Intro to Comm Exam #1

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uomo universale

the universal human


theory of knowledge -- how we learn

Peter Ramus' metaphor for "speech"

"speech is the garment to clothe our reason"

vir bonus, dicendi peritus

"the GOOD man speaking WELL."

George Campbell's definition of eloquence

"the art or talent by which the discourse is adapted to its end"

Quintilian's definition of "oratory"

"the good man speaking well" (vir bonus, dicendi peritus)

Thomas Sheridan's definition of "language"

"what goes through one man's mind can be manifested through another man's mind"

perfectus orator

*wisdom & eloquence* combined

John Locke's descriptions of rhetoric

- "A perfect cheat" - "That powerful instrument of error and deceit" - "Rhetoric can be an obstacle"


- "The Education of the Orator" - Rome's Greatest Teacher of Rhetoric - Vir bonus, dicendi peritus → "the GOOD man speaking WELL." - Strong emphasis on being a good citizen

Peter Ramus

- Did not like rhetoric, loved philosophy - His goal in life was the dethrone the big three (Aristotle, Cicero, Quintilian) - From the development of language and speech only two proper parts will be left for rhetoric; style and delivery; rhetoric will possess nothing and of its own beyond these - He diminishes rhetoric - The important stuff is happening in the creation of ideas (philosophy)

Thomas Sheridan

- Elloqucarian movement - An actor - Emphasised vocal and physical aspects - Criticized Locke

Gilbert Austin

- Elloqucarian movement - focused on physical aspects

John Locke

- Empiricism - Direct observation, experience -- sole basis of all knowledge - Coined the term "communication" - Language is inherently ambiguous - An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 1. Sensation 2. Ideas (reflections on sensations) 3. Words/Language (signs of ideas) - Rejected rhetoric


- Known as Rome's Greatest Lawyer - Rome's Greatest Orator - Perfectus Orator → wisdom & eloquence (combined) - Five Canons of Oration

Rene Descartes

- Rationalism - Self-evident propositions deduced by reason are the sole basis of all knowledge - Known as the "Father of Modern Rationalism" - Deduction - Sought absolute certainty of knowledge (Truth) - Rejected rhetoric (sensory-based)


- Rhetoric Teacher - Paramedian Tradition - Problem: Finite & Infinite? -- God is infinite, but how can we, as finite beings, ever explain or understand what God is? - "The end of eloquence is to persuade." → Use Rhetoric to persuade people of the truth. This "saves" Classical Rhetoric - Christians must be able to teach what is Right and correct what is wrong

Lorenzo Valla

- Wrote the bible of Rhetoric - most important thing is oratory - Promoted the "Vita Activa" (the active life) - Get involved in society - Wanted people to continue education to influence society - Public property: ratio and oratio

George Campbell

1. Understanding (logic) 2. Imagination (beauty) 3. Passions (emotions) 4. Will (action)

The Trivium (Martianus Capella)

Book 3: Grammar Book 4: Dialectic Book 5: Rhetoric

Which type of speaking and writing "style" did Ramus promote?

Dialectic (over Rhetoric)


Direct observation, experience -- sole basis of all knowledge

Why Ramus changed the 5 Canons

Said that developing our ability to create things and ideas is more important than speaking them


Self-evident propositions deduced by reason -- sole basis of all knowledge

La Riniscita

The Renaissance; *rebirth*

Who were Elocutionists?

Thomas Sheridan and Gilbert Austin

The "Great Divorce"

Tongue & Brain: Cicero believed the two go together, should not be separated. - Says Socrates "divorced" the two

vita contemplativa

contemplative life (away from the public, Socrates or Monks)

ratio & oratio

reason and oratory (public property)

vita activa

the active life -- get involved in society

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