Jeopardy Set 3

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July 27, 1953: 3 years & 32 days of war between these 2 countries ends with the signing of an armistice

North And South Korea

Yongbyon in this country is the home of a nuclear reactor that may be used to make weapons

North Korea

Nynorsk, an official language of this country, was created by Ivar Aasen in the mid-19th century


"I once had a girl, or should I say she once had me"

Norwegian Wood

"Rudy" featured Jason Miller as this university's coach Ara Parseghian

Notre Dame

You can find 3 different words within this word meaning "in spite of"


He was the fairy king; Titania was his queen


This man's philosophic "razor" states that simple explanations are better than complicated ones


Boston lawyer Marcus Urann marketed cranberry sauce under this brand name way back in 1912

Ocean Spray

Someone too liberal for his party may be dubbed a RINO, short for this "in name only"


If you live in L.A. you know this word is used for reinforcing an existing building so it's stabler for the next quake


Have a family get-together in the Indian Ocean on this French island which was once known as Bourbon Island


It's the fancy 11-letter term doctors use for a nose job, to sound smart & justify the 10 grand cost


B.I.O.N., Texan David Pay has written over 300 alphabetic characters on a single grain of this!


In the late 1600s this Asian grain became the main crop of the Carolina coastal lowlands


This team won the Stanley Cup in 1974 & 1975

Philadelphia Flyers

Careful when eating bagels with these seeds on them--you could test positive for heroin!

Poppy Seeds

This mammal's name comes from the corruption of a French phrase which meant "phony pig"


Having flat teeth is one way that these animals differ from the related dolphins who have pointy triangular teeth


Charlemagne was elected mayor of this Haitian capital (by the way, that was Manno Charlemagne the folk singer)


James Joyce novel that becomes a musical whose characters include Stephen Dedalus, Aldonza & Sancho Panza

Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man Of La Mancha

Portimao is one of the most visited fishing villages in this country's Algarve region


Sao Tome and Principe


Often served with fish, pommes de terre a L'Anglaise are these vegetables, boiled or steamed


A battleship in history & cinema was named for this prince, lover of Catherine the Great


In his second inaugural, FDR said this fraction of the U.S. was "ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished"


(Hi, I'm Thomas Gibson) A Gibson cocktail is identical to a martini, except that the olive is replaced by this


It's the only Canadian province or territory whose 2-letter postal abbreviation is a preposition


Translated as "Land of the Kings", this state is home to India's nuclear test sites & the world's largest camel fair


Nicholson won an Oscar for playing this rebellious character in "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest"

Randle P. Mcmurphy

This lengthy lefty became the first pitcher to win games 6 & 7 of a World Series on consecutive days

Randy Johnson

This man's Viennese office is the setting for "A Far Country"

Sigmund Freud

In 1964 he introduced his first musical synthesizer; it was used on Walter Carlos' "Switched On Bach" LP

(Robert) Moog

It describes a shot hit from the left by a right-hander, or a compliment that turns into a shot

A Backhand


A Banana

A voltaic cellphone would use a type of this invented by Alessandro Volta in 1800

A Battery

It's a fastball thrown high & inside to force the batter away from the plate

A Brush-Back Pitch

A vampire will probably never bite you in the apse, as it's usually found in one of these buildings

A Church

Similar to a cruller, this long, thin stick of sweet dough is fried & coated with sugar & cinnamon

A Churro

A melodramatic drama serial in which each episode ends in suspense

A Cliffhanger

Hey, you saps who think pneumonia killed President Harrison--I've got this kind of theory involving a group plan

A Conspiracy Theory

You spend too much time watching TV; you're a sofa spud, or, in other words, this more popular term

A Couch Potato

In French, this word can refer to an image on turkey's flag as well as a tasty roll

A Croissant

Noah must have read the World Almanac to know that 21.8 inches equals one of this type of ancient measure

A Cubit

Old Mother Hubbard knows it's a closet with shelves for dishes

A Cupboard

A pack of playing cards

A Deck

6-letter term for a judicial assertion or an edict

A Dictum

God didn't like the joke about the dyslexic agnostic, you know, where the guy wonders if there really is a this

A Dog

To the Germans & Vietnamese, these say wau wau when chasing a postman or a cat

A Dog

This student leader of the band marches with it

A Drum Major

Anatosaurus was this type of dinosaur named for a feature it shared with the platypus

A Duckbill

To the dismay of its fans everywhere, in 2006 Pluto was reclassified as this type of planet

A Dwarf Planet

One may be electric or alluvial; that's cool

A Fan

Pinkie rinser at the table

A Finger Bowl

For his prairie houses, Wright called for one big chimney, which justified one big one of these inside

A Fireplace

Lincoln Green is also called this green, where you might see it were it not for the trees

A Forest

A Times headline said Beelzebufo ampinga, at 10 pounds the largest of these ever, "hopped with dinosaurs"

A Frog

1 of this unit of milk weighs about 8 pounds

A Gallon

A South American cowboy of the pampas, usually of mixed Spanish & Indian ancestry

A Gaucho

Name of the type of formation seen here: [video clue - in Alex's hand]

A Geode

Artist Marcel Duchamp added one to the Mona Lisa

A Goatee

The largest primate is the male eastern lowland this

A Gorilla

If you don't put the salt into a salty dog, you've got the cocktail with this other canine name

A Greyhound

One story says that this alternate name for a hero sandwich comes from its creation on Hog Island

A Hoagie

A container designed for cigars

A Humidor

It holds up your Harley when it's not moving

A Kickstand

A small rounded hill or mound; there's a grassy one in Dallas

A Knoll

Noun for one who lives a wild, hedonistic life without moral restraint

A Libertine

Cleveland, Ohio

The Plain Dealer

Things developed rapidly after this Edwin Land creation went on sale in 1948

The Polaroid Camera

Isabella took an interest in helping religious orders, especially this "poor" order of nuns

The Poor Clares

He was among the first students when the St. Petersburg Conservatory opened in 1862


One of the world's most popular beverages is this drink made by boiling certain shredded leaves in water


Deborah Kerr served more than tea in this 1956 film based on a play

Tea And Sympathy

In 2010 the D.O.T. issued rules banning this new form of communication by truckers while driving


In 2004 Reese Witherspoon starred in the big screen version of "Vanity Fair" by this author


Formed by the Nan, Ping, Wang & Yom, the Chao Phraya is this country's main river


On Dec. 17 128 U.S. representatives voted against this number amendment prohibiting liquor

The 18Th

You can kill nasty things in wooden cutting boards with the acidity in the white type of this--Heinz wants you to know


"My Cousin ____"


This state's former governor Mark Warner donned his senatorial cap in 2009


Born in Kiev in 1904, this pianist was one of the best known concert performers of the 20th century

Vladimir Horowitz

Hrungnir threw a huge stone at this god, who used his hammer to shatter the stone in the air & kill the giant


Name shared by a talking flower Alice meets & an Indian girl in "Peter Pan"

Tiger Lily

A sign above the visitor's clubhouse at this Detroit park once read, "Visitors' Clubhouse -- No Visitors Allowed"

Tiger Stadium

Mascarpone is the cheese used to layer this Italian-named sponge-cake dessert


This Venetian, said his pupil Palma Giovane, "used his fingers more than his brush" to finish his lush works


Gilbert & Sullivan's "Yeomen of the Guard" is set in this English landmark

Tower Of London

[video clue]


In this 1983 film Eddie Murphy & Dan Aykroyd switch lives

Trading Places

Gangster-land, or Hades' domain


Clint Eastwood received his first Oscar for directing this 1992 western


The Althing had an upper & lower house until 1991; now it's this type of legislature, meaning "one chamber"


Benedetto is the original last name of this man who's been crooning great music for decades

(Tony) Bennett

In 1992 you could have seen James Gandolfini playing cards with Stanley Kowalski in a revival of this play

A Streetcar Named Desire

"Take these broken wings and learn to fly"


The rail

A Bird

A research institute, like the RAND Corporation

A Think Tank

In 1992 the winter Olympic games were held in this French city


He's pictured on the $10 bill

Alexander Hamilton

In a marvelous poem, he wrote, "At my back I always hear time's winged chariot hurrying near"

Andrew Marvell

Cooperstown, New York


E.B. White spun this tale about a spider & a pig

Charlotte's Web

Headgear for a king, or part of a tooth


"Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace"


Feel free to "Scream" out the name of this artist, seen here

Edvard Munch

Jim Anderson was an agent at the General Insurance Company on this sitcom

Father Knows Best

The flag of this country also appears on the flags of Tuvalu, Fiji & Australia

Great Britain

Mr. Flintstone & the first "Spice Girl" to quit the group

Fred & Ginger

This brazen young blonde was caught napping in Baby Bear's bed


Pistachio is a shade of this color


Like most insects, all flies are divided into 3 parts: thorax, abdomen & this


The star of "Nacho Libre" becomes a form of extortion

Jack Blackmail

Britney's younger sister, she was "All That" before she became "Zoey 101"

Jamie Lynn

On January 21, 1977 this president pardoned several thousand Vietnam War draft evaders

Jimmy Carter

128 Americans died when the Germans sank this liner May 7, 1915


The 2 women who first saw the resurrected Jesus shared this name


"Allied Assault" & "Rising Sun" are from this militaristic video game series

Medal Of Honor

"Take off, eh!" The McKenzie bros. of "SCTV" did commercials touting this Canadian beer


A poem of praise, or was indebted to


It's been said Martin van Buren's son John was 1st to advise, "Vote early & ..." this


This chip-off-the-old-Flintstone was born February 22, 1963


Drama whose original alternate title was "The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up"

Peter Pan

He's the singer heard here: "In dreams, I walk...."

Roy Orbison

This 2-time Winter Olympics site has been known for its mineral springs since Roman times

Saint Moritz

"Kaddish" by this beat poet was an elegy for his mother, Naomi, who died in 1956

Allen Ginsberg

It's the feline equivalent of a stray mutt

Alley Cat

During WWII, this city was the headquarters of the Alaska Defense Command


Under the oceans, this part of the Earth is generally only 3-5 miles thick

The Crust

"One of These Nights", "Hell Freezes Over"

The Eagles

The most populous

The U.S.

This dame's roles have included the Mother Superior in "Sister Act", Granny Wendy in "Hook" & Miss Jean Brodie

(Maggie) Smith

The masculine signs are the air signs, including Gemini, & these signs, which include Leo

Fire Signs

The distillery that makes this "Old" Irish whiskey was first licensed in 1608

(Old) Bushmills

Gangster's "gun" gal

(4) Moll

This man who said "Give me liberty or give me death!" died in 1799

(Patrick) Henry

Member of the royal family who was reputedly planning to marry Peter Townshend

(Princess) Margaret

Around 400 B.C. the Greek Ctesias described it as having a white body with a straight cubit-long horn

A Unicorn

Edison invents the phonograph, U.S. Grant is re-elected & Bizet writes "Carmen"


The curved horns of the water type of this animal may have a total length of 12 feet

A Buffalo

The pigfish is a type of this fish named for a noise it makes when taken out of the water

A Grunt

To make a good first impression, a "dead fish" one of these is definitely not advised

A Handshake

In his diary, Samuel Pepys recounted the "Great Plague" sweeping through London in this decade


In the 1800s women would puff out their skirts by wearing this padding or framework underneath

A Bustle

Letter-perfect slang for a $100 bill

A C-Note

This famous FBI sting derived its name from one its fictitious enterprises, Abdul Enterprises


John Sparkman

Adlai Stevenson

Fabulous fabulist (5)


One of the President's own men is a terrorist when the title plane gets hijacked in this 1997 actioner

Air Force One

In 2003 this airline agreed to buy KLM, creating Europe's largest airline

Air France

This "Six Feet Under" creator's career is far from dead; he brought "True Blood" to HBO

Alan Ball

13-year-old Benny Benson's winning design for this state's flag included the Big Dipper


The Persian king Darius III led 250,000 troops to defeat against this man's 47,000 in 331 B.C.

Alexander The Great

Dyan Cannon plays Judge Cone, she of the sexy Wattles, on this TV show

Ally Mcbeal

Lara Flynn Boyle of "The Practice" guested on this show & suggested Calista Flockhart eat a cookie

Ally Mcbeal

The "World" one claims to be the all-time bestselling American reference book


...among the books of the Old Testament


French for "love", in English it means romance, especially a secret one


A proverb

An Adage

After 6 years in exile in Gorky, this physicist & human rights activist was allowed to return to Moscow in 1986

Andrei Sakharov

2 presidents, Nos. 7 & 17, have had this first name that's No. 6 on the list


A garment worn by cooks shares its name with this part of the stage that extends in front of the curtain line


First name of the famous Western governess of King Rama IV's son


Though still living with her husband, a government official, she has an affair with the dashing Count Vronsky

Anna Karenina

The state house in this city is where George Washington resigned his commission in 1783


Annie Sullivan

Anne Bancroft

This American actress won a 1960 Tony & a 1962 Oscar for playing the same teacher

Anne Bancroft

2 of his pen names were rather transparent: Antosha Chekhonte & Anton Ch.

Anton Chekhov

E.O. Wilson, the man behind the EOL, is an expert on these insects, like the black & red fire types you'll find listed


If you have severe pain beginning around the navel and moving to the right, get to the hospital before this ruptures


This brand's Ultimate G4 could be called the G5, since almost 5 G's is what it originally sold for

Apple Macintosh

Jeremy Piven's agent role


Continent from which Indians' ancestors came to America


Add 2 letters to a modern Mideast country to get this kingdom once ruled by Sennacherib


This Greek wisdom goddess was born full grown from Zeus' head because he'd swallowed his pregnant first wife


Decorated WWII hero who titled his autobiography "To Hell and Back"

Audie Murphy

Between about 1325 & 1500 this group expanded from an island or two to control southern Mexico


The Highland version of this instrument has 2 tenor drones & a bass drone


Mo Vaughn, Greg Vaughn, Mike Piazza


Admiral George Dewey was born under this sign, but we bet no one dared call him an "old goat"




One of her 5 Emmys was for hosting a game show, "Just Men"

Betty White

It's the condition also known as anthracosis, associated with coal miners

Black Lung

It precedes "shrimp" in the name of a shrimp species that lives in the Great Salt Lake


In 1790 Cornwallis was leading this company's campaigns to annex Mysore

British East India Company

As a whole, its head can be stuffed; shredded, it can be a slaw


In 1968 this labor leader had a grape, er... gripe

Caesar Chavez

With his 10th anniversary book a bestseller, this comic strip's artist Bill Watterson quit the strip

Calvin And Hobbes

In a Moss Hart-George S. Kaufman comedy, Sheridan Whiteside was "The Man Who" did this

Came To Dinner

This rum maker's website urges you to "Drink responsibly--captain's orders!"

Captain Morgan

Experts say the smell in a new one of these is from the phthalate plasticizers used in PVC, not leather


This poet & biographer's site isn't in Illinois but in Flat Rock, N.C.; he moved there & raised goats

Carl Sandburg

Many of the caves in this New Mexico national park still have not been fully explored

Carlsbad Caverns

Still writing music in 2009, composer Elliot Carter was feted at this NYC concert hall on his 100th birthday in December 2008

Carnegie Hall

This comedienne got her start on TV as the girlfriend of Jerry Mahoney, & we're not pulling your ear!

Carol Burnett

This 1942 film gained greater distinction following a January 1943 meeting of Allied leaders in its title location


This range extends from Lassen Peak in California to the Fraser River in British Columbia


In the '70s and 80s, he was in charge of first the welfare and later the warfare departments

Caspar Weinberger

Jane Fonda played a schoolteacher who turns into an outlaw in this 1965 film

Cat Ballou

The Pollitt family plantation is overrun by "no-neck monsters" in this Tennesee Williams play

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof

Wife No. 5, she wed Henry VIII in 1540; she must've lost her head fooling around on him; oh wait, she did

Catherine Howard

She was the younger sister of the tragic Spanish queen known as "Joan the Mad"

Catherine Of Aragon

I'm... too sexy for this clue & I do my little turn on this narrow structure over a stage, yeah


It can mean lasting 100 years, or a 100th anniversary celebration


There are a number of Chanel fragrances, including this one that immortalizes her birthday, August 19

Chanel No. 19

Like the couple in a No. 1 song by the Dixie Cups, one might ask her intended to go to this title place

Chapel Of Love

When businesses restructure following a bankruptcy they use this section of U.S. federal code

Chapter 11

Vangelis' theme from this 1981 British film took a record 21 weeks on the charts to reach No. 1

Chariots Of Fire

Valentine is the last name of this "sweet" title hostess at the Fandango ballroom


Thomas Dewey, 1943-1954

New York

Online games you can play include Quake & this ancient battle to capture the opponent's king


This behavior in gorillas can express exuberance or intimidate


President Arthur's searchers

Chester's Questers

In 1993 this "SNL" alum returned to TV as a late-night talk show host, but lasted only 6 weeks

Chevy Chase

This country's GDP is growing about 10% a year & in 2004, says the World Bank, contributed 1/3 of world growth


Guido Reni could have called his painting of this ruler "T & A", "A" standing for asp


This '90s British girl group who were "Comin' Atcha" released the CD "Queen of the Nile" in 2000


"I met a traveler from an antique land who said: Two vast & trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert"

Percy Shelley

Tamara Dobson played this secret agent in 2 1970s films

Cleopatra Jones

No arguing with Euclid's fourth postulate, "All right angles are" this, meaning of equal measure in degrees


Christopher Dodd & Joseph Lieberman


Horseshoe, fiddler, hermit


1967: "What we've got here is failure to communicate"

Cool Hand Luke

At this European city's airport, you can have a sandwich & of course a coffee at the Cafe Karen Blixen


Animal remains found in the caves of these paleolithic people suggest an early form of religion


Country to which the U.S. began beaming Radio Marti in May 1985


Haiti, Cuba, Jamaica


In 1981 a federal judge ruled it illegal to indefinitely imprison refugees from this communist island


An adorable wind instrument

Cute Flute

Arlington is located between these third & sixth most populous cities in Texas

Dallas & Fort Worth

"Whatever Lola Wants" & "Shoeless Joe From Hannibal, MO"

Damn Yankees

In 376, harassed by the Huns, the Goths crossed this second-longest European river


He based Nora Charles of "The Thin Man" on his friend Lillian Hellman

Dashiell Hammett

What you don't want to be when you show up at the hospital: DOA

Dead On Arrival

This woman is wanted in connection with stolen hair & the kidnapping of her boyfriend by Philistines






Things that are commonplace are a this "a dozen"


Rejected in Russia, this Boris Pasternak novel began making house calls in Italy

Doctor Zhivago

It was Petula Clark's last U.S. Top 10 hit

Don't Sleep In The Subway

This work says, "Man is not truly one, but truly two... I learned to recognize the... primitive duality of man"

Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

When CBS took this show off its schedule for 1998, it angered its viewers & its star Jane Seymour

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Members who don't pay these may be sued


For the White House, Jackie Kennedy chose "Houses of Squam Light" by this "Nighthawks" artist

Edward Hopper

"The Father of the H-Bomb", "Dr. Strangelove"

Edward Teller

Camilla's great-grandmother, Alice Keppel, was a mistress of this early 20th century king, seen here

Edward Vii

In this "Street"-wise game show, you have to predict answers given by people on the street

Street Smarts

2 of the 5 U.S. presidents who played football for their college teams

Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Ford & Reagan

The largest land mammal in Thailand, the shape of the country looks like its head, in profile


Born of Italian immigrant stock in Brazil, he's a 2-time Indy 500 winner

Emerson Fittipaldi

Order of the Bath

England/Great Britain

One of the social events of 1999 was this Spice Girl's castle wedding to soccer star David Beckham

Posh Spice

A popular pet of the '90s, the name of this type of pig comes from its anatomy

Pot-Bellied Pig

[Audio] This single-named singer heard here, combines new age music with Irish folk:


In April 2009 the doors of Chicago's county general hospital closed to TV viewers as this show ended


Phyllis Schlafly was among those leading the fight for the defeat of this proposed constitutional amendment

Era (Equal Rights Amendment)

Her career took off after publishing "Fear of Flying" in 1973

Erica Jong

This American author's estate outside Havana was called Finca Vigia, or Lookout Farm

Ernest Hemingway

In Picks & Pans we find Ahasuerus rejecting Vashti as his queen, picking this cousin of Mordecai instead


Started in 2001, Verasun Energy has now become the second-leading producer of this alternative fuel


It's actually a vast 4 million-square-mile peninsula of an even more vast land mass


Subtitled "A Tale of Acadie", this Longfellow poem describes the tragic romance of an Acadian woman


On "The Simpsons", Mr. Burns usually uses this word when he finds something superb or first-rate


Ingredient in the witches' potion in "Macbeth" that's a body part of a 1990s House speaker

Eye Of Newt Gingrich

In "The Cocoanuts" Groucho told Margaret Dumont, hers "Shine like the pants of a blue serge suit"


Appropriately, Part 3 of this 1953 novel is "Burning Bright"

Fahrenheit 451

"The Father of Existentialism", Kierkegaard said that human life requires a "leap of" this


In 2004 this beauty made her movie debut as Sarah Sunderson in "The Stepford Wives"

Faith Hill

In "Antony and Cleopatra", Marc Antony commits suicide by doing this

Falling On His Blade

(Salem here!) Well-known term for a low-ranking demon who aids a witch & assumes an original form, like a cat (Ohhh...I know this one!)


