Italian Futurism

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-Italy was least industrially developed of Western European countries -felt they must embrace mechanization and industrialization to catch up with competitors, creating parallels with the subject matter of late cubists who celebrated modernity. -Italy has a phenomenal cultural; this movement creates antipathy towards tradition and reflects a rejection of the past in favor of embracing the future/current time. -manifestos often written as appendixes of sorts. Picasso and Braque did not write at all.

Italian Futurism cultural background

Muybridge does "Study of Motion," taking a picture of a horse at each moment while it is trotting and breaks the motion down into its constituent parts. -Later, photography starts to capture actual movement with Bragaglia (futurist photographer), and Marey who does chromophotography, which is putting all the separate photos of a movement together. -Comics - think Wilhelm Busch and his comic of the guy playing the piano with 8 sets of hands, etc. Shows mixing of art and non art, comics never thought of as fine art before this.

importance of: Photography & Comics

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