Introduction to Management: Week 3, planning

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three, more

Long term plans tend to be those for _______ or ______ years in the future?

set goals (Setting goals involves employees at all levels and looks beyond day-to-day activities to answer the question, 'What are we trying to accomplish?')

MBO´s first activity that makes it successful.

appraise overall performance (The final step in MBO is to carefully evaluate whether annual goals have been achieved for both individuals and departments. Success or failure to achieve goals can become part of the performance appraisal system and the designation of salary increases and other rewards.)

MBO´s fourth activity that makes it successful.

develop action plans (An action plan defines the course of action needed to achieve the stated goals.)

MBO´s second activity that makes it successful.

review progress (A periodic progress review is important to ensure that action plans are working. These reviews can occur informally between managers and employees, where the organisation may wish to conduct three-, six- or nine-month reviews during the year.)

MBO´s third activity that makes it successful.

challenging but realistic

Managers should set goals that are ________

decentralised planning

Managers work with planning experts to develop their own strategic plans.

formal planning department

Organisations who have it have specialist planning staff who take responsibility for the development and implementation of planning within that organisation These specialists often work with to managers to write plans which are then disseminated or spread throughout the organisation in a top-down approach.


Planning establishes the goals and standards used to control the organisation.

defining goals, establishing strategies for achieving those goals, developing plans

Planning involves defining _________, ___________ , and ________ to integrate and coordinate activities" (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg and Coulter, 2015).


Planning is an important function that provides ____________ , reduces uncertainty, minimises waste and redundancy and establishes goals and standards for guiding further managerial action and that are used in controlling.

tactical planning (middle manager, shorter time horizon)

Plans designed to help execute major strategic plans and to accomplish a specific part of the organisation's strategy.

intelligence team

A cross-functional group of managers and employees who work together to gain a deep understanding of a specific business issue and offer insight and recommendations for planning.


. __________ is the process of predicting what will happen in the future.

crisis management plan (CMP)

A detailed written plan that specifies the steps to be taken, and by whom, if a crisis occurs.


A Government plan that calls for a 2.45 per cent increase in tobacco sales tax for the next two years would be considered what type of plan?

mission statement

A broadly stated definition of the organisation's basic business scope and operations that distinguishes it from similar types of organisations.

central planning departments

A group of planning specialists who develop plans for the organisation as a whole and its major divisions and departments, and typically report to the CEO.

Shewhart cycle

A planning cycle used in organisations that have instituted quality management - also called the PDCA (plan, do, check, act) cycle.

SWOT Analysis

A technique where the organisational strengths (S), weaknesses (W), environmental opportunities (O) and threats (T) are identified so that appropriate plans can be developed for the conditions in which the organisation operates

strategy map

A visual representation of the key drivers of an organisation's success, showing the cause-andeffect relationships among goals and plans.

environmental scanning

Another technique that organisations use to understand the environment in which they operate and predict future changes and trends. This process involves screening large amounts of information to anticipate and interpret changes in the environment. In some organisations this function is outsourced and outside organisations are paid to scan environmental information for the organisation

strategic goals

Broad statements of where the organisation wants to be in the future, they pertain to the organisation as a whole rather than to specific divisions or departments.


Bluescope's plans on changing their roof paint colour scheme because they believe that in the future, people will be interested in purchasing environmentally-friendly roofing material is an example of what kind of environmental scanning?

plan operations (Define operational goals and plans Select measures and targets Set stretch goals Crisis planning)

In the organisational planning process what is the third step?

GANTT chart

Commonly used in project management, is a chart is a document that graphically displays the scheduling and completion of planned tasks over time. It requires managers to operationalise strategic plans and generate a list of planned tasks that are required to achieve the strategic plan. It links together planning, organising and controlling management functions by showing the plans developed to complete a task, the organisation of tasks that nominated people need to complete in order to achieve tasks, and controls, or measures the progress of tasks over time

Benchmarking/Competitor intelligence

Increasingly organisations want to understand how they are performing in relation to other organisations, particularly their competitors. In order to do this organisation might undertake this or gather competitor intelligence. These techniques make use of external comparisons to better evaluate an organisation's current performance and identify possible actions for the future.

overall, guideline, flexible (For example, improve profits over the next 6 months)

Directional plans set out an _________ ________ or goal that can be quite ________.

time period

Effective goal have a defined _________

mission statement (at the top of the pyramid of the levels of goals or plans and their importance)

External message Legitimacy for investors, customers, suppliers, community stands at which part of the pyramid and which level of goals, plans and their importance?

top managers, mission statement

Goal-setting starts with _________. The planning process begins with a ___________ and strategic goals for the organisation as a whole.

key results areas

Goals should cover _________

tactical goals (middle manager, shorter time horizon)

Goals that define the outcomes that major divisions and departments must achieve in order for the organisation to reach its overall goals.

monitor and learn (Hold planning reviews Hold operational reviews)

In the organisational planning process what is the fifth step?

develop the plan

In the organisational planning process what is the first step?

execute the plan (Management by objectives Performance dashboards Single use plans Decentralised responsibility)

In the organisational planning process what is the fourth step?

translate the plan (Define tactical plans and objectives Develop strategy map Define contingency plans and scenarios Identify intelligence teams)

In the organisational planning process what is the second step?

detailed, clearly (For example, to improve profits over the next 6 months particular procedures, budget allocations or schedules may be established.)