Show on which 2 clans compete to guess the top responses to survey questions

Family Feud

An adjective meaning "elaborate"; to Brits, it's a verb meaning "to like or enjoy"


Someone counted 25,216 of these on a swan


By presidential proclamation, this is American heart month


Granite contains this mineral whose name contains the German word for "field"


This Vienna-born justice placed many of his former students, dubbed "Hot Dogs", in jobs in the New Deal

Felix Frankfurter

In 1908 a carbon tetrachloride gas type of this was invented; in 1917 a foam type

Fire Extinguishers

Proverbially, to dally in the face of a crisis is to do this "while Rome burns"


Beethoven wrote 4 overtures for this opera


In the U.S. the FBI has about 60 of the local offices usually called these

Field Offices

Even odds


Rumors that these snacks were named for a physicist are untrue; they're named for a town in Massachusetts

Fig Newtons

The piscine lead in this '03 film: "If this is some kind of practical joke, it's not funny, & I know funny, I'm a clownfish"

Finding Nemo

Loops, arches & whorls make up these


Helsinki is situated on the Gulf of this


It's a nuclear power's capability of a preemptive attack, or one-third of an out in baseball

First Strike

"Joy of Cooking" says dogfish is a classic part of this British staple dish served with vinegar

Fish And Chips

Add "D" to a word for sheep's wool & you've been this, meaning taken


Horseback riding is the rein event at Lady Hawk Farm in this state's Citrus County


Winter Park, Winter Garden, Winter Haven


One of the 2 flat divisions of a tail of a whale, or a stroke of good luck


A Bergman or Branagh operatic opus: "The Magic _____"


Traditionally, a dense one of these is compared to "pea soup"


We're rich! Oh, wait... it's only this, iron pyrite

Fool's Gold

Lake Como in Montana contributed generously to the battle against these in summer 2000

Forest Fires

It's a truck with a pronged platform at the front that raises & moves loads


The Confederates held this fort from April 1861 to February 1865

Fort Sumter

In 1807 Alexander I allied himself with this country; in 1812 the alliance broke & the ex-ally invaded Russia


Leonard Nimoy appeared as a football player in the third film about this talking mule


The Arizona radio station Sinatra bought in 1989 was dubbed KFAS, the FAS standing for this

Francis Albert Sinatra

Robert Louis Stevenson based this novel about David Balfour on an actual Scottish crime


Theodore Roosevelt Island is a 91-acre national wilderness park found in this river


This former vice-mayor of Cincinnati said of obscenity, "I know it when I see it"

Potter Stewart

On May 10,1981 France elected as president this socialist who then nationalized most of the private banks

Francois Mitterand

"Somethin' Stupid" was a 1967 duet sung by this father & daughter

Frank & Nancy Sinatra

From 1887 to 1893 he was chief draftsman for the Chicago firm of Adler & Sullivan

Frank Lloyd Wright

"Chairman" & singer Albert

Frank Sinatra

Frankie Goes to Hollywood was named for this crooner

Frank Sinatra

10 years after his death, he can be seen on TV dancing with Dirt Devil vacuum cleaners

Fred Astaire

Dancer Frederick Austerlitz

Fred Astaire

He played the absent-minded professor who invented Flubber in the original 1961 film

Fred Macmurray

Soft Cell sang, "Once I ran to you, now I'll run from you" in an '80s song about this title kind of love


It calls itself America's best-selling brand of school uniforms; to us it sounds like breakfast -- pass the syrup

French Toast

...who was the last president to be born in a log cabin


The 2 brightest stars in this constellation are Castor & Pollux


The first book of the Bible, or a Phil Collins rock band


This city's Piazza Dante contains the house believed to be that of Christopher Colunbus


He was in as Danny Ocean in a 2001 film & its 2 sequels

George Clooney

Yale University (class of 1948)

George H.W. Bush

When John Jay quit, John Rutledge failed to win confirmation as Chief Justice for this president

George Washington

"I'll paint (the flower) big and they'll be surprised into taking time to look at it"

Georgia O'keeffe

Beverage World reports that in 1996 the U.S. exceeded this country in number of breweries for the first time


It was unified in thge 19th century & reunified in the 20th


With the success of this book about Chili Palmer & the John Travolta film, Elmore's thinking sequel

Get Shorty

Command to old dobbin to make him go faster


In "The Aeneid" Virgil wrote, "I fear the Greeks even when they come with" these


This venomous lizard is named for a river basin in the American Southwest where it's found

Gila Monster

The NBA's Agent Zero, aka Hibachi, aka The Black President

Gilbert Arenas

He painted the first 5 men to succeed Washington as president but is more famous for his 3 of George

Gilbert Stuart

Sushi connoisseur Shigo Ito refreshes her palate with pickled strips of this root


In 1872 the Marquess of Queensberry introduced this equipment to protect aristocrats while boxing


Cobra Starship featuring Leighton Meester: "Good Girls ____ ____"

Go Bad

In 1956 this future Israeli prime minister adopted a new last name that means "to burn brightly" in Hebrew

Golda Meir

It was John C. Fremont who gave the entrance to San Francisco's bay this name

Golden Gate

Many businesses close early in honor of this observance that falls 2 days before Easter

Good Friday

As a noun, it's a steep-walled canyon; as a verb, it means to stuff yourself with food


This movement flourished as an architectural style from 1150 to 1250, the Age of the Great Cathedrals


This 3-word nickname for the Republicans dates from the 1870s

Grand Old Party

The book "Iowans of Impact" calls him "Anamosa's Famous Artist"

Grant Wood

In 1924 this sportswriter coined the term "The Four Horsemen" about Notre Dame football players

Grantland Rice

Peru's national drink is pisco sour, a blend of lime juice, syrup, bitters & a heady brandy made from this vine fruit


Gunpowder is one of the most popular varieties of this "color" tea in America

Green Tea

A royal observatory was founded in this London borough in 1675


1962: Atticus Finch

Gregory Peck

The West Indies nation we invaded in 1983


Mexico's best coffee comes from Chiapas, a state that borders this noted coffee-growing nation


Spanish for "little war", it's a member of a small band of irregular soldiers who harass the enemy by surprise raids


The name of this thick soup is akin to the Tshiluba word for "okra"


The Sanskrit word for "venerable" gave us this term for a spiritual guide


Of this author of "The Necklace", Flaubert said, "He's my disciple and I love him like a son"

Guy De Maupassant

Sondheim striptease show (5)


Adamstown on Pitcairn Island sits on a bay named for this ship

H.M.S. Bounty

Meaning "have the body", a writ of this 2-word phrase is the common means of obtaining release on bail

Habeas Corpus

Ulysses met up again with Agamemnon & Ajax in a place ruled by this god


Since Pisces is a water sign, it's not surprising that he composed "Water Music" in 1717


"Rome: Total War--Barbarian Invasion" allows you to control this Carthaginian's elephants


One of the last biplanes used by a commercial airliner, the HP42, bore the name of this Carthaginian general


When North & South Vietnam were reunited in 1976, this city was designated the capital


The reeds of this instrument are positioned to sound whether you blow or suck through the wind channels


"The Moon is a Harsh Mistress", "Stranger in a Strange Land"


At Walden Pond, he "never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude"

Henry David Thoreau

This 12-term Congressman from Illinois is chairman of the House Judiciary Committee

Henry Hyde

In 1957 this German-born man wrote of "Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy"

Henry Kissinger

Edith & Archie "could use a man like" this president "again"

Herbert Hoover

Starbuck serves as chief mate aboard the Pequod in the most famous work by this author

Herman Melville ("Moby Dick")

"The noonday train will bring Frank Miller" at 12 sharp in this 1952 film; look out, Gary!

High Noon

Herbert P. Bix won in 2001 with a book on this emperor "and the Making of Modern Japan"


"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose" this

His Own Soul

In 1946 the Communist government of Vietnam began issuing coins with a depiction of this man

Ho Chi Minh

President of North Vietnam for 24 years, his mausoleum in Hanoi is a national shrine

Ho Chi Minh

You'll find Draco Malfoy studying at this school


Giuliani's pal Bernard Kerik, 2004

Homeland Security

When measured by shoreline, this North American bay is the world's largest

Hudson Bay

The largest area of flatland on this mountainous island is the Kanto Plain where Tokyo lies


Budweiser's label says it's brewed "using the choicest" these, "rice and best barley malt"


It's another name for a frankfurter

Hot Dog

Flapjacks, come & get 'em under this name!


The sand in this simple device runs from the top bulb to the bottom in 60 minutes' time


Catchy "Fiddler on the Roof" song that goes, "Daidle, deedle, daidle, digguh, digguh, deedle, daidle, dum"

If I Were A Rich Man

On the track, runners practice for a race by jumping over these fencelike obstacles


Traditionally, this person pays for the marriage license


On August 27, 1783 Jacques Alexandre Charles & the Robert brothers launched the first balloon filled with this gas


You're likely to hear "You are getting very sleepy" from someone practicing this


"Frankly, my dear..."

I Don't Give A Damn

This song with a simple desire is significant as The Beatles' first chart topper in America

I Want To Hold Your Hand

A small demon, or a mischievous child (who might be a little demon!)


The book of Genesis opens with these 3 words

In The Beginning

Name shared by the largest newspaper by circulation in Houston & San Francisco

The Chronicle

Asia's only lions live in Gir Forest, about 200 miles northwest of Bombay in this country


Dick may spot a Jain in this country -- the Jains originated there


In this country in 1992, extremists destroyed a 400-year-old Muslim mosque built on the believed site of Rama's birth


Kingfisher is a world-renowned brew from this country of Asia


The largest population of wild tigers is found in this Asian country on about 30 wildlife reserves


IMing, 4 short

Instant Messaging

In 2004 this Santa Clara, Calif. chip giant began shipping 95% lead-free microprocessor packages


This section of Rio is known as the birthplace of the bossa nova; there was a "Girl From" there in song


Modern Persian is also called Farsi from the Fars region in the southwest of this country


On the back of the euro issued by this country you’ll find a Celtic harp


Like coffee, tea can take on this "nationality" when combined with whiskey


This composer's musical "Annie Get Your Gun" premieres on Broadway May 16, 1946

Irving Berlin

Joe Jackson sees "Jeanie with her new boyfriend" and voices this title complaint in the form of a question

Is She Really Going Out With Him?

She's Mrs. Osiris: SI SI


2009: Rebecca Bloomwood, a real shopaholic

Isla Fisher

70% of Albanians practice this religion


We wish the walls of this city's Topkapi Palace could talk -- it housed the sultans & their harems


You'd be plenty wise not to mess with Pennywise the Clown in "Stephen King's" this


Bob Dole's running mate in 1996, he is co-director of Empower America

Jack Kemp

Steve McGarrett's hair & clothing were always perfect when this man played him on '70s TV

Jack Lord

This giant of the game was the first pro golfer to win 5 Masters titles

Jack Nicklaus

Fox-hunting dog breed named for a 19th century British clergyman

Jack Russell

Her stepfather, Hugh Auchincloss, was also the stepfather of writer Gore Vidal

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

The first non-native Americans to travel in Iowa, this French pair explored the region in 1673

Jacques Marquette & Louis Joliet

His 1793 "The Death Of Marat" shows the late Marat holding a letter from Charlotte Corday

Jacques-Louis David

It's a shade of green or a green gemstone that's often carved


Pre-Columbian civilizations in Mexico & Central America worshiped this largest New World cat as a god


The Handgun Violence Prevention Act is named for him

James Brady

Gonna pop in the video & watch "Piranha II", the first full-length directorial effort by this "Titanic" director

James Cameron

"The Great White Hope" (1969)

James Earl Jones

In 1975, he became the first actor to drive the Indy 500 pace car--a Buick V8, not Rockford's Pontiac Firebird

James Garner

He was nicknamed "The Sage of Montpelier"

James Madison

Matsuo Basho


For 2 seasons he found some "action" on "SNL", often imitating Christopher Walken

Jay Mohr

Darius Milhaud composed music for a movie version of "Madame Bovary" directed by this son of a painter

Jean Renoir

Namesake of a British rock band, he invented the seed drill to sow tidy rows

Jethro Tull

James Henrik Sundquist emerged from Sweden in 1994 claiming to be the son of this rock star

Jimi Hendrix

Teamsters president: ____ Riddle ____

Jimmy Hoffa

Ingrid Bergman was nominated in 1949 for playing this "maid"; Milla Jovovich wasn't so lucky

Joan Of Arc

In 2005 this actor walked the line as Johnny Cash

Joaquin Phoenix

Homer called this woman Epicaste; Oedipus could call her his mrs., or just plain "Mom"


He managed the '98 Yankee team some called the greatest ever

Joe Torre

"In the world according to Garp, we're all terminal cases", wrote this novelist

John Irving

Born in Oklahoma, this Hall of Fame catcher for the Cincinnati Reds is part Choctaw Indian

Johnny Bench

In 1726, he received 200 pounds for his tale of Lemuel Gulliver, the only time he was paid for his writing

Jonathan Swift

In 1911 this "Trees" poet's first volume of verse, "Summer of Love" was published

Joyce Kilmer

This man was elected president of the IOC just before the summer games; he's still there

Juan Antonio Samaranch

Hidden for 1,700 years, the lost gospel of this man states that he was acting on Jesus' orders

Judas (Iscariot)

This tiny star of "Good News" learned to dance by watching a Fred Astaire movie 17 times

June Allyson

Hellenically, Hera


If there's anything Bob Dole knows, it's that when Bob Dole was Senate majority leader, Bob Dole served for this state


Last name of the Dodger pitcher who won the Cy Young Award 3 times in the 1960s


In 1993's "Tombstone", he played Earp to Val Kilmer's Doc Holliday

Kurt Russell

Nigeria's chief port, it sprawls over 4 main islands connected by bridges


In 2006 this jeans-clad author & Diana Ossana won an Oscar for their screenplay of "Brokeback Mountain"

Larry Mcmurtry

All of the Romance languages have their roots in this language


In 1954, she became the first recipient of the literary award named for her; perhaps she kept it in a "Little House"

Laura Ingalls Wilder

Magma that reaches the earth's surface is called this


"Cosette", part 2 of this classic novel, begins with a chapter titled "Waterloo"

Les Misã©Rables

Introduced in 1916 on the heels of Erector sets & Tinkertoys, they were the "Wright" building material

Lincoln Logs

(Hi, I'm Yolanda King) In 1963 my father delivered his "I Have A Dream" speech before this monument in Washington, D.C.

Lincoln Memorial

To keep a secret one might seal or button these body parts


In 1953 he orginated the role of Captain Queeg in "The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial" on Broadway

Lloyd Nolan

[video clue]


Bankrupt in '31, ressurected in '32, it remained airborne by one congressional vote in '71


This city's Bakerloo subway line opened March 10, 1906


When using Tibetan prayer beads, get into this "flowery" position if your tendons will allow it


The world's oldest Zydeco festival takes place annually in Plaisance, near Opelousas in this state


Before she fell in love with TV, this redhead starred in radio's "My Favorite Husband"

Lucille Ball

This alternate name for a werewolf is from the Greek for "wolf man"


An Italian political philosopher: Ah, civil male


No one could claim the earth was flat after this man's expedition circumnavigated the globe in 1522


Pope Innocent III issued a bull to annul this document agreed to by King John in 1215 -- didn't work

Magna Carta

Over 350 miles of this national park's underground passages have been mapped

Mammoth Cave

Famous quote from Jesus that precedes "But by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God"

Man Does Not Live By Bread Alone

This musical opens as Miguel de Cervantes is thrown into a dungeon for crimes against the church

Man Of La Mancha

After losing his spot in the lineup in 1977, Rangers 2B Lenny Randle beat up 49-year-old Frank Lucchesi, his this


Food "From Heaven" (5)


Originally, this woman born in 1755 had the middle names Antonia, Josepha, & Joanna

Marie Antoinette

Mrs. Dan Quayle


"Love And Marriage"

Married... With Children

The hypothesized Higgs field gives elementary particles this, the m in the equation f=ma


Art Spiegelman tackled the holocaust in this graphic novel that portrayed Germans as cats


This Swedish actor who tried to expel demons in "The Exorcist" played the devil himself in "Needful Things"

Max Von Sydow

November in the Northern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent of this month in the S. Hemisphere


1962: Tim Conway as Ensign Charles Parker

Mchale's Navy

She was magazine editor Miranda Priestly, who fiendishly wore Prada

Meryl Streep

This word comes from the Hebrew word meaning "the annointed one"


After leading Team USA to the Olympic Gold in soccer in 2004, she retired with a record 158 international goals

Mia Hamm

This city's Herald was founded in 1910


Hilltop home of the gods

Mt. Olympus

The Humboldt River, this state's longest, flows through the cities of Winnemucca & Elko


One of the havens for tigers is Royal Chitwan National Park in this Himalayan country


Rather than this traditional object, Cirque de Soleil's creative studio uses a pit filled with 25,000 foam cubes


NYC area adjoining & 1 letter different from SoHo


Making an Irishman out of potato chip entrepreneur Herman brings this cry of approval

O'lay (Olã©)

The "best laid schemes" of Steinbeck borrowed a line by Robert Burns to title this short novel

Of Mice And Men

In an Offenbach work, this title character must venture to the underworld to deal with his dead wife, Eurydice


Yee-ha! You'll see Hawaiian cowboys known as Paniolo at this 225,000-acre cattle ranch

Parker Ranch

His 1965 "Songbook" album includes solo versions of "I Am A Rock" & "The Sound Of Silence"

Paul Simon

From a Cree word, this Native American food was made from cranberries, dried deer meat & melted fat


The yellow No. 2 Ticonderoga is a popular one of these


The Navy hymn asks, "Oh, hear us when we cry to thee for those in" this synonym of danger "on the sea"


In some accounts, St. Valentine was not a European but actually one of these that today we would call an Iranian


Ecuador's longest border is with this country to the south & east


This Cincinnati Reds player appeared in 3,562 games, the most by any player in major league history

Pete Rose

What we call gasoline, the Brits call this


In mythology, after Hippolytus rejects her, this wife of Theseus hangs herself


Artificial female ones of these are used to bait traps to capture male beetles


By 700 B.C. these people had established Mediterranean colonies at Utica & Carthage


Marie-Therese Walter, in the 1930s also his model & lover


This basketball ploy, when a player sets a screen & then receives a pass, includes 2 4-letter words

Pick & Roll

Gash & acid rain are popular hues of Urban Decay makeup, whose ads have asked, "Does" this pastel color "make you puke?"


Stuffed crust is a specialty of this "hovel" with over 10,000 outlets worldwide

Pizza Hut

Now a 5-letter suffix, it was the Greek term for the type of community we call a city-state


This federal holiday can fall on any date from February 15 to February 21

Presidents' Day/Washington's Birthday

Sounds like a collective name for a group of large cats


This Corning glass used for cooking was cast to make the 200-inch telescope lens for Mount Palomar


A Latin link of 2 letters pronounced as one is why we, in modern English, always follow this letter with U


Middle initial of John Public, or of sixth president John Adams


In 1958 this TV host said, "Frances Farmer, This Is Your Life!"

Ralph Edwards

To descend a mountain while secured with a double rope


String theory attempts to merge quantum mechanics with Einstein's general theory of this


Grime darkened the daytime setting of this artist's work, causing it to be misnamed "The Night Watch"


Barack Obama-- This "R" word; how mavericky


This past "Autumn in New York", he & Carey Lowell tied the knot

Richard Gere

"There's a small hotel" is a tune from "Pal Joey" by him & Lorenz Hart

Richard Rodgers

Ringo Starr was born with this name on July 7, 1940 in Liverpool

Richard Starkey

A granite cone called Sugar Loaf Mountain rises on a peninsula in Guanabara Bay in this cosmopolitan city

Rio De Janeiro

This nucleic acid occurs in 3 forms: messenger, ribosomal & transfer


This singer's album "The Ego Has Landed" is conquering the U.K. & USA with hits like "Angels" & "Millennium"

Robbie Williams

With words like the following, this poet's name could be read as a statement: ("Is fair art thou my bonnie lass...")

