KIN 121 Final - New Material

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Menstrual abnormalities and exercise

Amenorrhea: No period Ogliomenorrea: not consistent But both of these are reversible Menstrual abnormalities occur in 2-5% of the normal population and up to 28% of female athletes (mostly endurance athletes). Reversible through 10% reduction in training, improved diet and weight gain of 4-5 lbs.

Cancer Checkups: Prostate

Annual PSA test and digital recap exam beginning at age 50 Men at high risk should begin at age 45

What are the 6 domains (when you combine self concept and self guide together)?

(from self concept) 1. Actual/own (how we think we are) 2. Actual/other (how we think others see us) (from self guide) 3. Ideal/own (what others what us to be) 4. Ideal/other (what others want us to be) 5. Ought/own (what society wants us to be) 6. Ought/other (what your best friend thinks you should look like)

What are the 3 sub theories that we talked about from the Self Determination Theory?

1. Basic Needs Theory 2. Organismic Integration Theory 3. Causality Orientations Theory

The well relationship What are 10 elements of a story marriage?

1. Communication 2. Compromise 3. Common values 4. Likability and respect 5. Shared responsibilities 6. Finances 7. Trust 8. Space 9. Sense of Humor 10. Love

Not all body dissatisfactions are healthy (describe 4 unhealthy body dissatisfactions)

1. Restricted eating, unsafe dieting/starving 2. Over exercising or exercise addiction 3. Unhealthy cycle of harmful thoughts and negative self talk 4. negative emotions that have an impact on physiological health and emotional health

What are the 2 types of carbohydrates?

1. Simple carbohydrates (sugars) 2. Complex carbohydrates (starches)

What is the recommendation for fat/lipid intake?

20-35% of calories

What BMI is considered overweight


1 lb of fat

3,500 calories

Tobacco causes ___% of all cancers and ___% of lung cancer.

30% of all cancers 90% of lung cancer

What BMI is considered Obese


Common Cancers: Colorectal

3rd most common and 3rd leading killer cancer in both men and women

In 1960s health care costs represent ____% of all costs.


How much dopamine does the human body normally have on any given day?

50 nanograms (ng)/deciliter (dL)

____% of 16-20 year olds who died in crashes weren't wearing their seat belt.


CHD and metabolic syndrome

A cluster of symptoms that raise the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some cancers Defined as having three or more of: hypertension, elevated glucose, low HDL levels, and abdomen obesity

Genetics can create a tendency for obesity BUT...

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) accounts for 65-75% of the calories burned in a day for bodily functions

How do you reduce the risk of atherosclerosis?

Become or stay physically fit Consume a diet high in omega 3 fats Don't smoke Avoid secondhand smoke Control blood pressure, reduce weight (if overweight) Control stress

When should you brush your teeth after oral sex?

Brushing teeth should happen outside of 1 hour before or after performing oral sex. Brushing can use micro lesions in the mouth, and can lead to infections.

Early Detection of Cancer: Know cancer's warning signals CAUTION

C - Change in bowel or bladder habits A - A sore that doesn't heal U - Unusual bleeding/discharge T - Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere I - Indigestion or difficulty swallowing O - Obvious change in wart or mole N - Nagging cough or hoarseness Practice self exams have regular cancer related check ups

Exercise and Chronic Health Conditions - Osteoporosis

Can positively affect peak bone mass in children and adolescents, maintain or even modestly increase bone mass in adulthood, and assist in minimizing age-related bone loss in older adults.

What is the second most common cause of death in the US overall?

Cancer 1 in 3 Americans will eventually have some type of cancer. Prevention has had a strong affect on reducing cancer incidence and deaths. Early detection is important in reducing deaths due to cancer.

Drugs affecting physical performance - Diuretics

Cause the body to pass water by increasing urine output. Useless in producing weight loss because you drink and it all comes back.

Chronic stress

Caused by prolonged physical or emotional stress, more than can be coped with

Common Cancers: Uterine and Cervical

Cervical is caused by HPV

Exercise Addiction

Chronic loss of perspective on the role of exercise in a full life. Difference is seen in the attitude and consequences. Do not see value in unrelated actives and pursue exercise against their own best interests.

When consuming cocaine our bodies release ____ ng/dL of dopamine.

Cocaine = 1000 mg/dL

Stressful Reduction Tip: Reframing

Consciously reinterpreting a situation in a more positive light Reframe life's stumbling blocks into challenges Look on the bright side, take control of your reactions, earn to be an optimist Optimists have higher hardiness score

What are the daily recommendations for carbohydrates?

Daily caloric intake should be 45-65% carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates.

End in (-ose). Ex) Corn sweetener, corn syrup, molasses, juice concentrate. Easy and quick absorption directly into blood stream. Fuel body under anaerobic conditions. Help provide brain fuel.

What equation can be used to balance calories in to calories out?

Energy Balance Equation

Energy Balance Equation

Energy in (food) - Energy out (BMR or PA) Lose weight: calories in < calories out Gain weight: calories in > calories out

Self-Discrepancy Theory

Everyone possesses a representation of their ideal physical self. Influenced by media and cultural influences, as well as peer, family and interpersonal factors Everyone also possesses a representation of their current physical self. Influenced by the same factors as their ideal self The discrepancy between these two self perceptions causes negative emotions, negative body image, and unhealthy exercise and eating patterns (in more extreme cases). The discrepancy itself is not a bad thing, but how an individual perceives this difference and goes about changing it (disordered eating, excessive exercise)

Higher Self Efficacy leads to...

Exercise adoption and adherence (adoptions of vigorous intensity activity. Maintenance of moderate intensity activity and overall exercise behavior)

Family matters

Family is where we learn values, attitudes, ways of living, and other important societal norms. No surprise that families have an important impact on our health outcomes and life trajectory. (Some families are very health conscious, and some are not) No one family is identical to the other.

Body Composition: Fat free mass Lean mass Body fat

Fat free mass includes muscles, bone, body fluids and organs Lean mass is muscle Body fat can be either essential ft or storage fat

What are the important roles of fat/lipids?

Fats are not a good single source of energy BUT they help to: Satisfy hunger Energy storage Insulation Cell membrane structure Building bloc of steroid hormones Transport fat soluble vitamins

Cancer Checkups: Colorectal

Fecal occult blood test sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, double contrast barium enema, and/or digital rectal exam yearly Newer screening tests being studied in clinical trials including a virtual colonoscopy and DNA stool test

Exercise and Chronic Health Conditions - Asthma

Fewer attacks, need less medication, and lose less time from work or school with controlled asthma

How can we incorporate a healthy eating pattern in our lives without making it seem like a "sentence"?

Find a healthy plan that meets our needs Incorporate foods we like to eat, not ones we think we should Allow ourselves to have small amounts of the less healthy stuff we enjoy Follow guidelines

Weight-Inclusive Approach:

Focused on HEALTH Reinforces TRUST Leads to WEIGHT STABILITY

Weight-Normative Approach:

Focused on WEIGHT Reinforces CONTROL Leads to WEIGHT CYCLING

Distracted driving can come from focusing on?

Food Music (radio or phone) Not following traffic laws GPS Intoxication Drowsiness

Special Nutritional Concerns: Pregnancy

Good has means improved infant birth weight and health Folic acid

What is cancer?

Group of diseases characterized b abnormal cell growth and replication Precancerous cells are often destroyed by the immune system. If not destroyed, they may form tumors. Tumors may be benign or malignant. Both can be dangerous, but malignant cancer can move to other sites in the body.

Why is having high blood pressure bad?

HBP causes the heart to overwork, become weak, and enlarged (water retention and bloat of the heart) It can also damage the artery walls One in 3 Americans has HBP (90% primary cause is unknown)

What is the most common STI (sexually transmitted infection) across the US?

HPV BUT there is a vaccine for HPV, called Gardasil

What is the most common STI on MSU's campus?

HPV HPV stands for Human Papilloma Virus Presents at genital warts

Identity Theft How does it happen

Happens through many avenues: stealing card numbers dumpster diving stealing mail burglary robbery

Stress Reduction Tip: Create a Memory Bank

Happiness comes from noticing and enjoying the little things in life Savor special experiences of your life and store them in your memory bank Journaling will help you remember them

What did Dr. Oz do?

He described untested weightless supplements as magic pills. The problem with the Dr. Oz effect is that magic pills don't exist and Dr. Oz knowns this. In a study using "magic beans" that he recommended, it gave mice early signs of diabetes.

Changing Focus on Health CareL How is health care changing?

Health care is shifting from a SICKNESS focus to a WELLNESS focus Wellness initiates offered by hospitals Support groups exist for people who are either sick, or have a relative who is sick Prevention is now a cornerstone of health care More natural medical treatments exist Wellness incentives are offered by insurance companies for people who actively try to maintain their health WE STILL HAVE A LONG WAY TO GO THOUGH.

Benefits of Exercise for Older Adults

Helps maintain independent living Increases energy Helps control joint swelling and pain Helps maintain healthy bone and muscle Enhances cardiorespiratory function and circulation Reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression Helps improve stamina and strength Reduces risk of dying from heart disease, high blood pressure, colon cancer and diabetes Improves posture, decreases backaches, enhances appearance, and helps control weight

When consuming heroin our bodies release ____ ng/dL of dopamine.

Heroin = 950 ng/dL

Why is diabetes bad?

High blood sugars damage the circulatory system, kidneys (from processing too much sugar) and can put one at more risk for high blood lipids and atherosclerosis. 90% of diabetes is type 2 or non-insulin dependent that can be controlled with lifestyle changes (weight management/loss and dietary changes)


High cholesterol is named hypercholesteremia Desirable level in total is below 200 (160 target) Cholesterol must attach to a protein to be carried in the blood stream (lip-protein) Triglycerides (a type of fat found in blood) should be below 150 mg/dL

Explain the trends in cancer deaths by race and sex (1975-2004)?

Highest: African American men (going down) Second highest: White men (going down) Third highest: African American women Lowest: White women

How does dopamine effect how a person gets addicted to a substance?

If a substance is more effective at giving dopamine to the body, then the brain will rewire itself to rely on dopamine from that substance. The body stops producing its own. This creates drive for the substance to make you feel better. The reason for the alcohol who says, "I need a drink to feel normal in the morning"

Dieting- what is it?

Implies a way of eating that involves special foods, caloric restrictions, powders, pills, or shake (It actually should be a balanced way of eating for a lifetime. Not viewed as a "sentence" but an enjoyable part of life.)

Define the difference between incidence and death rate from cancer.

Incidence is the rate of occurrence. Death rate is deaths per year.

What are ways to support variety?