Specific plans are much more _________ and ________ to avoid too much room for confrontation.

strategic planning

The action steps by which an organisation intends to attain its strategic goals.

specific and measurable

The first criteria for effective goals, they need to be ________


The organisation's reason for existence.

participatory planning

This may include people outside the organisation in the process of planning because who makes the plans is guided by who is affected by the plans and who will be needed in order for plans to be implemented.

breadth (with), time frame, specificity, frequency of use

What are the four types of plans?

motivation, commitment

What do goals and plans facilitate in employees?

strategic, operational plans (concern the long term needs of the organisation, 3 types: a growth strategy, a stability strategy, renewal strategy=address poor performance)

What does a breath plan include?

single use, standing (plans can be single use plans for a specific and unique situation. For example, a plan when one company buys, or acquires another. Plans can also be standing plans that are in place to set guidelines and direct behaviour.)

What does a frequency of use plan include?

directional and specific plans

What does a specificity plan include?

long term, short term plans

What does a time frame plan include?

organisational opportunities

What does the O for SWOT stand for?

organisational strength

What does the S for SWOT stand for?

organisational threats

What does the T for SWOT stand for?

organisational weaknesses

What does the W for SWOT stand for?

operational goals (department manager plans for supervisor etc., precise and measurable. 'Process 150 sales applications each week', 'achieve 90 per cent of deliveries on time')

Which goals have to be specific, measurable results and are expected from departments, work groups and individuals within the organisation.

operational plans (department manager plans for supervisor etc., precise and measurable. 'Process 150 sales applications each week', 'achieve 90 per cent of deliveries on time')

Which type of plans are developed at the organisation's lower levels that specify action steps towards achieving operational goals and that support tactical planning activities.

one, less

While short term plans tend to cover ______ year or ______

lower management (identify the specific procedures or processes needed at lower levels of the organisation, such as individual departments and employees. Front-line managers and supervisors develop operational plans that focus on specific tasks and processes and that help to meet tactical and strategic goals)

Who is responsible for operational goals?

middle managers (the heads of major divisions or functional units. A division manager will formulate tactical plans that focus on the major actions the division must take to fulfill its part in the strategic plan set by top management.)

Who is responsible for tactical goals?

top manager (establishing strategic goals and plans that reflect a commitment to both organisational efficiency and effectiveness)

Who is responsible to plan the strategic goals?

lower management (bottom of the pyramid)

Who manages operational goals/plans? Which level of the pyramid is this? (Departments, individuals, Belongs to Internal message Legitimacy, motivation, guides, rationale, standards)

senior management

Who manages strategic goals/plans? Which level of the pyramid is this? (Organisation as a whole, Belongs to Internal message Legitimacy, motivation, guides, rationale, standards)

middle management

Who manages tactical goals/plans? Which level of the pyramid is this? (Major divisions, functions, Belongs to Internal message Legitimacy, motivation, guides, rationale, standards)

effective goals

Written in terms of outcomes rather than actions Challenging yet attainable Measurable and quantifiable Written down Clear as to time frame Communicated to all necessary organisational members

Scenario planning.

__________ is a long-term version of contingency planning.


__________ plans address long-term needs and set comprehensive action directions for an organisation or subunit.

traditional goal, top-down approach

____________ _____________ setting is a ________ _________ where goals are set at the top of the organisation as a guide for the whole organisation. These goals are then broken down into sub-goals at different levels of the organisation. It can be expensive and difficult to translate goals set at the top into more operational goals for the lower levels of the organisation. An effective form of ____________ planning is known as a means-ends chain when accomplishing goals at lower levels becomes the means towards achieving goals at the next level up in the organisation.

legitimacy (meaning conformity to the law or to rules)

____________ is a strong mission for the people out there and employees, enabling them to become committed to the organisation because they can identify with its general purpose and reason for existence

Management by Objectives (MBO)

_______________ is a system whereby managers and employees define goals for every department, project, and person and use them to monitor subsequent performance (where goals are mutually agree-upon by both the employee and their supervisor and those goals are used in the control process to measure employee performance)

contingency (Möglichkeit)

a future event or circumstance which is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty.

management by means (MBM)

focuses attention on the methods and processes used to achieve goals. A term coined by H. Thomas Johnson and his co-authors in the book Profit Beyond Measures, MBM is based on the idea that when managers pursue their activities in the right way, positive outcomes will result. MBM focuses people on considering the means rather than just on reaching the goals

scenario planning

includes environment takes a longer-term approach to planning through identifying a range of different possible future scenarios so that organisations can respond quickly and flexibly when environmental conditions change. Among the issues and concerns for are geopolitical change, terrorism, climate change, sustainable development, human rights and biodiversity.

contingency planning

represent the types of plans developed to incorporate the environment defined as identifying alternative courses of action that can be implemented when an original plan proves inadequate because of changing circumstances

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