Robert Burns

A specialist in action-packed young people's novels, in 1885 he put out the quiet "A Child's Garden of Verses"

Robert Louis Stevenson

Born in Scotland, this author spent time in the United States & the South Seas

Robert Louis Stevenson

A notorious 1820s murder inspired this author of "All The King's Men" to write "World Enough and Time"

Robert Penn Warren

On 9/30/72, this Pittsburgh Pirate got his 3,000th & last major league hit

Roberto Clemente

From the Old Slavic for slave, this word entered the language from Karel Capek's 1921 play "R.U.R."


To the "Dred" of abolitionists, this man from a slaveholding family was chief justice of the U.S.

Roger Taney

Literary magazine edited by O. Henry in 1894, or rock magazine founded in 1967

Rolling Stone

The hood ornament, the Spirit of Ecstasy, can retract with a button push on some cars made by this company


Nicu Ceausescu, a playboy who was groomed to lead this country, was jailed in 1990 & died in 1996


Bobby Flay's recipe for this includes as special equipment a rod to skewer the bird with

Rotisserie Chicken

He & Robert Novak have worked together since 1963 & now co-anchor a CNN discussion program

Rowland Evans

In the 1620s he painted 21 large pictures in the life of Marie de Medicis; why, they were positively him-esque


The cut above the round, it also begins with "R"


Scar-Jo's hubby, he was one of the title "guys" in "Two Guys, A Girl And A Pizza Place"

Ryan Reynolds

"Fancy Free" follows 3 of these on leave in New York City


Vaughan, Polley, Bernhardt


The Yeti in the Himalayas is the counterpart of this large, hairy humanlike creature in the Pacific Northwest


The Cassini project is exploring Titan & Enceladus, moons of this second-largest planet


St. Paul studied under the rabbi Gamaliel & was known by this name before his conversion to Christianity


We could listen to the 1888 suite named for this tale-spinner for "1001 Nights"


Spielberg wasn't paid for directing this film; he said it would be "blood money"

Schindler's List

The history winner was about this 1925 event "And America's...debate over science and religion"

Scopes Monkey Trial

It's the term for bone or ivory objects once carved by sailors and often decorated with whaling scenes


Lands' End still has its own catalog, even though it was purchased by this retailer in 2002


In 1973 he became the first & only horse to break the 2-minute barrier in the Kentucky Derby


"The Smelly Car"


In 132 Zhang Heng developed a crude one of these instruments that registers earthquakes


Edgeworth & Johnson were 2 schools called "female" these, more associated with training priests


The international airport in Anchorage was renamed for him in 2000

Sen. Ted Stevens

Every 2 years 1/3 of this body faces re-election


Current name of the month that followed Sextilis on the Roman calendar


It's the first month of the year named for a number


It's the tallest type of tree named for a Cherokee


Catherine the Great fortified the port settlement of Akhtiar & renamed it this


A person in his or her sixties


Playwright William Arden


Susanna & the twins, Hamnet & Judith

Shakespeare's Children

This common gesture of friendship arose from the need to prove that you weren't carrying a weapon

Shaking Hands

Under-wearers & self-wrappers are 2 types of these retail criminals


A yell, or a brand of stain remover


Spinnerets are the organs in a spider that spin this fiber for its web


Used for lingerie & blouses, crepe de Chine is traditionally made from this insect fiber


Around 3000 B.C. it had 2/5 the value of gold, but in 2002 it had about 1/75 gold's value


The "saint"ly Mr. Templar (5)


Donald O'Connor "made 'em laugh" in one of this 1952 movie's most famous numbers

Singin' In The Rain

In 1905 journalist Arthur Griffith founded this political party, urging the Irish to not pay taxes to the British

Sinn Fein

He became the world's most famous beekeeper when he conquered Everest in 1953

Sir Edmund Hillary

As a boy he built a model windmill; his calculus foe Gottfried Leibniz designed them as an adult

Sir Isaac Newton

If you like 3-D action, you'll love the amazing adventures of this webslinger


This English courtier is credited with introducing Europe to the wonders of Nicotiana rustica

Sir Walter Raleigh

Dorothy, this relative of his, was such a close companion she even lived with him after his marriage


The Cascade range of Central Oregon has a trio of 10,000-foot peaks familially called the North, South & Middle these


Teenager Clark Kent


This abolitionist was born into slavery in New York, and the first language she spoke was Dutch

Sojourner Truth

Profession of the terra cotta men seen here who were buried with a Chinese emperor:


He said, “Divide the living child in two & give half to the one (mother) & half to the otherâ€


The Fifth Avenue art museum named for this man opened a Soho branch in 1992

Solomon R. Guggenheim

"The Lamb" & "The Shepherd" are found in these William Blake "songs" from 1789

Songs Of Innocence

D.H. Lawrence paired them with "Lovers" (4)


Thank you Akio Morita, who didn't take over the family sake biz but co-founded this electronics giant instead


Prince Edward & Marion, 2 small islands of this country, lie about 1200 miles southeast of Cape Town

South Africa

Except for Thailand, all independent states in this area have won their freedom since 1945

Southeast Asia

The Meadows Museum at this church-founded Dallas school houses a large collection of Spanish art

Southern Methodist University

This airline based at Love Field has planes painted to look like the flags of Arizona, Texas & California

Southwest Airlines

In Style often features these places that feature massage & pampering, named for a town in Belgium


In 1992 Mae Jemison did a frog egg fertilization experiment while aboard this

Space Shuttle

It was George Pope Morris who wrote "Woodman," do this! "Touch not a single bough!"

Spare That Tree

In "Nightmares & Dreamscapes" this author wrote, "I believe there is an unseen world all around us"

Stephen King

It's the common English term for the type of painting the French call une nature morte

Still Life

The Olympic motto is "Citius, Altius, Fortius", or "Faster, Higher", this


This poisonous substance that has a number in its name comes from a type of nightshade


From the Latin for "uplifted", it's to divert energy associated with an unacceptable activity into more acceptable areas


The IRT operated the first ones of these in NYC back in 1904


Amy Feng, Wei Weng & Lily Yip made up the 1996 U.S. Olympic team in this sport, also known as ping pong

Table Tennis

It means aptitude or ability & can come before "scout"


Women must wear the head-to-toe burqa & are banned from work & education under this regime that rules Afghanistan


Japanese dish of battered, deep-fried veggies or seafood


Before he died this poet requested that "Crossing the Bar" appear last in his collections


1 of 8 flexible arms on an octopus


Changing the electricity industry, this coil man advocated the use of alternating current


1951: "Nature, Mr. Allnut, is what we are put in this world to rise above"

The African Queen

The Navy doesn't like to attribute the loss of the USS Cyclops to forces in this spooky area

The Bermuda Triangle

Santa Cruz de Tenerife is the capital of these Spanish Atlantic islands only 67 miles off the coast of Africa

The Canary Islands

The Hall of Columns, National Statuary Hall, the Rotunda

The Capitol

Tiffany gemologist George Kunz was instrumental in the adoption of this unit as the standard weight for gems

The Carat

The New York Yankees have won 26 World Series titles; these N.L. birds are a distant second, with 10

The Cardinals

Unable to appeal to younger guests, Grossinger's in these New York mountains closed in 1986

The Catskills

The first of these was to be held within 3 years of the first meeting of congress; then every 10 years

The Census

David's long-gone "Lepeletier on his Deathbed" once hung opposite this other morbid David work of 1793

The Death Of Marat

The "fold" in the name of the Scottish Fold refers to these folded-down features

The Ears

It's Paris' tallest landmark

The Eiffel Tower

The French call this geographical feature "la Manche", which means "The Sleeve"

The English Channel

A count's insomnia prompted these pieces that were to be played by a 14-year-old harpsichordist

The Goldberg Variations

Feel like doing some pillaging? Turn the dial to 1240 & join this "colorful" Tatar group

The Golden Horde

An L.A. hospital is named for this fellow, the subject of a parable in Luke

The Good Samaritan

An overnight mule ride to the bottom of this landmark may include a stayover at the Phantom Ranch

The Grand Canyon

A political group: GOP

The Grand Old Party

This team retired Ray Nitschke's 66 & Reggie White's 92

The Green Bay Packers

The placement of a wedding ring comes from a supposed connection between the ring finger & this

The Heart

You may be able to let this down & face it if your skirt's too short

The Hem

Kiva, a ceremonial chamber, comes from the language of these westernmost Pueblo Indians, aka the Moki

The Hopi

Though their name means the "peaceful ones", they have long-standing land disputes with the Navajo

The Hopi Indians

1415: The Battle of Agincourt

The Hundred Years' War

These fierce invaders from the north took out the Jin Dynasty before overthrowing the Song in 1279

The Mongols

(Hi, I'm Wallace Langham) I played Don Kirshner in VH1's TV movie about this quartet who sang "Daydream Believer"

The Monkees

In 1895, Louis Pasteur received this country's Leeuvenhoek Medal for microscope research

The Netherlands/Holland

It's a 5-sided figure that contains members of the U.S. Armed Forces

The Pentagon

This ancient people's territory included the cities of Ekron & Gath

The Philistines

In the poem about him, "Out of the houses the rats came tumbling. Great rats, small rats..."

The Pied Piper Of Hamelin

14: 16 says, "And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea" --this one

The Red Sea

This sea that extends about 1,200 miles was referred to in ancient times as the Erythraean Sea

The Red Sea

Collective numeric name for the Roman features known as the Aventine, the Caelian & 5 others

The Seven Hills Of Rome

Malcolm McLaren owned a clothing store called Sex before forming this punk rock group

The Sex Pistols

On July 3, 1988 an Iranian airliner enroute to Dubai was shot down over this strait by a U.S. warship

The Strait Of Hormuz

There's Mission, of course, & Lombard; then you've got Market, Golden Gate -- no, that's an avenue....

The Streets Of San Francisco

The start of the sign of Cancer usually coincides with this observance when you have the most time to sunbathe

The Summer Solstice

The name of these "Grand" mountains near Jackson Hole comes from the French

The Tetons

The scientific name for the shinbone

The Tibia

Ulysses devised this trick to induce the soldiers of Troy to open the city gates

The Trojan Horse

There are about 40,000 muscles & tendons in this part of an elephant's body

The Trunk

The original production of his play "The Skin Of Our Teeth" starred Tallulah Bankhead & Frederic March

Thornton Wilder

If you never say dye, say this, a light dye for the hair


This tall co-star/co-director/co-choreographer of "My One And Only" was one of only 5 winners in 1984

Tommy Tune

When not in use, it's retracted by a woodpecker, & it may wrap around under the skull, beneath the skin


The French flag


Before 1859 they sat in padded rocking chairs behind the catcher


James K. Polk went to this "tarheel university"

University Of North Carolina

2009: Carl, 78, ties thousands of balloons to his house; Russell, 8, stows away on the flight to South America


Looking for the North Star? It's in the tail of this "lesser bear"

Ursa Minor

Bordering Brazil's southernmost point, it's the second-smallest country in South America


Of the top 5 Canadian cities in population, it's the one closest to the Pacific Ocean


This University of Idaho nickname is from an old Germanic tribe whose name has come to mean troublemakers


Represented by an arrow, it's a quantity, like velocity, with both direction & magnitude


The first contact of a manmade object with another planet came March 1, 1966, when a Soviet probe landed here


In 1990 Douglas Wilder became the USA's first elected black governor after winning election in this state


Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport has the code DCA but is located in this state


Believers in this Haitian religion say "loa" spirits possess them & ride them like horses


Tarzan knew someone was at death's door when he saw a group of ska, these birds, circling overhead


Otis Criblecoblis was the name he used as a scriptwriter of "Never Give a Sucker an Even Break"

W.C. Fields

In the Hawaiian language, kane is a man & this is a woman


Washington D.C.'s Army Medical Center is named in his honor

Walter Reed

If you love a witch you take her these & all; if you love a scarecrow, you accept that he's full of this


This song's recording session occurred right after the 1985 American Music Awards & lasted all night long

We Are The World

"Wheel of Fortun

We Didn't Start The Fire

"All children, whether born in our out of" this, "shall enjoy the same social protection"


In the '50s you could wear these pants to go with & rhyme with your white bucks

White Ducks

It's a colorful old 2-word term for what's now Belarus

White Russia

Icebreakers now keep Port of Archangel, on this appropriately-named sea, open in winter

White Sea

Term for the hoops that croquet balls are driven through


He was playing poker in a Deadwood saloon when he was shot dead by Jack McCall in 1876

Wild Bill Hickok

His comments on politics included "All politics is apple sauce"

Will Rogers

In 1861 the faculty & most of the students of this 2nd-oldest U.S. college joined the Confederate army

William & Mary

"The Idol of Ohio"

William Mckinley

Valances, lambrequins & jabots may be part of these treatments

Window Treatments

As 1 word, it means charming in a childlike way; as 2 words, it's part of a saying meaning life has ups & downs


This hyphenated North Carolina city was formerly 2 different towns that were a mile apart


Crayola had a purple crayon named for this shrub before the "Desperate Housewives" lived on its lane


These snakes of the genus Lycodon get their familiar name from "what big teeth they have"

Wolf Snakes

This English cardinal died Nov. 29, 1530, on the way to face treason charges


In 1938 Chester Carlson didn't copy off the guy sitting next to him when he invented this process


This river forms most of the border between China & North Korea


Jimmy Cagney's sister Jeanne played George M. Cohan's sister Josie in this movie classic

Yankee Doodle Dandy

Inga, Frau Blucher, Igor

Young Frankenstein

It was formerly Northern Rhodesia


The name of this gemstone is from the Persian "zargun" meaning gold-colored


The galaxy that we're in shares its name with this candy bar

A Milky Way

An aberration in this part of the telescope was found shortly after launch; a 1993 Shuttle mission fixed it

A Mirror

It's the animal that's represented one of the major TV networks since 1956

A Peacock

It's a rigid body, on a fixed horizontal axis, that is free to rotate under the influence of gravity

A Pendulum

Oliver Stone won an Oscar for his story about one of these title units in which he served in Vietnam

A Platoon

Some theaters offer the Bavarian Brothers brand of this soft snack that's "seriously twisted"

A Pretzel

A formal public statement, like the one Abraham Lincoln made in early 1863

A Proclamation

One example of this solid has 4 triangular faces & a square base

A Pyramid

"3 plus 1 on a stage / A clue is revealed / A light will shine / & a question given" is a "Nostradamian" this verse

A Quatrain

Blood-hued courtesan

A Scarlet Harlot

That gold glitters is not all

All That Glitters Is Not Gold

First name of TV's McBeal


Michalka is the last name of these sisters who sing "Chemicals React"

Aly & Aj

Roger Zelazny is known for the series of novels based on this land that shares its name with fossilized resin


At the time of her 1937 disappearance she was married to publisher George Palmer Putnam

Amelia Earhart

One of this city's top attractions is the masuoleum of Kemal Ataturk


The Wild West's "Little Sure Shot"

Annie Oakley

Darwin supporter T.H. Huxley said man shouldn't "be ashamed of having" this large animal "for his grandfather"


No chair could holde this spinal cord injury advocate & super man who sadly pass't on Octobre 10, 2004

Christopher Reeve

In 1965 the Hamilton River, Labrador's longest, was renamed this after a late British prime minister


The name of this piece of direct mail advertising means "indirect"


In German: stadt


Some compounds with nice smells, like benzene, have bonds called this, a term used to describe perfume


Dr. Paul de Kruif, author of "Microbe Hunters", was a consultant for this Sinclair Lewis novel


The centenary of the Graz opera in this country was celebrated with a 1999 stamp


Scientist & author Temple Grandin overcame this alienating condition, from the Greek for "self" or "same"


Visitors to the 1889 World's Fair in Paris could see Karl Benz' display of one of the first of these


Whether broad or pole type, it's Mr. Schmidt's most important tool; he calls his mother-in-law a "battle" one


1985: "Back to the Future", "The Color Purple", "Out of Africa"

Back To The Future

Yogurt is made by curdling milk with purified cultures of these, like Streptococcus thermophilus


This religion that promotes a universal faith was introduced to the U.S. from Persia around 1893

Bahai Faith

It's been estimated that this lake in Siberia contains as much water as the Baltic Sea


4-letter word for a soothing salve


Ounce for ounce it has more potassium than any other fruit except the avocado


Some schools frown on this headwear made popular by Deion Sanders


This female senator's nickname is "Ali" (as in Muhammad)

Barbara Boxer

The best-known piece of furniture designed by Mies van der Rohe is the chair named for this Spanish city


Fish, Yemana & Wojo were among the detectives who hung around the precinct on this series

Barney Miller

Edible slang for a person's head led to this term for a pitch thrown at the head of a batter


She illustrated the piggies seen here

Beatrix Potter

Mr. Potato Head got political in the 1980s &, appropriately, ran for mayor of this state capital


America's oldest regularly contested foot race, it's been held since 1897 when the length was 24.5 miles

Boston Marathon

Montana State University has a branch in this city named for frontiersman John


For a .44 magnum firearm, it's what the .44 is


The Fillmore-approved Compromise of 1850 included admitting this "Golden State" into the Union


After a serious illness in 37 A.D., this Roman emperor became cruel & mentally unbalanced


It's a large Marine corps training camp near San Diego

Camp Pendleton

I enjoy this red Italian spirit, which has its own "club", over ice; some icebreakers can ram through ice 23 feet thick


Benedict Arnold visited this island long before FDR made a habit of summering there


In "Medicine Man" Sean Connery finds a cure for this but then loses it -- don't you hate when that happens?


When an oncogene is "switched on", this disease results in humans


Captain Cook "rounded" it with little difficulty in early 1769

Cape Horn

This character's last name, Andrews, has only been mentioned on a TV special, never in the strip: [video clue]


This cartoonist calls "Mothers, food, love and career: the four major guilt groups"

Cathy Guisewite

The title of this opera by Pietro Mascagni means "rustic chivalry"

Cavalleria Rusticana

The main component of the cell walls of plants, this complex carbohydrate is what termites eat


The boxer who fights the champ for the title


Some refer to this spicy dish as a "bowl o' red"


Under Shotoku & his aunt Suiko, Japan established relations with the Sui dynasty in this country


Sir Humphry Davy named this yellowish-green gas from a Greek word meaning "greenish-yellow"


The greenish color in ponds is often caused by organisms called euglena which contain this green pigment


Teenage boys wept when this Black Crowe married film star Kate Hudson

Chris Robinson

Scientist Hans Oersted & writer Hans Andersen both had this middle name


Founded in Boston in 1879, this church maintains "reading rooms" across the country open to the public

Christian Science

Buche de Noel, a cake decorated to resemble a Yule log, is a tradition for this holiday


In 1988 she launched her DKNY line

Donna Karan

Famous tobacco heiress in a Gene Chandler hit song

Doris Duke Of Earl

This champ gave birth to a "camel" & inspired a haircut during her 1976 Ice Capades

Dorothy Hamill

Charles Dickens: "Little ____"


A halftone print is really an optical illusion; it's actually lots & lots of these that seem to form an image


One of these swords can cut both ways

Double-Edged Sword

"The Napoleon of Luzon"

Douglas Macarthur

His story "Yertle the Turtle" told of a tyrannical turtle king brought down by a lowly subject's burp

Dr. Seuss

He's the Dr. who wrote "Problems of Parents" & "Baby's First Year"

Dr. Spock

A male duck, or the commander of the Golden Hind


This National Hockey League team regularly practices for fans at the world's largest mall

Edmonton Oilers

Born & died in Amherst: ED

Emily Dickenson

Not often thought of as wild, she wrote, "Wild nights! Were I with thee, wild nights should be our luxury!"

Emily Dickinson

It's less than an hour's drive from my Geneva apartment to this French spa known for its "water"


This most complex of mammalian sense organs sits in a bony socket


Thomas Wright Waller


MTV's 1997 award for Best New Artist in a Video went to this "Sleep to Dream" singer with 2 5-letter names

Fiona Apple

This "Malcolm in the Middle" star voiced the abandoned zebra stripes in "Racing Stripes"

Frankie Muniz

This language spoken in Reykjavik is also called Islenska


"Famous Potatoes"


In 2007 a Canadian woman gave birth to this extremely rare type of quadruplets

Identical Quadruplets

2-word term for the illegal use of someone's personal information to obtain money or credit

Identity Theft

To imprison


Despite its name, this ocean in which Sri Lanka sits doesn't belong to the country's large neighbor

Indian Ocean

The Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros lies in this ocean in the Mozambique Channel

Indian Ocean

Of states with Lake Michigan shoreline, it has the least, 41 miles


1989: Sean helps his archaeologist son search for the Holy Grail

Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade

I'm rich! After 20 years I finally cashed my IRA, which stands for this

Individual Retirement Account

Its coat of arms bears the motto "Unity Through Diversity", not "Beware of the Komodo Dragon"


As Sherman Hemsley could tell you, this actress played "Weezie"

Isabel Sanford

In "1492: Conquest of Paradise", Sigourney Weaver portrayed this queen


Completes the Dorothy Parker line, "Men seldom make passes at..."

