Intro to Teaching Chapter 1 Quiz

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in the context of alternative teaching programs, identify an accurate statement about teach for america (TFA)

TFA draws strong candidates for teaching by being very selective

pavel is a new teacher in an inner-city school in boston. to prepare for teaching, pavel commits to teach for at least five years. he then spends his first year observing and working with dava, a master teacher, while taking coursework. only during his second year he will be allowed to teach students of his own under dava's supervision. based on this description, pavel is part of

a teaching residency program

alternative teacher education programs differ from traditional teacher education programs in that alternative teacher education programs

allow teachers to get on-the-job training

which of the following is a reason that influences individuals to choose teaching as a profession?

desire to work with young people

identify a reason why teacher education students are considered less talented than other college majors

education majors are less likely to score in the top 25 percent on the SATs

in terms of professional status, many feel teaching

falls somewhere between professional and semiprofessional in status

although U.S. middle school students may lag behind their japanese counterparts in international algebra tests, the differences disappear on later tests due to the

greater comparative effectiveness of U.S. colleges

what is the evidence that U.S. students are doing quite well in their educational performance?

in recent years, SAT reading and mathematics scores have reached an all-time high

identify an accurate statement about merit pay

it attempts to reward the best teachers

identify an accurate statement about teaching residencies as an alternative teaching program

it has been expanding recently and resemble medical residencies

which of the following statements is true about teaching as a profession in the united states till the 1900s?

it was viewed mostly as a form of temporary employment

after becoming "board certified," a teacher

might be given additional pay

identify an accurate statement about teachers during the colonial period in america

most elementary school teachers never attended a secondary school

in the context of how teachers are prepared today, there is

no consensus on how to best prepare teachers

research shows that teachers skilled in pedagogy

outperform teachers with superior subject area knowledge

identify an accurate statement in reference to teaching during the early 1900s

professional teacher training gained wider acceptance

alice is a teacher who has just finished her fourth year of teaching. at the end of that year, alice was informed that she would be granted tenure. from this point, alice can expect

protection from arbitrary dismissal

which of the following is a reason for demanding radical school reform and the furor about failing schools?

schools today work with large numbers of poor students, non-english-speaking children, and special education students

horace mann helped establish the first

state-supported normal school

to get "board certified" by the national board for professional teaching standards, a teacher:

takes written tests, and the teacher's lesson plans are examined

the idea for teach for america (TFA) came from

wendy kopp's undergraduate thesis at princeton

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