Introduction to procurement

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As a project manager, you're interested in working with vendors in a way that is collaborative and places an emphasis on relationships. What procurement management process should you choose?

Agile procurement management is more collaborative with both the project team and the end supplier than traditional approaches. There is a heavy emphasis on the relationship between these parties

As a project manager, you host weekly meetings to periodically review vendor performance and work quality. Which procurement process step does this represent?

Controlling- During this step, you will periodically check on vendor work to ensure it meets the terms of the contract.

As a project manager selecting a vendor, you first need to outline the details and requirements of your project in order to solicit bids. Which procurement document helps with this task?

RFP-A request for proposal which is a document you use to solicit bids from vendors. Once you receive several bids, you can choose the best vendor for your project.

As a project manager creating a statement of work (SOW), who do you ask for input and technical knowledge?

Subject matter expert (SME) is someone at your organization who has necessary experience and technical expertise that applies to the project.

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