Girls Who Wear Glasses

This Freeport, Maine retail outlet's first product was the Maine Hunting Shoe, first sold in 1912

L.L. Bean

The theme to "Family Ties" was "Without Us", a duet by Deniece Williams & this "Wonderful! Wonderful!" singer

Johnny Mathis

This term is used for items made from clay, including bricks as well as pottery


The Seattle Times won one in 2010 for its breaking news reporting

A Pulitzer

This "Don Quixote" author was called the "Maimed of Lepanto" for wounds suffered in battle


Hello, designers! This ""Project Runway" man, AKA as the Silver Fox, is chief creative officer at Liz Claiborne

(Tim) Gunn

2008: Studio exec Les Grossman, who's producing "Tropic Thunder"

(Tom) Cruise

Smallest form of a large piano

A Baby Grand

Charles Dickens wrote 2 historical novels: "Barnaby Rudge" & this 1859 classic

A Tale Of Two Cities

Ency. Americana calls her the "mother of the most important family dynasty in American public life"

Abigail Adams

Traced to Argentina in 1960, this Nazi official was transported to Israel, tried, and executed

Adolf Eichmann

Of current U.N. member countries with 4-letter names, the one that is first alphabetically


Due to its sprawling area, the city of Lima is also called El Pulpo, or this sea creature

An Octopus

There were no gold medals at the first modern Olympics; a winner received a diploma & this, a symbol of peace

An Olive Branch

The Western Hemisphere's largest snake, it's also called a water boa


Her correspondence with Henry Miller sparked interest in her published 7-volume diary

Anais Nin

Caesar salad--great! As long as it doesn't include pieces of these small salty fish, like last time


French physicist who first showed that current in 2 parallel wires causes magnetic forces between the wires

Andre-Marie Ampere

Some fashionable women dyed their hair blue in this ancient Greek city, home of Socrates


It's the title town where Timon's found, we hasten to tell you

Athens (Hasten)

This South African directed the 1982 New York production of his own play "Master Harold....And The Boys"

Athol Fugard

This rum company's logo of a flying bat traditionally symbolizes long life & prosperity


Infineon Raceway in Sonoma


He starred on MTM shows as Dick Loudon & Bob Hartley

Bob Newhart

Traditionally, challah dough is divided into lengths & formed into these, like some women's hair


"Brokenhearted" singer Norwood


Title of the E.Y. Harburg song that includes the line "Once I built a railroad, now it's done"

Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?

It's a finely woven white linen


King Arthur, Merlin, Morgan Le Fey


From the Latin for "flesh", it's dead or decaying flesh popular with hyenas & buzzards


This "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" fashionista asked a "client" if he bought all his clothing from Home Depot

Carson Kressley

Tennessee basketball's "3 Meeks" were Tamika Catchings, Semeka Randall & her

Chamique Holdsclaw

Sekt is the German equivalent of this celebrated French sparkling wine


Danes' rockers

Claire's Chairs

"Does she... or doesn't she?"


The title of this Inge drama refers to the dog that Lola Delaney lost & pines for

Come Back, Little Sheba

1979: Frank Langella


This brand known for its cake mixes is named for a Kentucky-born restaurant & hotel critic

Duncan Hines

ISE America, specializing in this food product, boasts of having over 5 million layers


On January 1, 1892 this receiving station for immigrants in Upper N.Y. Bay opened its doors for the first time

Ellis Island

In 7 years he directed 3 films on the registry: "Mean Streets", "Taxi Driver" & "Raging Bull"

Martin Scorsese

Of outer ear, Outer Mongolia or outer space, the one that became a Crayola color in 1998

Outer Space

A Middle Eastern chieftain, this 4-letter term is from the Arabic for "commander"


The title of this film tells you what events Hugh Grant & his friends will be attending (though not in that order)

Four Weddings And A Funeral

Long romanticized in literature, these cowboys tend ranches called estancias


(Hi, I'm Julie Pinson) "Port Charles" is a spin-off from this soap that's also set in Port Charles

General Hospital

"The faults of" this city "will be laid quite bare" must refer to the failure of the League of Nations--mustn't it?


1968: Men's Heavyweight Boxing

George Foreman

Van Halen's "Right Now" spearheaded the campaign for this "crystal" drink in the 1990s


Khrushchev said, "If you start throwing hedgehogs under me, I shall throw" 2 of these prickly beasts under you




Someone who asks you "Parlez-vous Allemand?" wants to know if you speak this language


Fortune's "Most Likely to Succeed" was this Internet search site at No. 119 with 35 different "buy" ratings


Named for the ink color used, this currency was issued in 1862 & helped pay the North's war costs


A provider of energy services: HAL


The main part of this state is its 8 main islands


New Jersey native James Gandolfini plays mobster Tony Soprano on this network's "The Sopranos"


In the early 1960s, Procter & Gamble launched an anti-dandruff shampoo under this brand name

Head & Shoulders

"Physician ____ thyself"

Heal: Helium & Aluminum

Both parties are present at an adversary type of this proceeding that's less formal than a trial


In 2009 this supporting actor Oscar winner's award was accepted by his mother, father & sister

Heath Ledger

In 1913 at a plant in Highland Park, Michigan, a car from his company became the first produced on an assembly line

Henry Ford

In 1918 this automaker bought the Deaborn Independent, calling it the "chronicler of neglected truth"

Henry Ford

This industrialist stocked the woodlands around his home, Fair Lane, with about 300 deer

Henry Ford

For a princess, HRH

Her Royal Highness

In 1960 India & Pakistan signed a treaty to deal with control of the waters of this river


Miranda Cosgrove plays a teen webcaster on this show


Ingevar Kamprad, a Swedish farmer's son, founded & put his initials in the name of this furniture store


Galesburg, seat of this state's Knox County, was the site of a Lincoln-Douglas debate


The Sears Tower, The McDonald's Museum, Abe Lincoln's Tomb


Imitable means capable of being imitated; this word, its antonym, is 2 letters longer


Tourists visiting Ulan Toke in this Chinese inner region can rent a yurt with attached bath for the night

Inner Mongolia

February 4th: The Winter Olympics heat up this Austrian city


In 1993 "Basic" this was spoofed by "Fatal" this


Ulysses is trying to return from Troy to this place, but not for his Cornell class reunion


Although his new museum has since opened, he's buried on the grounds of his old one in Malibu, California

J. Paul Getty

1906: 3,000 people die when a major earthquake hits this metropolis

San Francisco

In the '90s the Houston Astros' "Killer B's" were Derek Bell, Craig Biggio & this first baseman

Jeff Bagwell

Robert McFarlane resigned as National Security Advisor & this man, his deputy, succeeded him

John Poindexter

Thomas Mallon's book "Henry and Clara" concerns Henry Rathbone, wounded by this man at Ford's Theater

John Wilkes Booth

She broke an Academy ban when she walked up to receive her "Darling" Oscar in 1966 in a mini-dress

Julie Christie

"Behind These Hazel Eyes" was a hit for this Idol

Kelly Clarkson

South Korea's second-largest auto manufacturer, its 3-letter name means "rising from Asia"


The hamadryad, the longest poisonous snake, is also known by this name

King Cobra

You'll find this pair of books between First & Second Samuel & First & Second Chronicles


The August 1883 volcanic eruption on this island blew away 2/3 of the island; the sound was heard 3,000 miles away


Like Sweden, Iceland uses currency called this


"A Little More Mascara", "I Am What I Am"

La Cage Aux Folles

Written by Rouget de Lisle as "Chant de guerre pour l'armee du Rhin", it's now known as this anthem

La Marseillaise

Sinhala, Xhosa, Novial


Max Greevey & Mike Logan were the original 2 N.Y. detectives who investigated crimes in the 1st half of this show

Law & Order

Running for almost 3 decades, this bandleader's TV show premiered in 1955

Lawrence Welk

War alternated between hell & hijinks on this show whose 1983 finale got a 60.2 rating


S'posin a fella was to meet the lady that birthed Tom Joad; he could jus' call her this


It was the easternmost of the 23 Union states


Between 1812 & 1815 the Scots & Irish founded the Red River settlement in this Canadian prairie province


On the small screen she played Rhoda

Valerie Harper

Mickey Spillane's 1996 novel "Black Alley" is the first to feature this detective in 7 years

Mike Hammer

Mickey Spillane's violently anti-Communist private eye

Mike Hammer

He created "Beavis & Butt-Head" & co-created "King of the Hill"

Mike Judge

As Shrek, this actor is told that his donkey talks, & says, "Yeah, it's getting him to shut up that's the trick"

Mike Myers

Denying he lost his temper at a licensing hearing, he said, "I was just expressing my hurt"

Mike Tyson

Of theocracy, monarchy or republic, the political system in use in Bhutan


Spanish: Lunes


Nicknamed the "kissing disease", it's commonly caused by the Epstein-Barr Virus


During the Six-Day War, ground troops under this eyepatched Israeli minister of defense almost reached Damascus

Moshe Dayan

From the Spanish for "little fly", this fly variety has hypodermic mouth parts to pierce skin


This theme from "Titanic" anchored itself to the top of the adult contemporary chart for 10 weeks

My Heart Will Go On

Enid Bagnold wrote this classic tale of a young equestrian & the horse she wins in a raffle

National Velvet

1994: Netscape releases this efficient Internet browser


Popular title of Dvorak's Symphony No. 9, which was strongly influenced by Native American & black music

New World Symphony

To cut oneself slightly while shaving


His "Power of Positive Thinking" was among the top 10 nonfiction bestsellers each year 1952-1955

Norman Vincent Peale

Kiska, Popocatepetl

North America

Violinist Sarah Chang's audition for Zubin Mehta at age 8 got her a gig with this NYC orchestra

Nyc Philharmonic

It's a "Nighttime, Sniffling, Sneezing, Coughing, Aching, Stuffy Head" medicine




Muskrat love includes the formation of these monogamous "bonds" for the duration of breeding season

Pair Bonds

Arny Freytag shot this magazine's 40th anniversary centerfold, Anna-Marie Goddard


This closely spaced group of stars is named after a group of seven sisters


The strings of a harpsichord produce sound this way, not by being struck like a piano's


Get spacy earning the Girl Scout badge the "Power" of these orbiters


Europe: President Anibal Cavaco Silva


Madeira Islands


Stop, thief! Specifically, it's the act of stealing a woman's handbag from her arm

Purse Snatching

From an old word for "cake", this dish that's often "Lorraine" was fashionable in the '70s but reviled in the '80s


Filmed in 2000, it's Doug Wright's play about the Marquis de Sade in an asylum


It's nothing to write home about, but the hollow spines on a hedgehog are called these


RFID chips, this type of I.D., can be placed on store products or on soldiers to find them in an emergency

Radio Frequency

A shmatte in Yiddish, it meant "to dance" early in the century & "to make fun of" in the '20s & '90s


Jimmy Stewart has a broken leg when this film begins; at the end, his voyeurism gets him a second broken leg

Rear Window (A Rear Window Accepted)

"Let not thy nurse lie with thee in thy chamber: take thou this vial..."

Romeo And Juliet

Alan Dershowitz: "Inside the Von Bulow Case"

Reversal Of Fortune

Brooklyn's Ruth Bader Ginsburg & this El Paso lass are among millionaires on the Supreme Court

Sandra Day O'connor

Female; born 1965; moved to NYC, 1977; starred as Carrie on some TV show, 1998-2004

Sarah Jessica Parker

"I want my work to scare you to death", said this buff little actress & vampire slayer

Sarah Michelle Gellar

Symbols of mystery, they're the mysterious doubles of the people who cast them


She sashayed out of the "Casino" to play a death row inmate in "Last Dance"

Sharon Stone

A British term for a county; Robin Hood's Sherwood Forest was in the one named for Nottingham


Charles Black was dropped from the Social Register for marrying this ex-child star in 1950

Shirley Temple

Hits hard


"Blame Canada" (1999)

South Park

Even landlubbers love to climb aboard historic ships like the schooner Pioneer at this street's "seaport"

South Street

This Arizona retirement community opened in 1960

Sun City

Per the Alabama Code, section 13A-12-1, it's when card playing is illegal


Daniel Craig played this British poet in the biopic "Sylvia"

Ted Hughes

"The Last Brother", Joe McGinniss' book about this man, caused a controversy

Ted Kennedy

This man's third party candidacy in 1912 allowed Woodrow Wilson to win

Teddy Roosevelt

Ronald Reagan was described as this kind of politician because no criticism would stick to him


It's London's chief water supply

Thames River

Improbably, in 1958 Steve McQueen played a teenager being chased by this improbable giant amoeba-like mass

The Blob

This gathering of artsy types that flourished between 1907 & 1930 sometimes met at Virginia's house

The Bloomsbury Group

It was invented in 1911 by Hans Geiger

The Geiger Counter

In 1986 Ethiopia's Faruma Roma became the first African woman to win this long race in the Olympics

The Marathon

Make sure to put "the" before the rest of the name of this Big 10 university in Columbus

The Ohio State University

Site of many a great soccer match, Rome's Sports Palace was originally built for this 1960 event

The Olympics

The "Virginia" variety of this country dance starts with partners facing each other in 2 lines

The Reel

This religious group founded by Ann Lee used time not spent on fleshly pursuits to make elegantly simple furniture

The Shakers

Film in which Jack Nicholson uttered the immortal line, "Heeeeeere's Johnny"

The Shining

It's a border along a highway where vehicles can pull over in an emergency

The Shoulder

This 1984 Mario Puzo novel was based on the life of the Sicilian bandit-hero Salvatore Giuliano

The Sicilian

A 20-year-long restoration of this chapel, home to Michelangelo's "The Last Judgment", was wrapped up

The Sistine Chapel

"Who killed Cock Robin? 'I,' said" he, " 'with my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin' "

The Sparrow

While only a prince, Tuthmosis IV made a name for himself having this colossal statue restored

The Sphinx

Queensland has this nickname, like Florida

The Sunshine State

Eeeeek! By definition, this muscle of the back of the arm has 3 heads

The Triceps

On his last day in office, President Bartlet launches a nuclear attack on Norway; he's just never liked Norway

The West Wing

Marvell rhymed, "Had we but world enough, and" this, his mistress' coyness "were no crime"


Demetrius & Chiron rape & mutilate Lavinia; this general, her dad, bakes them in a pie that he serves their mom

Titus Andronicus

How Mr. Rogers' sweaters "suit him"

To A T

To kidnap

To Abduct

To mutilate a print of a 1974 Lucille Ball film

To Maim Mame

To toss unbaked bread

To Throw Dough

Mr. Contreras lives downstairs from this Paretsky P.I.

Vi Warshawski

Training by the Suzuki method your child can become a famous one of these, like Midori


This British title was first given to John Beaumont in 1440


In 1964 it was established as the "Domestic Peace Corps"

Vista (Volunteers In Service To America)

By McCollum in 1913, this, which you need for healthy eyes

Vitamin A

In this 1952 film assassins gun down the title Mexican revolutionary but miss his horse

Viva Zapata!

In 1995 Arizona banned this recreation, fearing that it produced stronger criminals


The second oldest U.S. college breaks out the flying umbrella & disciplines the Banks kids

William & Mary Poppins

Key to glandular function, this mineral is (alphabetically) about the last thing your body needs


How low can you go? This place bordering Hell in Catholic theology is now used to mean an intermediate state


Kidnapped as a child, this R.D. Blackmore title heroine grew up to be quite a cookie

Lorna Doone

In 1952 this musician known as "Satchmo" became the first inducted into Down Beat magazine's Jazz Hall of Fame

Louis Armstrong

This glassmaker & artist called his iridescent glass "Favrile Glass"

Louis Tiffany

Pass the poi! It's Hawaiian for "feast"


It's beer having a relatively high alcohol content, usually 5 to 8%

Malt Liquor

The people of this island nation south of Sicily use a Semitic language written in the Latin alphabet


An Algerian region shares its name with this eyelash-enhancing make-up


These 2 surveyors were escorted by Iroquois when they drew their "line"

Mason & Dixon

On June 17 Suffolk County in this state celebrates Bunker Hill Day


This pair's "Human Sexual Response" asserted that women had at least the same amount of sexual energy as men

Masters & Johnson

Nicknamed "Old Bruin", this U.S. Navy man shares his name with a TV "Friend"

Matthew Perry

During exile in the U.S. in 1915, ex-prez Victoriano Huerta of this country was thrown in prison


Foreigners who give distinguished service to this country may receive the Order of the Aztec Eagle


A chocolate brown color, it shares its name with a coffee flavoring & a port in Yemen


A criminal's method of operating (or M.O.) sounds much cooler when it's this Latin phrase

Modus Operandi

In 1991 the United Somali Congress overthrew the Siad Barre regime & took over this capital city


One of the first Arab settlements on the east African coast, it's now the capital of Somalia


(Hi, I'm Harry Connick Jr.) At age 5 I played "The Star-Spangled Banner" at my dad's inauguration as D.A. of this "Crescent City", my hometown

New Orleans

In addition to his study of gravity, he proved that light contains many colors


Nicotinic acid


A thrilling destination for tight-rope walkers & honeymooners

Niagara Falls

If you're on the Mosquito Coast, don't forget to visit Atlanta in this country


Fanny Squeers called him Knuckleboy

Nicholas Nickleby

When a Buddhist achieves this, no more reincarnations


He lost a presidential election & a gubernatorial election before winning the White House in 1968


He "sent forth a raven, which went forth... until the waters were dried up from off the earth" in Genesis 8:7


A gold rush town: OMEN


"Coal Miner's Daughter"

Loretta Lynn

Add a splash of creme de cassis to white wine to make this aperitif; use champagne to make it "royale"

A Kir

It's espresso with steamed milk, popularized by Starbucks; today many people don't bother to put "caffe" before

A Latte

Small vehicle with runners made from the element with the symbol Pb & used to travel on snow

A Lead Sled

A temporary provision of money (usually at interest)

A Loan

A nat'l monument near Mill Valley, Calif. named for this naturalist is known for its stand of ancient coast redwoods

(John) Muir

After Oct. 19, 1745 he would make no more modest proposals

(Jonathan) Swift

In 1985 it was confirmed that a body exhumed in Brazil was that of this notorious Nazi doctor

(Josef) Mengele

A Food Network recipe for this Maine specialty says to remove the meat from the claws & calls for hot dog buns

A Lobster Roll

Shuttle, beater, weft, warp, cloth roller

A Loom

In Latin America this large, heavy Spanish-named knife is used for cutting sugar cane & clearing underbrush

A Machete

David Blaine, David Copperfield

A Magician

1994: Timon

A Meerkat

This "American" territory in the south Pacific is administered by the Department of the Interior

American Samoa

The music festival held in Louisville the weekend after Labor Day is "strictly" this type of music


He won a Purple Heart in World War II & was a major party presidential nominee in 1996

Bob Dole

(Cheryl of the Clue Crew) This comic was born in England; he arrived at Ellis Island in 1908 as a 4-year-old named Leslie

Bob Hope

2 of 3 signs of the zodiac whose symbols have horns

(2 Of) Aries, Taurus, & Capricorn

2 of the 4 teams in the NFL with completely alliterative names

(2 Of) The Seattle Seahawks, The Jacksonville Jaguars, The Buffalo Bills, & The Tennessee Titans

Pantagruel's papa

(9) Gargantua

"Lobster Trap and Fish Tail" is one of this artist's best-known mobiles

(Alexander) Calder

King John affixed his seal to the Magna Carta at Runnymede in June of this year


Francis Hopkinson, who designed the U.S. flag, suggested the seal include a shield with this many stripes


A standard round of PGA golf is this many holes


The International Exposition Bureau didn't recognize the NYC World's Fair of this year; it was too soon after Seattle 1962


Buzz Aldrin walks on the moon


3 police states always war, plus, English hard enough, but deal with Newspeak in this novel. Tough read for Tarzan


This 1968 film classic was subtitled "A Space Odyssey"

2001: A Space Odyssey

Number of square feet in a square yard


Early machine for computer inputting, such as the IBM 29

A Keypunch

Sylvia Nasar's biography of mathematical genius & Nobel laureate John Nash

A Beautiful Mind

This "eager" animal's 20 teeth, include 4 strong, curved front ones that never wear out, as they grow through its life

A Beaver

Politically, this word for a region reflecting a large trend comes from a lead sheep with a ringer around its neck

A Bellwether

The NTSB could tell you it's also known as a flight recorder

A Black Box

Fish sandwiches were all the rage when a 1,496-lb. tuna of this colorful type was landed off Nova Scotia

A Bluefin

Swampy ground

A Bog

"Derby" is the American name for this British hat

A Bowler

In a guessing game you might ask "Is it bigger or smaller than" this kitchen item

A Breadbox

The Tappan Zee cantilever

A Bridge

A gem carved in relief, or the kind of appearance Alfred Hitchcock made in his movies

A Cameo

4-letter Italian term for the boss of a crime syndicate

A Capo

Because of its webbed feet, this largest rodent is a clumsy runner, but it can remain underwater for 5 minutes

A Capybara

This musical about a group of auditioning dancers features the songs "I Hope I Get It" & "One"

A Chorus Line

Iomega calls this disk "the super floppy", whether it has a 1200MB or a 750MB capacity

A Zip Disk

He fled to Philadelphia after he shot & mortally wounded Alexander Hamilton

Aaron Burr

In July 1804 Alexander Hamilton ended up on the losing end of a duel with this politician

Aaron Burr

This candy, taffy with a peanut butter center, comes in a yellow & black checkered wrapper


The man with this title is the immediate spiritual father to a Benedictine monastery


In the Book of Daniel, he survives being put into a furnace


The original name of this man, thrown in the fiery furnace, was Azariah


In "History of My Calamities", he wrote about his tragic romance with Heloise


Nigeria's first planned city, it was built in the 1980s & officially dedicated as the nation's new capital in 1991


Words louder than actions speak

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

You might be needled by this 4,000-year-old technique in widespread use in Chinese hospitals


Ritalin use for children has increased greatly for the treatment of this hyperactive disorder

Adhd (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

John & Stewart Alsop revived the word "egghead" to describe this candidate's supporters

Adlai Stevenson

Often heard in war movies, it's the type of "raid" being warned about here

Air Raid

Lurleen Wallace & Guy Hunt


When Iowa farmers & their wives first saw this 1930 painting of a farm couple, many of them were downright angry

American Gothic

This CNN show starts at 6 A.M.