Include different activities in workout plans Introduce new moves in workout every so often Rotate through a series of plans that build off of each other Ask yourself how much variety you want, and match your routine to that Remember: Specific types of exercise cannot support that much variety, such as turbo kick or ashtanga yoga. If you do these activities, you may not be able to add much into the format itself.

Value of goal accomplishment

Individual value placed on accomplishing a goal will also increase our motivation to create a specific impression Ex) getting that high paying job in your field

IUD What is it? How long does it last?

Intra Uterine Devices Another form of birth control Inserted y a medical professional (OBGYN) into the uterus Can be hormonal or non-hormonal Lasts anywhere from 5-12 years 5 year: Mirena (hormonal) 10 year: paraguard (copper and non-hormonal) 12 year

Malignant tumors:

Invade surrounding tissues, spread through metastasis, grow uncontrollably, are not capsulated, are usually fatal if untreated

What caused a slight uptick in the use rates of marijuana about 7-8 years ago?

It became legalized

Pregnancy and Post Partum Exercise Benefits

Kegel exercises reduce urinary incontinence, and ease delivery of child Progressive exercise through post part period can help ease stress, increase energy levels, and builds strength needed to hold baby. Avoid fatigue during exercise, as it may reduce milk production Listen to your body and your doctor

Arthritis: What is it? What prevents it?

Leading cause of disability in the US Exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and good muscular strength and balance helps prevent arthritis

Unsaturated fat: What is it?

Liquid at room temperature (most vegetable fats)

STIs can be cured/treated now!

Living with symptoms is no longer a thing for most STIs. Lots of them can now be cured at well (even HIV) Living with AIDS (stage 4 HIV infection) is no longer a thing. HIV is not a death sentence anymore. Retroviral drugs are so effective at reducing the viral load in HIV that it may not be able to be detected by medical tests, and it can't be passed on to a partner.

Cancer Checkups: Breast

Monthly self exams Yearly clinical exams Mammogram by age 40 and yearly thereafter Women at increased risk should talk to their health care provider to consider earlier testing.

Common Cancers: Testicular

Most common cancer of men 15-34

Wellness Partnerships

No one portion of society is solely responsible for the promotion of wellness. In America, we like to put the burden solely on the individual. This is incorrect. We need partnerships between all parts of the system to create sustainable change. Part of this burden falls on you, as educated wellness practitioners.

Myocardial Infarction (MI) Heart Attack:

One or more of the coronary parties is partially blocked by atherosclerotic deposits called plaque Blood clot can form and choke off the supply of blood to the heart muscle

What is body image

Ones perception of their physical self and appearance

What is JUUL?

Only nicotine is present in JUUL, which makes it just as addictive as regular cigarettes. Nicotine is highly addictive.

Osteoarthritis: What is it? Symptoms?

Osteoarthritis - degenerative disease where cartilage deteriorates, leaving the bone exposed to rub against each other Causes pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joint and supporting structures Bony spurs (osteophytes) form from the pitted bone Synovium becomes inflamed

Soluble fiber:

Paces absorption of carbohydrates can reduce blood cholesterol (esp. LDL) Sources: oat bran, beans, veggies, fruits

The best is the defensive driver. What is this?

Paying attention and knowing what you would do if something happened.

How can you control emotional risk for CHD?

People can learn to control behavior Use thought stopping to control angry cynical thoughts Practice laughing at yourself Be empathetic Reason and understand your anger learn to relax Practice patience and trust Become a good listener Live as if you have a serious disease-keep things in perspective learn to forgive

Complications of diabetes mellitus

Peripheral neuropathy can impair pressure and temperature sensation (in the limbs) Preventing blisters and keeping feet dry and cushioned can help feet stay healthy If foot ulcers occur, they should go see their doctor immediately Autonomic neuropathy impairs temperature and pressure sensation throughout their body Can experience blunted HR and blood pressure responses Heat and cold related illnesses RPE should be used instead of HR to monitor exercise intensity

Harmful effects of stress (Psychosomatic disease and effects)

Physical ailment that is mentally induced The following can be developed by stress: Hypertension, stroke, cardiovascular disease, ulcers, migraine headaches, tension headaches, addictions, cancer, allergies, asthma, hay fever, rheumatoid arthritis, backache, depression

How is food associated with the 7 dimensions of wellness?

Physical: Food is required for physiological nourishment, genetic growth, and survival. Occupational: Often a part of business meetings, social gathering, and breaks at work, income generated by our occupations determines our food choices. Institutional food. Social: Food is often at the heart of social events, celebrations, and family interactions. Spiritual: Food is used in rituals and is part of spiritual cleaning. Abstention from eating or from eating particular foods often accompanies spiritual growth experiences. Intellectual: having a healthy relationship with food requires informed consumerism, knowledge about science of nutrition, sound dietary principles, and the ability to read food labels. Emotional: Food is often used as a reward, to please, to soothe feelings, and to ease depression or stress Environmental: The human need for food requires crop quality and protection from contamination, protection of the food chain, and strategies for combating world hunger.


Plaque formation in artery Deposits of cholesterol and other lipids along with cellular debris accumulate in the artery Artery wall becomes hard, inelastic, and clogged and may become blocked

Downfalls in Eating Habits.

Poor diet is said to contributee to four of the top 10 leading causes of death in our country. Too few fruits and veggies Too little fiber Too much saturated fat Too many added sugars Too much sodium Too much food overall (calories)

What types of self talk are important for learning and helping people feels like they are capable of accomplishing their goals?

Positive and Instructional self talk


Positive stress, excitement before you do something

Specific Tactics for Reducing the risk of getting cancer: Be physically active There is a strong link between physical activity and a decreased risk of theses cancers (3 total)

Postmenopausal breast cancer Colorectal cancer Endometrial cancer

Exercise and Sweating

Profuse sweating is not likely to create an electrolyte def. A normal diet replaces lost electrolytes Rehydration is critical. Water is the best method of rehydration. With exercise more than 60 minutes, sports drinks may be used.

Heat Illnesses- Heat Exhaustion

Profuse sweating, cold skin, flu like symptoms, dizziness, rapid pulse, shallow breathing, headache Get out of heat force fluids, refer to physician

What does the research say about meals?

Regular meals support good nutrient Individuals who at 3 meals + 1 or 2 snacks showed greater dietary quality compared with people who skipped breakfast or lunch Regular meals and snacks better support metabolism Eating regularly has beneficial effects on fasting total and LDL cholesterol

Why is chronic stress harmful to our health?

Resistance to chronic stress leads to stress related diseases and exhaustion of the body's immune system.

Risks associated with Obesity

Risk factor in four of the ten leading causes of death Higher risk for: heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, atherosclerosis Compicates surgery and pregnancy

Glycemic index

Scale that measures how a food affects blood sugar. Important for diabetes.

Coping with Cancer: As a Friend

Share thoughts and feelings and listen Offer to accompany them to the doctor or hospital Offer to help - make specific offers of help Encourage fun activities Help friend contact a support group or someone who has had cancer

What is the most common type of cancer?

Skin cancer 1 in 5 Americans will have skin cancer.

Males and Exercise

Slightly lowers hormone levels, as it does for women No relationship between exercise and sperm count Cyclists may have perineal circulation concerns (reduces circulation) Sitting for 2-3 hours on a bike may be contraindicated Affects women too

Low glycemic index

Small rise in blood sugar Ex) brown rice, whole wheat bread, beans, peanuts, apples, yogurt Help you fee full.

Specific Tactics for Reducing the risk of getting cancer: Exposure to viral infections

Some viral infections can initiate inflammation and cellular damage that leads to cancer Hepatitis B or C is associate with a 34 fold increase in liver cancer HPV is a major cause of Kaposi's sarcoma Lifestyle choices reduce risk-especially reducing sexual risk Engage in abstinence, a trusted monogamous relationship, and/or condom use

Psychoneuroimmunology and stress

Specialized branch of medicine that studies the mind body connection Chronic negative emotions deplete the immune system Chronic stress and stress perceptions can damage the immune systems (we are at "emotions" in the TEA)

What makes an unsafe driver?

Speeding Following too closely Improper lan changing Not following traffic laws Not paying attention/inattention (distracted driving)

Perception (stress)

Stressor leads to negative reaction depending on whether the person perceives that stressor as being negative. Some people's problems are related to faulty perceptions.


Stressors come first Factor causing stress

"TEA" Time

T - Thoughts: Positive and Instructional Statements. Build up belief in person. E - Emotions: Feels like they can accomplish goals. Increases self efficacy A - Actions: More likely to continue to exercise. Positive health benefits.


TEA Thoughts Emotions Actions

T/F: 54 million Americans whose BMI classifies them as "overweight" or "obese" are in perfect health according to cardio metabolic measures, while 21 million whose BMI puts the in the normal category are not within health parameters.


Social Physique Anxiety

The anxiety experienced in regard to a real or imagined evaluation of one's body by others Very strong barrier to exercise Does not go away automatically Can cause people to work out less hard when they are in the presence of others May want to workout with others but don't do so because of their fear of evaluation (can either increase or decrease exercise)

Behaviors are influenced by the environment

The context in which behaviors occur is greatly influential -Family and peers -School and neighborhood setting -Religious and community institutions -Media and marketing influences -Culture of the country -Progression of time (days, months, years, etc.)

Exercise and Chronic Health Conditions - Hypertension

The cornerstone of therapy for the prevention, treatment, and control of high blood pressure.

Why can faulty perception lead to greater stress reactions?

The perception of having no control over stress adds to stress levels, and leads to less active problem solving and controlling of one's daily behaviors.

Weight cycling

The repeated loss and regaining of body weight

Magic pills, potions, and bars

There is no quick fix for weight loss or targeting problem areas Anything that claims this is not regulated by the FDA, and may be dangerous "Natural" on food labels does not always mean natural. there is no strict definition of natural protein bars don't die you extra energy, unless you need the calories Cleanses and diets with a time frame often never work, and can cause you to gain the weight back plus some

Why should you avoid very low calorie diets (1,200 calories a day)

They actually slow your metabolism and cause muscle loss and increased fat. It tricks you body into thinking it's starving and stores what nutrients it gets Discourage skipping meals-encourages over eating at the next meal (lowers metabolism and promotes storage of calories over utilization as few)

Flavored condoms are for oral use only! Why?

They can cause yeast infections. Ora condoms prevent STI transmission when performing oral sex. If perming oral sex and unsure of partners STI status, then can use condom or dental dam.

Describe competent eating.

This is a non-diet approach to eating well. Positive, comfortable, and flexible with eating. Reliable about getting enough to eat of enjoyable food.

What is Diabetes

Type 1 you are born with Type 2 develops Both type 1 and type 2 affect how the body uses glucose Both are characterized by the body's inability to produce enough insulin or use it properly Too much sugar in the blood or urine is a classic sign of diabetes

What are the leading cause of death every year for ages 3-33 in America?

