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Only Once

Check-in locations may be found at several incident facilities, including: ICP, Base or Camp(s), Staging Areas, Helibase, Division/Group Supervisor (for direct assignment). How many times do you need to check in?

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LESSON 2- ICS FEATURES AND PRINCIPLES A critical part of an effective multiagency incident management system is for all communications to be in plain English. That is use _______ _______. DO NOT use radio codes, agency-specific codes, or jargon. Even if you use radio codes on a daily basis, other responders may not. The goal is to ensure responders from all agencies can communicate with one another.

Networks, Modes

Integrated Communications: Effective ICS communications include three elements: Modes, Planning, and Networks. ______the procedures and processes for transferring information. _______are the "hardware" systems that transfer information. Planning is the planning for the use of all available communications resourced.


LESSON 1 - ICS OVERVIEW: The Incident Command System, or ICS, is a _______ , on-scene, all-hazard incident management concept. ICS allows its users to adopt an integrated organizational structure to match the complexities and demands of single or multiple incidents without being hindered by jurisdictional boundaries.


LESSON 3: ICS ORGANIZATION True or False: There are 5 major management functions that are the foundation upon which the ICS organization develops. They are Incident Command, Operations Section, Planning Section, Logistics Section, and Finance/Administration Section.


LESSON 4 ICS ORGANIZATION: PART II The people who perform the other four management functions are designated as the General Staff. The General Staff is made up of four Sections: Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance/Administration. As mentioned previously, the person in charge of each Section is designated as the _______.


The Operations function is where the _______ fieldwork is done. Therefore, most incident resources are assigned to the Operations Section. Often the most hazardous activities are carried out there.

Groups, Branches, Divisions

The following supervisory levels can be added to help manage the span of control: Divisions, Groups, and Branches. _______are used to describe functional areas of operation. _______ are used when the number of Divisions and Groups exceeds the span of control and can be either geographical or functional. _______are used to divide an incident geographically.


Rank, Grade, and Seniority are _______ the factors used to select the Incident Commander. The Incident Commander is always a highly qualified individual trained to lead the incident response.

Tactical, Support

Resource Management: ICS resources can be factored into two categories: _______ Resources and _______ Resources.

Deputy, Assistant, Deputy, Deputy

SUPERVISORY POSITION TITLES ORGANIZATIONAL LEVEl/ TITLE/ SUPPORT POS Incident Command Incident Commander _______ Command Staff Officer _______ General Staff (Section) Chief _______ Branch Director _______


The process of moving the responsibility for incident command from one Incident Commander to another is called transfer of command. The transfer of command process always includes a transfer of command _______, which may be oral, written, or a combination of both.

Available, Assigned, Out-Of-Service

Tactical Resources are always classified as one of the following: Assigned, Available, Out-Of-Service. _______resources are assembled, have been issued their equipment, and are ready for immediate assignment. _______ resources are working on an assignment under the direction of a supervisor. _______ resources are not ready for any of the other two statuses.


True or False: A Helibase is the location from which helicopter-centered air operations are conducted. Helibases are generally used on a more long-term basis and include such services as fueling and maintenance.


True or False: Helispots are more temporary locations at the incident, where helicopters can safely land and take off. Multiple Helispots may be used.


True or False: The Logistics Section is responsible for all of the services and support needs, including. Ordering, obtaining, maintaining, and accounting for essential personnel, equipment, and supplies. Providing communication planning and resources. Setting up food services. Setting up and maintaining Incident facilities. Providing support transportation. Providing medical services to incident personnel.


True or False: The Major Activities of the Finance / Administration Section are contract negotiations and monitoring. Timekeeping. Cost Analysis. Compensation for injury or damage to property.

Single, Unified

The Command function may be carried out in two ways: As a _______ Command in which the Incident Commander will have complete responsibility for incident management. This command may be simple, involving an Incident Commander and single resources, or it may be a complex organizational structure with an Incident Management Team. As a _______ Command in which responding agencies and/or jurisdictions with responsibility for the incident share incident management.


The ICS was developed in the 1970's following a series of catastrophic fires in California's urban interface. Property damage ran into the millions, and many people died or were injured. Surprisingly, studies found that response problems were far more likely to result from inadequate _______ than from any other single reason. Response problems could rarely be attributed to lack of resources or failure of tactics.

Incident Commander, Incident

The Incident Command Post, or ICP, is the location from which the _______ _______ oversees all incident operations. There is generally only one ICP for each incident or event, but it may change locations during the event.. Every incident or event must have some sort of an ICP. The ICP will be positioned outside of the present and potential hazard zone, but close enough to the incident to maintain command. The ICP will be designated by the name of the _______.


The Incident Commander may appoint one or more Deputies, if applicable, from the same agency or from other agencies or jurisdictions. Deputy Incident Commanders must be as _______ as the Incident Commander.

