John Adams Presidency

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1. France expelled US minister (I think it was Pinckney) - Reason= US Proclomation of Neutrality (The US will not take sides in the French Revolution) 2. Adams makes a speech that attacks France

Problems that Adams faced

1. No precedent, he was the next president after the first president (GW) - How to handle the cabinet positions. Should he keep members from Washington's cabinet? (He did and it was a big mistake) 2. Adams had a bad attitude

Virginia Resolution

A resolution following the Sedition act which allowed states to oppose the federal government. This resolution, written by James Madison, said that states could judge the constitutionality of laws.

Kentucky Resolution

A resolution following the Sedition act which allowed states to oppose the federal government. This resolution, written by Thomas Jefferson, said that states could declare congressional acts "null and void." This was a step up from the Virginia Resolution.

Alien and Sedition Acts

A series of laws that sought to restrict the activities of people who opposed Federalist policies. These consist of four laws passed by the Federalist Congress and signed by President Adams in 1798. The laws were 1. The Naturalization Act, which increased the waiting period for an immigrant to become a citizen from 5 to 14 years 2. The Alien Act, which empowered the president to arrest and deport dangerous aliens 3. The Alien Enemy Act, which allowed for the arrest and deportation of citizens of countries at was with the US 4. The Sedition Act, which made it illegal to publish defamatory statements about the federal government or its officials. The first 3 were enacted in response to the XYZ Affair, and were aimed at French and Irish immigrants, who were considered subversives. The Sedition Act was an attempt to stifle Democratic-Republican opposition.

John Adams major accomplishments as president (not much)

Built up the army and navy to fight France in the unofficial "Quasi War," and eventually found a peaceful resolution to the conflict (Not sure if I would use this) Nominated John Marshall as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Marshall played a major role in the development of the United State's legal system and helped create an understanding for the extent of the Supreme Court's power.

Naturalization Act

Extended the amount of time to become a citizen from 5 to 14 years


Federalists: Liked a broad/loose interpretation of the Constitution and wanted to give the federal government more power and flexibility D-R: Wanted the Constitution to be followed exactly as written because they believed it would be dangerous to have too much flexibility (didn't want government to run your life).


Federalists: Preferred to encourage industry and banking because the profits were higher and you could employ more people and get higher productivity D-R: Preferred an agricultural society because it gave more freedom (less involvement by government) Farmer is self-sufficient and doesn't need government bail out. (Jefferson believes farmers chosen people of God) Thought industry= long hours pollution, bad working conditions/industry

Federalist vs D-R NATIONAL BANK

Federalists: Supported the bank because it would help organize nation's money and would lend money to new industries. D-R: Opposed it because 1. It required a broad/loose interpretation of the Constitution 2. They believed individuals should make their own investment decisions, not the government

Federalist vs D-R state governments and national governments: Which should be stronger

Federalists: Thought national government should be united and stronger because it would keep the people in order D-R: The national/federal government should not be weak, but it shouldn't be too strong, either. Need a good role for state and local governments since they know their people better. Solutions that work in Philadelphia might not work in Iowa.

Federalist vs D-R TARIFFS

Federalists: Wanted tariffs because it favored industries and allowed them to make more money. - More jobs - Favors American companies D-R: Opposed high, protective tariffs since they raise prices for consumers and favor industry over agriculture

US response to the XYZ Affair

John Adams says "millions for defense, not one cent for tribute!" This means that he would rather spend money on building a defense against France than bribing it.

Quosi War

Not a real war but the United States built up a navy which would attack French ships if they saw them. High up Federalists such as Hamilton and his friends wanted war with France so this was their doing.

The Compact Theory

The constitution was created as a compound of state and federal government, therefore states can rule laws unconstitutional. This was the BASIS for the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions. Neither state actually did this but said they could.

Election of 1796

The first contested American presidential election. Adams + Pinckney VS Jefferson + Burr What happened which made the election special? - Hamilton asked his friends (some Federalist electors) to leave Adams' name off their ballot and Adams' friends retaliated by taking Pinckney's name off their ballot. RESULT: Adams (71), Jefferson (68), Pinckney (59), Burr (30) Adams becomes the President with Jefferson as his VP

Marshall + Gerry

The two US ambassadors that John Adams sent to France. They were the ones that spoke to the French agents and heard their demands (XYZ Affair)

French demands during the XYZ Affair (MUST KNOW THIS)

These demands were given to Marshall and Gerry in order for the US and France TO RESUME DIPLOMATIC DISCUSSIONS. The demands were: 1. The US must apologize for President Adams' speech, which stated France and other countries view Americans as "degraded people." 2. The US must promise to loan France $10 million 3. The US must pay a $250,000 bribe to Talleyrand (French Foreign Minister)

John Adams Resume (what makes him a good fit to be the president)

Vice-President under George Washington Served in both Continental Congresses Signed the Declaration of Independence Signed the Declaration of Rights and Grievances Was an envoy (ambassador) to Britain Served as the attorney for the British soldiers during the Boston Massacre (and he won)

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