Juice Wrld
Acknowledge verb "I acknowledge that I had plenty of time to study for the test.
to recognize or admit
Allege Verb "The girl next to me alleged that I was cheating on my test, but I wasn't!"
to say without proof
Reveal Verb "Our teacher revealed the answer to our questions."
to show
Attempt Verb "I attempted to make a 100 on my test."
to try
Collaborate verb "I had to collaborate with my classmates for our science project."
to work together
Coherent adjective "After I studied more, the science text became more coherent."
Details noun "My teachers gave me details on how to join the basketball team."
Unknown Adjective "The new student was unknown by everyone."
not known
Associates Noun "The teachers are associates."
people who work together
Peak verb "My math test scores peaked at 100!"
reach the highest point
Grief Noun "When my cat died, I felt grief."
Brief Adjective "Class felt very brief today."
short time
Defeat Verb "We defeated the other team in Call of Duty."
to beat in a game or battle
Baffle Verb "That chapter in social studies baffled me!"
to confuse
Determine Verb "I need to determine if I am going to join the basketball or the soccer team. "
to decide
Administer Verb "The teacher administered the test."
to give
Contribute Verb "My school is raising money for families who need help. I contributed money to the cause."
to give
Cite verb "When I gave my answer, my teacher told me to cite my source."
to give something as evidence
Require Verb "Our teacher requires us to write our names at the top of our homework."
to need
Procedure Noun "Mrs.Campbell tells us the procedures for coming into her classroom."
a way of doing something