Vehicle crashes These are largely preventable. Wearing your seat belt is one way to prevent death and injury from crashes.


a body weight in excess of recommended range for good health

What is the truest form of safe sex?

abstinence or masturbation

Daily Uplifts

are positive events that make us feel good and can reverse the negative effects of daily hassles

Dental dam

barrier to skin to skin contact via oral route


having an excessive accumulation of body fat

How does body dissatisfaction start?


Herpes simplex Type 1 transmission

mouth to mouth contact transmission (cold sores around the moth)

Less common signs of MI

nausea shortness of breath weakness cold sweats paleness


negative stress


nonspecific response of the human organism to any demand made upon it (that we don't think we can handle)

Essential fat

required for body functions

Osteoporosis: What is it? Who does it effect? What can you do to improve it? What happens when you have osteoporosis?

"Porous bone" 1 in 2 women and 1 in 4 men over 50 experience this Exercise increased bone density, makes them stronger Adequate calcium + estrogen + weight bearing exercises = strong bones Exercise and estrogen act synergistically to develop bone As osteoporosis gets worse, household tasks become more difficult Loss of functional ability Increased risk of fractures, especially in long bones

Why is the "perfect level" of BAC (blood alcohol content)?

.055 BAC This is when all the good stuff about drinking happens. Happy feeling, warmth, feeling pretty good. After this point, its a downhill slope

At what BAC is the dopamine system ignited and the downhill slope begins?

.060 BAC is when the dopamine system is ignited, and a downhill slope begins.

Common Cancers: Prostate

1 in 6 men will get this cancer Screenings at age 50 or earlier

Common Cancers: Breast

1 in 8 women get this cancer (high survival rates)

Describe the process by which an individual develops their own self concepts and self guides for how they should behave, look, and think (when these 5 domains are combined, we end up with different types of self representation)

1. Actual self (how we think we are) 2. Ideal self (how we want to be) 3. Ought self (how we think we should be) 4. Oust you (our views) 5. Others (other views)

Name and describe the 6 different categories of motivation that are graphed on a spectrum of internalization. (Organismic Integration Theory)

1. Amotivation: they don't do it because they don't want to 2. External Regulation: somebody else is bugging you to do it. If you do this, than you get rewarded 3. Introjected Regulation: This is where behavior is internalized. It is focused on you but it is not healthy. You feel guilty/ashamed of yourself. 4. Identified Regulation: Im doing a behavior/exercise because it is important to me. I might not like it but I like the benefit. 5. Integrated Regulation: exercise becomes who you are. You are identified with it. "I feel myself as a yoga instructor, its part of who I am" 6. Intrinsic Motivation: Doing the behavior because you think it is enjoyable.

What are the 3 types of climate in the causality orientations theory?

1. Autonomous - supporting choice, input of participants and open to suggestions 2. Controlling - "Do what I say." "Don't ask questions." leader has complete control of the setting with no room for input 3. Impersonal - leader does not care to interact with participants, does not invest themselves

What are the 3 psychological needs that all humans seek to fulfill according to the basic needs theory?

1. Autonomy: choice; control over life area. Have an input on what happens vs. letting go of all control to authority. Autonomy support: Give personally relevant choices Provide modifications for moves Ask for suggestions, feedback Incorporate those suggestions and feedback 2. Competence: Feeling that you possess the necessary sills to accomplish your goals; you know what you are doing Competence Support: Give reasons for why moves are chosen/done in a certain way Teach them about the move through alignment and safety cueing Teach them about exercise Tell them about health benefits gained from exercise 3. Relatedness: Feeling connected to and important to others in the setting; having important relationships with others Relatedness Support: Introduce people to each other Incorporate partner workouts in your class Get to know your students on a personal level Give them opportunities to socialize with each other and you

What are the 6 major nutrients?

1. Carbohydrates (CHO) 2. Protein (PRO) 3. Fats 4. Vitamins 5. Minerals 6. Water

What causes a blockage in atherosclerosis? (3 things)

1. Cell debris 2. Blood clot 3. Excessive stress If blockage occurs, angina, a myocardial infarction, or stroke could occur.

Steps to use a condom correctly. (6 total steps)

1. Check the package of each condom! Every one comes with an air pocket inside it. If the air pocket is not present then it is broken. Look for tears or rips as well. 2. Check the expiration date! Each package has an expiration date. If you are getting close to the date, have extras around. 3. Open the package. Not with your teeth. Be careful to rip from the side of the package and not tear the condom itself. 3a. Lube it if it is not already lubed. (even then, some additional lube can help condoms work better) 4. Check to make sure you are going to put it on correctly. Hold the tip of the condom with one hand, and try to roll it out, or set in hand and check if it rolls (then you have it the right way). If not, switch direction sand check again. 5. Put the condom on the penis Place the condom on the tip of the penis, and hold the tip with one hand. With the other hand, roll the condom down the penis all the way to the base. While holding the tip of the condom, pinch the air out of the tip. (this way, semen can be help in the tip of the condom, and not run down the side of the penis and out of the base of the condom) 6. Take off the condom, immediately after sex. External (male condoms) must be taken off right away. Internal condoms (female condoms) can be left alone for a bit. First, collect the semester in the tip of the condom. Then, with the penis pointed down, unroll the condom until you get to the tip of the penis, and slide it off.

Testicular Cancer Self Examination: 4 steps

1. Cup one testicle at a time with your hand (best during or after a warm bath or shower) 2. Exam by rolling between thumb and finger (slight pressure) 3. Familiarize yourself with the spermatic cord and epididymis (tube like structures that connect on the back side of each testicle) 4. Feel for lumps, change is size, or irregularities (it is normal for one testicle to be larger than the other)

Workplace Wellness Initiates: Corporate wellness programs can look vastly different but have some common components. Name and describe the 3 components.

1. Diagnosis - blood pressure screenings, cholesterol testing and glucose testing 2. Education - Brochures on stress management, informational newsletters highlighting a healthy practice 3. Behavior Modification - healthy food choices in the cafeteria, employee workout centers, smoking cessation classes, lunchtime walking programs, built environments that enhance active transportation across the campus, monetary compensation for health screenings at the doctor's office, etc.

Impression Motivation + Impression Construction = ( 3 things)

1. Exercise choice 2. Exercise effort 3. Exercise persistence (leads to future adherence and physiological and psychosocial outcomes)

How can perception of variety (1 of the 2 components that make up variety) further divided into 2 components?

1. Experience of variety: feeling that variety occurred int he individual's setting 2. Pursuit of variety - the extent to which someone seeks out varied and novel experiences.

What are the 4 sources of self-efficacy?

1. First person mastery experience (Break complex over into parts to learn. Incorporate skills teaching into your workout plans. Set realistic and relevant goals) 2. Vicarious learning experience (Work with similar others/parter workouts. Partners should be slightly more skilled than the person who is learning). 3. Direct statements or Social persuasion (Give positive feedback that does not compare yourself to the other. Give verbal encouragement. Get feedback whenever possible; does not have to occur immediately after performance) 4. Physiological and affective states (Not to be used exclusively. Focus on controlling negative self talk and blocking out distractions. Examine the intensity and frequency of negative thoughts. Use imagery to rehearse skills)

Why is REM cycle very important to repair and restoration of the body? (impacts 3 things for how long?)

1. Impacts critical thinking 2. Impacts problem solving 3. Impacts multitasking These effects last for up to 72 hours! Think of the pilots example: Researches got the pilots to perform baseline measures of critical thinking, complex problem solving, and multitasking in a flight simulator. After that, they got them drunk, let them sleep it off, and tested them over a 72 hour window. They performed much worse after a night of drinking. Implication for test performance: drinking 72 hours before a test can decrease your performance, leading to worse grades.

SIX Controllable secondary risk factors for heart disease

1. Individual response to stress 2. Emotional behavior (anger/hostility) 3. Excessive alcohol 4. Metabolic syndrome (cluster of 4-5 risk factors) 5.C reactive protein 6.Homocysteine

Anger and Hostility Behavior Modification Techniques (What are the 4 questions you should ask?)

1. Is this situation really important? 2. Is this anger appropriate for this situation? 3. Is this action modifiable? 4. Is this situation worth dying for? Reframing thought is also a valuable technique

What are the 2 types of unsaturated fat and what does each type do?

1. Monounsaturated fat Lowers total and LDL cholesterol May raise HDL cholesterol 2. Polyunsaturated fat Lowers total and LDL cholesterol Includes omega 3 fatty acids (fish)

What are the 5 steps in the progression of atherosclerosis?

1. Normal Artery 2. Endothelial dysfunction 3. Fatty streak formation 4. Stable (fibrous) plaque formation 5. Unstable plaque formation

What are the top 2 reasons condoms break?

1. Not stored properly 2.Not put on properly

What are the 2 components that make up variety in exercise?

1. Objective variety support: the actual acts or events in an environment that spike up the routine 2. Perception of variety: an individual's perception that they experienced variety

Exercise helps decrease or prevent the onset of: (5 total)

1. Osteoporosis 2. Heart Disease 3. Some cancers 4. Stroke 5. Alzeihmers

What are the 3 types of self talk?

1. Positive self talk: positive statements of praise or encouragement 2. Negative self talk: statements that criticize and put ourselves down 3. Instructional self talk: phrases to describe the process of how to do a certain move or routine Important for learning and helping people feels like they are capable of accomplishing their goals (positive

Workplace Wellness Programs: What are the 4 broad premises they are based around?

1. Prevention is preferable to curing 2. Teaching people how to stay healthy is less expensive than treating their illness when they get it. 3. Healthy lifestyles offer a better quality of life, higher morale, increased productivity, and possible increased longevity 4. Health promotion programs promote a favorable corporate image and help attract healthy, capable employees that see these programs as a valuable employee benefit.

What are the 3 main functions of nutrition?

1. Provide energy 2. Build and repair tissues 3. Regulate body processes

What are the 2 types of fat?

1. Saturated fat 2. Unsaturated fat

Common reasons seat belts aren't used? (4 total)

1. Seat belts are uncomfortable 2. I'm only going down the street 3. The belt will prevent me from being clear of the accident 4. The belt will trap me in a burning/submerged car

What are the 2 types of motivation categories or self regulations that exists in the organismic integration theory?

1. Self determined motivation (AKA autonomous motivation) 2. Controlling motivation

Secondary risk factors of cancer? (3 total)

1. Some viral infections (Hep B or HPV) 2. radiation 3. work place hazards (certain chemicals)

Describe the Diet Cycle (starting with "start diet) 6 total steps What is the bottom line?

1. Start Diet 2. Restriction 3. Deprivation 4. Crave 5. Binge 6. Guilt Bottom line: Dieting is a better predictor of weight GAIN than weight LOSS.

