Jan 30

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BkVIII:1-25 The Situation in Latium

* Aeneas is described as being tossed in a wave of ideas and is related to Diomede rather then King Turnus or King Latinus

BkVIII:102-151 Aeneas Meets Evander

* Aeneas is looking for Evander the king, he meets his daughter who brings him to the king. He pleads Evander join his cause based on the fact that they both are related to the great god Mercury.

BkVIII:26-65 Aeneas's Dream of Tiberinus

* Aeneas is sleeping by the river Tiber. The river god, Old Tiberinus, appears to him. Tells him this is not a false dream and that he can test it by finding a sow milking thirty cows in the area that will be his land forever. He then tells him to team up with a neighbouring city so that he can iwn this war that is about to happen.

BkVIII:66-101 Aeneas Sails to Pallanteum

* Aeneas sees the sow and he sacrifices her to Juno and thanks the river god. Then he makes his way to make alliance with the people of the Pallanteum

BkIX:77-106 Cybele Makes a Plea to Jove BkIX:107-122 Cybele Transforms the Ships

* Cybele protects the ships from being burned by concealing them in a cloud and lossening them from the shores

BkIX:460-524 Euryalus's Mother Laments

* Euryalus's mother comes weeping into the war field. She wants to be killed by the Rutullians and asks that the gods strike her down. This makes everyone sad. But the Trojans continue to defend the walls well against the Rutullians.

BkVIII:454-519 Evander Proposes Assistance

* Evander knows of a large people who hate Tuscan bc he would torture by putting a living body next to a dead body and letting the disease kill the other. He says he can lead the people bc he feels to old and his son is illegitimate and would break up the people.

BkIX:1-24 Iris Urges Turnus to War summarize

* Iris comes tells Turnus that things had turned for the worst so he had better hurry up and attack now. Turnus says it was such a great omen that he would follow it though he had no idea who sent it.

BkIX:525-589 Turnus in Battle

* Kills a lot of guys * Two guys Helenus and Lycus do escape though BkIX:590-637 As

BkVIII:714-731 Vulcan's Shield: Augustus's Triple Triumph

* Looks at Augustus as ultimate victor uniting the gods and the people

BkVIII:671-713 Vulcan's Shield: The Battle of Actium

* On the other side Antony, with barbarous wealth and strange weapons, conqueror of eastern peoples and the Indian shores, bringing Egypt, and the might of the Orient, with him, and furthest Bactria and his Egyptian consort follows him (the shame). * This looks at the battle between Augustus and Antony, still depicted on the shield

BkVIII:306-369 Pallanteum - the Site of Rome

* The king walked clothed with years, * Says a bunch of uncivilized men who were made from trees were lead by Saturn to form the nation Latium from the Latin later meaning to hid since Saturn hide from the anger of Juno/Jove * They continue to journey with the King Evander than night falls and he sleeps in their palace

BkVIII:626-670 Vulcan's Shield: Scenes of Early Rome

* The shield depicts Rome's future with her kings and talks of Cataline, punished by standing at the edge of a cliff at the sight of the furies

BkVIII:520-584 The Preliminary Alarms

* The sky is cloudless but lightning flashes. So Aeneas knows that the war must be soon in coming. He says this is a sign from his mother and weapons from Vulcan. There is also a lament from Evander over his son hoping that he will not die

BkIX:314-366 Nisus and Euryalus: The Raid

* They find an opportunity to kill a lot of men * They kill a lot of men and decide to head back bc dawn was approaching

BkVIII:370-406 Venus Seeks Weapons from Vulcan

* Venus intrigues saying other wives were able to persuade Vulcan to help. She also mentions how many times she wanted to help Aeneas but refrained from making her husband help. No she asks he help and gives him a tender embrace. Vulcan is caught up in her immortal love and begins to help in her cause.

BkVIII:407-453 Vulcan's Smithy

* Vulcan comes down to his house, there are three Cyclopes there for gin iron, he kicks them out and starts working on his armour

BkIX:367-459 The Death of Euryalus and Nisus

* What can he do? With what force, or weapons, can he dare to rescue the youth? Should he hurl himself to his death among the swords, and by his wounds hasten to a glorious end? * Euryalus is killed because they could see his helmet gleaming with the sun's dawn and chased him down. Nisus could have escaped but turned back to try and help his friend. They are then both killed

BkIX:25-76 Turnus Attacks the Trojan Fleet

* What's that rolling mass of black fog, countrymen?