American Morning

She married Barbra Streisand in "Yentl" & Steven Spielberg in real life

Amy Irving

She turned her short story collection "Wind and Water" into the bestseller "The Joy Luck Club"

Amy Tan

This ancient device performs mathematical processes by beads moving along parallel rods

An Abacus

Reconsideration upon an act's completion, or something added that wasn't in the original plan

An Afterthought

Superstitious sailors have long believed that killing this large seabird brings bad luck

An Albatross

A basketball pass received high in the air & slam-dunked

An Alley Oop

Though designed to hold 10,000 men, this notorious prison once held more than 32,000


It's love all for Brooke Shields and this tennis star who tied the knot in April of '97

Andre Agassi

In the film "Raw Deal" he tells a woman who throws a cake at him, "You should not drink and bake"

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Despite his brief screen time in "The Empire Strikes Back" & "Return of the Jedi", this bounty hunter has a cult following

Boba Fett

This yellow wildflower with a dark center is the state flower of Maryland

Black-Eyed Susan

Since 1718 this pirate's ghost has been haunting Pamlico Sound searching for his missing head

Blackbeard Or Edward Teach

The library has the actual guns used by the men who tried to assassinate Pres. Truman at this residence in 1950

Blair House

Formico is this small insect


The Latin for "storehouse" gave us this word for a medieval pharmacist


It can mean quick to learn, or be short for a rental residence

Apt (Or Apt. For "Apartment")

This sea is bounded by India on the east & the peninsula of the same name on the west


I don't mean to "horn" in, but this first sign of the zodiac is represented by a symbol that looks like curved horns


...of the ancient Greek comedy "Clouds"


Alexander disagreed with this teacher of his, who thought all non-Greeks should be treated as slaves


Philosopher Albertus Magnus popularized the "Physics" & other works of this ancient Greek


The USA's official observance of Veteran's Day takes place at this cemetery


This word for the last & completely destructive battle comes from the place the battle is supposed to happen


Serzh Sargsian is its president, Tigran Sargsian is its prime minister


The South's Shirley Franklin


Some say the Weddell Sea is an arm of the Antarctic Ocean; others say it's part of this larger ocean

Atlantic Ocean

A book of maps, or an African mountain range you can find in it


The lager form of this is stored in casks or vats until free of sediment


Jed Shaner set a Guinness record in 1991 by covering himself with some 343,000 of these insects


It takes its name from a people of ancient Gaul & is officially a constitutional kngdom


In 441 Attila's forces raced Singidunum, on whose site this capital of Serbia & Montenegro was built


It always sounds just as a teacher finishes making an important point


He tried to surrender West Point, a key to the Hudson River Valley

Benedict Arnold

Preceded & succeeded by the mustached Grover Cleveland, he had a full beard & mustache

Benjamin Harrison

Not wanting to show passports, diplomats going between this city's halves will show ID cards instead


1066 brought the royal wedding of German king Henry IV & this daughter of the Count of Savoy; no word on how "big" she was


When you wait for something, you do this to your time


St. John the Baptist by Donatello at Siena Cathedral


A blondie is basically one of these small chewy desserts, but made without chocolate


A "boss" among singers, in 1985 he reflected on his "Glory Days"

Bruce Springsteen

The parents of Rumer, Scout & Tallulah Willis

Bruce Willis & Demi Moore

One of the world's 2 sultanates

Brunei (Or Oman)

This South American city is the world's most populous capital south of the equator

Buenos Aires

In "The Devils of Loudon", Grandier the priest is killed this way, a la Joan of Arc

Burning At The Stake

This fur hat's name may come from a strict headmaster at England's Westminster School


In cooking, to cut open & spread flat, as with shrimp or steak


Near or a purchase

By (Buy)

A favorite saying of W.C. Fields was "You can't" do this to "an honest man"


According to the old saying, these people "never prosper"


The 2 main "mates" that end a chess game; one's a win, the other a draw

Checkmate & Stalemate

Washington said a great city would stand where the Cuyahoga met Lake Erie; judge for yourself here


His wife Edith served time in Swiss & U.S. jails for helping him with his fake Howard Hughes autobiography

Clifford Irving

In 1935 he wrote "Waiting for Lefty" for a new Theatre League one-act play contest

Clifford Odets

The area between the wickets is called the pitch in this game


First name of the character played by Faith Ford on "Murphy Brown"


Time put his violent western tale "Blood Meridian" on a list of the 100 best novels since 1923

Cormac Mccarthy

Craig Claiborne's recipe for deep-fried catfish calls for 1/2 cup of the white kind of this meal for coating


This Spanish conqueror founded the city of Veracruz in 1519


Mephistopheles is a big fan of this vampiric pitchman from General Mills & his chocolate cereal

Count Chocula

A trial by military personnel


At a benefit for stopping violence against women, this Hole leader slapped a woman & began wrestling with her

Courtney Love

A variant of BSE, a disease of these animals, can be found in mink; we guess that would be mad mink disease


A long-necked wading bird gave us this verb meaning to stretch one's neck for a better view


The Amati family began making violins in this Italian city in the 1500s


It's what a Mother Hubbard is; hers was bare by the way


After Christian's death in an 1897 drama, this title character still acts as a platonic friend to the widow

Cyrano De Bergerac

By their names, it's the frequency of the News in Dayton & the Mail in London


You have to soft serve up between $20,000 & $35,000 to get into this top ice cream franchise in the U.S.

Dairy Queen

In II Samuel he laments, "Would God I had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son!"


1966: "French Kiss-off!" He "Kicks NATO HQ out of France"

De Gaulle

This South African president who freed Nelson Mandela in 1990 later served as one of his vice presidents

De Klerk

This judge's general, Barak, refused to battle the Canaanites unless she accompanied him


This "Starter Wife" had the "Will & Grace" to graduate summa cum laude from Brandeis

Debra Messing

Bob Mathias & Daley Thompson are the only men to win this 10-event track & field contest twice


Some football teams use an aggressive "attacking" one


William Penn wanted an outlet to the Atlantic; in 1682, the Duke of York gave him what later became this small colony


Bruce Willis is on good terms with Ashton Kutcher & this woman, first wife of both Bruce & Ashton

Demi Moore

In December 1940 FDR told the nation, "We must be the great arsenal of" this


Throughout his career Polk remained an ardent member of the Jacksonian wing of this political party


A cozy cave for a bear, or a cozy room in your house


This "Praise of Folly" author taught Greek at Cambridge & published a Greek New Testament

Desiderius Erasmus

The JS on the front stands for John Sinnock, who did this

Designed The Coin

In 1998, this hockey team captained by Steve Yzerman won its second consecutive Stanley Cup

Detroit Red Wings

The Ambassador Bridge, world's largest int'l suspension bridge, links Windsor, Ontario & this city

Detroit, Michigan

About 1 hydrogen atom in 6,500 is this isotope


Strom Thurmond got 39 Electoral College votes in 1948, the year this Republican didn't defeat Truman


The 3 items in Mitsubishi's logo


Before hosting "Good Morning America", she triumphed as America's Junior Miss of '63

Diane Sawyer

In 1921, after 10 years of self-imposed exile, this muralist returned to Mexico

Diego Rivera

Later starring as "Beulah," this singer known for "Stormy Weather" appeared on a 1939 NBC variety show

Ethel Waters

Residents of this Italain city refer to it as Firenze


It's the title of Bill Amend's comic strip featuring the Fox family


The Soviets chose June 1940 to take over the Baltics; world attention was elsewhere, as this country fell the same week


Though it's over 5,000 miles away, Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean is officially a department of this country


In 1640 Henry Dunster became this university's first president; he was also the entire faculty


James Whitcomb Riley wrote of the time when this "is on the punkin", & he didn't mean a fellow poet


Betty Crocker makes it in butter cream, milk chocolate & coconut pecan flavors


First name of clergyman & old-time radio broadcaster Sheen


This title of an Alvin Toffler book refers to the anxiety caused by swift technological change

Future Shock

Florence's Museo Storia Della Scienza has 2 of his telescopes & the lens of the one that found 4 moons of Jupiter


These hardened masses of cholesterol & bilirubin can be painful when they lodge in your bile ducts


A notebook newly brought to light shows this Procter partner's "Eureka!" moment in making Ivory soap float


This man came up a mere 18 million votes short in the 1972 election

George Mcgovern

He didn't kiss & tell, he kissed & ran

Georgie Porgie

When "Wheel of Fortune" with Chuck Woolery premiered on NBC, this man was in his 5th month of 29 as president

Gerald Ford

Many seders include a song about this animal that's eaten by a cat that's bitten by a dog


This 1984 Lee Greenwood anthem became a favorite of Ronald Reagan

God Bless The Usa

The song "Day By Day" is from this 1970s musical


"J.J. Becomes A Man"

Good Times

Riding this "train" you can afford the really fine dog food

Gravy Train

This "great" owl of North America has tufts of feathers called "ears"

Great Horned Owl

Heating "effect" that's said to be at the root of global warming

Greenhouse Effect

Heirs of billionaire Troy Phelan battle over his estate in "The Testament" by this author/lawyer


Kasha is often made from the edible kernels of buckwheat, which are also called not oats but these


The only 2 Democratic presidents defeated for reelection since the Civil War

Grover Cleveland & Jimmy Carter

Men do it in order to look older; Abe Lincoln did it in 1860

Grow A Beard

One of its more unimaginative nicknames is "the capital of the Keystone State"


Hers was the face that launched a thousand ships

Helen Of Troy

"H": It's the tendency of an organism to bend toward or away from sunlight


Nicknamed "Le Douanier" -- the customs officer -- this self-taught painter's work is seen here

Henri Rousseau

He wrote the poetic line "Then he climbed to the tower of the Old North Church"

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Title character of the 1884 novel that also includes 'The Dauphin" & Jim, a runaway slave

Huckleberry Finn

Troy & Albany


Use your own spoon if the whole table splits 1 dessert, like spumoni, a type of this treat

Ice Cream

It's the religion of nearly all the Malays in Malaysia


He was known as Chan Kong Sang in his native Hong Kong where he was a teenage stuntman & fight choreographer

Jackie Chan

"Raging Bull"

Jake Lamotta

A 1981 fad was this candy, a favorite of the president

Jelly Beans

The name of this game in which you stack hardwood blocks into a tower comes from a Swahili word for "to build"


This sitcom actress, needing a "friend", invents a new beau in 1997's "Picture Perfect"

Jennifer Aniston

She gave notice as Jeanie Bueller, Ferris' cranky sister in a 1986 film

Jennifer Grey

"And the Lord said unto Joshua, See, I have given unto thine hand" this city, "and the king thereof"


In Chapter 9, Daniel prays to God for an end to the desolation of this city, "thy holy mountain"


The governor of Judea under the reign of Persian king Artaxerxes I, Nehemiah rebuilt this city's walls


This couple, who appeared nude on their 1968 record cover, wed in 1969

John Lennon & Yoko Ono

The Sierra Club was founded by this man on the stamp seen here

John Muir

This naturalist helped found the Sierra Club in 1892 & served as its first president

John Muir

This man whom James Madison tried to put on the court declined, then followed him into the White House

John Quincy Adams

Washington appointed him to Portugal, but his father changed his posting to Prussia

John Quincy Adams

In 1988 the Beach Boys had a No. 1 hit with this song from the Tom Cruise movie "Cocktail"


Through Facebook this company offered a summer sample pack of goods & coupons for items like its macaroni & cheese


Yding Skovhoj, Denmark's highest point, is located on this peninsula


Hemingway began his writing career as a teenage reporter for this Midwest city's Star newspaper

Kansas City

We assume that Jessica Lange was impressed by the size of her co-star in this 1976 remake filmed partly in Hawaii

King Kong

For a Valentine's Day special, in 2001 a N.J. couple did this for 30 hours, 59 minutes & 27 seconds; we're G-rated, folks


1949: "Put Your Lips on Mine, Ms. Winslet"

Kiss Me, Kate

Nevada named its capital for this frontiersman who, at 16, ran away with traders who were bound for Santa Fe

Kit Carson

Nickname of Katherine Kelley, author of tell-all-&-then-some bios of Nancy Reagan & Jackie O.


1 of the 3 alien races Mark Lenard portrayed in the "Star Trek" TV shows & films

Klingons, Romulans Or Vulcans

In 1997 U2 announced their Popmart tour at an outlet of this "mart" in Manhattan


These short pants were named for the fictitious author of W. Irving's "History of New York"


The British say "Touch wood"; we say this "wood"


The Catatumbo River flows into this lake, an extension of the Gulf of Venezuela

Lake Maracaibo

If you're a One L, you're in your first year here & sweating out contracts & civil procedure

Law School

Don Ho is associated with "Tiny Bubbles" & this late bandleader with "Champagne Music"

Lawrence Welk

On December 7, he said his primary task was to "establish a continuity in government"


Readouts on digital watches & calculators use this 3-letter technology invented by James Fergason


In this circa 1470 work, the Brown Knight Without Pity is as bad as his name until Sir Gareth gets 'im

Le Morte D'arthur

Not all of this Parisian subway is underground; some routes offer a delightful view of the city

Le Mã©Tro

In this 1950s sitcom Theodore's classmates at Grant Ave. School included Larry Mondello, Gilbert Bates & Whitey

Leave It To Beaver

Today the site of a federal penitentiary, this city was the first incorporated community in the Kansas territory


In a No. 1 hit by Peter, Paul & Mary, this line precedes "Don't know when I'll be back again"

Leaving On A Jet Plane

Dad slow dances by himself to this band's "Stairway to Heaven" becuase he's having school dance flashbacks

Led Zeppelin

The epistolary novel, in the form of these, was popularized by Samuel Richardson's "Pamela" in 1740


Washington's Sacajawea State Park is located on the site where this expedition camped in 1805

Lewis & Clark

The humanities are part of this, a 2-word term used to describe some colleges

Liberal Arts

"You don't have to be a kid to love" this healthy square cereal made by Quaker


She's added a spark to the WNBA as the center for the L.A. Sparks & as an all-star MVP

Lisa Leslie

Even a functional illiterate knows it's equal to 1.057 quarts

Liter (In Illiterate)

This Thomas Berger book is the reminiscences of Jack Crabb, a survivor of Little Big Horn

Little Big Man

The arch across Virginia Street proclaims Reno as "The Biggest" this

Little City In The World

This treacherous pirate in "Treasure Island" has a pet parrot named Captain Flint

Long John Silver

This cliff on the Rhine near Koblenz bears the name of a siren said to lure boatmen to their doom there


Female name given to the fossil found by Donald Johanson in Hadar, Ethiopia in 1974


China wants Portugal to return this colony no later than 1997, the year they'll get Hong Kong


From 1946 to 1991, this nation on Greece's border was Yugoslavia's southernmost republic


Malagasy & French are the languages of this island off the coast of Africa


At access articles on over 1,000 destinations--for this country "36 hours in Kuala Lumpur" came up


Duncan's eldest son (7)


The name of this musical form probably came from the Latin "matricale", meaning in the mother tongue


In the Barkhausen effect, a metal gains this property in minute steps rather than continuously


This measure of star brightness is symbolized with a small m if it's apparent, a big M if it's absolute


Backed by the Vandellas, she had hits with "Heat Wave" & "Dancing in the Street"

Martha Reeves

I always wanted a male heir, but little Ed didn't last long; this "bloody" daughter of mine succeeded him


In 1881 she founded the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, a school for Christian Science

Mary Baker Eddy

In 1879 she became the first & only American woman to exhibit with the Impressionists

Mary Cassatt

This noted anthropologist passed away in Nairobi in 1996

Mary Leakey

In 1955 she became the first & so far only actress to win a Tony for playing a male role in a musical

Mary Martin

She had her lover & future husband Percy edit her first novel, "Frankenstein"

Mary Shelley

The common loon lives on the water, so it's not surprising that it's the state bird of this "Land of 10,000 Lakes"


Name of the Indians who lived in Belize before Europeans came & of the mountains where Victoria's Peak is found


In history, it follows "Catherine de"; near the Palais du Luxembourg, it follows "Rue de"


In this 1992 film, Connery finds & loses a cancer cure in a rainforest

Medicine Man

This actress & sister of actress Jennifer made her debut as a novelist with 1994's "Singing Songs"

Meg Tilly

In "History of the World, Part I" he plays a waiter at the Last Supper & asks if the diners want separate checks

Mel Brooks

In 2005 this Floridian became the first Cuban-American U.S. senator

Mel Martinez

It's popularly known as "MIB" for short

Men In Black

Look out! This Big 10 school unleashes about 6,000 new Wolverines on the Upper Midwest each spring


In 1971 this singer had a Bianca blast of a wedding; in '99 he went to the Jerry hall of justice for an annulment

Mick Jagger

The video for this song, Toni Basil's only hit, featured cheerleaders


The final veision of his "Paradise Lost" was published in 1674


In the Midwest: MKE


Trump up your properties! Rule railroads! Utilize utilities! Bankrupt foes & say it's nothing personal, just business


Mary Gibbs was just 2 1/2 when she began recording the voice of Boo for this movie about Monstropolis

Monsters, Inc.