Strategies to support eating competence: (3 different components go into it)

1. Structure: a framework to support yourself with food by having regular, reliable meals and snacks. 2. Satisfaction: A variety of foods you enjoy to support nutrition (protein keeps you satisfied longer than starch-complex carbs, and sugar~which keeps you satisfied the least amount of time) Fats keep you satisfied the longest. 3. Support

What are the 2 types of blackouts?

1. Swiss Cheese blackout: up, walking and talking. Long term memory is only being recorded and stored ins segment. Have holes in memory the next day. 2. M-block blackout: no long term memories being recorded. No memories from night. Have no memories the next day from that time plan. Both affect the temporal lobe of the brain, where the memory functions are housed. Makes you do stuff when drunk that you would NEVER do sober (run across the road into oncoming traffic when you are drunk). Drinking and driving incidences are going up as well with the younger age groups.

Primary risk factors of cancer? (5 total)

1. Tobacco 2. sun exposure 3. diet 4. inactivity 5. obesity

What are some common unhealthy diet plans that are commonly practiced? (7 total)

1. Very low calorie diets 2. Skipping meals (aka intermittent fasting) 3. Eliminating entire old groups 4. Starvation diets 5. Juice cleanses 6. Smoothie only diets 7. Time frame diets

What are the 2 types of fiber?

1. insoluble fiber 2. soluble fiber

___% of adult population estimated to eat a "healthy" diet.


How much dopamine does the human body have on the best day ever in our lives?

100 ng/dL

When does most substance use disorders develops (age range)?

13-24 year olds Within this window, we can reverse things and develop a healthy relationship with substance. Outside too this window, it may be harder to do. Unhealthy pathways that are formed may become solicited.

What is the most common age group to use medical marijuana?

18-24 year olds With the recent pass of proposal 1, there may be a slight uptick in use rates again, then expected to level off (Colorado and California showed similar trends when they legalized marijuana)

Today, health care costs represent ____% of all costs.

19.9% This is expected to increase 7% each year. Technological advances, diverse treatment, and staving off old age creates a culture that is growing faster than many of us can afford to pay.

What percent of people say they have herpes vs. how many actually have it?

2% say that they have it BUT 80% actually have it (This number represents multiple kinds of herpes.)

If sex lasts long than ____ minutes, you may need to apply more lube.

20 minutes. "Marathon" sessions may result in dryness after a while. Everyone has different levels of self lubrication When using lube, you should use water based and silicone based lube. Don't use oil based lube because it erodes condoms and causes them to break.

Controllable primary risk factors of CHD - Inactivity

30.8% of Americans engage in physical activity at the intensity and duration needed for health benefits Considered the nation's most common cardiac threat Physical activity protects against CHD and improves the survival rate after a heart attack

Workplace Wellness

50% of your adult life will be spent in the workplace. Compared to 50 years ago, we spend more time working during the day (even though we have more efficient workplaces through technological advancements) We also have access tumor health promotion education and support through the workplace. More employers are recognizing that employee wellness is crucial to success. Corporate wellness programs have increased over the past few decades.

What percent of Americans are overweight or obese?

71.4% 39.65% obese

Weight and Health

71.4% of American adults are overweight or obese (39.5% are obese) Obesity rates continue to climb Obesity is considered by many health professionals as the most serious to Americans because it increases the risk of chronic diseases.

Skin Cancer Self Examination: ABCDE

A - Asymmetry B - Border C - Color D - Diameter E - Evolving

Drugs affecting physical performance - Caffeine

A commonly used powerful central nervous system stimulant Moderate use is harmless but overconsumption can be toxic. More than 4, 8 oz is dangerous/comes with risks.

What is the proper storage environment for condoms?

A little bit cooler or warmer than room temperature (65-72 degrees Fahrenheit usually) Don't keep condoms in: Wallet Purse Glove box of car Pockets

CHD and elevated C reactive protein

A marker for inflammation Inflammation in blood vessels may lead to heart attack and stroke by causing fatty deposits in the arteries to rupture

The well child: what is a parent's job?

A parent's job is to initiate wellness in their child, across all digestions. The behavior modeled by the parents will be modeled by the children. If your child wants to be healthy, do not stand in their way. Promote behaviors that allow child autonomy and self reliance. Allow healthy habits to be formed when they are young for each dimension of wellness. (physical, occupational, spiritual, social, intellectual, emotional, environmental) Work to enhance healthy self esteem, self worth, and self concepts. Allow their identity to be multi-faceted.

Pregnant Women

ACOG recommends that pregnant women stay active due to health benefits for both the mom and baby Regular PA benefits Lower risk of gestational diabetes mellitus Lower risk of backaches Lower risk of constipation or bloating Medical professional agree that as long as a pregnant woman does not increase her workout program; then she can continue or do the same activities she was doing with some slight modifications. Pregnancy temporarily alters a woman's physiology, anatomical alignment, and safety and the way her body responds to biomechanical stresses. Women who experience heart and lung disease, cervical pain and injury, a multiple pregnancy, at risk for premature birth, vaginal bleeding, history of preterm labor, premature rupture of membranes, and hypertension should not exercise, as it is contraindicated.

Female condoms What are they? How do you put one on/take off?

AKA internal condoms Larger in size, covers more surface area. To insert, pinch the ring in the top of the condom, insert into the vagina or anal cavity. Condom will open up inside, and can use fingers, a dildo, or penis to insert to the back of the vaginal wall/cervix. To take out, twist the condom to close, and gently pull it out. Can be left in for a time, does not have to be taken out right away. (6-7 hours of wear time)

Lifetime Wellness: Partners in Prevention

Above all, personal responsibility and self-empowerment are crucial for enhancing wellness. Adding education efforts, positive influences, and social support can further increase quantity and quality of life. Government policies, wellness curriculum in schools, corporate partnerships and family support should not be overlooked. (each of these partners can and should be involved in promoting wellness in America)

What is the 5th leading cause of death among 15-44 year olds?

Accidental death If you want to take wellness seriously, then you must consider personal safety across ALL areas of life: Traffic/driving Workplace safety Safety during active commutes Residential/home Identity theft

Physical Exercise Recommendations in Pregnant Women

Aerobic activity is important to keep the heart and lungs healthy 30 minutes of activity from low impact aerobics: water aerobics, swimming, walking, and cycling are recommended for pregnant women of all fitness levels Previously sedentary individuals should begin with shorter bouts (5-15 minutes) 3 days per week and build up to 30 minutes 4-5 days a week Moderate intensity exercise should be safe for most people, especially in the early stages of pregnancy RPE of 12-14 on 6-20 scale Talk Test HR ranges from medical governing bodies Most women can continue with their regular routines until signs and symptoms show otherwise.

Lifestyle changes if you have hypertension

Aerobic exercise causes vasodilation in the blood vessels, which can cause a post exercise drop in blood pressure of 5-7 mm hg This is after one bout of exercise! This effect lasts up to 13 hours after the session is done Moderate intensity activities that last 30-60 minutes on 3-5 days of the week are recommended Can have bouts of 10 minutes that add up to 30-60 minutes a day Circuit training as resistance training 2-3 days per week has a greater effect of lowering blood pressure than resistance training alone 8-12 repetitions at an RPE of 13-15 Avoid heavy lifting, isometrics or the Valsalva maneuver

BMR is a result of

Age Gender Body size Nutritional status Musculature Activity Level Genetics BMR can be increased with exercise, daily activity, and muscle hypertrophy Dietary fat does not take as much energy to digest or be stored than protein or carbs (also does not make you fat if you have fat in the diet)

What is the most commonly used substance on campus?

Alcohol MSU is the first in Michigan to offer on campus recover program

When consuming alcohol our bodies release ____ ng/dL of dopamine.

Alcohol = 875 ng/dL

Signs of Exercise Addictions

Allows exercise to become overvalued Emotional connections are passed up All free time is consumed by exercise Withdrawal symptoms occur No exception to the rule "the more, the better" Blurred boundaries between healthy vs. addictive exercise

Crime and Violence prevention

Always lock your home, car, residence, etc. when you leave Take extra precautions when leaving on vacation, or attending a big event Park in well-lit spots at night, close to your destination (NOONLIGHT APP) Never walk alone at night or in unpopulated areas Be aware of suspicious persons, no matter the setting Don't let strangers know when you are home alone, and don't answer the door Check your car before getting in (back seat, who's parked beside you, etc.) Don't hitchhike! If you're being harassed, turn and go toward lights and people Watch alcohol consumption Secure valuables and don't flaunt expensive stuff When walking alone, maintain a confident posture (resting bitch face) Keep headphone volume low, or have one out Let a friend/roommates know when you are leaving, where you're going, and when you expect to be back

CHD and homocysteine

An amino acid in the blood and a natural byproduct of protein metabolism Too much homocysteine related to a higher risk of CHD, stroke and peripheral vascular disease

Drugs affecting physical performance - Anabolic steroids

An artificial form of testosterone. Produces increases in weight, strength, endurance, and aggressiveness. Illegal and can be deadly.

Key guidelines for older adults

As part of their weekly physical activity, older adults should do multicomponent physical activities that include balance training as well as aerobic and muscle strengthening activities. Older adults should determine their level of efforts for physical activity relative to their level of fitness. Older adults with chronic conditions should understand whether and how their conditions affect their ability to do regular physical activity safely. When older adults cannot do 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity a week because of chronic conditions, they should be as physically active as their abilities and condition allows.

Self Determination Theory: Basic Needs Theory

Assumes all humans have 3 basic physiological needs that we all see to fulfill Behaviors that satisfy these needs lead to self determined/autonomous motivation When these needs are fulfilled leads to: Self determined motivation, positive emotional experiences, increased vitality, improved mental/emotional health, increased exercise adherence. Driving mechanism behind enhancement of self determined motivation.

Angina pectoris

Atherosclerosis may lead to angina pectoris, or chest pain/discomfort due to CHD. Pain occurs when an artery becomes partially blocked (oxygen debt in the heart muscle) Angina=sign that someone is at higher risk of a heart attack

Discrepancies in self concept (decrease)

Authentic pride Healthy diet and exercise behaviors Perceived control of fitness program Body satisfaction Self concept clarity Self esteem and self worth confidence and comfort

Specific Tactics for Reducing the risk of getting cancer: Radiation, Workplace Hazards, and Certain Chemicals

Avoid excessive exposure to X rays, radon, and UV radiation Use shield when getting X rays Check for radon in the home Be aware of hazards in the workplace Follow safety standards for chemical use and/or limit exposure altogether Limit exposure to pesticides

How do you prevent skin cancer?