BkVIII:152-183 Evander Offers Alliance BkVIII:184-305 The Tale of Hercules and Cacus

* the thief dragged them into his cave by the tail, and, reversing the signs of their tracks, hid them in the stony dark: no one seeking them would find a trail to the cave." * The tale mimics Hermes to this point, but some cattle started to moo and one of the stolen cattle mooed back. Hercules si pissed goes down to the cave and struggles to rip the rock that Cacus had setup to stop him. He eventually does and then Cacus made the cave as dark as night and breathed smoke into the air. Hercules jumps in and strangles him and then king Evnader sings a song that praises a bunch of deeds that Hercules had accomplished in the past.

What is Moore's law?

The principle that the speed and capability of a computer will double every two years

BkIX:123-167 Turnus Lays Siege to the Camp BkIX:168-223 Nisus and Euryalus: A Mission Proposed

They go on a night raid much like the one in the Iliad

Roman History Lecture: What is menis?

Wrath - it is like a pervasive disease

Practical Psycology: What are the four stages of competence?

1. Unconscionable incompetence - Get motivated (You know the benefits and begin learning) 2. Conscience Incompetence - Keep practicing (learning you have a lot to learn and look into how you can immerse yourself) 3. Conscious Competence - Keep learning(Starts to come naturally, now you can start some creative work on your own.) 4. Unconscience competence - like those who drive without having to think about it.

History and Future of Storytelling: What are some key comparisons of identity in spiderman and Wonder women?

1. Wonder women = Secret identity, plus a conflicted sense of the super heroic identity. Her purpose is to help her friends (save mankind) which she does. Peter Parker fails at this. 2. Spiderman = Just has two identities, straight forward.

What is an ekphrasis?

A verbal description of a work of art (eg. Achilles shield)

Roman History Lecture: What does Agenorie mean? How does it relate to the Iliad

Excessive courage, spirit, and arrogance. Perhaps hero's who display this feature destroy society.

Why do stories sell?

It's emotional, leads to word of mouth advertising 1. Exposition 2. Rising action 3. Climax 4. Falling action 5. Resolution To make an effective story:

Roman History Lecture: What is Geras?

Material equals importance. Think Agamemnon, giving away Briseus was like losing some of his score, diminishing his importance.

Roman History lecture: What does Sophrosune mean? How does it relate to the Iliad?

Moderation and self-control. Perhaps those who display this feature hold society toegether

What does pallid mean?

Pale, looking sick

History and future of Storytelling: What are some key comparisons in the plot stories of Spiderman and wonder women?

1. Exposition - Peter Parker is an outsider for being a nerd, Kamala is an outsider because she is Muslim 2. Rising action - Ms. Marvel has an ambiguity with the fog, Peter Parker has a very clear reason for his superpower (both accidental hero's but they get their powers in very different ways) 3. Climax (Spider-Man's tragic flaw is that he is filled with revenge, wonder women feels more uncomfortable being a superhero than she does an outsider Muslim girl.)

How to have a better tonality?

1. Have your tonality drop down (you want a voice of authority) 2. Listen to your own voice

What are the nine steps to being a leader?

1. Learn from other leaders 2. Work to build skills 3. Believe that you are a leader 4. Take up more tasks (Make yourself present) 5. Share your ideas 6. Listen to others 7. Learn how to delegate 8. Treat other leaders with respect 9. Know that their are many different types of leaders

Practical Psycology: How do you make an effective story? (5 things)

1. Make it relatable 2. Keep your consistent 3. Keep your characters or setting the same 4. Pull from real life 5. Think about the Medium

History and Future of Storytelling: What are the different types of narrativity?

1. Simple narrative (the text presents only one instance of the basic configuration. Eg. Fairytales like Disney 2. Multiple narrativity (story about stories told by the main narrator in the story. Eg. 1001 nights is not about the narrator but the story he tells.) 3. Complex narrative (characters in main plot engage in multiple subplots. Eg. Five little stories) 4. Framed narrative (a story in a story. Eg. Decameron) 5. Proliferating narrativity (does not have a global plot, just a lot of stories like comics) 6. Diluted narrativity (the plot is inter versed with large sections that are non-narrative parts like description. 7. Braided narrative - Follows multiple characters and their destinies

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