Range Riders Ranch in this state offers a cattle drive vacation along the old Bozeman Trail


Nearly 2 million people each year visit the aquarium in this California city, located where else but on Cannery Row


Marilyn Monroe described this actor who died in 1966 as "the only person I know who is in worse shape than I am"

Montgomery Clift

In Israel Tevet is the tenth of these


This nickname of a Beethoven sonata comes from a reviewer who said it reminded him of Lake Lucerne at night

Moonlight Sonata

She was a teacher & administrator at St. Mary's High School in Calcutta for about 17 years until 1946

Mother Theresa

In November 2004 this mountain & its surrounding area were declared a national park in Turkey

Mount Ararat

Called Sagarmatha in Nepali, it's this peak to us

Mount Everest

From 1889 until 1961, this mountain's highest point was known as Kaiser-Wilhelm-Spitze

Mount Kilimanjaro

An animated character called Willy the Hillbilly once sold this citrusy soda brand

Mountain Dew

In "The Enterprise Incident" episode of "Star Trek", he pretended to kill Kirk using the Vulcan Death Grip

Mr. Spock

One of the Claremont Colleges says, "Our name is" this (Harvey this), "and we're proud of it"


Munich's traditional Weisswurst, a veal sausage, is naked without Senf, German for this


Prince Charles has campaigned for a revival of this meat from an older sheep


It's the Spanish-named appetizer of tortilla chips & often beans, beef & onions topped with melted cheese


Mother-of-pearl is also known by this 5-letter French name


Visitors may feed giraffes at this Kenyan capital's Langata Giraffe Center


Administered by the Germans until WWI as South West Africa, this former colony is now an independent nation


Mount Vesuvius looms over this city


"The Corsican General"


On June 29, 1994 the temperature reached 125 degrees in Laughlin, the highest ever recorded in this state


Salem, Massachusetts author to whom the 1851 novel is dedicated

Nathaniel Hawthorne

This institution, the NFB, founded by Parliament in 1939, added an animation department in 1942

National Film Board Of Canada

The title track on this Springsteen album named for a state tells of a mass-murder spree by Charlie Starkweather


This drink of the gods on Mt. Olympus was said to resemble red wine


For their wedding many grooms are opting for this retro style of jacket named for an Indian prime minister

Nehru Jacket

In 1616 books based on this Pole's heliocentric theory were censored by church edict

Nicolaus Copernicus

It's Thursday & I had to work 16 hours today! Guess I'll pray to Nyx, the Greek goddess of this


River that runs from Pittsburgh to Cairo----Illinois that is

Ohio River

Exodus tells of its use for lighting; Ezekiel for cooking; & Psalms for anointing


More than 80% of Angola's GDP stems from the production of this resource; much is found offshore


Aunt Eller Murphy & Laurey Williams


Disillusioned with their lives, Luke Wilson & Will Ferrell start their own frat in this film

Old School

Whether you smell a rat or smell the roses, you're using this sense


Mary-Kate & Ashley


1988 was a good year for this actress; she won a best supporting acting oscar & her cousin ran for president

Olympia Dukakis

Called "The Soldier's General", in 1949 he became the 1st permanent chairman of the new Joint Chiefs of Staff

Omar Bradley

"O.T.R." by Jack Kerouac

On The Road

W. & O. Wright felt passengers wouldn't mind flying in this position they 1st flew in themselves

On Their Stomachs

In 1943 he chose Los Alamos as the site for the Manhattan project lab; he'd gone to a boarding school nearby


Music lovers know it's Latin for "work" & its plural form is a type of musical work


This school color of Syracuse gives its teams their nickname

Orange (Orangemen)

Darwin's first book after the "Origin of Species" was on these tropical flowers


Thiis trail's western terminus was the valley of the Willamette River

Oregon Trail

Boxing's "Golden Boy", he now promotes a stable of fighters under his Golden Boy Promotions

Oscar De La Hoya

This "Bologna has a first name"

Oscar Mayer

(Cheryl of the Clue Crew in front of an oil rig in Oklahoma City) From his coarse appearance, it's a term for a person who works on an oil rig, other than a driller


The jibbah, a convex shape on the forehead of the Arabian, is often compared to this defensive piece of armor


Check our Thor Heyerdahl's Kon-Tiki raft in this city


D.O. can stand for doctor of this, using manipulative therapy as well as conventional medicine


Helen Hunt made her Broadway debut in 1989 as Emily in a revival of this Thornton Wilder play

Our Town

Beyond the designated borders of a sports playing field

Out Of Bounds

A temporary suspension of operation; of electrical power, for example


It's an old name for a country between China & Russia

Outer Mongolia

Nebraska center Dave Rimington is the only 2-time winner of this trophy for college football interior linemen

Outland Trophy

This Spanish cellist was among the first recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom

Pablo Casals

On May 1, 1937, 5 days after the town was bombed, he began sketching "Guernica"

Pablo Picasso

The Kellogg-Briand ___ (A 4-letter word)


Spelled one way, it's a strong ache; spelled another, a sheet of glass in a window


A predecessor of Pervez Musharraf, Mohammad Ayub Khan was president of this country from 1958 to 1969


From the Greek meaning "study of ancient existence", it's the study of prehistoric plants & animals from fossil remains


Guillermo del Toro's directing credits include "The Devil's Backbone" & this 2006 Oscar-winning film

Pan's Labyrinth

Boxer Roberto Duran became a national hero in this, his native country


Panama, Brazil, Argentina


This word borrowed from French means "outmoded"


In a speech against the Stamp Act in 1765, he said, "If this be treason, make the most of it"

Patrick Henry

He's the artist who created the work seen here

Patrick Nagel

What a stretch -- husband & wife William Daniels & Bonnie Bartlett played Dr. & Mrs. Mark Craig on this '80s medical drama

St. Elsewhere

(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Belize Zoo) It can be a gradual decrease in sickness, or this mammal right here


His 1892 painting "Manao Tupapau" depicts a young Tahitian girl & a scary-looking spirit

Paul Gauguin

Last name of the 1904 Nobel Prize winner for Physiology or Medicine, dog


This term for a spectator section goes back at least 50 years before Howdy Doody

Peanut Gallery

The state nut of Alabama isn't your kooky cousin, it's this thin-shelled pie ingredient


This term for a group hiearchy is based on the social behavior of poultry

Pecking Order

This constellation is also known as "The Winged Horse"


In 1943 Jackson Pollock had his first solo exhibit at "Art of this Century", this woman's NYC gallery

Peggy Guggenheim

The Drake Well Museum in Titusville in this state commemorates the first oil well in the U.S.


This state led the U.S. in the production of iron & steel for more than a century


The 2-word phrase preceding "pound foolish"

Penny Wise

Aye, matey, Anne Bonny & Mary Read lived the high life on the high seas as this type of criminal


(Sofia of the Clue Crew reports) Botanists divide a flower into four main parts: sepals, petals, stamens & these


Richard I


These shoes that sometimes had a 3" cork sole sound like they were made to be worn waiting for a train

Platform Shoes

Complete demolition of a tall grass that produces sugar (6, 4)

Razing Cane

"___ Sonja"


When you're born, your spleen stops producing these blood cells, but keeps filtering out used ones

Red Blood Cells

This energy drink gives Scott Speed's No. 82 wings (& dollars)

Red Bull

This carrot-topped running back built muscle working on an Illinois ice truck, becoming "The Wheaton Iceman"

Red Grange

This company introduced its popular peanut butter cup in the 1920s


Elton John sang, "She packed my bags last night pre-flight, zero hour, 9 A.M." in this hit song

Rocket Man

This heavyweight boxing champ defended his title twice in 1954, both times against Ezzard Charles

Rocky Marciano

Completes the Robert Browning line "God's in his heaven--all's..."

Right With The World

It's home to Kodak & Xerox


"Giant" Hollywood heartthrob Roy Scherer

Rock Hudson

3 of the Johns in this famed family have had the same middle name, Davison


It's no rumor: this gossip maven sang "Over the Rainbow" on her album "Miss Rona Sings Hollywood's Greatest Hits"

Rona Barrett

Created by Charles Portis, this U.S. Marshal helps 14-year-old Mattie Ross track her father's killer

Rooster Cogburn

A botanical garden has many kinds of flowers, like the American Beauty type of this


This former sitcom queen bedeviled Meryl Streep in "She-Devil"


"You're gonna need a bigger boat"

Roy Scheider

It's the federal police force of Canada

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

1954: Linus Larrabee becomes interested in the chauffeur's daughter


This city on the South China Sea once served as the colonial capital of French Indochina

Saigon/Ho Chi Minh City

Founded in 1565, this Florida city served as one of Spain's North American military headquarters

Saint Augustine

The Wasatch & Oquirrh Mountains surround this Utah capital

Salt Lake City

In 1901, the year before his death, this author revisited "Erewhon"

Samuel Butler

Projects of the giant Bechtel group include the BART system & the Bay Bridge in this city where it's based

San Francisco

Nicholas Meyer's "The West End Horror" takes this Victorian detective into the theatrical world

Sherlock Holmes

A U.S. tank is named for this Civil War general who marched through Georgia


Vedic, dating back at least 4,000 years, is the earliest dialect of this classical language of India


Publisher Sam Maxwell chose this imposing name for the Seattle paper that later merged with the Post

Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Many American breeds of this animal, like the rambouillet, are raised more for their fleece than for meat


The continental one off Newfoundland extends about 200 miles; the one off California, only 2 or 3 miles


Conchiglie are these, usually ridged


In Luke 2, an angel tells a group of these, "I bring you good tidings of great joy"


Elementary, my dear Watson; Leslie Howard's son Ronald played him on a 1954 TV series

Sherlock Holmes

It precedes "vivant" in a theatrical scene where actors stand still as if in a picture


The Jarama & Alagon are among the chief tributaries of this river that flows across Spain & Portugal


University of Oklahoma


Frank Gehry designed the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao in this country




King Juan Carlos I is the reigning monarch of this European nation of about 40 million people


Article IV sets forth the procedures for admitting new these to the union


Voters okayed California's Prop 71, a bond measure to fund medical research using these

Stem Celld

In this "Red Badge" author's "A History of Heroism", Collins risks his life for a bucket of water-- that gets spilled

Stephen Crane

One of the special singularities in this British physicist's life is an honorary degree from Harvard in 1990

Stephen Hawking

I'm allergic to feathers, so don't let me sit too close to Odett in this classic ballet

Swan Lake

Cary Grant's wife Betsy Drake survived the 1956 sinking of this Italian ocean liner

The Andrea Doria

Frank Tanana, who was drafted by this "heavenly" team in 1971, was said to throw 90 mph in the '70s & 70 mph in the '90s

The Angels

He's also known as the primate of all England

The Archbishop Of Canterbury

Croc Hunter Steve Irwin's nationality & the way his giant snakes move combine to form the name of this stroke

The Australian Crawl

When it "falls", you're fired

The Axe

The NBA rules say no player (especially not, say, LeBron) shall be ejected for shattering this

The Backboard

It commemorated its discovery by Europeans by issuing a 1971 coin with Columbus' ship, the Santa Maria, on it

The Bahamas

Croatia occupies the northwestern section of this peninsula

The Balkans

"Take A Load Off" & tell us the name of this group, formerly The Hawks, who backed Dylan starting in 1965

The Band

Figaro is the title character of this 1816 Rossini opera

The Barber Of Seville

After Julia Ward Howe heard Union soldiers singing "John Brown's Body", she wrote this song to the same tune

The Battle Hymn Of The Republic

Ports on this bay include Bilbao, Spain & Bayonne, France

The Bay Of Biscay

On April 1, 1957 this very English network reported deadpan on Swiss farmers' bumper crop of spaghetti

The Bbc

Published in 2000, this book tells the history of the Beatles in their own words & pictures

The Beatles Anthology

Lieutenant Steve Maryk takes command of this destroyer-minesweeper from an unstable captain

The Caine

At the request of its founder, this Boston paper runs 1 religious article each day in its home forum section

The Christian Science Monitor

This supersonic airliner can shuttle you from Paris to New York City in less than 4 hours

The Concorde

Salvatore Giunta, the first living recipient of this medal for actions in Afghanistan, calls himself a mediocre soldier

The Congressional Medal Of Honor

"This follow-up to 'The Articles of Confederation' is the rare sequel that's more bicameral than the original!"

The Constitution

London stock prices are tracked by the FTSE 100 Index, FT standing for this newspaper

The Financial Times

According to the book of Revelation, their mounts are white, red, black & pale

The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

Calvin Coolidge was the first president born on this patriotic holiday

The Fourth Of July

Beneath Patna's Mahatma Gandhi Bridge: this river

The Ganges

Hindus believe its waters cleanse the soul

The Ganges

Springsteen's "Darkness on the Edge of Town" is based on a speech in this book about the Joad family

The Grapes Of Wrath

The Canadian province of Prince Edward Island lies within this gulf

The Gulf Of St. Lawrence

While Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands, this city is the seat of government

The Hague

Nickname of Duke Henry, who fought Albert the Bear to control Saxony in the 1100s; only Ulrich the Tiger was missing

The Lion

"Regina" was a 1949 musical version of this Lillian Hellman play

The Little Foxes

This novel by Alice Sebold is narrated by a 14-year-old girl looking down from heaven after her murder

The Lovely Bones

Maine's name came from this longer English word used to distinguish it from the nearby isles

The Mainland

A crop top is designed to leave this part of the body bare

The Midriff

On Sept. 5, 1993 Noureddine Morceli of Algeria set the world record in this event at 3:44.39

The Mile

Egypt's Old Cataract Hotel is an example of this architectural style named for a North African people

The Moorish Style

This association at is supporting gene therapy trials to help find a cure

The Muscular Dystrophy Association

The 2 horses bet on in "Camptown Races"

The Nag & The Bay

Henry Hudson "passed" on while seeking this elusive route to Asia

The Northwest Passage

When Henry Hudson entered Hudson Bay, he mistakenly thought he had found this route

The Northwest Passage

You were born in '69? That's the year the oil tanker/icebreaker S.S. Manhattan went through this passage

The Northwest Passage

On his second expedition to map out this route, Fremont followed it from Missouri to the Columbia River

The Oregon Trail

The name of this type of boat is on several resorts, like the Waikiki Shore & the Kanaloa at Kona

The Outrigger

This group of British painters exhibited anonymously, signing their paintings PRB

The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood

In Great Britain, this woman gives a special Christmas Day message on TV

The Queen

Prince William wore the red of the Irish Guards & the "wings" of this other military force

The Raf (Royal Air Force)

A dog named Enzo narrates Garth Stein's "The Art Of Racing In" this

The Rain

69 years apart, Lillian Gish & Demi Moore got an "A" for effort for starring in films based on this classic novel

The Scarlet Letter

Tim helps a shape-shifting Dean Jones run for office in this sequel to "The Shaggy Dog"

The Shaggy D.A.

What was originally the Houston Oilers is today this NFL team

The Tennessee Titans

Figure it out: she has the third line in "Macbeth"

The Third Witch

The Czechs' rebellion against Hapsburg rule helped precipitate this war that began in 1618

The Thirty Years' War

The main ingredient in salsa verde, this small green vegetable, is native to Mexico

The Tomatillo

'Tite fer is Cajun French for "little iron", this "geometric" musical instrument

The Triangle

In the '30s Miller attendid this school at Ann Arbor, which he said was "regarded as a radical enclave"

The University Of Michigan

Rosie O'Donnell made news in 2006 when she returned to TV as a co-host of this morning chatfest

The View

At numbers 11 to 14 are members of this U.S. family that founded a retail chain

The Waltons

In 2008 & 2009 foundations of this Arkansas family's company claimed it gave $423 million in cash & in-kind gifts

The Waltons

The best thing about using this instrument is that you can do your laundry when you're done

The Washboard

Clothes basket, temperature selector, agitator

The Washing Machine

This newspaper was shut out, but its ex-chairperson Katherine Graham won for her autobiography

The Washington Post

Sections of the lengthy Eliot poem about this place include "The Fire Sermon" & "What the Thunder Said"

The Waste Land

In 1941 Lon Chaney, Jr. as Larry Talbot turned into this title monster

The Wolfman

1897: Theodor Herzl holds the first congress of this group; in one year it would have 800 chapters in Europe

The World Zionist Congress

The horizontal number line in a Cartesian plane coordinate system

The X-Axis

In 1977 Chambliss, Randolph, Dent & Nettles took the field for this team

The Yankees

"Through the Brazilian Wilderness"

Theodore Roosevelt

In 1512 Martin Luther earned the degree doctor of this


Completes the saying "There are no small parts...."

There Are Just Small Actors

A starched shirt, a week-old cadaver, a strong drink

Things That Are Stiff

It's the next line north of the Equator that has been named as well as numbered

Tropic Of Cancer

He wrote more than 1,300 letters to Bess; their 9-year courtship was called his longest campaign


It completes a quote from Thomas Palmer in 1840: "If at first you don't succeed..."

Try, Try Again (Try And Try Again Accepted)

"Gilmore Girl" Alexis Bledel plays Winnie in the film version of this book about a family that will live forever

Tuck Everlasting

"Pax et Lux" ("Peace and Light") is the motto of this university located in Medford, Massachusetts


NYC sushi chef Masa Takayama has paid more than $120 a pound for this fish--a bit pricier than Star-Kist's


Creation stories of the Onondaga & other Indian tribes put the world on the back of this animal


Joe Brown, Greg Mathis & Mills Lane joined the ranks of these on TV

Tv Judges

Schuyler Colfax

Ulysses S. Grant

His "Zahradni Slavnost" or "The Garden Party" was first produced in Prague in 1963

Vaclav Havel

A few months after her historic 1963 flight she married fellow cosmonaut Andrian Nikolayev

Valentina Tereshkova

This American pianist who took Moscow (& the world) by storm in 1958 received a Kennedy Center honor in 2001

Van Cliburn

The "glass skyscraper" architect Ludwig Mies added this, his mother's surname, to his own

Van Der Rohe

This item worn by a bride might be fingertip or cathedral length


Nation where Bolivar's buried


The last cabinet position in the line of presidential succession, it handles former soldiers

Veterans Affairs

In 1951 this Danish pianist with a sense of the absurd had his own show on NBC

Victor Borge

Roman goddess associated with the Greek Nike, or the capital of British Columbia


In 1938 William Gruber developed this 3-D viewer; it took off after he got the rights to use Disney characters


In the 1930s this future CBS anchorman was on the radio in Kansas City as Walter Wilcox

Walter Cronkite

In a 1961 speech FCC chairman Newton Minow called TV "a vast" this


(AUDIO Daily Double): Self-titled album including the song heard here: "How will I know if he really loves me, I say a prayer with every heartbeat...."

Whitney Houston

Ch. 3: Boy & girl have a family (well, an imaginary one, at least) & entertain Nick & Honey in this 1962 play

Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?

They're the traditional 5 W's of journalism

Who, What, When, Where & Why

Harry Bogen is the dressmaker hero of the musical "I Can Get It for You" this way


In 1864, not a hurricane, but this general caused a path of destruction almost 300 miles long & 60 wide

William T. Sherman

In 1968 Creighton Abrams replaced this general as commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam

William Westmoreland

He was the head of Princeton University


A replica of their cycle shop is in Dayton's Carillon Historical Park

Wright Brothers

He was the head of the P.L.O. from 1969 to 2004

Yasser Arafat

It's the single-celled organism that makes bread rise


You're a triangle pointing down; you were yellow & black, now you're red & white; you want folks to be nice & do this


Icelandic people like to eat skyr, which is similar to this fermented dairy product


I kid you not! In 1972 he brought his famous role to TV, starring in a sitcom version of "Anna and the King"

Yul Brynner

Of the countries that border Zambia, the 2 that fit the category

Zaire & Zimbabwe

These thin tubes of pasta, Italian for "bridegrooms", are often baked


Found in many ancient cultures, it's the religious worship of animals


Scooby-Doo's name was inspired by a line in this 1966 song standard

\"Strangers In The Night\"

This short story, written around 1820, contains the line "If I can but reach that bridge... I am safe"

\"The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow\"

The poem that includes the line: "Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!"

\"The Raven\" (By Edgar Allan Poe)

In 1889 this U.S. evangelist founded the Chicago Bible Institute that today bears his name

(Dwight) Moody

Famous for his speed of sound work, this Austrian said atoms didn't exist because no one had seen them

(Ernst) Mach

The Whigs were fond of referring to him as "King Andrew I"

(Andrew) Jackson

"A Mighty Heart" & "Salt"

(Angelina) Jolie

Born in Stockholm, she completed the LPGA career grand slam in 2003

(Annika) Sorenstam

He designed the geodesic dome for the United States pavilion at Expo '67 in Montreal

(Buckminster) Fuller

Though she's from Quebec, she won the contest in 1988 for Switzerland with "Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi"

(Celine) Dion

He said that if his successor, Joe Biden, "wants to diminish the office of the vice president, that's... his call"

(Dick) Cheney

One of the 2 substances in which propane occurs naturally

(1 Of) Natural Gas Or Petroleum

In 1958 this actor, famous as Thurston Howell III, charted with "Delicious!"

(Jim) Backus

Jets: 270.57 football fields (1965-1976)

(Joe) Namath

The planets may have been in motion, but after Nov. 15, 1630, this German astronomer wasn't

(Johannes) Kepler

His boat wasn't swift enough as this ex-candidate for President & Navy man earned 3 Purple Hearts

(John) Kerry

"The Mission Song" is the 20th novel by this author of spy thrillers like "Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy"

(John) Le Carrã©

This Kansan was the first woman elected to the Senate who didn't succeed her husband

(Nancy) Kassebaum

More than 540,000 men & women served under this general's command of the U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf War of 1991

(Norman) Schwarzkopf

In 1807, after a trip up the Hudson, he wrote, "The power of propelling boats by steam is now fully proved"

(Robert) Fulton

A 100-inch telescope collects 10,000 times more light than a telescope with a mirror this size

1 Inch

If you're "carded" while buying cigarettes in Calif. it's because you don't look old enough to be this age


Ballplayers in a battery

2 (Pitcher & Catcher)

Kirk Douglas & James Mason dine on preserves made from sea cucumbers in this Disney film

20,000 Leagues Under The Sea

Obama won the White House with 365 electoral votes; he only needed this many to win


The Commodores' "Times A Lady" divided by Paul Simon's "Trick Pony"


The number of days in a week times the number of ancient "wonders of the world"

49 (7 X 7)

Total number of regular season home runs Babe Ruth hit in his career; it was the record until 1974


New Year's Day 5 B.C. to New Year's Day 5 A.D.