Avoid prolonged sun exposure Plan activités during morning and evening Use sunscreen Wear protective clothing Avoid tanning Protect children from the sun - even one exposure should increase risk for future cancer, use screening and prevention techniques Do self exams and see healthcare provider

Common Cancers: Skin

Avoid sun exposure and sunburns. Do self exams

Ways to cut your risk of cancer?

Avoid tobacco of any kind Reduce sun exposure Eat more fruit, vegetables, beans, and whole grains; decrease red and processed meats Adhere to 2018 PA guidelines Maintain a healthy weigh t Drink little or no alcohol Use protective measure against STDs Minimize exposure to radiation, workplace hazards, and chemicals Know cancer's y warning signals Practice self exams and see your physician for cancer-related checkups

Aging Population

Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) are living longer than any other generation Also increasingly trying to stay healthy and active into old age Rise in exercise programs that help older individuals maintain their functional independence and health (Geriatric specific programs and Specialty programs)

Why do we care about talking about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs use at MSU?

Because college kids drink! (70% of all MSU students drink at least once a month) Alcohol is most commonly used substance on campus 30% of college students 30n't drink (24% of those never drink and 6% drink every once in a while) May be athletes, those on certain medications that can't drink alcohol without putting their health in danger, or those recovering from a substance use disorder.

Why are the supplies of safe sex not always safe?

Because they can fail! (condoms, birth control stuff) FACT: Most (male) condoms will fit guys of all sizes, but you obviously have the freedom to shop around and find the one brand you like he best. For condoms to work, they must be used EVERY SINGLE TIME. Don't use two condoms at one time (this is not dual protection).

Self Efficacy Theory

Beliefs that pole hold about tier perceived capabilities to be successful at a specific endeavor (i.e. adhering to an exercise program). Not the objective skills, but the belief in executing the skills, or attaining a new level of proficiency. Can be improved in the short term and long term

Stroke Risk factors Common warning signs

Blood flow to the brain is interrupted either by a blockage (ischemic stroke) or by a burst blood vessel (cerebral hemorrhage) Hypertension, heart disease, gender (women), diabetes, age (over 55), smoking, ethnicity (African American), lifestyle (high fat diet, alcohol, or cocain abuse, smoking, and inactivity) and family history Sudden numbness or weakness of face, arm or leg (especially on just one side of the body), sudden confusion or trouble speaking, sudden trouble seeing, sudden trouble walking, dizziness, sudden severe headache.


Blood glucose levels above 300 mg/dl Symptoms include: weakness, sweet fruity breath, increased thirst, fatigue, and excessive urination Common in type 1 diabetics who don't have good glucose control

What is high blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the force against the arteries exerted by the heart while pumping blood Systoloic: while the heart is pupating (top, ventricle contraction 75-90) Diastolic: while the heart is at rest (bottom, ventricle relaxes) 120/80 is ideal

Discrepancies in self concepts (increase)

Body related guilt Body related shame Internalizations of "thin ideal" Unhealthy diet and exercise behaviors Anxiety Negative comparison to others perceived pressure to be thin

Acute stress

Body's response to imminent danger (most common type)

Protein: What does it do? Daily recommendation? Good sources?

Building blocks Tissue growth and repair, maintenance of chemical balance, regulation of hormones, antibodies and enzymes 10-35% of daily calorie intake Good sources of protein found din animal and plant foods: meat, fish, eggs and milk products

Stress Reduction Tip: Laughter and Humor

Can provide psychological relief from tension, anxiety, anger, hostility, and emotional pain Laughing like jogging as it causes endorphins to be released in the brain (it helps relax the blood vessels and blood circulation) Provides a greater sense of control, lowers stress hormones, and improves immune function Try to see the humor in everyday situations

Impact of cardiovascular disease

Causes 37% of all deaths in the US Common forms include: heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, angina, congestive heart failure, rheumatic heart disease, pulmonary disease, renal disease, congenital heart disease Coronary heart disease by itself is still the single largest cardiovascular killer Estimated cost in 2010 at $475.3 billion #1 overall killer of Americans- kills more than cancer, chronic respiratory disease, accidents and diabetes combined. Heart disease is partially cause by adverse lifestyles. If you want to get rid of the disease, get rid of the lifestyles. More Americans die each year from heart disease than would have been killed in 10 Vietnam wars!

Key tips of nutrition labeling

Check the serving size (this is depressing sometimes...thing of Oreo serving sizes) Watch for hidden sugars added to a product: syrup, sucrose, molasses, corn sweetener. etc. Check fat content. Avoid saturated and trans fats. Select whole wheat bread.

USDA's MyPlate: What is it? Recommendations for carbs, proteins, fats?

Colors represent food groups Widths represent the quantity that should be eaten from each food group Recommendations: Carbs: 45-65% Proteins: 10-25% Fats: 20-35%

How do you prevent/control type 2 diabetes

Consistent exercise Proper body compassion and weight (lose weight if you need to) High fiber, low fat, low sugar diet (eat low glycemic foods) No smoking

What did you learn from the "Sugar: Last week tonight with John Oliver" video?

Consumers spend 2.2 billion on candy a year. Average Americans eat 22 teaspoons of sugar a day (3x what we need), this equals 75 pounds of sugar a year for every man, woman, and child in the US. Sugar activates the brain in a similar manner to how cocaine activates it. There are a lot of hidden sugars that we eat. BUT too much sugar can mess up the brain.

TEN Primary Risk Factors for Heart Disease (list both controllable primary factors and uncontrollable primary factors)

Controllable primary factors: 1. Inactivity 2. High blood pressure 3. High blood lipids 4. Cigarette smoking 5. Obesity 6. Diabetes Uncontrollable Primary Factors: 7. Family history 8. Male gender 9. Ethnicity 10. Age

How do you have financial wellness?

Create a personal budget and track your spending. Make a plan to pay back loans and stick to it. Avoid adding credit card debt and pay off the entire balance every month. Develop a monthly saving plan, even if it is just a small amount to start with. Don't spend what you don't have. Learn the difference between "wants" and "needs". Build up an emergency fund. Take advantage of student discounts, coupons, and free entertainment options. Stay health! Illness is expensive.

What are ways to lower triglycerides?

Decrease alcohol and sugar consumption Reduce excess body fat Reduce consumption of animal fats (poultry skin, lunch meats, shellfish) Get regular aerobic exercise Last resort- take meds

Self Determination Theory: Organismic Integration Theory

Describes how fulfillment of basic needs leads to self determined motivation Describes how degree of internalization of behavior leads to positive outcomes. The great the degree of internalization into repertoire of behaviors, the more autonomous motivation exits Motivation graphed on a spectrum of internalization with 6 different categories.

Social Cognitive Theory

Describes how people learn and develop based on learning from others People learn from models that are important to them (i.e. The instructor of their exercise class; friends, etc.) You should seek models that exhibit the behaviors you see in a healthy lifestyle (Nutrition, Sleep, Exercise) People copy the behavior of models, internalize it, and make it part of their lifestyle. Mastery of behaviors leads to motivation to keep doing those things.

Self Determination Theory: Causality Orientation Theory

Describes how the motivational climate in a setting influences development of self-determined motivation Relationships between an authority figure/leader and their participants

Practical Implications-The exerciser

Develop personally relevant for exercise programs Set personally relevant goals (SMART) Have a plan B in case plan A has to be modified Become aware of enjoyment of actives and physiological health benefits over outward appearance change


Direction and intensity of effort toward a specific goal Originates only from the person Cannot be given and transmitted to another person Intangible, can't be seen or touched (can only see the outcomes of motivation/a-motivation)

Control is externally regulated and includes calorie counting, portion sizes, and food rules. What does it lead to and what is its main focus?

Disrupted eating Weight cycling Focus on WEIGHT

How do you figure out how many teaspoons of sugar from grams of sugar?

Divide the # of grams of sugar in a food item by 4 and that equals the # of teaspoons of sugar.

Identity theft protection tips

Don't give your SSN to anyone, especially over the phone Shred identifying documents Don't give out personal account information Review bank and card statements carefully Don't post private information on social media or websites Don't leave personal mail or documents lying around the apartment or house Change privacy settings periodically Don't leave signed receipts out on tables for anyone to see

Why is dopamine important?

Dopamine, when rebased in the body, leads to motivation to satisfy drives or needs that ew need filled. Fun fact: a body that is addicted to cocaine will crave the cocaine more than food or water for a starving/dehydrated person.

Excessive alcohol and other drugs

Drinking too much alcohol increases blood pressure, triglyceride levels, and risk of stroke and heart failure. It damages the heart muscle Binge drinking may lead to heart failure later in life No alcohol to moderate levels of alcohol are recommended Stimulant drugs can cause heart attack, stroke and sudden cardiac death 1 drink for women, 2 for men are the recommended level

Treatment for blocked arteries (4 total)

Drug therapy Angioplasty (stent) Bypass surgery (cut around blocked artery and rewire it, temporary but better at prolong life than stent) Lifestyle change

Exercise and Disease Resistance (the flu and common cold)

During exercise, heat is produced and released. This increase in body temperature can create an environment unacceptable to pathogenic invasion Overtraining could lead to weakened immune system and infections When ill, decrease the intensity and frequency of exercise and avoid exercising to the point of exhaustion. Take time to recover; do not try to sweat out your illness. Moderate exercise that you can do while breathing is recommended.

Stress Reduction Tip: Lifestyle Change

Eat a healthy diet Practice time management Avoid alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes Get 7-9 hours of restful sleep Develop satisfying relationships Learn when to seek the help and support of others Schedule "Me Time" and listen to music

How do you obtain a healthy diet?

Eat a variety of foods Fruits and veggies 5-9 servings a day Whole grains lean protein Nutrient dense foods Eat an appropriate amount of calories (recommendations based on 2000 calorie diet) Limit sugar, alcohol, and fatty foods

Specific Tactics for Reducing the risk of getting cancer: Don't smoke or chew tobacco

Enormous amount of toxin (carcinogens) - damages lung tissue and affects all organs with other chemicals, creates a synergistic effect (multiple risk). Tobacco and alcohol together create huge risk level for oral cancers. lung cancer is the biggest killer - all cancers caused by tobacco are totally preventable.

What can happen if you eat too much protein?

Excessive amounts of protein has been linked to kidney disease, colorectal, breast, prostate, and stomach cancer It gets stored as fat.

What are the symptoms of type 2 diabetes?