Incident Command

5 Major Management Functions: _______ _______ sets the incident objectives, strategies, and priorities and has overall responsibility at the incident or event.


5 Major Management Functions: _______ conducts tactical operations to carry out the plan. Develops the tactical objectives and organization, and directs all tactical resources.


5 Major Management Functions: _______ monitors costs related to the incident. Provides accounting, procurement, time recording, and cost analyses.


5 Major Management Functions: _______ prepares and documents the IAP to accomplish the objectives, collects and evaluates information, maintains resource status, and maintains documentation for incident records.


5 Major Management Functions: _______ provides support, resources, and all other services needed to meet the operational objectives.

One Base, Logistics

A Base is the location from which primary logistics and administrative functions are coordinated and administered. The base may be collocated with the Incident Command Post. There is only _______ _______ per incident, and it is designated by the incident name. The Base is established and managed by the _______ Section.

Multiple Camps

A Camp is the location where resources may be kept to support incident operations if a Base is not accessible to all resources. Camps are temporary locations within the general incident area, which are equipped and staffed to provide food, water, sleeping areas, and sanitary services. Camps are designated by geographic location or number. ________ ________ may be used, but not all incidents will have Camps.


All other resources required to support the incident. Food, Communications equipment, tents, supplies, and fleet vehicles are examples of ________ Resources.

Communicate, Injured

At the simplest level, all Incident Action Plans (oral or written) must have four elements: What do we want to do? Who is responsible for doing it? How do we _______ with each other? What is the procedure if someone is _______?


Divisions are used to divide and incident geographically. The person in charge of each Division is designated as a _______. The important thing to remember about ICS Divisions is that they are established to divide and incident into geographical areas of operation.

One (1), Five (5)

Effective span of control on incidents may vary from three (3) to seven (7), and ratio of _______ supervisor to _______ reporting elements is recommended.

Operational Period

Every incident must have a verbal or written Incident Action Plan. Incident Action Plans include the measurable strategic operation to be achieved and are prepared around a time frame called an _______ _______.

Unit Log

General Guidelines for Incident Record Keeping: Print or type all entries. Enter dates by month/day/year format. Enter date and time on all forms and records. Use local time. Fill in all blanks. Use N/A as appropriate. Use military 24-hour time. Section Chiefs and above assign record keeper (scribe). If you are expected to be a supervisor: You must maintain a daily _______ _______ (ICS-214) indicating the names of personnel assigned and listing of the major activities that occurred during the operational periods to which you were assigned. You are expected to give briefings to your subordinates, adjacent forces, and replacement personnel.


ICS is a proven management system based on successful _______ practices. The result of decades of lessons learned in the organization and management of emergency incidents.


If the number of Divisions or Groups exceeds the span of control. It may be necessary to establish another level of organization within the Operations Section, called Branches. The person in charge of each Branch is designated as a _______. Deputies may also be used at the Branch level. Branches can be divided into Groups or Divisions or can be a combination of both. An INVESTIGATION Branch would fall under the Operations Section.

Incident Command System

In response to attacks on Sept. 11, President George W. Bush issued Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 (HSPD-5) in February 2003. HSPD-5 called for a National Incident Management System. The Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security announced the establishment of NIMS in March 2004. One of the key features of NIMS is the _______ _______ _______.

Chain, Unity

In the Incident Command System: _______ of Command means that there is an orderly line of authority within the ranks of the organization, with lower levels subordinate to, and connected to, higher levels. _______ of Command means that every individual is accountable to only one designated supervisor to whom they report at the scene of an incident.


Personnel and major items of equipment that are available or potentially available to the Operations function on assignment to incidents are called ________ Resources.

Individuals, Resources

Span of control pertains to the number of _______ or _______ that one supervisor can manage effectively during emergency response incidents or special events. Maintaining an effective span of control is particularly important on incidents where safety and accountability are the top priority.


Staging Areas are temporary locations at an incident where personnel and equipment are kept while waiting for tactical assignments. The resources in the Staging Area are always in _______ status. There may be more than one Staging Area at an incident. Staging Areas can be collocated with the ICP, Bases, Camps, Helibases, or Helispots.

Incident Commander

The only position that is always staffed in ICS applications is the ________ _______.


True or False: The major activities of the Planning Section may include: Collecting, evaluating, and displaying incident intelligence and information. Preparing and documenting Incident Action Plans. Conducting long-range and/or contingency planning. Developing plans for demobilization. Maintaining incident documentation. Tracking resources assigned to the incident.


You may be deployed to an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) rather than serve as an on-scene responder. The EOC is a _______ coordination entity that provides support and coordination to the on-scene responders. Although the EOC uses ICS management principles it does not manage on-scene operations. Therefore, not all aspects of ICS taught in this course may apply to EOC operations.

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