The fact that a cat can land upon its feet without injury gave rise to this numerical concept

9 Lives

Aaargh! Pirata piraticus, one of these arachnids, has the startling ability to walk--& even run--on water

A (Wolf) Spider

Quick, it's the term for 1 billionth of a second

A Nanosecond

Film in which Groucho asks, "Wouldn't it be simpler if you just put the stateroom in the trunk?"

A Night At The Opera

The colorful lovebird, with a curved beak & short tail, is a member of this bird family

A Parrot

You don't have to be a chess player to hock chess pieces in one of these

A Pawn Shop

1992: 2 brothers fly-fish

A River Runs Through It

This somewhat coarse root vegetable is also called a swede or a Swedish turnip

A Rutabaga

When G.I. Joe was introduced, he had one of these on his face; today, plastic surgery would take care of it

A Scar

Traditionally, this Scottish tea treat is split in two & eaten with butter, preserves & clotted cream

A Scone

"Babies haven't any hair; old men's heads are just as bare; between the cradle and the grave lies a haircut and" this

A Shave

Logarithmic tool outmoded by the calculator

A Slide Rule

You can shake things up after making this wintry item using a baby food jar, water, sparkles & tiny figures

A Snow Globe

As it's what J.M.W. Turner did best, "Hannibal & His Army Crossing the Alps" is set during one of these

A Snowstorm

This instrument with a 2-word metallic name has become associated with the hula

A Steel Guitar

According to the proverb, it "saves nine"

A Stitch In Time

All 134' of this object in Baker, Ca. represents the record 134° heat once recorded in nearby Death Valley

A Thermometer

In 1867 Thomas Allbutt invented one of these instruments which took 5 minutes to register instead of 20

A Thermometer

Types of this bug transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever

A Tick

The Siberian is the largest of these, the largest member of the cat family

A Tiger

One of these machines powers the press at the Tribune

A Turbine (For Tribune)

This dressing meaning "little vinegar" looks positively slimming on you

A Vinaigrette

If your egg whites aren't behaving, use the Cuisipro stainless steel balloon this to whip them into shape

A Whisk

An ivory paper toy that flies in the wind

A White Kite

On a music score, a minim lasts half as long as one of these notes

A Whole Note

It describes a situation in which you & I both benefit; how can you say no?

A Win-Win Situation

Books by this Washington humorist include "I Am Not a Crook" & "While Reagan Slept"

Art Buchwald

The first 3 Supporting Actor Emmys went to this man, Jackie Gleason's comic foil

Art Carney

He wrote & illustrated the graphic novel "Maus: A Survivor's Tale"

Art Spiegelman

Of the 4, blood group of the universal recipient


Steven Tyler is the lead singer for this group


Much of her play "Murder on the Nile" takes place by the temple of Abu Simbel

Agatha Christie

A poem by Robert Burns taught us that "gang aft" this means "often go wrong"


Once home to Al Capone & a birdman, it closed its cell doors March 21, 1963


He was capsule communicator for Gemini 5 & 10 before becoming the second to walk on the moon


To do this to the U.S. Constitution, approval must be given by 3/4 of the state legislatures or 3/4 of state conventions


The U.S. Constitution has 7 articles & 27 of these additions


On October 5, 1877 this Nez Perce chief surrendered to general Nelson Miles about 30 miles from the Canadian border

Chief Joseph

His famous story "The Tell-Tale Heart" tells us, "It was not the old man who vexed me, but his evil eye"

Edgar Allan Poe

The gooney bird is another name for this bird made famous in a 1798 poem

An Albatross

Then there was this time I had to take one of these remedies to counteract a poison

An Antidote

A single one of these is actually an unopened flower bud from a thistlelike plant; its leaves & "Heart" are edible

An Artichoke

For men, a cravat is a wide necktie; this is a scarf, lapped over & worn loosely around the neck

An Ascot

GM helped develop cobots, or collaborative robots, for this production process on a line of the same name

An Assembly Line

A professor or principal

An Educator

On August 6, 1890 William Kemmler became the first criminal forced to sit in one of these--& he only did it once

An Electric Chair

As you'd expect, this animal appears on the coat of arms of the Ivory Coast

An Elephant

At the 1906 game Navy introduced this song that's symbolized Midshipman football ever since

Anchors Aweigh

Let's take a pregnant pause for this 8-letter verb, meaning to construct an image or idea


Hundreds of years old, the de facto national flag features this saint's cross


In 1832 Crockett & his fellow Whigs opposed this president's position against the Bank of the United States

Andrew Jackson

William H. Seward negotiated the Alaska Purchase during this president's administration

Andrew Johnson

The WWII diary of this Dutch Jewish teenager is widely read by young Japanese girls

Anne Frank

In 1704 he was commandant of Detroit; a few years later, he was made governor of Louisiana

Antoine De Cadillac

The family rosaceae includes roses & these fruits, such as Jonathans


If you taste-test Cortlands against Valencias, you're comparing these

Apples And Oranges

In a book by Irene Hunt, 9-year-old Jethro Creighton lives during the Civil War, which lasts "Across Five" of these months


Created to span more distance than a horizontal bridge, it's supported by diagonal surfaces called skewbacks


A mountain range called the Lomonosov Ridge lies at the bottom of this ocean

Arctic Ocean



Slang for any line of work


Anna Sewell subtitled this classic "The Autobiography of a Horse"

Black Beauty

FDR & Isaac Asimov were among members of the BSI, this group of Sherlock Holmes fans

Baker Street Irregulars

"The first pitch to Tucker Ashford is grounded into left field. No, wait a minute. It's" this 2-word term, "low & outside"

Ball One

(Sarah of the Clue Crew) This railing system often seen on balconies includes a top rail, balusters, and sometimes a bottom rail


This musical opens with the song "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute"


Sterile, like some women, or a member of the lowest grade of nobility, like some men


It's a snowstorm with winds past 30 knots, below normal temperatures & visibility reduced to 1/8 of a mile


The "Great" one of these paralyzed New York City on March 12, 1888


In 1930 Arturo Toscanini became the first non-German to conduct at the Wagner festival in this city


Charlotte, Emily & Anne published their poetry as Currer, Ellis & Acton this; does it ring one?


To send a statement for money owed for goods or services


Chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee, he succeeded George Bush in Texas' 7th District

Bill Archer

1956: "Lady Sings the Blues"

Billie Holiday

In 1957 this actor founded Little People of America, an organization for short-statured people

Billy Barty

His then-wife Christie Brinkley painted the cover of his 1993 album "River of Dreams"

Billy Joel

Jolly bile

Billy Joel

Foxwoods Casino, on an Indian reservation in Connecticut, claims the world's largest hall for this game


In 1965 Vic Dana, Bert Kaempfert, and Wayne Newton all suggested red roses for her

Blue Lady

Elvis Presley had a hit in 1956 with this song penned by Carl Perkins

Blue Suede Shoes

The 1934 Ford actually held lookalikes of the 2 outlaw lovers, who settle down & raise a zany family

Bonnie And Clyde

Glowering Romanian Ion Tiriac helped this German man win Wimbledon at age 17 in 1985

Boris Becker

Then & now president of Russia, in 1991 he saved Gorbachev's borscht after a coup attempt

Boris Yeltsin

Your cat dreams of being this, the title of a 1960 Joy Adamson book about Elsa the lioness

Born Free

When keeping score in this sport, "forget" to add your opponent's next pin score to his spare


1938: Spencer Tracy

Boys Town

In 1991 Sarah Williamson became the first girl mayor of this Nebraska community

Boys Town

The 2 teams that won their divisions in 1991 after finishing last in 1990

Braves And Twins

The Coroado people of this South American country's Atlantic coast admit it: linguistically, "I'm Ge"


This 4-letter word for a witch's potion is also a slang term for a beer


New London Harbor Light, Stamford Harbor Light


Though nicknamed "The Constitution State", it was actually the fifth state to ratify the Constitution


A foursome is required to play this game where you try to win the rubber


Term for a partial denture


Word for the large size of shot used for deer hunting


In an old saying, this Roman person "must be above suspicion"

Caesar's Wife

This rock god wrote, "Am I sitting in a tin can? Far above the world, planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do"

David Bowie

In January 2001 rolling blackouts were ordered by officials in this state


Florida Institute of Technology is sometimes called "Countdown College" from its proximity to this site

Cape Canaveral

With partner Gerry Goffin, she wrote 5 No. 1 hits, then 2 more without him

Carole King

You want to break ties in the U.S. Senate, so use recess to study hard & become VP like this man is today

Dick Cheney

A university seminar on slang revealed that an unwelcome follower is known as a hanging this


On a map of Africa, this country is "dangling" off the right side of Niger


To be politically correct, don't call someone short, say he's vertically this


A soup of the Southwest is highlighted by fried strips of this Mexican flat bread


Soong Ch'ing-ling wed revolutionary leader Sun Yat-sen; her sister Mei-Ling married this nationalist leader

Chiang Kai-Shek

Before starring as Greg on "Dharma & Greg", Thomas Gibson played Dr. Daniel Nyland on this medical series

Chicago Hope

You may get shingles years after recuperating from the same virus which causes this "spotted" illness

Chicken Pox

Don't squawk if you're accused of having illegible handwriting, aka this

Chicken Scratches

Chicken has lots of zinc and so does this edible pod plant with a fowl name


Jay M. Arena, director of the Duke Poison Control Center, devised this type of bottle cap


This wind that rolls down the eastern Rockies derives its name from an Indian word for "snow eater"


Timepiece mechanism that's a synonym for efficiency


This animated "Star Wars" chapter swept through the galaxy in summer 2008

Clone Wars

This company sells about 50% of the bleach in the U.S.




Will helped his father obtain one of these, with the motto "Non Sanz Droict", "Not Without Right"

Coat Of Arms

A crusty old bootmaker, or a crusty old fruit dessert


"The job market will improve", Georgia Tech grads were told by John F. Brock III, CEO of this beverage's "Enterprises"


Frenchwoman whose ever-chic suit features a boxy jacket with a weighted metal chain sewn into the inside hem

Coco Chanel

Morphine & this analgesic & cough suppressant whose name means "poppy head" are derived from the opium poppy


A demitasse


At you can't buy donuts, but you can get this traditional accompaniment by the pound


No relation but same last name: shoe designer Kenneth ____ & swimwear designer Anne ____


The name of this artistic composition of materials pasted to a surface comes from the Greek "kolla"


It was founded at the foot of Pikes Peak in 1871

Colorado Springs

Some of the earliest revolvers by this company were the pocket, belt & holster models


Born in Verona in 1743, composer Giuseppe Gazzaniga wrote many opera buffas, known by this 2-word term in English

Comic Opera

A group of people appointed for a specific function, like the Senate Judiciary one


This deranged emperor may even have killed his own father, as Joaquin Phoenix does playing him in "Gladiator"


This crop is "king" in the country's agricultural economy


To top off a French meal, you might try this pancake dish served flaming in an orange sauce

Crepes Suzette

Gavdos, an islet administratively part of this larger island, is Europe's southernmost point


1959's Mary Ann Mobley played Maggie Drummond on this Gary Coleman sitcom

Diff'rent Strokes

Don't let anyone spoil it by giving you the ending of her book "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd"

Dame Agatha Christie

...on the 4th of September was this man who could celebrate with his big showbiz family & TV kids

Damon Wayans

If you want to see a play about this trailblazer, blaze a trail to Harrodsburg, Kentucky

Daniel Boone

(VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE): (Here is one of the participants in last year's Celebrity Tournament with the clue): "Hi, I'm Fred Savage. The answer is: On "The Wonder Years" I played Kevin Arnold; this actor narrated the show as the adult Kevin"

Daniel Stern

Donatello's earliest authenticated work is a marble of this biblical king


Fees reported at $600 an hour separate most men from this litigator who's argued against Microsoft & for Al Gore

David Boise

A midshipman at age 9, he served in the War of 1812 at age 11, & became a Civil War hero while in his 60s

David Farragut

Phrase associated with the following: [video clue]

Dead Or Alive

This play begins as Willy Loman returns home from a trip

Death Of A Salesman

The 18 survivors out of a party of 30 who made a trek through this valley in 1849 gave it its name

Death Valley

Headquartered in Atlanta, it flies under the symbol DAL


Karl Malone

Delta Center

These false beliefs might be of grandeur or of persecution


Forming statements not about here & now is called this, like the amount of water moved by a floating body


Get to know Queen Victoria's favorite P.M. by visiting Hughenden Manor, where he lived from 1848 to 1881


Wanted: candidates whose interests are this 7-letter word, i.e. made up of various elements


With brother Daffy, the NL strikeout leader who served as Truman's Secretary of State

Dizzy Dean Acheson

In Woody Allen's "Sweet And Lowdown", Sean Penn idolizes this great gypsy jazz guitarist

Django Reinhardt

Contrary to popular legend, "mush!" isn't a command usually used in these races

Dogsled Races

In 1814, before the British burned the White House, this woman escaped with silver & other valuables

Dolley Madison

The consummate hostess, in 1809 she was first to host an official inaugural ball

Dolley Madison

A lump or blob of a semiliquid substance -- ice cream for example


The memory of his being "The Napoleon of Luzon" hasn't faded

Douglas Macarthur

In 1971 U Thant eulogized this U.N. undersecretary as "An international institution in his own right"

Dr. Ralph Bunche

This itchy ailment is also called atopic dermatitis


The 2005-2006 TV season marks this famous Ed's 25th year on "60 Minutes"

Ed Bradley

The 2 cheeses coated with red wax named for towns, one in North Holland province, one in South

Edam & Gouda

One of the most memorable songs from "The Sound of Music" is this ode to a flower


Her great-great-grandmother Louisa Lane Drew once appeared in a play with the father of John Wilkes Booth

Drew Barrymore

After you "Just Do It" in Nikes, you can do this to Gatorade, because life is a sport

Drink It Up

U2's Bono


Krystle Carrington, Alexis Carrington Colby, Amanda Carrington


Any birdbrain knows it's the highest rank a Boy Scout can attain

Eagle Scout

It was this Eisenhower Chief Justice who wrote the Opinon of the Court in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954

Earl Warren

"Let's Groove" with this R&B group that had a hit with "Shining Star"

Earth, Wind & Fire

In 1862 Peruvian slave raiders carried away about 1/3 of this Chilean island's population, but not the big heads

Easter Island

2 "B": An outgoing tide


In "A Christmas Carol", we learn this man once apprenticed with the jolly merchant Mr. Fezziwig

Ebenezer Scrooge

We bet you never called this second wife "Dingbat"; pucker up for....


This astronomer financed the 1687 publication of Isaac Newton's masterwork, the "Principia"

Edmund Halley

This fancy egg dish is said to have been created at Delmonico's in the 1800s; even then, Hollandaise sauce was used

Eggs Benedict

The author of "A Beggar In Jerusalem", this concentration camp survivor won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986

Elie Wiesel

The "her" in "I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face" refers to this character

Eliza Doolittle

In a 1999 interview, she told Barbara Walters that she hates being called Liz

Elizabeth Taylor

It's the Biblical structure that wasn't completed due to language problems

Tower Of Babel

Marketing has begun on a line of nursewear from this TV medical show

Trapper John, M.D.

This travel editor's "guides" now total over 80 titles, many of which are published annually

Eugene Fodor

John Adams & John Quincy Adams were members of this religion, meaning they believed in 1 divinity, not 3


He was the son of publisher Arthur Waugh & the brother of novelist Alec Waugh

Evelyn Waugh

This "Brideshead Revisited" author's career was ascendant when he published his first novel, "Decline And Fall"

Evelyn Waugh

In 1964 Hal Prince produced this musical set in an east European shtetl; it ran for 3,242 performances

Fiddler On The Roof

Carrie on "Sex and the City" really enjoyed this event that brings ships & thousands of sailors to NYC

Fleet Week

Florence Nightingale was born in this Italian city in 1820


"The Grey" wizard of Middle-Earth


Multi-Oscared Mahatma movie (6)


From the Old French for "watchtower", it's an attic room that's perfect for a soulful starving artist


Befitting his importance, this 13th century conqueror appears on Mongolia's currency

Genghis Khan

That Great Wall thing didn't work; this warrior's forces crossed it & went on to sack Peking in 1215

Genghis Khan

In 1990 after signing the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, this president declared the Cold War over

George H.W. Bush

The current Purple Heart medal has a portrait of this man on it

George Washington

Although not known for its wineries, Connecticut has 3 of these plants on its state seal


Pu'u Wekiu on Mauna Kea


The Keck II telescope sitting on an inactive volcano in this state was dedicated in May


Minted from 1793 to 1857, it was the smallest denomination of U.S. coin ever issued


If you're quiet at Wrigley Field, you can almost hear this late broadcaster sing "Take Me Out to the Ball Game"

Harry Caray

In 1906 he launched Conjurer's Monthly, a magazine that he pretty much wrote & edited himself

Harry Houdini

This entertainer earned the nickname "The Handcuff King" for his ability to escape manacles

Harry Houdini

In January 2007 this democrat from Nevada became the new Senate Majority Leader

Harry Reid

This poet of "The Bridge" jumped ship in 1932

Hart Crane

The name of this German rabbit stew literally means "peppered hare"


On February 1, 1970 Dave Balon pulled off his first one of these in his pro hockey career

Hat Trick

On December 19 the people of this U.S. state celebrate Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop's birthday


This Greek "Father of Medicine" could not heal himself, dying around 377 B.C.; he was buried at Larissa in Thessaly


A holiday song says, "Have" this type of "Christmas, It's the best time of the year"

Holly Jolly

The answer is "Practice, Practice, Practice"

How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall?

Say, kids, he was the freckle-faced puppet persona of 1950s TV

Howdy Doody

This series' Flub-A-Dub had the head of a duck & the body of a dachshund

Howdy Doody

Nice lad


Abruzzese is a dialect of this language


Named for a Mediterranean country, this style of typography is based on a Renaissance script


This "Great One" coined a few famous phrases

Jackie Gleason

In a 1981 hit song, Rick Springfield wished that he had her

Jessie's Girl

Members of the Society of Friends are Quakers & members of the Society of Jesus are these


In 1993 this female director from New Zealand won the Cannes Film Festival's Palm D'Or

Jane Campion (For "The Piano")

Delivered the male heir

Jane Seymour

In 1954 the "No More Tears" formula of this product was introduced

Johnson's Baby Shampoo

This Belgian first flexed his movie muscles in "Missing In Action" with Chuck Norris

Jean-Claude Van Damme

(Cheryl of the Clue Crew in New York City) At one end of Rockefeller Plaza, a large granite block is inscribed with the credo of this famous son

John D. Rockefeller, Jr.

Pirates once plundered ships in an area of the Caribbean referred to as the Spanish this


On his first night taking over "The Daily Show", he informed us, "Craig Kilborn is on assignment in Kuala Lumpur"

Jon Stewart

In 1978's "Superman", Marlon Brando played this character, Superman's dad


Verne: "Viaje al Centro de la Tierra"

Journey To The Center Of The Earth

"A Moment Like This" (2002)

Kelly Clarkson

Internal ballistics studies the conversion of a propellant's chemical energy into a projectile's energy of this type


The seventh Secretary-General, he's fluent in English, French & several African languages

Kofi Annan

The name of this capital city found in the Andes means "the peace"

La Paz

When her fiance forgot to buy a ring for their quickie San Antonio wedding, a friend was sent to Sears

Lady Bird Johnson

A third, more sexually explicit version of this 1928 D.H. Lawrence novel was finally published in the U.S. in 1959

Lady Chatterley's Lover

Season 3 of this MTV reality series introduced us to Breanna, L.C.'s younger sister

Laguna Beach

Cotelette d'agneau means cutlets or chops of this meat


A July 2001 newspaper ad from the U.S. Postal Service congratulating this man read "Un, Deux, Trois!"

Lance Armstrong

Los Angeles Superior Court trial judge seen here, looking very interested

Lance Ito

This molten volcanic rock was given its name by those who lived around Mount Vesuvius


A directional word for the liberal side of politics goes F-less & turns into a word meaning to allow

Left & Let

Not Beckett but Clifford Odets: "Waiting for _____"


This "Exodus" author returned in 1999 with a new political novel, "A God In Ruins"

Leon Uris

While in Milan in the late 15th century, this artist designed locks to join the city's canals

Leonardo Da Vinci

It was thought the first pulsar discovered might be a signal from E.T.s, so it was called LGM-1, short for these

Little Green Men

Some stories say that this member of Robin Hood's merry men was 7 feet tall

Little John

A letter from Einstein to FDR is on display at the Bradbury Science Museum in this city, birthplace of the atomic bomb

Los Alamos

(Sarah of the Clue Crew in Waikiki, Hawaii) To get into the Hawaiian spirit, I will say "Thank You" with this Hawaiian equivalent


Varieties of this tree, noted for its wood, include the West Indian & Honduras


Despite its name, this protective armor worn by a knight was not delivered by a postman


"Guide for the Perplexed" is a major work by this Jewish philosopher born Moses ben Maimon


His third wife, Jiang Qing, was a member of the Gang of Four

Mao (Zedong)

The murder of this perfumery girl occured about 2 years after the atrocity in the Rue Morgue

Marie Roget

40 B.C.: Cleopatra (don't think again)

Mark Antony

U2's first Top 40 hit in the U.S., "Pride (In the Name of Love)", was a tribute to this man

Martin Luther King, Jr.