Excessive thirst Frequent urination Flu like symptoms (tired or weak) Weight loss or weight gain Blurred vision Dry skin Slow healing wound, frequent infections Itching, tingling or numbness in extremities Mostly hispanics women and then black women are more likely to have type 2 diabetes

Exercise Considerations for Asthma

Exercise in a warm, moist environment; avoid cold, dry environments Use medications, faithfully! Avoid known triggers Don't exercise during an attack Drink plenty of water before, during and after exercise Warm up and cool down thoroughly If symptoms are bothersome, don't exercise, or exercise when they have calmed down Avoid air pollution

Lifetime weight management strategies- Exercise management

Exercise is the key to maininting weight loss It burns calories It prevents loss of lean muscle mass It decreases abdominal fat it is a natural appetite suppressor it may lower your set point It helps maintain weight loss It improves self esteem

Stroke Risk Reduction

Exercise regularly Control blood pressure Do not smoke Control diabetes (if you have it) Optimal levels or homocysteine Avoid infections and inflammation Reduce chronic stress and anger Don't drink alcohol excessively

Exercise Modifications for Pregnant Women

Exercise that strengthens all areas of the body should be performed Core strengthening for low back pain and balance Upper back and shoulders to hold the baby Exercise in the supine position should be avoided as the baby grows Can diminish venous return to the heart through the vena cave Exercises may be done in a left side lying position or a semi refined position Contact sports should be avoided to prevent trauma to the abdomen Deep knee bends and deep stretches should be avoided to prevent permanent damage to the connective tissues around the joint When exercising, transitions between intervals and class segments should be done slowly Warm up and cool down are longer Walk around the room between sets Wear loose, breathable clothing to exercise in to prevent overheating Avoid the valsalva maneuver and bearing down during exercise Increases maternal blood pressure and can be harmful to both mom and baby. Bearing down stretching the pelvic floor muscles, important in childbirth and after birth. Inhale on easy portion of exercise, exhale on the hard portion. Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

Self Efficacy can be increased through...

Exercising in front of a mirror Exercising in group or social environments Goal setting Persistent exercise Doing higher intensity exercise

Specific Tactics for Reducing the risk of getting cancer: Limit Sun Exposure

Exposure to the sun is the main cause of skin cancer 1 in 5 Americans will have skin cancer, making it the most common cancer.

Refined sugars: Definition and Recommendation

Extracted from natural sources 10% of total caloric intake

Checking for a stroke FAST

F- Face: Smile (is one side droopy?) A- Arms: Raise both arms (is one side weak?) S- Speech: Speak a simple sentence (Slurred? Unable to?) T- Time: Lost time could be lost brain

T/F: Alcohol helps you sleep.

FALSE: Alcohol does NOT help you sleep. Alcohol is a CNS depressant. It interrupts the REM cycle, which is when restorative sleep happens.

T/F: Alcohol keeps you warm when you drink it.

FALSE: Alcohol does NOT keep you warm. it is a vasodilator, meaning that it opens up blood vessels in the periphery (limbs and extremities). All of the heat in our core is then shuttled to the limbs and let out into the air. This cools body temperature rather than warming it. We still have the perception that we are hot, and this may lead to snow angles in very little clothing (bad decisions that lead to hypothermia).

Uncontrollable primary risk factors of cardio vascular heart disease

Family history: Brothers sisters, parents or grandparents with heart disease increase risk Gender: Males at more risk Women reach menopause their risk exceeds that of men. Ethnicity: African-American and Hispanic-American are at highest risk (hypertension and diabetes). Age: Heart disease is a chronic disease so age is a risk

Pregnancy and Exercise

For decades, pregnant women were told to not exercise. Pregnant women are NOT fragile, and exercise is very beneficial for them. Pregnant women should always talk with their physician about their exercise program. ACOG recommends that women can continue their current program (with some modifications) If beginning a program, start slow and increase as physician recommends.

Specific Tactics for Reducing the risk of getting cancer: Be physically active There is a strong link between body fatness and an increased risk of these cancers (7 total)

Gallbladder Kidney Colorectal Desophageal Postmenopausal breast Pancreatic Endometrial

Self Presentation Theory: Impression Motivation

General desire to create a specific impression "Behind the scenes" or covert Influenced by: Important in creating an impression Value placed on goal accomplishment Discrepancy between ones existing and desire images

Benefits of eating competence

Have more nutritious diets Maintain stable, natural body weights Have better physical self acceptance Are more active Sleep better Have better medical and lab tests

Practical Implications-The Fitness Leader

Healthy bodies can look very different Fitness instructors do not have to look like models Stay away from physique emphasizing active wear while teaching Stay away from comments that emphasize appearance Promote security and comfort between participants Promote friendship building in class Be a supportive and engaged instructor

Which types of fats are considered "healthy" and "unhealthy"? Which one should be the primary source?

Healthy: unsaturated fats (mono and poly unsaturated) Unhealthy: unsaturated and trans fat More of fat intake should come from unsaturated fats (20-35% of daily calories)

Exercise and Chronic Health Conditions - Diabetes

Helps control blood glucose and weight. Get proper medical advice before beginning an exercise program

Current or potential social image

How we think others view us in our social lives Ex) being seen as a fit who is passionate about exercise

Desired/undesired images

How we want others to see us, or not to see us Ex) Avoiding being seen as unfit

Stressment Management Skills

How you perceive and manage the stressor is more important than the amount of stress. Exercise Relaxation techniques Lifestyle changes Reframing or thought stopping Laughter and humor Creating a memory bank Avoid negative coping methods, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, sex, shopping, gambling, violence, et.c.

Why is variety important?

Humans like to learn new things, and experience novelty (new experiences that are interesting) Keep people engaged and interested, feel like they are always learning Supporting variety in exercise helps develop self determined motivation when basic needs satisfaction is low.

Trans fat: What is it? What does it do? Where is it found?

Hydrogenated Elevates total and LDL cholesterol. Lowers HDL cholesterol. Found in processed foods like margarine, crackers, cookies, frostings, candies.

What are the two sources of self presentation concerns?

Impression motivation Impressive construction

Aging and Physical Activity

Inactivity significantly contributes to physiological decline at any age. Up to 50% of decline is related to sedentary lifestyle. Exercise slows the aging process. Exercise can be safe at all ages - with modifications. After 50 there is a decrease (but a lot comes from inactivity)

Why do you need to drink when exercising?

Inadequate fluid intake can cause dehydration, which leads to reduced performance and heat illness. Drink on a schedule when exercising (every 15-20 min), not just when thirsty. When you feel thirsty, you've already lost important fluids and electrolytes and are dehydrated. Drink fluids before, during, and after exercise. Drink the right fluids during exercise. Drinks with fizz and caffeine are not recommended. Check your hydration status. A clear, light colored urine means you are well hydrated. Dark yellow urine means you may be dehydrated.

Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

Includes angina pectoris (chest pain), myocardial infarction (heart attack), and the atherosclerotic process in the heart's blood vessels. CHD accounts for more than half of all cases of CVD and is the single largest killer of Americans. CHD is most commonly the result of atherosclerosis.


Increase heart rate and blood pressure Constricts blood vessels impairs transportation of O2 Can damage artery walls Increases blood clotting Secondhand or side stream smoke is also dangerous and causes disease and deaths. No level is safe.

How has technological development changed our diets?

Increased pace of lifestyle. Less time for dinners (Idea of eating on the run) Advertisers understand the appeal of convinces...capitalizing on it! The purpose of mass advertising is to sell products, not necessarily to inhale our nutrition.

What is fat in the abdominal area linked to?

Increased risk for heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, cancer Abdominal fat causes more fatty acids to be in the bloodstream versus lower body fats. This leads to atherosclerosis from plaque buildup

What is fibers link to health?

It can reduce blood cholesterol levels (DL) which means a reduced risk of CVD (decrease of 29%) Can reduce the tis of stroke (decrease of 26%) Reduction in BP (especially in hypertensive patients) Positive effects on: Insulin sensitivity (regulation of blood glucose) Body weight (satiety) Visceral adiposity Helps gastrointestinal disorders

Why is HPV often under reported?

It is embarrassing. It can be asymptomatic (presents no symptoms) or not clearly visible for a long period of time.

Females and Exercise

It is safe to exercise during menstruation Research indicates that exercise has little or no effect on the average woman's menstrual cycle Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) - exercise might lead to a reduction in menstrual complaints

Self Determination Theory

Larger theory of how people come to develop Intrinsic Motivation and positivity experiences of well being. Describes the interpersonal, interpersonal, environmental, and ecological conditions necessary to develop intrinsic motivation. Assumes all human beings are intrinsically motivated to learn, grow and develop as people. Has 6 sub theories, but we will only discus three of them.

Starvation diets

Less than 800 calories a day Can affect BMR by decreasing muscle mass and metabolism

T/F: Memories from a blackout can't be recalled.

MAYBE. This depends on the type... but mostly true.

The saying that simple sugars are bad is a myth BUT what's the issue with simple sugars?

Many of these sugars derive from natural sources. The issue is with refined sugar (AKA corn into high fructose corn syrup) and the addition of it to foods.

What is the second most common substance used on campus?

Marijuana 18% of MSU students used marijuana at least once a month All data was collected through the National College Health Assessment survey (NCHA) over a 20 year period

When consuming Marijuana our bodies release ____ ng/dL of dopamine.

Marijuana = 500 ng/dL

SPA and Exercise

May lead to non participation in exercise May also lead to increased participation, to the point it is unhealthy because controlling motivation leads to body related rebuilt and shame, which leads to differences in participation (Interjected regulation)

Stress Reduction Tip: Relaxation

Meditation Autogenic training and imagery Jacobson's Progressive Relaxation Abdominal breathing Yoga (all types) Massage Biofeedback Training

Waist circumference

Men with waists over 40 inches Women with waists over 35 inches

Deaths of Cancer: Men (top 3) Women (top 3)

Men: 1. Lung 2. Prostate 3. Colorectal Women: 1. Lung Breast Colorectal

Incidence of Cancer: Men (top 3) Women (top 3)

Men: 1. Prostate 2. Lung 3. Colorectal Women: 1. Breast 2. Lung 3. Colorectal

When consuming meth our bodies release ____ ng/dL of dopamine.

Meth = 1100 ng/dL

Waist to hit ratio

Might be a better predictor of fat related health problems. To determine divide the waist measurement by the hip measurement Women should be below .8 and men should be below .95

PA recommendations for people with diabetes

Moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise (RPE of 12-16 on 6-20 scale) for 20-60 minutes at least 4 days a week Type 2 diabetics should expend approximately 2,000 calories a week Wear proper clothing and footwear Be properly hydrated for class Glucose levels of above 100mg/dl Exercise when medication is peaking to prevent hypoglycemia Avoid using muscles that are part of the injection site. Resistance training 2-3 times per week of 8-12 repetitions that involve major muscle groups should be performed in addition to aerobic exercise

Cancer Checkups: Skin

Monthly self exams

Cancer Checkups: Testicular

Monthly self exams

Think about the agricultural lifestyle of the past (lets say 100 years). How were diets different in comparison to today?

