Intro to CJS- Final

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Fruits of the Poisonous Tree is defined as

-source of the evidence or the evidence itself is tainted, then anything gained from it is tainted as well -Any evidence gathered from just about any kind of police conduct that violates a defendant's constitutional rights

Which of the following are ways to prevent police corruption?

-strong recruitment and hiring -consistent communication of and enforcement of the Code of Ethics -Ethics training

Conflict Theory states which of th eofllowing

-those who maintain social power use it to further their own interests -criminal law and criminal justice systems are vehicles for controlling poor members of society -the system protects the upper class at the expense of the lower class

Which of the following describes Specialized Courts?

A court that focuses on one type of criminal act

The process of publicity pitting the prosecution and the defense against one another in pursuit of the truth

Adversarial Procedure

considered to be the Father of Law Enforcement in the US

August Vollmer

This source of stress is caused by single event (such as a shooting scenario) rather than continual low-grade stressors (such as departmental politics)

Burst Stress

Request to remove a potential juror due to bias, prior knowledge of the case, or reasons that demonstrate the person's inability to render a fair and impartial judgement

Challenge for Cause

oldest surviving law code written in Sumerian language that set forth its laws in an "if (crime) - then (punishment)" manner

Code of Ur-Namma

One law that applied consistently throughout the King's lands

Common Law

Acting on opportunities created by virtue of one's authority, for personal gain, at the expense of the public one is authorized to serve


State or federal courts that have jurisdiction over felony offenses and more serious civil cases

Courts of General Jurisdiction

Courts that have jurisdiction over misdemeanors and conduct preliminary investigations of felony charges

Courts of Limited Jurisdiction

Which of the following is NOT a specific focus of a detective?

Deter crime by being visible

The use of personal decision making and choice in the carrying out operation in the criminal justice system


An intervention into the court process prior to the conviction of the Defendant. Normally conditional on successful performance of a rehabilitative program


Appellate Court renders a decision that decision must be honored by all lower courts and is considered the law of the land.


Capital punishment is an example of a diversion program


Courts of Limited Jurisdiction is a court that focuses on one type of crime


Prosecutors do not have discretion in felony cases


The 5th Amendment of the Bill of Rights bars illegal "searches and seizures"


The Magna Carta is important because it established that no one is above the law, except the king


The first police department in the US was in NYC


The main source of procedural law is the body of the Declaration of Independence and the first ten amendments


police officers have zero discretion when enforcing the law


stress is a part of life and there are no known ways of combating it


The effect of exclusion from mainstream society as a result of being a police officer


The Criminal Justice System is traditionally structured with

LE (Police) The Courts The Correctional System

An ancient philosophy of justice, which means equal retaliation or "an eye for an eye"

Lex Talionis

Having a culpable state of mind (latin for evil mind). Concerned with whether or not the criminal act was committed on purpose

Mens rea

Non-judicial settlement of a case in which the defendant exchanges a guilty plea for some consideration, such as a reduced sentence

Plea Bargaining

The practice of police targeting minority groups because of the belief they are more likely to be engaged in criminal activity

Racial Profiling

Strategy of applying proper treatment so an offender will present no further threat to society


Considered to be the Father of Modern British Policing

Sir Robert Peel

Natural law became viewed as the will of God because of the works or

St. Thomas Aquinas St. Augustine

A law that attempted to develop a police system of watches and wards, or guard forces, across England

Statute of Winchester

A defendant surrenders their constitutional rights when they enter a guilty plea


August Vollmer believed all police officers should have a college education


Crime is any behavior that the government chooses to define as such, by passing a law against it


Deviance refers to any behavior that runs counter to society's expectations, beliefs, standards, or values


Eustress is stress that results from positive events such a starting a new job, having a baby, or getting married


Homeland Security is the identification of, and response to, threats to national security, with a particular emphasis on terrorism


Mandatory sentences require that a certain penalty shall be set and carried out in all cases upon conviction for a specified offense


Only a small number of convictions are the result of the plea-bargaining process (approximately 30%)


Police subculture is composed of cynicism, solidarity, and conservatism


Probation is the conditional release of a convicted offender back into their community while remaining under the supervision of the courts.


Stop and Frisk was the outcome of the case of Terry vs. Ohio


The Uniform Crime Report is the official source of crime data in the US and is complied by the Federal Bureau of Investigation


The Use of Force Continuum includes broad categories of force, in identifiable escalating/ deescalating stages of intensity, in response to a subject's action


The most widely used type of sentence in the US is Indeterminate Sentences


The court case that established that a police officer may use deadly force to prevent the escape of a fleeing suspect only if the officer has a good-faith belief that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others.

Tennessee vs. Garner

nation's highest appellate body and the court of last resort for all cases tried in the various federal and state courts

United States Supreme Court

Process where the jury panel is questioned. by the prosecution and the defense in order to select jurors who are unbiased and objective

Vior Dire

Siege Mentality is defined as

a police mind-set that groups people into two categories: us (police) and them (everybody who is not a police officer

Some act or conduct that is prohibited - the "thing" you are not allowed to do under criminal law

actus reus

Identify the role of the criminal defense attorney

advocate for the accused and zealously defend their client within the boundaries of the law

How long a term does the members of the United States Supreme Court serve?

appointed for lifetime terms

Appointment by the local nobleman. Considered the first real police officer


Which of the following would be considered goals of modern sentencing?

deterrence retribution- just desert equity/restitution

which of the following are examples of a diversion program?

drug courts domestic violence courts mental health courts

examples of probationary conditions include which of the following

employment requirements and mandatory drug/alcohol/ addiction treatment

which of the following is to reimburse society for the losses their crimes have caused is?

equity/ restitution

Emergency management is the study of

how to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disaster or crisis situations

Which of the following sentencing models is tailored to fit individual needs and proves sentencing flexibility?

indeterminate sentences

The repetition of criminal behavior


which of the following is NOT a reason that Magna Carta is important?

it established both excuse and justification defenses in criminal cases

Which of the following is the definition of incapacitation?

policy of keeping dangerous criminals in confinement to eliminate the risk of repeating their offense in society

Any situation (event or state of mind) that requires a person to adjust in some manner; the body's nonspecific response to any demand placed upon it


Forensic Science is defined as

the application of scientific principles to cases progressing through the legal system

which of the following describes a peremptory challenge?

the dismissal of a potential juror by either the prosecution or the defense for unexplained, discretionary

Police subculture is

the meanings, values, and behaviors patterns that are unique to police officers

Victimology is defined as

the study of why persons or entities become victims of crime

Criminology is the study of

why persons commit crimes

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