This property, the middle letter in the familiar version of Einstein's famous equation, grows with velocity


Esther Forbes lived most of her life in this state & set her novel "Johnny Tremain" there


This spring festival sounds like a ship's distress call

May Day

On July 19, 1996 Janet Evans lit his fire

Muhammad Ali

Because it's closest to the sun, this planet is best seen near the horizon just before sunset or sunrise


In 1911 Heike Onnes first observed superconductivity when he cooled this slippery element to -452 degrees Fahrenheit


Christopher Plummer has won wide acclaim for his performance in this role seen here: "Delivery device for nicotine. Put it in your mouth, light it up, and you're gonna' get your face...."

Mike Wallace

Natalie Wood was just 8 years old when she played the little girl Susan in this Christmas classic

Miracle On 34Th Street

Benjamin Franklin wrote in "Poor Richard's Almanack", "A little neglect may breed" this


In 1922 Margaret Gorman was retroactively crowned this for winning 1921's "Inter-City Beauty Pageant"

Miss America

As Jim Phelps, Jon Voight falls off the Charles Bridge in this blockbuster 1996 movie

Mission: Impossible

A highlight of Silver Dollar City in Branson is a tour of Marvel Cave, the deepest cave in this state


One of the two states that got new senators with the last name Udall in 2009

New Mexico (Or Colorado)

When this Bible guy came down from the mountain & saw his people dancing before the golden calf, boy, was he upset!


This Calcutta nun said, "There is a net of love by which you can catch souls"

Mother Teresa

In an Aesop fable, he talks a lion out of eating him & later repays the favor


In the 1950s famous ones were Doreen, Sharon, Bobby, Cheryl, Annette, Karen & Cubby


In 1501 Venetian printers began using the moveable type of this to print music

Moveable Type

The St. Andrew's cross resembles this math sign


Alone it means "silence"; add "ble" & it means to talk indistinctly


You'll see this group parading through Philly each New Year's Day


Your body has about 650 of these including the biceps and hamstrings


This British naval commander's dying words were, "Thank God, I have done my duty"


In New England Jeanne Shaheen defeated John Sununu to become this state's first female senator

New Hampshire

Now the second largest, Nashua is predicted to become this New England state's largest city by the year 2000

New Hampshire

This newspaper that had a square named for it merged with the Tribune in 1924

New York Herald

In 2002 Helen Clark won election to a second term as this Down Under country's prime minister

New Zealand

The 2 Canadian provinces that fit the category

Newfoundland & New Brunswick

"Harlot's Ghost", "Why Are We in Vietnam?"

Norman Mailer

"Kidnapped By UFOs?" was a probing episode of this PBS series whose name is Latin for "new"


If a server yells, "put out the lights & cry", someone's ordered liver & these


"A Mind for Murder" & "A Taste for Death" are works by this author whose first names are Phyllis Dorothy

P.D. James

To dwindle or fizzle out, as Mr. O'Toole could tell you


In the 1890s pharmacist Caleb Bradham invented this cola drink, known then as "Brad's Drink"


Peter Foy revolutionized stage flying with the "inter-related pendulum" he designed for this 1954 musical

Peter Pan

This singer & drummer for Genesis recently announced his exodus from the group

Phil Collins

The Shaft Alley Spectre is one of many ghosts haunting this Long Beach luxury liner first launched in 1936

Queen Mary

In August 1858 the first transatlantic cable message was sent from this monarch to Pres. Buchanan

Queen Victoria

This publication has been "serving theatre since 1884", & its website enthralls theatre fans worldwide


(Alex reading clue in a Southern drawl) Li Po & Tu Fu did their own thang, & wrote a bunch of these works in the dynasty T'ang


The "First Movie" from this card game features an evil clone, Mewtwo, who wanted to rule the world


The Sultan of Brunei has air-conditioned stables housing his 200 animals for this sport


This 1982 movie revolved around a house built on top of a graveyard where the headstones had been removed


Sir John Lavery became the leading portrait painter of his time after he was commissioned to paint her portrait in 1888

Queen Victoria

"Real men" don't eat this French custard cheese pie


In 1928 A.A. Milne published "The House at" this location

Pooh Corner

She got "all dolled up" for the stamp seen here (red-haired doll)

Raggedy Ann

Rock royalty from Minneapolis: Nelson


This Portuguese prince fought against Tangier with his brother Ferdinand, who died in captivity there

Prince Henry

From the Greek for "foretelling", it's a forecast of things to come


The "History" by Herodotus has been called the earliest surviving European work of this form, from Latin for "straightforward"


In the 1500s this German movement claimed all people, not just Catholic priests, had access to divinity

Protestant Reformation

"A bad workman blames his tools" & "All is fair in love and war"


"Handy Tables", "Harmonica", & "The Almagest" are among this astronomers surviving works


British term for schools like Eton that are actually what Americans would call private

Public School

This Paul Anka tune contains the lines "Put your lips next to mine, dear; won't you kiss me once, baby?"

Put Your Head On My Shoulder

Originally a Greek unit of length, Homer used this word to describe a race of small folk dwelling in a southern land


Also a type of equation, it describes functions of the form f(x) = ax² + bx + c


Bred in 17th century Virginia, this horse with a "fractional" name is the oldest all-American breed

Quarter Horse

1 of 2 Oscar winners sung in the films by Doris Day

Que Sera Sera Or (Secret Love)

The flag of this Canadian province features 4 white fleur-de-lis on a blue background


You can see Canadian soldiers in British uniforms march to French music in this city's Citadel

Quebec City

The Binghi is a central ritual in this religion founded in the late 1920s in Jamaica


Predominant in the Punjab, this religion has origins in both Hinduism & Islam


The BlackBerry Bold 9000 by R.I.M., this Canadian company, has a 624 MHz processor

Research In Motion

After writing "The School for Scandal", he became an M.P. and an advisor to the future King George IV

Richard Brinsley Sheridan

He had a 2004 bestseller with "Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror"

Richard Clarke

This king stopped crusading long enough to marry Princess Berengaria of Navarre on Cyprus in 1191

Richard The Lion-Hearted

He reprised his role as Wayne Szalinski in "Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves"

Rick Moranis

A choice she made on Dec. 1, 1955 would lead to a Supreme Court ruling & Martin Luther King's rise to fame

Rosa Parks

RS (2 responses, please)

Rose & Iris

A Tennessee town, pop. 85, or a British sport similar to soccer & football


This stainless-steel car with gull-wing doors debuted in 1981; fewer than 10,000 were made

The Delorean

The anatomy prof brought in a human model to identify this shoulder muscle

The Deltoid (In Model To Identify)

"The Secret Life of Buddy and Sally"

The Dick Van Dyke Show

In 1985 Johnny hit the road with Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings & Kris Kristofferson as this group

The Highwaymen

In 1932 Peg Entwhistle jumped from the first letter of this local landmark

The Hollywood Sign

This Arabic salutation, often followed by "aleikum", means "peace"


Cotto, Genoa, pepperoni


This cat from "Sabrina" has his own series of "Tails"




Because of its odor, a North American swamp plant is called this type of "cabbage"

Skunk Cabbage

Ben's last public act was to sign a petition to Congress urging the abolition of this


You might hear these on your way to Grandmother's house for the holidays

Sleigh Bells

The first serious epidemic of this "diminutive" disease in New England began in 1616 & was very hard on Native Americans


Peter Hoeg wrote of her "Sense of Snow"


Though the names don't start with M or P, this 2-named company makes the M&P compact 9mm

Smith & Wesson

Franz Beckenbauer knows that in Germany it's this highly organized sport


Chemical name of the salt produced when sodium hydroxide, NaOH, meets hydrochloric acid, HCl

Sodium Chloride (Nacl)

A chesterfield is a large, overstuffed one of these


If you want to drive from Klerksdorp to Roodepoort in this country, head east & hang a left at Sasolburg

South Africa

On April 1, 1789, the House had its first quorum & elected Frederick A.C. Muhlenberg to this post

Speaker Of The House

The country Whigged out / Stormy inauguration / He's dead in a month

William Henry Harrison

These 2-toned pumps named for onlookers have been stylish since their introduction in the 1920s


The First Amendment gives you the right to "freedom of" this; Buddhists just want it right


The Goliath bird-eating variety of this arachnid can grow up to 11 inches across


The wolf type of this arachnid rides on its mother's back when it's a baby


From the Italian for "foam", it's a molded ice cream dessert that often contains candied fruit


In 1659 the English East India Company founded the first permanent settlement on this island in the south Atlantic

St. Helena

Longwood Golf Course on this South Atlantic British dependency is probably the world's remotest 18-hole course

St. Helena

He played Hamlet at the New York Shakespeare Festival before he hammed it up as Mike Hammer:

Stacy Keach

The resemblance of the jaws of the beetle seen here to a male deer's antlers gives it this name

Stag Beetle

Christian had a cameo in a film subtitled "The Undiscovered Country", the sixth in this series

Star Trek

In 1990 this company expanded its Seattle HQ & built a new roasting plant


This specialty retailer received Colombia's Order of the Grand Cross for its support of coffee farmers in 2004


Paul Michael Glaser & David Soul

Starsky And Hutch

Steve Austin got this nickname when his then wife insisted he drink his tea while it was still hot

Stone Cold

The name of this '90s group was partly inspired by an STP motor oil logo

Stone Temple Pilots

Robert E. Lee's "right arm" general who sang "ABC" with a singing group

Stonewall Jackson 5

The ultimate hitchhikers, remora are also known as these fish because they attach themselves to other fish

Sucker Fish

You can donate old eyewear to the mall store called this "Hut", which gives it to a charity called OneSight

Sunglass Hut International

In this tune Rick James informed us "She's a very kinky girl, the kind you don't take home to mother"

Super Freak

You can find the Wilhelmina Mountains in this South American country

Suriname (Formerly Dutch Guyana)

Minted from 1979 to 1981, the coin featuring her was the first depicting a woman that went into general circulation

Susan B. Anthony

Finland, Norway, Sweden


This variety meat is the thymus gland, usually taken from a calf, but occasionally a lamb


Things that are going well aren't going skatingly or jumpingly but this athletic way


This country is known for yodeling, cheese & the Zoologischer Garten in Basel


In 2003 Crayola celebrated its 100th birthday by adding some new colors, including "Mango" this (hey, that rhymes)


This 2-piece bathing suit has a tank top & a bikini bottom, hence the name


The title of this 1935 Hitchcock film starring Robert Donat & Madeleine Carroll refers to a spy organization

The 39 Steps

Inventions: the aqua-lung, the air conditioner, the adding machine

The Adding Machine, The Air Conditioner, The Aqua-Lung

It begins, " 'Tom!' No answer. 'Tom!' No answer. 'What's gone with that boy, I wonder? You, Tom!' "

The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer

The Agassizhorn in the Bernese section of these mountains is named for a 19th century scientist

The Alps

This proverb about taking a spill is attributed to heavyweight boxer Robert Fitzsimmons

The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall

In a Walter Farley tale, Alec Ramsay is stranded on an island with this title animal

The Black Stallion

Around the time of this war, Kimberley was a popular name for British boys

The Boer War

"Till the one day when the lady met this fellow, & they knew that it was much more than a hunch"

The Brady Bunch

"Ladies, Please Don't Squeeze" this!

The Charmin

The New York Daily News is owned by the parent company of this Chicago newspaper

The Chicago Tribune

First discussed in 1802, this British-French project was finally opened to the public in 1994

The Chunnel (The Channel Tunnel)

10 miles west of Helena is this 2-word geographic feature, the crestline of the Rockies

The Continental Divide

In a Top 10 hit by Barry Manilow, Lola was a showgirl at this title place, "the hottest spot north of Havana"

The Copacabana

This machine was invented in 1793 to speed up the removal of seeds from a certain raw fiber

The Cotton Gin

The 1st claw of the Utahraptor was thought to be a rib--they grew 'em big in this period, from Latin for "chalk"

The Cretaceous

1992: Neil Jordan for this IRA love story with a twist

The Crying Game

The Germans & the Poles claim the polka, but more than likely it was created in Bohemia in this present country

The Czech Republic

The white lion with a double tail on its coat of arms was granted to Bohemia in the 1100s

The Czech Republic

Its name is derived from "day's eye"; like an eye, its blossoms close at night & open by day

The Daisy

This dog breed was first spotted in the Yugoslavia region several hundred years ago

The Dalmatian

This region of the U.S. includes Mississippi & Alabama

The Deep South

A solid can be finely analyzed using the EELS technique, which studies energy loss in these particles

The Electrons

This flap of cartilage prevents food & fluids from entering your windpipe

The Epiglottis

In an Eagles song, "Life in" this title place will "surely make you lose your mind"

The Fast Lane

Regulating each person's life, mythological sisters Atropos, Clotho & Lachesis were known as these

The Fates

The only U.S. coin with the Presidential Seal

The Fifty-Cent Piece

A former European nation: GDR

The German Democratic Republic

More than a million pilgrims travel to Mecca each year for this great pilgrimage

The Hajj

Jodi Picoult's first novel is titled "Songs of" this whale

The Humpback

The DVD of this 1961 film includes "picture-in-picture commentary on how to make the trick shots"

The Hustler

"He hates these cans! Stay away from the cans!"

The Jerk

This act of 1854 named for 2 future states allowed the new territories to decide the slavery issue themselves

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

"Rocky" director John G. Avildsen directed this 1984 Ralph Macchio film & 2 of its sequels

The Karate Kid

California venue that has hosted 2 Olympic games

The L.A. Coliseum

This animated dinosaur film by Don Bluth spawned 4 video sequels

The Land Before Time

Dying professor Randy Pausch summarized his beliefs in a talk called this, later put into book form

The Last Lecture


The Learning Channel

Calcium oxide, not a citrus fruit, gives us this term for what you bask in at center stage

The Limelight

In the pilot, Desi & Lucy played Larry & Lucy Lopez & this landlord couple was nowhere to be found

The Mertzes

(With Gloria Estefan) "Rhythm Is Gonna Get You"

The Miami Sound Machine

Born in Aspen, Harold Ross didn't found Aspener magazine, he went east & founded this one

The New Yorker

It's another name for the Aurora Borealis

The Northern Lights

In one steering system, a toothed bar called the rack is engaged by this gear

The Pinion

This Coleridge "rime" says, "a sadder and a wiser man he rose the morrow morn"

The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner

This resort area along the Mediterranean coast includes the cities of St. Tropez, France & San Remo, Italy

The Riviera

Hieroglyphics were Greek to scholars until this 1799 discovery supplied Greek equivalents

The Rosetta Stone

As a member of this "Royal" family, Ben asks, "Can we read it... is it dark?" & hears "Of course it's dark. It's a suicide note"

The Royal Tenenbaums

"Ten Days that Shook the World"

The Russian Revolution

The type of sore named for this piece of equipment could appear on the horse's back or the cowboy's bottom

The Saddle

Marine Ira Hayes, who helped raise the American flag on Mount Suribachi, had a cameo in this 1949 John Wayne film

The Sands Of Iwo Jima

Jack London: "'The Ghost' was rolling slightly on a calm sea without a breath of wind"

The Sea Wolf

While it's "small" in diameter, about 1 1/2 inches, it's 20 to 25 feet long in your body

The Small Intestine

The term malocclusion refers to the improper meeting of these

The Teeth (They Don't Line Up Properly)

In one production of the ballet "Cinderella", Robert Helpmann & Frederick Ashton danced the parts of these 2 meanies

The Ugly Stepsisters

Woody Guthrie sang, "You can't scare me, I'm sticking to" this group

The Union

"Ducks are a dabbling" is a line of poetry included in this Kenneth Grahame work

The Wind In The Willows

Susan Sarandon, Michelle Pfeiffer & Cher were this title group

The Witches Of Eastwick

Arena theatre, in which the audience is seated on all sides of the acting area, is also called theatre-in-this


After nuclear mutation, giant ants terrorize Los Angeles in this 1954 classic


SMOKE G ---------------------------------- It's what happens to all my best ideas, and all my best cigars

They Go Up In Smoke

Months, eggs, dirty title film commandos

Things That Come In A Dozen

In medical speak, "T & A" is this operation "& adenoidectomy"; keep it medical, folks!


It's no rumour; while studying at Oxford this politician seen here sang with the rock band Ugly Rumours

Tony Blair

In 1929: T.M., "principally for his great novel 'Buddenbrooks"'

Thomas Mann

"Common Sense" guy who wrote, "Let the far and the near all unite, with a cheer, in defense of our liberty tree"

Thomas Paine

David Herbert Donald's 1988 winner "Look Homeward" was "A Life of" this author

Thomas Wolfe

Known as "the roof of the world", this autonomous region of China averages more than 15,000' above sea level


Not surprisingly, its scientific name is Panthera tigris


From the Greek for "local", it means applied externally to a particular part of the body


In a 50 mph wind this part of the Statue of Liberty can sway 5 inches


Paul Bunyan could have done this to a barge using just one of these pedal digits

Toe (Tow)

Thrill to the spectacle of the "BraviSEAmo!" show at this Japanese city's DisneySea theme park


In 1969 The Who had a major hit with "Pinball Wizard", a track from this concept album


In ancient times this Libyan capital was known as Oea


Name in common to the 3-engine Lockheed L-1011 & a Hollywood movie company


Kangaroos, monkeys & Boy Scouts all come in these groups


This machine that produces printed letters on paper can be spelled using just letters on a typewriter's top row


Seaport city known for its very expensive purple dye


From left to right, this flag has a big "V", a big eagle & a big "I"

U.S. Virgin Islands

Scandals during this president's tenure included the Whiskey Ring, the Indian Ring & the Credit Mobilier Crisis

Ulysses Grant

This object, from the Latin for shade, should be carried point down & close to the body when closed


After all the states ratified it, Congress added this 9-letter word to the title


The supporting framework beneath a vehicle


The 2 planets in our solar system that fit the category

Venus & Uranus

This Thoreau work is sub-titled "Life in the Woods"


C.D. Parker, a former Texas Ranger, owns a saloon frequented by this title character

Walker, Texas Ranger

Disney's beers

Walt's Malts

In 1979 honorary Oscars went to Laurence Olivier & this creator of Woody Woodpecker

Walter Lantz

He was a protege of Hubert Humphrey & replaced Humphrey in the U.S. Senate

Walter Mondale

It's how you'll feel at Louisiana's Bienvenue House, a circa 1830 B&B, or what the name of the house means


Jakarta, Canberra, Wellington


In 2004 he was back as the title vampire slayer in "Blade: Trinity"

Wesley Snipes

Thomas Hardy set many of his novels in this fictional place also in the title of his first volume of verse


In this 2000 film Mel's character Nick says, "This is nice. I don't understand why" they complain about waxing

What Women Want

The hard red winter type of this grain is planted in autumn & in late spring


The following sound is regularly heard on this TV show created by Merv Griffin (it's spinning)

Wheel Of Fortune

...In a boilermaker, along with beer (rye works fine)


Legend says that the person you kiss on this Williamsburg school's Crim Dell Bridge is the one you'll marry

William And Mary

The only king of England named Stephen was the grandson of this conqueror

William The Conqueror

By career homers: 1. Barry Bonds 2. Hank Aaron 3. Babe Ruth 4. "Say Hey" to him

Willie Mays

Besides the breast, only part of chicken or turkey that is all white meat


On screen, he's a "tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff"

Winnie The Pooh

To separate the wheat from the chaff by tossing it into the wind


"Northeaster", an 1895 painting by this American artist, depicts the ocean striking the Maine shore

Winslow Homer

Democratic state senators fled this state to stall Gov. Walker's union-busting budget bill


State whose state song is heard here: (go Badgers!)


If you've surprised someone who's unprepared, you've caught him this way

With His Pants Down

Over 5,000 of them were pilots in the Soviet air force


For his work in founding the League of Nations, he received the 1919 Nobel Peace Prize

Woodrow Wilson

The saxophone is a member of this instrument family, not the brass family


Anzio, Tobruk, Bataan

World War Ii

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