for income beyond retirement is a pension plan

gain-sharing systems

bonuses on improvements over previous performance. drawback is workers may improve just enough to meet specific target, but not much.

name, symbol, or design that identifies goods or services of one seller or group of sellers


when the consumer will not accept a substitute for particular product, the consumer has developed

brand insistence

when consumers are satisfied with a product, like the brand, and are committed to further purchases, a company has achieved a certain degree of

brand loyalty

primary function of agents and brokers

bring buyers and sellers together assist in negotiating any exchange

actions by one or more people that prevent another worker from doing their job


grouping two or more products together and pricing them as a unit


Contigent workers

include part time workers (less than 34 hours per week), temporary workers, seasonal workers, independent contractors, interns, co-op students and freelancers. Receive few benefits; rarely offered health insurance, vacation, or company pension. tend to earn less than permanent workers do. Many on temporary assignments eventually offered full-time. Increasing numbers are educated professionals such as accountants, attorneys and engineers. Advantage of hiring is that they receive fewer benefits and reduce costs.

labor organization of unskilled and semiskilled workers in mass production industries

industrial union

critics of organized labor today believe that unions are no longer needed because

inhuman conditions no longer exist and the legal system protects workers

a corporate manager who supervises, coaches, and guides selected lower-level employees by acting as their organizational sponsor is acting as a


which type wholesaler is an independently owned firm that takes title to the goods it handles?

merchant wholesalers

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