Most people grew and prepared their food. Consumption of greater amounts of fresh fruits, veggies, and grains. Lower consumption of salt, fats, refined sugars, and processed foods.

Why is motivation so important?

Motivation for accomplish a specific goal allows us to find the energy we need to actually do the thing we want to do. Helps us persist in doing behaviors that we don't necessarily enjoy. Leads to positive outcomes (positive affect, subjective wellbeing, increased enjoyment and positive experiences)

When consuming nicotine our bodies release ____ ng/dL of dopamine.

Nicotine = 350 ng/dL

What is the 3rd most common substance used by MSU students?

Nicotine/tobacco Only 9% of the population (lowest it's ever been) 18-24 year olds generally don't like tobacco JUUL is not accounted for by this survey

Body dissatisfaction: What is it? What does it lead to?

No one likes to look in the mirror and not like what they see. Leads to adoption of stretegies to change physical shape and size to be more desirable

Heat Illnesses- Heat Stroke

No sweating, dry skin, very hot high temperature, bright red skin, unresponsive Call 911 or transport immediately, this is a life threatening condition, cool body quickly, treat for shock (dump ice water on them)

Is douching a good idea for STI/pregnancy prevention?

No! It messes with the body's natural pH balance. If there are tiny cuts or lesions inside the body (anal cavity or vagina) it may push bacteria into the open wounds.

Exercise considerations if you have arthritis

Obese adults 4x more likely to develop osteoarthritis Exercise and weight loss are recommended for prevention and treatment Weight loss of 11lb reduces the risk of developing osteoarthritis (in obese women) by 50% Do a 15-20 minute warm up/cool down when you have arthritis ACSM recommends beginning with short duration light intensity exercise (bouts of 5-10 minutes) and gradually increasing to 20-30 minutes 3-5x/week to accumulate the 150 minutes recommended Cross training, Nordic walking, water exercise, resistance training, circuit training, and flexibility exercises can all help treat osteoarthritis Activities to avoid: running, jumping, high impact aerobics, and tennis Do not place excessive loads around the affected joints Provide adequate warm-ups and cool-downs Exercise during the time of day when medication is peaking and pain is least severe Wear appropriate shock absorbent shoes that decrease loads placed on the joint

What are the risk factors of Type 2 diabetes

Overfat (especially belly fat) Brother, sister or parent with diabetes Are not white Had a baby weighing more than 9 lbs Have HDL or 35 or less or triglyceride of 250+ Have hypertension Have had an elevated fasting glucose test (several tests over 125 is diabetes, 100-125 is pre-diabetic)

Specific Tactics for Reducing the risk of getting cancer: Maintain a Healthy Weight

Overweight and sedentary people are at an increased risk for cancer More fat=higher risk Estimated that increased body weight was associated with 1 in 5 cancer deaths in the US Hormones associated with weight gain might be a factor People who carry fat in abdomen = higher risk for breast, colon, and prostate cancers

Heat Illnesses- Heat Cramps

Painful muscle spasms Direct pressure and stretching

Self concepts

Parts of our individuals identities that compromise how we see ourselves in different contexts Ex) seeing ourselves as athletically competent vs. uncoordinated

Strategies to prioritize eating: Develop the Meal Habit

Plan on having regular meals and snacks around the same times each day Eat what you are eating now, just have it at regular meal and snack times Use snacks to support meal times once you are in the meal habit, work toward more organized and varied menus Beware of virtue. Don't get caught up in the food rules. Make adjustments to your eating based on hunger patterns

CHD and Mind-Body Connection

Postive emotions boost health Self, self centered lifestyles are twice as likely to have heart attacks Cynical people have a higher rate of heart problems Positive social support can result in vitality, longevity, lowered blood pressure, and healthier immune systems Meditation can improve health, ease pain and reduce stress. Thoughts, feelings and emotions influence our health (psychoneuroimmunology) Long term negative thoughts and/or emotions can damage health and long term

Drugs affecting physical performance - Amphetamines

Powerful central nervous system stimulants. Controlled drug, illegal without a prescription. Can boost physical performance and increase aggressiveness. Have side affects that can impair performance.

Exercise and Chronic Health Conditions - Arthritis

Preserve or restore range of motion and flexibility around joints, increase muscle strength and endurance and improve mood

Quackery What is it?

Promotion of misleading health claim that is untested/unproven. Lots of products fall under this category. Sounds too good to be true Often makes grandiose claims Promises a quick ,easy fix Has words like "miracle" "ultimate" or "magic" in the title Information from sites that end in: .edu .net .org or .gov are usually pretty reliable Well know medical schools and institutions are also reliable: Harvard medical school Mayo clinic

Self Presentation Theory: Impression Construction

Putting motivation into action by choosing a articular impression and using tactics to convey it "Out in the open" or overt Influenced by: Current or potential social media Types of impressions preferred by others Role constraints Desired/undesired images Self concept

High glycemic index

Raises blood sugar quickly Ex) white bread, cornflakes, white potatoes Lots of high GI foods may contribute to type 2 diabetes


Rapid drop in blood glucose levels below 70mg/dl Can occur several hours after exercise Exercising late at night should be avoided

Similarities in Men's and Women's Exercise Performance (Training effect benefits for both men and women)

Rates of improvement in maximal oxygen uptake Loss of fat from deposited areas Increased bone density Decreased exercise heart rates Relative to body size, fitness gains for men and women are essentially the same

Ways to Gain Control Over Your Life

Recognize and understand causes of stress Make healthy lifestyle decisions Learn and implement time management skills Learn when to say no Regularly practice relaxation techniques

How can we reduce pollution?

Reduce use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Use less paper, plastic, glass and aluminum products Use recycled paper, plastics, glass and aluminum Reduce pesticide use/exposure RECYCLE!

Describe the 3 stage stress response

Regardless of the cause, the reaction to stressor is both psychological and physiological and leads to the stress response 1. Alarm reaction: Fight or flight physiological and psychological responses. Run away or deal with it. 2. Resistance: Body tries to cope with the fight or flight reaction through organ systems. If the resistance stage is maintained, it can lead to stress related disease. 3. Exhaustion: Resistance eventually fails and signs of alarm reappear. Disease and suability can result. Get sick because your body can't deal with the stress anymore.

Exercise Benefits during Pregnancy

Regular exercise reduces labor time and delivery stress Controls weight gain, reduces stress, enhances sleep, decreases backache and constipation, as well as increased energy and wellbeing Helps speed recovery time after birth benefits the baby too.

Trust is internally regulated and includes hunger, appetite, and satiety. What does it lead to and what is its main focus?

Regulated eating Weight stability Focus on HEALTH

Environmental Concerns

Regulations for water, food, and sewage that already exist Pollution of water, air, or soil Overconsumption of products contributes greatly to pollution

Levels of Hypertension: Resting Blood pressure/taking hypertensive meds Prehyptertension Stage 1 hypertension Stage 2 hypertension Extreme hypertension

Resting blood pressure of 140/90mmhg or higher, or taking hypertensive medication Prehypertension: 130/80mmhg to 139/89mmhg Stage 1 hypertension: 140/90mmhg to 149/90 mmhg Stage 2 hypertension: 150/90mmhg to 160/100 mmhg Extreme hypertension is 160/100 mmhg or higher High BP is associated with a greatly increased risk of heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis, heart failure, and many other cardiovascular diseases. Most people can modify their blood pressure by changing their lifestyle habits Other chart: Normal blood pressure Systolic less than 120 and diastolic less than 80 Elevated 120-129 and less than 80 Stage 1 hypertension 130-139 and 80-89 Stage 2 hypertension 140+ and 90+ Hypertensive crisis nighter than 180 and/or higher than 120 (diastolic)

Healthy Weight Loss

Should use real food Should encourage the reduction of ft and sugar in the diet Should encourage safe and personalized exercise Should allow a slow weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week Should not promise a quick fix or easy answer Should teach lifelong skills that allow for some flexibility in eating and exercise patterns Should make social eating and eating out possible Should allow for basic caloric need (never under 1200 for women and 1500 for men per day) Should not be too costly

Special Nutritional Concerns: Sports and Fitness

Standard requirements apply

Complex Carbohydrates: Give definition and recommendation

Starches - unprocessed sugars Ex) potatoes, rice, whole grains, beans, veggies But usually flavored with butter, sour cream, gravy Recommendation: 35-55% of total comic intake

Imagery Training

Start with one small thing and keep adding elements in your mind (what you feel, smell, hear)

Male birth control pills?

Still in trial phase Few clinical trials are underway/have been completed First trial that was run was going perfectly; no issues, and then it was stopped because there were side effects that were similar to a woman's period and the guys didn't like it (framing, headaches, mood swings, PMS like symptoms). The trials since that point have gotten rid of most side effects and are going very well.

Where are carbohydrates stored?

Stored in the liver and in muscles in the form of glycogen

Optimal stress

Stress is intense enough to motivate and physically prepare us to perform well but not enough to cause harm (What you feel before you give a presentation/take a test. This is how your body prepares your body)

T/F: A comprehensive review of weight loss research found that despite initial weight loss, the vast majority regained, and 1/3 to 2/3 ended up heavier than their pre-diet weights.


T/F: Normal weight individuals who were unhappy with their weight had higher blood pressure and fasting glucose levels than normal weight individuals who were accepting of their bodies. Adults with greater weight satisfaction report more positive health behaviors and better health states regardless of BMI.


T/F: Study examined over 3 million people and found people in the "overweight" BMI category have significantly lower all-cause mortality than "normal weight" people, and those in the low end of the "obesity" category - where the majority of people in the obesity category fall - show no difference in mortality rates relative to "normal weight" individuals.


T/F: Alcohol is a depressant.

TRUE: Men though it is a depressant, alcohol still releases dopamine in our bodies.

Coping with Cancer: If you are diagnosed

Take an active role Be informed Take care of yourself Build a support system Talk about your feelings Find a cancer support group Maintain your sense of humor and allow yourself to have fun

Physical self discrepancy

The difference between our desired shape and size and our current shape and size leads to greater motivation to reduce that difference Ex) Seeing ourselves as 2 clothing sizes bigger than what we want to be

Perceived Variety

The extent to which an individual feels they experienced a variety of exercise plans and movements in their exercise routine. Not doing the same thing every time you meet. Can be little changes (replacing jump squats with skater lunges) Can be big changes (doing step aerobics one class and HIIT training the next) No exact level of variety has been identified that leads to positive outcomes.

