Introduction to Analog
A material that does not allow current to flow when voltage is applied because of its high resistance.
A movement of electrical charges around a closed path or circuit.
Any material that allows the free movement of electric changes, such as electrons, to provide an electric current.
Basic particle of negative charge in orbit; around the nucleus in an atom.
Electron Flow
Current of negative charges in motion. Direction is from the negative terminal of the voltage source, through the external, circuit, and returning to the positive side of the source. Opposite to the direction of conventional current.
Digital signal in the form of a rectangular pulse train or a square wave.
Sine Wave
One in which amplitude varies in proportion to the sine function of an angle.
Series Circuit
One that has only one path current.
Particle with positive charge in the nucleus of an atom.
555 Timer
TTL-compatible IC that can be wired to operate in several different modes, such as a one-shot and an astable multivibrator.
Testing design function by specifying a set of inputs and observing the resultant outputs. Simulation is generally shown as a series of input and output waveforms.
Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL)
The algebraic sum of all currents into and out of any branch point in a circuit must equal zero.
Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL)
The algebraic sum of all voltages around any closed path must equal zero.
The instantaneous voltage of a waveform. Often used to mean maximum amplitude, or peak voltage, or a pulse.
Logic LOW
The lower of two voltages in a digital system with two logic levels.
A circuit board for wiring temporary circuits, usually used for prototypes or laboratory work.
Digital Multi-Meter(DMM)
A piece of test equipment used to measure voltage, current, and resistance in an electronic circuit.
A piece of test equipment used to view and measure a variety of different waveforms.
Digital Waveform
A series of logic 1s and 0s plotted as a function of time.
A way of representing a physical quantity by a series of binary numbers. A digital representation can have only specific discrete values.
A way of representing some physical quantity, such as temperature or velocity, by a proportional continuous voltage or current. An analog voltage or current can have any value within a defined range.
Square Wave
An almost instantaneous rise and decay of voltage or current in a periodic pattern with time and with a constant peak value.
Duty Cycle (DC)
Fraction of the total period that a digital waveform is in the HIGH state. DC = th/T (often expressed as a percentage: %DC = th/Tx100%).
Ohm's Law
In electric circuits, I=V/R.
Parallel Circuit
One that has two or more branches for separate current from one voltage source.
Opposition to current. Unit is the ohm.
The amount of time required for one complete cycle of a periodic event or waveform.
Conventional Current
The direction of current flow associated with positive charge in motion. The current flow direction is from a positive to negative potential, which is in the opposite direction of electron flow.
Logic HIGH
The higher of two voltages in a digital system with two logic levels.
The massive, stable part of the atom that contains both protons and neutrons.
The number of cycles per unit time of a periodic waveform.
Falling Edge
The part of a pulse where the logic level is in transition from a HIGH to a LOW.
The smallest particle of an element that still has the same characteristics as the element.
Hertz (Hz)
Unit of frequency. One hertz equals one cycle per second.
Unit of resistance. Value of one ohm allow current of one ampere with potential difference of one volt.