Diabetes Mellitus (type 1 and type 2)

The inability to produce or use insulin properly Type 1 destruction of beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin (congenital) Type 2 the body can no longer utilize the insulin that is available Elevated levels of insulin promote fat storage and increase blood pressure Any effects gained from an exercise will deteriorate within 72 hours. For continuous exercise benefits, there must be continuous exercise. The goal of exercise is glucose control while maintaining cardiovascular health and fitness (type 1) and weight loss (type 2)


The major source of energy for the body

Importance of Impression

The more important it is to be seen in a certain way, the greater our motivation is to build that impression Ex) Being seen as a competent job candidate

Water: Daily needs. Necessary for (4 things)

The most important nutrient Daily needs: vary based on body size, activity level, and climate. Foods. Caffeinated beverages. Alcohol. Necessary for: 1. Transport 2. Removal of waste 3. Fat metabolism 4. Thermoregulation

Control (stress)

The perception of not having control is very stressful People who handle stress best tend to control their lives and look for active solutions to the problems and circumstances of their lives.

Self Talk

The phrases we say to ourselves when we are doing something

Role constraints

The social norms that tell us how we should behave in certain roles Ex) Women only do cardio, not strength training

Describe the Female Athlete Triad

This is a life threatening syndrome marked by three disorders: Disordered Eating/Over training (top) Osteoporosis (left) Amenorrhea (right) Societal pressure for unrealistically low body weight fuels this condition. Professionals should learn ways to prevent, recognize, treat and reduce its risk. When you don't eat enough your body pulls from bones.

Breast Cancer Self Examination: Name 3 steps What are you looking for?

Three Steps: 1. Shower Check (check with fingers) 2. Bathroom Mirror Check ( 3. Check Lying Down Looking for: Dimpling, puckering, bulging g Nipple that has changed position or is inverted Redness, soreness, rash, swelling "Knowing your normal"

Controllable secondary risk factors of cardio vascular heart disease- EMOTIONAL BEHAVIOR?PERSONALITY FACTORS

Type A personalities are at greatest risk for heart disease Type B are more relaxed and slow to anger Type C are As that learn to cope Type D personality tends to be depressive, anxious, irritable and socially distant. They react negatively to stress. may tend to be at more risk for CHD.

What is the ultimate goal of diverse medicine?

Ultimate goal: make health care and wellness resources available to ALL populations However, the disparities between different racial/ethnic groups having access to health care is NOT being reduced Within each geographic location, and each population there are different barriers to health. We need to be aware of these and not assume we know what's going on. There may be broad barriers, such as SES and residence location. When developing health programs, we need to take each unique population into account.

Controllable secondary risk factors of cardio vascular heart disease- INDIVIDUAL RESPONSE TO STRESS

Uncontrolled stress is a factor in high heart rate, high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and can increase smoking, eating, and alcohol patterns Coping with stress successfully, and limiting stress is vital in limiting risk for heart disease and other stress related diseases How one responds to stress is critical, coping in a healthy manner is vital Exercise, relaxation techniques, meditation and social support can be effective ways to deal with stress

Hypertension- Suggestions for your class

Use RPE to monitor exercise intensity Stay hydrated Extend cool-down to prevent sudden post-exercise drops in blood pressure Avoid changing posture quickly; can have a sudden drop in BP and venous return on some medications Watch for hypoglycemic signs and symptoms; some medications can increase risk of this response

Exercise considerations for osteoporosis (what exercises should you be careful with and what exercises build bone)

Use caution: Forward bending Heavy lifting Twisting High impact activities Perform activities That build bones: weight bearing, resistance, and impact activities Do activities that don't build bones less freq Walking, swimming, cycling, etc.

Cholesterol: What is it? Where is it manufactured in the body? Where is it found? Daily recommendation?

Wax-like substance found i animal tissue manufactured by the liver Found in animal products <300 mg/day

Consumer Issues

We have many ways to keep control of our health and wellness OTCs (over the counter drugs) Medical Websites Wide range of medications and treatments (A big chunk of information we can find online is not correct!) Quackery

Why does quackery still exist?

We want quick solutions. Not everyone has a health background. People with serious illness may be desperate and willing to try anything that will cure their condition. Companies know they can make money off of individuals who want quick fixes. Dramatic headlines grab attention. These products are less expensive than traditional medical treatments. People sometimes distrust conventional medicine. The FDA doesn't regulate everything on the market.

Excess sugar can cause

Weakened immune systems Fatigue Signals insulin increase increase your appetite

Active Commuting safety

Wear helmets while biking Using bike lanes or sidewalks Walking on sidewalks and using crosswalks being aware of your surroundings

Changes to Woman's Body during pregnancy

Weight gain of 25-35lbs during pregnancy Changes center of gravity might cause back pain Make balance exercises harder to do and should be modified Progesterone increases, causing vasodilation in the blood vessels and reduces smooth muscle tone. Blood pressure and return of blood to heart will drop May cause fainting and dizziness with quick changes in posture Increased circulating relaxin increases the elasticity of ligaments and connective tissue Turns quick changes of direction or high impact exercises may result in a tear of these tissues. Separation of the Rectus Abdominus muscle (Diastis Recti) Increased risk of overheating Body temperature remains elevated during pregnancy Exercise should be conducted in a cool, well ventilated environment Metabolic rate increase by 5-7% by the end of the second trimester Requires an addition 300 calories a day Exercise that burns additional calories should be carefully conducted and diet modified to ensure that there is not too great a caloric deficit

Pregnancy: Special Considerations

Weight gain through pregnancy changes center of mass and affects balance Be careful when doing any balance exercises or exercises that can result in changes in center of mass Additional stress on joints and ligaments means no high impact activities Agility exercises, very intense exercise, or exercises that include heavy lifting, bearing down or the valsava maneuver should NOT be done. This maneuver is like you are pooping and it increases BP in the mom and puts pressure on the baby. Increased Relaxin leads to more flexibility, and more risk of strains and sprains. Be careful during flexibility training not to overstretch. Continuing with exercise until the date of delivery does not lead to any ill effects. General resistance training program for health and fitness is beneficial for pregnant women. Decreased resistance and shorter sets may be recommended to reduce fatigue.

Types of impressions preferred by others

What other people want to see in the people they interact with Ex) Clients wanting their trainer to be fit

Exercise in Weather

When it is too hot or cold adjust where you work out. If it is too hot, do it earlier in the morning or later at night.

Differences between Men's and Women's Exercise Performance

Women have 20% lower oxygen uptake than men (due to smaller heart size) Men have 30-40% greater physical strength Women have more fat mass and half as much or less muscle Men have higher performance and endurance and more hemoglobin and higher blood volume. Women have less tolerance to heat than do men. Women have 1/10 as much testosterone as men.

Key Guidelines for Women During Pregnancy and Postpartum Period

Women should do at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) of moderate-intesity aerobic activity a week during pregnancy and the postpartum period Preferably aerobic activity should be spread throughout the week. Women who habitually engaged in vigorous-intensity aerobic activity or who were physically active before pregnancy can continue these actives during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Women who are pregnant should be under the care of a health care provider who can monitor the progress of the pregnancy. Women who are pregnant can consult their health care provider about whether or how to adjust their physical activity during pregnancy and after the baby is born.

Living a healthy lifestyle starts with _____.

YOU. Every day we have the opportunity to make choices, and these choices add up after a while. Positive change starts with small steps When making changes, focus on what you CAN do first, and build up from there. Use the knowledge from this course to structure your healthy lifestyle. Never stop learning!

Cancer Checkups: Cervical

Yearly after age 21 or when sexually active

Why is eliminating entire food groups discouraged?

You are chopping out essential nutrients that your body needs to function. This can lead to additional adverse health outcomes from a bad diet.

Why should you get vaccinated for HPV?

You should get Gardasil because there are additional complication from HPV, such as cervical cancer in women.

Specific Tactics for Reducing the risk of getting cancer: Eat more plant food

about 1/3 of cancers can be prevented by a healthy diet Choose most foods you eat from plant sources Eat colorful plant foods (green, orange, yellow) Eat whole grains everyday Eat legumes daily Limit red meats and processed meats Limit charcoal grilled, salted, cured, smoked and pickled foods Drink little or no alcohol Do not rely on supplements to prevent cancer

Daily Hassles

are the events or interactions in your daily life that you find bothersome, annoying or negative.

Lifetime weight management strategies- food management

balanced diet with appropriate amount of calories Recognize portion distortion Avoid mindless eating

Insoluble fiber:

cell walls of plants Absorbs water and quickens passing of food through digestive tract Sources: whole what bran, lentils, skins of fruits/root veggies, leafy greens

Lifetime weight management strategies- emotional management

delay, distract, distance. Avoid eating primary for emotional needs observe your eating patterns (when, why, with who, how you feel)

Practical implications-The exercise environment

encourage an environment that is not physique salient through clothing Use mirror to promote positive evaluations (like alignment checking) over negative evaluations (evaluation of body) Make non skimpy clothing the norm in the class Emphasize INCLUSIVE environment (how we talk/interact)

Special Nutritional Concerns: Aging

energy need are reduced Appetite often decreases Absorption of some nutrients decreases

Storage fat

extra fat that accumulates around organs and beneath the skin for padding, insulation, and for functioning


found on the strands of DNA that make up our chromosomes and protect chromosomes from deteriorating The telomere of people that have chronic stress are almost 50% shorter Once the telomere is gone, DNA begins to fray and cannot be used, ultimately contributing to aging

Common Cancers: Lung

low survival rate

Saturated fat: What is is? What is the recommendation? What does it do?

primarily in foods of animal origin (red meats, cheese, whole milk, hot dogs, lunch meat, etc) Recommendation: less than (<) 10% of total calories Raises total and LDL cholesterol Increases risk of heart disease and some cancers


primary risk factor that has become epidemic Abdominal fat may be more risky than lower body fat Body mass index of over 25 is considered overweight and over 30 is considered obese Obesity is a pro-inflammatory site and chronic inflammation causes wide spread tissue damage (leads to plaques in the arteries) Childhood obesity rates have drastically increased

Negative body image

relates to higher ill being, controlling motivation, negative affect, and lower self esteem and physical self worth

Positive body image

relates to positive affect, higher self esteem, physical self worth, autonomous motivation, and subjective well being, lower ill being, controlling motivation, positive affect, and higher self esteem and physic self worth

Special Nutritional Concerns: Vegetarian/Vegan diet

requires careful planning and food selection Vitamin B12 for vegans

What do complex carbohydrates provide?

sustained energy over hours. Nutritionally dense - contain vitamins/minerals

What are the symptoms associated with Metabolic syndrome?

three or more of: hypertension, elevated glucose, low HDL levels, and abdomen obesity

Common signs of MI

uncomfortable constant pressure Pain in the center of chest that lasts more than just a few minutes Pain or discomfort in other areas such as the shoulder, neck jaw, back, stomach, or one or both arms

Calculating BMI

weight in pounds divided by height in inches squared multiplied by 703 (this measure is not appropriate for athletes or body builders)

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